
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-K818A-BM_1981 - sources/imain.for
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C imain> ReGIS input -- Main control
C ################################################
C 	Graphics Editor - Input Module		#
C 	Rick Ace				#
C 	New York Institute of Technology	#
C 	July, 1980				#
C ################################################
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C operating-system-dependent switches
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   			C O P Y R I G H T
C   		Copyright (C) 1980 by
C   		Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   	This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
C   	copied  only  in accordance with the terms of such license and
C   	with the  inclusion  of  the  above  copyright  notice.   This
C   	software  or  any  other copies thereof may not be provided or
C   	otherwise made available to any other person.  No title to and
C   	ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
C   	The information in this software is subject to change  without
C   	notice  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
C   	Equipment Corporation.
C   	DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability
C   	of its software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL.
C 	define char byte
C  27+128
C  w(riting) opt(ion)s come groups of 8:
C 	(1) replace(0)/erase(1)/complement(2)/overlay(3)
C 	(2) negative image 0/1
C 	(3) pattern  < 256	bit mask (e.g. 192 = P11000000)
C 		    >= 256	canned pattern * 256 (e.g. 512 = P2)
C 				if value >= 256, low 8 bits are ignored
C 	(4) pattern multiplier, different from 6(?)
C 	(5) shading flag, sim pattern+ >= 10 use char
C 	(6) if shading != 0 this is y reference val
C 	(7) pixel multiplier, 1 <= value <= 10
C 	(8) alternating 0/1
C 	(9) foreground intensity, 0 <= value <= 7
C 	(10) background intensity, 0 <= value <= 7
C   offsets from gwopsp...
C   Inktypes...
C   Inkolors...
C Text options
C 	RSTSONLY	define Maxgels 1000	# due to limited RAM on RSTS
C   drawing primitive gels...
C   attribute/marker/other gels...
C   writing attribute gels : Woptbase + wopindex
C   similarly topts...
C maximum # of characters in a filespec
C maximum # of characters in a command line
C max length of prompt buffer
C max number of characters in file record
C size of record buffers (Fbufsz + 1)
C 	include logdef
C ========================================================================
C ========================================================================
C inrgis - this is the main control subroutine for reading a
C 	  ReGIS file; it is called from the getgel routine.
C 	  It gets the name of the next ReGIS command and then
C 	  invokes the appropriate processing routine.
      subroutine inrgis ( loc )
      integer loc
C ## currently unused
      integer dollar , dotgel , gel ( 3000 ) , goflo
      common / cgelly / dotgel , dollar , gel , goflo
C cram> GIGI "RAM" common
C size of coordinate stack (P,V,C commands)
      integer prmtop ( 10 )
C permanent text options
      integer wrkwop ( 10 )
C filled in by rdwopt
      integer prmwop ( 10 )
C permanent writing options
      integer tmpwop ( 10 )
C temporary writing options
      integer xpos , ypos
C coordinates of current cursor position
      integer xystak ( 10 , 2 )
C coordinate stack (P,V commands)
      integer xysp
C coordinate stack pointer
      integer cdum
C garbage argument for rdpos
      common / cram / prmtop , wrkwop , prmwop , tmpwop , xpos , ypos , 
     *xystak , xysp , cdum
C tram> COMMON parameters set by T (text) command
C  Note:  rmul and cmul conform to the VK100 microcode definitions
C 	 thus the M option is parsed as M[cmul,rmul]
C size of tram vector
      logical tspflg
C .true. if [+-xspac,+-yspac] seen
      integer tramsv ( 9 )
C tram copied here by T(B); copied back by T(E)
      integer tram ( 9 )
C vector that contains all the T-ram stuff
      integer rmul , cmul
C row, column multiplier
      integer rsize , csize
C row, column size
      integer xtchg , ytchg
C xspac and yspac
      integer alphab
C alphabet (0 to 3)
      integer slant
C italic slant (-45 to +45)
      integer trdir
C rotation angle / 45 (0 to 7)
      equivalence ( tram ( 1 ) , rmul )
      equivalence ( tram ( 2 ) , cmul )
      equivalence ( tram ( 3 ) , rsize )
