
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-H348C-RM_1982 - swskit-v21/documentation/decnet-datascope.chart
There are no other files named decnet-datascope.chart in the archive.

    || 81 |         |    |    | 01 |  blkck1 |  data       |  blkck2 ||
        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9 --->       9+count

	 1	SOH	  Data message identifier (201 octal, 81 hex)
	 2,3	COUNT	  Byte count field, size of data field, 14 bits
			    Low order bits in 2, high order bits in 3
		FLAGS	  Link flags, 2 bits  		  
			    Bit 0 = Quick sync flag (usually 1)
			    Bit 1 = Select flag (0 for DECnet20)
		 ||    low order count    || S| Q| high order count||
		  2			   3 			    4
	 4	RESP	  Response number, ACK number for LAST correctly
			  received DDCMP message (piggybacked ACK).
	 5	NUM	  Transmit number, number of this DDCMP message
	 6	ADDR	  Station address for multipoint (01 for DECnet20)
	 7,8	BLKCK1	  Block check for numbered message header (bytes 1-6)
	 9	DATA	  Numbered message data field, length = COUNT
			  Data is totally transparent to protocol.
	9+count	BLKCK2	  Block check for data field (bytes 9 to 9+COUNT-1)


    || 05 |    |    |    |    | 01 |  blkck3 ||
        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  

	 1	ENQ	  Control message identifier = 5
	 2	TYPE	  Control message type
	 3	FLAGS	  Link flags, (S=0,Q=1) 
		SUBTYPE	  Type modifier, 6 bits
		 || 0| 1|     Subtype     ||
	 4	RCVR	  Control message receiver field
	 5	SNDR	  Control message sender field
	 6	ADDR	  Station address for multipoint (01 for DECnet20)
	 7,8	BLKCK3	  Block check for control message (bytes 1-6)
ACK	|| 05 | 01 | 40 |    | 00 | 01 |  blkck3 ||   
	   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  
	 2	ACKTYPE	  ACK message = 1    _____________________
	 3	FLAGS	  (S=0,Q=1)    	      ||0|1|0 0 0 0 0 0||
		ACKSUB	  ACK subtype = 0    -++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-
	 4	RESP	  Response number (piggybacked ACK for DDCMP).

NAK	|| 05 | 02 |    |    | 00 | 01 |  blkck3 ||    
	   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  

	 2	NAKTYPE	  ACK message = 2    _____________________
	 3	FLAGS	  (S=0,Q=1)           ||0|1| NAK reason||
		REASON	  NAK error reason   -++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-	
			    1 = header block check error (BLKCK1 or BLKCK3)
			    2 = data field block check error (BLKCK2)
			    3 = REP response
			    8 = buffer temporarily unavailable
			    9 = receive overrun
			   16 = message too long (10 hex)
			   17 = message header format error (11 hex)
	 4	RESP	  Response number (piggybacked ACK for DDCMP).

REP	|| 05 | 03 | 40 | 00 |    | 01 |  blkck3 ||
	   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  

	 2	REPTYPE	  REP message = 3    _____________________
	 3,4	FLAGS	  (S=0,Q=1)  	      ||0|1|0 0 0 0 0 0||
		REPSUB	  ACK subtype = 0    -++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-
	 5	NUM	  Last sequential numbered DDCMP data message.

STRT	|| 05 | 06 | C0 | 00 | 00 | 01 |  blkck3 ||
	   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  

	 2	STRTYPE	  STRT message = 6   _____________________
	 3	FLAGS	  (S=1,Q=1)           ||1|1|0 0 0 0 0 0||
		STRTSUB	  STRT subtype = 0   -++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-

STACK	|| 05 | 07 | C0 | 00 | 00 | 01 |  blkck3 ||
	   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8  

	 2	STACKTYPE STACK message = 7  _____________________
	 3	FLAGS	  (S=1,Q=1)           ||1|1|0 0 0 0 0 0||
		STACKSUB  STACK subtype = 0  -++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-

    Format  || RTHDR*|| MSGFLG || MSGDATA ||	
	    * Phase II DECnet may omit the RTHDR from some NSP messages.
	      Usually, control messages have RTHDR's, data messages do not.

