
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-K818A-BM_1981 - sources/inch.for
There are no other files named inch.for in the archive.
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C operating-system-dependent switches
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   			C O P Y R I G H T
C   		Copyright (C) 1980 by
C   		Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   	This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
C   	copied  only  in accordance with the terms of such license and
C   	with the  inclusion  of  the  above  copyright  notice.   This
C   	software  or  any  other copies thereof may not be provided or
C   	otherwise made available to any other person.  No title to and
C   	ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
C   	The information in this software is subject to change  without
C   	notice  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
C   	Equipment Corporation.
C   	DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability
C   	of its software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL.
C 	define char byte
C  27+128
C  w(riting) opt(ion)s come groups of 8:
C 	(1) replace(0)/erase(1)/complement(2)/overlay(3)
C 	(2) negative image 0/1
C 	(3) pattern  < 256	bit mask (e.g. 192 = P11000000)
C 		    >= 256	canned pattern * 256 (e.g. 512 = P2)
C 				if value >= 256, low 8 bits are ignored
C 	(4) pattern multiplier, different from 6(?)
C 	(5) shading flag, sim pattern+ >= 10 use char
C 	(6) if shading != 0 this is y reference val
C 	(7) pixel multiplier, 1 <= value <= 10
C 	(8) alternating 0/1
C 	(9) foreground intensity, 0 <= value <= 7
C 	(10) background intensity, 0 <= value <= 7
C   offsets from gwopsp...
C   Inktypes...
C   Inkolors...
C Text options
C 	RSTSONLY	define Maxgels 1000	# due to limited RAM on RSTS
C   drawing primitive gels...
C   attribute/marker/other gels...
C   writing attribute gels : Woptbase + wopindex
C   similarly topts...
C maximum # of characters in a filespec
C maximum # of characters in a command line
C max length of prompt buffer
C max number of characters in file record
C size of record buffers (Fbufsz + 1)
C 	include logdef
C ========================================================================
C ========================================================================
      integer function uprmt ( s )
      integer s ( 1 )
      integer cmprmt ( 130 )
C prompting text
      integer lin ( 80 )
C tty input buffer
      integer tm
C original TM value (0 VT52, 1 ANSI)
      common / ctty / tm , cmprmt , lin
      integer i , j , strlen
C string topv52 \233H\233K
C string topans \233[m\233[H\233[K
      integer topv52 ( 5 )
      integer topans ( 10 )
      data topv52 ( 1 ) , topv52 ( 2 ) , topv52 ( 3 ) , topv52 ( 4 ) , t
     *opv52 ( 5 ) / 155 , 72 , 155 , 75 , 0 /
      data topans ( 1 ) , topans ( 2 ) , topans ( 3 ) , topans ( 4 ) , t
     *opans ( 5 ) / 155 , 91 , 109 , 155 , 91 /
      data topans ( 6 ) , topans ( 7 ) , topans ( 8 ) , topans ( 9 ) , t
     *opans ( 10 ) / 72 , 155 , 91 , 75 , 0 /
      uprmt = 0
      if(.not.( cmprmt ( 1 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23000
      if(.not.( tm .ne. 0 ))goto 23002
      call cpystr ( topans , cmprmt )
      goto 23003
23002 continue
      call cpystr ( topv52 , cmprmt )
23003 continue
23000 continue
      i = strlen ( cmprmt )
       j = 1
23004 if(.not.(s(j) 23006
      cmprmt ( i ) = s ( j )
      i = i + 1
23005 j=j+1
      goto 23004
23006 continue
      cmprmt ( i ) = 0
      integer function err ( msg )
      integer msg ( 1 )
C 	include logcom
C string huh \7?\
      integer huh ( 4 )
      data huh ( 1 ) , huh ( 2 ) , huh ( 3 ) , huh ( 4 ) / 7 , 63 , 32 ,
     * 0 /
C 	LOGSTAR 'cerror>'
C 	call putarg (msg)
      err = 0
      call uprmt ( msg )
      call uprmt ( huh )
      integer function inch ( c )
      integer c
      integer cmprmt ( 130 )
C prompting text
      integer lin ( 80 )
C tty input buffer
      integer tm
C original TM value (0 VT52, 1 ANSI)
      common / ctty / tm , cmprmt , lin
      integer curdx , curdy , smalld , larged
      integer scf , lorng , hirng
      integer cname ( 75 )
      common / keypad / curdx , curdy , smalld , larged , scf , lorng , 
     *hirng , cname
      integer getlin , scncmd
      integer nc
C 	include logcom
      nc = getlin ( cmprmt , lin , 80 )
      cmprmt ( 1 ) = 0
C 	call putarg(lin)
      if(.not.( nc .eq. 0 .or. ( nc .eq. 1 .and. scf .eq. 0 ) ))goto 230
      c = 0
      inch = ( - 1 )
23007 continue
      if(.not.( nc .eq. 1 .and. scf .ne. 0 ))goto 23009
C  then must be '\n'
      nc = getlin ( 0 , lin , 80 )
C 	call putarg(lin)
23009 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 1 ) .lt. 28 .or. lin ( 1 ) .gt. 31 ))goto 23011
      if(.not.( scf .ne. 0 ))goto 23013
      c = lin ( 1 )
      goto 23014
23013 continue
      c = scncmd ( lin )
23014 continue