      equivalence ( tram ( 4 ) , csize )
      equivalence ( tram ( 5 ) , xtchg )
      equivalence ( tram ( 6 ) , ytchg )
      equivalence ( tram ( 7 ) , alphab )
      equivalence ( tram ( 8 ) , slant )
      equivalence ( tram ( 9 ) , trdir )
      common / trcom / tspflg , tramsv , tram
      common / glopts / wrtopt , wrtcrv , wrtlin , wrtbox , wrtcir , wrt
     *txt , txtopt , gwopsp , gwop , ttytop
      integer wrtopt ( 10 ) , wrtcrv ( 10 ) , wrtlin ( 10 ) , wrtbox ( 1
     *0 )
      integer wrtcir ( 10 ) , wrttxt ( 10 ) , txtopt ( 6 ) , ttytop ( 6 
      integer gwop ( 36 ) , gwopsp
C         ^ should be Woplen*Maxwops
      integer ch , i , ksync , obnest , orgdol , skpbal
      integer itop ( 6 )
C initial text options
      integer iwop ( 10 )
C initial writing options
      data itop ( 1 ) , itop ( 2 ) , itop ( 3 ) , itop ( 4 ) / 0 , 1 , 2
     * , 0 /
      data itop ( 5 ) , itop ( 6 ) / 0 , 0 /
      data iwop ( 1 ) , iwop ( 2 ) , iwop ( 3 ) / 3 , 0 , 255 /
      data iwop ( 4 ) , iwop ( 5 ) , iwop ( 6 ) / 2 , 0 , 0 /
      data iwop ( 7 ) , iwop ( 8 ) , iwop ( 9 ) / 1 , 0 , 7 /
      data iwop ( 10 ) / 0 /
C  --- Initialization --- #
      orgdol = dollar
C save initial $ for mv2loc
      xpos = 0
      ypos = 0
C home the cursor
      xysp = 0
C clear the XY stack
      do 23000 i = 1 , 6
C set dummy values so mrgopt can work
      prmtop ( i ) = - 1
23000 continue
23001 continue
      do 23002 i = 1 , 10
      prmwop ( i ) = - 1
C call copywo(itop,prmtop,Toplen)	#copy initial values to perm
C call copywo(iwop,prmwop,Woplen)
23002 continue
23003 continue
      call mrgopt ( itop , prmtop , 6 , 255 )
C copy initial values & make gelly
      call mrgopt ( iwop , prmwop , 10 , 127 )
      call sumopt ( dollar , prmwop , prmtop )
      call topram
C convert toptions to T-ram
      call copywo ( tram , tramsv , 9 )
C copy T-ram to saved T-ram
      call copywo ( prmwop , tmpwop , 10 )
C copy perm wops to temp
      goflo = 0
C no gel vector overflow (yet)
      call chinit
C init character-handler data
      call mgclr
C initialize macrograph storage
C  --- Loop to process ReGIS commands --- #
23004 continue
C beginning a new ReGIS command
      call mrgopt ( prmwop , tmpwop , 10 , 127 )
C restore permanent wops
C parse command; if the command is unrecognizable, I ignore it
      if(.not.( ksync ( 1 ) .eq. ( - 1 ) ))goto 23007
      goto 23006
C clear sync-wait, break on Eof
23007 continue
      call gnbc ( ch )
C get next non-blank character
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 115 ))goto 23009
      call cmds
      goto 23010
23009 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 119 ))goto 23011
      call cmdw
      goto 23012
23011 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 112 ))goto 23013
      call cmdp
      goto 23014
23013 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 118 ))goto 23015
      call cmdv
      goto 23016
23015 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 99 ))goto 23017
      call cmdc
      goto 23018
23017 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 116 ))goto 23019
      call cmdt
      goto 23020
23019 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 108 ))goto 23021
      call cmdl
      goto 23022
23021 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 114 ))goto 23023
      call cmdr
C  ' " or [	Want to skip this construct like VK100 does
C If skpbal == 1, then quoted string was skipped, so
C call cstrg to process things of the form ;"..."
      goto 23024
23023 continue
      if(.not.( skpbal ( ch ) .eq. 1 ))goto 23025
      call cstrg
23025 continue
23024 continue
23022 continue
23020 continue
23018 continue
23016 continue
23014 continue
23012 continue
23010 continue
C end of ReGIS file encountered; wrap up any open objects
23005 goto 23004
23006 continue
       i = obnest ( 3 )
23027 if(.not.( 23029
      call gel1 ( 13 )
C the following is not correct if the gelly is not at the end
23028 i=i-1
      goto 23027
23029 continue
      call copywo ( prmwop , wrtopt , 10 )
      call regis
      call glowop
C set all these things to resultant modes
      call unrgis
C (also sets terminal)
      if(.not.( goflo .eq. 0 ))goto 23030
      call mv2loc ( loc , orgdol )
C relocate the new gelly
      goto 23031
23030 continue
      dollar = orgdol
C overflow, delete all new gelly
      gel ( dollar ) = 0
23031 continue