PDP-10 Archives
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LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 1
Produced by LINK version 4A(1220) on 14-Jul-81 at 18:04:10
Low segment starts at 0 ends at 4436 length 4437 = 5P
High segment starts at 400000 ends at 420757 length 20760 = 17P
225 words free in Low segment, 16 words free in high segment
2028 Global symbols loaded, therefore min. hash size is 2254
Start address is 414203, located in program COBOLA
Zero length module
COBCOM from DSK:COBCOM.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:22:00
High segment starts at 400010 ends at 401102 length 1073 (octal), 571. (decimal)
ANS68 1 Global Absolute Suppressed ANS74 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
COBEXO 400010 Entry Relocatable CPOPJ 400075 Global Relocatable
CPOPJ1 400074 Global Relocatable CPOPJ2 400073 Global Relocatable
DBMS 1 Global Absolute Suppressed DEBUG 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
DEVDED 400033 Entry Relocatable DEVERA 400020 Entry Relocatable
EOTAPE 400060 Entry Relocatable ERAPTR 400133 Global Relocatable
ERATYP 400100 Entry Relocatable FILOUT 400134 Entry Relocatable
FNDLNK 400332 Entry Relocatable FNDNXT 400336 Entry Relocatable
FT6827 0 Global Absolute Suppressed GETENT 400357 Entry Relocatable
GETLOC 400471 Entry Relocatable KILL 400550 Entry Relocatable
KILLF 400557 Entry Relocatable LNKFA 400252 Global Relocatable
LNKFA1 400253 Global Relocatable LNKSET 400230 Entry Relocatable
MCS 1 Global Absolute Suppressed OCTOUT 400206 Global Relocatable
ONESEG 0 Global Absolute Suppressed PUTLNK 400300 Entry Relocatable
QUITS 400576 Entry Relocatable REDO 400533 Entry Relocatable
RESTRT 400534 Entry Relocatable SIXOUT 400220 Entry Relocatable
TCS 0 Global Absolute Suppressed TOPS20 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
TTYON 400644 Entry Relocatable UUOCAL 400602 Entry Relocatable
XPNTST 0 Global Absolute Suppressed %%P 3 Global Absolute Suppressed
IMPURE from DSK:IMPURE.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:51:00
Low segment starts at 140 ends at 4436 length 4277 (octal), 2239. (decimal)
A.TMP1 3054 Global Relocatable A.TMP2 3055 Global Relocatable
A50BAS 470 Global Relocatable ACCSEE 2721 Global Relocatable
ACSFLG 1654 Global Relocatable ADCRLF 2161 Global Relocatable
ADDTMP 1764 Global Relocatable AINTEM 1660 Global Relocatable
ALITSV 2356 Global Relocatable ALSTMP 1735 Global Relocatable
ALTBAS 467 Global Relocatable ALTLOC 746 Global Relocatable
ALTNXT 747 Global Relocatable ARG.T1 3056 Global Relocatable
ARG1 1665 Global Relocatable ARG2 1667 Global Relocatable
ARG2SZ 777777777764 Global Absolute Suppressed ARG3 1671 Global Relocatable
ARGCTR 1674 Global Relocatable ARGL2 2233 Global Relocatable
ARGLST 2217 Global Relocatable ARGLSZ 777777777764 Global Absolute Suppressed
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 2
ARGPTR 1677 Global Relocatable ARGSTR 503 Global Relocatable
ARGWRI 3142 Global Relocatable AS1BHI 1200 Global Relocatable
AS1BHO 1203 Global Relocatable AS1BLK 1176 Global Relocatable
AS1BUF 1177 Global Relocatable AS1DEV 1173 Global Relocatable
AS1HDR 1174 Global Relocatable AS2BHI 1213 Global Relocatable
AS2BHO 1216 Global Relocatable AS2BLK 1211 Global Relocatable
AS2BUF 1212 Global Relocatable AS2DEV 1206 Global Relocatable
AS2HDR 1207 Global Relocatable AS3BHI 1226 Global Relocatable
AS3BHO 1231 Global Relocatable AS3BLK 1224 Global Relocatable
AS3BUF 1225 Global Relocatable AS3DEV 1221 Global Relocatable
AS3HDR 1222 Global Relocatable ASYFIL 1174 Global Relocatable Suppressed
B.OR.L 3027 Global Relocatable BASITM 1714 Global Relocatable
BINBH 1060 Global Relocatable BINBLK 1054 Global Relocatable
BINBUF 1055 Global Relocatable BINDEV 1051 Global Relocatable
BINHDR 1052 Global Relocatable BINPP 1056 Global Relocatable
BINPTH 1063 Global Relocatable BINSWS 1057 Global Relocatable
BIPTR 2572 Global Relocatable BISALP 2151 Global Relocatable
BISASS 2144 Global Relocatable BISBFS 2143 Global Relocatable
BISBW0 2140 Global Relocatable BISCNT 2142 Global Relocatable
BISDOT 2145 Global Relocatable BISDST 2141 Global Relocatable
BISFIL 2153 Global Relocatable BISFLT 2146 Global Relocatable
BISGOT 2147 Global Relocatable BISMIN 2137 Global Relocatable
BISSGN 2150 Global Relocatable BISSIG 2152 Global Relocatable
BISZRF 2137 Global Relocatable Suppressed BISZRL 2151 Global Relocatable Suppressed
BL.NZ 3075 Global Relocatable BLKTYP 1646 Global Relocatable
BLNKCP 1411 Global Relocatable BLNKLN 1410 Global Relocatable
BUF.CN 3026 Global Relocatable BUF.CP 3020 Global Relocatable
BUFCTR 4151 Global Relocatable BUFFER 4152 Global Relocatable
BYTEP2 3643 Global Relocatable BYTEPT 3642 Global Relocatable
C2MANT 2171 Global Relocatable C3HIVL 2216 Global Relocatable
C3LOVL 2217 Global Relocatable C3ZERO 2215 Global Relocatable
CANTGO 142 Global Relocatable CDBLK 3174 Global Relocatable
CDINDX 3207 Global Relocatable CDLOC 743 Global Relocatable
CDNXT 744 Global Relocatable CF2CNV 2350 Global Relocatable
CFLM 1653 Global Relocatable CLEVEL 3607 Global Relocatable
COBVER 416 Global Relocatable COMA. 442 Global Relocatable
COMBH 210 Global Relocatable COMEXT 342 Global Relocatable
COMSEC 2252 Global Relocatable CONCTR 1702 Global Relocatable
CONLOC 677 Global Relocatable CONNXT 700 Global Relocatable
CONVR2 3653 Global Relocatable CONVSV 1751 Global Relocatable
CORRSP 3651 Global Relocatable COUNTF 1441 Global Relocatable
COUNTW 1440 Global Relocatable CPYBHI 1165 Global Relocatable
CPYBHO 1170 Global Relocatable CPYBLK 1163 Global Relocatable
CPYBUF 1164 Global Relocatable CPYCP 1506 Global Relocatable
CPYDEV 1160 Global Relocatable CPYFLG 3215 Global Relocatable
CPYHDR 1161 Global Relocatable CPYLOC 724 Global Relocatable
CPYNXT 725 Global Relocatable CPYRMW 3236 Global Relocatable
CPYW2 1507 Global Relocatable CREFSW 570 Global Relocatable
CRFBHI 1254 Global Relocatable CRFBHO 1257 Global Relocatable
CRFBLK 1252 Global Relocatable CRFBUF 1253 Global Relocatable
CRFCUR 1642 Global Relocatable CRFDEV 1247 Global Relocatable
CRFEOS 1625 Global Relocatable CRFERA 1624 Global Relocatable
CRFHDR 1250 Global Relocatable CRFLOC 765 Global Relocatable
CRFLOW 1636 Global Relocatable CRFNE 1644 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 3
CRFNXT 766 Global Relocatable CRFPWR 1637 Global Relocatable
CRFSIZ 1643 Global Relocatable CRFSTA 1633 Global Relocatable
CRFTAB 1640 Global Relocatable CRFTEN 1641 Global Relocatable
CRFTS 1630 Global Relocatable CSSEEN 550 Global Relocatable
CSTATS 0 Global Absolute Suppressed CTR 1520 Global Relocatable
CURALT 750 Global Relocatable CURCD 745 Global Relocatable
CURCON 701 Global Relocatable CURCPY 726 Global Relocatable
CURCRF 767 Global Relocatable CURDAT 676 Global Relocatable
CURDBD 742 Global Relocatable CURDE 525 Global Relocatable
CURDTT 4077 Global Relocatable CUREOP 665 Global Relocatable
CUREXT 712 Global Relocatable CURFIL 673 Global Relocatable
CURFLO 723 Global Relocatable CURHLD 731 Global Relocatable
CURLIT 704 Global Relocatable CURMNE 720 Global Relocatable
CURN2 3047 Global Relocatable CURNAM 662 Global Relocatable
CUROPP 2012 Global Relocatable CURPAR 1744 Global Relocatable
CURPRO 707 Global Relocatable CURQUA 2115 Global Relocatable
CURREC 3051 Global Relocatable CURREL 1511 Global Relocatable
CURREN 753 Global Relocatable CURRES 761 Global Relocatable
CURRPW 734 Global Relocatable CURSEC 670 Global Relocatable
CURSIZ 1422 Global Relocatable CURSRE 517 Global Relocatable
CURSSE 516 Global Relocatable CURTAG 756 Global Relocatable
CURTEM 764 Global Relocatable CURUS 526 Global Relocatable
CURUSE 737 Global Relocatable CURVAL 715 Global Relocatable
DASH 3036 Global Relocatable DATBAS 471 Global Relocatable
DATGRP 1461 Global Relocatable DATLOC 674 Global Relocatable
DATLVL 3675 Global Relocatable DATNXT 675 Global Relocatable
DATSAV 3172 Global Relocatable DB.PPN 2256 Global Relocatable
DBBLCK 2711 Global Relocatable DBBUFH 2705 Global Relocatable
DBCNTC 2257 Global Relocatable DBCNTD 2260 Global Relocatable
DBDEV 2710 Global Relocatable DBDLOC 740 Global Relocatable
DBDNXT 741 Global Relocatable DBLITP 2013 Global Relocatable
DBMS4 1 Global Absolute Suppressed DBMS6 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
DBNODE 2253 Global Relocatable DBONLY 560 Global Relocatable
DBOPBK 2715 Global Relocatable DBUFF1 2465 Global Relocatable
DBUSES 561 Global Relocatable DCLTAG 2104 Global Relocatable
DCPNT. 441 Global Relocatable DDTSTP 167 Global Relocatable
DECLR. 500 Global Relocatable DECSEG 1460 Global Relocatable
DEFDSP 421 Global Relocatable DEFSGN 422 Global Relocatable
DEPITM 1716 Global Relocatable DEPVB 1750 Global Relocatable
DEVBH 7 Global Absolute Suppressed DEVBHI 5 Global Absolute Suppressed
DEVBHO 10 Global Absolute Suppressed DEVBLK 3 Global Absolute Suppressed
DEVBUF 4 Global Absolute Suppressed DEVDEV 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
DEVDIR 14 Global Absolute Suppressed DEVEXT 2 Global Absolute Suppressed
