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        Changes from GALAXY Version 4.1 to GALAXY Version 5.1

                              March 1986


This software is furnished under a license and may be used and  copied
only  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  such  license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software or  any  other
copies  thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
other person.  No title to and ownership of  the  software  is  hereby

The information in this software is subject to change  without  notice
and  should  not  be  construed  as  a commitment by Digital Equipment

Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use or
reliability  of  its  software  on  equipment which is not supplied by
Digital Equipment Corporation.

GALAXY.DOC: Changes from GALAXY V4.1 to GALAXY V5.1             Page 2


GALAXY is a package of system utility software  which,  in  conjuction
with  the  TOPS-10  operating  system,  provides  a  number  of system
facilities such as batch processing, output device spooling, mountable
device allocation, and the operator interface.

The GALAXY Version 5.1 package consists of the following programs,  in
the form of .EXE files:

     Program        Function

     BATCON         The batch job control program
     CDRIVE         The card reader program
     GLXLIB*        The GALAXY system subroutine library
     LPTSPL         The line printer output spooler
     OPR            The operator command interpreter
     ORION          The operator command and message processor
     PLEASE         The operator/user message facility
     PULSAR         The disk and tape processor
     QUASAR         The queue manager and scheduler
     QUEUE          The user interface to QUASAR
     SPRINT         The card image interpreter

In addition to the above mentioned components,  there  is  now  a  new

     CATLOG         Tape and disk structure catalog maintainer.

GALAXY Version 5.1 is a  major  release  of  the  GALAXY  system.   It
provides  a  large number of new functions and facilities and a number
of significant changes to the user and operator interfaces.

This .DOC file describes the more significant changes  to  the  GALAXY

In summary, the following changes have been made to the GALAXY system:

      o  Operator Interface

         The OPR program has been enhanced so  that  an  operator  can
         perform  most  his functions within the OPR environment.  The
         new functionality includes:

          -  Time of day take files

          -  Priviledged monitor commands such as SET CORMIN/CORMAX

          -  CONFIG functionality to allow dynamic reconfiguration  of
* GLXLIB is not an independent module.  It is mapped in  and  used  by
all of the GALAXY components.
GALAXY.DOC: Changes from GALAXY V4.1 to GALAXY V5.1             Page 3

             the  hardware  on  a  running system.  This functionality
             replaces the CONFIG program.

          -  Control of Ethernet (NI) devices.

          -  Control of CI disk drive connections.

          -  Interface to CATLOG  daemon  for  easier  insertions  and
             deletions  to the system STRLST.SYS file.  It also allows
             easy listings of structure and tape parameters.

      o  Mountable device facilities

         GALAXY  Version  5.1  now  supports  full  mountable   device
         allocation (MDA) if optionally selected through GALGEN.

      o  LN01 support

         LPTSPL supports dynamic font loading and selection on an LN01
         laser printer.

      o  Monitor Dependence

         GALAXY   Version   5.1   requires   TOPS-10   Version   7.03.
         Optionally, it may run under TOPS-10 Version 7.02 if fallback
         code is enabled through a question in the GALGEN dialog.  See
         GALAXY.BWR  for  instructions on how to build GALAXY with the
         fallback code enabled.

      o  Other Dependecies

         A new CATLOG daemon interfaces to QUASAR  to  determine  tape
         and structure information as needed.  This daemon is required
         in order to run GALAXY Version 5.1 with MDA turned on.


The following sections describe changes to the user interface.

GALAXY.DOC: Changes from GALAXY V4.1 to GALAXY V5.1             Page 4

2.1  Output Device Spoolers

2.1.1  The QUEUE Program - The   QUEUE   program    allows    a    new
/FONT:fontname  switch  and  a  new /PRINT:graphics option.  The /FONT
switch allows a user to specify that his file or request be printed in
a default font on the LN01 printer.  The /PRINT:GRAPHICS option allows
the user complete control over a line printer by allowing the  passing
of  control  strings to it without any interference from LPTSPL.  This
option was originally designed as a means  of  allowing  the  user  to
program  the  LN01 laser printer for graphics and font switching.  For
more detailed information on  the  use  of  these  switches,  see  the
Operating System Commands Manual.