    RTHDR   ||  46  |  n  |         |  m  |         ||
		1      2       3      4+n      5+n      6+n+m
	 1	RTFLG	  Routing flags, 	    ||0 1 0 0|MPRI|1 0||	
			  MPRI = 1 for tranmission  ++-+-+-+-+--+-+-+-++
	 2	DSTL	  Length of destination nodename ( 0<n<=6 )
	 3	DSTNODE	  Destination node name, alphanumeric (length DSTL)	
	 4+n	SRCL	  Length of source nodename ( 0<m<=6 )
	 5+n	SRCNODE	  Source node name, alphanumeric (length SRCL)	

    MSGFLG  || 0| subtype| type| 0  0||

		Hex   Octal    Sub Ty	    Message Type
		00    000    0 000 00 00    Data segment
		20    040    0 010 00 00    Data segment - BOM
		40    100    0 100 00 00    Data segment - EOM
		60    140    0 110 00 00    Data segment - BOM/EOM

		10    020    0 000 10 00    Link services message
		30    060    0 011 00 00    Interrupt message

		04    010    0 000 01 00    ACK - Data segment
		14    024    0 001 01 00    ACK - Interrupt/LS 
		24    044    0 010 01 00    ACK - Control

		08    010    0 000 10 00    Control - NOP
		18    030    0 001 10 00    CI - Connect Initiate
		28    050    0 010 10 00    CC - Connect Confirm
		38    070    0 011 10 00    DI - Disconnect Initiate
		48    110    0 100 10 00    DC - Disconnect Confirm
		58    130    0 101 10 00    Startup (1=Init, 2=Verify)
    ||    |         |         |  *      |         |  data    ||
        1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9 

	 1	MSGFLG	  00, 20, 40, 60 (See explanation on previous page)
	 2,3	DSTADDR	  Logical link destination address for message
	 4,5	SRCADDR	  Logical link source address for message
	 6,7	ACKNUM*	  Number of last successful NSP message received.
			  * Optional field, present if bit 15 = 1.
			  QUAL(3b)  0=ACK, 1=NAK, 2-7=reserved
			  NUMBER    Segment number being ACK'ed
	           ||1|0 0 0|        NUMBER          ||  ACK
	          -++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++- (8xxx hex)
	           ||1|0 0 1|        NUMBER          ||  NAK
	          -++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++- (9xxx hex)
		  6	           7		    8
	 8,9	SEGNUM	  Number of this segment, modulo 4096.
	10	DATA	  Data sent over logical link, transparent.

NSP DATA MESSAGE      ________________________________________
  (no RTHDR)          ||  |     |     | *   |     |NSP data||
                         1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10->

    ||81xx4xnnmm01yyyy||  |     |     | *   |     |NSP data||BLKCK3||
                         1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10->

NSP DATA MESSAGE      ________________________________________________
  (RTHDR)	      ||46nnAAmmBB||  |     |     | *   |     | data||
		                     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10->

    ||81xx4xnnmm01yyyy||46nnAAmmBB||  |     |     | *   |     | data||BLKCK3||
                                     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10->
							    * optional field
		  1	  2	   3	     4	      5       6       7

	 1	TYPE	  Type of DAP message
		Hex  Oct  
		 01  001  Configuration message
		 02  002  Attributes message
		 03  003  Access message
		 04  004  Control message
		 05  005  Continue Transfer message
		 06  006  Acknowledge message
		 07  007  Access Complete message
		 08  010  Data message
		 09  011  Status message
		 0A  012  Key Definition Attributes Extension message
		 0B  013  Allocation Attributes Extension message
		 0C  014  Summary Attributes Extension message
		 0D  015  Date and Time Attributes Extension message
		 0E  016  Protection Attributes Extension message
		 0F  017  Name message
		 10  020  Reserved for future use

	 2	FLAGS	  DAP message flags
			  Bit 0  STREAMID field present
			  Bit 1  LENGTH field present
			  Bit 2  If bit 1 set, LENGTH256 field present
			  Bit 3  BITCNT field present
			  Bit 5  SYSPEC field present

	 3	STREAMID  Stream identification field

	 4	LENGTH	  Length of OPERAND field, 8-bit bytes

	 5	LEN256	  Extension of LENGTH field

	 6	BITCNT	  # of unused bits in last byte of data message

	 7	SYSPEC	  System specific flags, maximum length 255 bytes