
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-H311D-RM - arpanet-sources/tcpjfn.mac
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; UPD ID= 4841, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.17,  17-Sep-84 11:37:48 by PURRETTA
;Update copyright notice
; UPD ID= 4838, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.16,  17-Sep-84 11:32:07 by PAETZOLD
;Zero FILTCB after ABORT%s.
;Make TCPNAM and TCPEXT use one error return.
;Fix range check for type of service atttribute value.
; UPD ID= 4734, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.15,  22-Aug-84 19:12:01 by PAETZOLD
;Use RETBAD instead of RETERR for TCPX35 in TCPOPN.  
;Be NOINT during IPOPR% functions.
; UPD ID= 4662, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.14,   7-Aug-84 22:27:17 by PAETZOLD
;TCO 6.2164 - Use an index register when setting timeouts in ATTTIM
; UPD ID= 3940, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.13,  18-Mar-84 13:09:49 by PAETZOLD
;More TCO 6.1733 - Fix bugs dealing with FX and TCPOTS and FKSTA2.
; UPD ID= 3934, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.12,  17-Mar-84 13:01:21 by PAETZOLD
;More TCO 6.1733 - 
;Add  IPOPR  functions  for internet bypass manipulation. Fix a bug in ATTRLH.
;Change DISTST to setup FX. Make TCPSIO use TCPOTS instead of INTOOT. Add code
;for .TCSFN function of TCOPR%. Add NTNCTS routine.
; UPD ID= 3915, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.11,  13-Mar-84 08:06:11 by PAETZOLD
;More TCO 6.1733 - OKINT in TCPGT2 if ASGRES failed.
; UPD ID= 3903, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.10,  12-Mar-84 10:28:49 by PAETZOLD
;More TCO 6.1733 - Use RETBAD and not RETERR in ACJ error return in TCPOP1
; UPD ID= 3892, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.9,  11-Mar-84 10:35:54 by PAETZOLD
;More TCO 6.1733 -
;Remove  bad  clearing of FILBNI. Maintain FILLEN. Prevent problems induced by
;bad host numbers. Improved default local port stuff. Set ERRF flag so  LSTERR
;gets  set correctly. Clear TCDCW in TCPABT. Rearrange port privilege check to
;OPENF from GTJFN. Implement TCPOTS scheduler test. Fix CZ%ABT hanging CLOSF%.
;Do SETZM of .TCPBI word as well as .TCPBO  word.  Clear  DEC  buffers  during
;OPENF%.  Fix bad setting of IP parameters. Add TVTJFN routine to allow ATNVTs
;for JFNs. Zero DEC TCB cells in TCPBFD so later users aren't confused. .GOANA
;now function sends foreign host and port info to ACJ. disallow  wildcards  in
; UPD ID= 3821, SNARK:<6.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.8, 29-Feb-84 18:12:47 by PAETZOLD
; More TCO 6.1733 - ANBSEC and MNTSEC removal. Bug Fixes. Cleanup.
;<TCPIP.5.3.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.20,  7-Dec-83 00:31:32, Edit by PAETZOLD
;TCO 6.1836 - Add code to support .IPGWY function of IPOPR
;Handle different returns for release 6 DTB calls.  bug fixes
;<TCPIP.5.1.MONITOR>TCPJFN.MAC.202,  5-Jul-83 22:31:07, Edit by PAETZOLD

;End of Revision History



	Comment \

This  module implements the "DEC" JFN JSYS interface to the TOPS-20AN
TCP code developed by Bolt, Beranek, and  Newman.  


The  AC Defs in this module are different than the rest of the TCP/IP
modules so watch out.





	TCPBSZ==100		;buffer size


TCPDTB::			; DTB for TCP: device
	DTBDSP TCPSET		;*Directory setup routine
	DTBDSP TCPNAM		;*Name lookup
	DTBDSP TCPEXT		;*Extension lookup
	DTBDSP TCPVER		;*Version lookup
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Protection insertion
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Account insertion
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Status insertion (temporary permanent etc)
	DTBDSP TCPOPN		;*Open file
	DTBDSP TCPSQI		;*Byte input
	DTBDSP TCPSQO		;*Byte output
	DTBDSP TCPCLZ		;*Close file
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Rename
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Delete file
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Dump mode input
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Dump mode output
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Mount device
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Dismount device
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Initialize directory of device
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Do mtape operation
	DTBDSP TCPGTD		;*Get device status
	DTBBAD (DESX9)		; Set device status
	DTBDSP TCPSQF 		;*Force record out, (soutr jsys)
	DTBDSP RFTADN 		; Read file time and date
	DTBDSP SFTADN 		; Set file time and date
	DTBDSP TCPSFI 		;*Set jfn for input
	DTBDSP TCPSFO 		;*Set jfn for output
	DTBDSP TCPATR		;*Check attribute
	DTBDSP TCPRJF		;*Release jfn
	SUBTTL GTJFN Setup Handling

;Format of a TCP: GTJFN string is as follows:
;Square brackets denote fields which may or may not be present.  Not
;all fields may be omitted for any given GTJFN string.

TCPSET:				;directory setup
	SKIPE DECOK		;DEC TCP calls allowed?
         CALL SKTCPU		;TCP up?
	  RETBAD (TCPX16)	;no
	RETBAD(GJFX17)		;yes...error
	NOINT			;stop psi's
	SKIPE FILTCB(JFN)	;do we have a prototype tcb yet?
	 JRST TCP2RT		;yes so success return
	MOVX T1,TCBSIZ		;get the size of the tcb
	CALL GETBLK		;get storage for the prototype tcb
	SKIPN T1 		;did we get the storage?
	RETBAD (TCPXX1,<OKINT>)	;no so return with an error
	MOVEM T1,FILTCB(JFN)	;save the DCB address
	MOVE TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB AC set up for later use
	MOVX T2,TCBSIZ		;get the size again
	CALL CLRBLK		;clear out the TCB
	STOR JFN,TJFN,(TCB)	;tell the TCB which JFN it belongs too
	JRST TCP2RT		;tell upper level stuff we suceeded
	SUBTTL GTJFN File Name, and File Generation Handling

TCPNAM:				;decode gtjfn name string
	SKIPN TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address
	 JRST TCPNM3		;error if does not exist
	TMNE TCDGN,(TCB)	;have we allready done this?
	 JRST TCP2RT		;yes so do not do it again
	SETZ T2,		;local host rules
	CALL HSTPRT		;decode host name and port number from string
	 JRST TCPNM3		;if error then badness
	STOR T2,TLH,(TCB)	;save the local host number
	STOR T3,TLP,(TCB)	;save the local port number
	JE TLH,(TCB),OKRET	;default local host?
	LOAD T1,TLH,(TCB)	;get the local host
	CALL NTNCTS		;get out address on that net
	LOAD T2,TLH,(TCB)	;get the local host address
	CAME T2,T1		;legit address?
	 JRST TCPNM3		;no
OKRET:				;here on success return
	SETONE TCDGN,(TCB)	;flag that we do not have to do this again
	TQNE <UNLKF>		;do we need to unlock?
	 JRST TCP2RT		;no
	OKINT			;yes so allow interrupts
	JRST TCP2RT		;skip 2 return
TCPNM3:				;here on error from HSTPRT
	MOVEI T1,TCPXX2		;get error code
NOKRET:				;here on error return
	OKINT			;allow interrupts
	RET			;and return

TCPVER:				;decode GTJFN version spec
	SKIPN T1		;any version stuff?
	 JRST OKRET		;no so return
	MOVEI T1,TCPXX4		;get error code
	JRST NOKRET		;return with error
	SUBTTL GTJFN File Name Extension Handling

TCPEXT:				;decode GTJFN extension string
	SKIPN TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address
	 JRST TCPEX2		;error if does not exists
	TMNE TCDGE,(TCB)	;have we allready done this once?
	 JRST OKRET		;yes so do not do it again
	SETO T2,		;4n host rules
	CALL HSTPRT		;decode host name and port number from string
	 JRST TCPEX2		;handle error return
	STOR T2,TFH,(TCB)	;save the foreign host number
	STOR T3,TFP,(TCB)	;save the foreign port number
	JN TLH,(TCB),OKRET	;non default local host?
	LOAD T1,TFH,(TCB)	;get the foreign host address
	CALL NTNCTS		;get our address on the net
	 JRST TCPEX1		;we do not have one
	STOR T1,TLH,(TCB)	;save the new local host number
	SETONE TCDGE,(TCB)	;flag so we do not do this again
	JRST OKRET		;everything is fine
TCPEX1:				;here when we have no adr on that net
	MOVE T1,DEFADR		;get out default address
	STOR T1,TLH,(TCB)	;this is now our local address
	SETONE TCDGE,(TCB)	;flag so we do not do this again
	JRST OKRET		;and return to caller
TCPEX2:				;here on error from hstprt
	MOVEI T1,TCPXX3		;get the error code
	JRST NOKRET		;error return
	SUBTTL GTJFN File Name Attribute Handling

TCPATR: 			;here to check attributes from gtjfn
	TRVAR <TCPATP>		;temporary storage
	SKIPE T1		;pointer exist?
	 HRLI T1,010700		;yes...make it a seven bit pointer
	MOVEM T1,TCPATP		;save the data pointer
	SKIPN TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address
	 RETERR(TCPXX5)		;error if no TCB
	MOVSI T1,-ATRLEN	;build aobjn pointer
TCPALP:				;attribute checking loop
	HLRZ T3,ATRTBL(T1)	;get a code from the table
	CAME T3,T2		;is this our attribute?
	 JRST TCPAL2		;no
	HRRZ T3,ATRTBL(T1)	;get the dispatch address
	JRST (T3)		;dispatch to the handling routine
TCPAL2:				;here when entry was a match
	AOBJN T1,TCPALP		;check others if there are more
	RETBAD (TCPXX5) 	;no such attribute

