
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-H311B-RM - swskit-utilities/ds.exe
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     DS is a program which is designed to provide information and certain
software diagnostic help concerning the disk file system.  Most functions
require privileges for operation.    The intent is not to take corrective
action with this program, but to provide information allowing such action
to be taken.  The commands are:

CHECK		Check and report the results on one of the following:

		FILE-READABILITY Check files specified by possibly wild
				file specification for readability by
				using DSKOPs and report any errors that
				are encountered.  Control-E will abort.
		INDEX-BLOCK	Check specified disk address for a
				valid index block including BAT bit,
				checksum, and non-address bits.
		PAGE		Check page at specified disk address
				report any problems reading page.
				Repeat count or UNTIL-STOPPED may be
				given.  Control-E will abort.
COPY		Copy out a regular or long file to a destination file by
		providing the disk address of the index block or address
		of the super index block, or provide address of a single
		disk page to be copied out.  The output must be to disk.
DRIVE		Specify a specific channel and unit to be accessed.
DUMP		Output an interpretive listing of one of:

		BAT-BLOCKS	Descriptive list of BAT block contents.
		HOME-BLOCKS	Descriptive list of HOME block contents.
		INDEX-BLOCKS	List of disk addresses in index block(s)
				for the specified file.
				Control-E will abort.
				Descriptive list of directory page for
				microprocessor file system for the KS
				processor (2020).  Control-E will abort.
		PAGE		List contents of page at specified disk
				address in Octal and SIXBIT and ASCII.
				Control-E will abort.
EXIT		Exit from the program.
FILDDT		Transfer control to SYS:FILDDT in an inferior process.
HELP		Type this text.
INFORMATION	Displays the status of the disk drives on the system.
OUTPUT		Specify output file used for some of the commands.
PUSH		Transfer control to an EXEC in an inferior process.
STRUCTURE	Specify a disk structure to use in subsequent commands.
TAKE		Read subsequent commands from the specified file.
VERIFY		Read-check the selected structure or unit using DSKOPs.
		Output any errors encountered.  Interruptible by using
		Control-E to abort, and Control-A will output a status
		line of the current disk address and cumulative error
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? Nesting of TAKE files is not allowed -- command file aborted
\"	T,i+8INFORMATION TO FILETTY: H	_Cannot open file for output	b	4	"+vTO USE IS ON CHANNELChannel number0 8H	jH	kChannel number out of range:UNITUnit number in octal 8H	rH	kUnit number out of range.DUnit is part of a mounted StructureUnit is in use by an On-line DiagnosticUnit is currently Off-lineUnit has had errors detected during readingUnit has a bad BAT BlockUnit has a bad HOME BlockUnit is Write-lockedTO USE@$$Device is not a diskABOUT DISK UNITS
Channel Unit Controller Alias  Str-ID  Pack Type  Disk Status

,~      -- 
#+)/  $$Off-lineMounted Diagnostic Errors BadBAT BadHOM Write-lockedUNK RP04RP05RP06RP07RP08RM03RP20CBAT-BLOCKSHOME-BLOCKSINDEX-BLOCKSMICROPROCESSOR-FILE-SYSTEM-DIRECTORYPAGEAT DISK ADDRESS `Invalid Disk Address specifiedPage is unreadable
DSome problems noted reading page
Address	       Octal   SIXBIT	   L-ASCII	R-ASCII	  11-ASCII
% Entire page is zeroPage Dump abortedOF FILE
	Disk Addresses for File 0B+	"@@^,~File is not on a disk device BAT bit is set in the file's FDBDisk address in FDB is zero<BProblems with Super Index BlockCannot continue`
Contents of Super Index Block, Disk Address P`MProblems with Index Block for Section, Disk Address 
Contents of Index Block for Section Index Block Dump aborted1:  x/,~    `E   --    + Pages in use by this Index Block
BAT Bit is set for this Index Block
Checksum for this Index Block is incorrect

HOME Blocks for Logical Unit:
Primary HOME Block is unreadable
Read of Primary HOME Block encountered errors
Secondary HOME Block is unreadable
Read of Secondary HOME Block encountered errors
Primary HOME Block is bad
Secondary HOME Block is bad
HOME Blocks are Inconsistent
HOME Blocks appear to be ok

