PDP-10 Archives
There are 8 other files named dmprel.exe in the archive. Click here to see a list.
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End of file
Summary of the number of different REL block types Type Count Name
? Unexpected end of file within record? Word count exceeds internal buffer capacity
? Unsupported block type
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? Too many different block types
,>@ 2|+4 . ( %2F+0:+@ 2&%+3 =+ 9+: "z2B+8,>A,NO@>+@ .$ += $ F% F/"2"+: Bp% " Bp,^,~%% Unterminated Polish string
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Embedded ASCIZ Text
Record Type Word count
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}RH chained relocationRH additive relocationRH additive definition of LH additive relocationRH additive definition of *** Unassigned symbol code in bits 0 to 3 ***
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High segment break: Low segment origin:
Low segment break: ,>,> 4bc1b+d,<+v,x ,x ,>w,N \x,,>x,N Xx,,>
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*** Unassigned processor code(s) in bits 0 to 5 ***
*** Unassigned translator code in bits 6 to 17 ***
COMMON length: ,>,>,>,>> 4b
x,>N+ &" &}. &" "(BcB+
a JOBDATtypestart address Entry vector length: Start address: ##+,> 4b
@,N>}.<3|+Store leftPhalfPsymbolStoreorightahalfesymbolStoreofullwordwchainedStorenleft*half chainedStore right half chained
2"dBx,>,~ +<`4\0\+,>V,E>aB+,x ,x+(0\+,>V,E>aB+,+1<+1|+-0<~0|+,>
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Chain Offset
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Passby addressPassby descriptorImmediatevaluebdf,>,>,>,>u,@@+p,Xx,:.<3|+n,>v,N>,^,^,^,~b,>,>@+},>u,@,,>,:,>v,N>~.<3|+y,^,^,~ Bytecount: POINT1,## ,>,>,>,>,>,>,2BQB9,avp+ =I@+F0T+8,>X,N+9,>W,@0R+>,>X,@,>,V,>X+B0R+C,>Y,@.",>,@,>Y,@+F,>,>V,>R,t>~.43t+6,>v,N>.<3<+5>{,^,^,^,^,^,^,~
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Links containing the following symbols are writable:
Reserved field contains: ? Insufficient number of words for symbol name
,>,>,>6`+c,<+>,2 av+g,>,N>7`+j,>,N>? +,2 avp+q,>u,@,>u,@ Vx,:>+<4\v,>,N \x,>V,>R,t,>v,N>~8/83x+{,>,N:>+".B,>u,@ 9,2,>,:>=|~,>v,N>+j,^,^,^,~
% Unknown R field value
Program name
% Unknown flags set
Local definition, extended value, suppressed to DDT, map file only
% Unknown flags set
Global request, chainedadditivesymbol ignoredunknownunknownRHLHunknown30-bitFullword!"#$$%&' fixupGlobal definition, extended value, unknown, RH fixup, LH fixup, RH & LH fixup, 30-bit fixup, fullword fixup/0234689, suppressed to DDT, map file onlyBlock name
% Unknown flags set
% Unknown code value
,>,>,>,>,>,>,>>7`+;,2 >aX+U,5 Bx,5 >+UO`x,2 >,>u,@0?,>,>V,>D,t,>D,NO+^,2,>,:>.6"@3v+\ $@//" B,>E,B4@0T+f`x+i1T`x@+o"A0B+o@+l,2,>,:>.63v+j".B+"A0B+r Rx,:+"B+
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(,-<@BDEHPsect index = Stack absolute Stack relocatable Stack symbol Store of unknown typeSymbol fixup Store (Full word) (30-bit) (Left half) (Right half) % More than one unused halfword following Polish string
,>,>,>,>,>6`+l,<+X $" B,>R,E>aB+X,x <[8[,>u,@ Tx,>V,>x,t,>u,@0\+|,>\,N .",>,>V,>D,t>~+P5X,>],N,>R,E>aB+,x 4|,>R,E>aB+,x +0X+,>],N,>R,E>aB+,x l44|,>R,E>aB+,x 0\+ Rx,>V,>x,t>+ Rx, Tx,+P0X+!,>^,N .",>,E>`B+>}+XO+,x,>,:>.63v++P08 0x?+$,>dT,N+P08`0x+P08`0xs+(,>^+-08t0xw++,>_+-08x0x+.,>_,N>08x0x+;,>R,E>aB+@,x 08|l4a\+9,>R,E>aB+@,x Rx, Tx,+E08t0xw+E .",>,E>`B+A>~+XO+D,x,>,:>.63v+B,>u,@"\/"4"P1"+
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PQSUWY[\]^`a? Insufficient number of words for addresses
Subroutine entry description Argument block address: Associated call address: Descriptor load address: ? Insufficient number of words for routine name
Routine name: Number of arguments = , number must match
Block refers to a routine calldefinition Block will be loaded into the core image
Last descriptor is a routine value
Called routine Caller must can't return expect a value
Unknown flag bits = ? Insufficient data words for all descriptors
? Insufficient data words for a descriptor
Argument #
Mechanism: TP.CNV
No update
Compile time constant
TP.STR = Implicit argument descriptor
TP.RES = Number of secondary descriptors = ? Insufficient data words for this secondary descriptor
Descriptor # Actual length can differ from formalmust = formalmust be < formalmust be <= formalmust be > formalmust be >= formal?BCEGI
Argumentlength:~,>,>,>,>,>>\"~.B6z+Y,>x,N:>+q"x,>",>,5\6@~+,>y,N+b,>y,N\x,>~,>N,2!Bz,>|,NZz,>,>R,>R,t6Bx+%,>+%,>,N,>,N>}<t4\-,>,N \x,>V,>R,t,>v,N>~3t+/,>+1@+n> +3,>,N:>w+q,2 Bw,>,N Rx,>R,>R,t,>,N"u,>,
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,N:>p+q@+l,2 Bp,>
,N \x,>R,>R,t,>v,N,>,N"w,>,>, :,>
t$r r$rB
"#i%'(+-026<=LO Formal: Is updated by routineIsn't updated by routine
Actual: Can be changedCan't be changed Formal:
Actual: Formal:
Actual: Formal: Isn't a constantIs a constant "
Actual: Isn't a constantIs a constant') Condition: Number of formals and actuals do not match% Formal/Actual word was not zero
Called routine: Doesn't return a valueReturns a value7:
Caller: Can't use a return valueNeeds a return value?A Condition: Length of a formal and actual do not match
% Formal/Actual word was not zero
If a (unknown) mismatch occurs with formal type and actual type
Action: Give a fatal error messageGive an informational messageGive a warningGive an error messageChange string descriptor to pointerDo nothing[^`bf,>,>,>,>,> "cB+p,<+3 /2\4+2,2 6p[48z18+dv+z+++++++&,>6,N Xx,>V,>R,t,>7,N,2 [\x,>V,>R,t,>7,N[\x,>V,>R,t>|+*,2 ,>8,N[\x,>8, :,>9,NZ\x,>9+%,2 ,>:,N[\x,>, :,>:,NZ\x,>+%,2 ,>;,N[\x,
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