
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-AE97A-BM - sources/dixmsg.vax-exe
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܉DIXMSG1.0(4)܉3A-16e({, V(08@0HjPX`*hRpx2l$ROUNDEDResult is roundedHTOOBIG6Converted source field too large for destination field*	INVDATTYPInvalid data type codeB	UNKARGTYP-Argument passed by descriptor is unknown type4UNKSYS"Unknown system of origin specified.INVLNGLength invalid or unspecified6INVSCAL#Scale factor invalid or unspecified:GRAPHIC'Graphic character changed in conversion>FMTLOST,Format effector gained or lost in conversionFNONPRINT3Non-printing character gained or lost in conversion<TRUNC,String too long for destination -- truncated(UNIMPUnimplemented conversionJ	INVALCHAR5Invalid character in source field or conversion table0ALIGNInvalid alignment for data type<UNNORM+Floating point number improperly normalized*
IMPOSSIBLESevere internal error:UNSIGNED&Negative value moved to unsigned field0	INVBYTSIZInvalid byte size specifiedDIX5DIXMSG1.0(4)19-MAY-1983 21:2119-MAY-1983 21:21VAX-11 Linker V3A-16	.$$ABS$$.