PDP-10 Archives
There are 13 other files named diags.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
x3d0k5BH Bs (D"*4&1tw+14x+1t}+1t+0t+ T+7T'6TT'5T4&
.t4't ,~@xFDiagnostic no. XXXX from phase AFFirst word not IDENTIFICATION.FBlocking factor greater than 4095.FMore than one PROGRAM-ID.FImproper PROGRAM-ID.WDECSYSTEM-20 assume "d.FMore than one OBJECT-COMPUTER paragraph.FImproper paragraph name.FThe *word SELECT expected.FFile SELECTed more than once.FASSIGN is the only allow 3ed word here.FNo device name specified.FOnly one device of this type allowed. ;FNo file name given.FProcessing mode must be SEQUENTIAL.FImproper ACCESS mod De.FClause duplicated.FThis cannot be a data name.FImproper clause.FImproper LSEGMENT-LIMIT.FThis file not SELECTed.FThis cannot be a file-name.FPosition numbe Ur required.FNot on same device as previous file listed.FCannot be used as a mnem ]onic name.FPositive integer required.FCannot be used as a condition name. fFMust be a single-character non-numeric literal.FAlready in use as a mnemonic name. nFMore than one RERUN clause for this file.FParagraph appears more than once. wFNo DATA DIVISION.FNo PROCEDURE DIVISION.FAll records for this file must have sam e usage.FThis file already defined.FRecord name not unique within this file. FThis is a multi-device file.WThis record not mentioned in DATA RECORDS clause. FNo record name given.FThis is not previous item at this level.FThis is not a numeric item.FUsage conflicts with group item.FThis clause not valid for group it !em.FImproper section name.FNot a SORT file.FThis must be a literal.FNot allow *ed in this section.FData name not defined in this record.FNew record expected here 2.FNo value given.FImproper PICTURE - this character invalid.FImproper PICTU ;RE - this character not
allowed in combination with preceding characters.FA word ma Cy not begin with a hyphen.FA word may not end with a hyphen.FToo many characters L in the word.FToo many characters in the literal.FInvalid character.FCannot be T used as an index name.FThis item does not have usage INDEX.FNot uniquely define ]d.FMore than three levels of OCCURS.FVALUE OF ID must be a DISPLAY field of 9 cha eracters.FVALUE OF DATE-WRITTEN must be a DISPLAY field of 6 characters.FLevel num nbers must be in range 01-49.FInvalid clauses for group item.FREDEFINES not valid v at record level in FILE SECTION.FFOR expected.FINDEX USAGE items may not have a P ICTURE.WJUSTIFIED clause invalid with numeric items.WNo ending quote on this literal.WNo leading quote on continued literal.FToo many characters in PICTURE. FImproper continuation character.FLibrary routine not found.FNo library specifie d in command string.FImproper character for numeric literal.FMore than one !decimal point.WShould not be preceded by a space.WShould be followed by a space ).FFile descriptor expected.WPreceding space assumed.FSource line too lon 2g.FImproper device name.FRight parenthesis expected.FAlready in use as a cond :ition name.FRelational operator expected.FON or OFF expected.FIntermedi Cate result too large.FValues not allowed in LINKAGE SECTION.FAltering independen Kt segment from another segment.FNot implemented in this version of COBOL.FExte Trnal program name expected.FDummy argument must be an 01 LINKAGE SECTION item. \WThis paragraph is never ALTERed.FIllegal entry name.FDecimal places not allow eed.FNo file-descriptor for this file.FMust be an integer in the range 0 - 66. mFMust be a printer channel.FNot yet implemented.FIdentifier expected.WNot va device name -- TTY assumed.FCannot be a data-name.FNot defined.WNo CORRESPONDI ~NG elements.FNot a group name.FERROR expected.FSIZE ERROR assumed.FSIZE ERROR clause incorrect.FNumeric literal or identifier expected.FAt least two i tems must appear before GIVING.FCannot be ALTERed.FPROCEED expected.FParagraph name expected.WALTERed to proceed to itself.FFile name or AREA expected. FNO REWIND or LOCK expected.FNO REWIND expected.FBY or INTO expected.FGIVI )NG clause required.FALL, LEADING, or UNTIL FIRST expected.F1-character non-numeric 1literal expected.FBY expected.WPeriod assumed.FDEPENDING ON clause expected. :FTIMES expected.FEND expected.FAT END or INVALID KEY clause missing.FIden Btifier, index, or TO expected.FIdentifier, index, or literal expected.FIden Ktifier, index, TO, UP, or DOWN expected.FIndex or identifier expected.FIlle Sgal item in expression: compiler error.FUnbalanced