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LINK symbol map of ISAM version 12B(162) page 1
Produced by LINK version 4A(1220) on 14-Jul-81 at 23:27:45
Low segment starts at 0 ends at 1006 length 1007 = 2P
High segment starts at 400000 ends at 411634 length 11635 = 10P
505 words free in Low segment, 99 words free in high segment
149 Global symbols loaded, therefore min. hash size is 166
Start address is 400034, located in program ISAM
Zero length module
ISAM from DSK:ISAM.REL[10,131003] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 23:26:00
Low segment starts at 140 ends at 1006 length 647 (octal), 423. (decimal)
High segment starts at 400010 ends at 410075 length 10066 (octal), 4150. (decimal)
CVARGS 637 Global Relocatable
GD from DSK:LIBOL.REL[10,131003] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 23:19:00
High segment starts at 410076 ends at 410272 length 175 (octal), 125. (decimal)
BIS 0 Global Absolute Suppressed EBCMP. 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
GD6. 410076 Entry Relocatable GD7. 410077 Entry Relocatable
GD9. 410100 Entry Relocatable GDDP5. 410163 Entry Relocatable
GDSKP. 410217 Entry Relocatable GDSP1. 410116 Entry Relocatable
TOPS20 0 Global Absolute Suppressed %%LBLP 1 Global Absolute Suppressed
GC from DSK:LIBOL.REL[10,131003] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 23:19:00
High segment starts at 410273 ends at 410403 length 111 (octal), 73. (decimal)
GC3. 410273 Entry Relocatable
PD from DSK:LIBOL.REL[10,131003] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 23:19:00
High segment starts at 410404 ends at 410701 length 276 (octal), 190. (decimal)
ANS68 1 Global Absolute Suppressed ANS74 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
CVBD.6 410541 Global Relocatable CVBD.7 410541 Global Relocatable
CVBD.9 410541 Global Relocatable DC.TB1 410460 Global Relocatable
DC.TB2 410473 Global Relocatable DECTAB 410460 Global Relocatable
EXP10$ 410674 Global Relocatable HITEN$ 410571 Global Relocatable
LOTEN$ 410642 Global Relocatable PD6. 410404 Entry Relocatable
PD7. 410405 Entry Relocatable PD9. 410406 Entry Relocatable
PTLEN$ 24 Global Absolute Suppressed
LINK symbol map of ISAM version 12B(162) page 2
MAGNEG from DSK:LIBOL.REL[10,131003] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 23:19:00
High segment starts at 410702 ends at 410725 length 24 (octal), 20. (decimal)
MAG. 410702 Entry Relocatable NEG. 410707 Entry Relocatable
NEG.A 410711 Entry Relocatable
SETRET from DSK:LIBOL.REL[10,131003] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 23:19:00
High segment starts at 410726 ends at 410756 length 31 (octal), 25. (decimal)
PACFL. 410756 Global Relocatable PTIBS. 410754 Global Relocatable
PTOBS. 410755 Global Relocatable RET.1 410730 Entry Relocatable
RET.2 410727 Entry Relocatable RET.3 410726 Entry Relocatable
SET1. 410731 Entry Relocatable SET2. 410744 Entry Relocatable
EASTBL from DSK:LIBOL.REL[10,131003] created by MACRO on 14-Jul-81 at 23:19:00
High segment starts at 410757 ends at 411634 length 656 (octal), 430. (decimal)
ADGTL. 321100 Global Absolute Suppressed ADGTR. 411357 Global Relocatable Suppressed
ALFMS. 411632 Global Relocatable ASCSP. 40 Global Absolute Suppressed
ASCZR. 60 Global Absolute Suppressed ASDGL. 321100 Global Absolute Suppressed
ASDGR. 411357 Global Relocatable Suppressed ASGNL. 410100 Global Absolute Suppressed
ASGNR. 411357 Global Relocatable Suppressed DEBUG 0 Global Absolute Suppressed
EASTB. 410757 Entry Relocatable EBCSP. 100 Global Absolute Suppressed
EBCZR. 360 Global Absolute Suppressed EDGTL. 321100 Global Absolute Suppressed
EDGTR. 410757 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESDGL. 321100 Global Absolute Suppressed
ESDGR. 410757 Global Relocatable Suppressed ESGNL. 410100 Global Absolute Suppressed
ESGNR. 410757 Global Relocatable Suppressed IBNCH. 200 Global Absolute Suppressed
IPT671 411613 Global Relocatable IPT67C 411612 Global Relocatable
IPT691 411615 Global Relocatable IPT69C 411614 Global Relocatable
IPT761 411617 Global Relocatable IPT791 411620 Global Relocatable
IPT79C 411616 Global Relocatable IPT961 411621 Global Relocatable
IPT971 411622 Global Relocatable LDGCH. 1000 Global Absolute Suppressed
NOLCH. 300 Global Absolute Suppressed PTR%67 411604 Global Relocatable
PTR%69 411605 Global Relocatable PTR%76 411607 Global Relocatable
PTR%79 411606 Global Relocatable PTR%96 411610 Global Relocatable
PTR%97 411611 Global Relocatable PTR.67 411565 Global Relocatable
PTR.69 411566 Global Relocatable PTR.76 411570 Global Relocatable
PTR.79 411567 Global Relocatable PTR.96 411571 Global Relocatable
PTR.97 411572 Global Relocatable PTR67. 411557 Global Relocatable
PTR69. 411560 Global Relocatable PTR76. 411562 Global Relocatable
PTR79. 411561 Global Relocatable PTR96. 411563 Global Relocatable
PTR97. 411564 Global Relocatable PTRNM. 411627 Global Relocatable
PTRTK. 411624 Global Relocatable RPC.79 411623 Global Relocatable
SDGTL. 321100 Global Absolute Suppressed SDGTR. 411417 Global Relocatable Suppressed
SIXSP. 0 Global Absolute Suppressed SIXZR. 20 Global Absolute Suppressed
SPCCH. 400 Global Absolute Suppressed SSDGL. 321100 Global Absolute Suppressed
SSDGR. 411417 Global Relocatable Suppressed SSGNL. 410100 Global Absolute Suppressed
SSGNR. 411417 Global Relocatable Suppressed SU.D67 411601 Global Relocatable
SU.D69 411602 Global Relocatable SU.D79 411603 Global Relocatable
LINK symbol map of ISAM version 12B(162) page 3
SU.S67 411573 Global Relocatable SU.S69 411574 Global Relocatable
SU.S76 411575 Global Relocatable SU.S79 411576 Global Relocatable
SU.S96 411577 Global Relocatable SU.S97 411600 Global Relocatable
TBLCP. 411557 Global Relocatable TYPCD. 410757 Global Relocatable
VALCH. 17 Global Absolute Suppressed
Index to LINK symbol map of ISAM version 12B(162) page 4
Name Page Name Page Name Page Name Page
GC 1 ISAM 1 PD 1
[End of LINK map of ISAM]