PDP-10 Archives
There are 8 other files named dteldr.hlp in the archive. Click here to see a list.
DTELDR is a program to dump and bootstrap front ends connected to the KL10 via a
DTE. The program runs in user mode under normal timesharing; its user must be
logged in as [1,2], and have TRPSET and LOCK privileges. To use DTELDR, the
monitor must be assembled with MSGSER. Command format is:
dev:file.ext[p,pn,sfd,sfd,...] is the file specification for the file to load
into the -11. Default is DSK:DTEL<X><Y>.BIN, where <X> is the CPU number (0 to
(n-1), where n is the number of CPUs in your system) and <Y> is the DTE number
(0,1,2 or 3). This file specification is only meaningful if the -11 is loaded
over the DTE. (See /SWITCH)
Dumps are written out to DSK:DTED<X><Y>.BIN, .B00, .B01,...,.B99, using the path
of the job that runs DTELDR.
Action switches: X=<CPU#> Y=<DTE#> prottype={NOBODY,ANF10,IBM,DECNET,RSX20F}
/APROTOCOL:XY:prottype - Use prottype when doing an automatic reload of the
given front end
/ASWITCH:XY:value - Use octal value when doing automatic reload of given front
/AUTOMATIC - Automatically reload front ends that crash (if ST%NDL is off)
/DETACH - Detach DTELDR when in automatic mode
/DUMP:XY - Dump specified front end on XPN:DTEDxy.BIN (or later generations)
/EXIT - Exit to the monitor
/HELP - Type this text
/IGNORE:XY:XY:...:XY - Do nothing to specified front ends when in automatic mode
/INITIALIZE:XY - Start primary protocol on specified front end
/NOLISTEN:XY:XY:...:XY - Do not listen to specified front
/PROTOCOL:prottype - Start the front end with the specified protocol type
/RELOAD:XY - Reload specified front end and start primary protocol
/TALK:XY:XY:...:XY - Talk to specified front end's CTY
/TERMINATE:XY - Shut down specified front end end's CTY except when reloading
Modification switches:
/A11 - Binary file in .A11 format
/IMAGE - .BIN file is in image format
/NODUMP - Do not do dump of -11 core
/NOLOG - Suppress error logging
/SELECT:<10,11> - Select place to reload -11 from
/SWITCH:<VALUE> - Use octal <VALUE> instead of old -11 switch value
A DUMP file specification may be given for /AUTOMATIC. The switches /TALK,
/NOLOG, /NODUMP, and /SWITCH may also be specified with /AUTOMATIC.
/SELECT:10 - Reloads the front end over the DTE from the reload file
/SELECT:11 - Reloads the front end from the -11 device specified in /SWITCH, or
from the original -11 load device if /SWITCH is not specified.
If /SELECT is not given, default is "11" if the -11 is the master, "10"
/TERMINATE must not appear with any other switches.
/INITIALIZE must appear only with /PROTOCOL or with no other switches.
/SWITCH is used when the reload source is the -10 to tell the ROM which -11
device to obtain the reload file from. RSX20F also uses the switch setting to
determine whether to enter KLINIT or not.
The following octal values are valid:
_____ _______
000 001 Do a complete reload as specified by other values below. The
last digit must be 1 to run CHK11.
000 005 Load RSX20F without communicating with the central processor.
KL10 is assumed up. This reloads and starts the -11, does not
000 007 Load RSX20F, load and start KLINIT dialog to control loading.
000 001 to Normally digits 4 and 5 (from the left) are zero.
000 151 However, you can use digits 4 and 5 to set the line speed for a
hardware line specified in digits 2 and 3. (See the DTELDR
000 001 With digit 4 set to zero, use floppy (for 1091) or DECtape.
000 201 to Use specified disk unit (0 to 7).
003 601 (See the DTELDR specification.)
000 001 to Digits 2 and 3 are normally 0. However, you can use
0XX XX1 digits 2 and 3 to specify a hardware line number when you give a
DH11 unit number in digits 3 and 4, and a line speed with digits
4 and 5. (See the DTELDR specification.)
000 001 or Retry 10 times on I/O error.
100 001 Retry indefinitely on I/O error.
For example, to boot front end #2 on CPU0 from disk unit 1 use: