PDP-10 Archives
There are 11 other files named in the archive. Click here to see a list.
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 1
Produced by LINK version 4A(1220) on 3-Dec-81 at 11:58:02
Low segment starts at 0 ends at 10217 length 10220 = 9P
High segment starts at 400000 ends at 651732 length 251733 = 170P
368 words free in Low segment, 37 words free in high segment
1973 Global symbols loaded, therefore min. hash size is 2193
Start address is 456262
%JOBDT 43000000443 Global Absolute Suppressed .JB41 41 Global Absolute
.JBAPR 125 Global Absolute .JBBLT 45 Global Absolute
.JBCHN 131 Global Absolute .JBCNI 126 Global Absolute
.JBCOR 133 Global Absolute .JBCST 136 Global Absolute
.JBDA 140 Global Absolute .JBDDT 74 Global Absolute
.JBEDV 112 Global Absolute .JBERR 42 Global Absolute
.JBFF 121 Global Absolute .JBH41 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
.JBHCR 2 Global Absolute Suppressed .JBHDA 10 Global Absolute Suppressed
.JBHGA 7 Global Absolute Suppressed .JBHGH 400000 Global Absolute Suppressed
.JBHNM 5 Global Absolute Suppressed .JBHRL 115 Global Absolute
.JBHRN 3 Global Absolute Suppressed .JBHSA 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
.JBHSM 6 Global Absolute Suppressed .JBHVR 4 Global Absolute Suppressed
.JBINT 134 Global Absolute .JBOPC 130 Global Absolute
.JBOPS 135 Global Absolute .JBOVL 131 Global Absolute
.JBPFH 123 Global Absolute .JBPFI 114 Global Absolute
.JBREL 44 Global Absolute .JBREN 124 Global Absolute
.JBSA 120 Global Absolute .JBSYM 116 Global Absolute
.JBTPC 127 Global Absolute .JBUSY 117 Global Absolute
.JBUUO 40 Global Absolute .JBVER 137 Global Absolute
REVHST from DSK:REVHST.REL[31,5306] created by MACRO on 3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
EXOSUP from DSK:EXOSUP.REL[31,5306] created by MACRO on 3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
Low segment starts at 140 ends at 201 length 42 (octal), 34. (decimal)
High segment starts at 400010 ends at 400025 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
EXOSUV 600000002 Global Absolute FORI.0 140 Entry Relocatable
FORI.1 143 Entry Relocatable FORI.2 147 Entry Relocatable
FORI.3 154 Entry Relocatable FORI.4 162 Entry Relocatable
FORO.0 175 Entry Relocatable FORO.1 174 Entry Relocatable
FORO.2 173 Entry Relocatable FORO.3 172 Entry Relocatable
FORO.4 171 Entry Relocatable HISEG 400010 Entry Relocatable
HSGORG 177 Global Relocatable XNXFIL 400021 Entry Relocatable
XPHAZC 400014 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 2
MAIN.. from DSK:ONESEG.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:57:00
Low segment starts at 202 ends at 464 length 263 (octal), 179. (decimal)
MAIN.0 202 Global Relocatable .SREG 777777777761 Global Absolute
.FREG 777777777762 Global Absolute .VREG 777777777763 Global Absolute
.DREGS 777777761000 Global Absolute MAINV 600000037 Global Absolute
FT1SEG 1 Global Absolute IOFLGV 600000020 Global Absolute
PHAZCO 202 Global Relocatable SIXBOU 333 Global Relocatable
GETSG 351 Global Relocatable NXFILG 354 Global Relocatable
CTCSTA 367 Global Relocatable MAIN.1 376 Global Relocatable Suppressed
MAIN.L 376 Global Relocatable MAIN.P 401 Global Relocatable
MAIN.O 463 Global Relocatable
GLOB.. from DSK:GLOBAL.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
Low segment starts at 465 ends at 4741 length 4255 (octal), 2221. (decimal)
High segment starts at 400026 ends at 400715 length 670 (octal), 440. (decimal)
GLOB.0 400026 Global Relocatable .ENT.0 400026 Global Relocatable
.ENT.1 400031 Global Relocatable .ENT.2 400035 Global Relocatable
.ENT.3 400042 Global Relocatable .ENT.4 400050 Global Relocatable
.EXT.4 400057 Global Relocatable .EXT.3 400060 Global Relocatable
.EXT.2 400061 Global Relocatable .EXT.1 400062 Global Relocatable
.EXT.0 400063 Global Relocatable STACK 465 Global Relocatable
GLOBAV 600000163 Global Absolute FIRSTV 600000211 Global Absolute
TABLEV 600000242 Global Absolute POOL 1451 Global Relocatable
STK 2601 Global Relocatable CHNLTB 3173 Global Relocatable
IBLOCK 3243 Global Relocatable TBLOCK 3246 Global Relocatable
LBLOCK 3256 Global Relocatable GETSBL 3262 Global Relocatable
GETSPA 3270 Global Relocatable FLGWRD 3301 Global Relocatable
ISPEC 3302 Global Relocatable FSPEC 3303 Global Relocatable
CCLSW 3304 Global Relocatable INDEX 3305 Global Relocatable
PAGE 3306 Global Relocatable JOBFFS 3307 Global Relocatable
SYMTBL 3310 Global Relocatable CONTBL 3427 Global Relocatable
EXPTBL 3474 Global Relocatable LABTBL 3475 Global Relocatable
LITTBL 3542 Global Relocatable NAMTBL 3543 Global Relocatable
SRCTBL 3564 Global Relocatable DIMTBL 3565 Global Relocatable
DATTBL 3566 Global Relocatable BASEPT 3567 Global Relocatable
COMBLK 3570 Global Relocatable LITPOI 3571 Global Relocatable
SYMPTR 3572 Global Relocatable SORCPT 3573 Global Relocatable
LASTEX 3574 Global Relocatable LASTDI 3575 Global Relocatable
DTABPT 3576 Global Relocatable CONSPT 3577 Global Relocatable
LABLPT 3600 Global Relocatable EQVPTR 3601 Global Relocatable
FORMPT 3602 Global Relocatable NAMLPT 3603 Global Relocatable
ASIPTR 3604 Global Relocatable TTOTAL 3605 Global Relocatable
FREELI 3606 Global Relocatable SPACEF 3620 Global Relocatable
SRCHON 3621 Global Relocatable ISN 3622 Global Relocatable
IDOFST 3623 Global Relocatable LABLOF 3624 Global Relocatable
DLOOPT 3625 Global Relocatable DONEST 3626 Global Relocatable
CURDOI 3627 Global Relocatable LASDOL 3630 Global Relocatable
LASLVL 3631 Global Relocatable DELETP 3632 Global Relocatable
SYMTYP 3633 Global Relocatable NAME 3634 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 3
TYPE 3635 Global Relocatable INCREM 3636 Global Relocatable
DECEXP 3637 Global Relocatable ENTRY 3640 Global Relocatable
REGSAV 3645 Global Relocatable SEGINC 3665 Global Relocatable
LOWLOC 3666 Global Relocatable HILOC 3667 Global Relocatable
RELOCW 3670 Global Relocatable MAINRL 3671 Global Relocatable
LOCRLB 3715 Global Relocatable SYMRLB 3741 Global Relocatable
RDATWD 3765 Global Relocatable BLANKC 3766 Global Relocatable
ENDSCA 3767 Global Relocatable MULENT 3770 Global Relocatable
FORMAR 3771 Global Relocatable COMSIZ 3772 Global Relocatable
ONEPLI 3773 Global Relocatable SP 3774 Global Relocatable
LEXL 3775 Global Relocatable LSAVE 3776 Global Relocatable
FARRY 3777 Global Relocatable CODELI 4000 Global Relocatable
STALAB 4001 Global Relocatable PROGNA 4002 Global Relocatable
IDTYPE 4003 Global Relocatable ASTATF 4004 Global Relocatable
ERRLIN 4005 Global Relocatable TMPCNT 4006 Global Relocatable
BSAVE 4012 Global Relocatable FSAVE 4013 Global Relocatable
VSAVE 4014 Global Relocatable TYPTAB 4015 Global Relocatable
LIBFUN 400075 Global Relocatable ONEAFT 400206 Global Relocatable
LIBATT 400316 Global Relocatable CLRWDS 400540 Global Relocatable
TREEPT 4047 Global Relocatable CSTMNT 4050 Global Relocatable
NEDZER 4051 Global Relocatable ZERBLK 4052 Global Relocatable
A1NODE 4053 Global Relocatable A2NODE 4054 Global Relocatable
A1LABE 4055 Global Relocatable A2LABE 4056 Global Relocatable
A3LABE 4057 Global Relocatable OPDSPI 4060 Global Relocatable
REGFOR 4061 Global Relocatable PC 4062 Global Relocatable
PBOPWD 4063 Global Relocatable PSYMPT 4064 Global Relocatable
IOLSPT 4065 Global Relocatable DATASP 4066 Global Relocatable
RESNAM 4067 Global Relocatable NEGFLG 4070 Global Relocatable
NOTFLG 4071 Global Relocatable TRUECE 4072 Global Relocatable
FALSEC 4073 Global Relocatable CIOCAL 4074 Global Relocatable
CIOCLA 4075 Global Relocatable INPFLA 4076 Global Relocatable
USERFN 4077 Global Relocatable CLOBBR 4100 Global Relocatable
DBLMOD 4101 Global Relocatable LSTLNK 4102 Global Relocatable
FTEMP 4103 Global Relocatable FRSTLN 4104 Global Relocatable
ANCHOR 4105 Global Relocatable VERYFR 4106 Global Relocatable
PBFPTR 4107 Global Relocatable PBUFF 4110 Global Relocatable
PEEPPT 4340 Global Relocatable ILABIX 4341 Global Relocatable
GBSYRE 4342 Global Relocatable GBSYCT 4343 Global Relocatable
STBSYR 4344 Global Relocatable STRGCT 4345 Global Relocatable
BLOCKB 4346 Global Relocatable NOBBRE 4347 Global Relocatable
PAIRMO 4350 Global Relocatable DOSTAK 4351 Global Relocatable
EHASH 4433 Global Relocatable BACKST 4470 Global Relocatable
IOPTFL 4471 Global Relocatable DOSP 4472 Global Relocatable
EXITNO 4473 Global Relocatable RDCCT 4474 Global Relocatable
LPRDCC 4475 Global Relocatable RDCLNK 4476 Global Relocatable
LOCLNK 4477 Global Relocatable ARGLIN 4500 Global Relocatable
SPECCA 4501 Global Relocatable QQ 4502 Global Relocatable
UNIQVA 4503 Global Relocatable ASSOCP 4504 Global Relocatable
FNTMP 4505 Global Relocatable DOCNT 4506 Global Relocatable
OPTLAB 4507 Global Relocatable GLOBRE 4510 Global Relocatable
RGRAPH 4530 Global Relocatable FGRAPH 4531 Global Relocatable
SSIZTC 4532 Global Relocatable INTLTC 4533 Global Relocatable
LOOP 4534 Global Relocatable INDVAR 4535 Global Relocatable
LEND 4536 Global Relocatable LENTRY 4537 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 4
LOOPNO 4540 Global Relocatable CHOSEN 4541 Global Relocatable
TOP 4601 Global Relocatable BOTTOM 4602 Global Relocatable
TPREV 4603 Global Relocatable PREV 4604 Global Relocatable
PHI 4605 Global Relocatable NAN 4606 Global Relocatable
EHASHP 4607 Global Relocatable LOWLIM 4610 Global Relocatable
CELMNT 4611 Global Relocatable EVALU 400605 Global Relocatable
INNERL 4612 Global Relocatable DOWDP 4613 Global Relocatable
CDONOD 4614 Global Relocatable ITMCT 4615 Global Relocatable
MTOPFU 400706 Global Relocatable DWP 4616 Global Relocatable
C1H 4617 Global Relocatable C1L 4620 Global Relocatable
C2H 4621 Global Relocatable C2L 4622 Global Relocatable
COPRIX 4623 Global Relocatable SAVACS 4624 Global Relocatable
SAVE17 4633 Global Relocatable EOPSAV 4634 Global Relocatable
NOCR 4635 Global Relocatable STPTR 4636 Global Relocatable
STLPTR 4637 Global Relocatable STPOS 4640 Global Relocatable
LASTLI 4641 Global Relocatable ERRFLA 4642 Global Relocatable
MSGNOT 4643 Global Relocatable CLASPT 4644 Global Relocatable
CLASLP 4645 Global Relocatable CONTPT 4646 Global Relocatable
LEXLIN 4647 Global Relocatable NUMWAR 4650 Global Relocatable
NUMFAT 4651 Global Relocatable WARNOP 4652 Global Relocatable
STMNDE 4653 Global Relocatable PSTATE 4654 Global Relocatable
BACKLI 4655 Global Relocatable LOOK4L 4656 Global Relocatable
FNDFF 4657 Global Relocatable DIMSTK 4660 Global Relocatable
LOOK4C 4661 Global Relocatable LMLINO 4662 Global Relocatable
LMRONO 4663 Global Relocatable LMCONO 4664 Global Relocatable
