
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-F493Z-DD_1986 - 10,7/ddbdpy.mac
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	SUBTTL	Initialization  Rex W. Shadrick  /DVB/DRB/RWS/TW/JMS  21-Dec-80

; This routine is set up to scan 702 or 703 disk DDB chains and
; output some useful information.  This routine is set up to
; drive an ASR33, Mini-Bee, Hazeltine 2000, Hazeltine Modular-One,
; LSI ADM-1, LSI ADM-3, DEC VT05, DEC VT50, DEC VT52, DEC VT61 or DEC VT100
; terminal.

;Search some universal files

	SEARCH	MACTEN		;Get some macros
	SEARCH	UUOSYM		;Get some nice symbols			[274]

;Make the listing look nice

	SALL			;Suppress macro expansion
	.DIREC	FLBLST		;Suppress multi-line binary		[277]

;Define the version number

DDBVER==6	;Version 6 of DDBDPY					[274]
DDBMIN==0	;Minor version number					[274]
DDBWHO==1	;Last editor						[274]
DDBEDT==302	;Last edit number					[274]

	LOC	137

.JBVER:	VRSN.	DDB		;Store the version number		[274]

	TWOSEG			;Setup two segment relocation		[274]
	SUBTTL	Table of Contents

;		     Table of Contents for DDBDPY
;				  Section		      Page
;    1. History
;        1.1    Revisions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
;        1.2    Suggestions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
;    2. Definitions
;        2.1    Conditional Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
;        2.2    Constant Values  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
;        2.3    Macros
;            2.3.1    .MNVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
;            2.3.2    .TITLE, .DSPCL and .DSPTB  . . . . . . .  20
;            2.3.3    .HLPTX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
;            2.3.4    .ASPAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
;    3. Program Initalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
;    4. The DDB Scanning Loop  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
;    5. Make the Header Line and Output the Buffer . . . . . .  37
;    6. Command Scanner
;        6.1    Read the Command Character . . . . . . . . . .  40
;        6.2    The Command Dispatch Table . . . . . . . . . .  41
;        6.3    The Command Processors . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
;    7. Input Routines
;        7.1    SCAN - Input a File Specification  . . . . . .  48
;        7.2    OCTIN/DECIN - Input a Number . . . . . . . . .  52
;        7.3    WLDOCT - Input a Wild Octal Number . . . . . .  53
;        7.4    WLDSIX - Input Wild SIXBIT . . . . . . . . . .  54
;        7.5    CLRLIN - Clear to End of Line  . . . . . . . .  55
;        7.6    TSTEOL - Test of End-of-Line Character . . . .  56
;    8. Output Routines
;        8.1    PPNOUT/PPNJST - Output a PPN . . . . . . . . .  57
;        8.2    OCTOUT/DECOUT/OCTJST/DECJST  . . . . . . . . .  58
;        8.3    CHROUT - Output a Character  . . . . . . . . .  59
;        8.4    PRVOUT - Output a Protection . . . . . . . . .  60
;        8.5    JUST - Justify the Output  . . . . . . . . . .  61
;        8.6    ASCOUT - Output an ASCIZ String  . . . . . . .  62
;        8.7    SIXOUT - Output a SIXBIT Word  . . . . . . . .  63
;        8.8    TTLLIN - Set Up for the Title Line . . . . . .  64
;        8.9    BEGLIN - Set up for a Display Line . . . . . .  65
;        8.10   ENDLIN - Finish off a Display Line . . . . . .  66
;        8.11   COMOUT - Output a Comma  . . . . . . . . . . .  67
;        8.12   CLNOUT - Output a Colon  . . . . . . . . . . .  68
;        8.13   LBROUT, RBROUT - Output a Bracket  . . . . . .  69
;        8.14   SLHOUT - Output a Slash  . . . . . . . . . . .  70
;        8.15   SPAOUT - Output a Space  . . . . . . . . . . .  71
;    9. Output Routines - STROUT - Output a Structure Name and  72
	SUBTTL	Table of Contents (page 2)

;		     Table of Contents for DDBDPY
;				  Section		      Page
;   10. Output Routines
;       10.1    SCALE - Scale a Decimal Number . . . . . . . .  73
;       10.2    TIMOUT - Output a Time . . . . . . . . . . . .  74
;       10.3    TWOOUT - Output Atleast Two Digits . . . . . .  75
;       10.4    SIXJST - Output a Justified SIXBIT Word  . . .  76
;       10.5    JOBOUT - Output Some Job Status  . . . . . . .  77
;       10.6    CMDOUT - Output the Command String . . . . . .  90
;       10.7    SPCOUT - Output a File Specification . . . . .  92
;       10.8    WPPOUT - Output a Wild PPN . . . . . . . . . .  93
;       10.9    WOCOUT - Output a wild octal number  . . . . .  94
;   11. Display Initalization
;       11.1    TRMDSP - Get the Default Terminal Type . . . .  95
;       11.2    SETDSP - Set up Display Size . . . . . . . . .  96
;   12. Useful Routines
;       12.1    HGHSIZ/LOWSIZ - Get a Segment Size . . . . . .  97
;       12.2    ADJTIM - Convert UDT to Jiffies  . . . . . . .  98
;       12.3    PAGADJ - Page Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . .  99
;       12.4    TSTABR - Test for an Abbreviation  . . . . . . 100
;       12.5    RSTTRM - Restore Terminal Characteristics  . . 101
;   13. DDB Scanning Routines
;       13.1    FNDSTR - Find a Structure Name . . . . . . . . 102
;       13.2    GETLDB - Map a LDB Page into Core  . . . . . . 103
;       13.3    MAPSTR - Map a STR given its Pointer . . . . . 104
;       13.4    GETUNI - Get a UNI from the DDB Pointer  . . . 105
;       13.5    GETBLK - Map a Data Structure  . . . . . . . . 106
;       13.6    FUNWRD - Get a Word from Funny Space . . . . . 109
;       13.7    MAPFUN - Map a Job's Funny Space . . . . . . . 110
;       13.8    MAPUPT - Map a Job's UPT . . . . . . . . . . . 111
;   14. DDB Test Routines
;       14.1    TSTPRG - Test for Program  . . . . . . . . . . 112
;       14.2    TSTNOT - Test for NOT Logged-In  . . . . . . . 113
;       14.3    TSTLOG - Test for Logged-In  . . . . . . . . . 114
;       14.4    TSTFIL - Test for a File Specification . . . . 115
;       14.5    TSTJOB - Test for a Job  . . . . . . . . . . . 116
;   15. Display Routines
;       15.1    TRMCLR - Clear the Screen  . . . . . . . . . . 117
;       15.2    TRMEOS - Clear to End of Screen  . . . . . . . 118
;       15.3    TRMEOL - Clear to End of Line  . . . . . . . . 119
;       15.4    TRMHOM - Home the Screen . . . . . . . . . . . 120
;   16. The Error Message Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
;   17. Data/Storage
;       17.1    High Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
;       17.2    Low Segment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
;   18. The End  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
	SUBTTL	History -- Revisions

; Edit	  Date			Comment
;  ***	27-May-75  Change the major version number from 4 to 5.
;  134	27-May-75  Add support for the Hazeltine-2000, DEC VT05B, LSI
;		   ADM-1 and DEC VT50 terminals.
;  135	28-May-75  Replace the macro '.TTYDP' with the file
;  136  29-May-75  Add the option to change the display back to the
;		   default display for this terminal.
;  137  29-May-75  List spooled device DDBs.
;  140  04-Jun-75  Change the title line and remove the "I" command.
;  141  04-Jun-75  Add support for the 602 monitor.
;  142	04-Jun-75  Change the output under the 'OTH' column.
;  143  04-Jun-75  More of edit 141.
;  144	06-Jun-75  Improve the Control-C (^C) intercept routine and
;		   remove the "L" and "T" commands.
;  145	06-Jun-75  More of edit 135.
;  146	19-Sep-75  Display the entered spooled name (602), allow "J"
;		   command if not [1,2] (but only look at the job if
;		   logged in under the same programmer number) and
;		   change the "P" command to the "L" command.
;  147	20-Oct-75  Add the "K" command which kills the display and
;		   LOGOUTs the job.
;  150  23-Oct-75  Add a debugging aid.
;  151  04-Nov-75  Add support to display the entire path of the file
;		   being displayed and add "P" command to display this
;		   information.
;  152  05-Nov-75  Rewrite subroutines 'SCAN' and 'TSTFIL'.
;  153  07-Nov-75  Add some small goodies and fix some minor bugs.
;  154  07-Nov-75  Rewrite subroutine 'FNDSTR' and display the mount
;		   count.
;  155  10-Nov-75  Display the current command string being processed.
; Edit	  Date			Comment
;  156  10-Nov-75  Allow a space between commands.
;  157  18-Nov-75  Make the "K" command restore the line characteristics
;		   before the RUN UUO is executed.
;  160  05-Dec-75  Change the "J" command to display more information
;		   about the job.
;  161  10-Dec-75  More of edit 160.
;  162  10-Dec-75  Remove 506 support (too many questionable symbols)
;		   and don't allow subjobs to run DDBDPY.
;  163  12-Dec-75  Add DEC VT52 support and don't allow the title
;		   buffer to overflow.
;  164  18-Dec-75  Replace the allocated length by the unit status
;		   (i.e. idle, seek, seek wait, position, ...) and
;		   the LOOKUP count.
;  165  23-Dec-75  Reenable the old "T" Command  (complement the output
;		   of the title line), get the jiffies per second from
;		   the monitor and do one update and pause on an ESCAPE.
;  166  21-Jan-76  More of edit 165 - timout was outputting the parts
;		   of a second incorrectly.
;  167  25-Jan-76  Correct the core size of a job on a VM monitor.
;  170  19-Mar-76  Put the allocated length back and fix the six
;		   digit PPN problem.
;  171  24-Mar-76  Under the 'OTH' column output an 'I' for input wait
;		   or an 'O' for output wait and clear the terminal
;		   input buffer on a 'K' command.
;  172  26-Mar-76  Fix the Hazeltine clear to the end-of-screen routine.
;  173  05-Apr-76  Change the sleep time after 10 scans.
;  174  21-Apr-76  More of edit 173.
;  175  28-Apr-76  Allow lower case commands.
;  176  04-May-76  Add support for the Hazeltine "Modular One".
;  177  17-May-76  Search MACTEN and UUOSYM instead of C.
;  200  28-Jun-76  Allow a tab as a break character between commands.
;  201  28-Jun-76  Add the rescan code.
; Edit	  Date			Comment
;  202  11-Aug-76  Do a little more code clean up.
;  203  01-Sep-76  Allow only privileged users to run DDBDPY and more
;		   of edit 201.
;  204  15-Oct-76  Add support for the 603 monitor, add support for
;		   the LSI ADM-3 and DEC VT61 terminals, and improve
;		   edit 173.
;  205  26-Oct-76  Improve the DDB to output code.
;  206  30-Nov-76  Change the default PPN specification for the
;		   F, J and L commands:
;			[OPR]	->  [*,*]
;		      [non-OPR] -> [*,PRG]
;  207  22-Feb-77  Don't clear the terminal input buffer on a "^Z"
;		   or "^C" and clear to the end of the command line
;		   on "K" command.
;  210  22-Feb-77  More of edit 204 (603 monitor support).
;  211  23-Feb-77  Change the file specification for the 'INI' file,
;  212  10-Mar-77  Allow DDBDPY to run as a subjob, but not a batch
;		   or MIC subjob.
;  213  14-Mar-77  Add a little 2741 support, allow "<" and ">" around
;		   the PPN specification.
;  214  06-May-77  Output an 'S' If the structure is mounted single
;		   access, in the header, and change 'RD' to 'RED' and
;		   'WT' to 'WRT', in the job display.
;  215  06-May-77  Put in a check for a null structure name.
;  216  13-May-77  Add a third line to the job display.
;  217  18-May-77  Change LSI and LSI3 to ADM1 and ADM3 respectively,
;		   to be consistent with TECO %124.
;  220  19-May-77  Fix a bug in the path mode output.
;  221  20-May-77  Output the user's active search list on a 'J' command.
;  222  20-May-77  Add support for the node/line convension in
;		   'DISPLA.INI'.
; Edit	  Date			Comment
;  223  24-May-77  On the job display output event wait codes:
;			TK - (1) Tape kontroller wait
;			TR - (2) Tape rewind wait
;			LP - (3) Label processing wait
;			NW - (4) Network wait
;			IP - (5) IPCF system process receive wait
;			FI - (6) Front end device input wait
;			FO - (7) Front end device output wait
;			D6 - (10) DAS60 device wait
;  224  26-May-77  On the job display output the smaller of the two,
;		   free on the structure or LOGIN quota.
;  225  02-Jun-77  On start-up always reset the sleep time after 10
;		   scans.
;  226  02-Jul-77  Search STCMAC to get the $VRSN and $TITLE macros.
;  227  03-Jul-77  Add the "N" command, display jobs not logged-in
;		   under this PPN, the default PPN is the user's.
;  230  18-Jul-77  Add support for super-mode I/O.
;  231  18-Jul-77  Add support for ERSATZ Devices:
;		      SYS:*.EXE  -> ALL:*.EXE[1,4]
;		      SYSA:*.SHR -> DSKA:*.SHR[1,4]
;  232  19-Jul-77  Allow users with SPY privileges to have Godliness.
;  233  19-Jul-77  Change the "P" command to "E" command for 'Extended'
;		   status and output the logical name, protection code
;		   and I/O mode.
;  234  20-Jul-77  Add a new "P" command which output only DDBDPY that
;		   from jobs running a program.
;  235  21-Jul-77  Remove some questionable conditional code.
;  236  21-Jul-77  Add support for 'ALL' in 'SYS:DISPLA.INI':
;		     ALL_OPR:VT50 -> On all nodes, OPR is a VT50
;		     XXX_ALL:VT52 -> On node XXX all terminals are
;					VT52s
;		     ALL_ALL:VT05 -> On all nodes all terminals
;					are VT05s
;  237  09-Mar-78  Fix a bug in the display of the command buffer, "A"
;		   was being output as "J0".
;  240  09-Mar-78  Make ADM3s work if "TTY NO BLANK" is enabled.
;  241  09-Mar-78  Search STCUNV instead of STCMAC.
; Edit	  Date			Comment
;  242  09-Mar-78  Output the high segment name if it is different than
;		   the low segment name.
;  243  19-May-78  Add support for the Soroc IQ-120 terminal.
;  244  08-Sep-78  Make DDBDPY and TECO more compatiable in the use of
;		   terminal types in DISPLA.INI.
;  245  28-Sep-78  Output the low segment size correctly for non-sharable
;		   VM systems.
;  246  26-Oct-78  SL and HB are swapped in the job output.
;  ***  26-Oct-78  Change the major version number from 5 to 6
;  247  17-Apr-80  Add support for monitor version 700.
;  250  02-May-80  Do lots of code clean up.
;  251  07-May-80  Fix two bugs:
;		     1) LDRREM was defined wrong.
;		     2) When the terminal type (via TRMOP.) was
;			known, the input routine (INCHR) was
;			trashed.
;  252  07-May-80  Add support for the Datamedia 1521 (DM1521).
;  253  12-May-80  Put FTKL around some DDB definitions so that it will work
;		   on the 2020.  JMS @ CSM
;  254  12-May-80  Get the value of .PDJSL right for KL 701.  JMS @ CSM
;  255	09-Sep-80  Add feature-test ITTYPE.  If non-zero, use ITTYPE.REL to
;		   do the TRMOP. and/or read SYS:DISPLA.INI to get the terminal
;		   type.  ITTYPE also allows for aliases in DISPLA.INI, such
;		   as CRT=ADM3.  JMS @ CSM
;  256	16-Sep-80  ADP users running on CSM's 2020 need to be able to look at
;		   all DDBs without knowing the magic word.  Pretend that
;		   everybody running on that CPU is [1,2] by testing the CPU
;		   serial number for being 4275.  JMS @ CSM
;  257	16-Oct-80  Change default monitor version to 701.  Change
;		   IFE MONVER-603 to IFL MONVER-700 etc.
;  260  27-Oct-80  Can't get LDB information for a detached job, so
;		   don't output ICC/OCC/CMD information.
; Edit	  Date			Comment
;  261  15-Dec-80  If 7.01, make the DDBDPY run in 2 segments.
;  262  15-Dec-80  Make the ERSATZ device stuff work with 7.01.
;  263	 3-Feb-81  If a PAGE. UUO fails, reset the PDL and go back to DDBMAN.
;  264   5-Aug-81  Insert code for VT100 terminal.
;  265	24-Nov-81  Destroy all SPY pages so that RUN uuo to LOGOUT won't get
;		   "?1P of core needed".
;  266	14-May-85  Update for 7.02/7.03 and KL paging.
;  267	27-May-85  Convert more constants to symbols, rework the terminal 
;		   display stuff.
;  270	 3-Jun-85  Output the number of funny pages as part of the job's core
;		   size.
;  271	 3-Jun-85  Clean up the code that outputs structure names and free
;		   counts.
;  272	 3-Jun-85  Type the job's path after the character counts in th job
;		   display.
;  273	 8-Jun-85  Rework the display code and add lots of terminal name
;		   aliases.
;  274	10-Jun-85  Add hacks to allow this to be assembled with brain damaged
;		   MACRO.  This implies the removal of SYSUNV features.
;  275	12-Jun-85  Add the "O" command which will enable the display of swapped
;		   out DDBs.  Since this is expensive and requires the use of
;		   JOBPEK, require its use to those people who have poke privs
;		   or are logged in under [1,2]
;  276	17-Jun-85  Output the job's LIB: on a fourth job status line if one
;		   exists.
;  277  12-Sep-85  Do a little minor clean up here and there.
;  300  12-Sep-85  Add the "C" command, which will cycle through all the
;                  displayable DDBs.
;  301  15-Nov-85  Output the job's current context number as part of the
;		   second status line of the job display and as part of the
;		   extended file display.
;  302  15-Nov-85  Add .IOAS8 (eight bit ASCII mode) to the I/O modes table
;		   (MODTAB), even though it isn't possible to anything we
;		   type about.
;		** End of the Revision History **
	SUBTTL	History -- Suggestions

;    Date			Suggestion
;  27-May-75  Output the DDBs in order of oldest to newest.
;  10-Dec-75  Add split screen support (the upper half is for DDBDPY
;	      and the lower half is for an interactive subjob).
;  28-Apr-76  On VT05, VT50, VT52 and VT61 terminals clear to the E-O-L
;	      instead of clearing the line then typing the data.
;  22-Feb-77  Add support to scan 'SWITCH.INI'.
;  19-Jul-77  Output DTA (file name and next record) and MTA (next
;	      file and record).
;  12-May-80  Output spooling name (.RBSPL) for the extended path.
;  12-May-80  Output .RBSPL in the OTH column on normal display, so we can
;	      tell which file the spooler is working on.  (QXJ54Z.LPT=FOR06)
;  12-May-80  Ignore spaces between the comand and the argument (eg "P LPTSPL")
;  16-Oct-80  Exit on Control-C like SYSDPY does, by erasing only the bottom
;	      2 lines.  This leaves most of the display intact.
;		** End of the Suggestion History **
	SUBTTL	Definitions -- Conditional Values

;Define some conditional assembly values

	ND	FTMOUNT,-1	;Non-zero to display the mount count
	ND	FTSLEEP,-1	;Non-zero to adjust the sleep time
	ND	FTDEBUG,0	;Non-zero to allow a debugging aid
	ND	FTPRIV,0	;Non-zero to check privileges to run ddbdpy
	ND	FTPROG,-1	;Non-zero to make programmer number match
	ND	FTPROJ,0	;Non-zero to make project number match
	ND	FTKL,-1		;Non-zero for KL DDB definitions	[253]

;Define some conditional values

	ND	MONVER,703	;The version of the monitor DDBDPY will
				; run under
	ND	PDLSIZ,^D20	;The default size of the push down list
	ND	PATSIZ,^D50	;The default patch size when debugging
	ND	PASWRD,'HOST  '	;The password for the 'G' command
	ND	MAXSTR,^D4	;The default number of structures to be
				; typed on the title line
	ND	SLPSCN,^D10	;The sleep time counter
	ND	SLPDEF,^D5000	;The default hibernate time between scans
	ND	SLPMIN,^D30000	;The minimum sleep time without adjustment
	ND	SLPADJ,^D30000	;The new sleep time after adjustment
	ND	SLPPTY,^D60000	;The sleep time on a PTY
	ND	MAXLIN,^D26	;The default maximum number of lines
	ND	WHTSIZ,^D11	;The default command string buffer
	ND	LINLEN,^D75	;Default line length (including <CR><LF><0>) [273]
	ND	LINSIZ,^D15	;The default line size (5 char per word)
	ND	BUFSIZ,<LINSIZ*<MAXLIN-1>>  ;The size the line buffer
	ND	FSTPAG,210	;First randomly mappable page		[266]
	ND	TTLLNS,3	;Number of lines in the title		[267]
	ND	DDBMAX,46	;Maximum number of DDB words we want	[275]
	SUBTTL	Definitions -- Constant Values

;Define the accumulators

	F=0	;Flags
	T1=1	;Temporary AC
	T2=2	;Temporary AC
	T3=3	;Temporary AC
	T4=4	;Temporary AC
	T5=5	;Temporary AC
	P1=6	;Holds the current display type		(Permanent AC)
	P2=7	;Holds the link to the current DDB	(Permanent AC)
	P3=10	;Holds the link to the current ACC	(Permanent AC)
		; or the link to the current PDB	(Job display)
	P4=11	;Holds the link to the current AKB	(Permanent AC)
		; or the link to the current NMB
		; or the link to the current STR
		; or the job status			(Job display)
	P5=12	;Holds the link to the current PPB	(Permanent AC)
		; or the job or segment number		(Job display)
	C=13	;Holds a character
	CC=14	;Holds the column count
	LC=15	;Holds the line count
	BP=16	;Holds a byte pointer
	P=17	;Holds the push down pointer

;Define an I/O channel to the TTY and to the disk

	SYS==16		;I/O channel to SYS
	TTY==17		;I/O channel to the TTY
;Define some permanent flags for 'F' (left half)

	F.XTN==1B0	;If on, display the entire path (sign bit)
	F.HLP==1B1	;If on, give a help text
	F.INI==1B2	;If on, the program has be initalized
	F.WLD==1B3	;If on, check for a event to occur
	F.GOD==1B4	;If on, the job is privileged
	F.CLR==1B5	;If on, clear the screen before this scan
	F.DDT==1B6	;If on, DDT is loaded and don't do some goodies
	F.WHT==1B7	;If on, display the current command being processed
	F.JOB==1B8	;If on, using job display mode
	F.PAS==1B9	;If on, in pass one of the job display
	F.POK==1B10	;If on, we're allowed to do JOBPEKs		[275]
	F.PEK==1B11	;If on, we are doing JOBPEKs			[275]
	F.TTL==1B12	;If on, don't output the title line
	F.ESC==1B13	;If on, do an update and then pause
	F.RES==1B14	;If on, we are in rescan mode
	F.CYC==1B15	;If on, cycling through displayable DDBs	[300]

;Define some temporary flags for 'F' (right half)

	F.NOD==1B18	;If on, node name seen
	F.DEV==1B19	;If on, device name seen
	F.FIL==1b20	;If on, file name seen
	F.EXT==1B21	;If on, extension was seen
	F.PPN==1B22	;If on, PPN was seen
	F.AST==1B23	;If on, astrisk was seen
	F.DIG==1B24	;If on, a digit has been output
	F.NEG==1B25	;If on, a negative sign must be output
	F.LOW==1B26	;If on, get get the low segment size
	F.DCT==1B27	;If on, don't clear the terminal input buffer
	F.SUP==1B29	;If on, the file is for super-mode I/O
	F.SCN==1B30	;The path's /SCAN switch			[272]
	F.TMP==1B31	;Random temporary bit				[276]
;Define some status bits about the job or segment

	JS.RUN==1B0	;The job is runnable
	JS.CMW==1B1	;The job is in a command wait
	JS.JNA==1B3	;The job number is assigned
	JS.LOK==1B5	;The job is locked in core
	JS.SWP==1B7	;The job is swapped
	JS.NSH==1B8	;The job can't be shuffled
	JS.CLK==1B18	;The job has a clock request
	JS.JDC==1B20	;The job is in a DAEMON wait
	JS.DCE==1B22	;The job is waiting for a device to continue
	JS.SFL==1B33	;The job will pause on a disk full condition