DEVFIL 1 Global Absolute Suppressed DEVPP 5 Global Absolute Suppressed
DEVPTH 12 Global Absolute Suppressed DEVSFD 15 Global Absolute Suppressed
DEVSIZ 7 Global Absolute Suppressed DEVSW 6 Global Absolute Suppressed
DEVTIM 3 Global Absolute Suppressed DOLLR. 443 Global Relocatable
DPITM 1745 Global Relocatable DPLNK 1746 Global Relocatable
DPSIZE 3613 Global Relocatable DPVAR 1747 Global Relocatable
DT.PC 1651 Global Relocatable DWLNCP 576 Global Relocatable
EAC 1441 Global Relocatable EAHRJ 2354 Global Relocatable
EALRJ 2355 Global Relocatable EALTMX 1436 Global Relocatable
EALTPC 1435 Global Relocatable EAQRJ 2206 Global Relocatable
EAS1PC 562 Global Relocatable EAS2PC 563 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 4
EAS3PC 2202 Global Relocatable EASRJ 2204 Global Relocatable
EAZRJ 2205 Global Relocatable EBASAX 647 Global Relocatable Suppressed
EBASBX 657 Global Relocatable Suppressed EBASEA 640 Global Relocatable
EBASEB 650 Global Relocatable EBASEX 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
EBYTEA 645 Global Relocatable EBYTEB 655 Global Relocatable
EBYTEX 5 Global Absolute Suppressed ECARRY 1665 Global Relocatable
ECFALS 1670 Global Relocatable ECNAME 1671 Global Relocatable
ECNBP 1703 Global Relocatable ECNTA 2166 Global Relocatable
ECONLJ 1773 Global Relocatable ECONRJ 1774 Global Relocatable
ECSTEP 1704 Global Relocatable ECTRUE 1667 Global Relocatable
ECXTRA 1705 Global Relocatable EDEPFT 1514 Global Relocatable
EDITW1 2001 Global Relocatable EDITW2 2002 Global Relocatable
EDITW3 2003 Global Relocatable EDPLA 644 Global Relocatable
EDPLB 654 Global Relocatable EDPLX 4 Global Absolute Suppressed
EEHIGH 2214 Global Relocatable EEQUOT 2213 Global Relocatable
EESPCE 2211 Global Relocatable EEZERO 2212 Global Relocatable
EF2CNV 2323 Global Relocatable EFLAGA 647 Global Relocatable
EFLAGB 657 Global Relocatable EFLAGX 7 Global Absolute Suppressed
EFPCNV 2276 Global Relocatable EFPLOV 2353 Global Relocatable
EHIVAL 2351 Global Relocatable EIMPPC 1434 Global Relocatable
EINCRA 641 Global Relocatable EINCRB 651 Global Relocatable
EINCRX 1 Global Absolute Suppressed EINITH 2200 Global Relocatable Suppressed
EINITL 1400 Global Relocatable Suppressed EINTO 1470 Global Relocatable
EINTR 1510 Global Relocatable EIOOP 2065 Global Relocatable
EKEYLC 2040 Global Relocatable EKEYNO 2041 Global Relocatable
EKEYSZ 2037 Global Relocatable EKREPF 2043 Global Relocatable
EL.NZ 3170 Global Relocatable Suppressed ELEVEL 3610 Global Relocatable
ELITHI 1663 Global Relocatable ELITLO 1662 Global Relocatable
ELITPC 2203 Global Relocatable ELNKSF 1700 Global Relocatable
ELOVAL 2352 Global Relocatable EMASK 1432 Global Relocatable
EMODEA 643 Global Relocatable EMODEB 653 Global Relocatable
EMODEX 3 Global Absolute Suppressed EMOVHL 1772 Global Relocatable
EMRGFL 2044 Global Relocatable EMULSZ 1771 Global Relocatable
END.PC 1645 Global Relocatable ENDFT 770 Global Relocatable
ENDIFT 1517 Global Relocatable ENOCC1 1710 Global Relocatable
ENOCC2 1711 Global Relocatable ENTAGS 1676 Global Relocatable
EOLKAR 1511 Global Relocatable EOPHLD 1664 Global Relocatable
EOPLOC 663 Global Relocatable EOPNXT 664 Global Relocatable
EPPARA 1426 Global Relocatable EPSECT 1425 Global Relocatable
EPWR10 2220 Global Relocatable ERABHI 1137 Global Relocatable
ERABHO 1142 Global Relocatable ERABLK 1135 Global Relocatable
ERABUF 1136 Global Relocatable ERADEV 1132 Global Relocatable
ERAHDR 1133 Global Relocatable ERATAB 1444 Global Relocatable
ERCNT 1756 Global Relocatable ERECSZ 2004 Global Relocatable
EREM0 2005 Global Relocatable EREM1 2006 Global Relocatable
EREM2 2007 Global Relocatable EREM3 2010 Global Relocatable
EREM4 2011 Global Relocatable EREMAN 1431 Global Relocatable
ERESA 640 Global Relocatable Suppressed ERESB 650 Global Relocatable Suppressed
ERESDP 1462 Global Relocatable ERESX 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
ERRARE 3057 Global Relocatable ERRPTR 3167 Global Relocatable
ERSKIP 4436 Global Relocatable ESAFLG 2045 Global Relocatable
ESAVAC 1464 Global Relocatable ESAVAD 1777 Global Relocatable
ESAVAX 1527 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESAVBI 1650 Global Relocatable
ESAVBX 1537 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESAVDP 1463 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 5
ESAVDT 1776 Global Relocatable ESAVEA 1520 Global Relocatable
ESAVEB 1530 Global Relocatable ESAVER 1560 Global Relocatable
ESAVES 1540 Global Relocatable ESAVMA 1570 Global Relocatable
ESAVMB 1600 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESAVMD 2000 Global Relocatable
ESAVOP 1707 Global Relocatable ESAVRW 1610 Global Relocatable
ESAVRX 1567 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESAVSB 1550 Global Relocatable Suppressed
ESAVSC 1620 Global Relocatable ESAVSW 1775 Global Relocatable
ESAVSX 1557 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESAVTT 1640 Global Relocatable
ESAVTX 1647 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESAVW1 2112 Global Relocatable
ESGIV 2016 Global Relocatable ESINP 2022 Global Relocatable
ESIZE 1656 Global Relocatable ESIZEA 642 Global Relocatable
ESIZEB 652 Global Relocatable ESIZEX 2 Global Absolute Suppressed
ESIZEZ 1427 Global Relocatable ESMASK 2201 Global Relocatable
ESMAX 1762 Global Relocatable ESORTF 2020 Global Relocatable
ESORTH 2043 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESORTL 2014 Global Relocatable Suppressed
ESOUTP 2026 Global Relocatable ESQUOT 2207 Global Relocatable
ESTAG1 2032 Global Relocatable ESTAG2 2033 Global Relocatable
ESTAG3 2034 Global Relocatable ESTAG4 2035 Global Relocatable
ESTAG5 2036 Global Relocatable ESUCNT 2107 Global Relocatable
ESUCT2 2110 Global Relocatable ESUFN1 2113 Global Relocatable
ESUFN2 2114 Global Relocatable ESUSE 2014 Global Relocatable
ESUTAG 2111 Global Relocatable ESUTC 2115 Global Relocatable
ESVIBX 1657 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESVMAX 1577 Global Relocatable Suppressed
ESVMBX 1607 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESVSCX 1636 Global Relocatable Suppressed
ESZERA 1516 Global Relocatable ESZERO 2210 Global Relocatable
ETABLA 646 Global Relocatable ETABLB 656 Global Relocatable
ETABLX 6 Global Absolute Suppressed ETEMAX 1440 Global Relocatable
ETEMPC 1437 Global Relocatable ETEMPR 1757 Global Relocatable
EUNSPT 2136 Global Relocatable EUNSTK 2116 Global Relocatable
EUSENO 2042 Global Relocatable EWORDB 1430 Global Relocatable
EXPBEG 1673 Global Relocatable EXSIZE 3614 Global Relocatable
EXTCNT 1400 Global Relocatable EXTLOC 710 Global Relocatable
EXTNXT 711 Global Relocatable EZEROH 2526 Global Relocatable Suppressed
EZEROL 2201 Global Relocatable Suppressed FAKERA 1445 Global Relocatable
FILENM 3035 Global Relocatable FILLER 3141 Global Relocatable
FILLNM 3210 Global Relocatable FILLOC 671 Global Relocatable
FILNXT 672 Global Relocatable FILSEC 2116 Global Relocatable
FILTBL 464 Global Relocatable FINITL 551 Global Relocatable
FINVD 2254 Global Relocatable FINVOK 2255 Global Relocatable
FIXEDS 1442 Global Relocatable FLG88 4076 Global Relocatable
FLOLOC 721 Global Relocatable FLONXT 722 Global Relocatable
FLOTBZ 4063 Global Relocatable FLTC1 1505 Global Relocatable
FLTC2 1506 Global Relocatable FLTDIV 2164 Global Relocatable
FREESP 771 Global Relocatable FSTCLR 416 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FSTIDX 1514 Global Relocatable FTOOBG 1000 Global Relocatable
GAERAS 1542 Global Relocatable GCBUF 2342 Global Relocatable
GCREFC 1563 Global Relocatable GCREFN 1564 Global Relocatable
GENBHI 1152 Global Relocatable GENBHO 1155 Global Relocatable
GENBLK 1150 Global Relocatable GENBUF 1151 Global Relocatable
GENDEV 1145 Global Relocatable GENHDR 1146 Global Relocatable
GENWRD 564 Global Relocatable GETEND 167 Global Relocatable
GETFNM 170 Global Relocatable GETFST 207 Global Relocatable
GETLOD 151 Global Relocatable GETPTH 176 Global Relocatable
GHOLD 1543 Global Relocatable GMAXCP 1454 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 6
GODPOV 2155 Global Relocatable GOTQUA 1745 Global Relocatable
GRPFLG 2156 Global Relocatable HDRPAG 502 Global Relocatable
HEADER 1401 Global Relocatable HEADR2 1431 Global Relocatable
HILOC 565 Global Relocatable HLDEOP 1701 Global Relocatable
HLDLOC 727 Global Relocatable HLDNAM 1435 Global Relocatable
HLDNXT 730 Global Relocatable HLDSAV 3173 Global Relocatable
HLDSRC 1432 Global Relocatable HPLOC 566 Global Relocatable
HROUND 4147 Global Relocatable HRRIFL 1744 Global Relocatable
IBPFLG 1727 Global Relocatable IDXLST 4042 Global Relocatable
IFEAC 2157 Global Relocatable IFLVL 3604 Global Relocatable
IFMSGF 3171 Global Relocatable IMCONS 2163 Global Relocatable
IMPLOP 3647 Global Relocatable IMPPAR 465 Global Relocatable
IMPURE 140 Entry Relocatable INDCLR 2105 Global Relocatable
INDELC 574 Global Relocatable INDFLG 1655 Global Relocatable
INDIND 1741 Global Relocatable INNOR 4432 Global Relocatable
INPERF 2106 Global Relocatable INPTCP 1473 Global Relocatable
