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DBMS5A.DOC -- Changes from V5 to V5A
August 1979

Copyright (C) 1976,1977,1978,1979
Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.

This software is furnished under a license for use only  on  a  single
computer system and may be copied only with the inclusion of the above
copyright notice.  This software, or any other copies thereof, may not
be provided or otherwise made available to any other person except for
use on such system and to one  who  agrees  to  these  license  terms.
Title  to  and  ownership of the software shall at all times remain in

The information in this software is subject to change  without  notice
and  should  not  be  construed  as  a commitment by Digital Equipment

DEC assumes no responsibility  for  the  use  or  reliability  of  its
software on equipment which is not supplied by DEC.
DBMS5A.DOC                                                      Page 2

DBMS5A.DOC -- Changes from V5 to V5A
August 1979


DBMS-V5A(422) replaces DBMS-V5(240).

DBMS-V5A can co-exist with, and has been tested with, version 6.03A of
TOPS-10, version 3A of TOPS-20, version 12 and 12A of COBOL/LIBOL, and
version 5A of FOROTS.  

V5A is a compatible upgrade of V5.  No Schema or Program  changes  are
required  and  V5  database  (.DBS)  and  journal  (.JRN) files can be
processed by V5A.

Note:  Journal files created by V5A can not be processed by DBMEND V5.

The primary change made  to  DBMS  V5  to  create  DBMS  V5A  was  the
incorporation  of all edits published in the DBMS DISPATCH through the
MAY/JUNE 1979 issue.  The control files and  procedures  for  building
DBMS have also been updated to support building DBMS with V12A of both
COBOL-68 and COBOL-74.  Section 2 details additional changes  made  to
V5 in order to create V5A.
DBMS5A.DOC                                                      Page 3



This section combined with section 2 of the file DBMS5.DOC  constitute
the  functional  definition  of  DBMS  V5A.   This section details the
changes incorporated into  V5  in  order  to  create  V5A.   DBMS5.DOC
details  the  changes  made to create DBMS V5 and contains significant
user documentation.

The primary enhancements to DBMS-V5 are the following:

     1.  Incorporation of all edits published  in  the  DBMS  DISPATCH
         through the MAY/JUNE 1979 issue

     2.  The ability to build DBMS with  V12A  of  both  COBOL-68  and

     3.  Support for database (.DBS) files greater  than  256K  blocks

     4.  Support  for  journals  (.JRN)  greater  than   256K   blocks

     5.  The SCHEMA switch /CREATE now deletes but  does  not  expunge
         .DBS files (DBMS-20)

     6.  COBOL programs can now do direct comparisons  on  the  "name"
         special registers (i.e., ERROR-SET, ERROR-RECORD, etc.)


     1.  A DBMS  applications  program  cannot  be  restarted  by  the
         ctrl-C/START  sequence;   one can only RUN (GET/START) a DBMS

     2.  If the CLOSE statement signals an exception, the state of the
         system will not be backed up to what it was before the CLOSE.

     3.  Explicit SFD's are not supported in file specs.

     5.  The word DBMS is a reserved word in the COBOL  compiler,  but
         this  fact is not properly documented nor properly flagged as
         an error.

     6.  User symbols in an INVOKE or ACCESS statement constitute user
         variables   as  far  as  the  COBOL  compiler  is  concerned.
         Therefore they may not be declared anywhere else in the  DATA

     7.  If exception  03  (data-names  from  wrong  record)  occurred
         during  a  GET,  the  UWA  may not be left the same as it was
         before the verb was executed.
DBMS5A.DOC                                                      Page 4

     8.  An area cannot be simultaneously  OPEN  twice  (ie.   by  two
         sub-schemas of the same schema) in a run-unit.

     9.  Floating point numbers cannot be dumped by DBINFO on a KA10.

     10.  COBOL  and  FORTRAN  program-units   both   containing   DML
         statements  cannot be mixed in the same load-unit because the
         form of the special  registers  is  different  in  COBOL  and

     11.  DBMS-20 journals are limited in size to 64K pages.


The components of the DBMS package, are as follows:

     COBOL interface

     4.1  DBMS-10 Installation

     1.  To place DBMS-10 on SYS:, follow this procedure:

         a.  Mount the DBMS-10 distribution tape (marked QH101) on
             MTA0:, and type the following commands:

             R BACKUP
             TAPE MTA0:
             DENSITY installation-dependent
             RESTORE SYS:*.*=DSKB:[10,6]*.EXE
             RESTORE SYS:*.*=DSKB:[10,6]*.HLP

     2.  To prepare to (re)load DBMS-10 (or parts thereof):

         a.  Mount the DBMS-10 distribution  tape  (marked  QH101)  on
             MTA0:, and type the following commands:

             R BACKUP
             TAPE MTA0:
DBMS5A.DOC                                                      Page 5

             DENSITY installation-dependent
             restore *.*=dskb:[10,6]*.*

4.2  DBMS-20 Installation

To install DBMS-20, follow the instructions below:
     1.  To place DBMS-20 on SYS:, follow this procedure:
         a.  Mount the DBMS-20 distribution  tape  (marked  QT008)  on
             MTA0:, and type the following commands:
             TAPE MTA0:
             DENSITY installation-dependent
             SKIP 1
             RESTORE *.*.* (TO) SYS:*.*.*
     2.  To prepare to (re)load DBMS-20 (or parts thereof):
         a.  Mount the DBMS-20 distribution  tape  (marked  QT008)  on
             MTA0:, and type the following commands:
             TAPE MTA0:
             DENSITY installation-dependent
             SKIP 2
             RESTORE *.*.*