parenthesis in expression.FTO e \xpected.WDIVISION expected.FParagraph or section name expected.FSection name e dxpected.WSECTION expected.FOnly notes may appear in remainder of this paragraph. mFNot a declarative sentence.FBEFORE or AFTER expected.FBEGINNING, ENDING, or ER uROR expected.FREEL, FILE, or UNIT expected.FLABEL expected.FPROCEDURE expe ~cted.FStatement expected, or invalid identifier or keyword.F'=' Expected.FTALL YING or REPLACING expected.FA group item may not be a minor key.F'.' or ELSE ex pected.FSENTENCE expected.FINPUT, OUTPUT, I-O, or AREA expected.FProcedure name expected.FToo many levels of VARYING.FFROM expected.FUNTIL expected. FRecord name expected.WThis statement does nothing.FKEY expected.FDECLARATIVES e (xpected.FExternal name expected.FMACRO, FORTRAN, or FORTRAN-IV expected.FFIRS 1T expected.FALL, LEADING, FIRST, or UNTIL FIRST expected.FIllegal sequence of 9 priorities.FNull PROCEDURE DIVISION.FNull DECLARATIVES.FRUN or literal expe Bcted.FDuplicate section name.FDuplicate paragraph in this section.FThis file J already appears in a SAME RECORD AREA clause.FThis file already appears in a SAM SE AREA clause.FImproper character for CURRENCY SIGN.FFD expected.FLABEL RECORDS [clause required.FTwo sections have this name.FThis paragraph name must be qualif died.FA section, as well as a paragraph in the current section,
has this name.FThis l procedure name is not defined.FNot a PICTURE.FNull literal.FIllegal use of u figurative constant.FImproper reference of procedure name in or out of DECLARATI }VES.FFigurative constant or non-numeric literal must follow ALL.FThis procedure name is multiply defined.WThis statement cannot be reached.FToo many levels of qualification.FImproper qualification.FThis file is never OPENed.fBLOCK CONTAINS n RECORDS must be specified for RANDOM access files.FFILE-LIMITS required.FMult iple REEL/UNIT not allowed.FOnly one device allowed.FLABELS must be STANDARD. (FVALUE OF ID required.FNo data record specified.FNo devices specified. 0FThe word DATA expected.WFile never OPENed.FAccess mode must be RANDOM.FNot a rec 9ord in the FILE SECTION.FMust contain an integer.WAT END assumed.WINVALID K AEY assumed.FThis literal may contain only DISPLAY-6 characters.FImproper class J.WCondition always true.WCondition always false.FWrong number of operands pass Red from PHASE D: compiler error.FFound outside an expression: compiler error. [FExpression generator confused: compiler error.WImpossible to get SIZE ERROR. cWRounding not necessary.FImproper range of PERFORM.FPICTURE required.FPICTURE n lot permitted.FBLANK WHEN ZERO not allowed at group level.FBLANK WHEN ZERO allowed tonly on numeric display items.FJUSTIFIED clause not allowed at group level. }FSYNCHRONIZED clause not allowed at group level.WAt least one and no more than eigh t data names must
be given in a FILE STATUS clause.WThis record not mentioned in DATA RECORDS or
.FA maximum of 4095 o ccurrences allowed.FCondition-name multiply defined for this item.FCONTROL identi fier or FINAL expected.WEXIT for this procedure cannot be reached.WOTHERS expecte 'd.FVALUE clause at higher level supersedes VALUE
clause at this level.FVALUE cla 0use may not appear in a data description containing,
or subordinate to an entry cont 8aining, an OCCURS clause.FGroup items may have only figurative constants or non- Anumeric
literals as values.FVALUE clause not permitted in FILE SECTION.WNon-numer Iic literal in value clause truncated to size of item.FDivision by zero not permitte Rd.FACTUAL KEY must be a COMPUTATIONAL item of ten or fewer digits.FClass of data Zitem inconsistent with VALUE.FNon-standard characters in VALUE clause.FSwitch nu cmbers must be in the range 0 through 35.FUSAGE conflicts with PICTURE.FToo kmany digits to left of decimal point in VALUE clause.FToo many digits to right of d tecimal point in VALUE clause.FAn item subordinate to one containing a VALUE clause m |ust not
ORrD mISPLAY-9.FVALUEonot inbrangetdescribedLby PICTURE.WVALUErmay notbesigned. eta items with levels of 01, 66, or 77 may not appear in
a RENAMES clause.FData items requiring subscripting may not appear in a
RENAMES clause. 'FData items appearing in a RENAMES ... THRU ... clause must
belong to the same recor /d.FData items appearing in a RENAMES ... THRU ... clause may neither be
subordina 8te to the other.FThe area defined by the second data item in a RENAMES ... THRU . @..