INPTST 1474 Global Relocatable INSEND 2341 Global Relocatable Suppressed
INSIZE 3615 Global Relocatable INSTBF 1742 Global Relocatable
INUPRG 4435 Global Relocatable INVCP 2672 Global Relocatable
INVLN 2671 Global Relocatable INVSEE 2720 Global Relocatable
IOFLGS 2167 Global Relocatable IOSRCS 1262 Global Relocatable
IPAFT 1715 Global Relocatable IPCUR 1703 Global Relocatable
IPTAB 1657 Global Relocatable IPTAB0 1656 Global Relocatable
IPTAB1 1741 Global Relocatable ITEMCT 1502 Global Relocatable
ITMLOC 3631 Global Relocatable ITMRES 3632 Global Relocatable
KBHI 373 Global Relocatable KBHO 370 Global Relocatable
KBUFI 416 Global Relocatable KDATA 1024 Global Relocatable Suppressed
KEY.PT 3163 Global Relocatable KEYADR 2177 Global Relocatable
KEYREF 2175 Global Relocatable KEYRLN 2176 Global Relocatable
KILLAC 350 Global Relocatable KILLPL 376 Global Relocatable
L1BH0 3240 Global Relocatable L1BH1 3241 Global Relocatable
L1BH2 3242 Global Relocatable L1CPI 3244 Global Relocatable
L1CPO 3243 Global Relocatable L2BH0 3245 Global Relocatable
L2BH1 3246 Global Relocatable L2BH2 3247 Global Relocatable
L2CPI 3251 Global Relocatable L2CPO 3250 Global Relocatable
LASCOL 4057 Global Relocatable LAST01 4061 Global Relocatable
LASTDV 1475 Global Relocatable LASTRD 4062 Global Relocatable
LASTYP 4056 Global Relocatable LEVEL 3626 Global Relocatable
LEVNO 3043 Global Relocatable LIBBH 1103 Global Relocatable
LIBBLK 1077 Global Relocatable LIBBUF 1100 Global Relocatable
LIBDEV 1074 Global Relocatable LIBDV 3213 Global Relocatable
LIBHDR 1075 Global Relocatable LIBNAM 1504 Global Relocatable
LIBPP 1101 Global Relocatable LIBPTH 1106 Global Relocatable
LIBSWS 1102 Global Relocatable LIBTOP 1102 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LINCHK 3022 Global Relocatable LITASY 1415 Global Relocatable
LITBAS 1540 Global Relocatable LITBHI 1241 Global Relocatable
LITBHO 1244 Global Relocatable LITBLK 1237 Global Relocatable
LITBUF 1240 Global Relocatable LITDEV 1234 Global Relocatable
LITERR 1423 Global Relocatable LITHDR 1235 Global Relocatable
LITHLD 1442 Global Relocatable LITLOC 702 Global Relocatable
LITNN 1400 Global Relocatable LITNXT 703 Global Relocatable
LITVAL 1443 Global Relocatable LNK1PC 4075 Global Relocatable
LNKSEC 4046 Global Relocatable LNKSSN 4047 Global Relocatable
LPCSAV 2170 Global Relocatable LSIZE 1657 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 7
LSTBH 1035 Global Relocatable LSTBLK 1031 Global Relocatable
LSTBUF 1032 Global Relocatable LSTCLR 4436 Global Relocatable Suppressed
LSTDAT 3760 Global Relocatable LSTDEV 1026 Global Relocatable
LSTFIL 1661 Global Relocatable LSTHDR 1027 Global Relocatable
LSTPP 1033 Global Relocatable LSTPRI 1742 Global Relocatable
LSTPTH 1040 Global Relocatable LSTSWS 1034 Global Relocatable
LSTW77 1516 Global Relocatable M.AFLG 547 Global Relocatable
M.ARG1 552 Global Relocatable M.ARG2 553 Global Relocatable
M.ARG3 554 Global Relocatable M.ARG4 555 Global Relocatable
M.ARG5 556 Global Relocatable M.ARGP 1401 Global Relocatable
M.IARG 546 Global Relocatable M.SIXL 1402 Global Relocatable
M.STR 1403 Global Relocatable MAKBPB 1730 Global Relocatable
MCSCTR 3211 Global Relocatable MNELOC 716 Global Relocatable
MNENXT 717 Global Relocatable MNETYP 1660 Global Relocatable
MOVEDN 1740 Global Relocatable MSKSIZ 3616 Global Relocatable
MSKTMP 1416 Global Relocatable MSKWRD 3617 Global Relocatable
MVARY 3717 Global Relocatable MYPATH 623 Global Relocatable
MYPPN 625 Global Relocatable MYSFD 626 Global Relocatable
NAMADR 1654 Global Relocatable NAMBAS 7474 Global Absolute Suppressed
NAMBHI 1124 Global Relocatable NAMBHO 1127 Global Relocatable
NAMBLK 1122 Global Relocatable NAMBUF 1123 Global Relocatable
NAMDEV 1117 Global Relocatable NAMHDR 1120 Global Relocatable
NAMIOL 776 Global Relocatable NAMLOC 660 Global Relocatable
NAMNSZ 777777776174 Global Absolute Suppressed NAMNXT 661 Global Relocatable
NAMPSZ 1604 Global Absolute Suppressed NAMWRD 1420 Global Relocatable
NBYTES 1733 Global Relocatable NCHARS 1737 Global Relocatable
NCHITM 3633 Global Relocatable NCHLI2 3635 Global Relocatable
NCHLIT 3634 Global Relocatable NCHWRD 3641 Global Relocatable
NCPYSW 3216 Global Relocatable NDEV 1662 Global Relocatable
NDLNTH 100 Global Absolute Suppressed NEGCMP 1515 Global Relocatable
NEWENT 1647 Global Relocatable NEWTYP 1650 Global Relocatable
NFILES 1002 Global Relocatable NFRACD 3650 Global Relocatable
NINTGD 3647 Global Relocatable NLEADZ 3645 Global Relocatable
NLEFT 3024 Global Relocatable NM.PC 1650 Global Relocatable
NM12SZ 774 Global Relocatable NM1LOC 772 Global Relocatable
NM1SIZ 2733 Global Absolute Suppressed NM2LOC 773 Global Relocatable
NMAKYS 2174 Global Relocatable NN 3025 Global Relocatable
NNDLNT 777777777700 Global Absolute Suppressed NOCONT 1503 Global Relocatable
NODEPV 1753 Global Relocatable NODLST 1547 Global Relocatable
NODPPF 1412 Global Relocatable NOFLOT 2165 Global Relocatable
NOIDVF 1722 Global Relocatable NONRES 475 Global Relocatable
NPADL 3627 Global Relocatable NPADR 3630 Global Relocatable
NPCIN 2574 Global Relocatable NQUAL 1746 Global Relocatable
NRESSN 622 Global Relocatable NSBSC1 1673 Global Relocatable
NSBSC2 1710 Global Relocatable NSBSC3 1725 Global Relocatable
NSTRSE 510 Global Relocatable NSVLNT 777777777700 Global Absolute Suppressed
NSZPTR 775 Global Relocatable NTNSIZ 777777777755 Global Absolute Suppressed
NTRALZ 3646 Global Relocatable NULLRE 3041 Global Relocatable
NVARY 3720 Global Relocatable NXTIP 2570 Global Relocatable
NXTNAM 1476 Global Relocatable NXTSNT 3646 Global Relocatable
OBEG 1656 Global Relocatable Suppressed OBJARE 2762 Global Relocatable
OBJPTR 3135 Global Relocatable OBJSIZ 434 Global Relocatable
OEND 2601 Global Relocatable Suppressed OJPPSZ 423 Global Relocatable
OLDCNM 1572 Global Relocatable ONLYEX 1734 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 8
OPERND 1433 Global Relocatable OPLINE 1666 Global Relocatable
OPRTR 1663 Global Relocatable OPTSW 571 Global Relocatable
OTEMP 2575 Global Relocatable OVFLFL 2162 Global Relocatable
OVRWRD 1562 Global Relocatable PADCHR 3636 Global Relocatable
PADCNT 3232 Global Relocatable PAGCNT 431 Global Relocatable
PARCNT 3233 Global Relocatable PASU4T 4423 Global Relocatable
PCHOLD 427 Global Relocatable PCXPTR 1731 Global Relocatable
PERLNC 4434 Global Relocatable PHASEN 333 Global Relocatable
PICBP 3045 Global Relocatable PICBUF 4066 Global Relocatable
PICNXT 3235 Global Relocatable PICPTR 4065 Global Relocatable
PICSAV 3623 Global Relocatable PIDLNK 433 Global Relocatable
PKASC 2703 Global Relocatable PKEY 2704 Global Relocatable
PLITBF 2363 Global Relocatable PLITCT 2360 Global Relocatable
PLITOF 2362 Global Relocatable PLITPC 2357 Global Relocatable
PLITPT 2361 Global Relocatable PLITSZ 144 Global Absolute Suppressed
PNTR 1521 Global Relocatable PNTS 3624 Global Relocatable
PNTS2 3625 Global Relocatable PPLIST 213 Global Relocatable
PPSIZE 777777777660 Global Absolute Suppressed PR.PC 1652 Global Relocatable
PRGEAD 2154 Global Relocatable PRGENT 426 Global Relocatable
PRIOR 1743 Global Relocatable PRODSW 572 Global Relocatable
PROGID 432 Global Relocatable PROGST 477 Global Relocatable
PROLOC 705 Global Relocatable PRONXT 706 Global Relocatable
PRVTOK 1510 Global Relocatable PSTBUF 3274 Global Relocatable
PSTLEN 1750 Global Absolute Suppressed PSUNYM 3040 Global Relocatable
PTRHLD 1512 Global Relocatable QUALT 1747 Global Relocatable
QUIKSW 573 Global Relocatable R1CPI 3254 Global Relocatable
R1CPO 3253 Global Relocatable R1LNO 3252 Global Relocatable
R2BH0 3255 Global Relocatable R2BH1 3256 Global Relocatable
R2BH2 3257 Global Relocatable R2CPI 3261 Global Relocatable
R2CPO 3260 Global Relocatable R3BH0 3262 Global Relocatable
R3BH1 3263 Global Relocatable R3BH2 3264 Global Relocatable
R3CPI 3266 Global Relocatable R3CPO 3265 Global Relocatable
R4BH0 3267 Global Relocatable R4BH1 3270 Global Relocatable
R4BH2 3271 Global Relocatable R4CPI 3273 Global Relocatable
R4CPO 3272 Global Relocatable RDATLK 1455 Global Relocatable
RDEFPC 3661 Global Relocatable RDFDAT 3676 Global Relocatable
RDFLVL 3660 Global Relocatable RDFSIZ 14 Global Absolute Suppressed
REGKAR 1512 Global Relocatable REINTO 4150 Global Relocatable
RELCHA 3075 Global Relocatable RELENT 3123 Global Relocatable
RELHDR 3101 Global Relocatable RELOPN 3115 Global Relocatable
REMPAR 1763 Global Relocatable REMRN1 1766 Global Relocatable
REMRND 1765 Global Relocatable RENAM1 3654 Global Relocatable
RENAM2 3655 Global Relocatable RENLOC 751 Global Relocatable
RENNXT 752 Global Relocatable REPSEC 4045 Global Relocatable
REPSSN 4050 Global Relocatable RESDNT 474 Global Relocatable
RESLOC 757 Global Relocatable RESNXT 760 Global Relocatable
RESTYP 1761 Global Relocatable RETPTR 425 Global Relocatable
RMSFLS 1001 Global Relocatable RNREC1 3656 Global Relocatable
RNREC2 3657 Global Relocatable ROUCAL 2200 Global Relocatable
RPLBH 3227 Global Relocatable RPLBLK 3222 Global Relocatable
RPLCNT 3226 Global Relocatable RPLCP 3217 Global Relocatable
RPLCST 3221 Global Relocatable RPLFLG 3214 Global Relocatable
RPLICP 3220 Global Relocatable RPLLOC 3223 Global Relocatable
RPLNXT 3224 Global Relocatable RPLNXW 3225 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 9
RPTCID 3606 Global Relocatable RPTCIT 3612 Global Relocatable
RPTFIN 3613 Global Relocatable RPTNEW 3605 Global Relocatable
RPTNHT 3611 Global Relocatable RPTNID 3607 Global Relocatable
RPTRHT 3610 Global Relocatable RPTRPT 3604 Global Relocatable
RPTSRT 3604 Global Relocatable RPW 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
RPWERR 501 Global Relocatable RPWLIN 2062 Global Relocatable
RPWLOC 732 Global Relocatable RPWNXT 733 Global Relocatable
RPWPRS 466 Global Relocatable RPWR10 2264 Global Relocatable
RPWRDL 4053 Global Relocatable RSSEEN 2251 Global Relocatable
RUNDEV 344 Global Relocatable RUNPPN 343 Global Relocatable
RUSAGE 4044 Global Relocatable RVBLT 635 Global Relocatable
RWBRKC 2063 Global Relocatable RWCCS. 4055 Global Relocatable
RWLCS. 4054 Global Relocatable RWMBRK 2064 Global Relocatable
RWSAV1 2046 Global Relocatable RWSAV2 2047 Global Relocatable
RWSAV3 2050 Global Relocatable RWSAV4 2051 Global Relocatable
RWSAV5 2052 Global Relocatable RWSAV6 2053 Global Relocatable
RWSAV7 2054 Global Relocatable RWSAV8 2055 Global Relocatable
RWSAV9 2056 Global Relocatable RWSV10 2057 Global Relocatable
RWSV11 2060 Global Relocatable RWSV12 2061 Global Relocatable
S.SCH 2676 Global Relocatable S1SIZ 1736 Global Relocatable
SAMSRT 2247 Global Relocatable SAVAS1 1513 Global Relocatable
SAVBCP 1413 Global Relocatable SAVBIN 1647 Global Relocatable
SAVBLN 1412 Global Relocatable SAVCOL 4052 Global Relocatable
SAVCP1 1403 Global Relocatable SAVDAT 1442 Global Relocatable
SAVE1 1652 Global Relocatable SAVEAC 444 Global Relocatable
SAVECH 1414 Global Relocatable SAVECP 1401 Global Relocatable
SAVELN 1400 Global Relocatable SAVENW 1742 Global Relocatable
SAVEPP 1661 Global Relocatable SAVETA 1517 Global Relocatable
SAVEWD 1477 Global Relocatable SAVJFF 335 Global Relocatable
SAVLN1 1402 Global Relocatable SAVLST 2117 Global Relocatable
SAVNAM 1425 Global Relocatable SAVPCP 1407 Global Relocatable
SAVPLN 1406 Global Relocatable SAVPR0 1752 Global Relocatable
SAVPRF 4137 Global Relocatable SAVSEQ 1415 Global Relocatable
SAVTAG 1456 Global Relocatable SAWENT 2601 Global Relocatable
SBSCR1 1674 Global Relocatable SBSCR2 1711 Global Relocatable
SBSCR3 1726 Global Relocatable SBUFF1 2261 Global Relocatable
SCH.PT 3157 Global Relocatable SCHASC 2673 Global Relocatable
SCHEMA 2674 Global Relocatable SCHSEC 557 Global Relocatable
SDSTIN 507 Global Relocatable SECLOC 666 Global Relocatable
SECNXT 667 Global Relocatable SEENRU 3604 Global Relocatable
SEGFLG 567 Global Relocatable SEGLIM 435 Global Relocatable
SEQIN 430 Global Relocatable SF1BHI 1613 Global Relocatable
SF1BHO 1602 Global Relocatable SF1BUF 1577 Global Relocatable
SF2BHI 1616 Global Relocatable SF2BHO 1605 Global Relocatable
SF2BUF 1600 Global Relocatable SF3BHI 1621 Global Relocatable
SF3BHO 1610 Global Relocatable SF3BUF 1601 Global Relocatable
SGNDIV 1770 Global Relocatable SGNREM 1767 Global Relocatable
SIGNED 3644 Global Relocatable SIXHLD 4051 Global Relocatable
SIZARE 3030 Global Relocatable SIZONL 3165 Global Relocatable
SIZTAB 577 Global Relocatable SLASHJ 420 Global Relocatable
SLNK 1651 Global Relocatable SPFLVL 3605 Global Relocatable
SPFNIO 3606 Global Relocatable SRC%E 2076 Global Relocatable
SRC%I 2075 Global Relocatable SRCAE 2067 Global Relocatable
SRCALL 2073 Global Relocatable SRCBFC 3237 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 10
SRCBH 1012 Global Relocatable SRCBLK 1006 Global Relocatable
SRCBUF 1007 Global Relocatable SRCCOL 1417 Global Relocatable
SRCDEV 1003 Global Relocatable SRCEND 1377 Global Relocatable
SRCFIL 345 Global Relocatable SRCFLG 2074 Global Relocatable
SRCFST 2066 Global Relocatable Suppressed SRCHDR 1004 Global Relocatable
SRCIDN 2072 Global Relocatable SRCIDX 2071 Global Relocatable
SRCKYL 2102 Global Relocatable SRCKYN 2101 Global Relocatable
SRCLST 2103 Global Relocatable Suppressed SRCLUP 2066 Global Relocatable
SRCNOC 2077 Global Relocatable SRCOPN 2103 Global Relocatable
SRCPAR 2100 Global Relocatable SRCPP 1010 Global Relocatable
SRCPTH 1015 Global Relocatable SRCSWS 1011 Global Relocatable
SRCTOP 1011 Global Relocatable Suppressed SRCWHN 2070 Global Relocatable
SS.PT 3161 Global Relocatable SSASC 2675 Global Relocatable
SSMACF 1721 Global Relocatable SSMACV 1720 Global Relocatable
SSMODE 1713 Global Relocatable SSU.CT 1406 Global Relocatable
SSU.FL 1404 Global Relocatable SSU.MD 1405 Global Relocatable
SSU.PT 1407 Global Relocatable STDATE 436 Global Relocatable
STFLGS 504 Global Relocatable STPTO 506 Global Relocatable
STRSAV 527 Global Relocatable STSELS 512 Global Relocatable
STSENS 513 Global Relocatable STSENX 514 Global Relocatable
STSEST 511 Global Relocatable STSETP 515 Global Relocatable
STSSO 505 Global Relocatable STTIME 440 Global Relocatable
SU30F1 4420 Global Relocatable SU30F2 4421 Global Relocatable
SU30FG 4422 Global Relocatable SU41TP 4413 Global Relocatable
SU8CNT 4414 Global Relocatable SU8FLG 4412 Global Relocatable
SU8SVA 4416 Global Relocatable SU8SVB 4417 Global Relocatable
SU8SVC 4415 Global Relocatable SUBCON 1724 Global Relocatable
SUBFLG 2160 Global Relocatable SUBINP 1755 Global Relocatable
SUBITM 1717 Global Relocatable SUBLST 1675 Global Relocatable
SUBNM1 1715 Global Relocatable SUBNUM 1712 Global Relocatable
SUBPAG 1443 Global Relocatable SUBPRG 417 Global Relocatable
SUEQT. 4427 Global Relocatable SUEQTM 4426 Global Relocatable
SUFBT. 4430 Global Relocatable SUFBTM 4431 Global Relocatable
SURRT. 4425 Global Relocatable SURRTM 4424 Global Relocatable
SUSEAC 1726 Global Relocatable SVDADR 3640 Global Relocatable
SVDWRD 3637 Global Relocatable SVLNTH 100 Global Absolute Suppressed
SWHEN 4433 Global Relocatable SYM.TB 2722 Global Relocatable
SYMGRP 1514 Global Relocatable SYMLC1 1512 Global Relocatable
SYMREL 1513 Global Relocatable SYMTAB 2761 Global Relocatable
T4BASE 1541 Global Relocatable TAGCNT 476 Global Relocatable
TAGDLC 575 Global Relocatable TAGLOC 754 Global Relocatable
TAGNXT 755 Global Relocatable TAGOUT 1457 Global Relocatable
TAGTRU 1706 Global Relocatable TBLOCK 1522 Global Relocatable
TEMBAS 472 Global Relocatable TEMLOC 762 Global Relocatable
TEMNXT 763 Global Relocatable TEMPBP 3016 Global Relocatable
TERMQ 1515 Global Relocatable TERSCN 3234 Global Relocatable
THISIP 2571 Global Relocatable THISPH 1513 Global Relocatable
THSCTL 4060 Global Relocatable TMPNAM 3032 Global Relocatable
TOPLOC 334 Global Relocatable TOPLVL 3645 Global Relocatable
TRMLVL 3644 Global Relocatable TXTIDX 3042 Global Relocatable
UNDIDX 3037 Global Relocatable UNSDLE 524 Global Relocatable
UNSFLG 522 Global Relocatable UNSNMF 520 Global Relocatable
UNSTLY 523 Global Relocatable UNTTAG 4145 Global Relocatable
UNWIND 3034 Global Relocatable USE510 1725 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 11
USEBAS 473 Global Relocatable USELOC 735 Global Relocatable
USENBT 1732 Global Relocatable USENII 521 Global Relocatable
USENXT 736 Global Relocatable USES 3611 Global Relocatable
USES.L 33 Global Absolute Suppressed USEXJR 1743 Global Relocatable
UUINC% 1414 Global Relocatable UUOSV% 1413 Global Relocatable
VALADR 1655 Global Relocatable VALLOC 713 Global Relocatable
VALNXT 714 Global Relocatable VALUE1 3651 Global Relocatable
VALUE2 3652 Global Relocatable VARBLK 3721 Global Relocatable
VARTAG 4130 Global Relocatable VERZUN 336 Global Relocatable
VOKARE 3000 Global Relocatable VOKCHA 3105 Global Relocatable
VOKENT 3130 Global Relocatable VOKFLG 3053 Global Relocatable
VOKHDR 3111 Global Relocatable VOKOPN 3120 Global Relocatable
VOKPTR 3137 Global Relocatable WANTG1 2573 Global Relocatable
WASERC 2250 Global Relocatable WDPITM 1754 Global Relocatable
WEDIED 140 Global Relocatable WORDCP 1405 Global Relocatable
WORDLN 1404 Global Relocatable WRAPNO 634 Global Relocatable
WRIFIL 3147 Global Relocatable WRKSEC 4064 Global Relocatable
WSAS1P 4043 Global Relocatable XWDRH 1424 Global Relocatable
ZEROSB 1723 Global Relocatable $LFPTR 3212 Global Relocatable
%ES.PC 1653 Global Relocatable
PURAB from DSK:PURAB.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:55:00
High segment starts at 401103 ends at 402116 length 1014 (octal), 524. (decimal)
AC.ABS 0 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.ALT 7 Global Absolute Suppressed
AC.BSA 0 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.CNB 6 Global Absolute Suppressed
AC.CNS 0 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.DAT 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
AC.DOT 5 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.EXT 3 Global Absolute Suppressed
AC.FIL 4 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.FLS 2 Global Absolute Suppressed
AC.GO 4 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.LIT 3 Global Absolute Suppressed