	SS.SNA==1B0	;The segment number is assigned
	SS.SPY==1B0	;The segment is a SPY segment (GETSGN)		[266]
	SS.SHR==1B1	;The high segment is sharable

;Define some customer privilege bits

	JP.DPY==1B34	;The user has privileges to run DDBDPY
	JP.PAS==1B35	;The user can't change her password

; Define some other random monitor constants:

	SECMAP==540	;Section 0 map pointer offset in EPT/UPT	[266]
;Define some terminal flags (stored in the LH of P1)

TM%DUM==1B0		;The terminal is dumb (TTY, ADM3)		[273]
TM%EOL==1B1		;Clear to end of line works			[273]
TM%FIL==1B2		;Terminal needs to be filled			[273]
TM%CLR==1B3		;Terminal can clear screen (instead of home, ers) [273]
TM%LFS==1B4		;Spew lots of <CR><LF>s to clear to EOS		[273]
TM%PFX==37B13		;The prefix index				[273]
TM%LEN==177B20		;The terminal's length (in lines)		[273]
TM%WID==777B29		;The terminal's width (in characters)		[273]
TM%CLS==77B35		;The terminal's class				[273]

; Define some terminal class flags:

TTYFLG==TM%DUM!TM%CLR	;Flags for TTY					[273]
ADMFLG==TM%EOL!TM%FIL	;ADM-1,2 can clear to end of line		[273]
AD3FLG==TM%DUM!TM%LFS	;ADM3s need special attention			[273]
DM1FLG==TM%CLR!TM%EOL	;Datamedia 1521					[273]
IQ1FLG==ADMFLG!TM%CLR	;And an IQ-120 can clear the screen		[273]
HZLFLG==TM%FIL!TM%CLR	;Hazeltines need fill				[273]
VTXFLG==TM%EOL		;VT-5x, VT-61, VT-100 and ANSI			[273]
MBEFLG==VTXFLG!TM%CLR&<^-TM%EOL> ;Minibee can't clear to end of line	[273]
V05FLG==TM%EOL!TM%FIL	;VT-05B flags					[273]

;Other terminal miscellany

%HZ1HP==^D68		;Column to clear to on a Hazeltine terminal	[273]
	SUBTTL	Definitions -- Macros -- .MNVAL

IFN <<MONVER-702>&<MONVER-703>>,<
	PRINTX	?DDBNSM Not a monitor supported by DDBDPY
	END >

DEFINE	.MNVAL ($SYM,$702,$703),<

	IFE <MONVER-702>,<
		$SYM==$702 >

	IFE <MONVER-703>,<
		$SYM==$703 >>

NS==-1		;** No such symbol in this monitor **
; Define some values used by DDBDPY in the DDB (device data block)

	.MNVAL	DEVNAM,0,0 	;The device name in SIXBIT
	.MNVAL	DEVCHR,1,1 	;The device characteristics (job number bits 0-6)
	.MNVAL	DEVIOS,2,2 	;The input/output status
		.MNVAL	IOSUPR,1B2,1B2	;Super-mode I/O
		.MNVAL	IOSIO,20,20	;Output wait
		.MNVAL	IOSIOW,1,1 	;Input/output wait
	.MNVAL	DEVSER,3,3 	;The link to the next DDB (LH)
	.MNVAL	DEVMOD,4,4 	;The device characteristics (char.,,modes)
	.MNVAL	DEVLOG,5,5	;The logical name for the device
	.MNVAL	DEVSPL,12,12	;The spool bit for this DDB
	.MNVAL	DEVPAL,13,13	;The pre-allocation word
		.MNVAL	DEPPAL,20,20	;Pre-allocated (bit 31 603)
	.MNVAL	DEVFIL,22,23	;The file name in SIXBIT
	.MNVAL	DEVEXT,23,24	;The file extension in SIXBIT (LH)
IFN FTKL,<	;There is a FTKL&FTMP conditional in COMMOD at DEVPPN+1.[253]
	.MNVAL	DEVREL,33,33	;The relative block in the file to read or write
	.MNVAL	DEVPRI,45,45	;The disk priority (bits 27-29)
>  ;End of IFN FTKL							[253]

IFE FTKL,<	;Definition for KI and KS				[253]
	.MNVAL	DEVREL,27,27	;The relative block in the file to read or write
	.MNVAL	DEVPRI,41,41	;The disk priority (bits 27-29)
>  ;End of IFE FTKL							[253]

; Define some values used by DDBDPY in the NMB (file name data block)

	.MNVAL	NMBNAM,0,0 	;The name of SFD in SIXBIT
	.MNVAL	NMBPPB,1,1 	;The link to the father SFD (LH)
		.MNVAL	NMPUPT,2,2 	;The SFD name is in NMBNAM (bit)
	.MNVAL	NMBACC,3,3	;The link to the NMB's ACC		[272]

; Define some values used by DDBDPY in the ACC (access data block)

	.MNVAL	ACCALC,0,0 	;The blocks allocated to this file (602)
	.MNVAL	ACCDOR,3,3 	;The list link word (if zero, access is not
				; dormant)
	.MNVAL	ACCPPB,4,4 	;The link to the proj-prog block (RH 602)
	.MNVAL	ACCSTS,5,5 	;The file status (RH)
		.MNVAL	ACPREN,200,200	;A RENAME UUO in progress (bit)
		.MNVAL	ACPDEL,100,100	;The file marked for deletion (bit)
		.MNVAL	ACPSMU,4,4	;Simultaneous update (bit 602)
	.MNVAL	ACCWRT,6,6 	;The blocks written in the file
	.MNVAL	ACCPRV,7,7	;The protection code of the file (bits 0-8)
; Define some values used by DDBDPY in the PPB (proj-prog block)

	.MNVAL	PPBNAM,0,0 	;Project number,,Programmer number
	.MNVAL	PPBSYS,1,1	;Link to the next PPB (LH)
	.MNVAL	PPBUFB,2,2	;Link to the UFB's for this PPN (LH)

; Define some values used by DDBDPY in the UFB (user file directory block)

	.MNVAL	UFBTAL,0,0 	;Project number,,Programmer number
	.MNVAL	UFBPPB,1,1	;Link to the next UFB (LH)
	.MNVAL	UFBFSN,4,4	;The file structure number (bits 0-5)

; Define some values used by DDBDPY in the UNI (unit data block)

	.MNVAL	UNINAM,0,0 	;The unit name (i.e. RPA0)
	.MNVAL	UNISTR,4,4 	;The link to the file structure data block (RH)

; Define some values used by DDBDPY in the STR (file structure data block)

	.MNVAL	STRNAM,0,0 	;The file structure name in SIXBIT
	.MNVAL	STRFSN,1,1	;The file structure number (RH)
	.MNVAL	STRTAL,11,11	;The number of free blocks
	.MNVAL	STRMNT,13,13	;The mount count for this structure
	.MNVAL	STRJOB,20,20	;The single access job

; Define some values used by DDBDPY in the LDB (line data block)

	.MNVAL	LDBBCT,20,41	;The commands type (LH) and
				; the input wakeup's (RH)
	.MNVAL	LDBICT,21,42	;The input character count
	.MNVAL	LDBOCT,22,43	;The output character count
; LDBDCH: The terminal characteristics word:
		.MNVAL	LDRPTY,1B18,1B18;The terminal is a PTY
		.MNVAL	LDRREM,1B25,1B25;The terminal is remote
	.MNVAL	LDBREM,33,57	;The remote line number (bits 0-7)
IFN FTKL,<	;KL has 4 words for the RSX-20F stuff			[253]
	.MNVAL	LDBMIC,41,65	;The terminal is under MIC control
>  ;End of IFN FTKL							[253]
IFE FTKL,<	;4 words not in the LDB
	.MNVAL	LDBMIC,41,41	;The terminal is under MIC control
>  ;End of IFE FTKL							[253]
; Define some values used by DDBDPY in the PDB (process data block)

IFN FTKL,<	;The KL has EBOX & MBOX counters in the PDB		[253]
	.MNVAL	.PDJSL,30,34	;The job's search list			[254]
	.MNVAL	.PDOSL,71,72	;The old style LIB: PPN			[276]
	.MNVAL	.PDCTC,NS,77	;The current context block pointer	[301]
>  ;End of IFN FTKL							[253]
IFE FTKL,<	;4 words not in the PDB					[253]
	.MNVAL	.PDJSL,24,24	;The job's search list
	.MNVAL	.PDOSL,64,65	;The old style LIB: PPN			[276]
	.MNVAL	.PDCTC,NS,73	;The current context block pointer	[301]
>  ;End of IFE FTKL							[253]
		.MNVAL	.FSFNC,45,45	;The fence active/passive
		.MNVAL	.FSEND,46,46	;The logical end
		.MNVAL	.FSTMP,47,47	;The temporary
		.MNVAL	.FSSTP,77,77	;The physical end
		.MNVAL	FS.WLK,100,100	;The structure is write-locked
		.MNVAL	FS.NCR,200,200	;The structure is no-create

; Define some locations in the context block:

	.MNVAL	.CTFLG,NS,0	;Offset to the context flags		[301]
		.MNVAL	CNOMSK,NS,777	;Mask for reading the context # [301]

; Define some locations in the monitor

	.MNVAL	LIMLVL,5,5	;The maximum SFD nesting level
	.MNVAL	GTBSLF,410,410	;The absolute address that contains the
				; address of the 'GETTAB' pointers
	.MNVAL	HI,400000,400000;The offset to the SPY segment
	SUBTTL	Definitions -- Macros -- .TITLE, .DSPCL and .DSPTB


	TITLE.	DDB,DDBDPY,<Disk DDB Display Program for a $CPU $MON monitor>

	DDBTTL			;Generate the title line		[274]

;Define the terminal classes.  The .CLS macro is of the form:
;	$CLS - Terminal class suffix (matches similar arg in the .DSP macro)
;	$CLR - Character value or routine to home and clear screen
;	$HOM - Character value or routine to home screen
;	$EOS - Character value or routine to clear to end of screen
;	$EOL - Character value or routine to clear to end of line

	.CLS	DUM,0,0,0,0
	.CLS	ADM,52,36,131,124
	.CLS	AD3,32,0,AD3EOS,0
	.CLS	D15,14,31,13,35
	.CLS	HZL,34,22,HZ1EOS,23
	.CLS	V05,0,35,37,36
	.CLS	VTX,105,110,112,113
; Define the known terminal types.  the .DSP macro is of the form:
;		$NAM - The name of the terminal (6 chars or less)
;		$FLG - Terminal type flags 
;		$WID - Line width
;		$LEN - Number of lines per screen
;		$PFX - Word of escape sequence prefix 
;		$CLS - Terminal class suffix
;		$LBL - Optional label to be assigned to flags word storage

	.DSP	DM1521,DM1FLG,^D80,^D24,NUL,D15
	.DSP	IQ120,IQ1FLG,^D79,^D24,ESC,ADM
	.DSP	VT05B,V05FLG,^D80,^D24,NUL,V05
	.DSP	VT278,VTXFLG,^D80,^D24,CSI,VTX >
	SUBTTL	Definitions -- Macros -- .HLPTX


XLIST	;;Turn the listing off

ASCIZ	~DDBDPY %'$VER($EDT) Help Text - Set up for a $MON Monitor
Each command must be terminated by a break character
^C (Control-C) OR ^Z (Control-Z) will exit the job

<CR>  Update the listing
<ALT> Update the listing and wait for a new command
  +   Advance the listing by one page
  -   Decrement the listing by one page
  A   List all the disk DDBs (privileged command)
  C   Complement the cycling of displayable DDBs
  D   Change the type of display
  E   Complement the listing of the extended status
  F   List only the DDBs that reference a file specification
  H   This help text
  J   List only the DDBs from a job
  K   Kill the execution and this job
  L   List only the DDBs that are from jobs logged-in under a PPN
  N   List only the DDBs that are from jobs not logged-in under a PPN
  O   Complement the listing of swapped out DDBs (privileged command)
  P   List only the DDBs that are from jobs running a program
  S   Change the sleep time between updates
  T   Complement the listing of the title line
  W   Complement the listing of the command buffer~

LIST	;;Turn the listing on

	SUBTTL	Definitions -- Macros -- .ASPAG

; Small macro to assign page numbers:

DEFINE	.ASPAG ($PAG,$CNT<1>),<		;;				[266]
	'$PAG'PAG==LSTPAG		;; Assign the next page number	[266]
	$PAG=LSTPAG_^D9			;; Assign the address		[266]
LSTPAG==LSTPAG+$CNT			;; Bump to the next page	[266]
	'$PAG'PAG=='$PAG'PAG		;; Display the page in listing	[266] >
	SUBTTL	Program Initalization

	RELOC	400000		;Put the code in the high segment	[274]

DDBDPY:	JFCL			;Ignore CCL entry
	MOVX	T1,%CNDVN	;Get the monitor			%%%[266]
	GETTAB	T1,		; version number
	 JRST	E$$DRM		;No - before 503
	ANDX	T1,777B11	;Remove the costumer version number and	%%%[266]
	CAME	T1,[<MONVER>B11];Skip if the right monitor		[266,274]
	JRST	E$$DRM		;Jump if an illegal monitor version number

	MOVX	T1,%VMUPM	;Get the exec virtual address		[266]
	GETTAB	T1,		;  of the current job's UPT		[266]
	 JRST	E$$DRM		;Can't get it? Die			[266]
	MOVEM	T1,UPT		;Store as the UPT word address		[266]
	LSH	T1,-^D9		;Convert it to a page number		[266]
	HRRM	T1,UPTBLK+1	;Store for our subsequent PAGE. UUOs	[266]
	HRRM	T1,DELUPT+1	;  that map and unmap UPT pages		[266]
	MOVX	T1,%VMLST	;Get the offset to the
	GETTAB	T1,		; swappable DDBs in UPMP
	 JRST	E$$DRM		;Can't get it? Die			%%%[266]
	ADD	T1,UPT		;Relocate it
	MOVEM	T1,LSTLOC	;Save for later

	SETZB	F,PAGNUM	;Reset all the flags and current page number
	SKIPE	.JBDDT##	;Skip if DDT isn't loaded
	TXO	F,F.DDT		;Set the DDT is loaded flag >
	MOVX	T1,SLPDEF	;Get the default sleep time between scans
	HRRM	T1,HIBTIM	;Save for later
	RESCAN	1		;Skip if there isn't a RESCAN'able command
	TXO	F,F.RES		;Set the rescan flag

	MOVX	T1,%CNSIZ	;Get the size of
	GETTAB	T1,		; the monitor
	 JRST	E$$NPS		;No - go inform the user
	MOVEM	T1,MEMSIZ	;Store for later
	LSH	T1,-^D9		;Get the number of monitor pages
	MOVE	T2,[.PAGSP,,T3]	;Get the function for the PAGE. UUO
	MOVX	T3,^O1		;Get the argument count
	MOVX	T4,HI_<-^D9>	;Get the argumnent for the function
DDBD0A:	PAGE.	T2,UU.PHY	;Put a monitor map into my address space
	 JRST	E$$NPS		;No - go inform the user
	ADD	T4,[^O1,,^O1]	;On to the next page
	SOJG	T1,DDBD0A	;Loop until all the pages have been allocated
DDBDP0:	RESET			;Reset the world
	HRRZ	P5,HI+GTBSLF	;Get the address of the start of the
				; GETTAB tables
	MOVEI	T2,HI(P5)	;Save the address of
	HRRM	T2,GETSLF	; the GETTAB tables

; Find out where funny space lives:

	HRRZ	T4,HI+.GTVM(P5)	;Point to the virtual memory data	[266]
	MOVE	T1,HI+%VMLNM_-^D18(T4)	;Get the UPT offset for the	[276]
	ADD	T1,UPT		;  logical names table			[276]
	MOVEM	T1,.USLNM	;Store for later			[276]
	MOVE	T1,HI+%VMPPB_-^D18(T4)	;Get the first funny page number [266]
	LSH	T1,-^D9		;Convert to a page number		[266]
	MOVEM	T1,FUNFST	;Store as the first funny page number	[266]
	MOVE	T2,HI+%VMPPE_-^D18(T4)	;Get the end of funny space	[266]
	LSH	T2,-^D9		;Convert to a page number		[266]
	MOVEM	T2,FUNLST	;Store for later			[266]
	CAIL	T1,PFFPAG	;Make sure we don't			[266]
	 CAILE	T2,HI_-^D9	;  own any of these pages		[266]
	  JRST	E$$OPP		;Error - overlap funny pages		[266]
	HRRZ	T4,HI+.GTC0C(P5) ;Point to CPU0 constants table		[266]
	MOVE	T3,HI+%CCTOS_-^D18(T4)	;Get the EPT address		[266]
	HRRZ	T3,HI+SECMAP(T3)	;Get the section 0 map pointer	[266]
	LSH	T3,^D9		;Convert page number to address		[266]
	ADDI	T3,HI(T1)	;Point to the funny space pointers	[266]
	HLRZ	T3,(T3)		;Get the funny page offset into UPT	[266]
	ANDI	T3,^O777	;Mask off accessibility bits		[266]
	HRRZM	T3,FUNPAG	;Save it for later			[266]
	HRRZ	T2,HI+.GTLVD(P5);Get the address of level-D table

	MOVEI	T1,HI+%LDSPB_-^D18(T2)	;Get the address of the
	MOVEM	T1,GETSPB		; pointer to the PPBs

	MOVEI	T1,HI+%LDSTR_-^D18(T2)	;Get the address of the
	MOVEM	T1,GETSTR		; pointer to the STRs
	HRRZ	T1,@T1			;Get the STRSYS offset		[266]
	IORM	T1,STRSYS		;Store it in the magic pointer	[266]

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%LDDVU_-^D18(T2)	;Get the offset into the DDB for [266]
	IORM	T1,DEVUNI		; the unit data block (UDB)	[266]

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%LDNMB_-^D18(T2)	;Get the offset into the DDB for [266]
	IORM	T1,DEVSFD		; the father SFD's NMB pointrer	[266]

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%LDBLK_-^D18(T2)	;Get the offset into the DDB for [266]
	IORM	T1,DEVBLK		; the next logical block number	[266]

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%LDRSU_-^D18(T2)	;Get the offset into the DDB for [266]
	IORM	T1,DEVACC		; the Access table (ACC)	[266]

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%LDSPN_-^D18(T2)	;Get the offset into the DDB for [266]
	IORM	T1,DEVSPN		; the spooled file name		[266]

	HRRZ	P2,HI+.GTCNF(P5)	;Get the max
	MOVE	T1,HI+%CNSJN_-^D18(P2)	; number of
	HRRI	T1,-1(T1)		; jobs on the
	HRRZM	T1,JOBMAX		; system

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%CNDJB_-^D18(P2)	;Get the offset into the DDB for [266]
	IORM	T1,JOBPTR		; the job number		[266]
IFG .PDCTC,IORM	T1,CTXPTR		; and the context number	[301]

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%CNLDB_-^D18(P2)	;Get the offset into the DDB for [266]
	IORM	T1,DDBLDB		; the LDB associated with this DDB [266]

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%CNDCH_-^D18(P2)	;Get the offset into the LDB for [266]
	IORM	T1,LDBDCH		; the line characteristics word	[266]

	MOVE	T1,HI+.GTC0V(P5)	;Get the pointer
	MOVEI	T1,HI+10(T1)		; to HIGHJB
	MOVEM	T1,HIJOB		;Save for later

	MOVEI	T1,HI+%CNDTM_-^D18(P2)	;Get the address
	HRRZM	T1,GETDAT		; of the date
	MOVE	T1,HI+%CNPTY_-^D18(P2)	;Get the PTYs on the system
	HLRZM	T1,PTYMIN		;Save the minimum PTY number

	MOVEI	T1,^D60		;Get default time for a jiffy
	MOVE	T2,HI+%CNSTS_-^D18(P2)  ;Get the states word
	TXNE	T2,ST%CYC	;Skip if a 60 cycle clock
	MOVEI	T1,^D50		;Set up for a 50 cycle clock
	MOVEM	T1,JIFFIE	;Save the time of a jiffy for later
	IMULI	T1,^D60		;Get jiffies per minutes
	MOVEM	T1,JIFMIN	;Save for later
	IMULI	T1,^D60		;Get jiffies per hour
	MOVEM	T1,JIFHOR	;Save for later

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%CNPDB_-^D18(P2)	;Get the address
	MOVEI	T1,HI(T1)		; of the PDB
	HRRM	T1,GETPDB		; table

	HRRZ	T1,HI+%CNSFD_-^D18(P2)	;Get the address		[272]
	MOVEI	T1,HI(T1)		; of the JBTSFD			[272]
	HRRM	T1,GETSFD		; table				[272]

	ADDI	T1,1				  ; a
	MOVEM	T1,MAXEDN			  ; pointer
	MOVNS	T1				  ; to
	HRLZS	T1				  ; the
	TXZ	T1,^O777000			  ; on
	ADDI	T1,EDN				  ; the
	MOVEM	T1,GETEDN			  ; system

	LSH	T1,-^D9		; monitor
	HRLM	T1,EDNBLK+^O1	; pages
	ADDI	T1,^D1		; to
	HRLM	T1,EDNBLK+^O2	; allocate

	MOVE	T1,[.PAGSP,,DELEDN]  ;Delete the old
	PAGE.	T1,		     ; ERSATZ page
	 JFCL			     ;Assume the first time here
	MOVE	T1,[.PAGSP,,EDNBLK]  ;Map in the new
	PAGE.	T1,		     ; ERSATZ page
	 JRST	E$$NPS		     ;No - Go inform the user

	MOVE	T2,[-GETSIZ,,GETTBL]  ;Set the GETTAB pointers
DDBDP1:	LDB	T1,[POINT 9,(T2),8]  ;Get the table to look at
	HRRZ	T1,@GETSLF	;Get the address of the table
	MOVEI	T1,HI(T1)	;Set up for SPYing
	HRRM	T1,(T2)		;Save for later use
	AOBJN	T2,DDBDP1	;Loop back back if not finished
	MOVEI	T1,DDBDP0	;Set up to have IMRs
	MOVEM	T1,.JBAPR##	; restart the program
	MOVX	T1,AP.ILM	;Set up to trap

	TXNE	F,F.DDT		;Skip if DDT isn't loaded
	JRST	DDBDP2		;Skip setting up the Control-C intercept >
	MOVEI	T1,INTBLK	;Set up to intercept
	MOVEM	T1,.JBINT##	; Control-Cs (^C)
	SETZM	INTBLK+2	;Reset the intercept block

DDBDP2:	MOVE	T1,CMDWAT	;Set up the default input
	MOVEM	T1,INCHR	; routine (INCHWL C)
	MOVE	P,[-PDLSIZ,,PDL];Set up the push down list

	TXOE	F,F.INI		;Skip if the program was just started

	PJOB	P5,		;Get my job number
	MOVEM	P5,CURJOB	;Save my job number for later
	MOVE	T1,@GETPRV	;Get the user's privileges
	TXNN	T1,JP.DPY	;Skip if the user is privleged
	JRST	E$$NPR		;Not enough privileges >
	TXNE	T1,JP.SPA!JP.SPM;Skip if the user has SPY privileges
	TXO	F,F.GOD		;Set the God bit
	TXNE	T1,JP.POK	;Skip if the user has POKE privileges	[275]
	TXO	F,F.GOD!F.POK	;Yes, we're allowed to JOBPEK		[275]
	MOVEM	T1,MYPPN	;Save for later
	CAMN	T1,[1,,2]	;Skip if not 1,2
	JRST	DDBDP3		;Go set the God bit
	HRRZM	T1,IDIR		;Assume [*,PRG]
	HLLZM	T1,IDIR		;Assume [PRJ,*]
	MOVE	T1,[IROUTI,,ROUTIN]  ;Set up the initial
	BLT	T1,BLTEND	     ; scan conditions
	TXOA	F,F.WLD		;Set the wild flag
DDBDP3:	TXO	F,F.GOD!F.POK	;Set the God bit			[275]

	MOVX	T1,SLPSCN	;Set the default
	MOVEM	T1,SLPCNT	; sleep counter >
	SKIPN	T4,@GETTTY	;Get the address of my terminal's DDB
	 JRST	E$$TTF		;Error - no DDB
	ADD	T4,DDBLDB	;Get the address of			[266]
	MOVE	T4,HI(T4)	; the terminal's LDB			[266]
	JUMPE	T4,E$$TTF	;Jump if the address is zero
	MOVE	T3,@LDBDCH	;Get the device characteristic bits	[266]
	TXNN	T3,LDRPTY	;Skip if a PTY
	JRST	DDBDP4		;Skip some PTY code
	MOVX	T1,JB.LBT	;Get the batch bit
	SKIPN	HI+LDBMIC(T4)	;Skip if a MIC Cojob
	TDNE	T1,@GETLIM	;Skip if not a batch job
	JRST	E$$CRS		;Can't run DDBDPY
	MOVX	T1,SLPPTY	;Sleep time
	SETZM	SLPCNT		;Don't reset the sleep counter >
DDBDP4:	DPB	T3,[POINT 9,TRM+1,35]  ;Store the ten terminal number

	MOVSI	T3,-TRMSIZ	;Set a AOBJN counter
DDBDP6:	MOVE	T2,TRMTAB(T3)	;Get the TRMOP. to preform
	HLRZM	T2,TRM+2	;Save the new status
	HRRZM	T2,TRM		;Save the read function
	MOVE	T1,[2,,TRM]	;Read the bit in
	TRMOP.	T1,		; question
	 JRST	E$$TTF		;No - go inform the user
	MOVEM	T1,TRMSAV(T3)	;Save for later
	MOVEI	T2,.TOSET(T2)	;Change the function into a set
	MOVEM	T2,TRM		;Save for later
	MOVE	T1,[3,,TRM]	;Set the function
	TRMOP.	T1,		; in question
	 JRST	E$$TTF		;No - go inform the user
	AOBJN	T3,DDBDP6	;Jump if not finished

	PUSHJ	P,TRMDSP	;Set up the default display type
	PUSHJ	P,PAGADJ	;Set up the screen size info
	PUSHJ	P,CMDOUT	;Go setup the command string buffer
	TXNE	F,F.DDT		;Skip if DDT wasn't loaded
	JRST	DDBDP8		;Skip the init code >
	INIT	TTY,IO.SUP!.IOASC  ;Init the TTY with echo off
	OCT	0
	 JRST	E$$CIT		;No - inform the user!!