clause must follow the area defined by the first.FLiteral or figurative constan It expected.FAnother independent item has this name.FIF syntax scan error -- Qimproper unnesting--compiler error.FUnbalanced parentheses.FNo current paragrap Zh - compiler error.FNull table link - compiler error.FInteger literal or identifier b expected, or NEXT/PRIOR/FIRST/LAST.FOnly group items allowed in CORRESPONDING. kFMay redefine only the current data item.FMust be an 01-level report group item. sFMore than 12 nested redefinitions.FAn item containing, or subordinate to an ite |m
containing,eaneOCCURS clausermayinotgbe.redefinedFVALUE clause.isnotupermitted iniatredefinition.ARedefinitiontis.notatheSsame-sizemasltheeredefinedoitem.FThis subscripting.FMust have a size of 10 digits or less.FCannot continue after an empt &y or comment line.FASCENDING or DESCENDING expected.FRENAMES expected.FSORT gene /rator confused -- compiler error.FImproper name for independent item.FA record 7containing DISPLAY-7 items may not
contain items of any other usage.FThis cannot be @ a library-name.FCOPY statement must be terminated by a period.FLeft parenthes His expected.FIdentifier, numeric literal, or mnemonic-name expected.FFILLER ma Qy not be referenced directly.FThis must be a SWITCH ON or OFF STATUS.FThis file Y must not appear in an SD.FCannot have both USING and INPUT PROCEDURE.FMust have b either USING or INPUT PROCEDURE.FCannot have both GIVING and OUTPUT PROCEDURE. jFMust have either GIVING or OUTPUT PROCEDURE.FVALUE expected.FThere is an in sdependent item of this name.FImproper figurative constant in VALUE clause.FNo r {esult found -- compiler error.WRounding not done with COMP-1 fields.FBLOCK CON TAINS must be specified for a file opened for
INPUT-OUTPUT.WOnly eight signific
ant places used for COMP-1.FTHRU expected.FAt least 3 devices must be assigne d to a SORT file.WSyntax scan suspended at this character.WSyntax scan resumed at this character.FThis procedure-name must be in DECLARATIVES.FThis procedure &-name must not be in DECLARATIVES.FThis procedure-name must be in an INPUT PROCEDURE ..FThis procedure-name is in an INPUT PROCEDURE.FThis procedure-name must be i 7n an OUTPUT PROCEDURE.FThis procedure-name is in an OUTPUT PROCEDURE.FLiterals ?and reserved words may not be replaced.FA word may not be replaced by a reserved wor Hd.FAn item may not exceed 262,143 characters.FThis is neither a data-name nor a Pprocedure-name.FAT END clause required.FINVALID KEY clause required.FAT END an Yd INVALID KEY not allowed.FThis item must not be COMPUTATIONAL-1.FA record in th ae FILE SECTION may not exceed 4095 characters.FMore than 12 nested IF/SEARCH stat jements.FMore than 12 conditions nested in IF statement.FOCCURS is illegal at 01 rlevel in FILE SECTION.FVerb name expected.FInvalid DENSITY.FODD or EVEN re {quired.FNon-sixbit character in VALUE of DISPLAY-6 item.FA numeric item may not e
xceed 18 digits.FTwo literals may not be compared.FInsufficient qualification.