ATRTBL:				;table of attribute codes
	.PFTCN,,ATTRCN		;connection
	.PFTPR,,ATTPST		;persist
	.PFTTM,,ATTTIM		;timeout
	.PFTTS,,ATTTOS		;type-of-service
	.PFTSC,,ATTSCR		;security
	.PFTCM,,ATTCMP		;compartment
	.PFTHR,,ATTHND		;handling-restrictions
	.PFTTC,,ATTTRC		;transmission control
	.PFTLH,,ATTRLH		;local-host
	.PFTFH,,ATTRFH		;foreign host
	ATRLEN==.-ATRTBL	;number of attributes
	SUBTTL GTJFN Attribute Argument Support Routines

ATTR16:				;routine to read a legal sixteen bit number
	MOVEI T3,10		;octal
	NIN			;get the parameter
	SKIPL T2		;positive?
	 CAILE T2,177777	;legit value?
	  RET			;non-legit value
	   RETSKP		;legit value

ATTR18:				;routine to read a legal eighteen bit number
	MOVEI T3,12		;decimal
	NIN			;get the parameter
	SKIPL T2		;positive?
	 CAILE T2,777777	;legit value?
	  RET			;non-legit value
        RETSKP			;legit value
	SUBTTL GTJFN Connection Attribute

ATTRCN:				;connection attribute
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the pointer
	ILDB T1,T1		;get the first byte
	CAIE T1,"A"		;is it "ACTIVE"
	 CAIN T1,"A"+40		;is it "ACTIVE"
	  JRST ATTRC1		;yes
	SETZRO TCDFS,(TCB)	;no clear the force sync bit
ATTRC1:				;it is active
	SETONE TCDFS,(TCB)	;set the force sync bit
	SUBTTL Foreign-Host and Local-Host, Persist Attributes

ATTRFH:				;foreign-host attribute
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the pointer
	CALL HSTHST		;decode the host number
	RETBAD (TCPXX7)		;failure so get error code
	STOR T2,TFH,(TCB)	;save the foreign host number
	RETSKP			;return success

ATTRLH:				;local-host attribute
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the pointer
	CALL HSTHST		;decode the host number
	RETBAD (TCPXX8)		;failure so get error code
	STOR T2,TLH,(TCB)	;save the local host number
	MOVE T1,T2		;get host number into correct place
	CALL NTNCTS		;get our NCT on that net
	RETBAD (TCPXX8) 	;no address
	LOAD T2,TLH,(TCB)	;get the address user wants
	CAME T1,T2		;same?
	RETSKP			;return success

ATTPST:				;persist attribute
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the pointer
	CALL ATTR18		;get a legal 18 bit number
	 RETBAD	(TCPXX9)	;handle errors
	STOR T2,TPRS1,(TCB)	;save the first parameter
	SETZRO TPRS2,(TCB)	;zero the other parameter
	ILDB T2,T1		;get the next byte
	CAIE T2,","		;is it a comma
	 JRST ATTPS2		;no
	CALL ATTR18		;get a legal 18 bit value
	STOR T2,TPRS2,(TCB)	;save the second parameter
ATTPS2:				;here when we like the parameters
	SETONE TCDPS,(TCB)	;turn on the persist flag
	RETSKP			;return success
	SUBTTL Timeout, Type-of-Service, and Security Attributes

ATTTIM:				;timeout time attribute
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the attribute pointer
	CALL ATTR18		;get a legal 18 bit number
	 RETBAD (TCPX10)	;very illegal
	CAMLE T2,TCPPTM		;is timeout parameter legitimate?
	 MOVE T2,TCPPTM		;no so make it legitimate
	IMULI T2,^D1000		;convert to msecs
	STOR T2,TSTO,(TCB)	;save the timeout parameter
	RETSKP			;return success

ATTTOS:				;type of service attribute
				;TCPTCP does not know how to do this yet
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the attribute pointer
	MOVEI T3,10		;octal
	NIN			;get the type of service
	SKIPL T2		;positive?
	 CAILE T2,377		;legit value?
	  RETBAD (TCPX11)	;give error
	STOR T2,TTOS,(TCB)	;store the type of service
	RETSKP			;return success

ATTSCR:				;security attribute
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the attribute pointer
	CALL ATTR16		;get a legal sixteen bit number
         RETBAD (TCPX12)	;give error
	STOR T2,TSLVN,(TCB)	;save the security level
	RETSKP			;return success
	SUBTTL Compartments, Handling-Restrictions, and Transmission Control Attributes

ATTCMP:				;compartments attribute
				;TCPTCP does not know how to do this yet
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the attribute pointer
	CALL ATTR16		;get a legal sixteen bit number
         RETBAD (TCPX13)	;give error
	RETSKP			;return success

ATTHND:				;handling-restrictions attribute
				;TCPTCP does not know how to do this yet
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the attribute pointer
	CALL ATTR16		;get a legal sixteen bit number
	RETSKP			;return success

ATTTRC:				;transmission-control attribute
				;TCPTCP does not know how to do this yet
	MOVE T1,TCPATP		;get the attribute pointer
	CALL ATTR16		;get a legal sixteen bit number
         RETBAD (TCPX15)	;give error
	RETSKP			;return success

TCPCLZ:				;here on a closf
	SAVEAT			;save most acs
	SKIPN TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address
	 RETSKP			;if no TCB then success
	LOAD T1,TJCN,(TCB)	;get the JCN for this connection
	TXO T1,TCP%JS		;this is a JCN
	JE TSUOP,(TCB),TCPABT	;if never opened then abort
	JE TSOPN,(TCB),TCPABT	;if never got opened then abort
	UMOVE T2,1		;get users AC 1
	TXNE T2,CZ%ABT		;abort?
 	 JRST TCPABT		;yes
	JN TCDCW,(TCB),TCPCLW	;if in close wait get to it
	CLOSE%			;close down the connection
	 ERJMP TCPCLX		;handle error
TCPCLW:				;here also when we were in close wait
	SETZRO <BLKF>		;no longer blocking
	LOAD T1,TOPNF,(TCB)	;Get ID of Open Flag for this TCB
	LOAD T2,TERRF,(TCB)	;Error Flag index
	MKWAIT INTZOT		;Make scheduler test
	CALL DISTST		;will we dismiss?
	 JRST TCPCWC		;no so go finish up now
	SETONE <BLKF>		;tell lower levels we want to block
	SETONE TCDCW,(TCB)	;set close wait wait flag
	RET			;return to caller (which will block)

TCPCWC:				;here when the close has completed
	SETZRO TCDCW,(TCB)	;no more CLOSF block
	LOAD T1,TERR,(TCB)	;Get the error code
	JUMPN T1,TCPCLX		;Jump if error code non-null
	LOAD T1,TJCN,(TCB)	;get the JCN
	TXO T1,TCP%JS		;this is a JCN
	ABORT%			;abort this JCN
	 ERJMP .+1		;ignore errors
	RETSKP			;and return success

TCPABT:				;here on an ABORT close (CZ%ABT on)
	SETZRO TCDCW,(TCB)	;no more CLOSF block
	ABORT%			;abort the JCN
	 ERJMP TCPAB2		;handle errors
	RETSKP			;success return
TCPAB2:				;here on error from ABORT%
	CALL ERTRAN		;translate the error
	SETONE <ERRF>		;Flag an error
	RETBAD			;error return

TCPCLX:				;here on an error from the CLOSE%
	MOVEM T1,TCPCER		;save the error code
	LOAD T1,TJCN,(TCB)	;get the JCN for this connection
	TXO T1,TCP%JS		;this is a JCN
	ABORT%			;abort the JCN
	 ERJMP .+1
	MOVE T1,TCPCER		;get back the error code
	CALL ERTRAN		;translate the error code
	SETONE <ERRF>		;Flag an error
	RET			;return with error

TCPRJF:				;here on a release jfn
	 RETSKP			;no
	TMNE TDEC,(T1)		;DEC bit on?
	 JRST TCPRJ2		;yes
	CALL RETBLK		;no so just release the space
	RETSKP			;and success return

TCPRJ2:				;here when we have a real DEC TCB
	LOAD T1,TJCN,(T1)	;get the JCN for this connection
	TXO T1,TCP%JS		;this is a JCN
	ABORT%			;abort the JCN
	 ERJMP .+1		;no errors
	RETSKP			;return success

TCPOPN:				;perform openf
	SKIPN TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address
	 RETBAD(TCPX35)		;can not reopen a TCP JFN
	JN TCDOW,(TCB),TCPOP3	;if in open wait mode get to it
	CALL SKTCPU		;TCP up and running?
         RETBAD (TCPX16)	;no so return with an error
				;here to check user arguments
	TQNE <XCTF,RNDF>	;check illegal access modes
	 RETBAD (TCPX17)	;if any of these on then badness
	TQNN <READF>		;must be readable
	 RETBAD (TCPX17)	;if not readable then error
	TQNN <WRTF>		;must be writable
	 RETBAD (TCPX17)	;if not writeable then error
	LDB T1,PBYTSZ		;get byte size user wants
	CAIE T1,^D32		;is it 32 bit bytes?
	 CAIN T1,^D8		;or 8 bit bytes?
	  SKIPA			;one or the other so ok
	   RETBAD (TCPX18)	;bad byte size error
	CAIE T1,^D8		;8 bit bytes?
	 JRST TCPOP1		;no
	SETONE TCDB8,(TCB)	;yes so set the flag
	LOAD T1,TLP,(TCB)	;get the local port number
        SKIPN T1		;Wild local port?
         JRST TCPOP3		;yes so illegal connection
	LOAD T1,IOMODE		;get the mode user asked for
	CAILE T1,.TCMMX		;legit value?
	 RETBAD (TCPX30)	;no so error
	CALL @TCOMDP(T1)	;dispatch on the mode to set flags
				;here to ask the almighty ACJ if this is OK
	LOAD T1,TFH,(TCB)	;get the foreign host number
	LOAD T2,TFP,(TCB)	;get the foreign port number
	GTOKM (.GOANA,<T1,T2>,[RETBAD()]) ; ask acj for its blessing
				;Everything is OK.  Fall through.
	SUBTTL OPENF% Continued....

