
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-FI81B-DD_1989 - 1,4/lines.ini
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K]F@*]?4-gBN*:Di'$@i?4(CTYDN92 CTYKlinik for CPU0DL to ENCOREDL to NOVADL to JINXKlinik for CPU1DL to DWARFDL to GNOMEKimo YapxSystemx1042 CTYy1026 CTYNext CTYNova CTYDialoutDialout
KarenaRabidaeuJohniXenakisDavideWeaverNicolaspTamburriBradiMerrillBarbaHuizengaSpirituCTYOperator'stubeGALAXYoperator MarottaTarl NeustaedterNed SanteeAlan FrantzGlenn TremblayJim FlemmingRaun Boardman Sirus!Beverly Glackemeyer#Don Mastrovito$Ernie Racine%Magee Symonds&Jim Selders)Tony Rizzolo/Judy CapraTitan CTYKlinikDSystemDTOPS10 CTY