ENDOFI 0 Global Absolute MAXFF 4665 Global Relocatable
CHDSTA 4666 Global Relocatable GLOBEN 4667 Global Relocatable
RTIME 4670 Global Relocatable CTIME 4671 Global Relocatable
BGSTBF 4672 Global Relocatable SAVFLG 4673 Global Relocatable
DEBGSW 4674 Global Relocatable ARINGL 4675 Global Relocatable
BUGOUT 4676 Global Relocatable FLAGS2 4677 Global Relocatable
F2 4700 Global Relocatable CURPOO 4701 Global Relocatable
CURPTR 4702 Global Relocatable CHARPO 4703 Global Relocatable
LINEPT 4704 Global Relocatable SEQLAS 4705 Global Relocatable
LINENO 4706 Global Relocatable PAGELI 4710 Global Relocatable
LINELI 4711 Global Relocatable HEADST 4712 Global Relocatable
BASENO 4736 Global Relocatable HEADPT 4737 Global Relocatable
PAGEPT 4740 Global Relocatable GLOB.F 400065 Global Relocatable
GLOB.1 400074 Global Relocatable Suppressed GLOB.P 400074 Global Relocatable
GLOB.G 465 Global Relocatable Suppressed .BREG 4741 Global Relocatable
ERR3 from DSK:ERR3.REL[31,5306] created by MACRO on 3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
High segment starts at 400716 ends at 401016 length 101 (octal), 65. (decimal)
CGERR 400721 Global Relocatable ERR3V 600000000 Global Absolute
SKERR 400716 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 5
PSEUDO from DSK:JOBD.REL[31,5306] created by MACRO on 3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
JOBDV 600000000 Global Absolute JOBERR 42 Global Absolute
JOBFF 121 Global Absolute JOBREL 44 Global Absolute
JOBSA 120 Global Absolute
SRCA.. from DSK:SRCA.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:33:00
Low segment starts at 4742 ends at 4760 length 17 (octal), 15. (decimal)
High segment starts at 401017 ends at 402147 length 1131 (octal), 601. (decimal)
SRCA.0 401017 Global Relocatable SRCAV 600000065 Global Absolute
ADDLOO 401017 Global Relocatable TBLSEA 401123 Global Relocatable
THASH 401210 Global Relocatable SRCHLI 401242 Global Relocatable
NEWENT 401314 Global Relocatable TESTEN 401607 Global Relocatable
SAVSPA 401660 Global Relocatable CORMAN 401712 Global Relocatable
GENLAB 401770 Global Relocatable MAKEPR 401777 Global Relocatable
MAKPR1 402023 Global Relocatable SRCA.1 402114 Global Relocatable Suppressed
SRCA.C 402114 Global Relocatable SRCA.L 402115 Global Relocatable
SRCA.P 402136 Global Relocatable SRCA.O 4742 Global Relocatable
CNSTCM from DSK:CNSTCM.REL[31,5306] created by MACRO on 3-Dec-81 at 10:29:00
High segment starts at 402150 ends at 403315 length 1146 (octal), 614. (decimal)
CNSTCM 402150 Entry Relocatable CNSTCV 600000110 Global Absolute
KARIGB 402203 Global Relocatable KARIIB 402163 Global Relocatable
KBOOLB 402432 Global Relocatable KDNEGB 402436 Global Relocatable
KDPINT 402277 Global Relocatable KDPRL 402423 Global Relocatable
KGFINT 402377 Global Relocatable KGFRL 402424 Global Relocatable
KGFSPR 402425 Global Relocatable KILDAB 403024 Global Relocatable
KILFBA 402777 Global Relocatable KILFBG 403015 Global Relocatable
KILFBR 403006 Global Relocatable KSPECB 402447 Global Relocatable
KSPECG 402503 Global Relocatable KTYPCB 402223 Global Relocatable
KTYPCG 402323 Global Relocatable
ERRO.. from DSK:ERROUT.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:31:00
High segment starts at 403316 ends at 405534 length 2217 (octal), 1167. (decimal)
ERRO.0 403316 Global Relocatable ERROUV 600000077 Global Absolute
E24 0 Global Absolute E28 7 Global Absolute
E37 20 Global Absolute E57 35 Global Absolute
E62 56 Global Absolute E64 100 Global Absolute
E69 110 Global Absolute E76 117 Global Absolute
E78 130 Global Absolute E79 147 Global Absolute
E88 160 Global Absolute E98 170 Global Absolute
E99 204 Global Absolute E100 216 Global Absolute
E105 231 Global Absolute E107 242 Global Absolute
E109 250 Global Absolute E111 264 Global Absolute
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 6
E112 273 Global Absolute E129 305 Global Absolute
E131 316 Global Absolute E133 327 Global Absolute
E134 345 Global Absolute E135 356 Global Absolute
E139 370 Global Absolute E145 376 Global Absolute
E147 412 Global Absolute E148 426 Global Absolute
E150 440 Global Absolute WOPTMS 457 Global Absolute
E77 457 Global Absolute E140 471 Global Absolute
E143 505 Global Absolute WARMSG 516 Global Absolute
E0 516 Global Absolute E2 524 Global Absolute
E3 534 Global Absolute E4 537 Global Absolute
E7 545 Global Absolute E8 555 Global Absolute
E9 566 Global Absolute E10 574 Global Absolute
E12 602 Global Absolute E15 611 Global Absolute
E17 615 Global Absolute E18 625 Global Absolute
E19 637 Global Absolute E20 646 Global Absolute
E21 656 Global Absolute E23 667 Global Absolute
E26 677 Global Absolute E27 712 Global Absolute
E29 725 Global Absolute E31 736 Global Absolute
E33 751 Global Absolute E34 763 Global Absolute
E38 772 Global Absolute E39 1002 Global Absolute
E42 1012 Global Absolute E44 1023 Global Absolute
E47 1036 Global Absolute E48 1046 Global Absolute
E49 1061 Global Absolute E50 1072 Global Absolute
E51 1101 Global Absolute E52 1111 Global Absolute
E53 1123 Global Absolute E54 1136 Global Absolute
E55 1150 Global Absolute E60 1162 Global Absolute
E61 1171 Global Absolute E66 1200 Global Absolute
E67 1212 Global Absolute E70 1223 Global Absolute
E71 1232 Global Absolute E72 1243 Global Absolute
E74 1252 Global Absolute E75 1265 Global Absolute
E80 1277 Global Absolute E81 1312 Global Absolute
E82 1325 Global Absolute E83 1340 Global Absolute
E84 1354 Global Absolute E87 1365 Global Absolute
E90 1374 Global Absolute E91 1405 Global Absolute
E93 1422 Global Absolute E94 1436 Global Absolute
E95 1447 Global Absolute E96 1460 Global Absolute
E101 1470 Global Absolute E102 1476 Global Absolute
E103 1507 Global Absolute E104 1515 Global Absolute
E108 1524 Global Absolute E110 1536 Global Absolute
E113 1546 Global Absolute E114 1563 Global Absolute
E115 1574 Global Absolute E116 1606 Global Absolute
E117 1614 Global Absolute E118 1620 Global Absolute
E119 1626 Global Absolute E120 1633 Global Absolute
E121 1644 Global Absolute E122 1660 Global Absolute
E123 1666 Global Absolute E124 1703 Global Absolute
E125 1713 Global Absolute E126 1732 Global Absolute
E127 1751 Global Absolute E128 1775 Global Absolute
E130 2013 Global Absolute E132 2031 Global Absolute
E136 2040 Global Absolute E137 2053 Global Absolute
E138 2066 Global Absolute E141 2070 Global Absolute
E142 2075 Global Absolute E144 2102 Global Absolute
E146 2114 Global Absolute E149 2125 Global Absolute
E151 2135 Global Absolute E156 2146 Global Absolute
E157 2161 Global Absolute E158 2173 Global Absolute
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 7
E159 2203 Global Absolute ERRMSG 403321 Global Relocatable
ERRO.1 403320 Global Relocatable Suppressed ERRO.P 403320 Global Relocatable
UTIL.. from DSK:UTIL.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:59:00
Low segment starts at 4761 ends at 4765 length 5 (octal), 5. (decimal)
High segment starts at 405535 ends at 410160 length 2424 (octal), 1300. (decimal)
UTIL.0 405535 Global Relocatable UTILV 600000131 Global Absolute
TRANSM 405535 Global Relocatable PROPNE 405606 Global Relocatable
NODERR 406012 Global Relocatable SETPVA 406015 Global Relocatable
SETPIM 406104 Global Relocatable LOOKAN 406156 Global Relocatable
LOKA1 406202 Global Relocatable LOKA2 406267 Global Relocatable
LEAFSU 406354 Global Relocatable SWAPEM 406467 Global Relocatable
MISCIO 406517 Global Relocatable DOVARS 406573 Global Relocatable
IOCS 406753 Global Relocatable E1ORE2 407005 Global Relocatable
IOSUBS 407102 Global Relocatable CONTVA 407254 Global Relocatable
CONTFN 407626 Global Relocatable UNFLDO 407734 Global Relocatable
ARGCON 407771 Global Relocatable LASTON 410006 Global Relocatable
KISNGL 410050 Global Relocatable UTIL.1 410071 Global Relocatable Suppressed
UTIL.C 410071 Global Relocatable UTIL.L 410073 Global Relocatable
UTIL.P 410137 Global Relocatable UTIL.O 4761 Global Relocatable
FLTGEN from DSK:FLTGEN.REL[31,5306] created by MACRO on 3-Dec-81 at 10:29:00
Low segment starts at 4766 ends at 4770 length 3 (octal), 3. (decimal)
High segment starts at 410161 ends at 411247 length 1067 (octal), 567. (decimal)
FLTGEN 410161 Entry Relocatable FLTGEV 600000145 Global Absolute
DOXP.. from DSK:DOXPN.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:30:00
Low segment starts at 4771 ends at 5024 length 34 (octal), 28. (decimal)
High segment starts at 411250 ends at 413412 length 2143 (octal), 1123. (decimal)
DOXP.0 411250 Global Relocatable DOXPNV 600000130 Global Absolute
DOXPN 411250 Global Relocatable SSIZTM 412513 Global Relocatable
INITLT 412551 Global Relocatable IODOXP 412607 Global Relocatable
ADJGEN 412666 Global Relocatable ALLONE 413124 Global Relocatable
ADJCAL 413154 Global Relocatable DOXP.1 413303 Global Relocatable Suppressed
DOXP.C 413303 Global Relocatable DOXP.L 413323 Global Relocatable
DOXP.O 4771 Global Relocatable
FAZ1.. from DSK:FAZ1.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:31:00
High segment starts at 413413 ends at 416145 length 2533 (octal), 1371. (decimal)
FAZ1.0 413413 Global Relocatable FAZ1V 600000044 Global Absolute
LEXNAV 600000000 Global Absolute LEXEME 413413 Global Relocatable
COPYXL 413532 Global Relocatable COPYLI 413617 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 8
SYNTAX 413646 Global Relocatable FAZ1.1 414311 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FAZ1.C 414311 Global Relocatable FAZ1.L 414325 Global Relocatable
FAZ1.P 414335 Global Relocatable
GNRC.. from DSK:GNRCFN.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:32:00
Low segment starts at 5025 ends at 5034 length 10 (octal), 8. (decimal)
High segment starts at 416146 ends at 416637 length 472 (octal), 314. (decimal)
GNRC.0 416146 Global Relocatable GNRCFV 600000043 Global Absolute
DOTTED 416417 Global Relocatable GDOTTE 416530 Global Relocatable
MAKLIB 416146 Global Relocatable GNRC.1 416373 Global Relocatable Suppressed
GNRC.C 416373 Global Relocatable GNRC.L 416405 Global Relocatable
GNRC.P 416416 Global Relocatable GNRC.O 5025 Global Relocatable
EXPR.. from DSK:EXPRES.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:31:00
Low segment starts at 5035 ends at 5036 length 2 (octal), 2. (decimal)
High segment starts at 416640 ends at 420657 length 2020 (octal), 1040. (decimal)
EXPR.0 416640 Global Relocatable EXPREV 600000050 Global Absolute
ASHELV 600000004 Global Absolute EXPRES 416640 Global Relocatable
LOGEXP 416672 Global Relocatable REFERE 417217 Global Relocatable