In addition to the switch and options, the /UNIT switch now allows the
user  to specify not only a unit number, but a type of device as well.
For example, typing  PRINT/UNIT:LN01  will  cause  the  output  to  be
directed to an LN01 on the system.

2.1.2  The SPROUT Program - The SPROUT program is no longer  supported
under  GALAXY Version 5.1.  This means that spooling to anything other
than a printer device is not supported.  This  includes  plotters  and
paper  tape  or  card  punches.   SPROUT  is  still distributed on the
customer supported tape, however.


This section describes changes to the internal structure of the GALAXY

As can be expected in a major software release, many internal  changes
have  been  made  to various GALAXY components.  This section will not
attempt to ennumerate all of them, but is meant to outline  the  major
changes  for  systems  programmers  who  need to examine or modify the


QUASAR has assumed  the  resposibility  of  SYSINF  for  tracking  and
processing PIDs.  This means that SYSINF is no longer needed to run as
a detached job.  It should be noted however, that  most  of  the  code
already  existed to accomplish this new functionality, and the changes
involved were mostly of a structural nature.

The new CATLOG program has taken over the STRLST handling from QUASAR.
CATLOG must run in an MDA environment with deadlock avoidance, but can
be neglected if deadlock avoidance is not used.
GALAXY.DOC: Changes from GALAXY V4.1 to GALAXY V5.1             Page 5


Major structural changes have been  made  to  LPTSPL.   Most  notably,
LPTSPL  now  consists  of  the main program, LPTSPL, a universal file,
LPTMAC, and several device specific driver modules.  This  change  was
made  with  the  purpose  of  simplifying  the  code in LPTSPL so that
customers with unsupported,  special  purpose  printers  could  easily
modify  their  drivers  without  having  to  modify  any other part of
LPTSPL.  Also, it allows sites to load only those  drivers  which  are
necessary.   An  attempt  has  been  made  to  keep this configuration
process as easy as possible.  For example, the drivers to load can  be
chosen  through  the GALGEN dialog in the question for specific device
drivers.  The LPTSPL distributed on the CUSP tape is configured as the
supported LPTSPL, containing only those drivers we support.  The names
of these  driver  files  may  be  found  in  DRIVRS.CCL  on  the  area
[10,7,GALAXY,LPTSPL]   on  the  CUSP  tape.   This  file  is  used  by
LPTSPL.CTL to compile needed device drivers.


               LPTSPL now  contains  a  magtape  device
               driver   called   LPTMTA.    It   is   a
               functional replacement for all  previous
               versions  of LPTSPL which would spool to
               magtape.  It does,  however,  have  some
               features   that   have   not  previously
               existed.   Refer  to  LPTMTA.MAC  for  a
               detailed description.


The major changes in  the  OPR/ORION  programs  are  the  addition  of
internal application tables.  Internal applications are addressed from
OPR through an application command subset, like external applications.
However,  rather than ORION sending the function to another program to
handle  it,  it  handles  it  itself.   An  example  of  an   internal
application is the CONFIG function which is built into ORION.

In  the  same  vein  as  the  LPTSPL  device  driver  philosophy,  the
application  drivers are set up to be in their own modules, and may be
chosen for loading through the GALGEN dialog.  There is a new question
which allows for setting whether an application is internal or not.
GALAXY.DOC: Changes from GALAXY V4.1 to GALAXY V5.1             Page 6


QUEUE is no longer loaded with QMANGR  to  handle  conversion  of  the
message  from  MPB  format  to  GALAXY  Version  5.1  format.   It now
communicates with QUASAR directly.  QMANGR will be  supported  at  the
current  level for those programs which still load with QMANGR to talk


A fully built, standard GALAXY system is distributed  on  the  TOPS-10
CUSP  tape.  This system will suffice for most installations.  Be sure
to read the beware file GALAXY.BWR before attempting to install GALAXY
5.1  on  a  running TOPS-10 system.  The installation instructions for
the TOPS-10 monitor and the GALAXY system are documented in  the  7.03
beware file and in the TOPS-10 Monitor Installation Guide.