FFewer than 6 characters in DATE-WRITTEN.WFewer than 9 characters in IDENTIFICATI
ON.FSecond half of project-programmer number missing.FMust be an octal integer
of 6 digits or less.FImproper mode.FREPORT name must be unique.FFILE SECT
%ION must precede REPORT SECTION.FData item has improper size for this use.WShou
.ld begin in A-margin.FREPORT not specified in a REPORT clause in FILE SECTION.
6FLine number greater than PAGE LIMIT.FPAGE LIMIT must be positive and less than 51
?2.FCONTROL identifier expected.FIf used, FINAL must be the first CONTROL.FDEPE
GNDING variables must be COMP and 10 digits or less.FClause not legal in report gr
Poup.FUSAGE not legal in REPORT SECTION.FClause legal only in report group.
XFPAGE expected.FMust be less than PAGE LIMIT.FNot a CONTROL identifier.
aFOnly one GROUP of this type allowed per report.FHEADING or FOOTING required.FRepo
irt item type required.FNot declared as a CONTROL.FItem referenced by a SUM clau
rse must be source item in
a S
zUM clause.FReport-name expected.FItem will not fit in print line.FNot a TYP E DETAIL item.FItem is SUMmed in REPORT SECTION, therefore it must be numeric.FOnly a CONTROL FOOTING GROUP may have a SUM.FItem referenced by a SUM UPON clause mu st be TYPE DETAIL.FADVANCING clause illegal with RECORDING MODE other
than ASCII. FVALUE OF USER-NUMBER must be a COMP item with
fewer than 11 digits.FMust be define %d in either the FILE or WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.FRESET may be used only with CONTRO -L-FOOTING items.FMust be a CONTROL.FMust be a higher level CONTROL than that of 6this GROUP.FValid only for files with ACCESS MODE INDEXED.FADVANCING allowed o >nly on SEQUENTIAL files.FImproper usage.FRECORD KEY and SYMBOLIC KEY must be sam Ge class.FRECORD KEY and SYMBOLIC KEY must be same USAGE.FRECORD KEY and SYMBOLIC OKEY must be same size.FRECORD KEY and SYMBOLIC KEY must have the same
number of d Xecimal places.FINDEXED files must not be BINARY.FRECORD KEY must be in appropriate `record.FREDEFINES nesting confused -- compiler error.FSearched items must have i OCCURS clause with INDEXED option.FA key of more major priority than this was n qot specified.FOne operand in every WHEN condition must be a search key.FAssociate zd data item must be a search key.FCondition name must have only a single value.
FSEARCH ALL requires KEY clause in table definition.FCODE must not contain non-six
bit characters.WON/OFF expected - ON assumed.FOnly equality conditions allo
wed in SEARCH ALL.FWHEN expected.FThe only connective in WHEN clause is AND.
$FCALL argument must be word-aligned.FDuplicate ENTRY definition.FIllegal to cal
-l internal ENTRY.FPAGE-COUNTER and LINE-COUNTER may not be independently defined w
5hen report writer features are used.FImproper punctuation.FNot declared in an
FY expected.FSET expected.FERROR-STATUS expected.FIllegal combination of ERROR-
W RECORD, AREA, SET, or set-name expected.WThis name shouldn't be more than 6 char
`acters.FINTO expected.FALL or set-name expected.FCOMPILE expected.FINVA
hLID, ONLY, SELECTIVE, ALL or no qualification expected.FSELECTIVE, ONLY, ALL, or
q record-name expected.FRecord-name, set-name, area-name, or RUN-UNIT expected.