PRIMIT 417662 Global Relocatable EXPR.1 420511 Global Relocatable Suppressed
EXPR.C 420511 Global Relocatable EXPR.L 420531 Global Relocatable
EXPR.P 420577 Global Relocatable EXPR.O 5035 Global Relocatable
STA0.. from DSK:STA0.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:40:00
High segment starts at 420660 ends at 422232 length 1353 (octal), 747. (decimal)
STA0.0 420660 Global Relocatable STA0V 600000067 Global Absolute
MULTIA 420660 Global Relocatable ASSIGN 420732 Global Relocatable
ASSIST 420746 Global Relocatable GOTOST 421036 Global Relocatable
CALLST 421242 Global Relocatable RETUST 421464 Global Relocatable
CONTST 421537 Global Relocatable LITOR6 421560 Global Relocatable
STOPST 421617 Global Relocatable PAUSST 421636 Global Relocatable
RWBLD 421655 Global Relocatable READST 422070 Global Relocatable
ACCEST 422076 Global Relocatable PUNCST 422115 Global Relocatable
WRITST 422134 Global Relocatable STA0.1 422144 Global Relocatable Suppressed
STA0.C 422144 Global Relocatable STA0.L 422160 Global Relocatable
STA0.P 422220 Global Relocatable
STA1.. from DSK:STA1.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:41:00
Low segment starts at 5037 ends at 5077 length 41 (octal), 33. (decimal)
High segment starts at 422233 ends at 425430 length 3176 (octal), 1662. (decimal)
STA1.0 422233 Global Relocatable STA1V 600000124 Global Absolute
ZIOSTK 422233 Global Relocatable BLDKOR 422243 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 9
BLDUTI 422322 Global Relocatable BLDIO1 422460 Global Relocatable
PRINST 422624 Global Relocatable TYPEST 422643 Global Relocatable
BLDEDC 422661 Global Relocatable ENCOST 423041 Global Relocatable
DECOST 423047 Global Relocatable REREST 423055 Global Relocatable
BKSPST 423074 Global Relocatable REWIST 423124 Global Relocatable
ENDFST 423130 Global Relocatable FINDST 423134 Global Relocatable
DATAGE 423373 Global Relocatable DATAST 423670 Global Relocatable
STRNGS 423775 Global Relocatable OPENCL 424074 Global Relocatable
OPENST 424754 Global Relocatable CLOSST 424760 Global Relocatable
STA1.1 424766 Global Relocatable Suppressed STA1.C 424766 Global Relocatable
STA1.L 425064 Global Relocatable STA1.P 425136 Global Relocatable
STA1.O 5037 Global Relocatable
STA2.. from DSK:STA2.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:42:00
Low segment starts at 5100 ends at 5113 length 14 (octal), 12. (decimal)
High segment starts at 425431 ends at 427406 length 1756 (octal), 1006. (decimal)
STA2.0 425431 Global Relocatable FTTENE 0 Global Absolute
STA2V 600000060 Global Absolute ACTLDA 5100 Global Relocatable
SVFLG2 5101 Global Relocatable FILSP 425431 Global Relocatable
PPN 425504 Global Relocatable PPNUM 425543 Global Relocatable
SCANFI 425564 Global Relocatable SWITCH 425632 Global Relocatable
ICLPTR 5102 Global Relocatable SVINCL 5103 Global Relocatable
INCLST 425675 Global Relocatable POSTIN 426127 Global Relocatable
ASTER 426175 Global Relocatable TYPDEC 426377 Global Relocatable
INTEST 426455 Global Relocatable REALST 426461 Global Relocatable
LOGIST 426465 Global Relocatable DOUBST 426471 Global Relocatable
COMPST 426475 Global Relocatable FUNCST 426501 Global Relocatable
SUBRST 426520 Global Relocatable ENTRST 426536 Global Relocatable
PROGST 426635 Global Relocatable PARAST 426704 Global Relocatable
BLOCST 427052 Global Relocatable DIMEST 427114 Global Relocatable
COMMST 427130 Global Relocatable STA2.1 427256 Global Relocatable Suppressed
STA2.C 427256 Global Relocatable STA2.L 427316 Global Relocatable
STA2.P 427355 Global Relocatable STA2.G 5100 Global Relocatable Suppressed
STA2.O 5113 Global Relocatable
STA3.. from DSK:STA3.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:43:00
High segment starts at 427407 ends at 431400 length 1772 (octal), 1018. (decimal)
STA3.0 427407 Global Relocatable STA3V 600000077 Global Absolute
EQUIST 427635 Global Relocatable EXTEST 427771 Global Relocatable
DUMYID 430065 Global Relocatable IMPLST 430122 Global Relocatable
NAMEST 430155 Global Relocatable SKIPST 430263 Global Relocatable
UNLOST 430313 Global Relocatable DOLOOP 430317 Global Relocatable
LOGICA 430476 Global Relocatable ARITHI 430640 Global Relocatable
STATEF 431066 Global Relocatable STA3.1 431275 Global Relocatable Suppressed
STA3.C 431275 Global Relocatable STA3.L 431314 Global Relocatable
STA3.P 431375 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 10
FORM.. from DSK:FORMAT.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:39:00
Low segment starts at 5114 ends at 5115 length 2 (octal), 2. (decimal)
High segment starts at 431401 ends at 432614 length 1214 (octal), 652. (decimal)
FORM.0 431401 Global Relocatable FORMAV 600000037 Global Absolute
FMTLEV 600000002 Global Absolute FLEXNA 432162 Global Relocatable
FMTLEX 432551 Global Relocatable FMTLET 432551 Global Relocatable
FORMAT 431401 Global Relocatable FMTPTR 5114 Global Relocatable
FMTEND 5115 Global Relocatable FORMST 431706 Global Relocatable
FMTOVE 432013 Global Relocatable FORM.1 432035 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FORM.C 432035 Global Relocatable FORM.L 432046 Global Relocatable
FORM.P 432055 Global Relocatable FORM.G 5114 Global Relocatable Suppressed
ACT0.. from DSK:ACT0.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:35:00
High segment starts at 432615 ends at 433475 length 661 (octal), 433. (decimal)
ACT0.0 432615 Global Relocatable ACT0V 600000075 Global Absolute
ASTERT 432615 Global Relocatable PNAMSE 432631 Global Relocatable
TMPGN 432654 Global Relocatable SUBLOC 432675 Global Relocatable
FUNCTI 432752 Global Relocatable LABELS 432764 Global Relocatable
NOLABE 432770 Global Relocatable TYPEID 432773 Global Relocatable
IMPLIC 433071 Global Relocatable TOQUOT 433167 Global Relocatable
RECORD 433203 Global Relocatable EXPRLI 433306 Global Relocatable
ACT0.1 433433 Global Relocatable Suppressed ACT0.C 433433 Global Relocatable
ACT0.L 433456 Global Relocatable ACT0.P 433470 Global Relocatable
ACT1.. from DSK:ACT1.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:36:00
Low segment starts at 5116 ends at 5117 length 2 (octal), 2. (decimal)
High segment starts at 433476 ends at 441142 length 5445 (octal), 2853. (decimal)
ACT1.0 433476 Global Relocatable ACT1V 600000200 Global Absolute
NAMDEF 433476 Global Relocatable NAMSET 433720 Global Relocatable
NAMREF 433753 Global Relocatable NAMCHK 433770 Global Relocatable
FUNCGE 434146 Global Relocatable TYPEGE 434460 Global Relocatable
TMPGEN 434515 Global Relocatable SLASHW 434564 Global Relocatable
BLDDIM 434613 Global Relocatable BLDARR 435636 Global Relocatable
BLKSRC 436275 Global Relocatable SETUSE 5116 Global Relocatable
BLDVAR 436317 Global Relocatable DATALI 436421 Global Relocatable
NAMLST 5117 Global Relocatable BLDFOR 437333 Global Relocatable
BLDUNI 437526 Global Relocatable BLDKLI 437707 Global Relocatable
BLDKEY 437761 Global Relocatable KORFBL 440275 Global Relocatable
ACT1.1 440445 Global Relocatable Suppressed ACT1.C 440445 Global Relocatable
ACT1.L 440544 Global Relocatable ACT1.P 440656 Global Relocatable
ACT1.G 5116 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 11
INOU.. from DSK:INOUT.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:28:00
Low segment starts at 5120 ends at 5150 length 31 (octal), 25. (decimal)
High segment starts at 441143 ends at 442565 length 1423 (octal), 787. (decimal)
INOU.0 441143 Global Relocatable INOUTV 600000064 Global Absolute
LEXAIV 600000000 Global Absolute NUMODI 5120 Global Relocatable
DIGITS 441143 Global Relocatable STRNG6 441163 Global Relocatable
STRNG7 441175 Global Relocatable HEADCH 441204 Global Relocatable
HEADIN 441214 Global Relocatable FATLER 441275 Global Relocatable
WARNER 441527 Global Relocatable FATLEX 441537 Global Relocatable
WARNLE 441547 Global Relocatable BLDMSG 441557 Global Relocatable
ERROR 441763 Global Relocatable OUUOLS 442213 Global Relocatable
OUTSTA 442231 Global Relocatable LINEOU 442257 Global Relocatable
CHAROU 442306 Global Relocatable STRNGO 442320 Global Relocatable
LSTOUT 442342 Global Relocatable OUUOBI 442346 Global Relocatable
RELOUT 442364 Global Relocatable SOUTPU 442373 Global Relocatable
CLOSUP 442376 Global Relocatable INOU.1 442405 Global Relocatable Suppressed
INOU.C 442405 Global Relocatable INOU.L 442415 Global Relocatable
INOU.P 442444 Global Relocatable INOU.G 5120 Global Relocatable Suppressed
INOU.O 5121 Global Relocatable
CODE.. from DSK:CODETA.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:38:00
High segment starts at 442566 ends at 443736 length 1151 (octal), 617. (decimal)
CODE.0 442566 Global Relocatable CODETV 600000003 Global Absolute
CODETA 442626 Global Relocatable PST1ST 0 Global Absolute
PSTIMP 1 Global Absolute PSTSPF 3 Global Absolute
PSTEXE 5 Global Absolute PSTBKI 6 Global Absolute
PSTEND 12 Global Absolute GIOCOD 13 Global Absolute
GTYPCO 6 Global Absolute GFORMA 3 Global Absolute
STMNST 443032 Global Relocatable GLEGAL 0 Global Absolute
GILLEG 1 Global Absolute DELAYE 2 Global Absolute
COMPLI 443512 Global Relocatable REALPL 443470 Global Relocatable
FNPLIT 443457 Global Relocatable DSCINC 443416 Global Relocatable
DOUBPL 443407 Global Relocatable DSCPAR 443362 Global Relocatable
LOGIPL 443344 Global Relocatable INTGPL 443341 Global Relocatable
ARPLIT 443316 Global Relocatable ARGPLI 443314 Global Relocatable
DSCIFL 443312 Global Relocatable SFPLIT 443306 Global Relocatable
DSCSTF 443305 Global Relocatable DSCEND 443303 Global Relocatable
DSCDO 443301 Global Relocatable DSCSFA 443273 Global Relocatable
DSCIFA 443271 Global Relocatable DSCASG 443265 Global Relocatable
CLASHA 442566 Global Relocatable CODE.1 442624 Global Relocatable Suppressed
CODE.L 442624 Global Relocatable CODE.P 442625 Global Relocatable
LEXS.. from DSK:LEXSUP.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:39:00
Low segment starts at 5151 ends at 5152 length 2 (octal), 2. (decimal)
High segment starts at 443737 ends at 444712 length 754 (octal), 492. (decimal)
LEXS.0 443737 Global Relocatable LEXSUV 600000021 Global Absolute
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GREAL 24 Global Absolute GLOGI 1 Global Absolute
GINTEG 20 Global Absolute GDOUBL 30 Global Absolute
GDUBOC 10 Global Absolute GOCTAL 0 Global Absolute
GCONTA 444376 Global Relocatable GIDTAB 444375 Global Relocatable
LEXNAM 444476 Global Relocatable FDOTOP 444616 Global Relocatable
TDOTOP 444611 Global Relocatable LDOTOP 444601 Global Relocatable
