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Changes to EMACS v160:

Name changes (the old names still work in v160):

	M-X Occur	-> M-X List Matching Lines
	M-X How Many	-> M-X Count Occurrences
	M-X Keep Lines	-> M-X Delete Non-Matching Lines
	M-X Flush Lines	-> M-X Delete Matching Lines

	^R Set Bounds Region	-> ^R Narrow Bounds to Region	(C-X N)
	^R Set Bounds Full	-> ^R Widen Bounds		(C-X W)
	^R Set Bounds Page	-> ^R Narrow Bounds to Page	(C-X P)

	(NARROW appears in the mode line when narrowing is in effect.)

M-X What Available Space:

	This  command  prints  out  how  many  pages  of  space  are
	available in EMACS for more buffers or more libraries.

Changes to file visiting commands:

	C-X C-F runs ^R Find File
	C-X C-R runs ^R Visit File (not ^R Read File)
	C-X C-V runs ^R Visit File
	C-X C-Q runs ^R Set Read-Only File
	C-X ~ runs ^R Set Read-Only File (for VT52/VT100 page mode)

	True read-only visiting is now implemented.  An argument  to
	the previous file visiting commands is used to request this.
	The values for the argument are:

		< 0 	- 	set ReadOnlyFile/Buffer
		= 0	-	clear ReadOnly
		> 0	-	set ReadOnlyFile

	If asked to write out a ReadOnlyFile, ^R Save File (C-X  C-S
	or  C-X  S   for  VT52/VT100   page  mode)   will  ask   for
	confirmation.  The  command ^R  Write  File (C-X  C-W)  will
	still write  the file  without asking  for confirmation.   A
	ReadOnlyFile/Buffer will not  allow any  commands to  change
	the buffer.  The command ^R  Set Read-Only File can be  used
	to switch between the three modes.

Visit File Save Old:

	This variable controls whether visiting a new file causes the
	old file to be saved.  It's value can be:

		-1	- automatically save old file
		 0	- do not save old file
		 1	- ask whether or not to save old file (default)

VARS Files And Local Mode Lines:

	Variables can  now  take  multi-line  values  surrounded  by
	double quotes (").  To  have a double quote  as part of  the
	value, quote it with  the character ^]  (i.e. ... ^]"  ...).
	This feature  is very  useful for  writing complicated  mode
	hooks,  and  exit   hooks.   The   definitions  of   command
	characters  still  take  a  single  line  of  ITSTECO   code
	specifying the action to perform.

There are many other changes in EMACS v160.  Read PS:<NEW-EMACS>EMACS.NEWS
for details.

Once again, send bugs/suggestions/questions to Tom Vasak x5179.