  3   HOMSNM   SIXBIT/Structure Name/:  
  4   HOMLUN   # of Packs in STR,,Logical Unit in STR:  
  5   HOMHOM   Sector Number of This HOME Block,,Sector # of Other:  
  6   HOMP4S   Number of Pages for Swapping on this Unit:  
  7   HOMFST   First Swapping Cylinder on Unit:  
 10   HOMRXB   Address of ROOT-DIRECTORY Index Block:  
 12   HOMFLG   Flags:  
 13   HOMSIZ   Number of Sectors in this Unit:  
 14   HOMBTB   Number of Cylinders in Structure:  
 15   HOMMID   Pack Unique Code:  
 61   HOMFE0   Front End File System Starting Sector:  
 62   HOMFE1   Front End File System Size in Sectors:  
101   HOMFE2   BOOTSTRAP.BIN Starting Sector:  
102   HOMFE3   BOOTSTRAP.BIN Size in Sectors:  
165   HOMUID   -11 Format Unit I.D. (12 Characters):  
170   HOMOID   -11 Format Owner I.D. (12 Characters):  
173   HOMFSN   -11 Format File System Name:  
176   HOMCOD   Unique Code 707070:  
177   HOMSLF   Sector Number of this Block:  P@P@@PhO*
52 @+

BAT Blocks for Logical UnitPrimary BAT Block is unreadable
Read of Primary BAT Block encountered errors
Secondary BAT Block is unreadable
Read of Secondary BAT Block encountered errors
Primary BAT Block is bad
Secondary BAT Block is bad
BAT Blocks are Inconsistent
BAT Blocks appear ok
Mapper added count:  $$   MONITOR added count:    Total:  
Unit-Address	Size(Sectors)	APR number	Channel	Unitl
  	6$		8

Offset	     Primary	   Secondary 
]8@+BBoth HOME Blocks unreadable - assuming address`
k "J B @@!@@!d+L
HOME Block Information:

101   HOMFE2   Microprocessor File System Starting Sector: 
102   HOMFE3   Microprocessor File System Size in Sectors: 
103   HOMFE4   Microprocessor Format Cylinder/Track/Sector: 0$

Directory Page Information:

`fProblemFwithdisk address Cannot continue with directory dump`
Starting Page Offset   Disk Address   CYL/TRK/SEC   Length in Pages
                 0$@@@Page offset is outside of range allowed by HOME blockFile length is outside of range allowed by HOME blockp`pUnused Microprocessor CYL/TRK/SEC word bits non-zeroMicroprocessor file system dump abortedFree Space RegionMicrocode FileMonitor Pre-BOOT FileDiagnostic Pre-BOOT FileBOOTCHECK 2 FileMonitor BOOT FileDiagnostic BOOT FileReserved Directory Words - Not UsedIndirect File #FILE-READABILITYINDEX-BLOCK
No problems encountered reading page
% Transient read errors encountered reading page
% ECC is required to read page
[  errors counted ]
CheckUPageAfunctionabortedBATBitis,setzforIndexaBlockChecksumeforlIndexrBlock-isrincorrect,should be `
Contents of Index Block appear to be consistentOF FILES**.*.*@H
[Attempting to read file ]0B+	"@@^@@@@@@~+4
[ Total problems noted:  Read-check of files aborted`
c:,~ B!2+NSuper Index Block is unreadable, disk address`$,	:,~Checksum of super index block is wrongSuper index block has BAT bit setProblems noted with index block  disk address Index block has BAT bit setChecksum of index block is wrongProblems noted with data page 
% Transient error reading super index block
% ECC needed to read super index block
% Super index block is unreadable--can't continue
% Transient error reading index block
% ECC needed to read index block
% Index block is unreadable--data not scanned
% Transient error reading data page
% ECC needed to read data page
% Data page is unreadable8H	_WITH INDEX BLOCK ADDRESSAT ADDRESSTO Invalid disk address specifiedOutput must be to a disk deviceSuper Index Block is unreadablevChecksum of Super Index Block is wrongSuper Index Block has BAT bit setIndex block has incorrect checksum@!
[COPY completed]LONG-FILENo Structure or Drive has been specified yetDrive is off-lineStructure or unit not yet specified[ Working on Structure [ Working on pack on Channel :a, Unit .aUnit with zero pages detectedProblem with disk address  
[ Total problems noted:  ]Verification pass abortedWorking on disk address  (%), error count is H(PSI error - abort address not initializedIncorrect page type passed to RDCHKDH$6$9'
hgNo units found for structureNot all units of structure present7Bf92Bg<,~Too many units in structure for internal tablesDuplicate logical unit encountered for structureUnits disagree about number of packs in structureUnit claims to have zero sectors8 " "0B	+	",~86$DS Internal Error - LUUO Out of Range% ? @.$.,,No Flags Set, Unlimited Directories AllowedMS%LIM - Directories are limited to 2040/50 size$ 4   /
`d+	-+	#
?  -- command file aborted
[Command file completed]A xxGxG2xR2~ yeDS>66`OvA+OvA)X4	OOrc OOqh O9RHPI9bPkOguzOguxOguS
OguSOguQOguPOguIOgu	OgtoOgtnOgs
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CXpl	.06>BpLCj7b@LCj'	xLCjkLCiyO@LCirGLCiX6LCiHLCi@ALCi2vT=*(+p`pT=*!z=*.eT=*RT=* x=)v,zT=)mx=)=u=)=H=)=_=)=
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