				;Falls through from above
	LOAD T1,TLP,(TCB)	;Get the local port
	MOVEM T1,.TCPLP+TCPBCB	;save the local port
	TMNN TCDFS,(TCB)	;is Active flag set?
	 CAILE T1,377		;Not active - special low port?
	  TDNN T1,CAPENB	;Required privs?
	   RETBAD(NTWZX1)	;Indicate must be network wizard
	LOAD T1,TLH,(TCB)	;get the local host number
	MOVEM T1,.TCPLH+TCPBCB	;save the local host number
	LOAD T1,TFP,(TCB)	;get the 4N port
	MOVEM T1,.TCPFP+TCPBCB	;save the 4n port
	LOAD T1,TFH,(TCB)	;Get the Foreign host number
	MOVEM T1,.TCPFH+TCPBCB	;save the 4n host
	IFN. T1			;don't do this if no specific host
	  CALL HSTHSH		;find hash index for host
	  MOVX T1,HS%VAL!HS%UP	;have an index, clear valid and up until
	  ANDCAM T1,HSTSTS(T2)	; network indicates something better
	SETZM .TCPIP+TCPBCB	;no IP parameters, please
	SETZM .TCPOP+TCPBCB	;clear the reserved word out
	MOVEI T1,TCPBCB		;get the connection block address
	SETZB T2,T3		;clear other acs
	TMNE TCDFS,(TCB)	;Active flag?
	 TXO T1,TCP%FS		;yes so force sync
	TMNE TCDPS,(TCB)	;persist?
	 TXO T1,TCP%PS		;yes so set persist flag
	TMNE TCDPS,(TCB)	;persist?
	 LOAD T2,TPRS1,(TCB)	;yes so get the timeout time
	OPEN%			;open up the connection
	 ERJMP TCPOP5		;handle errors
	HRRZM T1,OPNJCN		;zero the left half of the JCN
	MOVE T1,TCB		;get the prototype tcb address
	MOVE TCB,JCNTCB(TCB)	;get the real TCB address
	MOVEM TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;save the real TCB address
	MOVE T2,T1		;get prototype TCB address
	MOVE T3,TCB		;get real TCB address
TCPOP2:				;prototype to real TCB copying routine
	SKIPN (T3)		;is real TCB word not set?
         SKIPN T4,(T2)		;yes and prototype TCB word set?
	  SKIPA			;real set or prototype not set
           MOVEM T4,(T3)       	;set it in the real TCB if non zero
	AOJ T2,			;bump offset
	MOVE T4,T2		;get TCB offset
	SUB T4,T1		;subtract TCB base address
	CAIGE T4,TCBSIZ		;are we done yet?
	AOJA T3,TCPOP2 		;no so bump offset and continue
	CALL RETBLK		;release the prototype TCB
	SETONE TDEC,(TCB)	;set the DEC bit in the TCB
	SETZM TJOBA(TCB)	;no active output buffer
	SETZM TJOBF(TCB)	;no fill output buffer
	SETZM TJIBA(TCB)	;no active input buffer
	SETZM TJIBE(TCB)	;no empty input buffer
	SETZM FILLEN(JFN)	;initially zero length
	SETZM FILBNI(JFN)	;zero input byte number
	SETZM FILBNO(JFN)	;zero output byte number
	SETZM FILBCI(JFN)	;zero input bytes remaining count
	SETZM FILBCO(JFN)	;zero output bytes remaining count
	JE TCDWT,(TCB),RSKP	;if not in wait mode then we are done
	SUBTTL OPENF wait mode code

TCPOP3:				;here for open wait stuff
	LOAD T1,TOPNF,(TCB)	;get the open wait bit
	LOAD T2,TERRF,(TCB)	;get the error wait bit
	MKWAIT TCPOTS		;make the MDISMS word
	MOVE FX,FORKX		;get our fork number.
	LOAD T3,TFH,(TCB)	;get the foreign host number
	MOVEM T3,FKSTA2(FX)	;save host address fork is blocked on
	CALL DISTST		;should we dismiss?
	 JRST TCPOP4		;no TCB is open or errored
	SETONE <BLKF>		;yes so set the block flag
	SETONE TCDOW,(TCB)	;set the open wait flag
	RET			;return to lower level (which will block)

TCPOP4:				;here when wait condition satisfied
	SETZRO <BLKF>		;no longer blocking
	LOAD T1,TERR,(TCB)	;get error code
	IFE. T1			;if error code zero
	  LOAD T1,TOPNF,(TCB)	;get the open wait bit
	  JUMPE T1,RSKP		;beware bit 0
	  IDIVI T1,^D36		;separate into word and bit number
	  MOVE T2,BITS(T2)	;get the bit
	  TDNN T2,INTWTB(T1)	;connection open?
	   RETBAD(OPNX20)	;no, return "host is not up"
	  LOAD T1,TFH,(TCB)	;get the Foreign host number
	  IFN. T1		;don't do this if no specific host
	    CALL HSTHSH		;find hash index for host
	    MOVE T1,HSTSTS(T2)	;found it, get its current status
	  ANDXE. T1,HS%VAL	;have valid status?
	    MOVX T1,HS%VAL!HS%UP ;no, set valid and up since we appear to
	    IORM T1,HSTSTS(T2)	; have made a connection with the host
	  RETSKP		;yes, return success
	MOVEM T1,TCPOER		;not zero so save the error code
	LOAD T1,TJCN,(TCB)	;get the JCN for this TCB
	TXO T1,TCP%JS		;flag that this is a JCN
	ABORT%			;abort the TCB
	 ERJMP .+1
	MOVE T1,TCPOER		;get back the error code
	CALL ERTRAN		;translate error
	SETONE <ERRF>		;Flag an error
	RETBAD			;and error return

TCPOP5:				;here on error return from the OPEN%
	SETZRO <BLKF>		;not blocking now
	SETZM FILTCB(JFN)	;no tcb anymore
	CALL ERTRAN		;get the real error code
	SETONE <ERRF>		;Flag an error
	RETBAD			;and return with error
	SUBTTL OPENF Scheduler Test

;TCPOTS - Scheduler test for open waits
;T1/ <TOPNF>B26+<TERRF>B35
;FX/ our fork handle
;Returns: +1: connection not open and no error
;Returns: +2: otherwise


TCPOTS:	PUSH P,T4		;save return PC on stack (RET(SKP) will fix it)
	JSP T4,INTOOT		;check TOPNF/TERRF first
	 CAIA			;neither are set
	  RETSKP		;one or the other is set, unblock caller
	SKIPE T1,FKSTA2(FX)	;get host address fork is blocked on
	 CALL HSTHSH		;find hash index for host
	  RET			;no host, new, or no room
	MOVE T1,HSTSTS(T2)	;get status of this host
	TXNE T1,HS%VAL		;have valid host status?
	 TXNE T1,HS%UP		;yes, is host up?
	  RET			;no valid status or host up
	RETSKP			;valid status and down
	SUBTTL OPENF Flag Setting Code

TCOMDP:				;OPENF% Flag Setting Dispatch
	IFIW!TCOMWI		;(0) default value
	IFIW!TCOMWI		;(1) wait interactive
	IFIW!TCOMWH		;(2) waiOP4igh throughput
	IFIW!TCOMII		;(3) immediate interactive
	IFIW!TCOMIH		;(4) immediate high throughput
	.TCMMX==.-TCOMDP-1	;Max legal value

TCOMWI:				;wait interactive
	SETONE TCDWT,(TCB)	;set the wait flag
	SETZRO TCDHT,(TCB)	;reset the high throughput flag
	RET			;return to caller

TCOMWH:				;wait high throughput
	SETONE TCDWT,(TCB)	;set the wait flag
	SETONE TCDHT,(TCB)	;set the high throughput flag
	RET			;return to caller

TCOMII:				;immediate interactive
	SETZRO TCDWT,(TCB)	;reset the wait flag
	SETZRO TCDHT,(TCB)	;reset the high throughput flag
	RET			;return to caller

TCOMIH:				;immediate high throughput
	SETZRO TCDWT,(TCB)	;reset the wait flag
	SETONE TCDHT,(TCB)	;set the high throughput flag
	RET			;return to caller
	SUBTTL Support Routines for Sequential IO

TCPSFI:				;Switch to INPUT
	TMNE FILINP		;allready doing input?
	 RET			;yes so just return
	SETONE FILINP		;no so doing input now
	SETZRO FILOUP		;and not doing output now
	SETZRO FILNO,(JFN)	;not doing new OUTPUT now
	RET			;return to caller

TCPSFO: 			;Switch to OUTPUT
	TMNE FILOUP		;allready doing output?
	 RET			;yes so just return
	SETONE FILOUP		;now doing output
	SETONE FILNO,(JFN)	;doing new OUTPUT now
	SETZRO FILINP		;not doing input now
	RET			;return to caller

TCPSIO:				;Sequential IO Setup
	SETZRO <BLKF>		;no longer blocking
	SKIPN TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address if it exists
	 RETERR(TCPX35)		;in case no TCB (which should not happen)
TCPIO1:				;here to check TCB for errors
	LOAD T1,TERR,(TCB)	;get error cell for this TCB
	JUMPE T1,TCPIO2		;has there been an error?
	CALL ERTRAN		;yes so translate the error
	SETONE ERRF		;set the error bit
	RET			;and return with the error
TCPIO2:				;here when this TCB seems ok (error wise)
	JN TSOPN,(TCB),TCPIO4	;this TCB ever opened?
	MOVE FX,FORKX		;get our fork number.
	LOAD T3,TFH,(TCB)	;get the foreign host number
	MOVEM T3,FKSTA2(FX)	;save host address fork is blocked on
	LOAD T1,TOPNF,(TCB)	;no so get the open wait bit
	LOAD T2,TERRF,(TCB)	;also get the error wait bit
	MKWAIT TCPOTS		;make the MDISMS word
	CALL DISTST		;should we dismiss?
	 JRST TCPIO3		;no.  TCB is open or errored.  Find out which.
	SETONE <BLKF>		;yes.  set the block flag
	RET			;return to lower level (which will block)