AC.MS1 71 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.MS2 72 Global Absolute Suppressed
AC.MSC 7 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.PAR 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
AC.PFF 1 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.PRO 2 Global Absolute Suppressed
AC.TAG 5 Global Absolute Suppressed AC.TMP 6 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.%X 720000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.ABS 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.ALT 700000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.ASC 640000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.BSA 0 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.BYT 400000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.CNB 600000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.CNS 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.D1 610000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.D2 604000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.DAT 100000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.DOT 500000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.EBC 600400 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.ENT 704000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.EXT 300000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.FIL 400000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.FLS 200000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.FLT 602000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.GO 400000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.LIT 300000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.MS1 710000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.MS2 720000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.MSC 700000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.OCT 601000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.PAR 100000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.PFF 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.PN 740000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.PRO 200000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.REL 710000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.SIX 620000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.SMC 702000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.TAG 500000 Global Absolute Suppressed
AS.TMP 600000 Global Absolute Suppressed AS.XWD 500000 Global Absolute Suppressed
BIS 1 Global Absolute Suppressed CD.DC 401474 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 12
CD.INT 401471 Global Relocatable CD.LIN 401472 Global Relocatable
CD.NAM 401466 Global Relocatable CD.OUT 401470 Global Relocatable
CD.RDL 401473 Global Relocatable CD.SNL 401467 Global Relocatable
COBOLC 401104 Global Relocatable COBSW% 401103 Global Relocatable
COMWD 100765 Global Absolute Suppressed CPMAXN 172 Global Absolute Suppressed
DA.ARG 401313 Global Relocatable Suppressed DA.BRO 401315 Global Relocatable Suppressed
DA.BWZ 401331 Global Relocatable DA.CLA 401325 Global Relocatable
DA.CP 401372 Global Relocatable DA.DCR 401376 Global Relocatable
DA.DEF 401335 Global Relocatable DA.DEP 401375 Global Relocatable
DA.DFS 401353 Global Relocatable DA.DLL 401346 Global Relocatable
DA.DPR 401363 Global Relocatable DA.DRC 401354 Global Relocatable
DA.EDT 401333 Global Relocatable DA.EDW 11 Global Absolute Suppressed
DA.ERR 401347 Global Relocatable DA.EXS 401365 Global Relocatable
DA.FAK 401337 Global Relocatable DA.FAL 401334 Global Relocatable
DA.FSC 401401 Global Relocatable DA.IDX 401350 Global Relocatable
DA.INS 401366 Global Relocatable DA.JST 401342 Global Relocatable
DA.KEY 401377 Global Relocatable DA.LKS 401362 Global Relocatable
DA.LN 401371 Global Relocatable DA.LNC 401373 Global Relocatable
DA.LOC 401314 Global Relocatable DA.LPC 401321 Global Relocatable
DA.LRC 401355 Global Relocatable DA.LSC 401344 Global Relocatable
DA.LVL 401317 Global Relocatable DA.NAM 401311 Global Relocatable
DA.NDP 401364 Global Relocatable DA.NOC 401367 Global Relocatable
DA.OCC 401370 Global Relocatable DA.OCH 401374 Global Relocatable
DA.PIC 401352 Global Relocatable DA.POP 401315 Global Relocatable
DA.PWA 401357 Global Relocatable DA.RBE 401322 Global Relocatable
DA.RBS 401336 Global Relocatable DA.RDF 401351 Global Relocatable
DA.RDH 401361 Global Relocatable DA.RDS 401340 Global Relocatable
DA.RES 401320 Global Relocatable DA.RKL 15 Global Absolute Suppressed
DA.RPW 401324 Global Relocatable DA.SCF 401345 Global Relocatable
DA.SCT 401341 Global Relocatable DA.SGN 401330 Global Relocatable
DA.SLL 401356 Global Relocatable DA.SNL 401312 Global Relocatable
DA.SON 401316 Global Relocatable DA.SSC 401343 Global Relocatable
DA.SUB 401332 Global Relocatable DA.SYL 401326 Global Relocatable
DA.SYR 401327 Global Relocatable DA.USG 401323 Global Relocatable
DA.VAL 401313 Global Relocatable DA.VHL 401360 Global Relocatable
DA.XBY 401400 Global Relocatable EBCMP. 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
ENDIT 100777 Global Absolute Suppressed ENTROP 401124 Global Relocatable
ERAFAZ 401113 Global Relocatable ERALN 401111 Global Relocatable
ERANUM 401112 Global Relocatable ERAPOS 401110 Global Relocatable
EX.CAL 401407 Global Relocatable EX.CNT 401410 Global Relocatable
EX.ENT 401406 Global Relocatable EX.HLD 401411 Global Relocatable
EX.IND 401404 Global Relocatable EX.NAM 401402 Global Relocatable
EX.NRS 401403 Global Relocatable EX.PID 401405 Global Relocatable
EXPWD 100776 Global Absolute Suppressed EXTPTR 402115 Global Relocatable
FI.ABF 401241 Global Relocatable FI.ABR 401240 Global Relocatable
FI.ACC 401224 Global Relocatable FI.ACK 401225 Global Relocatable
FI.ADR 401251 Global Relocatable FI.ADV 401213 Global Relocatable
FI.AEF 401245 Global Relocatable FI.AER 401244 Global Relocatable
FI.AKS 401261 Global Relocatable FI.BBF 401237 Global Relocatable
FI.BBR 401236 Global Relocatable FI.BEF 401243 Global Relocatable
FI.BER 401242 Global Relocatable FI.BLF 401266 Global Relocatable
FI.BM 401257 Global Relocatable FI.CKP 401260 Global Relocatable
FI.CLR 777777777744 Global Absolute Suppressed FI.CP 401175 Global Relocatable
FI.CRC 401304 Global Relocatable FI.DFR 401256 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 13
FI.DRC 401250 Global Relocatable FI.DRL 401230 Global Relocatable
FI.DSD 401214 Global Relocatable FI.ENT 401255 Global Relocatable
FI.ERM 401203 Global Relocatable FI.ERR 401235 Global Relocatable
FI.FBS 401173 Global Relocatable FI.FCP 401307 Global Relocatable
FI.FDD 401220 Global Relocatable FI.FLC 401306 Global Relocatable
FI.FLN 401305 Global Relocatable FI.INO 401210 Global Relocatable
FI.IOO 401212 Global Relocatable FI.IRM 401204 Global Relocatable
FI.KYE 401262 Global Relocatable FI.LBL 401207 Global Relocatable
FI.LN 401174 Global Relocatable FI.LNC 401176 Global Relocatable
FI.LOC 401263 Global Relocatable FI.LRL 401247 Global Relocatable
FI.LRS 401177 Global Relocatable FI.MLT 401170 Global Relocatable
FI.MRS 401227 Global Relocatable FI.NAM 401167 Global Relocatable
FI.NBF 401226 Global Relocatable FI.NDV 401200 Global Relocatable
FI.NFL 401202 Global Relocatable FI.NUM 401310 Global Relocatable
FI.NXT 401206 Global Relocatable FI.OFT 401172 Global Relocatable
FI.OPT 401221 Global Relocatable FI.ORG 401224 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FI.OTA 401272 Global Relocatable FI.OUO 401211 Global Relocatable
FI.OWA 401271 Global Relocatable FI.PAC 401276 Global Relocatable
FI.PBN 401300 Global Relocatable FI.PEN 401275 Global Relocatable
FI.PFN 401302 Global Relocatable FI.PFS 401274 Global Relocatable
FI.PFT 401303 Global Relocatable FI.PIV 401277 Global Relocatable
FI.POS 401205 Global Relocatable FI.PRN 401301 Global Relocatable
FI.PSN 401222 Global Relocatable FI.RCT 401171 Global Relocatable
FI.RD 401253 Global Relocatable FI.RER 401216 Global Relocatable
FI.RKY 401265 Global Relocatable FI.RM2 401252 Global Relocatable
FI.RMS 401223 Global Relocatable FI.RP 401254 Global Relocatable
FI.RPG 401270 Global Relocatable FI.RRC 401217 Global Relocatable
FI.RTC 401273 Global Relocatable FI.SAL 401234 Global Relocatable
FI.SBA 401234 Global Relocatable Suppressed FI.SDL 401231 Global Relocatable
FI.SKY 401264 Global Relocatable FI.SPT 401273 Global Relocatable Suppressed
FI.SRA 401246 Global Relocatable FI.VAL 401201 Global Relocatable
FI.VDW 401233 Global Relocatable FI.VID 401232 Global Relocatable
FI.VLR 401215 Global Relocatable FI.VPP 401267 Global Relocatable
FL.CP 401442 Global Relocatable FL.LN 401440 Global Relocatable
FL.LNC 401441 Global Relocatable FL.NAM 401436 Global Relocatable
FL.NLC 401437 Global Relocatable FL.OAL 401430 Global Relocatable
FL.OEN 401432 Global Relocatable FL.OGO 401431 Global Relocatable
FL.OPF 401426 Global Relocatable FL.PND 401424 Global Relocatable
FL.POS 401442 Global Relocatable Suppressed FL.PRO 401435 Global Relocatable
FL.QUA 401433 Global Relocatable FL.RDC 401434 Global Relocatable