DDBDP8:	TXZN	F,F.RES		;Skip if in rescan mode
	JRST	DDBMAN		;Go start the DDB scanning
	PUSHJ	P,WLDSIX	;Go get the command that started me
	 JRST	DDBD12		;Error in rescan of name
	HRROI	T2,['DDBDPY']	;Get the pointer the the DDBDPY command
	PUSHJ	P,TSTABR	;Go test for an abbreviation
	 JRST	DDBD12		;Not the right command
DDBD10:	XCT	INCHR		;Get the next character
DDBD11:	CAIE	C," "		;Skip if the character is a space
	CAIN	C,.CHTAB	;Skip if the character isn't a tab
	JRST	DDBD10		;Go get the next character
	CAIE	C,"!"		;Skip if a comment line
	CAIN	C,";"		;Skip if not a comment line
	JRST	DDBD12		;Go through the rest of the line away
	JRST	CMDTST		;Go test the command
DDBD12:	PUSHJ	P,CLRLIN	;Clear to the end of the line
	SUBTTL	The DDB Scanning Loop

DDBMAN:	MOVE	P,[-PDLSIZ,,PDL];Set up the push down list		[263]
	TXZE	F,F.CLR		;Skip if the screen shouldn't be cleared
	PUSHJ	P,TRMCLR	;Go clear the screen
	SETZB	LC,DDBCNT	;Zero some counters
	SETZB	P2,JOB		;Clear the initial job number

DDBLOP:	PUSHJ	P,NXTDDB	;Get the next DDB in the chain
	 JRST	DDBEND		;Finished with the chain
	MOVX	T1,DV.DSK	;Get the device is a disk bit
	TDNN	T1,DEVMOD(P2)	;Skip if the DDB is for a disk
	JRST	[SKIPGE	DEVSPL(P2)	;Skip if the device isn't spooled
		 JRST	DDBLO0		;Go list the DDB
		 JRST	DDBLOP]		;Go try the next DDB
DDBLO0:	MOVX	T1,IOSUPR	;Get the super-mode I/O flag
	TDNE	T1,DEVIOS(P2)	;Skip if not super-mode I/O
	JRST	[TXO	F,F.SUP		;Remember that it is super-mode
		 JRST	DDBL0A]		;Go output the DDB if wanted
	TXZ	F,F.SUP		;Clear the super-mode flag
	HRRZ	P3,@DEVACC	;Get the pointer to ACCTAB		[266]
	JUMPE	P3,DDBLOP	;Jump if zero
	SKIPE	HI+ACCDOR(P3)	;Skip if the file isn't dormant
	JRST	DDBLOP		;Go try the next DDB
	HRRZ	P5,HI+ACCPPB(P3);Get the PPB pointer
	JUMPE	P5,DDBLOP	;No PPB - try next DDB then

DDBL0A:	TXNE	F,F.WLD		;Skip if wild processor isn't wanted
	JRST	@ROUTIN		;Go excute the wild processor
DDBLO1:	MOVE	T1,DDBCNT	;Get the DDB counter
	CAML	T1,PAGFST	;Skip if the DDB is to soon
	CAML	T1,PAGLST	;Skip if the DDB is in time
	JRST	DDBL13		;Go count the DDB
	PUSHJ	P,BEGLIN	;Set up the line
	MOVEI	T4,^D2		;Set up output the job number
	LDB	T1,JOBPTR	;Get the job number of this DDB
	PUSHJ	P,DECJST	;Output the job number
	LDB	T1,STSPTR	;Get the file status
	TXNE	F,F.SUP		;Skip if not super I/O
	MOVEI	T1,3		;A fake mode for super I/O
	MOVE	T1,STSTAB(T1)	;Get the mode and
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; output it
	LDB	T5,JOBPTR	;Get the job number again
	SKIPN	T5,@GETPP	;Skip if the PPN for this
				; job is non-zero
	MOVEI	T4,^D6		;Set up to output the PPN
	PUSHJ	P,PPNJST	;Go output the PPN
	MOVEI	T1,^D17		;Justify to
	PUSHJ	P,JUST		; column 17
	TXNE	F,F.SUP		;Skip if not super-mode I/O
	JRST	[PUSHJ	P,GETUNI	;Get the pointer to the UDB	[266]
		  JRST	DDBLOP		;No such UDB			[266]
		 MOVE  T1,UNINAM(T1)	;Output the
		 PUSHJ P,SIXOUT		; unit name
		 MOVEI T4,^D29		;Output the logical
		 MOVE  T1,@DEVBLK	; block to be read		[266]
		 PUSHJ P,DECJST		; or written
		 MOVEI T1,^D63		;Justify to
		 PUSHJ P,JUST		; column 63
	PUSHJ	P,FNDSTR	;Go find the structure name
	 JRST	DDBLOP		;Go abort the output
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Go output the structure name
	MOVEI	T1,^D22		;Justify to
	PUSHJ	P,JUST		; column 22
	SKIPN	T1,DEVFIL(P2)	;Skip if the file name is non-zero
	HLRZ	T5,DEVEXT(P2)	;Get the extension
	CAIN	T5,'UFD'	;Skip if it isn't a UFD
	JRST	[PUSHJ P,LBROUT		;Output an open bracket
		 MOVE  T5,T1		;Get the ppn in the right place
		 PUSHJ P,PPNOUT		;Go output the PPN
		 MOVE  T1,['].UFD ']	;Output
		 JRST  DDBLO5]		;Skip outputting the UFD
	SKIPGE	DEVSPL(P2)	;Skip if not a spooled file
	SKIPN	T2,@DEVSPN	;Skip if a non-zero entered spooled name [266]
	JRST	DDBLO2		;Go output the file name
	MOVE	T1,T2		;Output the entered
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; spooled name
	MOVEI	T1,^D28		;Justify to
	PUSHJ	P,JUST		; column 28
	MOVEI	C,"*"		;Output a
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	; asterisk
	JRST	DDBLO3		;Go output the spooled device
DDBLO2:	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the file name
	JUMPE	T5,DDBLO4	;Jump if the extension is zero
	MOVEI	T1,^D29		;Justify to
	PUSHJ	P,JUST		; column 29
DDBLO3:	MOVSI	T1,(T5)		;Get the extension again
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the extension
DDBLO4:	MOVEI	T1,^D32		;Justify to
	PUSHJ	P,JUST		; column 32
	JUMPL	F,[PUSHJ P,GETUNI	;Get the link to the UDB	[266]
		    JRST DDBLOP		;Jump if no UDB			[266]
		   MOVE  T1,UNINAM(T1)  ;Get the unit name
		   LSH   T1,-^D6	;Shift in a space
		   PUSHJ P,SIXOUT	;Output the unit name
		   MOVEI T4,^D7
		   MOVE	 T1,@DEVBLK	;Output the logical block	[266]
		   PUSHJ P,DECJST	   ; to be read or written
		   MOVEI T4,^D6		;Set up output the
		   JRST  DDBLO6]	; relative block
	MOVE	T5,HI+PPBNAM(P5);The PPN of the file
	PUSHJ	P,PPNJST	;Go output the PPN
DDBLO5:	MOVEI	T1,^D45		;Justify to
	PUSHJ	P,JUST		; column 45
DDBLO6:	MOVE	T1,DEVREL(P2)	;Get the next (relative) block
	PUSHJ	P,DECJST	; to be read or written
	MOVE	T1,HI+ACCWRT(P3);Get the number of blocks written
	PUSHJ	P,DECJST	;Output it
	MOVE	T1,HI+ACCALC(P3);Get the number of blocks allocated
	PUSHJ	P,DECJST	;Output it
	PUSHJ	P,SPAOUT	;Output a space
DDBL6A:	LDB	T1,[POINT 3,DEVPRI(P2),29]  ;The disk priority
	JUMPE	T1,DDBLO7	;Jump if zero
	TRZE	T1,4		;Skip if negative
	MOVEI	C,"-"
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a minus sign or a space
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the disk priority
	PUSHJ	P,SPAOUT	;Output a space
DDBLO7:	TXNE	F,F.SUP		;Skip if not super I/O
	JRST	DDBL7A		;Skip some non-super I/O stuff
	SKIPGE	DEVSPL(P2)	;Skip if the file isn't a spoolled file
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a "S"
	HRRZ	T1,HI+ACCSTS(P3);Get the file status
	TRNE	T1,ACPDEL	;Skip if the file isn't marked for deletion
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'D'
	TRNE	T1,ACPREN	;Skip if the file isn't being renamed
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'R'
	TRNE	T1,ACPSMU	;Skip if not simultaneous update, multi-user
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'M'
	MOVX	T1,DEPPAL	;Get the pre-allocation bit
	TDNE	T1,DEVPAL(P2)	;Skip if not pre-allocated
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'P'
DDBL7A:	HLRZ	T1,DEVIOS(P2)	;Get the I/O status
	TRNN	T1,IOSIOW	;Skip if in I/O wait
	JRST	DDBLO8		;Jump not in an I/O wait
	MOVEI	C,"I"		;Assume input wait
	TRNE	T1,IOSIO	;Skip if input wait
	MOVEI	C,"O"		;Output wait
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output the wait state
DDBLO8:	PUSHJ	P,ENDLIN	;Go finish off the line
	AOJ	LC,		;Increment the line count
	JUMPGE	F,DDBL13	;Jump if the extended status isn't wanted
	PUSHJ	P,BEGLIN	;Set up the line
IFG .PDCTC,<		;If this monitor has multiple contexts		[301]
	MOVEI	T4,^D3		;Get the number of digits to output	[301]
	LDB	T1,CTXPTR	;Get the context number			[301]
	PUSHJ	P,DECJST	;Output it (offset from job number)	[301] >
	TXNE	F,F.SUP		;Skip if not super I/O
	JRST	DDBL12		;Skip some non-super I/O stuff
IFG .PDCTC,MOVEI T4,^D7		;Account for context number if output	[301]
	MOVE	T5,HI+PPBNAM(P5);Get the PPN to be output
	HRRZ	P4,@DEVSFD	;See if the file is in an SFD		[266]
	JUMPE	P4,DDBL12	;Skip if the file is in an SFD
	PUSH	P,[0]		;Set a flag
DDBLO9:	PUSH	P,HI+NMBNAM(P4)	;Save the SFD name
DDBL10:	HLRZ	P4,HI+NMBPPB(P4);Get the pointer to the next NMB
	TRZN	P4,NMPUPT	;Skip if the contains the SFD name
	JUMPN	P4,DDBL10	;Go save the SFD name
	JUMPN	P4,DDBLO9	;Go get the next NMB pointer
DDBL11:	POP	P,T1		;Get the SFD name back
	JUMPE	T1,DDBL12	;Jump if the flag was found
	PUSHJ	P,COMOUT	;Output a comma
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the SFD name
	JRST	DDBL11		;Go get the next SFD level

DDBL12:	MOVEI	T1,^D33		;Output the
	MOVE	T2,DEVLOG(P2)	; logical
	TXNE	F,F.SUP		;Skip if not super I/O
	JRST	DDB12A		;Skip the protection code
	MOVEI	T1,^D40			      ;Output the
	LDB	T2,[POINT 9,HI+ACCPRV(P3),8]  ; protection
	PUSHJ	P,PRVOUT		      ; code
	MOVE	T2,MODTAB(T2)		      ; I/O mode
	MOVEI	T1,^D47			      ; of the
	HRRZ	T1,DEVIOS(P2)	;Get the I/O status
	JRST	DDB12B		;Skip some code
	MOVEI	C,":"		;Output a
	TXNE	T1,IO.IMP	;Skip if not improper mode
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'I'
	TXNE	T1,IO.DER	;Skip if not device error
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'X'
	TXNE	T1,IO.DTE	;Skip if not data error
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'D'
	TXNE	T1,IO.BKT	;Skip if not block to large
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'B'
	TXNE	T1,IO.EOF	;Skip if not end-of-file
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'E'
	TXNE	T1,IO.ACT	;Skip if not I/O active
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'A'
	TXNE	T1,IO.WHD	;Skip if not write headers
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a 'H'
DDB12B:	PUSHJ	P,ENDLIN	;Go finish off the line
	AOJ	LC,		;Increment the line count
DDBL13:	AOS	DDBCNT		;Increment DDB count
	JRST	DDBLOP		;Go try the next DDB
	SUBTTL	Make the Header Line and Output the Buffer

DDBEND:	MOVX	T1,CL.AD3	;Get the ADM-3 class			[273]
	CAIN	T1,(P1)		;Skip if not a LSI ADM-3		[273]
	MOVEM	LC,CURCNT	;Save the line count
	TXNE	F,F.TTL		;Skip if the title flag is set
	JRST	DDBEN7		;Go output the DDB buffer
	SETZ	LC,		;Set up the for
	PUSHJ	P,TTLLIN	; the title line
	TXNN	F,F.JOB		;Skip if the job display is wanted
	JRST	DDBEN0		;Skip the job display stuff
	PUSHJ	P,JOBOUT	;Get set up the job buffer
 	 JRST	DDBEN4		;Go terminate the line off right

DDBEN0:	MOVE	T1,DDBCNT	;Output the number
	PUSHJ	P,SPAOUT	;Output a space
	MOVE	T1,PAGNUM	;Get the current page number
	AOJ	T1,
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the current page number
	PUSHJ	P,SLHOUT	;Output a slash
	SKIPE	T1,DDBCNT	;Skip if the DDB count is zero
	SOJ	T1,		;Make it one less
	IDIV	T1,PAGSIZ	;Get the number of pages of DDBs
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the number of pages
	HLRZ	P4,@GETSTR	;Get the pointer to the structure chain
	JUMPE	P4,DDBEN4	;Jump if the end of the chain was reached

DDBEN1:	PUSHJ	P,MAPSTR	;Map the STR				[266]
	 JRST	DDBEN4		;Can't?  Pretend end of chain		[266]
DDBE1A:	SKIPN	STRNAM(P4)	;Skip if a non-null structure name	[266]
	JRST	DDBEN3		;Go try the next structure
	MOVE	T1,STRMNT(P4)	;Get the mount count for this structure	[271]
	PUSHJ	P,SCALE		;Find out how many digits here		[271]
	MOVEI	T4,1(T2)	;Save the number needed for mount count	[271]
	MOVE	T1,STRNAM(P4)	;Get the structure name			[271]
	MOVE	T2,STRTAL(P4)	;Get the free space on this structure	[271]
	PUSHJ	P,STROUE	;Output the structure and space		[271]
	 JRST	DDBEN2		;Doesn't fit, go try a new line		[271]
	PUSHJ	P,CLNOUT	;Output a colon
	SKIPLE	STRJOB(P4)	;Skip if the structure is mounted single [266]
	JRST	[MOVEI	C,"S"		;Output an 'S' for
		 PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	; single access
		 JRST	DDBEN3]		;Keep on truck'n
	MOVE	T1,STRMNT(P4)	;Get the mount count for this structure	[266]
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the mount count >
	JRST	DDBEN3		;Go get the next STR			[271]
DDBEN2:	PUSHJ	P,ENDLIN	;Terminate the current line
	AOJ	LC,		;Increment the line count
	CAIL	LC,TTLLNS	;Too many title lines?			[266,267]
	JRST	DDBEN5		;Yes, do no more			[266]
	PUSHJ	P,TTLLIN	;Set up a title line
	JRST	DDBE1A		;And try to output it again		[271]
DDBEN3:	HLRZ	P4,@STRSYS	;Get pointer to the next structure	[266]
	JUMPN	P4,DDBEN1	;Go display this structure
DDBEN4:	PUSHJ	P,ENDLIN	;Finish off the line
	AOJ	LC,		;Increment the line count

	CAILE	LC,^D2		;Skip if two or less title lines
	JRST	DDBEN5		;Skip some crude code
	PUSHJ	P,TTLLIN	;Set up another title line
	MOVEI	T1,STLBUF	;Assume not outputting the path
	TXNE	F,F.XTN		;Skip extended status isn't wanted
	MOVEI	T1,PTHBUF	;Get the extended status buffer
	PUSHJ	P,ASCOUT	;Output text to the buffer
	PUSHJ	P,ENDLIN	;Finish off the line right
	AOJ	LC,		;Increment the line count

DDBEN5:	MOVEI	T5,TTLBUF	;The pointer to the title line
DDBEN6:	TXNN	P1,TM%EOL	;Skip if this terminal can clear to eol [273]
	PUSHJ	P,TRMEOL	;Clear to the end of the line
	OUTSTR	(T5)		;Output a title line
	TXNE	P1,TM%EOL	;Can we really clear to end of line?	[273]
	PUSHJ	P,TRMEOL	;Yes, do it now				[273]
	OUTSTR	[BYTE (7).CHCRT,.CHLFD,0] ;Finish off the line		[273]
	MOVEI	T5,LINSIZ(T5)	;Get the pointer to the next line
	SOJG	LC,DDBEN6	;Loop until finished

DDBEN7:	MOVEI	T5,LINBUF	;Set up the line buffer
	SKIPG	LC,CURCNT	;Skip if no lines to output
	JRST	DDBEN9		;Skip some code
DDBEN8:	TXNN	P1,TM%EOL	;Skip if this terminal can clear to eol [273]
	PUSHJ	P,TRMEOL	;Go clear to the end of the line
	OUTSTR	(T5)		;Go output a line
	TXNE	P1,TM%EOL	;Can we really clear to end of line?	[273]
	PUSHJ	P,TRMEOL	;Yes, do it now				[273]
	OUTSTR	[BYTE (7).CHCRT,.CHLFD,0] ;Finish off the line		[273]
	MOVEI	T5,LINSIZ(T5)	;Point to the next line
	SOJG	LC,DDBEN8	;Jump if more lines to output

DDBEN9:	PUSHJ	P,TRMEOS	;Go clear to the end of the screen
	SOSE	SLPCNT		;Skip if time to adjust the sleep time
	JRST	DDBE10		;Skip some code
	MOVX	T1,SLPADJ	;Adjust the sleep
	HRRM	T1,HIBTIM	; time interval
	PUSHJ	P,CMDOUT	;Set up command string buffer
DDBE10: >
	TXNN	F,F.HLP!F.WHT	;Skip if the help or command buffer is needed
	JRST	DDBE11		;Go home the terminal
	MOVEI	T1,WHTBUF	;Get the address of the command line
	TXNE	F,F.HLP		;Skip if help isn't needed
	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ ~  ** Type "H<CR>" for help **~]
	OUTSTR	(T1)		;Output the line
	CAXN	P1,%TTYTP	;Skip if not an hard copy display
DDBE11:	PUSHJ	P,TRMHOM	;Go home the terminal
	SUBTTL	Command Scanner -- Read the Command Character

	TXNN	F,F.CYC		;Cycling through all the DDBs?		[300]
	JRST	CMDFRZ		;Nope, go see if anything input		[300]
	SKIPE	T1,DDBCNT	;Calculate the number of		[300]
	SUBI	T1,^D1		; displayable DDB pages			[300]
	IDIV	T1,PAGSIZ	; found on the last scan		[300]
	AOS	T2,PAGNUM	;Look at the next page			[300]
	CAMLE	T2,T1		;Looking beyond the last page?		[300]
	SETZM	PAGNUM		;Yep, then start over			[300]
	PUSHJ	P,PAGADJ	;Find the DDBs to be output		[300]

CMDFRZ:	TXZE	F,F.ESC		;Skip if the screen shouldn't be frozen	[300]
	JRST	CMDWAT		;Go wait for a new command

	SKPINL			;Skip if a command was typed
	 JRST	CMDFIN		;No - go hibernate

CMDWAT:	INCHWL	C		;Get a char from the TTY

CMDTST:	CAIL	C,"a"		;Skip if less than a lower case A
	CAILE	C,"z"		;Skip if less than a lower case Z
	JRST	CMDTS0		;Jump if not lower case character
	MOVEI	C,"A"-"a"(C)	;Convert to upper case
CMDTS0:	TXZ	F,F.HLP		;Clear the command error flag
	MOVSI	T2,-CMDSIZ	;Set up a AOBJN counter
CMDTS1:	MOVS	T1,CMD(T2)	;Get a char to test
	CAIE	C,(T1)		;Skip if the char match
	AOBJN	T2,CMDTS1	;Jump if not finished
	JUMPGE	T2,CMDERR	;Jump if a match wasn't found
	HLRZS	T1		;Get the flags and where to go too
	TRZN	T1,EC		;Skip if eol should follow the command
	JRST	(T1)		;No - go to the right routine
	PUSHJ	P,TSTEOL	;Go test for an EOL
	 JRST	CMDERR		;Not EOL - go give an error message
	JRST	(T1)		;Found an EOL go to the routine

;Here if a command error was detected

CMDERR:	CAIE	C,.CHCNC	;Skip if a Control-C was input
	CAIN	C,.CHCNZ	;Skip if a Control-Z wasn't input
	JRST	CMDABT		;Go abort the job
	CLRBFI			;Clear the input buffer
	TXO	F,F.HLP		;Set the help flag
	JRST	DDBMAN		;Go do a rescan
	SUBTTL	Command Scanner -- The Command Dispatch Table

	EC==400000	;Command should be followed by an EOL char

CMD:	.CHTAB,,CMDWAT		;Go get the next command
	.CHCRT,,DDBMAN+EC	;Do a rescan now (carriage-return)
	.CHESC,,CMDESC		;Freeze the screen (altmode)
	   " ",,CMDWAT		;Go get the next command
	   "+",,CMDNXT+EC	;Output next page
	   "-",,CMDLST+EC	;Output previous page
	   "A",,CMDALL+EC	;Go do the normal job sequence
	   "C",,CMDCYC+EC	;Complement the DDB display cycling	[300]
	   "D",,CMDDSP		;Set up a new output display
	   "E",,CMDXTN+EC	;Complement the extended status
	   "F",,CMDFIL		;Set up to test for a file specification
	   "G",,CMDGOD		;Complement the God bit
	   "H",,CMDHLP+EC	;Set to print a help message
	   "J",,CMDJOB		;Set up to test for a job
	   "K",,CMDKIL+EC	;Kill the display and the job
	   "L",,CMDLOG		;Set up to test for a logged in job
	   "N",,CMDNOT		;Set up to test for a not logged in job
	   "O",,CMDSWP+EC	;Complement the swapped enable		[275,277]
	   "P",,CMDPRG		;Set up to test for a program
	   "S",,CMDSLP		;Go get the sleep time
	   "T",,CMDTTL+EC	;Complement the output of the title
	   "W",,CMDWHT+EC	;Complement the command buffer bit
	SUBTTL	Command Scanner -- The Command Processors

