
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-FB49A-RM - sources/trapro.r36
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! *********************************************************************************************************************************
!  Created 31-MAY-1984 17:44:27  by  VAX-11 SDL V1.7-5     Source: 25-MAY-1984 11:51:24 PIRANHA:[BRANNON]TRAPRODEF.SDL;1           
! *********************************************************************************************************************************
! Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by
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! inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software or  any  other
! copies  thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
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! The information in this software is subject to change  without  notice
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! Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or  reliability  of  its
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!  SNTMSGDEF	Symbol definitions for the SNA Trace protocol
!  Message fields
literal MSGDATA_K$TRAPRO = 1;           !  Start of message data field(s)
!  Protocol Messages
literal LEN_START_K$TRAPRO = 10;
!  Start message length
literal FLG_EOM_K$TRAPRO = 1;
literal FLG_ABBR_M$TRAPRO = 2;
literal FLG_TRUN_M$TRAPRO = 4;
literal FLG_LOST_M$TRAPRO = 8;
literal FLG_ERROR_M$TRAPRO = 128;
literal PROHDRLEN_K$TRAPRO = 4;         !  Protocol header length
literal MIN_REC_K$TRAPRO = 8;           !  Minimum length of message
literal THLEN_K$TRAPRO = 6;
literal RHLEN_K$TRAPRO = 3;
literal SES_THMIN_K$TRAPRO = 14;        !  Minimum length of message with TH
literal SES_RHMIN_K$TRAPRO = 17;        !  Minimum length of message with RH
literal PU_THMIN_K$TRAPRO = 14;         !  Minimum length of message with TH
literal PU_RHMIN_K$TRAPRO = 17;         !  Minimum length of message with RH
literal CIR_MIN_K$TRAPRO = 10;          !  Minimum length of SDLC frame
literal CIR_THMIN_K$TRAPRO = 16;        !  Minimum length of message with TH
literal CIR_RHMIN_K$TRAPRO = 19;        !  Minimum length of message with RH
literal CIR_LEN_K$TRAPRO = 275;         !  Length of message
literal MAXLEN_K$TRAPRO = 275;          !  Max length of protocol
!  message
literal ABO_LEN_K$TRAPRO = 3;
literal MIN_MSG_K$TRAPRO = 1;
literal INIT_MSG_K$TRAPRO = 1;          !  Initiate trace
literal START_MSG_K$TRAPRO = 2;         !  Start trace
literal RECORD_MSG_K$TRAPRO = 3;        !  Record data
literal MAX_MSG_K$TRAPRO = 3;
!  Protocol version numbers
literal VERSION_VER_K$TRAPRO = 1;       !  Protocol version number
literal DECECO_VER_K$TRAPRO = 0;        !  DEC ECO number
literal CUSECO_VER_K$TRAPRO = 0;        !  Customer ECO number
!  Trace function codes
literal FCT_MIN_K$TRAPRO = 1;
!literal literal TRAPRO$K_FCT_MIN = 1;
literal FCT_CIRCUIT_K$TRAPRO = 1;       !  Circuit Trace
!literal TRAPRO$K_FCT_CIRCUIT = 1;      !  Circuit trace
literal FCT_PU_K$TRAPRO = 2;            !  Physical unit trace