GDOTOP 444571 Global Relocatable EDOTOP 444561 Global Relocatable
XDOTOP 444554 Global Relocatable ODOTOP 444550 Global Relocatable
ADOTOP 444543 Global Relocatable NDOTOP 444527 Global Relocatable
DOTOPT 444624 Global Relocatable BACKPR 443737 Global Relocatable
SAVLIN 444006 Global Relocatable BAKSAV 444043 Global Relocatable
BACKUP 444055 Global Relocatable LITDEF 444074 Global Relocatable
ENDOFL 444130 Global Relocatable LABDEF 444155 Global Relocatable
NONIOI 5151 Global Relocatable LABREF 444254 Global Relocatable
LEXS.1 444353 Global Relocatable Suppressed LEXS.C 444353 Global Relocatable
LEXS.L 444363 Global Relocatable LEXS.P 444374 Global Relocatable
LEXS.G 5151 Global Relocatable Suppressed LEXS.O 5152 Global Relocatable
LEXI.. from DSK:LEXICA.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:44:00
Low segment starts at 5153 ends at 5214 length 42 (octal), 34. (decimal)
High segment starts at 444713 ends at 451360 length 4446 (octal), 2342. (decimal)
LEXI.0 444713 Global Relocatable LEXICV 600000044 Global Absolute
CLASLI 5153 Global Relocatable CLASPO 5154 Global Relocatable
INCLAS 5155 Global Relocatable MSNGTI 5156 Global Relocatable
HIAC 5157 Global Relocatable LOAC 5160 Global Relocatable
STPACK 4 Global Absolute STBITS 11 Global Absolute
LASTBI 23 Global Absolute LASTSM 52 Global Absolute
SMALST 450626 Global Relocatable BIGSTA 451033 Global Relocatable
GSTIFC 451311 Global Relocatable GSTFMT 451310 Global Relocatable
GSTOPO 451307 Global Relocatable GSTSSC 451306 Global Relocatable
GSTCSC 451305 Global Relocatable GSTEOP 451304 Global Relocatable
GSTNOE 451303 Global Relocatable GSTLEX 451302 Global Relocatable
GSTSTM 451301 Global Relocatable LEXINI 445116 Global Relocatable
LEXICA 445162 Global Relocatable LEXI.1 450447 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LEXI.C 450447 Global Relocatable LEXI.L 450600 Global Relocatable
LEXI.P 450625 Global Relocatable LEXI.G 5153 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LEXI.O 5161 Global Relocatable
LIST.. from DSK:LISTNG.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:40:00
Low segment starts at 5215 ends at 5255 length 41 (octal), 33. (decimal)
High segment starts at 451361 ends at 453732 length 2352 (octal), 1258. (decimal)
LIST.0 451361 Global Relocatable LISTNV 600000032 Global Absolute
DECREM 451361 Global Relocatable LINESE 451402 Global Relocatable
PAGEHE 451606 Global Relocatable INSTAT 452146 Global Relocatable
CHK4MO 452323 Global Relocatable SINPUT 452325 Global Relocatable
READTX 452332 Global Relocatable GETBUF 452334 Global Relocatable
OVREST 452364 Global Relocatable EOPSVP 452366 Global Relocatable
FFBUFS 5215 Global Relocatable EOPRES 452545 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 13
OVERFL 452740 Global Relocatable SHIFTP 453004 Global Relocatable
DECODE 453067 Global Relocatable ERLSTR 453113 Global Relocatable
PRINT 453156 Global Relocatable BACKTY 453317 Global Relocatable
LIST.1 453564 Global Relocatable Suppressed LIST.C 453564 Global Relocatable
LIST.L 453610 Global Relocatable LIST.P 453664 Global Relocatable
LIST.G 5215 Global Relocatable Suppressed LIST.O 5216 Global Relocatable
DRIV.. from DSK:DRIVER.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:38:00
High segment starts at 453733 ends at 455154 length 1222 (octal), 658. (decimal)
DRIV.0 453733 Global Relocatable DRIVEV 600000036 Global Absolute
ENDSTA 453733 Global Relocatable CKAJDI 454024 Global Relocatable
LABLCH 454101 Global Relocatable UNDOLA 454167 Global Relocatable
DOCHEC 454264 Global Relocatable CKDOIN 454327 Global Relocatable
GLOBIN 454346 Global Relocatable MRP1 454461 Global Relocatable
DRIV.F 455014 Global Relocatable DRIV.1 455020 Global Relocatable Suppressed
DRIV.C 455020 Global Relocatable DRIV.L 455051 Global Relocatable
DRIV.P 455103 Global Relocatable
UNEN.. from DSK:UNEND.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:29:00
Low segment starts at 5256 ends at 5260 length 3 (octal), 3. (decimal)
High segment starts at 455155 ends at 456112 length 736 (octal), 478. (decimal)
UNEN.0 455155 Global Relocatable UNENDV 600000007 Global Absolute
ENDUNI 455155 Global Relocatable STATS 455364 Global Relocatable
OUTTIM 455524 Global Relocatable CREFIT 455602 Global Relocatable
ZZOUTM 455723 Global Relocatable UNEN.1 455754 Global Relocatable Suppressed
UNEN.C 455754 Global Relocatable UNEN.L 456003 Global Relocatable
UNEN.P 456023 Global Relocatable UNEN.O 5256 Global Relocatable
FTNCMD from DSK:COMMAN.REL[31,5306] created by MACRO on 3-Dec-81 at 10:27:00
Low segment starts at 5261 ends at 5667 length 407 (octal), 263. (decimal)
High segment starts at 456113 ends at 457515 length 1403 (octal), 771. (decimal)
COMMAV 600000161 Global Absolute CORERR 5327 Global Relocatable
FORTRA 456262 Global Relocatable LIT 457275 Global Relocatable
MRP0 456261 Global Relocatable NWBITS 5643 Global Relocatable
NWKTB 5261 Global Relocatable NWKTBC 42 Global Absolute Suppressed
NXTFIL 456737 Entry Relocatable
P2S1.. from DSK:P2S1.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:48:00
Low segment starts at 5670 ends at 5712 length 23 (octal), 19. (decimal)
High segment starts at 457516 ends at 463147 length 3432 (octal), 1818. (decimal)
P2S1.0 457516 Global Relocatable OPTMAV 600000003 Global Absolute
P2S1V 600000100 Global Absolute P2SKL1 463127 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 14
P2SKBL 457516 Global Relocatable BLSKOP 460013 Global Relocatable
P2SKIG 460120 Global Relocatable P2SKRE 460123 Global Relocatable
RELSKO 460217 Global Relocatable P2SKFN 460774 Global Relocatable
P2SKAR 461204 Global Relocatable ARSKOP 461632 Global Relocatable
P2SKLT 462053 Global Relocatable P2SKLA 462306 Global Relocatable
P2SKNE 462351 Global Relocatable P2S1.1 462771 Global Relocatable Suppressed
P2S1.C 462771 Global Relocatable P2S1.L 463016 Global Relocatable
P2S1.P 463126 Global Relocatable P2S1.O 5670 Global Relocatable
P2S2.. from DSK:P2S2.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:55:00
Low segment starts at 5713 ends at 5734 length 22 (octal), 18. (decimal)
High segment starts at 463150 ends at 466516 length 3347 (octal), 1767. (decimal)
P2S2.0 463150 Global Relocatable P2S2V 600000074 Global Absolute
TAKNOT 463150 Global Relocatable TAKNEG 463247 Global Relocatable
SETNEG 463363 Global Relocatable DNEGCN 463434 Global Relocatable
NOTOFN 463460 Global Relocatable NEGOFN 463625 Global Relocatable
BLCMB 463772 Global Relocatable CNTMPY 464121 Global Relocatable
ONECNS 464145 Global Relocatable MONECN 464175 Global Relocatable
INTEGC 464225 Global Relocatable POWERO 464322 Global Relocatable
P2VAL 464362 Global Relocatable P2PLUS 464406 Global Relocatable
P2VL1 464447 Global Relocatable RETURN 464471 Global Relocatable
ARCMB 464605 Global Relocatable CMBEQL 465460 Global Relocatable
FOLDLI 466202 Global Relocatable FOLDAI 466320 Global Relocatable
P2S2.1 466372 Global Relocatable Suppressed P2S2.C 466372 Global Relocatable
P2S2.L 466400 Global Relocatable P2S2.P 466506 Global Relocatable
P2S2.O 5713 Global Relocatable
MEMC.. from DSK:MEMCMP.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:48:00
Low segment starts at 5735 ends at 5746 length 12 (octal), 10. (decimal)
High segment starts at 466517 ends at 467375 length 657 (octal), 431. (decimal)
MEMC.0 466517 Global Relocatable MEMCMV 600000037 Global Absolute
MEMCMC 466517 Global Relocatable VMEMCM 466635 Global Relocatable
ARRMEM 467063 Global Relocatable SPECTO 467274 Global Relocatable
MEMC.1 467343 Global Relocatable Suppressed MEMC.L 467343 Global Relocatable
MEMC.O 5735 Global Relocatable
SKST.. from DSK:SKSTMN.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:49:00
Low segment starts at 5747 ends at 6001 length 33 (octal), 27. (decimal)
High segment starts at 467376 ends at 472247 length 2652 (octal), 1450. (decimal)
SKST.0 467376 Global Relocatable SKSTMV 600000140 Global Absolute
P2SKST 467376 Global Relocatable SKASMN 467636 Global Relocatable
SKSFN 470002 Global Relocatable SKRETU 470020 Global Relocatable
SKAGO 470041 Global Relocatable SKCGO 470064 Global Relocatable
DELGOL 470154 Global Relocatable SKLOGI 470173 Global Relocatable
SKARIF 470241 Global Relocatable SKASSI 470667 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 15
SKDECE 470703 Global Relocatable SKCALL 470724 Global Relocatable
FOLDIO 470764 Global Relocatable FORMIO 471063 Global Relocatable
FILTER 471144 Global Relocatable LOOKEL 471171 Global Relocatable
IODEPN 471345 Global Relocatable DEFONC 471450 Global Relocatable
DOP2SK 471474 Global Relocatable TRINTO 471600 Global Relocatable
DOENSK 471626 Global Relocatable P2REGC 471717 Global Relocatable
LOOKOU 472117 Global Relocatable LOKIOU 472145 Global Relocatable
SKST.1 472167 Global Relocatable Suppressed SKST.C 472167 Global Relocatable
SKST.L 472175 Global Relocatable SKST.O 5747 Global Relocatable
INPT.. from DSK:INPT.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:47:00
High segment starts at 472250 ends at 472341 length 72 (octal), 58. (decimal)
INPT.0 472250 Global Relocatable INPTV 600000123 Global Absolute
SKIOLI 472250 Global Relocatable INPT.1 472335 Global Relocatable Suppressed
INPT.L 472335 Global Relocatable
IOPT.. from DSK:IOPT.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:16:00
Low segment starts at 6002 ends at 6021 length 20 (octal), 16. (decimal)
High segment starts at 472342 ends at 501454 length 7113 (octal), 3659. (decimal)
IOPT.0 472342 Global Relocatable IOPTV 600000077 Global Absolute
SAVSTM 6002 Global Relocatable IOGELO 472342 Global Relocatable
IOGELM 472404 Global Relocatable IOGPNR 472503 Global Relocatable
IOEXDF 472603 Global Relocatable IOSTDF 473013 Global Relocatable
GLEXDF 473130 Global Relocatable GLEXRE 473363 Global Relocatable
GLSTDF 473534 Global Relocatable GLSTEL 473626 Global Relocatable
GLSTRE 473714 Global Relocatable GLDOFI 474013 Global Relocatable
SKOPTI 474225 Global Relocatable ISOLAT 474257 Global Relocatable
BLDCMN 474554 Global Relocatable LCLLNK 474602 Global Relocatable
CHNINI 474621 Global Relocatable CHNLNK 474633 Global Relocatable
MRGCHN 474652 Global Relocatable FINDAS 474666 Global Relocatable
ELIMTE 474721 Global Relocatable ELIMST 474760 Global Relocatable
DIV2CM 475024 Global Relocatable CHKDBL 475056 Global Relocatable
MAKELI 475144 Global Relocatable ELIMCO 476000 Global Relocatable
EXPEXP 476047 Global Relocatable IOCONT 476142 Global Relocatable
PUTBAK 476377 Global Relocatable COLLAP 477023 Global Relocatable