FL.SAL 401427 Global Relocatable FL.SPF 401425 Global Relocatable
FTCMOD 401477 Global Relocatable FTDBAS 401502 Global Relocatable
FTRECD 401501 Global Relocatable FTRSIZ 401500 Global Relocatable
GWCP 401165 Global Relocatable GWLN 401164 Global Relocatable
GWNAMP 401163 Global Relocatable GWVAL 401166 Global Relocatable
HL.CID 401417 Global Relocatable HL.COD 401420 Global Relocatable
HL.CP 401415 Global Relocatable HL.FCD 401423 Global Relocatable
HL.LN 401414 Global Relocatable HL.LNC 401413 Global Relocatable
HL.LNK 401422 Global Relocatable HL.NAM 401412 Global Relocatable
HL.QAL 401421 Global Relocatable HL.RD 401416 Global Relocatable
HL.XBY 20 Global Absolute Suppressed I0CHAN 401150 Global Relocatable
IARGL 401120 Global Relocatable IARGL2 401121 Global Relocatable
INBOP 401115 Global Relocatable INDPTR 401116 Global Relocatable
ISAM 1 Global Absolute Suppressed ISVPTR 401117 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 14
LAS.M1 1 Global Absolute Suppressed LINPAG 70 Global Absolute Suppressed
LMASKB 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed LMASKS 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed
LNKCOD 401123 Global Relocatable LOOKOP 401152 Global Relocatable
LPARWD 100767 Global Absolute Suppressed MAXFSS 7777 Global Absolute Suppressed
MAXOCC 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed MAXWSS 777777 Global Absolute Suppressed
MINWD 100773 Global Absolute Suppressed MLOAD1 102 Global Absolute Suppressed
MPWCEX 1 Global Absolute Suppressed MULWD 100775 Global Absolute Suppressed
NAMCST 2 Global Absolute Suppressed NAMVAL 401153 Global Relocatable
NTSIZE 401125 Global Relocatable Suppressed NUMEXT 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
OPENOP 401151 Global Relocatable OUTBOP 401114 Global Relocatable
PERWD 100771 Global Absolute Suppressed PLUSWD 100772 Global Absolute Suppressed
PPOINT 401122 Global Relocatable PR.ALT 401455 Global Relocatable
PR.ANR 401457 Global Relocatable PR.AOB 401450 Global Relocatable
PR.ARS 401456 Global Relocatable PR.DEF 401454 Global Relocatable
PR.DFD 401461 Global Relocatable PR.EXR 401453 Global Relocatable
PR.FLO 401465 Global Relocatable PR.GNW 401446 Global Relocatable
PR.LSC 401445 Global Relocatable PR.MDF 401462 Global Relocatable
PR.NAM 401443 Global Relocatable PR.PRF 401447 Global Relocatable
PR.PRI 401451 Global Relocatable PR.RFD 401460 Global Relocatable
PR.SEC 401452 Global Relocatable PR.SNL 401444 Global Relocatable
PR.TUT 401463 Global Relocatable PR.XTW 401464 Global Relocatable
PSCAN 401504 Global Relocatable PTFLAG 2 Global Absolute Suppressed
PTSEGN 401503 Global Relocatable PUNPTR 401162 Global Relocatable
PUREA 401104 Entry Relocatable PUREB 401104 Entry Relocatable
RPARWD 401154 Global Relocatable RW.NAM 401475 Global Relocatable
SEMIWD 100766 Global Absolute Suppressed TABCOD 401476 Global Relocatable
TB.CON 2 Global Absolute Suppressed TB.DAT 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
TB.EXT 5 Global Absolute Suppressed TB.FIL 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
TB.LIT 3 Global Absolute Suppressed TB.MNE 7 Global Absolute Suppressed
TB.PRO 4 Global Absolute Suppressed TB.VAL 6 Global Absolute Suppressed
TC.CON 200000 Global Absolute Suppressed TC.DAT 100000 Global Absolute Suppressed
TC.EXT 500000 Global Absolute Suppressed TC.FIL 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
TC.LIT 300000 Global Absolute Suppressed TC.MNE 700000 Global Absolute Suppressed
TC.PRO 400000 Global Absolute Suppressed TC.VAL 600000 Global Absolute Suppressed
TM.CON 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed TM.DAT 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed
TM.EXT 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed TM.FIL 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed
TM.LIT 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed TM.MNE 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed
TM.PRO 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed TM.TAG 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed
TM.VAL 77777 Global Absolute Suppressed TRACED 2 Global Absolute Suppressed
TRACEE 4 Global Absolute Suppressed TRACEI 10 Global Absolute Suppressed
TRACEP 1 Global Absolute Suppressed WRKSIZ 14000 Global Absolute Suppressed
.HELPR from REL:HELPER.REL[10,7] created by MACRO on 28-Jul-80 at 11:31:00
High segment starts at 402117 ends at 402254 length 136 (octal), 94. (decimal)
HELPER 402117 Entry Relocatable %HELPR 500000041 Global Absolute Suppressed
.HELPR 402120 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 15
SQUIRL from DSK:SQUIRL.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:59:00
High segment starts at 402255 ends at 402523 length 247 (octal), 167. (decimal)
E.104 150 Global Absolute Suppressed E.332 514 Global Absolute Suppressed
FINDAT 402372 Entry Relocatable GETV2 402351 Entry Relocatable
GETVAL 402350 Entry Relocatable SQURL. 402255 Entry Relocatable
BTREE from DSK:BTREE.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:15:00
High segment starts at 402524 ends at 404207 length 1464 (octal), 820. (decimal)
BTREE 402524 Entry Relocatable E.10 12 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.137 211 Global Absolute Suppressed E.14 16 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.140 214 Global Absolute Suppressed E.15 17 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.17 21 Global Absolute Suppressed E.18 22 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.20 24 Global Absolute Suppressed E.21 25 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.227 343 Global Absolute Suppressed E.24 30 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.25 31 Global Absolute Suppressed E.26 32 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.27 33 Global Absolute Suppressed E.28 34 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.287 437 Global Absolute Suppressed E.328 510 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.341 525 Global Absolute Suppressed E.611 1143 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.643 1203 Global Absolute Suppressed E.83 123 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.84 124 Global Absolute Suppressed E.85 125 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.9 11 Global Absolute Suppressed ED0. 402605 Global Relocatable
ED1. 402607 Global Relocatable ED10. 402716 Global Relocatable
ED100. 403517 Global Relocatable ED100A 403522 Global Relocatable
ED100B 403524 Global Relocatable ED101. 403515 Global Relocatable
ED102. 403526 Global Relocatable ED103. 403647 Global Relocatable
ED104. 403655 Global Relocatable ED104A 403657 Global Relocatable
ED105. 403652 Global Relocatable ED106. 403662 Global Relocatable
ED109. 403666 Global Relocatable ED11. 403256 Global Relocatable
ED110. 403664 Global Relocatable ED111. 403704 Global Relocatable
ED112. 403712 Global Relocatable ED112A 403714 Global Relocatable
ED113. 403707 Global Relocatable ED114. 403717 Global Relocatable
ED115. 403721 Global Relocatable ED116. 403673 Global Relocatable
ED116A 403675 Global Relocatable ED117. 403671 Global Relocatable
ED118. 403677 Global Relocatable ED12. 403260 Global Relocatable
ED120. 403701 Global Relocatable ED122. 403751 Global Relocatable
ED123. 403753 Global Relocatable ED124. 403755 Global Relocatable
ED125. 404004 Global Relocatable ED126. 404051 Global Relocatable
ED127. 402776 Global Relocatable ED128. 404137 Global Relocatable
ED129. 403761 Global Relocatable ED12A. 403262 Global Relocatable
ED13. 403264 Global Relocatable ED131. 403766 Global Relocatable
ED132. 404007 Global Relocatable ED132A 404013 Global Relocatable
ED133. 404017 Global Relocatable ED134. 404023 Global Relocatable
ED135. 404026 Global Relocatable ED136. 404031 Global Relocatable
ED137. 404034 Global Relocatable ED138. 404037 Global Relocatable
ED139. 403770 Global Relocatable ED14. 403747 Global Relocatable
ED140. 403773 Global Relocatable ED141. 404041 Global Relocatable
ED142. 404044 Global Relocatable ED144. 404047 Global Relocatable
ED145. 403001 Global Relocatable ED146. 403003 Global Relocatable
ED147. 403005 Global Relocatable ED148. 404055 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 16
ED149. 404061 Global Relocatable ED15. 403026 Global Relocatable
ED150. 404064 Global Relocatable ED151. 404067 Global Relocatable
ED152. 404071 Global Relocatable ED153. 404074 Global Relocatable
ED154. 404077 Global Relocatable ED155. 404101 Global Relocatable
ED156. 404104 Global Relocatable ED157. 404107 Global Relocatable
ED158. 404117 Global Relocatable ED159. 404111 Global Relocatable
ED16. 402623 Global Relocatable ED160. 404114 Global Relocatable
ED161. 404122 Global Relocatable ED163. 404124 Global Relocatable
ED164. 404127 Global Relocatable ED165. 404131 Global Relocatable
ED166. 404134 Global Relocatable ED167. 404144 Global Relocatable
ED167A 404146 Global Relocatable ED167B 404152 Global Relocatable
ED168. 404156 Global Relocatable ED169. 404167 Global Relocatable
