
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - 6.1_emacs_manuals_1er - emacs/vt100.txt
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VT100's have a new criterion for selecting control characters on the
keyboard. The implementors of the VT100 decided that there will be
no shift-control codes on the terminal, sooo.... in order to generate
ASCII codes 36 (C-^) and 37 (C-_) you have to type C-` and C-/ respectively.
This is somewhat strange, but it is not EMACS that is at fault. This
obscure bit of information is to be found in the VT100 manual, but it is
not in an obvious place.

In addition to the above crock, there is a new VT100 library available
for use with EMACS. This library will allow one to leave the terminal
in "page mode" (bit 4 of byte 2 on) at a small sacrifice of some EMACS
command changes. The best way to make use of this new feature is as

	2) Turn on page mode on your VT100 (Smooth scroll will work
	   now also.)
	3) Put the following in your EMACS.INIT file:
		fs rgetty$-22."e m(m.mLoad Library$)EMACS:VT100$
				 fs width-131"e m(m.mC132 Mode)'
					      "# m(m.mVT100 Page Mode)''

This will enable the new VT100 mode with the following changes:
(C-S and C-Q will no longer work in EMACS.)

	1) C-X C-S becomes C-X S
	2) C-S becomes C-\
	3) C-Q within a search becomes C-^ (or C-` on VT100 kbd).
	4) C-Q outside a search becomes C-H (backspace).
	5) C-X C-Q becomes C-X ~

Inserting a ^L (C-L) in the buffer maybe accomplished by typing C-M-L
instead of C-Q C-L. This is true in the default environment as well. To
insert a C-Q in the buffer type M-*.

If you want to change your Search and Search Quote characters, you can
define the following variables in your init file:

	<character-code>m.vSearch Command$	!* Redefines item #2 above.!
	<character-code>m.vSearch Quote$	!* Redefines item #3 above.!

For further information on the use of the VT100 keypad - do:
	M-X Describe$^R Interpret VT100 Keypad

Comments/suggestion to Ted Hess, MS: PK1/C43.