RPLCMN 500135 Global Relocatable CMNRPL 500165 Global Relocatable
DEPDCM 500614 Global Relocatable CMNDEP 500632 Global Relocatable
CMNELI 501063 Global Relocatable FOLDUP 501217 Global Relocatable
IOCLEA 501304 Global Relocatable IOPT.1 501342 Global Relocatable Suppressed
IOPT.C 501342 Global Relocatable IOPT.L 501344 Global Relocatable
IOPT.G 6002 Global Relocatable Suppressed IOPT.O 6003 Global Relocatable
GOPT.. from DSK:GOPTIM.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:54:00
High segment starts at 501455 ends at 502546 length 1072 (octal), 570. (decimal)
GOPT.0 501455 Global Relocatable GOPTIV 600000067 Global Absolute
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 16
LOOKUP 501455 Global Relocatable CHKUA 501477 Global Relocatable
LOKCAL 501520 Global Relocatable REPLAC 501627 Global Relocatable
DOPARM 502352 Global Relocatable LNKASS 502401 Global Relocatable
MAKASS 502451 Global Relocatable GOPT.1 502515 Global Relocatable Suppressed
GOPT.C 502515 Global Relocatable GOPT.L 502517 Global Relocatable
GOP2.. from DSK:GOPT2.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:47:00
High segment starts at 502547 ends at 502672 length 124 (octal), 84. (decimal)
GOP2.0 502547 Global Relocatable GOPT2V 600000113 Global Absolute
CLEANU 502547 Global Relocatable MAKCON 502576 Global Relocatable
MAKASG 502611 Global Relocatable GOP2.1 502664 Global Relocatable Suppressed
GOP2.L 502664 Global Relocatable
GRAP.. from DSK:GRAPH.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:11:00
Low segment starts at 6022 ends at 6047 length 26 (octal), 22. (decimal)
High segment starts at 502673 ends at 505670 length 2776 (octal), 1534. (decimal)
GRAP.0 502673 Global Relocatable GRAPHV 600000212 Global Absolute
GPHBLD 503572 Global Relocatable DOCOLL 504100 Global Relocatable
FLOOD 505112 Global Relocatable WALKER 505553 Global Relocatable
GRAP.1 505633 Global Relocatable Suppressed GRAP.C 505633 Global Relocatable
GRAP.L 505642 Global Relocatable GRAP.O 6022 Global Relocatable
CANN.. from DSK:CANNON.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:51:00
Low segment starts at 6050 ends at 6051 length 2 (octal), 2. (decimal)
High segment starts at 505671 ends at 507270 length 1400 (octal), 768. (decimal)
CANN.0 505671 Global Relocatable CANNOV 600000032 Global Absolute
MOVDOW 505671 Global Relocatable CANONI 506665 Global Relocatable
SWAP2D 507120 Global Relocatable CANN.1 507200 Global Relocatable Suppressed
CANN.C 507200 Global Relocatable CANN.L 507203 Global Relocatable
CANN.O 6050 Global Relocatable
DEFP.. from DSK:DEFPT.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:03:00
Low segment starts at 6052 ends at 6073 length 22 (octal), 18. (decimal)
High segment starts at 507271 ends at 512534 length 3244 (octal), 1700. (decimal)
DEFP.0 507271 Global Relocatable DEFPTV 600000176 Global Absolute
READHE 510576 Global Relocatable SETGTR 510726 Global Relocatable
GETDEF 511022 Global Relocatable DEFDRI 511624 Global Relocatable
DEFP.1 512466 Global Relocatable Suppressed DEFP.L 512466 Global Relocatable
DEFP.P 512531 Global Relocatable DEFP.O 6052 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 17
MOVA.. from DSK:MOVA.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:23:00
High segment starts at 512535 ends at 513402 length 646 (octal), 422. (decimal)
MOVA.0 512535 Global Relocatable MOVAV 600000036 Global Absolute
UNLIST 512535 Global Relocatable ONLIST 512577 Global Relocatable
QUALIF 512615 Global Relocatable REDEFP 512733 Global Relocatable
HAULAS 513060 Global Relocatable MOVA.1 513365 Global Relocatable Suppressed
MOVA.L 513365 Global Relocatable
COMS.. from DSK:COMSUB.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:52:00
Low segment starts at 6074 ends at 6122 length 27 (octal), 23. (decimal)
High segment starts at 513403 ends at 521162 length 5560 (octal), 2928. (decimal)
COMS.0 513403 Global Relocatable COMSUV 600000416 Global Absolute
CMNMAK 513403 Global Relocatable STPREC 513620 Global Relocatable
BOPBOP 513734 Global Relocatable NARY2 513774 Global Relocatable
NEXTUP 514126 Global Relocatable UNRYMA 514373 Global Relocatable
CHK4OP 514561 Global Relocatable MATCHE 514603 Global Relocatable
CMNLNK 515135 Global Relocatable CHKHAI 515742 Global Relocatable
HASHIT 516150 Global Relocatable XPUNGE 516720 Global Relocatable
ELIM 517137 Global Relocatable LOCELI 517311 Global Relocatable
REA 517341 Global Relocatable REAIO 520066 Global Relocatable
LOCELM 520136 Global Relocatable SLINGH 520173 Global Relocatable
TBLSRC 520211 Global Relocatable MAKETR 520300 Global Relocatable
DELETE 520375 Global Relocatable LOCLMO 520471 Global Relocatable
ARGCMN 520507 Global Relocatable LOK1SU 520546 Global Relocatable
LOK2SU 520603 Global Relocatable DELLNK 520647 Global Relocatable
LOCLDE 520671 Global Relocatable COMS.1 521026 Global Relocatable Suppressed
COMS.C 521026 Global Relocatable COMS.L 521031 Global Relocatable
COMS.O 6074 Global Relocatable
GCMN.. from DSK:GCMNSB.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:07:00
Low segment starts at 6123 ends at 6140 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
High segment starts at 521163 ends at 524741 length 3557 (octal), 1903. (decimal)
GCMN.0 521163 Global Relocatable GCMNSV 600000157 Global Absolute
FINDPA 521163 Global Relocatable DOTOHA 521216 Global Relocatable
FINDTH 521441 Global Relocatable GLOBMO 521500 Global Relocatable
GETOPT 521553 Global Relocatable CHKINI 521604 Global Relocatable
CHKDOM 521656 Global Relocatable MOVCNS 522636 Global Relocatable
GLOBDE 523336 Global Relocatable GLOBEL 524004 Global Relocatable
SCRUBA 524247 Global Relocatable A2ARRE 524306 Global Relocatable
A1ARRE 524373 Global Relocatable NEWCOP 524453 Global Relocatable
PUTBAC 524470 Global Relocatable FNARRA 524556 Global Relocatable
GCMN.1 524623 Global Relocatable Suppressed GCMN.C 524623 Global Relocatable
GCMN.L 524633 Global Relocatable GCMN.O 6123 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 18
PNRO.. from DSK:PNROPT.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:27:00
Low segment starts at 6141 ends at 6152 length 12 (octal), 10. (decimal)
High segment starts at 524742 ends at 533237 length 6276 (octal), 3262. (decimal)
PNRO.0 524742 Global Relocatable PNROPV 600000237 Global Absolute
FOLDER 525245 Global Relocatable LOKDEF 527604 Global Relocatable
PROPAG 530501 Global Relocatable DOTOPR 532713 Global Relocatable
PNRO.1 533070 Global Relocatable Suppressed PNRO.C 533070 Global Relocatable
PNRO.L 533130 Global Relocatable PNRO.O 6141 Global Relocatable
TSTR.. from DSK:TSTR.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:29:00
Low segment starts at 6153 ends at 6176 length 24 (octal), 20. (decimal)
High segment starts at 533240 ends at 535442 length 2203 (octal), 1155. (decimal)
TSTR.0 533240 Global Relocatable TSTRV 600000075 Global Absolute
TESTRE 533240 Global Relocatable LOKIND 533453 Global Relocatable
SUPPLA 533662 Global Relocatable REDUCE 534134 Global Relocatable
RDUCIN 535265 Global Relocatable RDCTMP 535277 Global Relocatable
DOTRCN 535325 Global Relocatable TSTR.1 535353 Global Relocatable Suppressed
TSTR.C 535353 Global Relocatable TSTR.L 535357 Global Relocatable
TSTR.O 6153 Global Relocatable
PHA2.. from DSK:PHA2.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:25:00
Low segment starts at 6177 ends at 6205 length 7 (octal), 7. (decimal)
High segment starts at 535443 ends at 536726 length 1264 (octal), 692. (decimal)
PHA2.0 535443 Global Relocatable PHA2V 600000163 Global Absolute
OPTERR 535527 Global Relocatable MRP2 535757 Global Relocatable
PHA2.F 536674 Global Relocatable PHA2.1 536700 Global Relocatable Suppressed
PHA2.C 536700 Global Relocatable PHA2.L 536705 Global Relocatable
PHA2.O 6177 Global Relocatable
PH2S.. from DSK:PH2S.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:58:00
High segment starts at 536727 ends at 536774 length 46 (octal), 38. (decimal)
PH2S.0 536727 Global Relocatable PH2SV 600000037 Global Absolute
MRP2S 536727 Global Relocatable PH2S.F 536770 Global Relocatable
PH2S.1 536774 Global Relocatable Suppressed PH2S.L 536774 Global Relocatable
PHA3.. from DSK:PHA3.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:56:00
Low segment starts at 6206 ends at 6206 length 1 (octal), 1. (decimal)
High segment starts at 536775 ends at 537351 length 355 (octal), 237. (decimal)
PHA3.0 536775 Global Relocatable PHA3V 600000065 Global Absolute
MRP3 536775 Global Relocatable PHA3.F 537237 Global Relocatable
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PHA3.1 537243 Global Relocatable Suppressed PHA3.C 537243 Global Relocatable
PHA3.L 537254 Global Relocatable PHA3.P 537262 Global Relocatable
PHA3.O 6206 Global Relocatable
OPTA.. from DSK:OPTAB.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:55:00
High segment starts at 537352 ends at 540146 length 575 (octal), 381. (decimal)
OPTA.0 537352 Global Relocatable OPTABV 600000002 Global Absolute
OPMNEM 537355 Global Relocatable OPTA.1 537354 Global Relocatable Suppressed
OPTA.P 537354 Global Relocatable
LISO.. from DSK:LISTOU.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:54:00
Low segment starts at 6207 ends at 6210 length 2 (octal), 2. (decimal)
High segment starts at 540147 ends at 543305 length 3137 (octal), 1631. (decimal)
LISO.0 540147 Global Relocatable REQREV 600000000 Global Absolute
LISTOV 600000105 Global Absolute BLDLAB 540147 Global Relocatable
DMPSYM 540163 Global Relocatable ZSIXBI 540525 Global Relocatable
ZDOUTC 540542 Global Relocatable ZSOUTC 540573 Global Relocatable
ZOUTCO 540643 Global Relocatable COMCOM 540660 Global Relocatable
ZLABLM 540664 Global Relocatable LSTINS 540703 Global Relocatable
LINEMA 541276 Global Relocatable ROUIMF 541413 Global Relocatable
ROURLA 541442 Global Relocatable ROUSYM 541504 Global Relocatable
OUTMOD 541705 Global Relocatable OUTMDA 542114 Global Relocatable
ZENDAL 542667 Global Relocatable GMULEN 543030 Global Relocatable
LSTFOR 543051 Global Relocatable LISO.1 543167 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LISO.C 543167 Global Relocatable LISO.L 543201 Global Relocatable
LISO.P 543261 Global Relocatable LISO.O 6207 Global Relocatable
CGDO.. from DSK:CGDO.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:50:00
Low segment starts at 6211 ends at 6225 length 15 (octal), 13. (decimal)
High segment starts at 543306 ends at 546065 length 2560 (octal), 1392. (decimal)
CGDO.0 543306 Global Relocatable CGDOV 600000221 Global Absolute