yFRECORDUexpected.FFORsexpected.FAREAcordSETexpected, orainvalidmpreviousoidentif
AeSECTION.FSet-nameVexpected.FCURRENTEexpected.FAmbiguousoreincorrectARSEasp r SEGMENT expected.FPOINTER expected.FOVERFLOW expected.FDELIMITED BY clause requ
ired.FMust be a channel number.FCannot be an edited item.WPointer, count er or tallying item may have too few digits.FReceiving item contained in cd-record. FSTATUS expected.FOR or INTO expected.WCANCEL is not implemented yet -- this s #entence ignored.FThis section is out of order.FSchema name may not also be a , reserved word or data name or PROGRAM ID.FDuplicate CONTROL HEADING GROUP for thi 4s identifier.FDuplicate CONTROL FOOTING GROUP for this identifier.FColumn number =must be greater than previous one in report line.FSOURCE or VALUE or (for CONTROL FO EOTING only) SUM clause required.FRESET clause not allowed at GROUP level.FGROU NP INDICATE clause not allowed at GROUP level.FCOLUMN NUMBER illegal at GROUP lev Vel.FSOURCE or SUM or VALUE clause not allowed at GROUP level.FNEXT GROUP clause a _llowed only at an 01 GROUP level.FRESET FINAL clause allowed only if there is a CON gTROL FINAL.FGROUP INDICATE clause allowed only for TYPE DETAIL.FCONTROL FOOTIN pG line number must be from FIRST DETAIL to FOOTING inclusive.FCONTROL HEADING or xDETAIL line number must be from FIRST DETAIL to LAST DETAIL inclusive.FPAGE HEAD ING line number must be from HEADING to FIRST DETAIL inclusive.FREPORT HEADING or R EPORT FOOTING line number must be from HEADING to PAGE-LIMIT inclusive.FPAGE FOOT ING line number must be from FOOTING to PAGE-LIMIT inclusive.FRecord must be in a SORT FILE.FHEADING must be .le. to FIRST DETAIL.FFIRST DETAIL must be .le. to #LAST DETAIL.FLAST DETAIL must be .le. to FOOTING.FCOPY not allowed within a lib +rary.FNot allowed in LINKAGE SECTION.FSubscript may not be in LINKAGE SECTION 4.FSubscripted subscript not allowed.WLeft-most truncation.FThere must be <a LINE clause with or before the FIRST COLUMN clause in a report group.WMost sign Eificant digits truncated.WLeast significant digits truncated.ALeft-most trun Mcation onARight-most truncation onAMost significant digits truncated onALeas Vt significant digits truncated onAZeroes put intoFConflicts with a USE procedur ^e in SECTIONFClass conflicts with class of literal specified as
VALUE for conditi gon nameFUSAGE must be INDEX.FClass must be alphanumeric.FWrong size for this o item.FUsage must be DISPLAY.FClass must be numeric.FCan not have any decimal x places.FCan not be in the LINKAGE SECTION.FCan not be in the FILE SECTION. FCan not have a JUSTIFIED clause.FCan not be edited.FCan not be subscripted.FBLAN K WHEN ZERO not allowed.FMust not be signed.FMay not be used as a FILE STATUS i tem.FIllegal CANCEL of internal ENTRY.FEBCDIC files may not have non-standard LABEL S.WCan not follow a level 77 item - assuming level 01.WMaximum compare length o "f 2047 characters is exceeded.FNeither a non-numeric literal nor a long numeric +literal nor a figurative constant may be used to identify a record to be retained. 3FA COMP value must be used when identifying a record of a SEQUENTIAL or RANDOM file t <o be RETAINed.FA data name or literal used to identify a record of an INDEXED file t Do be RETAINed must match the SYMBOLIC KEY of the file in usage and size.FOnly sixt Meen files may be opened by a single OPEN statement.FFiles being opened for simult Uaneous update must be opened for INPUT-OUTPUT (I-O).WThe presence of a FOR clause ^alone does not open a file for simultaneous update; an OTHERS clause is required. fFReceiving item may not be edited or justified.FInvalid RECORDING MODE.FBoth WRIT oE ADVANCING and WRITE POSITIONING clauses are used on this file.FIdentifier or numer wic literal expected.FOnly AFTER POSITIONING is allowed.FPositioning item mu st be described by PIC X.FMust be an integer in the range 0 - 3.FAll records in a file whose recording mode is F must be the same