;Here on a "-" command - Decrement the display by one page

CMDLST:	SOSGE	PAGNUM		;Decrement the page pointer

;Here on a "+" command - Advance the display by one page

CMDNXT:	AOS	PAGNUM		;Increment the page pointer
	PUSHJ	P,PAGADJ	;Set up the page boundary
	JRST	CMDNOW		;Do a rescan now

;Here on a "G" command - Complement the God bit

CMDGOD:	PUSHJ	P,WLDSIX	;Go get the password
	 JRST	CMDERR		;Error while getting the password
	PUSHJ	P,TSTEO0	;Go test for an EOL character
	 JRST	CMDERR		;Error, not an EOL character
	CAXE	T1,PASWRD	;Skip if the right password was input
	JRST	CMDERR		;Go give a command error
	TXCN	F,F.GOD		;Complement the God bit			[275]
	TXO	F,F.POK		;Allow JOBPEKs if we're enabling	[275]
	JRST	CMDNOW		;Go do a rescan

;Here on a Control-C or Control-Z command - Abort the program

CMDABT:	TXO	F,F.DCT		;Don't clear the terminal input buffer
	CLRBFO			;Clear the output buffer
	PUSHJ	P,TRMCLR	;Go clear the screen
CMDAB0:	SETZM	INTBLK+.EROPC	;Allow more Control-Cs
	PUSHJ	P,RSTTRM	;Go restore the trminal characteristics
CMDAB1:	TXZN	F,F.DCT		;Skip if buffer isn't to be cleared
	CLRBFI			;Clear the input buffer
	TXNN	F,F.DDT		;Skip if ddt is loaded >
	RELEASE	TTY,		;Release the TTY
	SETZM	.JBINT##	;Disable Control-C intercept
	MONRT.			;Return to monitor mode
	JRST	DDBDPY		;Restart the program on a continue

;Here on a "W" command - Complment the 'what' bit

CMDWHT:	TXC	F,F.WHT		;Complement the command buffer bit
	JRST	CMDNOW		;Do a rescan now
;Here on a "N" command - Change the logged in PPN not to display

CMDNOT:	TXNE	F,F.GOD		;Skip if not God
	PUSHJ	P,SCAN		;Go get the PPN
	 JRST	CMDERR		;An error inform the user
	TXNE	F,F.PPN		;Skip if a PPN wasn't input
	JRST	CMDNO0		;Skip some code
	MOVEM	T1,XDIR		;Save for
CMDNO0:	MOVEI	T1,TSTNOT	;Set up to get the not logged in PPN
	MOVEM	T1,XROUTIN	;Save for later
	JRST	CMDFI0		;Go set everything right

;Here on a "L" command - Change the logged in PPN to display

CMDLOG:	SKIPA	T1,[TSTLOG]	;Set up to get the logged in PPN

;Here on a "F" command - Change the file specification to display

CMDFIL:	MOVEI	T1,TSTFIL	;Set up to test a file specification
	MOVEM	T1,XROUTIN	;Save for later
	PUSHJ	P,SCAN		;To scan the file specification
	 JRST	CMDERR		;Error in specification
CMDFI0:	MOVE	T1,[XROUTI,,ROUTIN]  ;Set to store the specification
	BLT	T1,BLTEND	     ; in the right place
	TXZ	F,F.JOB		;Zero the job display flag
CMDFI1:	TXO	F,F.WLD		;Set the wild flag
CMDFI2:	SETZM	PAGNUM		;Start on page one
	PUSHJ	P,PAGADJ	;Set up the page boundary
CMDFI3:	PUSHJ	P,CMDOUT	;Go build the command string buffer
	JRST	CMDNOW		;Go do a rescan

;Here on a "P" command - Change the program to test for

CMDPRG:	MOVEI	T1,TSTPRG	;Set up to test a program
	MOVEM	T1,XROUTIN	;Save for later
	PUSHJ	P,SCAN		;Go get the program to test
	 JRST	CMDERR		;Error in specification
	TXNE	F,F.PPN		;Skip if a PPN wasn't input
	SETZM	XDIR		;Reset the directory
	SETZM	XDIRMSK		;Reset the directory mask
CMDPR0:	MOVE	T1,IDIR		;Save the
	MOVEM	T1,IPPN		; user's
	MOVE	T1,IDIRMSK	; default PPN
	MOVEM	T1,IPPNMSK	; specification
	JRST	CMDFI0		;Go set everything right
;Here on a "J" command - Change the job number to display

CMDJOB:	PUSHJ	P,DECIN		;Go get a decimal number
	 JRST	CMDERR		;Jump if no EOL seen
	CAIG	T1,^D0		;Skip if not job zero
	MOVE	T1,CURJOB	;Convert job zero into my job number
	CAMLE	T1,JOBMAX	;Skip if the job number is .LT. JOBMAX
	JRST	CMDERR		;Jump if job number is out of range
	MOVEM	T1,JOBNUM	;Save the job number for later
	MOVE	T1,IDIR		;Get the default
	MOVEM	T1,DIR		; directory
	MOVE	T1,IDIRMSK	;Get the default
	MOVEM	T1,DIRMSK	; directory mask
	MOVEI	T1,TSTJOB	;Set up to test for a job
	MOVEM	T1,ROUTIN	;Save for laver
	TXO	F,F.JOB!F.PAS	;Set some job display flags
	SETZM	JOBTTL		;Start with the job's search list	[271]
	JRST	CMDFI1		;Clear the page counter and do a rescan

;Here on an "A" command - Display all DDBs

CMDALL:	TXNN	F,F.GOD		;Skip if God
	JRST	CMDERR		;Go inform user not a valid command
	TXZ	F,F.WLD!F.JOB	;Clear the wild and job display flags
	JRST	CMDFI2		;Clear the page counter and do a rescan

;Here on a "H" command - Display a help text

CMDHLP:	PUSHJ	P,TRMCLR	;Go clear the screen
	OUTSTR	HLPBUF		;Output the help message
	PUSHJ	P,TRMHOM	;Go home the terminal
	TXO	F,F.CLR		;Clear the screen before next scan
	JRST	CMDWAT		;Go wait for a command

;Here on a "C" command - Complement the cycling of displayable DDBs	[300]

CMDCYC:	TXC	F,F.CYC		;Try the other for awhile (I guess)	[300]
	JRST	CMDFI2		;Go start a page 1			[300]
;Here on a "K" command - Kill the display and the job

CMDKIL:	PUSHJ	P,CLRLIN	;Clear to the end of the command line
	PUSHJ	P,TRMCLR	;Clear the terminal
	PUSHJ	P,RSTTRM	;Go restore the terminal characteristics
	MOVX	T1,%CNSIZ	;Get the size of
	GETTAB	T1,		; the monitor
	 JRST	E$$NPS		;No - go inform the user
	LSH	T1,-^D9		;Get the number of monitor pages
	MOVE	T2,[.PAGSP,,T3]	;Get the function for the PAGE. UUO
	MOVX	T3,^O1		;Get the argument count
	MOVE	T4,[PA.GAF+HI_<-^D9>]	;Unmap the specified page
KILL1:	PAGE.	T2,UU.PHY	;Put a monitor map into my address space
	 JRST	E$$NPS		;No - go inform the user
	ADD	T4,[^O1,,^O1]	;On to the next page
	SOJG	T1,KILL1	;Loop to delete all SPY pages
	MOVEI	T1,PFFPAG-FSTPAG ;Get the number of preassigned pages to delete
	MOVE	T4,[PA.GAF+FSTPAG] ;Get the first preassgined page number
KILL2:	PAGE.	T2,		;Delete a page
	  JFCL			;Don't worry if it wasn't mapped
	SOJG	T1,KILL2	;Loop to delete all preassigned pages
	MOVE	T1,FUNLST	;Get the first unused exec funny page
	MOVE	T4,FUNFST	;Get the first funny page number
	SUB	T1,T4		;Compute the number of pages to delete
	TXO	T4,PA.GAF	;Say we're deleting pages
KILL3:	PAGE.	T2,		;Delete a page
	  JFCL			;Don't worry if not there
	SOJG	T1,KILL3	;Loop for all funny pages
	MOVEI	T1,LGOBLK	;Point to args
	  HALT	.		;Cannot fail
;Here on a "S" command - Change the sleep time between displays

CMDSLP:	PUSHJ	P,DECIN		;Go get a decimal number
	 JRST	CMDERR		;No End-Of-Line, go inform user
	CAILE	T1,^D60		;Skip if less than 61 seconds
	JRST	CMDERR		;Error if the time is greater than 60
	IMULI	T1,^D1000	;Convert to milliseconds
	CAIN	T1,^D0		;Skip if the sleep time isn't zero
	MOVEI	T1,^D250	;Set the sleep time to 250 milliseconds
	HRRM	T1,HIBTIM	;Save for later
	TXNN	F,F.GOD		;Skip if God
	CAXL	T1,SLPMIN	;Skip if less the minimum sleep time
	TDZA	T1,T1		;Don't adjust the sleep time
	MOVX	T1,SLPSCN	;Set the sleep
	MOVEM	T1,SLPCNT	; time counter >
	JRST	CMDFI3		;Go update the screen now

;Here on a "ESCAPE" command - Freeze the screen

CMDESC:	TXO	F,F.ESC		;Pause after updating the screen
	JRST	DDBMAN		;Go update the screen now

;Here on a "D" command - Change the type of display

CMDDSP:	PUSHJ	P,WLDSIX	;Go get the new display type
	 JRST	CMDERR		;Error while seaching for a display type
	PUSHJ	P,TSTEO0	;Test for an EOL character
	 JRST	CMDERR		;Error, not an EOL character
	SKIPA			;Skip into the following code		[273]

CMDDS0:	MOVE	T1,TRMNAM	;Get the terminal's type		[273]
	PUSHJ	P,SETDSP	;Go set up the screen size
	JRST	CMDFI2		;Go clear the page number and do a rescan
;Here on a "E" command - Change the display of the extended status

CMDXTN:	TXC	F,F.XTN		;Complement the entire path bit
	JRST	CMDDS0		;Go set up the screen size

;Here on a "T" command - Change the display of the title line

CMDTTL:	TXC	F,F.TTL		;Complement the title bit
	JRST	CMDDS0		;Go set up the screen size

;Here on an "O" command - Change the display of swapped out DDBs

CMDSWP:	TXNN	F,F.POK		;Are we allowed to do this?		[275]
	JRST	CMDERR		;No, go complain			[275]
	TXC	F,F.PEK		;Yes, complement the bit		[275]
	JRST	CMDFI2		;Go do a rescan				[275]

;Here to sleep for awhile

	HIBER	T1,		;Hibernate awhile
	 JFCL			;No - punt it
	INCHSL	C		;Skip if input made me wake up
	 JRST	DDBMAN		;No - go do a rescan
	JRST	CMDTST		;Go test this new command

;Here to see if the screen should be updated now

CMDNOW:	CAIE	C," "		;Skip if the character is an space
	CAIN	C,.CHTAB	;Skip if the character is a tab
	JRST	CMDWAT		;Go wait for a new command
	CAIN	C,.CHESC	;Skip if the character isn't an escape
	JRST	CMDWAT		;Go wait for a new command
	JRST	DDBMAN		;Go update the screen now!!!
	SUBTTL	Input Routines -- SCAN - Input a File Specification

;SCAN - Input a file specification
;	 * Non-skip return - An error was detected while scanning *
;	* Skip return - XNOD block contains the file-spec. *
;Uses:	F, T1-5 and C

SCAN:	MOVE	T1,[INOD,,XNOD]	;Set up the initial conditions
	BLT	T1,XBLTEND	; for scan - ALL:*.*[MYPPN]
	TXZ	F,F.NOD!F.DEV!F.FIL!F.EXT!F.PPN  ;Clear some flags

	 POPJ	P,		;Error in the SIXBIT routine
	CAIE	C,"["		;Skip if an open bracket
	CAIN	C,"<"		;Skip if not an open carrot
	JRST	SCNDIR		;Go process it
	CAIN	C,"_"		;Skip if not a backarrow (underscore)
	JRST	SCNNOD		;Go process it
	CAIN	C,":"		;Skip if not a colon
	JRST	SCNDEV		;Go process it
SCAN1:	CAIN	C,"."		;Skip if not an period
	JRST	SCNFIL		;Go process it
SCAN2:	PUSHJ	P,TSTEO0	;Go see if an EOL was found
	 POPJ	P,		;No EOL - error return

SCNEXT:	TXNE	F,F.FIL		;Skip if no file-name seen
	JUMPE	T1,SCNEX1	;Jump if default name is wanted
	TXO	F,F.FIL		;Set the file seen flag
	MOVEM	T1,XFIL		;Save for later
	MOVEM	T2,XFILMSK	;Save for later
	JRST	SCNEX1		;Go test for ERSATZ device
SCNEX0:	TXO	F,F.EXT		;Set the extension seen flag
	HLR	T1,T2		;Get the extension mask
	MOVEM	T1,XEXT		;Save for later
	CAME	T1,['UFD',,-1]	;Skip if the extension is 'UFD'
	JRST	SCNEX1		;Go test for ERSATZ device
	MOVE	T1,[1,,1]	;Move the
	EXCH	T1,XDIR		; directory
	MOVEM	T1,XFIL		; to the file
	SETO	T1,		; name and [1,1]
	EXCH	T1,XDIRMSK	; to the
	MOVEM	T1,XFILMSK	; directory
SCNEX1:	TXNE	F,F.DEV		;Skip if device wasn't input
	TXNE	F,F.PPN		;Skip if directory wasn't input
	PJRST	.POPJ1		;Give a good return
	SETCM	T1,XDEVMSK	;Get the device mask
	JUMPN	T1,.POPJ1	;Skip if any wild-cards input
	HLRZ	T1,XDEV		;Get the possible ERSATZ device
	MOVE	T3,GETEDN	;Get a pointer to ERSATZ devices
SCNEX2:	HLRZ	T2,(T3)		;Get a real ERSATZ device
	CAME	T1,T2		;Skip if equal
	AOBJN	T3,SCNEX2	;Loop until all have been tried
	JUMPGE	T3,.POPJ1	;Return if no match was found
	ADD	T3,MAXEDN	;Get the pointer
	HRRZ	T3,(T3)		; to the PPN
	SKIPG	T1,HI(T3)	;Skip a real ERSATZ device
	PJRST	.POPJ1		;** No way to get the LIB PPN **
	JRST	[JUMPE	T1,.POPJ1	;Return to caller
		 MOVE	P5,CURJOB	;Get my job number
		 HLRZ	T1,@GETSFD	;Get LIB info
		 TXZ	T1,JBPSYS!JBPXSY;Clear some bits
		 JUMPE	T1,.POPJ	;Jump if no LIB
		 JRST	SCNEX3]		;See if valid for this user >
SCNEX3:	TXNE	F,F.GOD		;Skip if not Godly
	JRST	SCNEX4		;Jump if no need to test the PPN
	MOVE	T2,T1		;Get a copy of the PPN
	XOR	T2,XDIR		;Compare the PPNs
	TDNE	T2,XDIRMSK	;Skip if good enough
	POPJ	P,		;Give an error return
	SETOM	T1,XDIRMSK	;Reset the mask
	HRRZ	T1,XDEV		;Get the structure name
	SKIPN	T1		;Skip if null
	TLOA	T1,'ALL'	;Set the device name to 'ALL'
	TLOA	T1,'DSK'	;Set the device name to 'dskx'
	SETZM	XDEVMSK		;Reset the device mask
	MOVEM	T1,XDEV		;Save the device name
	TXO	F,F.PPN		;Inform the caller a PPN was input
	PJRST	.POPJ1		;Give a good return
SCNNOD:	TXON	F,F.NOD		;Skip if the node flag is set
	TXNE	F,F.DEV!F.FIL!F.PPN  ;Skip if none are set
	POPJ	P,		;Error return
	JUMPE	T1,.POPJ	;Null node is illegal - error return
	MOVEM	T1,XNOD		;Save for later
	JRST	SCAN0		;Go look for more

SCNDEV:	TXON	F,F.DEV		;Skip if the device flag is set
	TXNE	F,F.FIL!F.PPN	;Skip if none are set
	POPJ	P,		;Error return
	JUMPE	T1,.POPJ	;Null device is illegal - error return
	CAMN	T1,IDEV		;Skip if the device isn't 'ALL'
	JRST	SCAN0		;Go look for more
	MOVEM	T1,XDEV		;Save for later
	JRST	SCAN0		;Go look for more

SCNFIL:	TXOE	F,F.FIL		;Skip if I haven't been here before
	POPJ	P,		;Error return
	JUMPE	T1,SCAN0	;Jump if the default name is wanted
	MOVEM	T1,XFIL		;Save for later
	JRST	SCAN0		;Go look for more
SCNDIR:	TXOE	F,F.PPN		;Skip if I haven't been here before
	POPJ	P,		;Error return
	PUSHJ	P,WLDOCT	;Go get the project number then
	CAIE	C,","		;Skip if a comma
	POPJ	P,		;Error return
	CAMN	T3,[-1,,0]	;Skip if the project number isn't zero
	HLRO	T3,MYPPN	;Use my project number then
	TXNE	F,F.GOD		;Skip if not a privileged user
	HLRO	T4,MYPPN	;Get the uesr's project number
	CAME	T3,T4		;Skip if the input project and the
				; user's project number don't match
	POPJ	P,		;Error return >
SCNDI0:	HRLZM	T3,XDIR		;Save for later
	PUSHJ	P,WLDOCT	;Go get the programmer number then
	CAMN	T3,[-1,,0]	;Skip if the programmer number isn't zero
	HRRO	T3,MYPPN	;Use my programmer number then
	TXNE	F,F.GOD		;Skip if not a privileged user
	HRRO	T4,MYPPN	;Get the uesr's programmer number
	CAME	T3,T4		;Skip if the input programmer and the
				; user's programmer number don't match
	POPJ	P,		;Error return >
SCNDI1:	HRRM	T3,XDIR		;Save for later
REPEAT 0,<			;		**** Save T1-T2 ****
	PUSH	P,P1		;Save P1
	MOVSI	P1,-<LIMLVL+1>	;Set up a counter
SCNDI2:	CAIE	C,","		;Skip if the character is a comma
	JRST	SCNDI4		;Go test for EOL
	AOBJP	P1,SCNDI3	;Jump if too many SFD
	PUSHJ	P,WLDSIX	;Go read the SFD name
	 JRST	SCNDI3		;Error in SFD name
	JUMPE	T1,SCNDI3	;Null SFD is an illegal
	MOVEM	T1,XDIR+1(P1)	;Save the SFD name
	MOVEM	T2,XDIRMSK+1(P1);Save the SFD mask
	JRST	SCNDI2		;Loop back for more
SCNDI3:	POP	P,P1		;Restore P1
SCNDI4:	POP	P,P1		;Restore P1 >
	CAIE	C,"]"		;Skip if the break character was a "]"
	CAIN	C,">"		;Skip if the break character wasn't a ">"
	JRST	[XCT	INCHR		;Get the next character then
		 JRST	SCAN1]		;Go test for a "."
	JRST	SCAN2		;Go test for an EOL
	SUBTTL	Input Routines -- OCTIN/DECIN - Input a Number

;OCTIN - Input an octal number
;DECIN - Input a decimal number
;	* Return - The result is in T1 *
;Uses:	T1-3 and C

OCTIN:	SKIPA	T3,[^D8]	;Set up of octal input
DECIN:	MOVEI	T3,^D10		;Set up of decimal input
RDXIN:	SETZ	T1,		;Clear the input buffer
RDXIN0:	XCT	INCHR		;Get a character
	CAIL	C,"0"		;Skip if less than an ASCII zero
	CAIL	C,"0"(T3)	;Skip if less than the radix of input
	PJRST	TSTEO0		;Go test for EOL
	IMULI	T1,(T3)		;Muliply by the radix
	ADDI	T1,-"0"(C)	;Add in the new digit
	JRST	RDXIN0		;Go get another char
	SUBTTL	Input Routines -- WLDOCT - Input a Wild Octal Number

;WLDOCT - Input a wild octal number
;	* Return - The result is in T3; RH = mask, LH = number *
;Uses:	T3-4 and C

WLDOCT:	MOVSI	T3,-1		;Set up the default number
	MOVEI	T4,^D7		;Set up a character counter
WLDOC0:	SOJL	T4,.POPJ	;Return if more than six digits input
	XCT	INCHR		;Get a character
	CAIL	C,"0"		;Skip if less than a "0"
	CAILE	C,"7"		;Skip if less than an "8"
	LSH	T3,3		;Multiply by 8
	TLO	T3,7		;Put a 7 in the mask
	ORI	T3,-"0"(C)	;Add in the last number
	JRST	WLDOC0		;Go get another number
WLDOC1:	CAIN	C,"*"		;Skip if not an astrisk
	CAIE	C,"?"		;Skip if a question mark
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	LSH	T3,3		;Multiply by 8
	JRST	WLDOC0		;Loop for more digits
WLDOC2:	CAME	T3,[-1,,0]	;Skip if the default number
	POPJ	P,		;Error return
	SETZ	T3,		;Set the '*' flag
	XCT	INCHR		;Get the next character
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Input Routines -- WLDSIX - Input Wild SIXBIT

;WLDSIX - Input a wild SIXBIT word
;Call:	PUSHJ	P,WLDSIX	;Get wild SIXBIT word and mask
;	 * Non-skip return - Illegal sintax on input *
;	* Skip return - Wild SIXBIT input in T1 and mask in T2 *
;Uses:	T1-5 and C

WLDSIX:	TXZ	F,F.AST		;Reset the astrisk flag
	SETZ	T1,		;Reset the SIXBIT word
	SETO	T2,		;Reset the mask word
	MOVE	T3,[POINT 6,T1]	;Set up a byte pointer

WLDSI0:	XCT	INCHR		;Get a character from the user
	CAIL	C,"a"		;Skip if less than a lower case A
	CAILE	C,"z"		;Skip if less than a lower case Z
	JRST	WLDSI3		;Go store the character
	MOVEI	C,"A"-"a"(C)	;Convert lower case to upper case

WLDSI1:	TXNE	F,F.AST		;Skip if an astrisk has been input
	POPJ	P,		;Error
WLDSI2:	MOVEI	C,' '-" "(C)	;Convert ASCII to SIXBIT
	TXNE	T3,77B5		;Skip if the SIXBIT word is full
	IDPB	C,T3		;Store the character
	JRST	WLDSI0		;Go get the next character

WLDSI3:	CAIG	C,"Z"		;Skip if greater than a "Z"
	CAIGE	C,"0"		;Skip if greater than a "0"
	JRST	WLDSI4		;Go test for an "*" or "?"
	CAIGE	C,"A"		;Skip if greater than a "A"
	CAIG	C,"9"		;Skip if greater than a "9"
	JRST	WLDSI1		;Go store the character

WLDSI4:	CAIN	C,"*"		;Skip if not an astrisk
	JRST	WLDAST		;Go process the astrisk
	CAIE	C,"?"		;Skip if a question mark
	PJRST	.POPJ1		;Give a good return

WLDQST:	TXNE	F,F.AST		;Skip if the astrisk flag isn't set
	POPJ	P,		;Error return
	MOVX	T4,77B5		;Set up the question mark mask
	JRST	WLDAS0		;To store the character and mask

WLDAST:	TXOE	F,F.AST		;Skip it astrisk flag isn't set and set it
	POPJ	P,		;Error return
	SETO	T4,		;Set the mask flag
WLDAS0:	LDB	T5,[POINT 6,T3,5]  ;Get the location of the byte
	LSH	T4,-^D36(T5)	;Position the mask
	XOR	T2,T4		;Store the mask
	JRST	WLDSI2		;To store the character
	SUBTTL	Input Routines -- CLRLIN - Clear to End of Line