CGDOLO 543306 Global Relocatable CGDOEN 543534 Global Relocatable
CGPROE 544015 Global Relocatable CGEPIL 544554 Global Relocatable
CGRETU 545064 Global Relocatable CGSFN 545251 Global Relocatable
CGSBPR 545323 Global Relocatable ARGGEN 545433 Global Relocatable
CGARGS 545635 Global Relocatable CGDO.1 545710 Global Relocatable Suppressed
CGDO.C 545710 Global Relocatable CGDO.L 545753 Global Relocatable
CGDO.O 6211 Global Relocatable
CGST.. from DSK:CGSTMN.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:53:00
Low segment starts at 6226 ends at 6263 length 36 (octal), 30. (decimal)
High segment starts at 546066 ends at 553110 length 5023 (octal), 2579. (decimal)
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 20
CGST.0 546066 Global Relocatable CGSTMV 600000216 Global Absolute
CGSTMN 546066 Global Relocatable CGASMN 546230 Global Relocatable
CGASSI 546350 Global Relocatable CGAGO 546371 Global Relocatable
CGCGO 546465 Global Relocatable CGLOGI 546614 Global Relocatable
CGEND 547042 Global Relocatable CGSTOP 547107 Global Relocatable
CGPAUS 547130 Global Relocatable CGARIF 547151 Global Relocatable
CGCMNS 547271 Global Relocatable CGIOLS 547347 Global Relocatable
CGE1LI 547466 Global Relocatable CGE2LI 547525 Global Relocatable
CGIOCA 547574 Global Relocatable COUNTA 547645 Global Relocatable
CGIOLA 547777 Global Relocatable CGDCAL 550066 Global Relocatable
CGSLIS 550162 Global Relocatable CAE1LI 550231 Global Relocatable
CAE2LI 550327 Global Relocatable BLDIOI 550425 Global Relocatable
CGSTPA 550507 Global Relocatable CGMTOP 550553 Global Relocatable
CGENCO 550567 Global Relocatable CGDECO 550622 Global Relocatable
CGRERE 550655 Global Relocatable CGUNIT 550701 Global Relocatable
CGRECN 550714 Global Relocatable CGIOST 550731 Global Relocatable
CGREAD 550742 Global Relocatable CGWRIT 551023 Global Relocatable
CGOPLS 551104 Global Relocatable CGOPEN 551137 Global Relocatable
CGFIND 551152 Global Relocatable CGCLOS 551167 Global Relocatable
CGDECA 551202 Global Relocatable CNTKEY 551364 Global Relocatable
IOENDE 551420 Global Relocatable IOFORM 551471 Global Relocatable
IOPTR 551621 Global Relocatable IOIMME 551727 Global Relocatable
CGIOAR 552176 Global Relocatable REDORW 552370 Global Relocatable
NAMGEN 552513 Global Relocatable CGST.1 552712 Global Relocatable Suppressed
CGST.C 552712 Global Relocatable CGST.L 553003 Global Relocatable
CGST.O 6226 Global Relocatable
CGEX.. from DSK:CGEXPR.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:52:00
Low segment starts at 6264 ends at 6267 length 4 (octal), 4. (decimal)
High segment starts at 553111 ends at 556075 length 2765 (octal), 1525. (decimal)
CGEX.0 553111 Global Relocatable CGEXPV 600000114 Global Absolute
OBUFF 553111 Global Relocatable OBUFFA 553152 Global Relocatable
CGEXCI 553175 Global Relocatable CGETVA 553313 Global Relocatable
CGOPGE 554207 Global Relocatable CGARGE 554600 Global Relocatable
CGILF 554642 Global Relocatable CGVBOO 554774 Global Relocatable
CGCBOO 555263 Global Relocatable CGREL1 555515 Global Relocatable
CGJMPC 555634 Global Relocatable DEFLAB 555650 Global Relocatable
CGEX.1 555703 Global Relocatable Suppressed CGEX.C 555703 Global Relocatable
CGEX.L 555751 Global Relocatable CGEX.O 6264 Global Relocatable
OPGNTA from DSK:OPGNTA.REL[31,5306] created by MACRO on 3-Dec-81 at 11:50:00
High segment starts at 556076 ends at 561212 length 3115 (octal), 1613. (decimal)
CALLER 560775 Global Relocatable CRETN 560736 Global Relocatable
DOSTC 560472 Global Relocatable DOSTI 560471 Global Relocatable
DVALU 560731 Global Relocatable MOVRET 560733 Global Relocatable
OPASIN 557367 Global Relocatable OPGADJ 561022 Global Relocatable
OPGAIF 560521 Global Relocatable OPGALT 560441 Global Relocatable
OPGARG 556415 Global Relocatable OPGARI 556315 Global Relocatable
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OPGASI 557334 Global Relocatable OPGASR 557350 Global Relocatable
OPGBOO 557374 Global Relocatable OPGCGI 560712 Global Relocatable
OPGCGO 560703 Global Relocatable OPGCLO 561027 Global Relocatable
OPGDB1 560320 Global Relocatable OPGDBF 560305 Global Relocatable
OPGDEC 561014 Global Relocatable OPGDOE 560501 Global Relocatable
OPGDOS 560500 Global Relocatable OPGENC 561013 Global Relocatable
OPGETI 556076 Global Relocatable OPGEX 556236 Global Relocatable
OPGEXI 561167 Global Relocatable OPGEXM 556246 Global Relocatable
OPGEXS 556242 Global Relocatable OPGFIN 561030 Global Relocatable
OPGFND 561025 Global Relocatable OPGIIN 560723 Global Relocatable
OPGIL1 560315 Global Relocatable OPGILF 560276 Global Relocatable
OPGILI 560306 Global Relocatable OPGIN 561012 Global Relocatable
OPGIOL 561010 Global Relocatable OPGLIB 561023 Global Relocatable
OPGMTO 561011 Global Relocatable OPGMVL 560724 Global Relocatable
OPGN1I 557710 Global Relocatable OPGN2I 557730 Global Relocatable
OPGNLI 561020 Global Relocatable OPGNLO 561021 Global Relocatable
OPGNTV 600000177 Global Absolute OPGOPE 561024 Global Relocatable
OPGOUT 561015 Global Relocatable OPGPAU 561153 Global Relocatable
OPGPHR 561210 Global Relocatable OPGPPR 561205 Global Relocatable
OPGREL 557514 Global Relocatable OPGRES 561175 Global Relocatable
OPGRLS 561026 Global Relocatable OPGRTB 561017 Global Relocatable
OPGSET 556222 Global Relocatable OPGSFN 560777 Global Relocatable
OPGSPG 560024 Global Relocatable OPGSPI 557774 Global Relocatable
OPGSPM 560064 Global Relocatable OPGSTC 560413 Global Relocatable
OPGSTD 560417 Global Relocatable OPGSTI 557326 Global Relocatable
OPGSTP 561161 Global Relocatable OPGTCG 557045 Global Relocatable
OPGTCI 557005 Global Relocatable OPGVTS 560435 Global Relocatable
OPGWTB 561016 Global Relocatable OPGXG 556252 Global Relocatable
OPGXGM 556262 Global Relocatable OPGXGS 556256 Global Relocatable
OPGXPI 556312 Global Relocatable OPINDI 560725 Global Relocatable
OPINSI 560734 Global Relocatable OPP21I 560054 Global Relocatable
POPRET 560732 Global Relocatable
PEEP.. from DSK:PEEPOP.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:55:00
Low segment starts at 6270 ends at 6277 length 10 (octal), 8. (decimal)
High segment starts at 561213 ends at 566146 length 4734 (octal), 2524. (decimal)
PEEP.0 561213 Global Relocatable PEEPOV 600000116 Global Absolute
PEEPOP 561213 Global Relocatable PEEPA 561256 Global Relocatable
PEEP00 561324 Global Relocatable PEEP01 561543 Global Relocatable
PEEP02 561662 Global Relocatable PEEP03 562065 Global Relocatable
PEEP10 562116 Global Relocatable PEEP11 562171 Global Relocatable
PEEP14 562231 Global Relocatable PEEP05 562523 Global Relocatable
PEEP20 562555 Global Relocatable PEEP21 562664 Global Relocatable
PEEP22 562720 Global Relocatable PEEP24 562761 Global Relocatable
PEEP25 563024 Global Relocatable PEEP27 563060 Global Relocatable
PEEP30 563121 Global Relocatable PEEP31 563160 Global Relocatable
PEEP32 563212 Global Relocatable PEEP35 563313 Global Relocatable
PEEPA0 563321 Global Relocatable POPT01 563433 Global Relocatable
POPT02 563456 Global Relocatable POPT03 563555 Global Relocatable
POPT04 563601 Global Relocatable POPT05 563625 Global Relocatable
POPT06 563651 Global Relocatable POPT07 563700 Global Relocatable
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POPT08 563727 Global Relocatable POPT09 563756 Global Relocatable
POPT10 564005 Global Relocatable POPT11 564034 Global Relocatable
POPT12 564100 Global Relocatable POPT13 564154 Global Relocatable
POPT14 564212 Global Relocatable POPT15 564264 Global Relocatable
POPT16 564330 Global Relocatable POPT17 564362 Global Relocatable
POPT18 564411 Global Relocatable POPT19 564437 Global Relocatable
POPT20 564500 Global Relocatable POPT21 564530 Global Relocatable
POPT22 564556 Global Relocatable POPT23 564613 Global Relocatable
POPT24 564641 Global Relocatable POPT25 564677 Global Relocatable
POPT26 564711 Global Relocatable POPT27 564724 Global Relocatable
POPT28 564753 Global Relocatable POPT29 565011 Global Relocatable
POPT30 565045 Global Relocatable POPT31 565102 Global Relocatable
POPT32 565147 Global Relocatable POPT33 565204 Global Relocatable
POPT34 565234 Global Relocatable POPT35 565272 Global Relocatable
POPT36 565342 Global Relocatable NONSKI 565450 Global Relocatable
OPTOME 565477 Global Relocatable AROPTO 565545 Global Relocatable
EQVPOS 565615 Global Relocatable AEQLC0 565656 Global Relocatable
DELPBI 565715 Global Relocatable ADDLAB 565767 Global Relocatable
PEEP.1 566044 Global Relocatable Suppressed PEEP.C 566044 Global Relocatable
PEEP.L 566045 Global Relocatable PEEP.O 6270 Global Relocatable
STRE.. from DSK:STREGA.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:43:00
Low segment starts at 6300 ends at 6403 length 104 (octal), 68. (decimal)
High segment starts at 566147 ends at 575352 length 7204 (octal), 3716. (decimal)
STRE.0 566147 Global Relocatable STREGV 600000345 Global Absolute
STREGA 566147 Global Relocatable FNREF 6300 Global Relocatable
CMSTMN 566231 Global Relocatable ALCSTM 566575 Global Relocatable
STCMAS 566770 Global Relocatable STCMAG 567152 Global Relocatable
STCMCG 567172 Global Relocatable STCMST 567221 Global Relocatable
STCMLI 567241 Global Relocatable STCMAI 567333 Global Relocatable
SCMASS 567371 Global Relocatable STCMOP 567414 Global Relocatable
CMPDEC 567463 Global Relocatable STCMCS 567525 Global Relocatable
ALCASM 567704 Global Relocatable ALCMEM 570606 Global Relocatable
ORDERM 571321 Global Relocatable ALCASS 571407 Global Relocatable
ALCCAL 571434 Global Relocatable ALCAGO 571462 Global Relocatable
ALCCGO 571511 Global Relocatable ALCLIF 571540 Global Relocatable
ALCAIF 571664 Global Relocatable ALCDEC 572006 Global Relocatable
ALCOPE 572070 Global Relocatable ALCCMN 572155 Global Relocatable
ALCIOL 572646 Global Relocatable ALCIOC 573073 Global Relocatable
ALCE1L 573447 Global Relocatable ALCE2L 573630 Global Relocatable
LHINRE 574325 Global Relocatable STRE.1 575137 Global Relocatable Suppressed
STRE.L 575137 Global Relocatable STRE.G 6300 Global Relocatable Suppressed
STRE.O 6301 Global Relocatable
CMPL.. from DSK:CMPLEX.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:32:00
Low segment starts at 6404 ends at 6440 length 35 (octal), 29. (decimal)
High segment starts at 575353 ends at 602161 length 4607 (octal), 2439. (decimal)
CMPL.0 575353 Global Relocatable CMPLEV 600000213 Global Absolute
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SETCOM 575353 Global Relocatable ARRNAR 575642 Global Relocatable