!literal TRAPRO$K_FCT_PU = 2;           !  Physical unit trace
literal FCT_SESSION_K$TRAPRO = 3;       !  Session trace
!literal TRAPRO$K_FCT_SESSION = 3;      !  Session trace
literal FCT_MAX_K$TRAPRO = 3;
!literal TRAPRO$K_FCT_MAX = 3;
!  Miscellaneous
!  Common fields
macro TRAPRO$B_START = 0,0,8,0 %;       !  Mark start of message
macro TRAPRO$R_MSG1 = 0,0,0,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_MSG1 = 275;
literal MSGTYPE_B$TRAPRO = 0;           !  Message type code
macro TRAPRO$B_MSGTYPE = 0,0,8,0 %;     !  Message type code
macro TRAPRO$R_MSG2 = 1,0,0,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_MSG2 = 274;
macro TRAPRO$R_INIMSG = 1,0,0,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_INIMSG = 11;           !  Initiate Trace
literal VERSION_B$TRAPRO = 1;           !  Version number
macro TRAPRO$B_VERSION = 1,0,8,0 %;     !  Version number
literal DECECO_B$TRAPRO = 2;            !  DEC ECO number
macro TRAPRO$B_DECECO = 2,0,8,0 %;      !  DEC ECO number
literal CUSECO_B$TRAPRO = 3;            !  Customer ECO number
macro TRAPRO$B_CUSECO = 3,0,8,0 %;      !  Customer ECO number
literal BUFLEV_B$TRAPRO = 4;            !  Buffering level
macro TRAPRO$B_BUFLEV = 4,0,8,0 %;      !  Buffering level
literal TYPE_B$TRAPRO = 5;              !  Type of trace
macro TRAPRO$B_TYPE = 5,0,8,0 %;        !  Type of trace
literal MSGLEN_W$TRAPRO = 6;            !  Number of bytes returned per message
macro TRAPRO$W_MSGLEN = 6,0,16,0 %;     !  Number of bytes returned per message
literal SEGLEN_W$TRAPRO = 8;         !  Number of bytes returned in each packet
macro TRAPRO$W_SEGLEN = 8,0,16,0 %;  !  Number of bytes returned in each packet
literal SESSION_W$TRAPRO = 10;          !  Session id
macro TRAPRO$W_SESSION = 10,0,16,0 %;   !  Session id
literal CIRC_T$TRAPRO = 12;
macro TRAPRO$T_CIRCUIT = 12,0,0,0 %;
!  Circuit id
!  Record Data
macro TRAPRO$R_RECMSG = 1,0,0,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_RECMSG = 274;
literal FLAGS_B$TRAPRO = 1;             !  Message flags
!macro TRAPRO$B_FLAGS = 1,0,8,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_FLAGS = 1;             !  Message flags
literal FLAGS_S$TRAPRO = 1;             !  Message flags
!literal FLG_EOM_V$TRAPRO = 1;           !  End of message
macro FLG_EOM_V$TRAPRO = 1,0,1,0 %;     !  End of message
!macro TRAPRO$V_FLG_EOM = 1,0,1,0 %;     !  End of message
!literal FLG_ABBR_V$TRAPRO = 2;          !  Data abbreviated
macro FLG_ABBR_V$TRAPRO = 1,1,1,0 %;    !  Data abbreviated
!macro TRAPRO$V_FLG_ABBR = 1,1,1,0 %;    !  Data abbreviated
!literal FLG_TRUN_V$TRAPRO = 4;          !  Data truncated
macro FLG_TRUN_V$TRAPRO = 1,2,1,0 %;    !  Data truncated
!macro TRAPRO$V_FLG_TRUN = 1,2,1,0 %;    !  Data truncated
!literal FLG_LOST_V$TRAPRO = 8;          !  Data lost
macro FLG_LOST_V$TRAPRO = 1,3,1,0 %;    !  Data lost
!macro TRAPRO$V_FLG_LOST = 1,3,1,0 %;    !  Data lost
!literal DUMFLG_V$TRAPRO = 16;           !  RESERVED
macro DUMFLG_V$TRAPRO = 1,4,3,0 %;
!macro TRAPRO$V_DUMFLG = 1,4,3,0 %;
!literal TRAPRO$S_DUMFLG = 3;            !  RESERVED
!literal FLG_ERROR_V$TRAPRO = 128;       !  Error