;CLRLIN - Clear to the end of a command line
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T5 and C

CLRLIN:	MOVSI	T5,-<EOLSIZ-2>	;Get the number of end of line characters
CLRLI0:	CAMN	C,EOL(T5)	;Skip if not this character
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	AOBJN	T5,CLRLI0	;Loop until all have been tried
	XCT	INCHR		;Get the next character
	JRST	CLRLIN		;Go try this character
	SUBTTL	Input Routines -- TSTEOL - Test of End-of-Line Character

;TSTEOL - Test for an EOL character
;Call:	MOVE	C,<The character to test>
;	 * Non-skip return - Not an EOL character *
;	* Skip return - An EOL character *
;Uses:	T5 and C

TSTEOL:	XCT	INCHR		;Get a character
TSTEO0:	CAIN	C,.CHCRT	;Skip if the char isn't a carriage return
	XCT	INCHR		;Get another character then
	MOVSI	T5,-EOLSIZ	;Set up an AOBJN counter
TSTEO1:	CAMN	C,EOL(T5)	;Skip if it equals this char
	JRST	.POPJ1		;Give an E-O-L return
	AOBJN	T5,TSTEO1	;Jump if more char to test
	POPJ	P,		;Return

;The EOL character set

EOL:	.CHBEL			;A bell
	.CHLFD			;A line-feed
	.CHVTB			;A vertical-tab
	.CHFFD			;A form-feed
	.CHCNZ			;A Control-Z
	.CHESC			;An escape
	.CHTAB			;A tab
	" "			;A space
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- PPNOUT/PPNJST - Output a PPN

;PPNOUT - Output a PPN without justification
;PPNJST - Output a PPN with (right) justification
;Call:	MOVE	T4,<The justification counter (PPNJST)>
;	MOVE	T5,<The PPN to output>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-5, BP, C and CC

PPNOUT:	SETZ	T4,		;Clear the justify counter
PPNJST:	HLRZ	T1,T5		;Set to output the proj number
	PUSHJ	P,OCTJST	;Output the proj number
	PUSHJ	P,COMOUT	;Output a comma
	MOVEI	T1,(T5)		;Set up to output the prog number

;OCTOUT - Output an octal number without justification
;DECOUT - Output a decimal number without justification
;OCTJST - Output an octal number with (right) justification
;DECJST - Output a decimal number with (right) justification
;Call:	MOVE	T4,<The justification counter (OCTJST/DECJST)>
;	MOVE	T1,<The number to output>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-4, BP, C and CC


OCTJST:	SKIPA	T3,[^D8]	;Set up for octal output
DECJST:	MOVEI	T3,^D10		;Set up for decimal output
RDXJST:	JUMPGE	T1,RDXJS0	;Jump if the number of positive
	MOVNS	T1		;Make the number positive
	SOJ	T4,		;Decrement column counter
	TXOA	F,F.NEG		;Set the negative flag and skip
RDXJS0:	TXZ	F,F.NEG		;Clear the negative flag
RDXJS1:	SOJ	T4,		;Decrement column counter
	IDIVI	T1,(T3)		;Get a digit
	MOVEI	C,"0"(T2)	;Convert binary to ASCII
	HRLM	C,(P)		;Save for later
	JUMPE	T1,RDXJS3	;Jump if no more digits to output
	PUSHJ	P,RDXJS1	;Go get another digit
RDXJS2:	HLRZ	C,(P)		;Get a digit
	PJRST	CHROUT		;Go output the digit
RDXJS3:	TXNE	F,F.NEG		;Skip if not negative
	PUSH	P,["-",,RDXJS2]	;Set up to output a "-"
	JUMPLE	T4,RDXJS2	;Jump if no spaces to output
	MOVEI	C," "
RDXJS4:	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a space
	SOJG	T4,RDXJS4	;Jump if more spaces to output
	JRST	RDXJS2		;Go output some digits
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- CHROUT - Output a Character

;CHROUT - Output a Character
;Call:	MOVE	C,<The character to output>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	 BP and CC

CHROUT:	AOJ	CC,		;Increment the column counter
	CAMGE	CC,LINWID	;Don't output if done too many		[276]
	IDPB	C,BP		;Save the char
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- PRVOUT - Output a Protection

;PRVOUT - Output a protection code
;Call:	MOVE	T4,<The justification counter>
;	MOVE	T2,<The protection code>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-4, BP, C and CC

PRVOUT:	PUSHJ	P,JUST		;Justify everything first
	MOVEI	T3,^D3		;Set up a counter
	MOVE	T1,['> <000']	;Get the protection mask
PRVOU0:	ROTC	T1,-^D3		;Get a digit
	ROT	T1,-^D3		;Convert to sixbit
	SOJG	T3,PRVOU0	;Loop until finished
	ROT	T1,-^D6		;Allow room for the open carrot
	PJRST	SIXOUT		;Output the protection code
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- JUST - Justify the Output

;JUST - Justify the output
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<The column to justify to>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1, BP, C and CC

JUST:	SUBI	T1,(CC)		;Get the number of spaces needed
	JUMPLE	T1,.POPJ	;Jump if none to output
	MOVEI	C," "
JUST0:	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a space
	SOJG	T1,JUST0	;Loop if more spaces to output
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- ASCOUT - Output an ASCIZ String

;ASCOUT - Output an ASCIZ String
;Call:	MOVEI	T1,<The address of the ASCIZ string>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1, BP, C and CC

ASCOUT:	TLOA	T1,(POINT 7)	;Set up the byte pointer
ASCOU0:	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output the char
	ILDB	C,T1		;Get the next char
	JUMPN	C,ASCOU0	;Go output the char if non-null
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- SIXOUT - Output a SIXBIT Word

;SIXOUT - Output a SIXBIT word
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<The SIXBIT word to output>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-2, BP, C and CC

SIXOUT:	JUMPE	T1,.POPJ	;Jump if nothing to output
SIXOU0:	SETZ	T2,		;Clear a shift register
	ROTC	T1,6		;Get the char into T2
	MOVEI	C," "-' '(T2)	;Convert from SIXBIT to ASCII
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output the char
	JUMPN	T1,SIXOU0	;Loop for more characters
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- TTLLIN - Set Up for the Title Line

;TTLLIN - Set up to output the title line
;Call:	MOVEI	LC,<The line number>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	 BP and CC

TTLLIN:	MOVEI	BP,(LC)		     ;Make a byte
	IMULI	BP,LINSIZ	     ; pointer to the
	ADD	BP,[POINT 7,TTLBUF]  ; current line
	SETZ	CC,		;Reset the column count
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- BEGLIN - Set up for a Display Line

;BEGLIN - Set up to output a display line
;	* Return *
;Uses:	BP and CC

BEGLIN:	MOVEI	BP,(LC)		     ;Make a byte
	IMULI	BP,LINSIZ	     ; pointer to the
	ADD	BP,[POINT 7,LINBUF]  ; current line
	SETZ	CC,		;Reset the column count
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- ENDLIN - Finish off a Display Line

;ENDLIN - Finish off a display line
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1, BP, C and CC

ENDLIN:	MOVX	T1,%HZ1HP	;Assume a Hazeltine terminal		[273]
	MOVX	T2,CL.HZL	;Get the class for a Hazeltine terminal	[273]
	CAIN	T2,(P1)		;Is it a Hazeltine terminal?		[273]
	PUSHJ	P,JUST		;Clear thru column 68
	SETZ	C,		;Get a null				[273]
	PJRST	CHROUT		;Go put a null char in the line buffer
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- COMOUT - Output a Comma

;COMOUT - Output a comma
;	* Return *
;Uses:	BP, C and CC

COMOUT:	MOVEI	C,","		;Get a comma to output
	PJRST	CHROUT		;Output it and return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- CLNOUT - Output a Colon

;CLNOUT - Output a colon
;	* Return *
;Uses:	BP, C and CC

CLNOUT:	MOVEI	C,":"		;Get a colon to output
	PJRST	CHROUT		;Output it and return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- LBROUT, RBROUT - Output a Bracket

;LBROUT - Output a left bracket ("[")
;RBROUT - Output a right bracket ("]")
;	* Return *
;Uses:	BP, C and CC

LBROUT:	SKIPA	C,["["]		;Get a left bracket			[276]
RBROUT:	MOVEI	C,"]"		;Get a right bracket			[276]
	PJRST	CHROUT		;Output it and return			[276]
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- SLHOUT - Output a Slash

;SLHOUT - Output a slash
;	* Return *
;Uses:	BP, C and CC

SLHOUT:	MOVEI	C,"/"		;Get a slash to output
	PJRST	CHROUT		;Output it and return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- SPAOUT - Output a Space

;SPAOUT - Output a space
;	* Return *
;Uses:	BP, C and CC

SPAOUT:	MOVEI	C," "		;Get a space to output
	PJRST	CHROUT		;Output it and return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines - STROUT - Output a Structure Name and Free Count

;STROUT - Output a structure name and free count
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<SIXBIT structure name>
;	MOVE	T2,<free space to be typed>
;	 * Non-skip return - structure won't fit on this line
;	* Skip return - output successfully
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<SIXBIT structure name>
;	MOVE	T2,<free count>
;	MOVE	T4,<number of overhead characters>
;	 * Non-skip return - couldn't fit on the line
;	* Skip return - structure output
;Uses: BP, C and CC

STROUE:	PUSH	P,T1		;Save all				[271]
	PUSH	P,T2		; the appropriate			[271]
	PUSH	P,T3		; registers				[271]
	PUSH	P,T4		;  ...					[271]
	ADDI	T4,2(CC)	;Compute the amount of overhead chars	[271]
	JRST	STRO01		;Jon the common code below		[271]

STROUT:	PUSH	P,T1		;Save the				[271]
	PUSH	P,T2		; two arguments				[271]
	PUSH	P,T3		;And a couple				[271]
	PUSH	P,T4		; of other registers			[271]
	MOVEI	T4,2(CC)	;Account for the ":" and leading space	[271]

STRO01:	ADDI	T4,1		;Count this character (assumes at least one) [271]
	LSH	T1,^D6		;Shift to next character		[271]
	JUMPN	T1,STRO01	;Loop if more chars in the name		[271]

	MOVE	T1,T2		;Get the free count			[271]
	PUSHJ	P,SCALE		;Get the number of digits needed	[271]
	ADD	T4,T2		;Add it into the sum			[271]

; We have the length needed.  See if it'll fit on this line

	CAML	T4,LINWID	;Will it fit on this line?		[271,273]
	 JRST	STRO99		;No, just return unsuccessfully		[271]
	AOS	-4(P)		;Yes, cause a skip return		[271]
	SKIPE	CC		;Are we in column zero?			[271]
	PUSHJ	P,SPAOUT	;No, output a space			[271]
	MOVE	T1,-3(P)	;Get the structure name back		[271]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output it				[271]
	PUSHJ	P,CLNOUT	;Output the separator			[271]
	MOVE	T1,-2(P)	;Get the free count back		[271]
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	; and output it				[271]

STRO99:	POP	P,T4		;Restore the saved			[271]
	POP	P,T3		; temp ACs				[271]
	POP	P,T2		;Restore the free count			[271]
	POP	P,T1		;  and the structure name		[271]
	POPJ	P,		;Return					[271]
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- SCALE - Scale a Decimal Number

;SCALE - Figure out how many digits in a decimal number
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<number to be output>
;	* Returns T2 containing the number of digits to be output
;Uses T1, T2

SCALE:	MOVSI	T2,-STENLN	;Get the powers of ten table length	[271]

; Loop here to figure out how namy digits:

SCAL01:	CAML	T1,STEN(T2)	;Big enough power of ten yet?		[271]
	AOBJN	T2,SCAL01	;No, try the next power of ten		[271]
	HRRZS	T2		;Get the number of digits		[271]
	POPJ	P,		;And return				[271]

; The powers of ten table:

STEN:	^D0		;(Should be 1, but even 0 needs a digit)	[271]
	^D10		;10^1						[271]
	^D100		;10^2						[271]
	^D1000		;10^3						[271]
	^D10000		;10^4						[271]
	^D100000	;10^5						[271]
	^D1000000	;10^6						[271]
	^D10000000	;10^7						[271]
	^D100000000	;10^8						[271]
	^D1000000000	;10^9						[271]
	^D10000000000	;10^10						[271]
STENLN==.-STEN		;Length of this table				[271]
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- TIMOUT - Output a Time

;TIMOUT - Output a time value
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<The time in jiffies>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-4, BP, C and CC

TIMOUT:	TXZ	F,F.DIG		;Clear the digit output flag
	IDIV	T1,JIFHOR	;Get the number of hours
	PUSH	P,T2		;Save the minutes and seconds for later
	JUMPE	T1,TIMOU0	;Jump if the hours field is zero
	PUSHJ	P,TWOOUT	;Output the hours
	PUSHJ	P,CLNOUT	;Output a colon
TIMOU0:	POP	P,T1		;Restore the minutes and seconds
	IDIV	T1,JIFMIN	;Get the minutes
	PUSH	P,T2		;Save the seconds for later
	TXNN	F,F.DIG		;Skip is a digit has been output
	JUMPE	T1,TIMOU1	;Jump if the minutes field is zero
	PUSHJ	P,TWOOUT	;Output the minutes
	PUSHJ	P,CLNOUT	;Output a colon
TIMOU1:	POP	P,T1		;Restore the seconds
	IDIV	T1,JIFFIE	;Get the whole seconds
	PUSH	P,T2		;Save the part of a second for later
	PUSHJ	P,TWOOUT	;Output the whole seconds
	MOVEI	C,"."		;Output
	POP	P,T1		;Restore the part of a second
	IMULI	T1,^D100	;Convert to
	IDIV	T1,JIFFIE	; centi-seconds
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- TWOOUT - Output Atleast Two Digits

;TWOOUT - Output atleast two decimal digits
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<The number to output>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	F, T1-4, BP, C and CC

TWOOUT:	TXON	F,F.DIG		;Skip if a digit has been output
	PJRST	DECOUT		;Output the number and return
	MOVEI	C,"0"		;Set up to output a zero
	CAIGE	T1,^D10		;Skip if the number is greater than 9
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output a zero
	PJRST	DECOUT		;Output the number and return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- SIXJST - Output a Justified SIXBIT Word

;SIXJST - Output a justified SIXBIT Word
;Call:	MOVE	T4,<The column to justify to>
;	MOVE	T2,<The SIXBIT word to output>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-2, BP, C and CC

SIXJST:	PUSHJ	P,JUST		;Justify to the right column
	MOVE	T1,T2		;Get the SIXBIT word to be output
	PJRST	SIXOUT		;Now output it and return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- JOBOUT - Output Some Job Status

;JOBOUT - Output some job status
;	* Return *
;Uses:	F, T1-5, P2-5, BP, C and CC

JOBOUT:	MOVE	P5,JOBNUM	;Get the job number
	MOVE	P4,@GETSTS	;Get the job's status
	TXNN	P4,JS.JNA	;Skip if the job number has be assigned
	PJRST	.POPJ1		;The job isn't in use
	SKIPE	P2,@GETTTY	;Skip if on TTY associated with the job
	ADDI	P2,HI		;Relocate to the high segment		[266]
	SKIPN	P3,@GETPDB	;Skip if the job has a pdb
	PJRST	.POPJ1		;The job isn't in use

	PUSH	P,P5		;The save job number for later
	MOVE	T1,['PRG:  ']	;Output
	MOVE	T1,@GETPRG	;Get the program name
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; and output it
	MOVE	T2,@GETPRG	;Get the low segment name again
	SKIPLE	P5,@GETSGN	;Skip if the high segment doesn't exists
	SKIPN	T1,@GETPRG	;Skip if a non-null high segment name
	JRST	JOBO0A		;Ok, then skip some code
	CAMN	T1,T2		;Skip if they aren't the same
	JRST	JOBO0A		;Ok, then skip some code
	MOVEI	C,"+"		;Output
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the high segment name
JOBO0A:	MOVE	P5,(P)		;Get the segment job number back
	MOVEI	T1,^D18		;Justify to column
	MOVE	T2,['COR:  ']	; 18 and output
	SKIPG	P5,@GETSGN	;Skip if there is a high segment
	TDZA	T1,T1		;Clear the high segment size
	PUSHJ	P,HGHSIZ	;Get the high segment size
	MOVE	T5,T1		;Save the high segment size
	MOVE	P5,(P)		;Restore the job number
	PUSHJ	P,LOWSIZ	;Get the low segment size
	SKIPG	P5,@GETSGN	;Skip if a high segment
	JRST	JOBO0B		;Skip some code
	MOVX	T2,SS.SHR	;Get the sharable bit
	TDNN	T2,@GETSTS	;Skip if non-sharable
	SUB	T1,T5		;Adjust the low segment size
JOBO0B:	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the low segment size
	JUMPLE	P5,JOBOU0	;Jump if no high segment
	MOVEI	C,"+"		;Output
	MOVE	T1,T5		;Get the high
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	; segment size
JOBOU0:	JUMPGE	P5,JOBOU1	;Jump if not SPYing
	MOVSI	T1,'+S '	;Output '+S' to show
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; job is SPYing
JOBOU1:	POP	P,P5		;Restore the job number
	MOVEI	C,"+"		;Output					[270]
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	; a "+"					[270]
	HLRZ	T1,@GETPDB	;Get the number of funny pages		[270]
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output it				[270]
	MOVEI	C,"P"		;Assume the core is in pages
	CAIGE	CC,^D32		;Don't output if we've typed too much	[270]
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output the core size
	MOVEI	T1,^D33		;Justify to column			[270]
	MOVE	T2,['STS:  ']	; 33 and output
	MOVSI	T1,'^W '	;Assume command wait state
	TXNE	P4,JS.RUN	;Skip if not in a run state
	MOVSI	T1,'CW '	;Assume core wait state
	TXNE	P4,JS.CMW	;Skip if not in command wait
	JRST	JOBOU4		;Go output the state
	MOVSI	T1,'OW '	;Assume operator wait
	TXNE	P4,JS.DCE	;Skip if not in operator wait
	JRST	JOBOU4		;Go output the state
	MOVSI	T1,'^D '	;Assume DAEMON wait state
	TXNE	P4,JS.JDC	;Skip if not in DAEMON wait
	JRST	JOBOU4		;Go output the state
	MOVSI	T1,'^C '	;Assume the job is stopped
	JUMPGE	P4,JOBOU4	;Go output the state
	LDB	T1,[POINT 5,P4,14]  ;Get the state of the job
	IDIVI	T1,^D3		;Get the word the state is in
	IMULI	T2,^D12		;Get the shift value to get the state
	MOVE	T1,@GETWSN	;Get the right state for the job
	LSH	T1,(T2)		;Get the state if the right place
	ANDX	T1,7777B11	;Clear any unneeded bits
	CAME	T1,['EW    ']	;Skip if in an event wait state
	JRST	JOBOU2		;Skip the EW state stuff
	LDB	T2,[POINT 5,@GETST2,24]  ;Get the event wait code
	JUMPE	T2,JOBOU4	;Zero is unknown
	CAIG	T2,EVWSIZ	;Skip if greater than the known one's
	MOVE	T1,EVWTAB-1(T2)	;Get the event wait state
	JRST	JOBOU4		;Go output the state
JOBOU2:	CAME	T1,['SL    ']	;Skip if in a sleep state
	JRST	JOBOU3		;Go test the 'TI' state
	TXNN	P4,JS.CLK	;Skip if in a clock request queue
	MOVSI	T1,'HB '	;Change the state to HIBERnate
	JRST	JOBOU4		;Go output the state
JOBOU3:	CAMN	T1,['TI    ']	;Skip if not terminal I/O wait
	SKIPL	DEVIOS(P2)	;Skip if output wait
	JRST	JOBOU4		;Go output the state
	MOVSI	T1,'TO '	;Change the state to terminal output
JOBOU4:	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the state of the job
				; Note - T1 is zero on return
	TXNE	P4,JS.LOK	;Skip if the job isn't locked in core
	MOVSI	T1,' LS'	;Job is locked in core shuffling allowed
	TXNE	P4,JS.NSH	;Skip if the job can be shuffled
	MOVSI	T1,' LK'	;Job is locked in core in place
	JUMPN	T1,JOBOU7	;Go output the state of the job
	TXNN	P4,JS.SWP	;Skip if the job is swapped
	JRST	JOBOU5		;Go see if virtual
	MOVSI	T1,' SW'	;Assume swapped
	SKIPGE	@GETSWP		;Skip if not fragmented
	MOVSI	T1,' SF'	;Set the job to swapped and fragmented
	HLRZ	T2,@GETVRT	;Get the virtual flags for the job
	JUMPE	T2,JOBOU7	;Jump if not virtual
	JUMPE	T1,JOBOU6	;Jump if not swapped
	TLNN	T1,'SW'^!'SF'	;Skip if not fragmented
	TLCA	T1,'SF'^!'F'^!'M'  ;Set the state to 'VF'
	TLC	T1,'SW'^!'S'^!'M'  ;Set the state to 'VS'
JOBOU6:	TLC	T1,'VM'		   ;Set the state to 'VM'
JOBOU7:	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the state of the job
	MOVEI	T1,^D43		;Justify to column			[270]
	MOVE	T2,['RUN:  ']	; 43 and get 'RUN:'
	TXNE	F,F.PAS		;Skip if not pass one
	TRO	T2,' ? '	;Change to 'RUN:?'
	PUSHJ	P,SIXJST	;Output the SIXBIT message
	MOVN	T1,@GETTIM	;Get the run time of the job
	EXCH	T1,TOTTIM	;Save for the next scan
	SUB	T1,TOTTIM	;Get the incremental run time
	CAIGE	T1,0		;Skip if non-negative
	MOVN	T1,TOTTIM	;Use the total runtime (assume new job)
	MOVEM	T1,DELTIM	;Save for later
	TXNN	F,F.PAS		;Skip if pass one
	PUSHJ	P,TIMOUT	;Output the incremental run time
	PUSHJ	P,SLHOUT	;Output a slash
	MOVN	T1,TOTTIM	;Get the total run time
	PUSHJ	P,TIMOUT	;Output total run time

	MOVEI	T1,^D63		;Justify to column			[270]
	MOVE	T2,['CPU:  ']	; 63 and get 'CPU:'
	TXNE	F,F.PAS		;Skip if not pass one
	TRO	T2,' ? '	;Change to 'CPU:?'
	PUSHJ	P,SIXJST	;Output the SIXBIT message
	MOVE	T1,DELTIM	;Get the delta runtime
	IMULI	T1,^D100	;Set up to get a percentage
	MOVN	T2,@GETDAT	;Get the date
	EXCH	T2,CURDAT	;Save for the next scan
	SUB	T2,CURDAT	;Get the delta date
	PUSHJ	P,ADJTIM	;Convert to the right format
	MOVE	T3,T2		;Round the
	ASH	T3,-^D1		; percentage
	ADD	T1,T3		; of runtime
	IDIV	T1,T2		;Get the percentage of runtime
	TXNN	F,F.PAS		;Skip if pass one
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the percentage of runtime
	PUSHJ	P,SLHOUT	;Output a slash
	MOVN	T1,TOTTIM	;Get the runtime
	IMULI	T1,^D100	;Set up to get a percentage
	MOVN	T2,CURDAT	;Get the length of time the
	SUB	T2,@GETJLT	; job has been logged in
	PUSHJ	P,ADJTIM	;Convert to the right format
	MOVE	T3,T2		;Round the
	ASH	T3,-^D1		; percentage
	ADD	T1,T3		; of runtime
	IDIV	T1,T2		;Get the percentage
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	; of runtime
	PUSHJ	P,ENDLIN	;Finish off the line right
	AOJ	LC,		;Increment the line count
	PUSHJ	P,TTLLIN	;Set up for the new line
	MOVE	T1,DEVNAM(P2)	;Get the terminal name
	MOVE	T4,@DDBLDB	;Get the link to the terminal's LDB	[266]
	JUMPE	T4,[SETO T5,		;The job is detached		[260]
		    HRLI T1,'DET'	;Say the job is detached
		    TXNN F,F.GOD	;Skip if GOD
		    TRZ  T1,-1		;Clear the terminal number
		    JRST JOBO10]	;Go output the terminal name
	MOVE	T5,T4		;Save for later
	MOVE	T2,@LDBDCH	;Get the terminal characteristic bits	[266]
	TXNN	T2,LDRPTY	;Skip if a PTY
	JRST	JOBO10		;No need to change anything
	ANDX	T2,777		;Remove some unneeded bits
	SUB	T2,PTYMIN	;Convert from TTY range to PTY range
	MOVSI	T1,'PTY'	;Set the terminal to be a PTY
	PUSH	P,JOBOU9	;Set up to make the PTY name
JOBOU8:	IDIVI	T2,^D8		;Get a digit
	HRLM	T3,(P)		;Save it for later
	CAIN	T2,0		;Skip if not finished
	SKIPA	T3,[POINT 6,T1,17]  ;Set up a type pointer
	PUSHJ	P,JOBOU8	;Loop back
	HLRZ	T2,(P)		;Restore a digit
	MOVEI	T2,'0'(T2)	;Convert from binary to SIXBIT
	IDPB	T2,T3		;Store the digit in the name
JOBO10:	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the terinal name