TCPIO3:				;here when wait condition satisfied
	JN TERR,(TCB),TCPIO1	;error?
TCPIO4:				;here when TCB is open and error free
	RETSKP			;return to caller
	SUBTTL Support Routines for Buffers


TCPTST:				;scheduler test for buffer done
	MOVX T2,TCP%DN		;get the bit mask
	TDNN T2,.TCPBF(T1)	;buffer done?
	 JRST 0(T4)		;no
	JRST 1(T4)		;yes


TCPGTB:				;routine to get a buffer
				;address of buffer returned in T1
	NOINT			;go noint
	MOVEI T1,TCPBSZ		;get buffer size
	CALL ASGSWP		;get some swappable free space
	MOVX T1,<.RESP3,,TCPBSZ> ;get the buffer size and priority
	MOVX T2,<RS%SE0!<.RESGP>B35> ;from the general pool
	MOVX T2,<RS%SE0!<.RESNP>B35> ;from the decnet pool
	CALL ASGRES		;get some resident free space
	JRST TCPGT2		;error
	OKINT			;allow interrupts
	RETSKP			;success return
TCPGT2:				;here when we could not get the space
	OKINT			;allow interrupts
	SETONE <BLKF>		;set the block flag
	MOVEI T1,^D1000		;wait 1 seconf
	CALL SETBKT		;compute wait
	HRRI T1,BLOCKT		;the scheduler test
	RET			;lower level will block

TCPRLB:				;routine to release a buffer
				;Address of buffer in T1
	JUMPE T1,R		;helper for TCPBFD - lets EXCH work
	NOINT			;stop interrupts
	MOVEI T2,TCPBSZ		;length of the block
 	CALL RELSWP		;release swappable free space
	CALL RELRES		;release resident free space
	OKINT			;allow interrupts
	SETZ T1,		;help TCPBFD - lets EXCH work
	RET			;and return to caller

TCPBFD::			;routine to discard all buffers from
				;TCB addressed by T1
	SAVEAC <TCB>		;do not destroy this AC
	MOVE TCB,T1		;put the TCB address in the correct place
	SETZ T1,		;TCPRLB will help us after this SETZ
	EXCH T1,TJOBA(TCB)	;delete active output buffer
	EXCH T1,TJOBF(TCB)	;delete output buffer
	EXCH T1,TJIBA(TCB)	;delete input buffer
	EXCH T1,TJIBE(TCB)	;delete empty input buffer
	SUBTTL Sequential Input (BIN/SIN)

TCPSQI:				;Byte Input
	SAVEAT			;save most acs
	SETZRO <BLKF>		;we are no longer blocking
TCSQI0:				;here to see if input is possible
	TQNN <EOFF>		;time to exit if EOF flag is now set
	CALL TCPSIO		;set things up (like TCB)
	 RET			;pass down any problems or errors
	JE TCDIB,(TCB),TCSQI1	;if we need an input buffer go get it
				;here when high throughput and buffer exists
	SKIPG FILBCI(JFN)	;any bytes left in this buffer?
	 JRST TCSQI5		;no bytes left so go finish off this buffer
	ILDB T1,FILBFI(JFN)	;bytes left so get one
	AOS FILBNI(JFN)		;we read one byte
	SOSG FILBCI(JFN)      	;and there is one less byte in the buffer
	 JRST TCSQI6		;get another buffer if we finished this one
	RET			;we did not finish the buffer so return

TCSQI1:				;here when we do not have a buffer
	SKIPN T1,TJIBE(TCB)	;do we have a buffer to empty?
	 JRST TCSQI3		;no so go check the active buffer
	HRLS T1			;yes so get the buffer address
	HRRI T1,TCPTST		;get the scheduler test
	CALL DISTST		;is the buffer done?
	 JRST TCSQI2		;yes so make the buffer available
	JE TCDHT,(TCB),TCSQI7	;if high throughput mode we must block
	SETONE <BLKF>		;no so set the block bit
	RET			;and return so lower level can block

TCSQI2:				;here when the buffer is done
	MOVE T2,TJIBE(TCB)	;get the buffer address
	MOVEI T1,<<TCPBSZ-.TCPBS>_2> ;get number of possible bytes
	SUB T1,.TCPBC(T2)	;get the number of bytes received
	TMNN TCDB8,(TCB)	;8 bit bytes?
	 LSH T1,-2		;yes so four bytes per word
	MOVEM T1,FILBCI(JFN)	;save the number of bytes available
	ADDM T1,FILLEN(JFN)	;update file length
				;fall through
	SUBTTL Sequential Input (BIN/SIN) Continued

				;falls through from above
	MOVE T1,TJIBE(TCB)	;get the buffer address
	ADDI T1,.TCPBS		;get address of first word of data
	TMNE TCDB8,(TCB)	;8 bit mode?
	 HRLI T1,(POINT 8,0)	;yes so get an 8 bit pointer
	TMNN TCDB8,(TCB)	;32 bit mode?
	 HRLI T1,(POINT 32,0)	;yes so get a 32 bit byte pointer
	MOVEM T1,FILBFI(JFN)	;save the new pointer
	SETONE TCDIB,(TCB)	;input buffer now exists
	JRST TCSQI0		;and try to output this byte again

TCSQI3:				;here when no TJIBE buffer
	SKIPN T1,TJIBA(TCB)	;is there an active buffer?
	 JRST TCSQI4		;no so go set one up
	SETZM TJIBA(TCB)	;no more active buffer
	MOVEM T1,TJIBE(TCB)	;former active buffer is no the emptying buffer
	CALL TCPGIB		;go get a new active buffer
	 RET			;pass down any blocks or errors
	JRST TCSQI0		;and go try to input a character again

TCSQI4:				;here when no buffers at all
	CALL TCPGIB		;get an input buffer
	 RET			;pass down errors and blocks
	CALL TCPGIB		;get an active input buffer
	 RET			;pass down errors and blocks
	JRST TCSQI0		;and go try to input this character again
	SUBTTL Sequential Input (BIN/SIN) Continued

TCSQI5:				;here when the input buffer is done
	SETZRO TCDIB,(TCB)	;no more input buffer
	MOVE T1,TJIBE(TCB)	;get the buffer address
	SETZM TJIBE(TCB)	;no more emptying buffer
	CALL TCPRLB		;release the space the buffer used up
	CALL TCPGIB		;get another input buffer
	 RET			;pass down errors and blocks
	JRST TCSQI0		;go try to input this character again

TCSQI6:				;here when we finished the buffer
	SETZRO TCDIB,(TCB)	;no more input buffer
	MOVE T1,TJIBE(TCB)	;get the buffer address
	SETZM TJIBE(TCB)	;no more emptying buffer
	CALL TCPRLB		;release the buffer space
	CALL TCPGIB		;get another input buffer
	 NOP			;pass down errors and blocks
	RET			;and return to caller

TCSQI7:				;here to hunt for buffer in interactive mode
	XMOVEI T1,TCBLCK(TCB)	;get the lock address
	CALL SETLCK		;lock the TCB
	MOVE T1,TJIBE(TCB)	;get the buffer address
	MOVE T2,.TCPBC(T1)	;get the byte count
	CAIN T2,<<TCPBSZ-.TCPBS>_2> ;any io to this buffer yet?
	 JRST TCSQI8		;no
	MOVE T1,TCB		;put TCB into the correct place
	CALL BUFHNT		;go hunt down the buffer
	XMOVEI T1,TCBLCK(TCB)	;get the lock address
	CALL UNLCK		;unlock the TCB
	JRST TCSQI0		;go try to use this buffer

TCSQI8:				;here when no IO has happened
	XMOVEI T1,TCBLCK(TCB)	;get the lock address
	CALL UNLCK		;unlock the TCB
	SKIPN T1,TJIBE(TCB)	;do we have a buffer to empty?
	 JRST TCSQI3		;no so go check the active buffer
	HRLS T1			;yes so get the buffer address
	HRRI T1,TCPTST		;get the scheduler test
	CALL DISTST		;is the buffer done?
	 JRST TCSQI2		;yes so make the buffer available
	SETONE <BLKF>		;no so set the block bit
	RET			;and return so lower level can block
	SUBTTL Get Input Buffer Routine

TCPGIB:				;Here to get an input buffer setup
	CALL TCPIST		;setup the buffer
	 RET			;pass down blocks and errors
	MOVEM T1,TCGIBB		;save the buffer address
	MOVE T2,T1		;put buffer address in the correct place
	LOAD T1,TJCN,(TCB)	;get the JCN for this TCB
	TXO T1,TCP%JS		;flag that this is a JCN
	LOAD T3,TSTO,(TCB)	;get the timeout word
	SETZ T4,		;retransmission word
	RECV%			;queue the buffer for receving
	 ERJMP TCGIBR		;handle errors
	MOVE T1,TCGIBB		;get the buffer address back
	SKIPE TJIBE(TCB)	;emptying buffer exist?
	 JRST TCGIB3		;yes
	SKIPN T2,TJIBA(TCB)	;active buffer exist?
	 JRST TCGIB2		;no active buffer
	SETZM TJIBA(TCB)	;yes so no more active buffer
	MOVEM T2,TJIBE(TCB)	;old active buffer is now the emptying buffer
	MOVEM T1,TJIBA(TCB)	;and new buffer is the active buffer
	RETSKP			;and return