ED170. 404160 Global Relocatable ED171. 404163 Global Relocatable
ED172. 404165 Global Relocatable ED173. 404172 Global Relocatable
ED174. 404174 Global Relocatable ED176. 404177 Global Relocatable
ED177. 404202 Global Relocatable ED178. 404204 Global Relocatable
ED179. 404206 Global Relocatable ED18. 402626 Global Relocatable
ED182. 403030 Global Relocatable ED183. 403032 Global Relocatable
ED183A 403034 Global Relocatable ED184. 403036 Global Relocatable
ED185. 403043 Global Relocatable ED186. 403057 Global Relocatable
ED186A 403063 Global Relocatable ED187. 403146 Global Relocatable
ED187A 403152 Global Relocatable ED188. 403112 Global Relocatable
ED189. 403126 Global Relocatable ED19. 402624 Global Relocatable
ED191. 403231 Global Relocatable ED192. 403237 Global Relocatable
ED193. 403046 Global Relocatable ED194. 403053 Global Relocatable
ED195. 403055 Global Relocatable ED196. 403051 Global Relocatable
ED197. 403241 Global Relocatable ED198. 403246 Global Relocatable
ED199. 403061 Global Relocatable ED2. 402611 Global Relocatable
ED20. 402625 Global Relocatable ED200. 403067 Global Relocatable
ED201. 403065 Global Relocatable ED202. 403071 Global Relocatable
ED203. 403074 Global Relocatable ED204. 403077 Global Relocatable
ED205. 403104 Global Relocatable ED206. 403106 Global Relocatable
ED207. 403110 Global Relocatable ED208. 403102 Global Relocatable
ED209. 403131 Global Relocatable ED210. 403133 Global Relocatable
ED211. 403135 Global Relocatable ED212. 403115 Global Relocatable
ED213. 403120 Global Relocatable ED214. 403122 Global Relocatable
ED215. 403124 Global Relocatable ED216. 403150 Global Relocatable
ED217. 403156 Global Relocatable ED218. 403154 Global Relocatable
ED219. 403160 Global Relocatable ED22. 402722 Global Relocatable
ED220. 403162 Global Relocatable ED221. 403164 Global Relocatable
ED222. 403204 Global Relocatable ED223. 403210 Global Relocatable
ED224. 403170 Global Relocatable ED225. 403214 Global Relocatable
ED226. 403217 Global Relocatable ED227. 403222 Global Relocatable
ED228. 403227 Global Relocatable ED229. 403225 Global Relocatable
ED23. 402720 Global Relocatable ED232. 403173 Global Relocatable
ED233. 403176 Global Relocatable ED234. 403201 Global Relocatable
ED24. 402724 Global Relocatable ED25. 402727 Global Relocatable
ED255. 404000 Global Relocatable ED256. 402630 Global Relocatable
ED257. 402632 Global Relocatable ED258. 402634 Global Relocatable
ED259. 402636 Global Relocatable ED25A. 402731 Global Relocatable
ED260. 402640 Global Relocatable ED261. 402652 Global Relocatable
ED262. 402654 Global Relocatable ED263. 402656 Global Relocatable
ED264. 402660 Global Relocatable ED265. 402662 Global Relocatable
ED269. 402642 Global Relocatable ED269A 402650 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 17
ED270. 402664 Global Relocatable ED270A 402671 Global Relocatable
ED271. 403345 Global Relocatable ED271A 403345 Global Relocatable
ED271E 403356 Global Relocatable ED271F 403360 Global Relocatable
ED271G 403366 Global Relocatable ED271H 403370 Global Relocatable
ED272. 403254 Global Relocatable ED28. 402733 Global Relocatable
ED288. 404002 Global Relocatable ED289. 403550 Global Relocatable
ED29. 402735 Global Relocatable ED290. 403561 Global Relocatable
ED291. 403563 Global Relocatable ED292. 403565 Global Relocatable
ED293. 403567 Global Relocatable ED293A 403571 Global Relocatable
ED293B 403573 Global Relocatable ED293C 403575 Global Relocatable
ED293D 403577 Global Relocatable ED294. 403601 Global Relocatable
ED295. 403603 Global Relocatable ED296. 403605 Global Relocatable
ED296A 403607 Global Relocatable ED297. 403611 Global Relocatable
ED297A 403614 Global Relocatable ED298. 403616 Global Relocatable
ED299. 403622 Global Relocatable ED299A 403625 Global Relocatable
ED3. 402613 Global Relocatable ED300. 403630 Global Relocatable
ED301. 403632 Global Relocatable ED302. 403634 Global Relocatable
ED303. 403620 Global Relocatable ED304. 403137 Global Relocatable
ED305. 403141 Global Relocatable ED306. 403144 Global Relocatable
ED31. 402737 Global Relocatable ED310. 403723 Global Relocatable
ED311. 403726 Global Relocatable ED311A 403730 Global Relocatable
ED312. 403733 Global Relocatable ED313. 403735 Global Relocatable
ED314. 403740 Global Relocatable ED315. 403742 Global Relocatable
ED316. 403745 Global Relocatable ED31A. 402742 Global Relocatable
ED31B. 402745 Global Relocatable ED32. 402747 Global Relocatable
ED33. 402752 Global Relocatable ED34. 402755 Global Relocatable
ED35. 402757 Global Relocatable ED36. 402761 Global Relocatable
ED38. 402763 Global Relocatable ED39. 402766 Global Relocatable
ED4. 402615 Global Relocatable ED40. 402770 Global Relocatable
ED41. 402772 Global Relocatable ED42. 402774 Global Relocatable
ED420. 403007 Global Relocatable ED421. 403013 Global Relocatable
ED422. 403016 Global Relocatable ED423. 403020 Global Relocatable
ED424. 403022 Global Relocatable ED425. 403024 Global Relocatable
ED45. 403304 Global Relocatable ED47. 403266 Global Relocatable
ED47A. 403273 Global Relocatable ED48. 403300 Global Relocatable
ED49. 403302 Global Relocatable ED5. 402617 Global Relocatable
ED51. 403307 Global Relocatable ED52. 403316 Global Relocatable
ED53. 403314 Global Relocatable ED54. 403312 Global Relocatable
ED55. 403320 Global Relocatable ED56. 403324 Global Relocatable
ED57. 403326 Global Relocatable ED58. 403331 Global Relocatable
ED58A. 403334 Global Relocatable ED58B. 403337 Global Relocatable
ED6. 402673 Global Relocatable ED60. 403342 Global Relocatable
ED61. 403477 Global Relocatable ED62. 403502 Global Relocatable
ED66. 403400 Global Relocatable ED67. 403505 Global Relocatable
ED68. 403636 Global Relocatable ED68A. 403642 Global Relocatable
ED68B. 403645 Global Relocatable ED7. 402675 Global Relocatable
ED70. 403453 Global Relocatable ED71. 403530 Global Relocatable
ED72. 403467 Global Relocatable ED73. 403471 Global Relocatable
ED76. 403475 Global Relocatable ED79. 403473 Global Relocatable
ED8. 402677 Global Relocatable ED82. 403533 Global Relocatable
ED83. 403536 Global Relocatable ED85. 403541 Global Relocatable
ED86. 403544 Global Relocatable ED87. 403546 Global Relocatable
ED88. 403456 Global Relocatable ED89. 403461 Global Relocatable
ED8A. 402702 Global Relocatable ED8B. 402704 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 18
ED8C. 402706 Global Relocatable ED9. 402710 Global Relocatable
ED90. 403463 Global Relocatable ED91. 403465 Global Relocatable
ED92. 403404 Global Relocatable ED93. 403410 Global Relocatable
ED94. 403413 Global Relocatable ED95. 403431 Global Relocatable
ED95A. 403433 Global Relocatable ED95C. 403435 Global Relocatable
ED95D. 403440 Global Relocatable ED95E. 403443 Global Relocatable
ED95F. 403445 Global Relocatable ED95G. 403447 Global Relocatable
ED95W. 403424 Global Relocatable ED95X. 403426 Global Relocatable
ED96. 403416 Global Relocatable ED96X. 403421 Global Relocatable
ED97. 403451 Global Relocatable ED98. 403510 Global Relocatable
ED99. 403513 Global Relocatable ED9D. 402712 Global Relocatable
ED9E. 402714 Global Relocatable ID0. 402524 Global Relocatable
ID1. 402527 Global Relocatable ID10. 402562 Global Relocatable
ID11. 402564 Global Relocatable ID12. 402566 Global Relocatable
ID13. 402570 Global Relocatable ID15. 402572 Global Relocatable
ID16. 402573 Global Relocatable ID17. 402574 Global Relocatable
ID18. 402575 Global Relocatable ID19. 402577 Global Relocatable
ID1E. 402533 Global Relocatable ID1S. 402531 Global Relocatable
ID2. 402535 Global Relocatable ID27. 402601 Global Relocatable
ID28. 402603 Global Relocatable ID4. 402537 Global Relocatable
ID5. 402541 Global Relocatable ID6. 402543 Global Relocatable
ID6A. 402545 Global Relocatable ID7. 402547 Global Relocatable
ID8. 402556 Global Relocatable ID9. 402560 Global Relocatable
XPNPPL from DSK:XPNPPL.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 18:01:00
High segment starts at 404210 ends at 404277 length 70 (octal), 56. (decimal)
XPNPPL 404210 Entry Relocatable
XPAND from DSK:XPAND.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 18:01:00
High segment starts at 404300 ends at 404620 length 321 (octal), 209. (decimal)
ADDCOR 404560 Entry Relocatable BLTUP 404530 Entry Relocatable
SETCOR 404552 Entry Relocatable XPAND 404300 Global Relocatable
XPNALT 404404 Entry Relocatable XPNCD 404400 Entry Relocatable
XPNCON 404320 Entry Relocatable XPNCPY 404354 Entry Relocatable
XPNCRF 404430 Entry Relocatable XPNDAT 404314 Entry Relocatable
XPNDBD 404374 Entry Relocatable XPNEOP 404300 Entry Relocatable
XPNEXT 404334 Entry Relocatable XPNFIL 404310 Entry Relocatable
XPNFLO 404350 Entry Relocatable XPNHLD 404360 Entry Relocatable
XPNLIT 404324 Entry Relocatable XPNMNE 404344 Entry Relocatable
XPNPRO 404330 Entry Relocatable XPNREN 404410 Entry Relocatable
XPNRES 404420 Entry Relocatable XPNRPW 404364 Entry Relocatable
XPNSEC 404304 Entry Relocatable XPNTAG 404414 Entry Relocatable
XPNTEM 404424 Entry Relocatable XPNUSE 404370 Entry Relocatable