	MOVEI	T1,^D7		;Justify to column
	MOVE	T2,['HPQ:  ']	; 7 and output
	LDB	T1,[POINT 4,@GETRTD,9]  ;Get the HPQ level
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the level number

	MOVEI	T1,^D13		;Justify to column
	MOVE	T2,['PRI:  ']	; 13 and output
	LDB	T1,[POINT 3,@GETSPL,26]  ;Get the disk priority
	TRZE	T1,4		;Skip if a positive priority
	MOVNS	T1		;Negate the absolute value of the priority
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the priority

	MOVEI	T1,^D20		;Justify to column 20
	MOVE	T2,['DSK:E ']	;Assume error on quota exausted
	TXNE	P4,JS.SFL	;Skip if error on disk full condition
	TRC	T2,'E '^!'P '	;Change error to pause
	PUSHJ	P,SIXJST	;Output the message

	MOVEI	T1,^D26		;Justify to column
	MOVE	T2,['DDB:  ']	; 26 and output
	MOVE	T1,DDBCNT	;Output the
	MOVEI	T1,^D33		;Justify to column 33
	MOVE	T2,['RED:  ']	; and output 'RED:'
	TXNE	F,F.PAS		;Skip if not pass one
	TRO	T2,' ? '	;Change to 'RED:?'
	PUSHJ	P,SIXJST	;Output the SIXBIT message
	LDB	T1,[POINT 24,@GETRCT,35]  ;Get the number of disk reads
	MOVNS	T1		;Negate the number the disk reads
	EXCH	T1,DSKRED	;Save for the next scan
	SUB	T1,DSKRED	;Get the incremental disk reads
	TXNN	F,F.PAS		;Skip if pass one
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the incremental disk reads
	PUSHJ	P,SLHOUT	;Output a slash
	MOVN	T1,DSKRED	;Output the total
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	; disk reads

	MOVEI	T1,^D49		;Justify to column 49
	MOVE	T2,['WRT:  ']	; and get 'WRT:'
	TXNE	F,F.PAS		;Skip if not pass one
	TRO	T2,' ? '	;Change to 'WRT:?'
	PUSHJ	P,SIXJST	;Output the SIXBIT message
	LDB	T1,[POINT 24,@GETWCT,35]  ;Get the number of disk writes
	MOVNS	T1		;Negate the number the disk writes
	EXCH	T1,DSKWRT	;Save for the next scan
	SUB	T1,DSKWRT	;Get the incremental disk writes
	TXNN	F,F.PAS		;Skip if pass one
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the incremental disk writes
	PUSHJ	P,SLHOUT	;Output a slash
	MOVN	T1,DSKWRT	;Output the total
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	; disk writes
IFG .PDCTC,<		;If this monitor has alternate contexts		[301]
	SKIPN	T3,HI+.PDCTC(P3);Get the current context pointer	[301]
	JRST	JOB10B		;No context pointer? Don't write this	[301]
IFN .CTFLG,ADDI	T3,.CTFLG	;Point to the context flags word	[301]
	PEEK	T3,		;Get the context flags			[301]
	MOVEI	T1,^D63		;Justify to column 63			[301]
	MOVE	T2,['CTX:  ']	; and get 'CTX:'			[301]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXJST	;Output the header			[301]
	LDB	T1,[POINTR T3,CNOMSK] ;Extract the context number	[301]
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the context number		[301]
JOB10B: >		;End IFG .PDCTC					[301]
	PUSHJ	P,ENDLIN	;Finish the line off
	AOJ	LC,		;Increment the line count
	PUSHJ	P,TTLLIN	;Set up for the next line

	MOVE	T1,@GETPPN	;Get the job's PPN			[272]
	XOR	T1,DIR		;Compare the PPN against		[272]
	TDNE	T1,DIRMSK	;  what we're allowed to see		[272]
	TXNE	F,F.GOD		;Not normally allowed.  Are we GOD?	[272]
	SKIPA			;It's ok to do this then		[272]
	JRST	JOBO11		;No, just output the character counts	[272]
JOB10A:	MOVE	T1,JOBTTL	;Get the job title line type		[272]
	JRST	@[JOBO13		;Output the search list		[272]
		  JOBO11		;Output character counts	[272]
  		  JOBO20		;Output the job's path		[272]
		  JOBO26](T1)		;Output the job's LIB: spec	[276]

JOBO11:	JUMPL	T5,JOB11A	;Jump if detached			[260]
	MOVE	T1,['ICC:  ']	;Output
	MOVE	T1,HI+LDBICT(T5);Get the input character count
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output it

	MOVEI	T1,^D12		;Justify to column
	MOVE	T2,['OCC:  ']	; 12 and output
	MOVE	T1,HI+LDBOCT(T5);Get the output character count
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output it

	MOVEI	T1,^D24		;Justify to column
	MOVE	T2,['CMD:  ']	; 24 and output
	HLRZ	T1,HI+LDBBCT(T5);Get the command count
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output it

JOB11A:	MOVEI	T1,^D33		;Justify to column			[260]
	MOVE	T2,['UUO:  ']	; 33 and output
	MOVE	T1,@GETUUC	;Output the UUO

	MOVEI	T1,^D45		;Justify to column
	MOVE	T2,['KCS:  ']	; 45 and output
	MOVE	T1,@GETKCT	;Output the
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	; Kill-Core-Seconds

	PUSHJ	P,CLNOUT	;Output a colon
	MOVE	T1,@GETVKS	;Output
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	; Kilo-Core-Seconds

JOBO12:	AOS	T1,JOBTTL	;Increment the title type		[272]
	CAIL	T1,4		;Have we overflowed?			[272]
	SETZM	JOBTTL		;Yes, start back over with the search list [272]
	TXZ	F,F.PAS		;Clear the pass one flag
	POPJ	P,		;Return
JOBO13:	MOVE	T1,@GETPPN	;Get the user's PPN
	HLRZ	T4,@GETSPB	;Get the pointer to the PPB chain
	TRNA			;Fast skip
JOBO14:	HLRZ	T4,HI+PPBSYS(T4);Get the pointer to the next PPB
	JUMPE	T4,JOBO15	;Jump if end of the chain
	CAME	T1,HI+PPBNAM(T4);Skip if the user's PPB
	JRST	JOBO14		;Keep on truck'n
	MOVE	T5,[POINT 9,HI+.PDJSL(P3)]  ;Get the pointer to the search list
JOBO15:	ILDB	T3,T5		;Get a file structure number
	ANDX	T3,77		;Clear some flags
	CAIN	T3,.FSTMP	;Skip if not a temporary structure
	JRST	JOBO15		;Go try the next structure
	CAIE	T3,.FSEND	;Skip if the end of the search list
	CAIN	T3,.FSFNC	;Skip if the end of the active search list
	JRST	JOBO12		;Finished
	CAIN	T3,.FSSTP	;Skip if the end of everything
	JRST	JOBO12		;Finished
JOBO16:	PUSHJ	P,MAPSTR	;Go map this STR			[266]
	 JRST	JOBO15		;Can't?  At least we tried		[266]
	HRRZ	T2,STRFSN(P4)	;Get this file structure number
	CAMN	T2,T3		;Skip if not a match
	JRST	JOBO17		;Yea! We found it
	HLRZ	P4,@STRSYS	;Get the pointer to the next structure
	JUMPN	P4,JOBO16	;Skip if not the end of the line
	JRST	JOBO15		;Well I tried
JOBO17:	HLRZ	T2,HI+PPBUFB(T4);Get the pointer to the UFB chain
	TRNA			;Fast skip
JOBO18:	HLRZ	T2,HI+UFBPPB(T2);Get the pointer to the next PPB
	JUMPE	T2,JOBO19	;Jump if the end of the chain
	LDB	T1,[POINT 6,HI+UFBFSN(T2),5]  ;Get the file structure number
	CAME	T1,T3		;Skip if the right structure
	JRST	JOBO18		;Keep on truck'n
	MOVE	T2,HI+UFBTAL(T2);Get the login quota
	CAMLE	T2,STRTAL(P4)	;Skip if smaller than structure free
JOBO19:	MOVE	T2,STRTAL(P4)	;Get the free space on the structure	[271]
	MOVE	T1,STRNAM(P4)	;Get the structure name			[271]
	PUSHJ	P,STROUT	;Output the structure and free space	[271]
	 JRST	JOBO12		;It don't fit, so we're done		[271]
	JRST	JOBO15		;Go find the next structure
;Here to output the job's path

JOBO20:	HRRZ	P4,@GETSFD	;Get the job's path pointer		[272]
	TRZE	P4,1		;Is /SCAN set?				[272]
	TXO	F,F.SCN		;Yes, remember that for later		[272]
	MOVE	T1,['PATH:[']	;Get a header				[272]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output it				[272]
	SKIPE	P4		;Did we get any kind of pointer?	[272]
	TRZE	P4,2		;Is this just a UFB pointer?		[272]
	SKIPA			;No SFDs, it's pretty easy then		[272]
	JRST	JOBO21		;No, do it the hard way			[272]
	SKIPE	P4		;Did we really get anything?		[272]
	SKIPN	T5,HI+PPBNAM(P4);Yes, get the PPN			[272]
	MOVE	T5,@GETPPN	;No, get from the job table		[272]
	PUSHJ	P,PPNOUT	;Output the PPN				[272]
	JRST	JOBO25		;Continue at end of path		[272]

; Here if the path is in an SFD.  We have to follow the NMBs up

JOBO21:	PUSH	P,[0]		;Put a marker on the stack		[272]
	HLRZ	T4,HI+NMBACC(P4);Get the ACC pointer			[272]
	HRRZ	T4,HI+ACCPPB(T4);Get the PPB pointer			[272]
	MOVE	T5,HI+PPBNAM(T4);Get the PPN				[272]
	PUSHJ	P,PPNOUT	;Go output it				[272]

;Loop here finding superior SFDs

JOBO22:	PUSH	P,HI+NMBNAM(P4)	;Save this SFD's name			[272]
JOBO23:	HLRZ	P4,HI+NMBPPB(P4);Get the pointer to the next NMB	[272]
	TRZN	P4,NMPUPT	;Skip if it points to the father SFD	[272]
	JUMPN	P4,JOBO23	;Nope.  Try the next			[272]
	JUMPN	P4,JOBO22	;Yep.  Save the SFD name		[272]

; Unwind the SFDs:

JOBO24:	POP	P,T1		;Restore an SFD name			[272]
	JUMPE	T1,JOBO25	;Exit loop if we're done		[272]
	PUSHJ	P,COMOUT	;Output a comma				[272]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the SFD name			[272]
	JRST	JOBO24		;Loop for all SFD names			[272]
;Done with the path proper. Output /SCAN/NEW/SYS, etc

JOBO25:	PUSHJ	P,RBROUT	;Output a terminator			[272]
	MOVE	T1,['/SCAN ']	;Get the switch				[272]
	TXZE	F,F.SCN		;Was it set?				[272]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Yes, type it then			[272]
	MOVE	T5,@GETSFD	;Get the JBTSFD entry back		[272]
	MOVE	T1,['/SYS  ']	;Get the/SYS switch			[272]
	TLNE	T5,1		;Is it set?				[272]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Yes, type it then			[272]
	MOVE	T1,['/NEW  ']	;Get the /NEW switch			[272]
	TLNE	T5,2		;Is it set?				[272]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Yes, type it too			[272]
	JRST	JOBO12		;Finish line and exit			[272]
; Here to output the job's LIB: specification:

JOBO26:	MOVE	T5,@GETSFD	;Get the SFD/LIB pointer word		[276]
	TLNN	T5,777774	;Any LIB spec?				[276]
	JRST	[SETZM	JOBTTL		;Nope. Reset the title line counter [276]
		 JRST	JOB10A]		;And output something else	[276]
	MOVE	T1,['LIB:  ']	;Yes, get the prefix			[276]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output it				[276]
	SKIPN	T5,HI+.PDOSL(P3);Any old style LIB: PPN?		[276]
	JRST	JOBO27		;No.  Gotta do it the hard way		[276]
	JRST	JOBO34		;Output the PPN and finish up		[276]

; Here if we have to output a new style LIB:.  First, find the logical spec:

JOBO27:	PUSHJ	P,MAPUPT	;Go map the UPT				[276]
	 JRST	JOBO33		;Error?  Just output the PPB contents	[276]
	SKIPN	P2,@.USLNM	;Get the logical name pointer		[276]
	JRST	JOBO33		;None?  Just output the PPB again	[276]
	TLZ	P2,-1		;Get rid of the AC index		[276]
	PUSHJ	P,MAPFUN	;Go map the funny spage for this guy	[276]
	 JRST	JOBO33		;Can't?  Just output the PPB contents	[276]

;Loop for each logical name def.  Find one that looks like a LIB:

JOBO28:	PUSHJ	P,FUNWRD	;Get the next pointer			[276]
	 JRST	JOBO33		;Can't? Just output the PPB contents	[276]
	JUMPE	T1,JOBO33	;None? Just output the PPB thing	[276]
	JUMPG	T1,JOBO28	;Ignore this if not /SEARCH		[276]
	HRRZ	P2,T1		;Copy the /LIB: pointer			[276]
	PUSHJ	P,MAPFUN	;Go map it				[276]
	 JRST	JOBO33		;Can't?  Just give up			[276]
	ADDI	P2,1		;Skip over the name itself		[276]
	TXOA	F,F.TMP		;Don't output a comma first time out	[276]
JOBO29:	PUSHJ	P,RBROUT	;Finish the previous path		[276]
JOBO30:	PUSHJ	P,FUNWRD	;Get the device name			[276]
	 JRST	JOBO36		;Error?  Sounds like the end of the def	[276]
	JUMPE	T1,JOBO36	;End of def if no device name		[276]
	TXZN	F,F.TMP		;First time through here?		[276]
	PUSHJ	P,COMOUT	;Nope, output a separator		[276]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the device name			[276]
	PUSHJ	P,CLNOUT	;Output the separator			[276]
	PUSHJ	P,FUNWRD	;Get the filename			[276]
	 JRST	JOBO36		;Error ...				[276]
	SKIPE	T1		;Any filename?				[276]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Yes, output it				[276]
	PUSHJ	P,FUNWRD	;Get the extension			[276]
	 JRST	JOBO36		;Error again ...			[276]
	JUMPE	T1,JOBO31	;Skip this if no extension		[276]
	MOVEI	C,"."		;Get the separator			[276]
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output it				[276]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output the extension			[276]
; Output the path in this section of the logical definition:

JOBO31:	PUSHJ	P,FUNWRD	;Get the PPN				[276]
	 JRST	JOBO36		;Error ...				[276]
	JUMPE	T1,JOBO30	;Start next piece if no path		[276]
	MOVE	T5,T1		;Copy the PPN				[276]
	PUSHJ	P,LBROUT	;Output the beginning of the path	[276]
	PUSHJ	P,PPNOUT	;Output the PPN				[276]

JOBO32:	PUSHJ	P,FUNWRD	;Get the next SFD name			[276]
	 JRST	JOBO35		;Can't - finish the path and quit	[276]
	JUMPE	T1,JOBO29	;No more SFDs, finish this path		[276]
	PUSHJ	P,COMOUT	;Got an SFD, output a separator		[276]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Then output the SFD name		[276]
	JRST	JOBO32		;Loop for all SFDs			[276]
JOBO33:	HLRZ	T1,@GETSFD	;Get the PPB pointer			[276]
	TRZ	T1,3		;Get rid of junk			[276]
	MOVE	T5,HI(T1)	;Get the LIB: PPN			[276]
JOBO34:	PUSHJ	P,LBROUT	;Output a left bracket			[276]
	PUSHJ	P,PPNOUT	;Output the PPN				[276]
JOBO35:	PUSHJ	P,RBROUT	;Output the end of path separator	[276]
JOBO36:	JRST	JOBO12		;Finish line and exit			[276]
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- CMDOUT - Output the Command String

;CMDOUT - Output the current command string
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-4, BP, C and CC

CMDOUT:	PUSH	P,C		;Save C for later
	MOVE	BP,[POINT 7,WHTBUF]  ;Set up the pointer to the buffer
	SETZ	CC,		;Reset the buffer counter
	TXNN	F,F.WLD		;Skip if the wild processor is in use
	JRST	CMDOU4		;Go inform user
	MOVE	T1,ROUTINE	;Get the address of the wild processor
	CAIN	T1,TSTFIL	;Skip if not the "F" command
	JRST	CMDOU2		;Go output the "F" command string
	CAIN	T1,TSTJOB	;Skip if not the "J" command
	JRST	CMDOU3		;Go output the "J" command string
	CAIN	T1,TSTLOG	;Skip if not the "L" command
	JRST	CMDOU0		;Go output the "L" command string
	CAIN	T1,TSTPRG	;Skip if not the "P" command string
	JRST	CMDOU1		;Go output the "P" command string

	SKIPA	C,["N"]		;Output an "N"

CMDOU0:	MOVEI	C,"L"		;Output an "L"
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output the character
	PUSHJ	P,WPPOUT	;Go output the PPN for the "L" command

CMDOU1:	SKIPA	C,["P"]		;Output a "P"

CMDOU2:	MOVEI	C,"F"		;Output a "F"
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output the character
	PUSHJ	P,SPCOUT	;Go output the file spec

CMDOU3:	MOVEI	C,"J"		;Output
	MOVE	T1,JOBNUM	;Go output the job number
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	; for the "J" command

CMDOU4:	MOVEI	C,"A"		;Output
CMDOU5:	MOVSI	T1,' D '	;Output
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; the " D"
	MOVE	T1,TRMNAM	;Output the				[273]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; display name

	MOVSI	T1,' E '	;Set up to output a "E" if in path mode
	TXNE	F,F.XTN		;Skip if not in extended status mode
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output a "E" if a extended status mode

	MOVSI	T1,' O '	;Set up to output an "O" if in swap mode [275]
	TXNE	F,F.PEK		;Are we in swapped DDB mode?		[275]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Yes, say so				[275]

	MOVSI	T1,' S '	;Output
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; the " S"
	HRRZ	T1,HIBTIM	;Get the HIBERnate time
	IDIVI	T1,^D1000	;Convert from milliseconds to seconds
	PUSHJ	P,DECOUT	;Output the time

	MOVSI	T1,' T '	;Set up to output a "T" if in title suppression
	TXNE	F,F.TTL		;Skip if the title is wanted
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Output a " T" if in title suppression mode

	MOVSI	T1,' C '	;Assume we're cycling through the DDBs	[300]
	TXNE	F,F.CYC		;Are we cycling through the DDBs?	[300]
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	;Can't be wrong all the time		[300]

	MOVSI	T1,' W '	;Output
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; the " W"

	IDPB	T1,BP		;Store a null character in the buffer
	POP	P,C		;Restore C
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- SPCOUT - Output a File Specification

;SPCOUT - Output a file specification
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-5, BP, C and CC

SPCOUT:	MOVE	T1,DEV		;Output the
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; device name
	PUSHJ	P,CLNOUT	;Output a colon
	HLRZ	T5,EXT		;Get the extension
	CAIN	T5,'UFD'	;Skip if not 'UFD'
	JRST	[MOVE	T3,FIL		;Get the file name
		 MOVE	T4,FILMSK	; and file name mask
		 PUSHJ	P,WPPOU0	;Output the name as a UFD
		 JRST	SPCOU0]		;Continue
	MOVE	T1,FIL		;Output the
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; file name
SPCOU0:	JUMPE	T5,WPPOUT	;Jump if the extension is zero
	MOVEI	C,"."		;Output
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	; a period
	MOVSI	T1,(T5)		;Output the
	PUSHJ	P,SIXOUT	; extension
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- WPPOUT - Output a Wild PPN

;WPPOUT - Output a wild PPN
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-4, BP, C and CC

WPPOUT:	MOVE	T3,DIR		;Get the directory and
	MOVE	T4,DIRMSK	; directory mask
WPPOU0:	PUSHJ	P,LBROUT	;Output a "["
	HLLZ	T1,T4		;Get the project mask
	HLR	T1,T3		;Get the project number
	PUSHJ	P,WOCOUT	;Output the wild project number
	PUSHJ	P,COMOUT	;Output a comma
	HRLZI	T1,(T4)		;Get the programmer mask
	HRRI	T1,(T3)		;Get the programmer number
	PUSHJ	P,WOCOUT	;Output the wild programmer number
	PJRST	RBROUT		;Output a "]" and return
	SUBTTL	Output Routines -- WOCOUT - Output a wild octal number

;WOCOUT - Output a wild octal number
;Call:	MOVSI	T1,<The wild mask>
;	HRRI	T1,<The wild number>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-2, BP, C and CC

WOCOUT:	JUMPE	T1,WOCOU3	;Jump if the number is completely wild
	TXZ	F,F.DIG		;Clear the digit seen flag
	MOVEI	T2,^D6		;Set up a counter
WOCOU0:	JUMPGE	T1,WOCOU1	;Jump if this digit is wild
	LDB	C,[POINT 3,T1,20]  ;Get a digit
	TXNN	F,F.DIG		;Skip if a digit has been seen
	JUMPE	C,WOCOU2	;Jump if the digit is a zero
	TROA	C,"0"		;Convert binary to ASCII and skip
WOCOU1:	MOVEI	C,"?"		;Set up to output a question mark
	TXO	F,F.DIG		;Set the digit seen flag
	PUSHJ	P,CHROUT	;Output the digit or question mark
WOCOU2:	LSH	T1,^D3		;Adjust the mask
	SOJG	T2,WOCOU0	;Loop back if not finished
	POPJ	P,		;Return
WOCOU3:	MOVEI	C,"*"		;Set up to output an
	PJRST	CHROUT		; astrisk and return
	SUBTTL	Display Initalization -- TRMDSP - Get the Default Terminal Type

;TRMDSP - Get the default terminal type
;	* Return - P1 contains terminal type offset *
;Uses:	T1-4, P1, P3 and C

TRMDSP:	MOVE	T1,[2,,T2]	;Point to the TRMOP. argument block	[266]
	MOVX	T2,.TOTRM	;Get the function to read the term type	[266]
	MOVE	T3,TRM+1	;Get the terminal number		[266]
	TRMOP.	T1,		;Get the terminal's type		[266]
	 MOVX	T1,'TTY   '	;Error?  Just get the default		[266]
;	PFALL	SETDSP		;Set the other display parameters	[255]
	SUBTTL	Display Initalization -- SETDSP - Set up Display Size

;SETDSP - Set up the display size parameters
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<SIXBIT terminal type>
;	* Returns terminal class in <RH> of P1, flags in LH, PREFIX setup
;Uses:	T1-T4, P1