4.3  Configuring the System Software

     1.  DBMSn0 is shorthand for DBMS10/DBMS20.

         TOPS-10 sites should read it as DBMS10
         TOPS-20 sites should read it as DBMS20

     2.  If COBOL support is desired:

         a.  Read COBOL.INS  in  the  first  save  set  of  the  COBOL
             distribution   tape.    It  will  explain  how  to  place
             LIBOL.REL and LIBSHR.REL and/or C74LIB.REL and C74SHR.REL
             onto disk.

         b.  Make sure  that  your  non-DBMS  copy  of  LIBOL.REL  and
             LIBSHR.REL  and/or  C74LIB.REL  and C74SHR.REL are in the
             directory from which DBMSn0.CTL will be submitted.

     3.  If FORTRAN support is desired:

         a.  Read FORTRA.MEM in  the  1st  save  set  of  the  FORTRAN
             distribution   tape.    It  will  explain  how  to  place
DBMS5A.DOC                                                      Page 6

             FORLIB.REL onto disk.

         b.  Make sure that your non-DBMS copy of FORLIB.REL is in the
             directory from which DBMSn0.CTL will be submitted.
DBMS5A.DOC                                                      Page 7

     4.  Read DBMSn0.CTL.

         a.  In particular, there are DEFINEs  (TOPS-20)  and  ASSIGNs
             (TOPS-10)  at  the  beginning of the CTL file.  Alter the
             logical assignments therein as necessary for your site.

         b.  To load just the OTSs, do this submit:

                  SUB DBMSn0/RES/TIM:15:

             To load all the  non-OTS  components  as  well,  do  this
             submit instead:

                  SUB DBMSn0/RES/TIM:30:/TAG:DBALL

         c.  If execution  of  DBMSN0.CTL  should  abort,  you  should
             reperform steps 2b and/or 3b before repeating step 4b.

     5.  Copy the built host systems to SYS:

             LIBOL.REL to SYS:LIBOL.REL
             C68OTS.EXE to SYS:LIBO12.EXE
             C74LIB.REL to SYS:C74LIB.REL
             C74OTS.EXE to SYS:C74012.EXE

     6.  Copy *.HLP and *.EXE from the 2nd save set of the  DBMS  tape
         to the appropriate system device.

     7.  If support of MTA journaling is desired and you wish  to  run
         DAEMDB  under  OPSER/PTYCON,  insert  at least these commands
         into your system-restart auto file (see for how  to
         setup non-defalt values for DAEMDB's controlling parameters):

         For TOPS-10:

              :SLOG 1/2
              :DEF DB=
              DB-R DAEMDB

         For TOPS-20 (the $ is an altmode):

              DEFINE $DB
              DB-LOG OPERATOR ANY 77777

         If you wish to run DAEMDB as an  ordinary  time-sharing  job,
         simply  login  a  job and type R DAEMDB each time your system
         starts up.

         IMPORTANT:  for the time being at least, one must  pre-assign
         magtapes to the DAEMDB job on TOPS-10.  To do this, simply do
DBMS5A.DOC                                                      Page 8

         1 or more MOUNT commands before typing R DAEMDB.
DBMS5A.DOC                                                      Page 9

     8.  DBMS-V5 utilizes  the  ENQ/DEQ  facility.   Consequently  you
         should  ensure  that  your  system  is  configured  such that
         sufficient monitor free  space  is  available  to  your  DBMS
         users,  and  that  each DBMS user has global-ENQ capabilities
         and an adequate ENQ quota.  For  TOPS-10  use  REACT  to  set
         quotas  and  capabilities  (ENQ  capability  is  bit  11 (ie.
         100,,0) of the capabilities word).  For TOPS-20, use ^Ecreate
         to  set  ENQ  capability.   Also,  see ENQ/DEQ in the monitor
         installation guide.  As regards quantifying your needs,  they
         are  approximately:   2 locks for each open area plus 2 locks
         per run-unit.

     9.  If magtape journaling  is  desired,  the  comments  regarding
         ENQ/DEQ  apply  to IPCF as well.  As regards quantifying your
         needs, they are approximately 1 send and 1 receive  for  each
         application run-unit;  and (n) sends and receives for DAEMDB,
         where (n) is the number of simultaneous magtape journalers.


     1.  Under TOPS-10 DBMS now uses the FILOP.  UUO .FOUSO and .FOUSI
         functions  to perform file positioning.  This permits DBMS-10
         to create and access database (.DBS) and journal (.JRN) files
         greater than 256K.

     2.  Under TOPS-20 the SCHEMA processor now uses the DELF JSYS  to
         delete  the  old .DBS files instead of OPENFing the file with
         only OF%WR set.  This provides the user with the  ability  to
         UNDELETE an accidentally deleted database.

A complete description of all bugs  fixed  in  V5A  can  be  found  by
examining  all  issues of the DBMS DISPATCH from MAY/JUNE 1977 through
the MAY/JUNE 1979 issue.



[End of DBMS5A.DOC]