TCGIB2:				;here when no empty and no active buffers
	MOVEM T1,TJIBE(TCB)	;new buffer is the emptying buffer
	RETSKP			;and return

TCGIB3:				;here when empty buffer exists
	MOVEM T1,TJIBA(TCB)	;new buffer must be the active buffer
	RETSKP			;and return

TCGIBR:				;here on an error from the RECV%
	CALL ERTRAN		;translate the error
	MOVEM T1,LSTERR		;save that error code
	MOVE T1,TCGIBB		;get address of the buffer we can't use
	CALL TCPRLB		;release it
	MOVE T1,LSTERR		;get back the error code
	CAIE T1,TCPX33		;connection closing?
	  SKIPE TJIBE(TCB)	;yes. skip if no emptying buffer
	   RETSKP		;must be trying to fill active buffer
	  SKIPN T2,TJIBA(TCB)	;get pointer to active buffer
	   TQO <EOFF>		;nothing there, set the EOF flag
	  MOVEM T2,TJIBE(TCB)	;make it the emptying buffer
	  SETZM TJIBA(TCB)	;no more active buffer
	  RETSKP		;return success always
	SETONE <ERRF>		;set the error bit
	RET			;return to lower levels

TCPIST:				;here to setup the input buffer in T1
	CALL TCPGTB		;get a buffer
	 RET			;pass down blocks and errors
	SETZM .TCPBF(T1)	;zero the flags word
	MOVEI T2,<<TCPBSZ-.TCPBS>_2> ;get number of octets possible
	MOVEM T2,.TCPBC(T1)	;save the count
	MOVEI T2,.TCPBS(T1)	;get the address of the first data word
	MOVEM T2,.TCPBA(T1)	;and save it in the block
	SETZM .TCPBO(T1)	;zero the option word
	SETZM .TCPBI(T1)	;zero the IP parameter word
	RETSKP			;return success
	SUBTTL Sequential Output (BOUT/SOUT)

TCPSQO:				;byte Output
	SAVEAT			;save most acs
	MOVEM T1,TCPSOB		;save the byte to output
	SETZRO <BLKF>		;no longer blocking
TCSQO1:				;here to try to output the byte
	CALL TCPSIO		;can we do output?
	 RET			;pass down error
	JE TCDOB,(TCB),TCSQO3	;try to get an output buffer if needed
				;here when we have a buffer
	TMNE TCDPU,(TCB)	;are we here for a push?
	 JRST TCSQO2		;yes so send a buffer now
	JE TCDHT,(TCB),TCSQO4	;handle interactive different
				;here when we are high throughput mode
	SOSGE FILBCO(JFN)	;is the buffer full allready?
	 JRST TCSQO2		;yes so queue and try to get another
	AOS FILBNO(JFN)		;account for each byte
	MOVE T1,TCPSOB		;get the byte
	IDPB T1,FILBFO(JFN)	;deposit the byte
	SKIPG FILBCO(JFN)	;buffer now full?
	 CALL TCSQOU		;yes so output it
	  NOP			;allow blocks and errors
	RET			;and return

TCSQO2:				;here when buffer full coming in
	CALL TCSQOU		;try to output the buffer
	 RET			;allow blocks and errors
	JE TCDPU,(TCB),TCSQO1	;go try to output the character again
	SETZRO TCDPU,(TCB)	;turn off the push flag
	SETZRO TCDUR,(TCB)	;turn off the urgent flag
	SETZM FILBNO(JFN)	;make sure next output to this jfn
	SETZM FILBCO(JFN)	;goes to a new buffer
	RET			;successfull return

TCSQO3:				;here when no current buffer
	CALL TCPGOB		;try to get an output buffer
	 RET			;allow block and errors
	JRST TCSQO1		;go try to output the character again
	SUBTTL Sequential Output (BOUT/SOUT) Continued

TCSQO4:				;here when we are interactive
	SETZM FILBCO(JFN)	;make sure we get called every time
	SOSGE TCPBCO(TCB)	;buffer allready full?
	 JRST TCSQO2		;yes so try to output it
	AOS FILBNO(JFN)		;account for each byte
	MOVE T1,TCPSOB		;get the byte
	IDPB T1,FILBFO(JFN)	;output the byte
	SKIPN T1,TJOBA(TCB)	;active buffer exist?
	 JRST TCSQO5		;no
	MOVX T2,TCP%DN		;done bit mask
	TDNN T2,.TCPBF(T1)	;is the active buffer done?
	 JRST TCSQO5		;no
	SETZM TJOBA(TCB)	;flag that active buffer no longer exists
	CALL TCPRLB		;yes so release the buffer
	CALL TCSQOU		;start the fill buffer going out
	 NOP			;allow errors and blocks
	RET			;and return

TCSQO5:				;here to start possibly full buffer
	SKIPGE TCPBCO(TCB)	;buffer full now?
	 CALL TCSQOU		;yes so start outputing it
	  NOP			;allow errors and blocks
	RET			;and return

TCSQOU:				;here to queue an output buffer
	SKIPN T1,TJOBA(TCB)	;is there an active buffer?
	 JRST TCSQU2		;no
	SETONE TCDOQ,(TCB)	;yes so we will queue the fill buffer
TCSQU2:				;here when no active buffer
	CALL TCPOUT		;send out the fill buffer
	RET			;pass down errors and blocks
	RETSKP			;success return
	SUBTTL Get Output Buffer Routine

TCPGOB:				;here to setup TCP output buffer
	SKIPN T1,TJOBA(TCB)	;active buffer exist?
	 JRST TCPGO4		;no so go make a fill buffer
	MOVX T2,TCP%DN		;get the done bit
	TDNN T2,.TCPBF(T1)	;active buffer done?
	 JRST TCPGO2		;no
	SETZM TJOBA(TCB)	;yes so no more active bufffer
	CALL TCPRLB		;and release the space
	JRST TCPGO4		;now go make a fill buffer

TCPGO2:				;here when active buffer is busy.
	SKIPN TJOBF(TCB)	;is there a fill buffer?
	 JRST TCPGO5		;no so go make one
	JE TCDOQ,(TCB),TCPGO3	;can we queue the fill buffer?
	HRLS T1			;no so get active buffer address
	HRRI T1,TCPTST		;get the scheduler test
	SETONE <BLKF>		;set the block bit
	RET			;and non skip return

TCPGO3:				;here when we can queue fill buffer
	SETONE TCDOQ,(TCB)	;yes but we can queue the fill buffer
	CALL TCPOUT		;queue the fill buffer
	 RET			;allow errors and blocks
	RETSKP			;return success

TCPGO4:				;here when there is no active buffer
	SKIPN T1,TJOBF(TCB)	;fill buffer exist?
	 JRST TCPGO5		;no so just go make one
	SETZM TJOBF(TCB)	;yes so no more fill buffer
	MOVEM T1,TJOBA(TCB)	;it is now the active buffer
TCPGO5:				;here to make a fill buffer
	CALL TCPOST		;get a fill buffer
	 RET			;pass down errors and blocks
	SUBTTL TCP Output Fill Buffer Setup

TCPOST:				;Setup Output FIll Buffer
	CALL TCPGTB		;no so get an output buffer
	 RET			;pass down blocks and errors
	MOVEM T1,TJOBF(TCB)	;save address of filler buffer
	MOVEI T1,<TCPBSZ-.TCPBS> ;get number of words in buffer
	TMNE TCDB8,(TCB)	;8 bit mode?
	 LSH T1,2		;yes so 8 bit bytes
	SETZM FILBCO(JFN)	;in case interactive
	TMNE TCDHT,(TCB)	;high throughput?
	 MOVEM T1,FILBCO(JFN)	;yes save the number of bytes available
	TMNN TCDHT,(TCB)	;interactive
	 MOVEM T1,TCPBCO(TCB)	;yes save number of bytes available
	MOVE T1,TJOBF(TCB)	;get the address of the buffer
	SETZM .TCPBF(T1)	;zero flag word
	MOVEI T2,.TCPBS(T1)	;get address of first data word
	MOVEM T2,.TCPBA(T1)	;save the data word address
	SETZM .TCPBC(T1)	;zero the byte count
	SETZM .TCPBO(T1)	;zero the option word
	SETZM .TCPBI(T1)	;zero the IP parameter word
	TMNE TCDB8,(TCB)	;8 bit bytes?
	 HRLI T1,(POINT 8,0)	;yes so get an 8 bit pointer
	TMNN TCDB8,(TCB)	;32 bit bytes?
	 HRLI T1,(POINT 32,0)	;yes so get a 32 bit byte pointer
	ADDI T1,.TCPBS		;offset the pointer by a few words
	MOVEM T1,FILBFO(JFN)	;save the new pointer
	SETZM FILBNO(JFN)	;save new byte count
	SETONE TCDOB,(TCB)	;there is now a current output buffer
	SETZRO TCDOQ,(TCB)	;not queued
	RETSKP			;return to caller
	SUBTTL TCP Output Buffer Queueing

TCPOUT:				;here to output the current buffeer
	SETZRO TCDOB,(TCB)	;there is no current output buffer
	MOVE T2,TJOBF(TCB)	;get the fill buffer address
	MOVE T1,FILBNO(JFN)	;get the byte added count
	TMNN TCDB8,(TCB)	;8 bit mode
	 LSH T1,2		;yes so 4 octets per byte
	MOVEM T1,.TCPBC(T2)	;save the number of octets
	SKIPE TJOBA(TCB)	;is there an active buffer?
	 JRST TCPOU1		;yes so just queue this one
	SETZM TJOBF(TCB)	;no more fill buffer
	MOVEM T2,TJOBA(TCB)	;old fill buffer is now the active buffer
TCPOU1:				;here to queue the buffer
	JE TCDPU,(TCB),TCOPUS	;if not a push skip this stuff
	MOVX T1,<TCP%PU>	;get the push flag
	IORM T1,.TCPBF(T2)	;set the push flag
TCOPUS:				;here also when not pushing
	JE TCDUR,(TCB),TCOURG	;if not urgent skip this stuff
	MOVX T1,<TCP%UR>	;get the urgent flag
	IORM T1,.TCPBF(T2)	;set the urgent flag
TCOURG:				;here also when not urgent
	LOAD T1,TJCN,(TCB)	;get the JCN
	TXO T1,TCP%JS		;set the flag
	LOAD T3,TSTO,(TCB)	;get the timeout word
	SETZ T4,		;retranmission word
	SEND%			;send the buffer
	 ERJMP TCPOU2		;handle error
	RETSKP			;success return