SETDSP:	MOVSI	T2,-DSPSIZ	;Get an AOBJN pointer to term types	[266,273]
	CAME	T1,DSPNAM(T2)	;Proper terminal type?			[266,273]
	 AOBJN	T2,.-1		;No, try the next one			[266,273]
	SKIPL	T2		;Find anything?				[266,273]
	 MOVX	T2,%TTYTP	;No, assume TTY				[266,273]
	MOVEM	T1,TRMNAM	;Save the terminal's name		[273]
	MOVE	P1,DSPNUM(T2)	;Get the terminal's flags		[273]
	LDB	T1,[POINTR P1,TM%PFX] ;Get the prefix index		[273]
	MOVE	T1,PFXTAB(T1)	;Get the prefix				[273]
	MOVEM	T1,PREFIX	;Store					[273]
	LDB	T1,[POINTR P1,TM%WID] ;Get the terminal's width		[273]
	MOVEM	T1,LINWID	;Store for later			[273]
	LDB	T1,[POINTR P1,TM%LEN] ;Get the number of lines per page	[273]
	MOVEM	T1,TRMLIN	;Store the number of lines on the screen [273]
	TXNN	F,F.TTL		;Do we want the title line?		[273]
	MOVEI	T1,-TTLLNS(T1)	;Yes, reserve some lines		[273]
	SUBI	T1,1		;Account for the command echo buffer	[273]
	TXNE	F,F.XTN		;Skip it the path option isn't wanted
	LSH	T1,-^D1		;Divide by two
	MOVEM	T1,PAGSIZ	;Save for later
	TRZ	P1,^-TM%CLS	;Mask off junk				[273]
	TXO	F,F.CLR		;Set up clear the screen on the next scan
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Useful Routines -- HGHSIZ/LOWSIZ - Get a Segment Size

;HGHSIZ - Get the high segment size
;LOWSIZ - Get the low segment size
;Call:	MOVE	P4,<The job status>
;	MOVE	P5,<The job/segment number>
;	* Return - The result is in T1 *
;Uses:	F and T1

IFGE MONVER-703,<		;New core size computation		[266]
HGHSIZ:	MOVE	T1,@GETIMI	;Get the image swapped in size		[266]
	TLZ	T1,777770	;Get rid of junk			[266]
	JUMPN	T1,.POPJ	;Return if we got something		[266]
	HLRZ	T1,@GETSWP	;Get the swapped size			[266]
	POPJ	P,		;Return only the last 9 bits		[266]

LOWSIZ:	MOVE	T1,@GETIMI	;Get the swapped in image size		[266]
	TLZ	T1,777770	;Get rid of junk			[266]
	SKIPN	T1		;Anything there?			[266]
SEGSI0:	HLRZ	T1,@GETSWP	;No, get it from the swap word		[266]
	POPJ	P,		;And return with the segment size	[266] >
IFLE MONVER-702,<		;Old core size computation		[266]
HGHSIZ:	TXZA	F,F.LOW		;Clear the low segment flag
LOWSIZ:	TXO	F,F.LOW		;Set the low segment flag
	MOVE	T1,@GETSWP	;Get the swapped size
	TXNE	F,F.LOW		;Skip if the high segment
	JRST	LOWSI3		;Return only the last 9 bits
	MOVX	T1,SS.SHR	;Get the sharable bit
	TDNE	T1,@GETSTS	;Skip if the segment isn't sharable
	JRST	LOWSI0		;Go use the old way
	MOVS	T1,@GETSWP	;Get the swapped size
	JRST	LOWSI3		;Return only the last 9 bits
LOWSI0:	MOVS	T1,@GETADR	;Get the protection register info
	JUMPE	T1,LOWSI1	;Jump if zero
	TXNE	F,F.LOW		;Skip if the high segment
	TXNN	P4,JS.SWP	;Skip if swapped
	JRST	LOWSI2		;Go convert words to pages or K
LOWSI1:	MOVE	T1,@GETSWP	;Get the swapped size
	ANDI	T1,777		;Get only 9 bits
	JUMPN	T1,.POPJ	;Return the result
	MOVS	T1,@GETADR	;Get the protection register
LOWSI2:	AOJ	T1,		;Round up the nearist unit
	LSH	T1,-^D9		;Convert words to pages
LOWSI3:	ANDI	T1,777		;Clear out some trash
	POPJ	P,		;Return the result			[266] >
	SUBTTL	Useful Routines -- ADJTIM - Convert UDT to Jiffies

;ADJTIM - Convert UDT to jiffies
;Call:	MOVE	T2,<The UDT to be converted>
;	* Return - T2 contains time in jiffies *
;Uses:	T2-3

ADJTIM:	MUL	T2,[^D<24*60*60*1000>]  ;Adjust the faction of a day
	ASHC	T2,^D17		;Adjust this result
	MUL	T2,JIFFIE	;Convert from milliseconds
	DIVI	T2,^D1000	; to jiffies
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Useful Routines -- PAGADJ - Page Adjustment

;PAGADJ - Set up the page boundaries
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1

PAGADJ:	MOVE	T1,PAGNUM	;Get the page to output
	IMUL	T1,PAGSIZ	;Get the first
	MOVEM	T1,PAGFST	; DDB to output
	ADD	T1,PAGSIZ	;Get the last
	MOVEM	T1,PAGLST	; DDB to output
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	Useful Routines -- TSTABR - Test for an Abbreviation

;TSTABR - Test for an abbreviated SIXBIT word in a table
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<The SIXBIT word to test>
;	MOVE	T2,<AOBJN pointer to the table>
;	 * Non-skip return - Error:  T3 contains: *
;	 *		       0 - No abbreviation found *
;	 *		       1 - No unique abbreviation found *
;	* Skip return - T2 contains offset to avvreviation *
;Uses:	T1-5

TSTABR:	SETO	T4,		;Reset a counter

TSTAB0:	LSH	T4,-6		;Shift the mask one character to the right
	TDNE	T1,T4		;Skip if out of characters
	JRST	TSTAB0		;Loop back until finished

	SETZ	T3,		;Clear the flag for later
	HRRZM	T2,TEMP		;Set the base address for later

TSTAB1:	MOVE	T5,(T2)		;Get a word to test
	XOR	T5,T1		;Try to clear some characters
	JUMPE	T5,TSTAB3	;Jump if a match was found
	ANDCM	T5,T4		;Clear any characters at the end of the word
	JUMPN	T5,TSTAB2	;Jump if not a valid abbreviation
	TRON	T3,1		;Skip a if not the first match
	TLOA	T3,(T2)		;Set the flag for an abreviation found
	TLZ	T3,-1		;More than one abbreviation found
TSTAB2:	AOBJN	T2,TSTAB1	;Loop back if not finished

	TLNN	T3,-1		;Skip if an abbreviation was found
	POPJ	P,		;Error - T3 contains a:
				;	0 - No abbreviation found
				;	1 - No unique abbreviation found

	HLRZ	T2,T3		;Set up T2 to point to the abbreviation
TSTAB3:	SUB	T2,TEMP		;Set up T2 to be 0, 1, 2, ...
	JRST	.POPJ1		;Give a good return
	SUBTTL	Useful Routines -- RSTTRM - Restore Terminal Characteristics

;RSTTRM - Restore the terminal characteristics
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-3

RSTTRM:	MOVSI	T1,-TRMSIZ	;Set up an AOBJN counter
RSTTR0:	MOVE	T2,TRMSAV(T1)	;Get the bit to set
	MOVEM	T2,TRM+2	;Save for the TRMOP. UUO
	HRRZ	T2,TRMTAB(T1)	;Get the first function
	MOVEI	T2,.TOSET(T2)	;Set up as a set function
	MOVEM	T2,TRM		;Save for the TRMOP. UUO
	MOVE	T3,[3,,TRM]
	TRMOP.	T3,		;Set the bit
	 JRST	E$$TTF		;No - go inform the user
	AOBJN	T1,RSTTR0	;Jump if more to do
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	DDB Scanning Routines -- FNDSTR - Find a Structure Name

;FNDSTR - Find a structure name (SIXBIT)
;Call:	MOVE	P2,<The DDB address>
;	 * Non-skip return - Can't find the structure name *
;	* Skip return - The structure name is in T1 *
;Uses:	T1

FNDSTR:	PUSHJ	P,GETUNI	;Get the pointer to the unit		[266]
	 POPJ	P,		;Error return				[266]
	HRRZ	T1,UNISTR(T1)	;Get the pointer to the structure
	JUMPE	T1,.POPJ	;Error return
	PUSH	P,T2		;Save a couple				[266]
	PUSH	P,T3		;  of registers				[266]
	MOVEI	T2,STRNAM	;Get the highest loc we want		[266]
	MOVEI	T3,STRPAG	;Get the mapping if not in SPY seg	[266]
	PUSHJ	P,GETBLK	;Go map the block			[266]
	 JRST	FNDS90		;Error, just return			[266]
	MOVE	T1,STRNAM(T1)	;Got it, get the structure name		[266]
	AOS	-2(P)		;Cause a skip return			[266]

FNDS90:	POP	P,T3		;Restore the				[266]
	POP	P,T2		; saved registers			[266]
	POPJ	P,		;And return				[266]
	MOVE	T1,HI+STRNAM(T1);Get the structure name
	JRST	.POPJ1		;Go do a skip return
	SUBTTL	DDB Scanning Routines -- GETLDB - Map a LDB Page into Core

;GETLDB - Map a LDB page into core
;Call:	MOVE	T4,<The LDB address to be mapped in>
;	* Return - The LDB in mapped into core *
;Uses:	T3

GETLDB:	MOVE	T3,T4		;Convert the LDB
	LSH	T3,-^D9		; address into a
	HRLM	T3,LDBBLK+1	; page address
	ADDX	T3,1		;Account for the second
	HRLM	T3,LDBBLK+2	; page of the LDB
	MOVE	T3,[.PAGSP,,DELLDB]  ;Delete the old
	PAGE.	T3,		     ; LDB pages
	 JFCL			;Assume first time here
	MOVE	T3,[.PAGSP,,LDBBLK]  ;Map in the new
	PAGE.	T3,		     ; LDB pages
	 JRST	E$$UMP		;Unable to map in the LDB pages
	TRZ	T4,777000	;Fake the pointer to point
	TRO	T4,LDB-HI	;  to the mapped pages
	POPJ	P,		;Return
	SUBTTL	DDB Scanning Routines -- MAPSTR - Map a STR given its Pointer

;MAPSTR - Map a STR given the pointer
;Call:	MOVE	P4,<STR pointer>
;	 * Non-skip return - no STR
;	* Skip-return - P4 contains STR pointer, mapped
;Uses P4

MAPSTR:	JUMPE	P4,.POPJ		;Return now if no STR pointer	[266]
	PUSH	P,T1			;Got one, maybe.  Save		[266]
	PUSH	P,T2			; a few registers		[266]
	PUSH	P,T3			;  ...				[266]
	MOVE	T1,P4			;Copy the STR pointer		[266]
	MOVEI	T2,STRJOB		;Get the highest address we want [266]
	MOVEI	T3,STRPAG		;Get the mapping		[266]
	PUSHJ	P,GETBLK		;Map the STR pointer		[266]
	 SKIPA				;Too bad if we failed		[266]
	AOS	-3(P)			;Ok, cause skip return		[266]
	MOVE	P4,T1			;Get the new STR pointer	[266]
	POP	P,T3			;Then,				[266]
	POP	P,T2			; restore			[266]
	POP	P,T1			; the registers			[266]
	POPJ	P,			;And return			[266]
	SUBTTL	DDB Scanning Routines -- GETUNI - Get a UNI from the DDB Pointer

;GETUNI - Map a UNI given a DDB pointer
;Call:	MOVE	P2,<DDB pointer>
;	 * Non-skip return - no UNI
;	* Skip-return - T1 contains the UNI pointer, mapped
;Uses T1

GETUNI:	HRRZ	T1,@DEVUNI		;Get the UNI pointer		[266]
	JUMPE	T1,.POPJ		;Return if nothing there	[266]
	PUSH	P,T2			;Save some			[266]
	PUSH	P,T3			; registers			[266]
	MOVEI	T2,UNISTR		;Get the highest loc we want	[266]
	MOVEI	T3,UNIPAG		;Get the page to map it into	[266]
	PUSHJ	P,GETBLK		;Go get the block		[266]
	 SKIPA				;Oh well, we tried		[266]
	AOS	-2(P)			;Got it, cause a skip		[266]
	POP	P,T3			;Restore the 			[266]
	POP	P,T2			; saved registers		[266]
	POPJ	P,			;And return			[266]
	SUBTTL	DDB Scanning Routines -- GETBLK - Map a Data Structure

;GETBLK - Map a data structure given the exec virtual address
;Call:	MOVE	T1,<exec virtual address of structure to be mapped>
;	MOVE	T2,<highest offset in the structure we're interested in>
;	MOVE	T3,<Page number to map the structure into>
;	 * Non-skip return - Can't map the block
;	* Skip return - T1 contains the data pointer
;Uses T1-T3

GETBLK:	PUSH	P,T4			;Save a temp register		[266]
	PUSH	P,T1			;Save the block pointer		[266]
	ADD	T2,T1			;Compute the ending address	[266]
	CAML	T2,MEMSIZ		;Already mapped in SPY segment?	[266]
	JRST	GETB01			;No, map it normally		[266]
	ADDI	T1,HI			;Yes, relocate the pointer	[266]
	JRST	GETB80			;Then give success return	[266]

; Here if we're going to have to map the page(s)

GETB01:	MOVE	T1,(P)			;Get the address back		[266]
	ANDI	T1,^O777		;Get rid of the page number	[266]
	DPB	T3,[POINT 9,T1,26]	;Store the new page number	[266]
	EXCH	T1,(P)			;Put relocated address on the stack [266]
	LSHC	T1,-^D9			;Convert addresses to page numbers [266]
	TLZ	T2,^O777000		;Mask off junk			[266]
	TXO	T3,PA.GAF		;Turn on the delete page bit	[266]

; Loop here mapping all necessary pages:

GETB02:	MOVEM	T3,PAGBLK+1		;Store the page to be unmapped	[266]
	MOVE	T4,[.PAGSP,,PAGBLK]	;Point to the PAGE. arg nblock	[266]
	PAGE.	T4,			;First, make sure the page is unmapped [266]
	 MOVE	T4,[.PAGSP,,PAGBLK]	;Ignore errors, but reset th arg [266]
	HRLM	T1,PAGBLK+1		;Store the source page number	[266]
	PAGE.	T4,			;Map the new page		[266]
	  JRST	GETB90			;Error?  Punt			[266]
	ADDI	T3,1			;Point to our next page		[266]
	CAME	T1,T2			;Have we done enough yet?	[266]
	 AOJA	T1,GETB02		;No, do another one		[266]
	MOVE	T1,(P)			;Yes, get the pointer back	[266]

; Here if success:

GETB80:	AOS	-2(P)			;Make a skip return happen	[266]

; Here if not necessarily success:

GETB90:	POP	P,(P)			;Clean up the stack		[266]
	POP	P,T4			;Restore scratch register	[266]
	POPJ	P,			;And return			[266]
;Uses:	T1-5, BP, C and CC
	SUBTTL	DDB Scanning Routines -- NXTDDB - Get the Next DDB in Chain

;NXTDDB - Get the address of the next DDB in the chain
;Call:	MOVE	P2,<The address of the old DDB>
;	 * Non-skip return - The end of the DDB chain was reached *
;	* Skip return - P2 contains the address of the next DDB *
;Uses:	T1-3

NXTDDB:	JUMPE	P2,NXTDD1	;No current DDB - map the UPT, etc	[275]
	MOVE	T1,JOB		;Get the job number back
	HRRZ	T2,@GETUPM	;Get the job's UPMP
	CAME	T2,CURUPM	;Skip if the same as last time
	JRST	NXTDD2		;Do it the hard way
	HLRZ	T2,DEVSER(P2)	;Get the link to the next DDB
	JUMPE	T2,NXTDD1	;Jump if the end of DDB chain
	XOR	T2,CURVRT	;Is this DDB on the same
	TRNE	T2,777000	; page as the last one
	JRST	NXTDD3		;No, get the new DDB page
	MOVE	T2,@CURPTR	;Get the physical page
	CAME	T2,CURPAG	;Skip if the same as last time
	JRST	NXTDD3		;No, get the new DDB page
	HLRZ	P2,DEVSER(P2)	;Get the DDB address
	JRST	NXTDD4		;Go convert to the mapped page
NXTDD1:	AOS	T1,JOB		;Look at the next job
	CAMLE	T1,@HIJOB	;Skip if valid job
	POPJ	P,		;Return (the end of the DDB chain)
	SETZ	P2,		;Assume the end of the jobs DDB chain
	HRRZ	T2,@GETUPM	;Get the job's UPMP
	TXNN	F,F.JOB		;Are we just doing a job display?	[275]
	JRST	NXTDD2		;No, skip this				[275]
	CAMGE	T1,JOBNUM	;Yes, have we reached the job number?	[275]
	JRST	NXTDD1		;No, try the next one			[275]
	CAME	T1,JOBNUM	;Are we all done with this job?		[275]
	POPJ	P,		;Yes, all out of DDBs			[275]
	PUSHJ	P,MAPUP1	;Map the job's UPT			[276]
	 JRST	E$$UMP		;Unable to map in the UPMP		[276]
NXTDD3:	SKIPE	P2		;Skip if the DDB for the job		[276]
	SKIPA	P2,DEVSER(P2)	;Get the link to the next DDB		[276]
	MOVE	P2,@LSTLOC	;Get the link to the first DDB		[276]
	HLRZS	P2		;Remove some junk from the link		[276]
	JUMPE	P2,NXTDD1	;Jump if the end of the DDB chain	[276]
	MOVEM	P2,CURVRT	;Save for later				[276]
	PUSHJ	P,MAPFUN	;Map the funny page			[276]
	 JRST	E$$UMP		;Unable to map in the DDB page

.POPJ1:	AOS	(P)		;Set up for a skip return
.POPJ:	POPJ	P,		;Return

; Here if the job went away or swapped:

NXTDD5:	PUSH	P,P5		;Save the current job number for a min	[275]
	MOVE	P5,JOB		;Get the job we're looking at		[275]
	MOVE	T1,@GETSTS	;Get the job's status bits		[275]
	POP	P,P5		;Restore the job number			[275]
	TXNE	F,F.PEK		;Are we JOBPEKing?			[275]
	TXNN	T1,JS.JNA	;Yes, job number assigned?		[275]
	JRST	NXTDD1		;No, go on to the next job		[275]
	JUMPN	P2,NXTDD6	;Skip this if not the first DDB		[275]
	MOVEI	T1,T2		;First time, setup a JOBPEK block	[275]
	HRLZ	T2,JOB		; to read the job's UPMP pointer	[275]
	TXO	T2,JK.UPM!1	; to the first DDB in the job's		[275]
	HRLZ	T3,LSTLOC	; funny space DDB list			[275]
	HRRI	T3,P2		; Point to our destination		[275]
	JOBPEK	T1,		;Go read the first DDB address		[275]
	 JRST	NXTDD1		;Can't.  Just try the next job		[275]
	SKIPA			;And fall into the following code	[275]
NXTDD6:	HLLZ	P2,DEVSER(P2)	;Follow the DDB link			[275]
	JUMPE	P2,NXTDD1	;No more DDBs.  Try the next job	[275]
	MOVE	T3,P2		;Copy the DDB pointer (left half)	[275]
	HRRI	T3,PEKDDB	;Point at the storage			[275]
	HRLZ	T2,JOB		;Get the job number we're reading	[275]
	TXO	T2,JK.EVA!DDBMAX ;Get flags and length of the peek	[275]
	MOVEI	T1,T2		;Point at the ARG block			[275]
	JOBPEK	T1,		;Go try to read the DDB			[275]
	 JRST	NXTDD1		;Error, try the next job		[275]
	MOVEI	P2,PEKDDB	;Got it.  Point to it			[275]
	JRST	.POPJ1		;And return happy			[275]
	SUBTTL	DDB Scanning Routines -- FUNWRD - Get a Word from Funny Space

;FUNWRD - Get the next word from funny space
;Call:	MOVEI	P2,<address to fetch from (assumes first page mapped)>
;	 * Non-Skip return - can't map the address
;	* Skip return - funny word in T1
;Uses T1

FUNWRD:	TRNE	P2,777		;Just start a new page?			[276]
	JRST	FUNW01		;No, go on				[276]
	PUSHJ	P,MAPFUN	;Yes, go map the page			[276]
	 POPJ	P,		;Error, pass it on			[276]

FUNW01:	MOVE	T1,(P2)		;Get the next word			[276]
	AOJA	P2,.POPJ1	;And return happy			[276]
	SUBTTL	DDB Scanning Routines -- MAPFUN - Map a Job's Funny Space

;MAPFUN - Map a page from a job's funny space
;Call:	MOVEI	P2,<address to be mapped>
;	 * Non-skip return - Can't map the address
;	* Skip return - Funny page mapped ok
;Uses T1

MAPFUN:	MOVE	T1,P2		;Copy the address			[276]
	LSH	T1,-^D9		;Convert it to a page number		[276]
	TXO	T1,PA.GAF	;Set the delete bit			[276]
	MOVEM	T1,PAGBLK+1	;Store the the PAGE. arg block		[276]
	MOVE	T1,[.PAGSP,,PAGBLK] ;Unmap the old copy			[276]
	PAGE.	T1,		    ; of this funny page		[276]
	 JFCL			;Punt errors here			[276]
	HRRZ	T1,PAGBLK+1	;Get the page number back		[276]
	SUB	T1,FUNFST	;Subtract the base funny page		[276]
	JUMPL	T1,.POPJ	;Not a funny page? Return error		[276]
	ADD	T1,FUNPAG	;Add in the funny mapping offset	[276]
	ADD	T1,UPT		;Add in the UPT base address		[276]
	MOVEM	T1,CURPTR	;Save for future reference		[276]
	MOVE	T1,(T1)		;Get the funny page's mapping		[276]
	MOVEM	T1,CURPAG	;Save also for future reference		[276]
	HRLM	T1,PAGBLK+1	;Store as the source page number	[276]
	MOVE	T1,[.PAGSP,,PAGBLK] ;Then, map the			[276]
	PAGE.	T1,UU.PHY	    ; funny page			[276]
	 POPJ	P,		;Error, just return			[276]
	JRST	.POPJ1		;Ok, return happy			[276]
	SUBTTL	DDB Scanning Routines -- MAPUPT - Map a Job's UPT

;MAPUPT - Map a job's UPT
;Call:	MOVEI	P5,<job number>
;	 * Non-skip return - Can't map page (job swapped possibly)
;	* Skip return - UPT page mapped ok
;Uses T1

MAPUPT:	MOVE	T1,P5		;Copy the job number for GETUPM		[276]
MAPUP1:	HRRZ	T1,@GETUPM	;Get the UPT pointer for this job	[276]
	JUMPE	T1,.POPJ	;Error if no UPT pointer		[276]
	CAMN	T1,CURUPM	;Already have this mapped?		[276]
	JRST	.POPJ1		;Yes, just return happy			[276]
	HRLM	T1,UPTBLK+1	;Save for the PAGE. UUO			[276]
	MOVEM	T1,CURUPM	;And save for next time			[276]
	MOVE	T1,[.PAGSP,,DELUPT] ;Delete the 			[276]
	PAGE.	T1,		    ; old UPT				[276]
	 JFCL			;Punt errors here			[276]
	MOVE	T1,[.PAGSP,,UPTBLK] ;Map in the				[276]
	PAGE.	T1,UU.PHY	    ; new UPT				[276]
	 POPJ	P,		;Error, just pass it on			[276]
	JRST	.POPJ1		;Success, return that way		[276]
	SUBTTL	DDB Test Routines -- TSTPRG - Test for Program

;TSTPRG - Test if a program was is being run
;Call:	MOVE	P2,<The DDB address>
;	MOVE	P3,<The ACC address>
;	MOVE	P5,<The PPB address>
;	* Returns to DDBLO1 if it valid else returns to DDBLOP *
;Uses:	T1

