
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-F492Z-DD_1986 - 1,4/kill.exe
There are 8 other files named kill.exe in the archive. Click here to see a list.
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Storage buffer overflowedMissing argumentIllegal job number givenIllegal tty number givenIllegal PPN givenNo argument is requiredPpn is not requiredMust specify job, tty, or "*"
?  for "" command

a commandHan argument
? Illegal character "/" found while reading 

? Unknown command "
? Ambiguous command "" - type "HELP" for help

*R	d
? Run uuo failed to user program
$Job $1$2 stopped
Attaching job $1$2
Job $1$2 detached
,Unable to write TMPCOR file for LOGOUT - proceeding anyway
? RUN uuo to LOGOUT failed !!!!
+Y>=}:U"Job $1$5 logged out
Job $1 zapped
?% Unable to POKE privileges on
.H6$? Fatal error $4 - ? Can't get core for PTY buffers for job $1$2
? Could not get a PTY to use for $1$2
? ATTACH uuo failed for job $1$2 $4
? IONDX. uuo failed for PTY to use for $1$2 $4
? GETTAB uuo failed while processing job $1$2 $4
? JOBSTS uuo failed for job $1$2 $4
? Job $1$2 is running $3 instead of LOGOUT
? Job $1$2 is stopped instead of logging out
? Job $1$2 has gone into a TI wait running $3
? Job $1$2 is no longer on our PTY
? Couldn't stop job $1$2 running $3
? Job $1$2 has changed PPNs
? Job $1$2 is running $3 which is JACCT'd
? Can't zap logged in job $1$2
? Can't zap non detached job $1$2
? Job $1 is myself
? Illegal job number given
? Job $1 is not assigned
? PPN of job $1$2 isn't what you specified
? You can not hurt job $1$2
? Unable to create a process for job $1$2
? Illegal TTY number given
? DEVTYP uuo failed
? TTY is not controlling a job
? Failed to zap job $1$2
? Failed to stop job $1$2
? Multiple jobs specified for ATTACH function
? Can't attach back to a PTY
? Tty to attach back to is in use
? You can't send messages to job $1$2
? Can't attach job $1$2 since I am in monitor mode
? Can't attach job $1$2 since I am a batch job
? Can't attach job $1$2 since I am detached
? You cannot hurt batch job $1$2
? TRMOP uuo failed to output to job $1$2
? Can't output message to detached job $1$2
? You are not privileged to use the MEAN command
? No jobs found
Illegal LUUO executed
CTLJOB uuo failed
GETTAB uuo failed
IONDX. uuo failed
Illegal function number
OPEN failed for CCL file
INPUT uuo failed for CCL file
CCL file LOOKUP error
Too many jobs for tables - reassemble with larger MAXJOB
HIBER uuo failed
CCL format is not correct version
TMPCOR Uuo failed to write error file
at PC (blank)H $(+%@ $1	DET% SW            *00B0B0B
% INPUT error reading help file

% Unable to find any help file, sorry