TCPOU2:				;here on error from send
	CALL ERTRAN		;translate the error
	SETONE <ERRF>		;set the error flag
	RET			;non success return

TCPSQF:				;Force record out
	SAVEAT			;save most acs
	SETZRO <BLKF>		;we are no longer blocking
	CALL TCPSIO		;can we still do constructive work?
	 RET			;no so return with error or block
	SETONE TCDPU,(TCB)	;set the push flag
	CALL TCSQO1		;join the normal byte output code
	TMNE <BLKF>		;want to block?
	 RET			;yes so return
	TMNE <ERRF>		;have an error
	 RET			;yes so return
	RETSKP			;otherwise skip return

TCPGTD:				;GDSTS Handling
	SAVEAT			;save most acs
	MOVE TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address
	LOAD T1,TRSYN,(TCB)	;get the receive state
	LOAD T2,TSSYN,(TCB)	;get the send state
	HRL T1,T2		;receive in the left half,  send in the right
	LOAD T2,TFH,(TCB)	;get the 4n host number
	UMOVEM T2,3		;save in users AC3
	LOAD T2,TFP,(TCB)	;get the 4n port number
	UMOVEM T2,4		;save in users AC4
	RET			;and return to caller
	SUBTTL Decode Host-Port Specification

; Call:
; T1/ pointer to string
; Skip return indicates success
; T1/ updated string pointer
; T2/ host number
; T3/ port number

	HSTF%A==1B0		;pound sign found flag
	HSTF%F==1B1		;foreign host flag

HSTPRT: 			;routine to decode host-port spec
	SETZM HSTPHN		;zero the host number
	SETZM HSTPDP		;zero the dash pointer flag
	SETZM HSTPOT		;zero the port number
	JUMPE T1,R		;if null user is trying wildcard - disallow
	HRLI T1,010700		;make the pointer a byte pointer
	MOVEM T1,HSTPT1		;save the initial byte pointer
	SETZ T4,		;zero the flag word
	SKIPE T2		;4n host rules?
	 TXO T4,HSTF%F		;yes so set the flag
HSTLP1:				;loop looking for terminator for field
	MOVE T3,T1		;save the old byte pointer
	ILDB T2,T1		;get a character
	CAIE T2,"#"		;is it the special port delimitor?
	 JRST HSTLP2		;no so keep checking
 	TXNE T4,HSTF%A		;have we allready had one?
	 RET			;yes so this is an error
	TXO T4,HSTF%A		;flag that we have seen one
	JRST HSTLP1		;and look for more characters
HSTLP2:				;here on characters not quoted by ^v
	CAIL T2,"A"		;is it an alpha character?
	 CAILE T2,"Z"
	  SKIPA			;not a-z
	   JRST HSTLP1		;a-z so keep looking
	CAIL T2,"A"+40		;is it little a through z
	 CAILE T2,"Z"+40
	  SKIPA			;not little a-z
	   JRST HSTLP1		;little a-z so keep looking
	CAIL T2,"0"		;is it numeric?
	 CAILE T2,"9"
           JRST HSTLP1		;numeric so keep looking
	CAIE T2,"-"		;is it our favorite delimitor?
	 JRST HSTPR2		;no
	MOVEM T3,HSTPDP		;save the latest dash pointer
	JRST HSTLP1		;keep looking
	SUBTTL Decode Host-Port Specification...Continued

HSTPR2:				;here when we have determined end of string
	MOVEM T3,HSTPT2		;save the final pointer
	CAMN T1,HSTPT1		;same as initial pointer?
	 RET			;yes error
	SKIPN HSTPDP		;do we have a host name or number?
	 JRST HSTPR4		;no
	MOVE T1,HSTPT1		;get the initial pointer
	MOVEI T3,10		;octal number
	NIN			;attempt to read host number
	 ERJMP HSTPR3		;hmmm.  not number. must be a string
	JUMPLE T2,R		;host number must be positive
	MOVEM T2,HSTPHN		;save the host number
	JRST HSTPR4		;go check for the port number
HSTPR3:				;here when the host name is alphanumeric
	MOVE T1,HSTPT1		;get the byte pointer
	CALL HSTNLK		;go look up the name
         RET			;not found
	MOVEM T1,HSTPHN		;save the host number
HSTPR4:				;here to check for port number
	MOVE T1,HSTPDP		;get the dash pointer
	IBP T1			;increment the pointer
	SKIPN HSTPDP		;was there a dash?
	 MOVE T1,HSTPT1		;no so get the initial pointer
	MOVEM T1,HSTPPP		;save the port number pointer
	MOVE T2,HSTPT2		;get the final pointer
	CALL STRLEN		;get the length of the string?
	JUMPLE T3,HSTPR5	;handle case of no port number
	MOVE T1,HSTPPP		;get the port number pointer
	MOVEI T3,12		;we use decimal for ports
	NIN			;read in the port number
	 ERJMP HSTPR5		;on error there is no port number
	MOVEM T2,HSTPOT		;save the port number
	CAILE T2,177777		;legit port number?
	 RET			;no error
	TXNE T4,HSTF%F		;foreign host spec?
         JRST HSTPR5		;yes so no checks
	CAILE T2,377		;special low port number?
	 CAIL T2,100000		;special high port number?
	  LDB T3,T1		;yes to either, get the next character
	  CAIE T3,"#"		;is it the special port delimiter?
	   RET			;no so error
	  CAIG T2,377		;if low port number, OPENF% will validate
	ANSKP.			;else must validate privileges
				;fall through
	SUBTTL Decode Host-Port Specification...Continued

HSTPR5:				;here after we have port number
	AOS T2,JOBUNI		;get next unique number for this job
	ANDI T2,77		;only last 6 bits please
	MOVE T3,JOBNO		;get my job number
	LSH T3,6		;shift over
	IOR T2,T3		;get the default port number
	ADDI T2,100000		;add in the offset
	TXNN T4,HSTF%F		;4N host?
         SKIPE HSTPOT		;no so is it zero port number?
	  SKIPA			;not 4N or not zero
	   MOVEM T2,HSTPOT	;local and zero so use default port
	MOVE T1,HSTPT2		;get the final pointer
	IBP T1			;increment the pointer
	MOVE T2,HSTPHN		;set the host number
	MOVE T3,HSTPOT		;get the port number
	RETSKP			;return success
	SUBTTL Host Number Decode Routine

;T1/ Pointer to string
;Non-skip return for error
;Skip return for success
;T1/ 32 bit host number right justified

HSTHST:				;Host number decode routine
	SKIPN T1		;string exist?
	 RET			;no so error return
	SETZM HSTHSN		;zero the host number word
	MOVX T2,<POINT 8,HSTHSN,3> ;get pointer for the host number word
	MOVEM T2,HSTHSP		;save the pointer
	MOVEI T4,4		;four numeric fields
HSTHSL:				;loop for reading fields
	MOVEI T3,12		;fields are decimal
	NIN			;read in a field
	 ERJMP R	      	;trap errors
	IDPB T2,HSTHSP		;deposit the field
	CAIN T4,1		;is this the last field?
	LDB T2,T1		;no so get the next character
	CAIE T2,"."		;better be a dot
	 RET			;it is not...error return
	SOJA T4,HSTHSL		;get the next field
HSTHSX:				;here when we have the whole host number
	MOVE T1,HSTHSN		;get the host number
	RETSKP			;and return success
	SUBTTL Host Name Decode Routine

;T1/ Pointer to string
;Non-skip return for error
;Skip return for success
;T1/ 32 bit host number right justified

HSTNLK:				;Host name lookup routine
	SAVEAC <T4>		;do not trash this AC
	MOVEM T1,HNLKPT		;save the pointer
	HRLZ T1,MHOSTS		;get the AOBJN ac
HSTNL1:				;name chasing loop
	MOVE T2,HNLKPT		;get the string pointer
	MOVEM T2,HNLKP1		;save it where we can use it
	HRRZ T2,T1		;get the index out of the AOBJN AC
	SETSEC T2,INTSEC	;make sure we touch the proper section
	LOAD T2,HSTNMP,(T2)	;get the address of a name string
	ADD T2,[INTSEC,,HSTNAM]	;get the entire address
	MOVX T3,<POINT 7,0(T2)>	;make a byte pointer
	MOVEM T3,HNLKP2		;save the second pointer
HSTNL2:				;loop for checking out a host name
	ILDB T4,HNLKP2		;get a byte of the second string
	JUMPE T4,HSTNL3		;if this is a null byte we have success
	ILDB T3,HNLKP1		;get a byte of the first string
	JUMPE T3,HSTNL3		;if this is a null byte we have success
	CAIN T3,(T4)		;bytes match?
	 JRST HSTNL2		;yes so keep checking
				;here when current host name did not match
	AOBJN T1,HSTNL1		;go check out the next host
	RET			;we did not find a host name
HSTNL3:				;here when we found the host name
	SETSEC T1,INTSEC	;reference proper section
	LOAD T1,HSTIDX,(T1)	;get the HOSTNN index
	SETSEC T1,INTSEC	;reference proper section
	MOVE T1,HOSTNN(T1)	;get the host number
	RETSKP			;and success return