CMPLA 575713 Global Relocatable CMARGS 576334 Global Relocatable
EXPTOF 576465 Global Relocatable PRCNST 576562 Global Relocatable
CMPVBO 577064 Global Relocatable CMPLBL 577173 Global Relocatable
CMPLRE 577311 Global Relocatable CMPLFN 577511 Global Relocatable
CMPFNA 577574 Global Relocatable CMPTPC 577677 Global Relocatable
CMPLXA 600023 Global Relocatable CMPILF 600351 Global Relocatable
CMPLIO 601002 Global Relocatable CMPIOC 601143 Global Relocatable
CMPE1L 601272 Global Relocatable CMPE2L 601422 Global Relocatable
SNGARG 601561 Global Relocatable EXCHAR 601635 Global Relocatable
CMPL.1 601754 Global Relocatable Suppressed CMPL.C 601754 Global Relocatable
CMPL.L 601760 Global Relocatable CMPL.P 602136 Global Relocatable
CMPL.O 6404 Global Relocatable
CMPB.. from DSK:CMPBLO.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:31:00
Low segment starts at 6441 ends at 6444 length 4 (octal), 4. (decimal)
High segment starts at 602162 ends at 602712 length 531 (octal), 345. (decimal)
CMPB.0 602162 Global Relocatable CMPBLV 600000060 Global Absolute
CMPBLO 602212 Global Relocatable SRCHRE 602350 Global Relocatable
ADDREG 602402 Global Relocatable SAVREG 602455 Global Relocatable
INITRE 602662 Global Relocatable CMPB.1 602667 Global Relocatable Suppressed
CMPB.L 602667 Global Relocatable CMPB.O 6441 Global Relocatable
ALCB.. from DSK:ALCBLO.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:31:00
Low segment starts at 6445 ends at 6507 length 43 (octal), 35. (decimal)
High segment starts at 602713 ends at 604446 length 1534 (octal), 860. (decimal)
ALCB.0 602713 Global Relocatable ALCBLV 600000074 Global Absolute
ALCBLO 602713 Global Relocatable AFREER 603135 Global Relocatable
REGCON 603404 Global Relocatable VARCLO 603442 Global Relocatable
CLOBBC 603566 Global Relocatable CLOBBE 603645 Global Relocatable
REGCLO 604067 Global Relocatable CLRRGS 604214 Global Relocatable
INIRGS 604243 Global Relocatable SAVERE 604256 Global Relocatable
FREEPA 604372 Global Relocatable ALCB.1 604414 Global Relocatable Suppressed
ALCB.L 604414 Global Relocatable ALCB.O 6445 Global Relocatable
DOAL.. from DSK:DOALC.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:34:00
Low segment starts at 6510 ends at 6525 length 16 (octal), 14. (decimal)
High segment starts at 604447 ends at 607246 length 2600 (octal), 1408. (decimal)
DOAL.0 604447 Global Relocatable DOALCV 600000155 Global Absolute
RETNCT 6510 Global Relocatable ASVCT 6511 Global Relocatable
STCMDO 604447 Global Relocatable ALCDOS 605156 Global Relocatable
ALCDOE 605510 Global Relocatable STCMRE 605614 Global Relocatable
ALCRET 605665 Global Relocatable ALCTEM 605714 Global Relocatable
STCMSF 606002 Global Relocatable ALCSFN 606136 Global Relocatable
STCMSU 606176 Global Relocatable LPIXSU 606277 Global Relocatable
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ALCENT 606540 Global Relocatable ALCENL 606551 Global Relocatable
ARGSIZ 606663 Global Relocatable FNVALC 606743 Global Relocatable
FNVLCH 607024 Global Relocatable ASNFNV 607031 Global Relocatable
DOAL.1 607112 Global Relocatable Suppressed DOAL.C 607112 Global Relocatable
DOAL.L 607120 Global Relocatable DOAL.G 6510 Global Relocatable Suppressed
DOAL.O 6512 Global Relocatable
REGA.. from DSK:REGAL2.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:39:00
Low segment starts at 6526 ends at 6555 length 30 (octal), 24. (decimal)
High segment starts at 607247 ends at 615364 length 6116 (octal), 3150. (decimal)
REGA.0 607247 Global Relocatable REGALV 600000225 Global Absolute
ALCINR 607247 Global Relocatable ALCREL 607417 Global Relocatable
ALCRL1 607505 Global Relocatable ALCA 607750 Global Relocatable
GETRGP 610174 Global Relocatable ALCLIB 610227 Global Relocatable
ALCARG 610314 Global Relocatable ALCVBO 611135 Global Relocatable
ALCCNB 611350 Global Relocatable ALCCNT 611425 Global Relocatable
RGTOSA 611451 Global Relocatable ALCNAR 611515 Global Relocatable
ALCFNC 611552 Global Relocatable ALCFNA 611624 Global Relocatable
ALCARR 612007 Global Relocatable ALCTPC 612204 Global Relocatable
ALCNEG 612557 Global Relocatable ALCSPE 612700 Global Relocatable
ALCILF 613114 Global Relocatable ALCINT 613212 Global Relocatable
ALCTVB 613610 Global Relocatable ALCTA 614047 Global Relocatable
ALCTAR 614336 Global Relocatable ALCTVA 614456 Global Relocatable
REGTOU 614527 Global Relocatable RGTOU1 614641 Global Relocatable
SETTAR 614765 Global Relocatable SETTAC 615020 Global Relocatable
CLOBBN 615055 Global Relocatable STORAC 615076 Global Relocatable
REGA.1 615206 Global Relocatable Suppressed REGA.L 615206 Global Relocatable
REGA.O 6526 Global Relocatable
REGU.. from DSK:REGUTL.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:41:00
Low segment starts at 6556 ends at 6560 length 3 (octal), 3. (decimal)
High segment starts at 615365 ends at 615621 length 235 (octal), 157. (decimal)
REGU.0 615365 Global Relocatable REGUTV 600000025 Global Absolute
MAKRC0 615365 Global Relocatable ALODIM 615406 Global Relocatable
ALDIM1 615435 Global Relocatable ALOCON 615504 Global Relocatable
MAKTEM 615512 Global Relocatable NXTTMP 615554 Global Relocatable
REGU.1 615604 Global Relocatable Suppressed REGU.C 615604 Global Relocatable
REGU.L 615610 Global Relocatable REGU.O 6556 Global Relocatable
DATA.. from DSK:DATAST.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:33:00
Low segment starts at 6561 ends at 6605 length 25 (octal), 21. (decimal)
High segment starts at 615622 ends at 616574 length 753 (octal), 491. (decimal)
DATA.0 615622 Global Relocatable DATASV 600000064 Global Absolute
DATPRO 615622 Global Relocatable ALCDAT 615636 Global Relocatable
ADJDAT 616003 Global Relocatable GETDAD 616134 Global Relocatable
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CNSTEV 616222 Global Relocatable GETDCN 616354 Global Relocatable
DATA.1 616546 Global Relocatable Suppressed DATA.C 616546 Global Relocatable
DATA.L 616553 Global Relocatable DATA.O 6561 Global Relocatable
P3R.. from DSK:P3R.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:49:00
High segment starts at 616575 ends at 616663 length 67 (octal), 55. (decimal)
P3R.0 616575 Global Relocatable P3RV 600000062 Global Absolute
MRP3R 616575 Global Relocatable P3R.F 616660 Global Relocatable
P3R.1 616664 Global Relocatable Suppressed
RELB.. from DSK:RELBUF.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:42:00
High segment starts at 616664 ends at 617317 length 434 (octal), 284. (decimal)
RELB.0 616664 Global Relocatable RELBUV 600000036 Global Absolute
ZOUTBL 616723 Global Relocatable DMPMAI 617030 Global Relocatable
INIRLB 617044 Global Relocatable DMPRLB 617060 Global Relocatable
LSTRLW 617124 Global Relocatable ZOUTMS 617142 Global Relocatable
ZOUTSY 617156 Global Relocatable ZOUTOC 617174 Global Relocatable
RADIX5 617212 Global Relocatable ZOUDEC 617236 Global Relocatable
ZOUOFF 617271 Global Relocatable RELB.1 617310 Global Relocatable Suppressed
RELB.C 617310 Global Relocatable RELB.L 617313 Global Relocatable
DEBU.. from DSK:DEBUG.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:54:00
Low segment starts at 6606 ends at 6636 length 31 (octal), 25. (decimal)
High segment starts at 617320 ends at 617715 length 376 (octal), 254. (decimal)
DEBU.0 617320 Global Relocatable DEBUGV 600000050 Global Absolute
INIFDD 617320 Global Relocatable XCTFDD 617334 Global Relocatable
DEFISN 617352 Global Relocatable ENDISN 617431 Global Relocatable
INIISN 617462 Global Relocatable ZOUDLB 617474 Global Relocatable
DUMPDI 617516 Global Relocatable CGDIMB 617554 Global Relocatable
DEBU.1 617673 Global Relocatable Suppressed DEBU.C 617673 Global Relocatable
DEBU.L 617701 Global Relocatable DEBU.O 6606 Global Relocatable
VLTP.. from DSK:VLTPPR.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:34:00
Low segment starts at 6637 ends at 6650 length 12 (octal), 10. (decimal)
High segment starts at 617716 ends at 621023 length 1106 (octal), 582. (decimal)
VLTP.0 617716 Global Relocatable VLTPPV 600000063 Global Absolute
EXPRTY 617716 Global Relocatable ASGNTY 620265 Global Relocatable
CNVNOD 620423 Global Relocatable TPCDMY 620600 Global Relocatable
VLTP.1 620641 Global Relocatable Suppressed VLTP.C 620641 Global Relocatable
VLTP.L 620651 Global Relocatable VLTP.P 620715 Global Relocatable
VLTP.O 6637 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 26
OUTM.. from DSK:OUTMOD.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:34:00
Low segment starts at 6651 ends at 6653 length 3 (octal), 3. (decimal)
High segment starts at 621024 ends at 624262 length 3237 (octal), 1695. (decimal)
OUTM.0 621024 Global Relocatable OUTMOV 600000125 Global Absolute
LSTHDR 621024 Global Relocatable OUTDAT 621042 Global Relocatable
LISTSY 621123 Global Relocatable SUBPRO 621156 Global Relocatable
HDRSAA 621245 Global Relocatable ALLSCA 621253 Global Relocatable
ALLCOM 621454 Global Relocatable ALLOCA 621607 Global Relocatable
DMPFOR 621630 Global Relocatable ALLFOR 621666 Global Relocatable
PROCCO 621705 Global Relocatable EQERRL 621752 Global Relocatable
GROUPT 622015 Global Relocatable LINKGR 622157 Global Relocatable
ELISTS 622205 Global Relocatable EQCALL 622653 Global Relocatable
GRPSCA 622750 Global Relocatable PROCEQ 623036 Global Relocatable
ALCCON 623460 Global Relocatable HDRTMP 623626 Global Relocatable
ALCTMP 623634 Global Relocatable HISEGB 623774 Global Relocatable
RELINI 624025 Global Relocatable OUTM.1 624070 Global Relocatable Suppressed
OUTM.C 624070 Global Relocatable OUTM.L 624111 Global Relocatable
OUTM.P 624175 Global Relocatable OUTM.O 6651 Global Relocatable
PH3G.. from DSK:PH3G.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:36:00
Low segment starts at 6654 ends at 6727 length 54 (octal), 44. (decimal)
High segment starts at 624263 ends at 633745 length 7463 (octal), 3891. (decimal)
PH3G.0 624263 Global Relocatable PH3GV 600000376 Global Absolute
MRP3G 633111 Global Relocatable PH3G.F 633563 Global Relocatable
PH3G.1 633567 Global Relocatable Suppressed PH3G.C 633567 Global Relocatable
PH3G.L 633605 Global Relocatable PH3G.P 633737 Global Relocatable
PH3G.O 6654 Global Relocatable
ARRX.. from DSK:ARRXPN.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 10:29:00
Low segment starts at 6730 ends at 6753 length 24 (octal), 20. (decimal)
High segment starts at 633746 ends at 634737 length 772 (octal), 506. (decimal)
ARRX.0 633746 Global Relocatable ARRXPV 600000065 Global Absolute
ARRXPN 633746 Global Relocatable PROARR 634334 Global Relocatable