size.FOnly densities of 800 or 1600 BPI are allowed with STANDARD ASCII.WThis report group will cause blank line s to be printed since it contains a LINE clause but no COLUMN clauses.WMaximum A "LTERNATE AREAS exceeded; set to maximum value of 62.FVariable in this context must * be defined in SUB-SCHEMA.WMaximum of 1023 characters will be accepted.WRoun 3ding ignored.FWITH SEQUENCE CHECK expected.FOCCURS maximum of 32,767 exceeded. ;FTransaction-name expected.FACTUAL KEY required only for RANDOM files.FBYTE D and BINARY mode not both allowed.FHas a DEPENDING variable not declared in an ENTRY L or PD USING clause.FLINKAGE subscripts must be usage COMP with fewer than 11 di Ugits, and may not have an additive.WSequenced (/S) source file assumed.FMaxi ]mum of 18 decimal places exceeded.FIllegal for this dataname to have a scaling facto fr.F'==' Expected.WDevice missing -- TTY assumed.FLibrary file not found. nFCorresponding END DECLARATIVES not seen.WRERUN count maximum of 65535 assumed. wFKey not contained in sort-file.WDISPLAY-6, DISPLAY-7 or DISPLAY-9 expected -- DIS PLAY-6 assumed.FThis item may not have a DEPENDING variable.FSort key must not contain an OCCURS clause.FRecord size must match RECORD CONTAINS clause in FD of file whose RECORDING MODE is F.FIdentifier or non-numeric literal expected.FIden tifier, non-numeric literal, or SIZE expected.FALTERNATE RECORD KEY not supported !.F.FMust be a key or subordinate item with the same starting position.WInco *rrect and ambiguous syntax.WPeriod ignored.WRECORD CONTAINS clause does not ma 2tch max. record size, RECORD CONTAINS clause ignored.FBLOCK CONTAINS character coun ;t too small, file is unblocked.FALTERNATE KEY may only be specified for INDEXED f Ciles.FSimultaneous update not supported for RMS files.FKEY IS allowed only when L file is INDEXED.FKey must be DISPLAY mode.FKey size must be less than 256 cha Tracters.FCALL/ENTER arg expected.FIllegal CALL/ENTER arg.FOPEN EXTEND may onl ]y be specified for sequential files.FIF or SEARCH not allowed in WHEN clause of S eEARCHFEnding == not found.FMust be an integer in the range 0 - 255.FThis n data item must be described as an integer.FMay only appear in a USE BEFORE REPORTI vNG procedure.FSUPPRESS not allowed for DETAIL lines - use GENERATE <rdname>.FZERO is the only figurative constant allowed.FIdentifier-2 must be one-word computati onalFREDEFINES not allowed at 01 level in COMMUNICATION SECTION.WDISPLAY-7 assu med - it is the only usage allowed here.WSize of user-defined CD entry is not eq ual to the default size.FNO or integer expected.FMay not reference a report in a US !E BEFORE REPORTING
procedure which uses the same file as the USE report group. )FData-name illegal at this point, statement or paragraph name expected.WUnexpecte 2d results may occur when the variable part is not the last part of the record.FMiss :ing 9 in PICTURE clause after S.FReserved word BY allowed only once in UNSTRING CWLibrary module name too long - truncated to 8 characters.WLibrary file-name.ext to Ko long - truncated to 9 characters.WContinuation of comment-entry by '-' is not Tpermitted in COBOL-74.WBLANK WHEN ZERO and '*' not allowed together in COBOL-74. \WCOBOL-74 syntax is DELETE file-name INVALID KEY.WNon-standard labels are illegal in e COBOL-74.WAll items which are immediately subordinate to a group item must have m the same level-number in COBOL-74.WShould be unsigned integer in COBOL-74. vWRecord size not the same as SD file as required by 74 standard.WReplace by ACCEPT c ~d-name MESSAGE COUNT.WContents of DELIMITER may be different in COBOL-74.WImpr oper character for CURRENCY SIGN in COBOL-74.WTALLY generated here but not requi red.WReplace LOW-VALUE hack with appropriate COBOL-74 syntax.WReplace TODAY with ACCEPT FROM DAY, DATE, or TIME as appropriate.WSWITCHes are defined differently i n COBOL-74.WThis is a new reserved word in COBOL-74.(
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