.TCOPR::			;tcp operations
	MCENT			;jsys entry macro
	NOINT			;stop interrupts
	CAIL T2,TCOPS1		;special function?
	 CAILE T2,TCOPSM	;special function?
	  JRST TCOPR1		;not special function
	SKIPE T1		;t1 should be zero
	 JRST TCOPRE		;if not zero then error
	XCTU [SKIPE T1]		;users t1 must be zero
	 JRST TCOPRE		;it is not so give an error
	UMOVE T1,T3		;get users argument
	MOVEI T2,-TCOPS1(T2)	;get the absolute offset into dispatch table
	CAIG T2,TCOPSN		;legit offset?
	 SKIPGE T2		;legit offset?
	  JRST TCOPRE		;no return error
	CALL @TCOPSD(T2)       	;dispatch to handling routine
	 JRST TCOPRB		;non skip return means error
	OKINT			;allow interrupts
	JRST MRETN		;return to caller
>				;end of ifn NOTYET
	SUBTTL TCOPR Special Function Handling


TCOPSD:				;special function dispatch table
	IFIW!DTCRDL		;read default lower bound
	IFIW!DTCSDL		;set default lower bound
	IFIW!DTCRDU		;read default upper bound
	IFIW!DTCSDU		;set default uppser bound
	TCOPSN==.-TCOPSD-1	;max offset

DTCRDL:				;special read default lower retran bound
DTCRDU:				;special read default upper retran bound
	XCTU [SETZM T3]		;zero users ac 3
	RETSKP			;success return

DTCSDL:				;special set default lower retransmission
DTCSDU:				;special set default upper retransmission
	MOVX T2,<SC%WHL!SC%NWZ!SC%OPR> ;get mask of privs needed
	TDNN T2,CAPENB		;does the user have correct privs
	 RETBAD (TCPX21)	;no so give an error return
	RETSKP			;success return

>				;end of IFN NOTYET
	SUBTTL TCOPR JFN Function Handling

TCOPR1:				;here when the function was not special
	CAIG T2,TCOPDN		;less than max function?
	 SKIPGE T2		;and .ge. zero?
	  JRST TCOPRE		;no so return with an error
	UMOVE JFN,T1		;users t1 has the jfn
	CALL CHKJFN		;check out this jfn
	 JRST TCOPRB		;pass on error
	 JRST TCOPRE		;no tty's
	 JRST TCOPRE		;no byte pointers
	CAIN P3,TCPDTB		;make sure it is the tcp device
	 JRST TCOPR2		;it is the tcp device
	CALL UNLCKF		;unlock the jfn
TCOPRE:				;here on a tcopr error
	MOVEI T1,TCPX22		;get the error code
TCOPRB:				;here when we have an error code
	RETERR 			;give an error

TCOPR2:				;here when we have the jfn and it is tcp
	SKIPN TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address
	 RETERR(TCPX36)		;can not reopen a TCP JFN
	UMOVE T1,T2		;get the function code back
	UMOVE T2,T3		;get the parameter from the user
	CALL @TCOPDD(T1)	;dispatch to the routine
	 JRST TCOPRR		;error return..pass it along to the user
	CALL UNLCKF		;unlock the jfn
	JRST MRETN		;return to user

TCOPRR:				;here when we have an error code
	PUSH P,T1		;save the error code
	CALL UNLCKF		;unlock the file
	POP P,T1		;and restore it
	RETERR			;and return the error
	SUBTTL TCOPR Function Dispatch Table

TCOPDD:			;tcopr function dispatches
	IFIW!DTCRCS  	;read connection state
	IFIW!DTCSUD  	;send urgent data
	IFIW!DTCPSH  	;push local data
	IFIW!DTCSPA  	;set passive active flag
	IFIW!DTCSPP  	;set persistance parameters
	IFIW!DTCSTP  	;set timeout parameters
	IFIW!DTCSRP  	;* set retransmission parameters
	IFIW!DTCSTS  	;set type of service
	IFIW!DTCSSC   	;set security and compartment levels
	IFIW!DTCSHT   	;* set handling restrictions and transmission control
	IFIW!DTCSPC   	;set psi channels
	IFIW!DTCRTW   	;read a word from the tcb
	IFIW!DTCSIL   	;* set the interrupt level for buffers
	IFIW!DTCLSR   	;* set the loose route
	IFIW!DTCSSR   	;* set the strict route
	IFIW!DTCRLB   	;* read lower bound for retransmission
	IFIW!DTCSLB   	;* set upper bound for retransmission
	IFIW!DTCRUB   	;* read upper bound for retransmission
	IFIW!DTCSUB     ;* set upper bound for retransmission
	IFIW!DTCSFN	;Send fin
TCOPDN==.-TCOPDD-1	;max offset for dispatch

DTCRCS:				;read connection state
DTCSRP:				;set retransmission parameters
DTCSHT:				;set handling restrictions and transmission
DTCSIL:				;set the interrupt level for buffers
DTCLSR:				;set the loose route
DTCSSR:				;set the strict route
DTCRLB:				;read lower bound for retransmission
DTCSLB:				;set upper bound for retransmission
DTCRUB:				;read upper bound for retransmission
DTCSUB:				;set upper bound for retransmission
	RETERR (TCPX40)		;not yet implemented
	SUBTTL TCOPR JFN Functions...

STCBNO:				;Skip if TCB Never Opened
	RETBAD (TCPX27)		;yes so return with error

DTCSPA:				;set passive or active flag
	 RET			;yes pass along error
	JUMPE T2,DCSPA2		;passive?
	SETONE TCDFS,(TCB)	;set the flag
	RETSKP			;success
DCSPA2:				;here on passive
	SETZRO TCDFS,(TCB)	;reset the flag
	RETSKP 			;success

DTCSPP:				;set persistance parameters
	 RET			;yes pass along error
	HLRZ T1,T2		;(m) put second parameter in convienent place
	HRRZS T2		;(n) only first parameter in this AC
	SKIPN T1		;is M zero?
	 SKIPE T2		;and N zero?
	  SKIPA			;no
	JRST DCSPP2		;yes so they are ok
	CAMGE T1,T2		;M .LT. N
	 JRST DCSPP2		;yes
	RETBAD (TCPX26)		;give an error
DCSPP2:				;here when parameters are ok
	STOR T2,TPRS1,(TCB)	;store N
	STOR T1,TPRS2,(TCB)	;store M
	RETSKP			;success return

DTCSTP:				;set timeout parameters
	SKIPGE T2		;legal value?
	 RETBAD (TCPX10)	;no
	CAMLE T2,TCPPTM		;within limits?
	 MOVE T2,TCPPTM		;no so make it the maximum
	IMULI T2,^D1000		;milliseconds
	STOR T2,TSTO,(TCB)	;save the timeout value
	RETSKP			;success

DTCSTS:				;set type of service
	CALL STCBNO		;open?
	 RET			;yes so return with error
	SKIPL T2		;legal value?
	 CAILE T2,777777	;?
	  RETBAD (TCPX11)	;no
	STOR T2,TTOS,(TCB)	;store the type of service
	RETSKP			;success

DTCSSC:				;set security and compartment levels
	CALL STCBNO		;ever open?
	 RET			;yes so return with error
	HLRZ T3,T2		;get the security value
	CAILE T3,177777		;legal value
	 RETBAD (TCPX12)	;no
	STOR T2,TSLVN,(TCB)	;store the security code

DTCPSH:				;push local data
	SETZRO <BLKF>		;no longer blocking
	SETONE <TCDPU>		;set the push flag
	CALL TCSQO1		;go do the push
	TMNE <ERRF>		;error?
	 RETBAD			;yes so error return
	TMNN <BLKF>		;want to block?
	 RETSKP			;no so success return
				;here when we want to block
	PUSH P,T1		;save this AC
	CALL UNLCKF		;unlock the JFN
	POP P,T1		;restore this AC
	MDISMS			;go dismiss
				;here we are back again
	MOVE T1,JFN		;get the jfn again
	IDIVI T1,MLJFN		;convert JFN to a number
	MOVE JFN,T1		;and put it back
	CALL CHKJFN		;lock the JFN again
	CAIN P3,TCPDTB		;TCP device?
	RETBAD (TCPX22)		;no so return with error

DTCSPC:				;set PSI channels
	UMOVE T1,3		;get users AC3
	SETCA T1,T1		;complement the AC
	TXNE T1,<TC%TXX>	;any bad bits on?
	 JRST DTSPC2		;yes
	SETCA T1,T1		;get the AC back
	LDB T3,[POINTR T1,TC%TPU] ;get the urgent channel
	STOR T3,TPICU,(TCB)	;store away the urgent channel
	LDB T3,[POINTR T1,TC%TER] ;get the error channel
	STOR T3,TPICE,(TCB)	;store away the error channel
	LDB T3,[POINTR T1,TC%TSC] ;get the state change channel
	STOR T3,TPICX,(TCB)	;store away the state change channel
	RETSKP			;return success

DTSPC2:				;here when bad bits were on
	RETBAD (TCPX41)		;get an error of return it

DTCRTW:				;read a word from the TCB
	UMOVE T1,3		;get the offset the user wants
	CAIGE T1,TCBSIZ		;offset too large?
	 SKIPGE T1		;offset .GE. zero
	  RETBAD(TCPX42)	;return with error
	ADD T1,TCB		;get word the user wants
	MOVE T1,(T1)		;get the word for the user
	UMOVEM T1,3		;save the word where the user can find it
	RETSKP			;and success return