There  are  a  number  of  options,   however,   that   will   require
reconfiguration  and  rebuilding  of some or all of the GALAXY system.
These are:

      o  Conditional assembly options.  The GALGEN program provides  a
         dialog  that  allows specification of a number of conditional
         assembly options.  The options  primarily  allow  changes  in
         various defaults (such as priorities, limits, etc.).

      o  Support of DN61/DN62  (IBM  communications),  which  requires
         device support in the spoolers.

      o  Support for the LN01, which  requires  a  new  LPTSPL  device

      o  Application  tables  for  OPR/ORION  for  the  NI/CI  control
         applications.    It  may  not  be  desirable  to  load  these
         applications if the hardware does not exist in  a  particular

4.1  Files Needed To Run GALAXY

The following .EXE files are required  in  order  to  run  the  GALAXY
Version 5.1 system:

     QUASAR.EXE     LPTSPL.EXE          BATCON.EXE          OPR.EXE
GALAXY.DOC: Changes from GALAXY V4.1 to GALAXY V5.1             Page 7

     GLXLIB.EXE     ORION.EXE           QUEUE.EXE           MOUNT.EXE

The following .EXE files are necessary to support certain features and

     CDRIVE.EXE     if any card readers are used
     PLEASE.EXE     for operator/user communication
     QMANGR.EXE     if the MPB interface to GALAXY is required
     SPRINT.EXE     for batch jobs submitted from cards

Further information about the new GALAXY systems can be obtained  from
the  software  manuals  released  with the software, and the following

      o  the GALAXY.BWR file

      o  the various help files for the components


The GALAXY system is distributed on the CUSP tape in  the  directories
[10,7,GALAXY,*].   Please  note  that  there  is now one more level of
directory than in previous distributions.  The extra level of sub-file
directories  correspond to one directory for each major component.  In
addition to these base files, several other files  may  be  needed  to
complete  the system.  These files are listed in the restore procedure

If your site wishes to build a  custom  GALAXY,  it  is  advisable  to
restore  all  the  files  in  the  GALAXY  system  to  a  common build
directory.  In order to do this, mount the distributed CUSP tapes as a
two  volume save set, run BACKUP, and specify the mounted tapes to the
TAPE command.  Type to BACKUP:
;Restore base GALAXY system
          /RESTORE [10,7]=DSKB:[10,7,GALAXY,*]*.*

;Restore system cataloger OPR application tables
          /RESTORE [10,7]=DSKB:[10,7,CATLOG] CATTAB.REL

;Restore OPR application for NCP
          /RESTORE [10,7]=DSKB:[10,7,NCPTAB]NCPTAB.REL

;Restore UFDSET, disk quota package for PULSAR
          /RESTORE [10,7]=DSKB:[10,7,UFDSET]UFDSET.REL

GALAXY.DOC: Changes from GALAXY V4.1 to GALAXY V5.1             Page 8

;Restore LCP internal application for OPR/ORION
          /RESTORE [10,7]=DSKB:[10,7,LCP]LCP*.REL

;Restore DN60 spooler support package
          /RESTORE [10,7]=DSKB:[10,7,D60JSY] D60JSY.REL,D60UNV.UNV

This procedure will restore all needed files to the area  [10,7].   It
has  been assumed that the system files UUOSYM.UNV and MACTEN.UNV have
already been restore to your UNV:  ersatz  device,  and  all  relevant
SCAN and WILD files have been restored to the ersatz devices REL:  and

To customize the GALAXY system for your site, edit the file GALAXY.CTL
so  that  the  GALGEN  dialog reflects your needs and SUBMIT it.  Upon
completion, you will have a site specific GALAXY.  See GALAXY.BWR  for
instructions on installing it on your system.

6.0  TOOLS

A number of GALAXY tools are distributed on  the  tools  tape  in  the
[10,7,GALAXY] SFD.  They include:

      o  GALDPY -- Updating display  of  some  GALAXY  parameters  and

      o  GALKIL -- Kills  GALAXY  jobs  and  optionally  restarts  the
         GALAXY system.

      o  GALTRK -- Displays a status of GALAXY jobs.

      o  QSRCVT -- A master queue file conversion program.

      o  TYPIDS -- Displays the PIDs in use for the entire system.