TSTPRG:	PUSH	P,P5		;Preserve P5
	LDB	P5,JOBPTR	;Get the job number
	TXNE	F,F.GOD		;Skip if not GOD
	JRST	TSTPR0		;No need to test this stuff
	MOVE	T1,@GETPPN	;Get the PPN in use
	XOR	T1,PPN		;Compare the PPN's
	TDNE	T1,PPNMSK	;Skip if a match
	JRST	TSTPR1		;Go try the next DDB
TSTPR0:	SKIPN	P5,@GETPDB	;Get the address of the PDB
	JRST	TSTPR1		;Jump if no PDB
	MOVE	T1,@GETRDI	;Get the program's directory
	XOR	T1,DIR		;Compare the directory
	TDNE	T1,DIRMSK	;Skip if a match
	JRST	TSTPR1		;Go try the next DDB
	MOVE	T1,@GETRFN	;Get the program's name
	XOR	T1,FIL		;Compare the file name
	TDNE	T1,FILMSK	;Skip if a match
	JRST	TSTPR1		;Go try the next ddb
	MOVE	T1,@GETRDV	;Get the porgram's device
	XOR	T1,DEV		;Compare the device
	TDNE	T1,DEVMSK	;Skip if a match
	JRST	TSTPR1		;Go try the next DDB
	POP	P,P5		;Restore P5
	JRST	DDBLO1		;Go output this DDB
TSTPR1:	POP	P,P5		;Restore P5
	JRST	DDBLOP		;Go try the next DDB
	SUBTTL	DDB Test Routines -- TSTNOT - Test for NOT Logged-In

;TSTNOT - Test if a DDB fits a not logged in specification
;Call:	MOVE	P2,<The DDB address>
;	MOVE	P3,<The ACC address>
;	MOVE	P5,<The PPB address>
;	* Returns to DDBLO1 if it valid else returns to DDBLOP *
;Uses:	T1 and T5

TSTNOT:	LDB	T5,JOBPTR	;Get the job number
	MOVE	T1,@GETPP	;Get the PPN in use
	XOR	T1,DIR		;Compare this PPN
	TDNN	T1,DIRMSK	;Skip if not a match
	JRST	DDBLOP		;No - go try next DDB
	JRST	DDBLO1		;Yea - go output this DDB
	SUBTTL	DDB Test Routines -- TSTLOG - Test for Logged-In

;TSTLOG - Test if a DDB fits a logged in specification
;Call:	MOVE	P2,<The DDB address>
;	MOVE	P3,<The ACC address>
;	MOVE	P5,<The PPB address>
;	* Returns to DDBLO1 if it valid else returns to DDBLOP *
;Uses:	T1 and T5

TSTLOG:	LDB	T5,JOBPTR	;Get the job number
TSTLO0:	MOVE	T1,@GETPP	;Get the PPN in use
	XOR	T1,DIR		;Compare this PPN
	TDNE	T1,DIRMSK	;Skip if a match
	JRST	DDBLOP		;No - go try next DDB
	JRST	DDBLO1		;Yea - go output this DDB
	SUBTTL	DDB Test Routines -- TSTFIL - Test for a File Specification

;TSTFIL - Test if a DDB fits a file specification
;Call:	MOVE	F,<The flags>
;	MOVE	P2,<The DDB address>
;	MOVE	P3,<The ACC address>
;	MOVE	P5,<The PPB address>
;	* Returns to DDBLO1 if it valid else returns to DDBLOP *
;Uses:	T1

TSTFIL:	TXNE	F,F.SUP		;Skip if not super I/O
	JRST	DDBLOP		;Don't output super I/O DDB's
	MOVE	T1,HI+PPBNAM(P5);Get the PPN of the file
	XOR	T1,DIR		;Compare this PPN
	TDNE	T1,DIRMSK	;Skip if a match
	JRST	DDBLOP		;No - go try next DDB then
	PUSHJ	P,FNDSTR	;Go find the structure name
	 JRST	DDBLOP		;No - go try next DDB then
	XOR	T1,DEV		;Compare this device
	TDNE	T1,DEVMSK	;Skip if a match
	JRST	DDBLOP		;No - go try next DDB then
	MOVE	T1,DEVFIL(P2)	;Get the file name
	XOR	T1,FIL		;Compare this file name
	TDNE	T1,FILMSK	;Skip if a match
	JRST	DDBLOP		;No - go try next DDB then
	HLLZ	T1,DEVEXT(P2)	;Get the extension
	XOR	T1,EXT		;Compare this extension
	TLNE	T1,(T1)		;Skip if a match
	JRST	DDBLOP		;No - go try next DDB
	JRST	DDBLO1		;Yea - go output this DDB
	SUBTTL	DDB Test Routines -- TSTJOB - Test for a Job

;TSTJOB - Test if a DDB is from a given job
;Call:	MOVE	P2,<The DDB address>
;	MOVE	P3,<The ACC address>
;	MOVE	P5,<The PPB address>
;	* Returns to DDBLO1 if it valid else returns to DDBLOP *
;Uses:	T1 and T5

TSTJOB:	LDB	T5,JOBPTR	;Get the job number
	CAME	T5,JOBNUM	;Skip if a right job number
	JRST	DDBLOP		;Go try the next job number
	TXNE	F,F.GOD		;Skip if not GOD
	JRST	DDBLO1		;Go output the DDB
	JRST	TSTLO0		;Go test the PPN of this user
	SUBTTL	Display Routines -- TRMCLR - Clear the Screen

;TRMCLR - Clear the screen
;Call:	MOVEI	P1,<The terminal class>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1

TRMCLR:	SETOM	LSTCNT		;Insure Hazeltine hack works		[273]
	TXNE	P1,TM%CLR	;Can this terminal clear the screen?	[273]
	JRST	TRMC01		;Yes, go do it				[273]
	PUSHJ	P,TRMHOM	;No, emulate it with home		[273]
	PJRST	TRMEOS		;  and clear to end of screen		[273]

TRMC01:	MOVE	T1,CLRTAB(P1)	;Get the character that clears		[273]
	CAILE	T1,177		;Is it really a character?		[273]
	PJRST	(T1)		;No, call the routine then		[273]
	JUMPN	T1,TRMC02	;Go output the char if there is one	[273]
	TXNE	P1,TM%DUM	;Oh.  Is this a dumb terminal?		[273]
	OUTSTR	[BYTE (7) .CHCRT,.CHLFD,0] ;Yes, just output a CRLF	[273]
	POPJ	P,		;Whatever.  Just return			[273]

TRMC02:	SKIPE	PREFIX		;Any prefix to be output?		[273]
	OUTSTR	PREFIX		;Yes, output it then			[273]
	OUTCHR	T1		;Output this guy			[273]
	TXNE	P1,TM%FIL	;Do we need to output some fill?	[273]
	OUTSTR	FILL		;Yes, output some			[273]
	POPJ	P,		;Return					[273]
	SUBTTL	Display Routines -- TRMEOS - Clear to End of Screen

;TRMEOS - Clear to end of the screen
;Call:	MOVEI	P1,<The terminal class>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1-2

TRMEOS:	SKIPN	T1,EOSTAB(P1)	;Anything to output?			[273]
	POPJ	P,		;No, just a no-op then			[273]
	CAILE	T1,177		;Is it really a routine address?	[273]
	PJRST	(T1)		;Yes, go do it instead			[273]
	SKIPE	PREFIX		;Any prefix to be output?		[273]
	OUTSTR	PREFIX		;Yes, output it then			[273]
	OUTCHR	T1		;And output the magic char		[273]
	TXNE	P1,TM%FIL	;Do we need to output some fill?	[273]
	OUTSTR	FILL		;Yes, do it				[273]
	POPJ	P,		;And return				[273]

AD3EOS:	MOVE	T1,TRMLIN	;Get the screen size			[273]
	TXNN	F,F.TTL		;Skip the title is being output
	MOVEI	T1,-TTLLNS(T1)	;Get the size of the title		[267,273]
	SUBI	T1,1		;Account for the status line		[273]
	SUB	T1,CURCNT	;Get the number of blank lines		[273]
	JUMPLE	T1,.POPJ	;Return if no blanks lines needed
AD3EO1:	OUTCHR	[.CHLFD]	;Output a line-feed
	SOJG	T1,AD3EO1	;Loop back if more lines to output
	POPJ	P,		;Return

HZ1EOS:	MOVE	T1,CURCNT	;Get the number of lines displayed
	EXCH	T1,LSTCNT	;Save for the next scan
	SUB	T1,LSTCNT	;Get the number lines to delete
	AOJLE	T1,.POPJ	;Return if no lines to clear
HZ1ES0:	OUTSTR	[BYTE (7) 176,23,.CHDEL,.CHDEL,0]	;		[273]
	OUTSTR	FILL		;Output some fill			[273]
	SOJE	T1,.POPJ	;Jump if no more lines to delete
	JRST	HZ1ES0		;Loop back until finished
	SUBTTL	Display Routines -- TRMEOL - Clear to End of Line

;TRMEOL - Clear to end of the line
;Call:	MOVEI	P1,<The terminal class>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	No ACs

TRMEOL:	SKIPN	T1,EOLTAB(P1)	;Anything to clear?			[273]
	POPJ	P,		;No, just return now			[273]
	CAIL	T1,177		;Is it a character?			[273]
	JRST	(T1)		;No.  Dispatch to the routine		[273]
	SKIPE	PREFIX		;Any prefix to output?			[273]
	OUTSTR	PREFIX		;Yes, output it				[273]
	OUTCHR	T1		;Output the character			[273]
	POPJ	P,		;And return				[273]
	SUBTTL	Display Routines -- TRMHOM - Home the Screen

;TRMHOM - Home the screen
;Call:	MOVEI	P1,<The terminal class>
;	* Return *
;Uses:	T1

TRMHOM:	SKIPN	T1,HOMTAB(P1)	;Get the character which homes		[273]
	POPJ	P,		;None?  Just return I guess		[273]
	CAILE	T1,177		;Is it a char or a routine?		[273]
	PJRST	(T1)		;A routine.  Call it			[273]
	SKIPE	PREFIX		;A character.  Any prefix?		[273]
	OUTSTR	PREFIX		;Yes, output it				[273]
	OUTCHR	T1		;Then send the home character		[273]
	TXNE	P1,TM%FIL	;Are we filling?			[273]
	OUTSTR	FILL		;Yes, output some fill then		[273]
	POPJ	P,		;And return

	BYTE(7) .CHDEL,.CHDEL,.CHDEL,.CHDEL,0	;			[273]
	SUBTTL	The Error Message Routines

?DDBDRM DDBDPY isn't set up to run on this monitor
	JRST	CMDAB1		;Go do a monitor return

?DDBNPS No privileges to SPY on the monitor
	JRST	CMDAB1		;Go do a monitor return

E$$UMP:	PUSHJ	P,@TRMCLR(P1)	;Go clear the screen
%DDBUMP	Unable to map in a DDB or LDB page (Job is swapped out)
[DDBCON Continuing]
	PUSHJ	P,@TRMHOM(P1)	;Home cursor				[263]
	MOVEI	T1,2		;Wait	 				[263]
	SLEEP	T1,		; awhile				[263]
	JRST	DDBMAN		;Reset PDL and try again		[263]

	JRST	CMDAB1		;Go do a monitor return

?DDBCIT Can't INIT the terminal
	JRST	CMDAB1		;Go do a monitor return

?DDBCRS DDBDPY can't be run as a subjob
	JRST	CMDAB1		;Go do a monitor return

?DDBNPR No privileges to run DDBDPY
	JRST	CMDAB1		;Go do a monitor return >

?DDBOPP	Program overlaps per process pages
	JRST	CMDAB1		;Do a monitor return
	SUBTTL	Data/Storage -- High Segment

STLBUF:	ASCIZ	~JB M     PPN                FILE              NXT   WRT   ALC   OTH~
PTHBUF:	ASCIZ	~JB M     PPN          FILE       UNIT   BLK   NXT   WRT   ALC   OTH~

STSPTR:	POINT	3,HI+ACCSTS(P3),32	;Pointer to the file status
STSTAB:	SIXBIT	~ R~	;0 - Read		** The file status modes **
	SIXBIT	~ U~	;1 - Update
	SIXBIT	~ S~	;2 - Supersede
	SIXBIT	~ *~	;3 - Fake for super I/O
	SIXBIT	~ C~	;4 - Create

MODTAB:	SIXBIT	~A~	;0 - ASCII		** The I/O modes **
	SIXBIT	~AL~	;1 - ASCII line
	SIXBIT	~P~	;2 - Packed image
	SIXBIT	~BT~	;3 - Byte
	SIXBIT	~A8~	;4 - Eight bit ASCII				[302]
	SIXBIT	~5~	;5 - Undefined
	SIXBIT	~6~	;6 - Undefined
	SIXBIT	~7~	;7 - Undefined
	SIXBIT	~I~	;10 - Image mode
	SIXBIT	~11~	;11 - Undefined
	SIXBIT	~12~	;12 - Undefined
	SIXBIT	~IB~	;13 - Image binary
	SIXBIT	~B~	;14 - Binary
	SIXBIT	~SD~	;15 - Scope dump
	SIXBIT	~DR~	;16 - Dump by record
	SIXBIT	~D~	;17 - Dump

EVWTAB:	SIXBIT	~TK~	;Tape kontroller wait	** The event wait states **
	SIXBIT	~TR~	;Tape rewind wait
	SIXBIT	~LB~	;Label processing wait
	SIXBIT	~ND~	;Network device wait
	SIXBIT	~NT~	;Network terminal connect wait
	SIXBIT	~NS~	;Network station control wait
	SIXBIT	~DT~	;DTE I/O wait					[266]
	SIXBIT	~KD~	;KDP I/O wait					[266]
	SIXBIT	~IP~	;IPCF system process receive wait
	SIXBIT	~FI~	;Front end device input wait
	SIXBIT	~FO~	;Front end device output wait
	SIXBIT	~D6~	;DN60 device wait
	SIXBIT	~DN~	;DECnet connect/I/O wait			[266]
	SIXBIT	~DM~	;DMR I/O wait					[266]
	SIXBIT	~CI~	;Distributed terminal input			[266]
	SIXBIT	~CO~	;Distributed terminal output			[266]
	SIXBIT	~NI~	;Ethernet function wait				[266]
	<SIXBIT	~$NAM~> >

DSPNAM:	.DSPTB			;** Generate the display name table **

DSPNUM:	.DSPTB			;** Generate the display size table **
LINSIZ==<LINLEN+4>/5		;Compute max line size			[273]
  BUFSIZ==LINSIZ*<MAXLIN-1>>	;Compute the buffer size		[273]
; Generate the class tables:

	EXP	$CLR >		;					[273]

NXTCLS==0			;Init the class counter			[273]

CLRTAB:	.DSPCL			;** Generate the clear screen table **	[273]
MAXCLS==NXTCLS			;Get the maximum class number		[273]


HOMTAB:	.DSPCL			;** Generate the home screen table **	[273]


EOSTAB:	.DSPCL			;** Generate the clear to end of screen ** [273]


EOLTAB:	.DSPCL			;** Generate the clear to end of line ** [273]

PFXTAB:			;Beginning of prefix types			[273]
NULPFX:	EXP	0		;No prefix				[273]
ESCPFX:	BYTE (7) .CHESC		;Traditional escape prefix		[273]
CSIPFX:	BYTE (7) .CHESC,"["	;ANSI CSI prefix			[273]
ALTPFX:	BYTE (7) 176		;Old style prefix			[273]
	SUBTTL	Data/Storage -- Low Segment

	RELOC	0		;Put the data in the low segment	[274]

PDL:	BLOCK	PDLSIZ	;The push down list
PATCH:	BLOCK	PATSIZ	;A patch area if debugging >
TEMP:	BLOCK	1	;A temporary storage location
LSTLOC:	BLOCK	1	;Offset for .UPLST
INCHR:	BLOCK	1	;Contains an instruction to be executed when
			; another character is wanted on input
ADRDSK:	BLOCK	1	;Address of the first disk DDB
MAXEDN:	BLOCK	1	;The maximum number of ERSATZ device
MYPPN:	BLOCK	1	;My project programmer number
JOBMAX:	BLOCK	1	;The maximum number of jobs
CURJOB:	BLOCK	1	;My job number
JIFFIE:	BLOCK	1	;The number of jiffies in one second
JIFMIN:	BLOCK	1	;The number of jiffies in one minute
JIFHOR:	BLOCK	1	;The number of jiffies in one hour
PTYMIN:	BLOCK	1	;The number of the first PTY
CURDAT:	BLOCK	1	;The current date
TOTTIM:	BLOCK	1	;The total runtime
DELTIM:	BLOCK	1	;The delta runtime
DSKRED:	BLOCK	1	;The number of disk reads
DSKWRT:	BLOCK	1	;The number of disk writes
PAGNUM:	BLOCK	1	;Current page to output
PAGSIZ:	BLOCK	1	;The number of DDB's on one screen
PAGFST:	BLOCK	1	;The first DDB to output on the page
PAGLST:	BLOCK	1	;The last DDB to output on the page
CURCNT:	BLOCK	1	;The number of lines output this scan
LINWID:	BLOCK	1	;This terminal's line width			[273]
TRMLIN:	BLOCK	1	;The number of lines on this terminal's screen	[273]
PREFIX:	BLOCK	1	;ASCIZ prefix string				[273]
TRMNAM:	BLOCK	1	;SIXBIT terminal type name			[273]
LSTCNT:	BLOCK	1	;The number of lines output on the last scan
DDBCNT:	BLOCK	1	;The number of DDB's found on this scan
JOB:	BLOCK	1	;The current job we're looking at for DDB's
HIJOB:	BLOCK	1	;The highest job in use on the system
CURUPM:	BLOCK	1	;The current UPMP for the job (physical address)
CURPTR:	BLOCK	1	;The pointer to the current funny page
CURPAG:	BLOCK	1	;The current page of funny page
CURVRT:	BLOCK	1	;The current virtual page of SPY'ed DDB
JOBTTL:	BLOCK	1	;The current job title line type		[272]
TTLBUF:	BLOCK	LINSIZ*TTLLNS  ;The title buffer			[267]
WHTBUF:	BLOCK	WHTSIZ	;The command string buffer
SLPCNT:	BLOCK	1	;Sleep time adjustment counter >
HIBTIM:	HB.RTL!HB.RWJ	;HIBER time and wake bits
FUNFST:	BLOCK	1	;Page number of the first funny space page	[266]
FUNLST:	BLOCK	1	;Page number of the last funny spage page	[266]
FUNPAG:	BLOCK	1	;Offset into UPT for funny space page mapping for exec [266]
UPT:	BLOCK	1	;Exec virtual address (and ours) of the UPT	[266]
MEMSIZ:	BLOCK	1	;The size of the monitor's low segment		[266]
.USLNM:	BLOCK	1	;UPT address for the logical names table	[276]
ROUTIN:	BLOCK	1	;The routine to be used is stored here
NOD:	BLOCK	1	;The file specification go here

XROUTI:	BLOCK	1	;The routine to be used is stored here
XNOD:	BLOCK	1	;The temporary file specification go here

IROUTI:	TSTFIL		;The routine to be used is stored here
INOD:	'      '	;The initial file specification go here
INODMS:	-1		; 'ALL:*.*[PRJ,*]
IDEV:	'ALL   '
IFIL:	'*     '
IEXT:	'*  ',,0
TRMTAB:	1,,.TONFC	;Set the no free carriage returns
	0,,.TOALT	;Clear the altmode setting
	0,,.TOBLK	;Set the blank line setting
TRMSAV:	BLOCK	TRMSIZ	;Save the TTY status here
TRM:	BLOCK	1	;The TRMOP. data area

INTBLK:	4,,CMDABT	;Go abort the job on a Control-C
; Assign some dynamically mapped pages:

	LSTPAG==FSTPAG	;Init the page counter				[266]
	.ASPAG	EDN,2	;The Ersatz Device Name pages			[266]
	.ASPAG	LDB,2	;Pages for mapping the Line Data Block		[266]
	.ASPAG	UNI,2	;Pages for mapping UDBs				[266]
	.ASPAG	STR,2	;Pages for mapping STRs				[266]
	.ASPAG	PFF,0	;First free page (must be below funny space)	[266]

; An argument block for PAGE. UUOs.

PAGBLK:	^D1		;One argument page only				[266]
	EDNPAG		;A place to stick page numbers			[266]

EDNBLK:	^D2		;Length (create EDN pages)
	EDNPAG		;Page
	EDNPAG+1	; numbers

LDBBLK:	^D2		;Length (create LDB pages)
	LDBPAG		;Page
	LDBPAG+1	; numbers

UPTBLK:	^D1		;Length (create UPT page)
	0		;Page number					[266]

DELEDN:	^D2		;Length (delete EDN pages)
	PA.GAF+EDNPAG+1	; numbers

DELLDB:	^D2		;Length (delete LDB pages)
	PA.GAF+LDBPAG+1	; numbers

DELUPT:	^D1		;Length (delete UPT page)
	PA.GAF		;Page number					[266]
		BYTE	(9)$TBL(5)0(4)$IDX(18)0 >

GETSLF:	GT ,T1,1		;The GETTAB table pointer
GETPDB:	GT ,P5,1		;The PDB pointer
GETSFD:	GT ,P5,1		;The JBTSFD pointer (to find paths)	[272]
GETDAT:	GT ,,1			;Get address of the date
GETSPB:	GT ,,1			;The address of the where to find the first PPB
GETSTR:	GT ,,1			;The address of the where to find the first STR
GETEDN:	GT ,,1			;The address of the ERSATZ device table

GETTBL:			;The GETTAB tables to be set up

GETSTS:	GT .GTSTS,P5,1		;The status of a job
GETADR:	GT .GTADR,P5,1		;The relocation and protection
GETPP:	GT .GTPPN,T5,1		;The project-programmer number
GETPPN:	GT .GTPPN,P5,1		;The project-programmer number
GETPRG:	GT .GTPRG,P5,1		;The program name
GETTIM:	GT .GTTIM,P3,1		;The current runtime
GETKCT:	GT .GTKCT,P3,1		;The Kilo-Core-Ticks
GETPRV:	GT .GTPRV,P5,1		;The job privileges
GETSWP:	GT .GTSWP,P5,1		;The swapping data
GETTTY:	GT .GTTTY,P5,1		;The TTY pointer
GETSGN:	GT .GTSGN,P5,1		;The segment number
GETRCT:	GT .GTRCT,P5,1		;The disk read count
GETWCT:	GT .GTWCT,P5,1		;The disk write count
GETWSN:	GT .GTWSN,T1,1		;The run states
GETSPL:	GT .GTSPL,P5,1		;The spool bits
GETRTD:	GT .GTRTD,P5,1		;The real time status word
GETLIM:	GT .GTLIM,P5,1		;The limits word
GETUPM:	GT .GTUPM,T1,1		;The UPMP pointer
GETVRT:	GT .GTVRT,P5,1		;The virtual flags
GETST2:	GT .GTST2,P5,1		;The second status word
GETJLT:	GT .GTJLT,P5,1		;The logged-in time
GETRDV:	GT .GTRDV,P5,1		;The device of the program
GETRDI:	GT .GTRDI,P5,1		;The directory of the program
GETRFN:	GT .GTRFN,P5,1		;The file name of the program
GETVKS:	GT .GTVKS,P3,1		;The VM Kilo-Core-Ticks
GETUUC:	GT .GTUUC,P3,1		;The UUO count
IFGE MONVER-703,<		;New GETTABs!!!				[266]
GETIMI:	GT .GTIMI,P5,1		;The incore image size of the job/segment [266] >

GETSIZ==.-GETTBL	;Define the size of the GETTAB table
; Some indirect pointers to be filled in from GETTABs

; First, stuff we find in DDBs:						[266]

JOBPTR:	POINT	9,(P2),35	;Pointer to the job number		[266]
CTXPTR:	POINT	9,(P2),26	;Pointer to the context number		[301]
DEVUNI:	(P2)			;The link to the unit data block	[266]
DEVSFD:	(P2)			;The link to the father SFD (RH)	[266]
DEVBLK:	(P2)			;The logical block in the unit to read	[266]
DEVACC:	(P2)			;The link to the access block (RH)	[266]
DEVSPN:	(P2)			;The entered spooled name		[266]

; Terminal DDB instead of disk DDB:					[266]

DDBLDB:	(P2)			;The link to the line data block (LDB)	[266]

; Some LDB stuff:

LDBDCH:	HI(T4)			;LDB characteristics word		[266]

; Some STR fields:

STRSYS:	(P4)			;<LH> is link to next STR		[266]
LGOBLK:	SIXBIT	~SYS~	;Device - for the "K" command
	EXP	0	;Extension
	EXP	0	;Privileges
	EXP	0	;Core

LINBUF:	BLOCK	BUFSIZ	;The line buffer

	END	DDBDPY		;The end of 'DDBDPY'