DTCSUD:				;send urgent data
	SETZRO <BLKF>		;no longer blocking
	SETONE <TCDUR>		;set the urgent flag
	SETONE <TCDPU>		;set the push flag
	CALL TCSQO1		;go do the push
	TMNE <ERRF>		;error?
	 RETBAD			;yes so error return
	TMNN <BLKF>		;want to block?
	 RETSKP			;no so success return
				;here when we want to block
	PUSH P,T1		;save this AC
	CALL UNLCKF		;unlock the JFN
	POP P,T1		;restore this AC
	MDISMS			;go dismiss
				;here we are back again
	MOVE T1,JFN		;get the jfn again
	IDIVI T1,MLJFN		;convert JFN to a number
	MOVE JFN,T1		;and put it back
	CALL CHKJFN		;lock the JFN again
	CAIN P3,TCPDTB		;TCP device?
	RETBAD (TCPX22)		;no so return with error

DTCSFN:				;Send FIN
	SKIPN TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address
	 RETSKP			;if no TCB then success
	LOAD T1,TJCN,(TCB)	;get the JCN for this connection
	TXO T1,TCP%JS		;this is a JCN
	JE TSUOP,(TCB),RSKP	;if never opened do not bother
	JE TSOPN,(TCB),RSKP	;if never got opened do not bother
	CLOSE%			;close down the connection
	 ERJMP .+1		;ignore errors
	SETONE TCDCW,(TCB)	;set close wait wait in case of CLOSF%
	RETSKP			;and return success

.IPOPR::			;ip operations
	MCENT			;jsys entry macro
	CAIG T1,IPOPDN		;legit function?
	 SKIPGE T1		;legit function?
	  RETERR (TCPX23)	;no so give error
	MOVX T2,<SC%WHL!SC%OPR!SC%NWZ!SC%MNT> ;get mask of needed privs
	TDNN T2,CAPENB		;correct privs set?
	 RETERR (TCPX24)	;no so return with error
	UMOVE T2,T2		;get users ac 2
	UMOVE T3,T3		;get users ac 3
	NOINT			;No PSIs during these functions
	CALL @IPOPDD(T1)	;dispatch on the function code
	 RETERR (,<OKINT>)	;return error in ac 1
	OKINT			;PSIs are ok now
	JRST MRETN		;success return

IPOPDD:				;ipopr function code dispatch
	IFIW!IPOPSN		;set network state
	IFIW!IPOPRN		;read network state
	IFIW!IPOPRI		;initialize host table
	IFIW!IPOPGW		;initialize gateway table
	IFIW!IPOPRB		;read state of internet bypass
	IFIW!IPOPSB		;set state of internet bypass
	IPOPDN==.-IPOPDD-1	;max function code

IPOPSN:				;set network state
	MOVE T1,T2		;get net number
	MOVE T2,T3		;and value
	CALL MNTSET		;set it if possible
	 NOP			;ignore errors
	RETSKP			;return success

IPOPRN:				;read network state
	MOVE T1,T2		;get the net number
	CALL MNTRED		;get the network state
	 NOP			;ignore errors
	UMOVEM T2,3		;save result in users t3
	RETSKP			;success return

IPOPRI:				;initialize host table
	CALL HSTINI		;init the host table
	 NOP			;ignore errors
	RETSKP			;return success

IPOPGW:				;initialize gateway table
	CALL GWYINI		;reinitialize the gateway tables
	RETSKP			;success return

IPOPRB:				;read state of internet bypass
	MOVE T1,INTBYP		;get state of the bypass
	UMOVEM T1,2		;save result in users T2
	RETSKP			;success return

IPOPSB:				;set state of internet bypass
	SKIPE T2		;non zero?
	 SETO T2,		;yes make it all ones
	MOVEM T2,INTBYP		;set the new state
	RETSKP			;success return

;TVTJFN - Attach a TCP: JFN to a TVT
;Called from .ATNVT
;Returns to user +1 failure, T1/ error code
;		 +2 success, T1/ terminal designator

;Note that the error codes need to be updated for the TCP: device

	XCTU [HRRZ JFN,1]	;get user's JFN without flags
	CALL CHKJFN		;lock and verify JFN
	 RETERR(ATNX1)		;bogus JFN
	 RETERR(ATNX1)		;byte pointer or NUL:
	MOVEM JFN,ATNJFN	;save internal JFN
	CAIE T1,TCPDTB		;is it the TCP: device?
	 ERUNLK(ATNX10)		;no, "Send JFN is not a NET connection"
	TQNN OPNF		;JFN is open?
	 ERUNLK(ATNX9)		;"Send JFN is not open"
	TQNE READF		;open for read?
	 TQNN WRTF		;and open for write?
	  ERUNLK(OPNX15)	;"Read/write access required"
	SKIPN TCB,FILTCB(JFN)	;get the TCB address if it exists	
	 ERUNLK(TCPX35)		;in case no TCB (which should not happen)
	SKIPN TJOBA(TCB)	;have active output buffer?
	 SKIPE TJOBF(TCB)	;or have fill output buffer?
	  ERUNLK (ATNX11)	;yes - must be vanilla!
	SKIPN TJIBA(TCB)	;have active input buffer?
	 SKIPE TJIBE(TCB)	;or have empty input buffer?
	  ERUNLK (ATNX5)	;yes - must be vanilla!
	LOAD T1,TJCN,(TCB)	;get the JCN
	MOVEM T1,ATNJCN		;save JCN in case fails
	SETZRO TDEC,(TCB)	;clear the DEC bit in the TCB
	SETZM FILTCB(JFN)	;have JFN forget about the TCB
	CALL TATTVT		;try to attach to a TVT
	  MOVEM T1,ATNERR	;some error, save error code
	  MOVE JFN,ATNJFN	;retrieve JFN    (note: we do all this crud
	  CALL UNLCKF		;unlock the JFN   before we do the MDISMS below
	  CALL RELJFN		;release the JFN  so needn't worry about ints)
	  MOVE T1,ATNJCN	;get back JCN
	  TXO T1,TCP%JS		;set "JCN supplied" flag
	  CLOSE%		;close the JCN
	   ERJMP .+1		;ignore errors
	  LOAD T1,TOPNF,(TCB)	;get ID of Open Flag for this TCB
	  LOAD T2,TERRF,(TCB)	;error flag index
	  MKWAIT INTZOT		;select close done test
	  MDISMS		;wait for close to happen
	  MOVE T1,ATNJCN	;get back JCN
	  TXO T1,TCP%JS		;set "JCN supplied" flag
	  ABORT%		;close the JCN
	   ERJMP .+1		;ignore errors
	  MOVE T1,ATNERR	;get back error code
	  RETERR ()		;return +1 to user
	CALL UNLCKF		;unlock the JFN
	CALL RELJFN		;release the JFN
	SMRETN			;skip return to user

	SUBTTL String Length Subroutine

STRLEN: 			;Calculate length of string given two
	SAVEAC <T4>    		;7-bit byte pointers, T1-T4 destroyed
				;t1/ pointer one
				;t2/ pointer two
				;length returned in T3
	IBP T1			;advance both pointers
	IBP T2			;to put them in a known state
	ADJBP T3,T2		;backspace the second pointer
	ADJBP T2,T1		;backspace the first pointer
	MOVE T1,T2		;put first pointer into correct ac
	MOVEI T4,(T1)		;get the address
	SUBI T1,(T4)		;fix pointer for zero base address
	SUBI T3,(T4)		;and second pointer also
	MULI T1,5		;five byte per word
	MULI T3,5		;in this pointer also
	SUBI T4,-4(T3)		;get offset for second pointer
	SUBI T2,-4(T1)		;get offset for first pointer
	HRRZS T2		;zero the left half
	HRRZ T3,T4		;for this pointer also
	SUBI T3,(T2)		;get the length in bytes
	RET			;return to caller

SKTCPU:				;Skip if TCP is up and initialized
	SKIPE TCPON		;tcp on?
	 SKIPN TCPIFG		;and tcp initialized?
	  RET			;no so no skip return
	RETSKP			;yes and yes so skip return
	SUBTTL Random Routines

TCP2RT:				;routine to handle differences in returns
				;from release 5 and release 6
	IFN REL6,<RETSKP>	;if release 6 then skip return
	IFE REL6,<JRST SK2RET>	;if release 5.1 then double skip return

SAVAT:				;support routine for saveat macro
	ADJSP P,10		;make room on the stack
	DMOVEM Q1,-7(P)		;save Q1 and Q2
	MOVEM Q3,-5(P)		;save Q3
	DMOVEM P2,-4(P)		;save P2 and P3
	DMOVEM P4,-2(P)		;save P4 and P5
	MOVEM P6,-0(P)		;save P5
	PUSHJ P,0(CX)		;return to caller
RSTAT:				;restoration routine
	SKIPA			;handle non skip return
	 AOS -10(P)		;bump return address
	DMOVE P5,-1(P)		;restore P5 and P6
	DMOVE P3,-3(P)		;restore P3 and P4
	MOVE P2,-4(P)		;restore P2
	DMOVE Q2,-6(P)		;restore Q2 and Q3
	MOVE Q1,-7(P)		;restore Q1
	ADJSP P,-10		;fix up stack
	RET			;and return

DISTST:				;check a sched test for possible dismiss
				;returns opposite of real sched test
	SAVEAC <T1,T2,T3,T4,FX>	;save acs
	MOVE FX,FORKX		;get my fork handle
	HRRZ T2,T1		;get the scheduler test address
	HLRZS T1		;get the data for the sched test
	JSP T4,0(T2)		;dispatch to the sched test
	 RETSKP			;skip rotuine
        RET			;non skip return

ERTRAN:				;here to translate BBN errors to error codes
	TXZ T1,<777777,,777740> ;turn off unwanted bits
	CAILE T1,ERTMAX 	;error code we know about?
	 SETZ T1,		;no so fix it up
	MOVE T1,ERTABL(T1)	;get the new error code
	RET			;and return to caller


NTNCTS:				;get out host number on a net
	SAVEAC <P1>		;save this ac
	CALL NETNCT		;lookup the host number
	 RET			;error return
	MOVE T1,NTLADR(P1)     	;put adr into a safe AC
	RETSKP			;skip return