DATASU 634505 Global Relocatable LEGLDA 634567 Global Relocatable
ONLST 634647 Global Relocatable ARRX.1 634674 Global Relocatable Suppressed
ARRX.C 634674 Global Relocatable ARRX.L 634676 Global Relocatable
ARRX.O 6730 Global Relocatable
VER5.. from DSK:VER5.REL[31,5306] created by BLISS-10 on 3-Dec-81 at 11:29:00
High segment starts at 634740 ends at 636275 length 1336 (octal), 734. (decimal)
VER5.0 634740 Global Relocatable VER5V 600000006 Global Absolute
ZTREE 635360 Global Relocatable UNBUSY 635417 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 27
DOTORF 635462 Global Relocatable DOTOFI 636062 Global Relocatable
DFCLEA 636201 Global Relocatable VER5.F 636232 Global Relocatable
VER5.1 636234 Global Relocatable Suppressed VER5.L 636234 Global Relocatable
.SCAN from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
Low segment starts at 6754 ends at 7605 length 632 (octal), 410. (decimal)
High segment starts at 636276 ends at 644777 length 6502 (octal), 3394. (decimal)
E.DSI 641322 Global Relocatable E.FMI 637400 Global Relocatable
E.FMO 637376 Global Relocatable E.ILSC 637403 Global Relocatable
E.INCL 637402 Global Relocatable E.SVNG 641334 Global Relocatable
E.SVR 641336 Global Relocatable E.SVTL 641332 Global Relocatable
E.UKK 641312 Global Relocatable F.NAM 7367 Global Relocatable
N.CORE 7041 Global Relocatable N.EZER 7040 Global Relocatable Suppressed
N.OFFS 7042 Global Relocatable N.ZER 7017 Global Relocatable Suppressed
%%%SCN 7 Global Absolute Suppressed %%SCAN 702000572 Global Absolute Suppressed
.ALDON 637361 Global Relocatable .ASCQC 642526 Global Relocatable
.ASCQW 642525 Global Relocatable .BLOKC 642355 Global Relocatable
.BLOKW 642354 Global Relocatable .CCLRB 643616 Global Relocatable
.CKNEG 642520 Global Relocatable .CLRBF 643620 Global Relocatable
.CLRFL 637663 Global Relocatable .CLSNS 640163 Global Relocatable
.COREC 642364 Global Relocatable .COREW 642363 Global Relocatable
.DATIC 641436 Global Relocatable .DATIF 641406 Global Relocatable
.DATIG 641407 Global Relocatable .DATIM 641435 Global Relocatable
.DATIP 641422 Global Relocatable .DATIQ 641423 Global Relocatable
.DECNC 642423 Global Relocatable .DECNW 642422 Global Relocatable
.FILIN 637575 Global Relocatable .FMSG 643513 Global Relocatable
.FMSGD 643525 Global Relocatable .FMSGE 643563 Global Relocatable
.FMSGF 643545 Global Relocatable .FMSGN 643521 Global Relocatable
.FMSGO 643531 Global Relocatable .FMSGX 643572 Global Relocatable
.GTIND 637432 Global Relocatable .GTSPC 640030 Global Relocatable
.ISCAN 636276 Entry Relocatable .KEYWD 640176 Global Relocatable
.KLIND 643447 Global Relocatable .LASWD 7552 Global Relocatable
.LEFTX 642343 Global Relocatable .MKPJN 636430 Global Relocatable
.MNRET 643660 Global Relocatable .MONRT 643651 Global Relocatable
.MYPPN 6754 Global Relocatable .NAME 642250 Global Relocatable
.NAMEC 642136 Global Relocatable .NAMEW 642135 Global Relocatable
.NMUE 7551 Global Relocatable Suppressed .NMUL 7514 Global Relocatable
.NOCTC 642124 Global Relocatable .NOCTW 642123 Global Relocatable
.OCTNC 642457 Global Relocatable .OCTNW 642456 Global Relocatable
.OSCAN 637052 Global Relocatable .OSDFS 640130 Global Relocatable
.PSCAN 637242 Global Relocatable .QSCAN 637260 Global Relocatable
.QUOTE 7016 Global Relocatable .REEAT 643044 Global Relocatable
.RUNCM 637505 Global Relocatable .SCANL 632 Global Absolute Suppressed
.SCANZ 6754 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SENEG 642514 Global Relocatable
.SIXMC 642566 Global Relocatable .SIXMW 642565 Global Relocatable
.SIXQC 642562 Global Relocatable .SIXQW 642561 Global Relocatable
.SIXSC 642546 Global Relocatable .SIXSW 642545 Global Relocatable
.STOPN 643510 Global Relocatable .SWASQ 642525 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.SWCOR 640456 Global Relocatable .SWDEC 640452 Global Relocatable
.SWDON 646230 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SWDPB 640673 Global Relocatable
.SWDTF 641406 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SWDTM 641435 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 28
.SWDTP 641422 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SWFIL 640460 Global Relocatable
.SWHLP 640605 Global Relocatable .SWMAX 640660 Global Relocatable
.SWOCT 640454 Global Relocatable .SWSIX 642545 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.SWSXM 642565 Global Relocatable Suppressed .SWSXQ 642561 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.TERRP 643670 Global Relocatable .TIALT 642636 Global Relocatable
.TIAUC 642624 Global Relocatable .TICAN 642611 Global Relocatable
.TICHE 643077 Global Relocatable .TICHG 642640 Global Relocatable
.TICHR 642706 Global Relocatable .TICHT 643071 Global Relocatable
.TICQT 642632 Global Relocatable .TIGET 643127 Global Relocatable
.TIMUC 642625 Global Relocatable .TISQT 642635 Global Relocatable
.TSCAN 636521 Global Relocatable .TYPRE 643160 Global Relocatable
.VERSC 642253 Global Relocatable .VERSW 642252 Global Relocatable
.VSCAN 636773 Global Relocatable
.VERBO from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
Low segment starts at 7606 ends at 7607 length 2 (octal), 2. (decimal)
High segment starts at 645000 ends at 645067 length 70 (octal), 56. (decimal)
.ERMSA 645001 Entry Relocatable .ERMSG 645000 Entry Relocatable
.FLCBF 7607 Global Relocatable .FLVRB 7606 Global Relocatable
.VERBO 645047 Entry Relocatable .VRBOL 2 Global Absolute Suppressed
.VRBOZ 7606 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.TNEWL from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
.TNEWL 645437 Global Relocatable Suppressed
.TOUTS from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
Low segment starts at 7610 ends at 7610 length 1 (octal), 1. (decimal)
High segment starts at 645070 ends at 645605 length 516 (octal), 334. (decimal)
GUIDL. 12 Global Absolute Suppressed GUIDM. 777777777766 Global Absolute Suppressed
GUIDT. 645351 Global Relocatable .TASTR 645524 Global Relocatable
.TBLOK 645416 Global Relocatable .TCHAR 645535 Global Relocatable
.TCOLN 645526 Global Relocatable .TCOMA 645530 Global Relocatable
.TCORW 645422 Global Relocatable .TCRLF 645437 Global Relocatable
.TDATE 645231 Global Relocatable .TDATN 645230 Global Relocatable
.TDEC2 645264 Global Relocatable .TDECW 645474 Global Relocatable
.TDIRB 645133 Global Relocatable .TDTTM 645221 Global Relocatable
.TFBLK 645111 Global Relocatable .TFCHR 645273 Global Relocatable
.TMOHW 645201 Global Relocatable .TOCTW 645473 Global Relocatable
.TOLEB 645072 Global Relocatable .TOUTL 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
.TOUTZ 7610 Global Relocatable Suppressed .TPPNW 645446 Global Relocatable
.TRBRK 645454 Global Relocatable .TRDXW 645475 Global Relocatable
.TSIXN 645456 Global Relocatable .TSPAC 645534 Global Relocatable
.TSTRG 645514 Global Relocatable .TTABC 645532 Global Relocatable
.TTIME 645247 Global Relocatable .TTIMN 645246 Global Relocatable
.TVERW 645363 Global Relocatable .TXWDW 645465 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 29
.TXWWW 645172 Global Relocatable .TYOCH 645070 Entry Relocatable
.STOPB from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
High segment starts at 645606 ends at 645741 length 134 (octal), 92. (decimal)
.STOPB 645606 Entry Relocatable
.CNTDT from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
High segment starts at 645742 ends at 646100 length 137 (octal), 95. (decimal)
.CNTDT 645742 Entry Relocatable .CNVDT 646021 Entry Relocatable
.GTNOW 646013 Entry Relocatable
.GTPUT from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
High segment starts at 646101 ends at 646172 length 72 (octal), 58. (decimal)
.GTWRD 646137 Entry Relocatable .ISLGI 646157 Entry Relocatable
.LKNAM 646101 Entry Relocatable .MKMSK 646150 Entry Relocatable
.PTWRD 646144 Entry Relocatable
.SAVE from REL:SCAN.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
High segment starts at 646173 ends at 646247 length 55 (octal), 45. (decimal)
.POP4T 646242 Entry Relocatable .POPJ 646231 Entry Relocatable
.POPJ1 646230 Entry Relocatable .PSH4T 646233 Entry Relocatable
.SAVE1 646173 Entry Relocatable .SAVE2 646200 Entry Relocatable
.SAVE3 646206 Entry Relocatable .SAVE4 646215 Entry Relocatable
.SAVX4 646223 Global Relocatable
.WILD from REL:WILD.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 17-Jul-80 at 9:59:00
Low segment starts at 7611 ends at 10217 length 407 (octal), 263. (decimal)
High segment starts at 646250 ends at 651574 length 3325 (octal), 1749. (decimal)
B.DC 10215 Global Relocatable E.DFL 650267 Global Relocatable
E.DFO 650245 Global Relocatable E.LKEN 650273 Global Relocatable
E.SCL 647750 Global Relocatable E.SCO 647740 Global Relocatable
%%WILD 700000311 Global Absolute Suppressed .CHKTA 647164 Global Relocatable
.CHKTM 647160 Global Relocatable .INSTR 650640 Global Relocatable
.LKERR 650402 Global Relocatable .LKWLD 646250 Entry Relocatable
.NXDTW 650227 Global Relocatable .NXSTR 650767 Global Relocatable
.SCWLD 647443 Entry Relocatable .TFILB 650470 Global Relocatable
.TFILE 650473 Global Relocatable .WIFIR 7672 Global Relocatable
.WILAS 7673 Global Relocatable .WILDL 407 Global Absolute Suppressed
.WILDZ 7611 Global Relocatable Suppressed .WLDBF 7742 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 30
.WLDFL 7662 Global Relocatable
.HELPR from REL:HELPER.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
High segment starts at 651575 ends at 651732 length 136 (octal), 94. (decimal)
HELPER 651575 Entry Relocatable %HELPR 500000041 Global Absolute Suppressed
.HELPR 651576 Entry Relocatable
Index to LINK symbol map of SINGLE version 6(1144) page 31
Name Page Name Page Name Page Name Page
ACT0.. 10 EXOSUP 1 MOVA.. 17 STA0.. 8
ACT1.. 10 EXPR.. 8 OPGNTA 20 STA1.. 8
ALCB.. 23 FAZ1.. 7 OPTA.. 19 STA2.. 9
ARRX.. 26 FLTGEN 7 OUTM.. 26 STA3.. 9
CANN.. 16 FORM.. 10 P2S1.. 13 STRE.. 22
CGDO.. 19 FTNCMD 13 P2S2.. 14 TSTR.. 18
CGEX.. 20 GCMN.. 17 P3R.. 25 UNEN.. 13
CGST.. 19 GLOB.. 2 PEEP.. 21 UTIL.. 7
CMPB.. 23 GNRC.. 8 PH2S.. 18 VER5.. 26
CMPL.. 22 GOP2.. 16 PH3G.. 26 VLTP.. 25
CNSTCM 5 GOPT.. 15 PHA2.. 18 .CNTDT 29
CODE.. 11 GRAP.. 16 PHA3.. 18 .GTPUT 29
COMS.. 17 INOU.. 11 PNRO.. 18 .HELPR 30
DATA.. 24 INPT.. 15 PSEUDO 5 .SAVE 29
DEBU.. 25 IOPT.. 15 REGA.. 24 .SCAN 27
DEFP.. 16 LEXI.. 12 REGU.. 24 .STOPB 29
DOAL.. 23 LEXS.. 11 RELB.. 25 .TNEWL 28
DRIV.. 13 LIST.. 12 SKST.. 14 .VERBO 28
ERR3 4 MAIN.. 2 SRCA.. 5 .WILD 29
ERRO.. 5 MEMC.. 14
[End of LINK map of SINGLE]