macro FLG_ERROR_V$TRAPRO = 1,7,2,0 %;   !  Error
!macro TRAPRO$V_FLG_ERROR = 1,7,1,0 %;   !  Error
literal COUNT_W$TRAPRO = 2;       !  Actual byte count of trace data
literal FNC_B$TRAPRO = 4;         !  Data function code
literal MOD_B$TRAPRO = 5;         !  Data modifier
literal STS_W$TRAPRO = 6;         !  Data status
macro TRAPRO$T_DATA = 8,0,0,0 %;        !  Data message
macro TRAPRO$R_RECMSGTYP = 8,0,0,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_RECMSGTYP = 267;
macro TRAPRO$R_SESTYP = 8,0,0,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_SESTYP = 265;
literal SESTHT$TRAPRO = 8;
literal SESTHS$TRAPRO = 6;
literal SESRHT$TRAPRO = 14;
literal SESRHS$TRAPRO = 3;
literal SESDAT$TRAPRO = 17;
literal SESDAS$TRAPRO = 256;
!  PU Trace
macro TRAPRO$R_PUTYP = 8,0,0,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_PUTYP = 265;
literal PUTHT$TRAPRO = 8;
literal PUTHS$TRAPRO = 6;
literal PURHT$TRAPRO = 14;
literal PURHS$TRAPRO = 3;
literal PUDAT$TRAPRO = 17;
literal PUDAS$TRAPRO = 256;
!  Circuit Trace
macro TRAPRO$R_CIRTYP = 8,0,0,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_CIRTYP = 267;
literal CIRADRB$TRAPRO = 8;     !  Data address
literal CIRCTLB$TRAPRO = 9;     !  Data control
literal CIRTHT$TRAPRO = 10;
literal CIRTHS$TRAPRO = 6;
literal CIRRHT$TRAPRO = 16;
literal CIRRHS$TRAPRO = 3;
literal CIRDAT$TRAPRO = 19;
literal CIRDAS$TRAPRO = 256;         !  Start of Ru data portion
!  Session Trace
!  Initiate Trace & Start Trace
!  Terminate Trace message from gateway
macro TRAPRO$R_ABOMSG = 0,0,24,0 %;
literal TRAPRO$S_ABOMSG = 3;
macro TRAPRO$B_ABO_REASON = 0,0,8,0 %;  !  Abort reason code
macro TRAPRO$B_ABO_CODE = 1,0,8,0 %;    !  Server abort code
macro TRAPRO$B_ABO_QUAL = 2,0,8,0 %;    !  Server abort qualifier
!  Message codes
!  Abort Codes exchanged between the Trace Host Program
!  and the Trace Server
literal SNAMSG$K_MIN = 100;
literal SNAMSG$K_ABNSESTER = 100;       !  Trace session terminated abnormally
literal SNAMSG$K_CIRNOTAVA = 101;       !  Circuit not activated
literal SNAMSG$K_CIRTOOLON = 102;       !  Circuit name is too long
literal SNAMSG$K_ILLTRCTYP = 103;       !  Illegal Trace Type
literal SNAMSG$K_INCVERNUM = 104;       !  Incompatible host and server protocols
literal SNAMSG$K_INSGATRES = 105;       !  Insufficient Gateway Resources
literal SNAMSG$K_INTERRHOS = 106;       !  Trace Server detected an error in Host Trace
literal SNAMSG$K_INTERRSER = 107;       !  Internal Error in Trace Server
literal SNAMSG$K_NO_SUCCIR = 108;       !  No such circuit
literal SNAMSG$K_NO_SUCSLU = 109;       !  No such SLU
literal SNAMSG$K_NOTINIMSG = 110;       !  Not an INIT message
literal SNAMSG$K_SLUADDACT = 111;       !  SLU already in use
literal SNAMSG$K_SLUNOTAVA = 112;       !  SLU not activated
literal SNAMSG$K_ACCVERFAI = 113;       !  Access verification failed
literal SNAMSG$K_CIRNOTSPE = 114;       !  Circuit name not specified
literal SNAMSG$K_MAX = 114;
macro $SNAMSG = 0,0,0,0 %;
literal SNAMSG$S_$SNAMSG = 0;
macro SNAMSG$T_DUMMY = 0,0,0,0 %;       !  Can't have an empty aggregate