
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-F492Z-DD_1986 - 1,4/bootdx.exe
There are 10 other files named bootdx.exe in the archive. Click here to see a list.
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&<,~(	kH]	 8 "# B	+? TRPSET failed

&;+$? Illegal DX10 channel number

&>+2|~? Can't do both /LOAD and /START

&C+27 ^6 ^+H+T? Can't OPEN the input device

&J+2Ibn  " B\+U? Error while clearing memory.

&P+$,)+2" DX10 loading
	2x`/B`!$*7+Q? LOOKUP failed

&Z+2? Cannot find leader

&]+$? First word not an address

&a+$? Checksum does not match

&e+$H0	1? Verify error at   ,has   ,should have ? Verify error

&n+$" DX10 loaded.
" DX10 started.
? End-of-line missing

&v+$? Checksums do not agree

&z+$+}? Can't /DUMP a DX20

&+2? Can't /LOAD and /DUMP at the same time

&+2? Can't /CLEAR and /DUMP at the same time

&+2? Can't OPEN the output device

&2? ENTER failed

/-Jan--Feb--Mar--Apr--May--Jun--Jul--Aug--Sep--Oct--Nov--Dec-" DX10 dumping
Micro-code version: )   ECO: 	.   SER: $	.IBUS Registers,+B:	+3b:x,~cG,>*+<
kx,>,+<; $86 Dx+<=x,>/+<\6\0"E;1;0;6;0>P;V<;P>V:x|y? Output device error

&;+$File: ? Command error--type /H for help

&?+2,h+$? Can't specify both /DX10 and /DX20

&E+2(?pJE>~I? Ambiguous switch or value -- Type /H for help

&L+2? Unknown switch or value -- Type /H for help

&R+2H? Illegal 2nd character

&Y+$? Trash in file

&]+$? Input file read error

&`+$? Unexpected EOF

&d+$,+? File not in A8 format

&h+$% Unable to restrict execution to specified CPU
,+? File not in correct A8 format

&r+$" Micro-code version: )
? No DX10 channel on specified CPU

&z+2? Cannot halt DX10

&+$" Clearing DX10
? CPMA incr error. CPMA =   should be = ? Invalid starting address

+$? Cannot start DX10

&+$? Specified RH20 does not exist

&+$? Specified device is not a DX20

pp? More than 1 DX20 found - use /UNIT switch

&+$P	? No DX20 found

&#+$x	" Clearing DX20
? Second LOOKUP on file failed

&(+$CRAM? CRAM parity error during verification

&-+$Working memory" DX20 loaded.
" DX20 started.
Micro code version (?  verification error at , has , should have 	? 1st character wrong in dataline

&A+$? 2nd character wrong in dataline

&F+$? format error in dataline

&K+$ @	? too many words in dataline

&O+$? checksum error in dataline

&T+$@	% RAE error on write to RH20
% RAE error on read of RH20
%  CPE or TRA error on read of RH20

DX20 Selected: RH20= DX20=Ibl8 Ibl9$tHtJtFtBtXtZtVtRH0	100	10	1# p,>,>,>,>( QDx@,>,>,>,>7!&>9Z(
+p!$@f@e$+r0D	1D
` +	?$x+r` `B+"
"+u-"IOE I/O error reading help file-"NHF No .HLP file on SYS:
&\$	d $ad`l$``dl$@`d 
& /,^ZB([	b+ ,^,^,^,~Q3hii~:"".Bx+u%HLR; I'm sorry, I can't help you