XPNVAL 404340 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 19
GETITM from DSK:GETITM.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:49:00
High segment starts at 404621 ends at 411031 length 4211 (octal), 2185. (decimal)
E.124 174 Global Absolute Suppressed E.273 421 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.279 427 Global Absolute Suppressed E.285 435 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.286 436 Global Absolute Suppressed E.492 754 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.54 66 Global Absolute Suppressed E.55 67 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.56 70 Global Absolute Suppressed E.57 71 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.605 1135 Global Absolute Suppressed E.607 1137 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.620 1154 Global Absolute Suppressed E.633 1171 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.649 1211 Global Absolute Suppressed E.650 1212 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.70 106 Global Absolute Suppressed E.71 107 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.73 111 Global Absolute Suppressed E.74 112 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.75 113 Global Absolute Suppressed E.76 114 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.77 115 Global Absolute Suppressed E.82 122 Global Absolute Suppressed
END2 410215 Global Relocatable FINSKP 406146 Entry Relocatable
GETCH 406055 Entry Relocatable GETFCH 406170 Entry Relocatable
GETITM 404621 Entry Relocatable GETKAR 405734 Entry Relocatable
GETLB9 410256 Global Relocatable GETSRC 406322 Global Relocatable
GETWRD 405124 Entry Relocatable PUTCRF 405071 Entry Relocatable
SKPPGF 410165 Global Relocatable SKPSRC 406536 Entry Relocatable
STINFL from DSK:STINFL.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 18:00:00
High segment starts at 411032 ends at 411240 length 207 (octal), 135. (decimal)
OPENIT 411161 Entry Relocatable STINFL 411032 Entry Relocatable
CLRNAM from DSK:CLRNAM.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:19:00
High segment starts at 411241 ends at 411270 length 30 (octal), 24. (decimal)
CLRNAM 411241 Entry Relocatable
TRYNAM from DSK:TRYNAM.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 18:01:00
High segment starts at 411271 ends at 411622 length 332 (octal), 218. (decimal)
BLDNAM 411357 Entry Relocatable TRYNAM 411271 Entry Relocatable
PUTGEN from DSK:PUTGEN.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:59:00
High segment starts at 411623 ends at 411636 length 14 (octal), 12. (decimal)
PUTGEN 411623 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 20
PUTCPY from DSK:PUTCPY.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:59:00
High segment starts at 411637 ends at 412015 length 157 (octal), 111. (decimal)
PUTCIF 411637 Entry Relocatable PUTCPY 411641 Entry Relocatable
PUTFEL 411743 Entry Relocatable
PUTERA from DSK:PUTERA.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:59:00
High segment starts at 412016 ends at 412046 length 31 (octal), 25. (decimal)
FATAL 412024 Entry Relocatable FATALW 412016 Entry Relocatable
PUTERA 412033 Entry Relocatable WARN 412027 Entry Relocatable
WARNAD 412037 Entry Relocatable WARNW 412021 Entry Relocatable
PUTLST from DSK:PUTLST.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:59:00
High segment starts at 412047 ends at 412201 length 133 (octal), 91. (decimal)
HDROUT 412115 Entry Relocatable LCRLF 412107 Entry Relocatable
LSTMES 412174 Entry Relocatable PUTDEC 412162 Entry Relocatable
PUTLST 412047 Entry Relocatable
COBOLB from DSK:COBOLB.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:26:00
High segment starts at 412202 ends at 414202 length 2001 (octal), 1025. (decimal)
BE125. 412314 Global Relocatable COBOLB 412202 Entry Relocatable
E.1 1 Global Absolute Suppressed E.125 175 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.16 20 Global Absolute Suppressed E.173 255 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.174 256 Global Absolute Suppressed E.175 257 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.19 23 Global Absolute Suppressed E.197 305 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.23 27 Global Absolute Suppressed E.264 410 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.272 420 Global Absolute Suppressed E.3 3 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.30 36 Global Absolute Suppressed E.303 457 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.31 37 Global Absolute Suppressed E.315 473 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.327 507 Global Absolute Suppressed E.4 4 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.43 53 Global Absolute Suppressed E.5 5 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.587 1113 Global Absolute Suppressed E.595 1123 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.6 6 Global Absolute Suppressed E.601 1131 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.609 1141 Global Absolute Suppressed E.634 1172 Global Absolute Suppressed
E.7 7 Global Absolute Suppressed E.99 143 Global Absolute Suppressed
IA0. 412226 Global Relocatable IA0.A 412234 Global Relocatable
IA0.G 412236 Global Relocatable IA0.R 412232 Global Relocatable
IA0A. 412220 Global Relocatable IA0E1. 412240 Global Relocatable
IA0E43 412247 Global Relocatable IA0E5. 412251 Global Relocatable
IA0E7. 412245 Global Relocatable IA0S1. 412242 Global Relocatable
IA1. 412301 Global Relocatable IA1.L 412306 Global Relocatable
IA1.N 412303 Global Relocatable IA10. 412542 Global Relocatable
IA100. 414052 Global Relocatable IA101. 414065 Global Relocatable
IA102. 414106 Global Relocatable IA106. 414111 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 21
IA107. 414115 Global Relocatable IA109. 414121 Global Relocatable
IA12. 412546 Global Relocatable IA13. 412550 Global Relocatable
IA14. 412552 Global Relocatable IA16. 412617 Global Relocatable
IA16C. 412640 Global Relocatable IA18. 412644 Global Relocatable
IA19. 412740 Global Relocatable IA2. 412346 Global Relocatable
IA20. 412756 Global Relocatable IA21. 412765 Global Relocatable
IA22. 412774 Global Relocatable IA22R. 413007 Global Relocatable
IA23. 413011 Global Relocatable IA24. 413016 Global Relocatable
IA25. 413032 Global Relocatable IA26. 413034 Global Relocatable
IA27. 413036 Global Relocatable IA28. 413042 Global Relocatable
IA29. 413062 Global Relocatable IA30. 413115 Global Relocatable
IA30E 413122 Global Relocatable IA31. 413125 Global Relocatable
IA32. 413150 Global Relocatable IA34. 413157 Global Relocatable
IA35. 413232 Global Relocatable IA36. 413247 Global Relocatable
IA37. 413251 Global Relocatable IA38. 413253 Global Relocatable
IA38A. 413305 Global Relocatable IA39. 413331 Global Relocatable
IA4. 412477 Global Relocatable IA40. 413343 Global Relocatable
IA41. 413360 Global Relocatable IA42. 413377 Global Relocatable
IA43. 413401 Global Relocatable IA44. 413446 Global Relocatable
IA46. 413501 Global Relocatable IA47. 413503 Global Relocatable
IA48. 413505 Global Relocatable IA49. 413507 Global Relocatable
IA50. 413511 Global Relocatable IA51. 413516 Global Relocatable
IA52. 413552 Global Relocatable IA54. 413560 Global Relocatable
IA54E. 413557 Global Relocatable IA55. 413562 Global Relocatable
IA56. 413604 Global Relocatable IA57. 413607 Global Relocatable
IA59. 413611 Global Relocatable IA61. 413645 Global Relocatable
IA62. 413651 Global Relocatable IA63. 413655 Global Relocatable
IA63E. 413654 Global Relocatable IA63F. 413653 Global Relocatable
IA67. 413670 Global Relocatable IA68. 413675 Global Relocatable
IA69. 413703 Global Relocatable IA69A. 413713 Global Relocatable
IA69B. 413715 Global Relocatable IA70. 413721 Global Relocatable
IA71. 413723 Global Relocatable IA72. 413725 Global Relocatable
IA73. 413745 Global Relocatable IA74. 413767 Global Relocatable
IA75. 413775 Global Relocatable IA76. 413777 Global Relocatable
IA77. 414001 Global Relocatable IA78. 414003 Global Relocatable
IA79. 414016 Global Relocatable IA8. 412530 Global Relocatable
IA80. 414030 Global Relocatable IA82. 414034 Global Relocatable
IA83. 414040 Global Relocatable IA9. 412537 Global Relocatable
COBOLA from DSK:COBOLA.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:22:00
High segment starts at 414203 ends at 420617 length 4415 (octal), 2317. (decimal)
BADCOM 416167 Global Relocatable COBOLA 414203 Global Relocatable
ASCEBC from DSK:ASCEBC.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:15:00
High segment starts at 420620 ends at 420657 length 40 (octal), 32. (decimal)
ASEBC. 420620 Entry Relocatable
LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 22
EBCASC from DSK:EBCASC.REL[10,131002] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 17:49:00
High segment starts at 420660 ends at 420757 length 100 (octal), 64. (decimal)
EBASC. 420660 Entry Relocatable
Index to LINK symbol map of COBOL version 12B(1131) page 23
Name Page Name Page Name Page Name Page
[End of LINK map of COBOL]