      goto 23012
23011 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 1 ) .eq. 28 ))goto 23015
      if(.not.( nc .lt. 3 ))goto 23017
      curdx = 0
      curdy = - smalld
      c = 256
      goto 23018
23017 continue
      if(.not.( nc .gt. 3 ))goto 23019
      c = 273
      goto 23020
23019 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 28 ))goto 23021
      curdx = - larged
      curdy = larged
      c = 266
      goto 23022
23021 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 29 ))goto 23023
      curdx = 0
      curdy = larged
      c = 261
      goto 23024
23023 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 30 ))goto 23025
      curdx = larged
      curdy = larged
      c = 267
      goto 23026
23025 continue
      curdx = - larged
      curdy = 0
      c = 262
23026 continue
23024 continue
23022 continue
23020 continue
23018 continue
      goto 23016
23015 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 1 ) .eq. 29 ))goto 23027
      if(.not.( nc .lt. 3 ))goto 23029
      curdx = 0
      curdy = smalld
      c = 257
      goto 23030
23029 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 28 ))goto 23031
      c = 277
      goto 23032
23031 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 29 ))goto 23033
      curdx = larged
      curdy = 0
      c = 263
      goto 23034
23033 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 30 ))goto 23035
      curdx = - larged
      curdy = - larged
      c = 264
      goto 23036
23035 continue
      curdx = 0
      curdy = - larged
      c = 260
23036 continue
23034 continue
23032 continue
23030 continue
      goto 23028
23027 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 1 ) .eq. 30 ))goto 23037
      if(.not.( nc .lt. 3 ))goto 23039
      curdx = - smalld
      curdy = 0
      c = 258
      goto 23040
23039 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 28 ))goto 23041
      curdx = larged
      curdy = - larged
      c = 265
      goto 23042
23041 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 29 ))goto 23043
      c = 276
      goto 23044
23043 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 30 ))goto 23045
      c = 274
      goto 23046
23045 continue
      c = 275
23046 continue
23044 continue
23042 continue
23040 continue
      goto 23038
23037 continue
      if(.not.( nc .lt. 3 ))goto 23047
      curdx = smalld
      curdy = 0
      c = 259
      goto 23048
23047 continue
      if(.not.( nc .gt. 3 ))goto 23049
      c = 268
      goto 23050
23049 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 28 ))goto 23051
      c = 269
      goto 23052
23051 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 29 ))goto 23053
      c = 270
      goto 23054
23053 continue
      if(.not.( lin ( 2 ) .eq. 30 ))goto 23055
      c = 271
      goto 23056
23055 continue
      c = 272
23056 continue
23054 continue
23052 continue
23050 continue
23048 continue
23038 continue
23028 continue
23016 continue
23012 continue
      inch = c
C clreol - clear from text-mode cursor to end-of-line
      integer function clreol ( noargs )
      integer noargs
      integer cmprmt ( 130 )
C prompting text
      integer lin ( 80 )
C tty input buffer
      integer tm
C original TM value (0 VT52, 1 ANSI)
      common / ctty / tm , cmprmt , lin
      call putc ( 155 )
      if(.not.( tm .ne. 0 ))goto 23057
      call putc ( 91 )
23057 continue
      call putc ( 75 )
      clreol = 0
C home - home the text-mode cursor
      integer function home ( noargs )
      integer noargs
      integer cmprmt ( 130 )
C prompting text
      integer lin ( 80 )
C tty input buffer
      integer tm
C original TM value (0 VT52, 1 ANSI)
      common / ctty / tm , cmprmt , lin
C string hom52 \233H
C string homans \233[m\233[H
      integer hom52 ( 3 )
      integer homans ( 7 )
      data hom52 ( 1 ) , hom52 ( 2 ) , hom52 ( 3 ) / 155 , 72 , 0 /
      data homans ( 1 ) , homans ( 2 ) , homans ( 3 ) , homans ( 4 ) , h
     *omans ( 5 ) / 155 , 91 , 109 , 155 , 91 /
      data homans ( 6 ) , homans ( 7 ) / 72 , 0 /
      if(.not.( tm .ne. 0 ))goto 23059
      call putcha ( homans )
      goto 23060
23059 continue
      call putcha ( hom52 )
23060 continue
C VT52
      home = 0
C foot - put the text-mode cursor at the foot of the screen
      integer function foot ( noargs )
      integer noargs
      integer cmprmt ( 130 )
C prompting text
      integer lin ( 80 )
C tty input buffer
      integer tm
C original TM value (0 VT52, 1 ANSI)
      common / ctty / tm , cmprmt , lin
C string fot52 \233Y7\40
C string fotans \233[m\233[24;1H
      integer fot52 ( 5 )
      integer fotans ( 11 )
      data fot52 ( 1 ) , fot52 ( 2 ) , fot52 ( 3 ) , fot52 ( 4 ) , fot52
     * ( 5 ) / 155 , 89 , 55 , 32 , 0 /
      data fotans ( 1 ) , fotans ( 2 ) , fotans ( 3 ) , fotans ( 4 ) , f
     *otans ( 5 ) / 155 , 91 , 109 , 155 , 91 /
      data fotans ( 6 ) , fotans ( 7 ) , fotans ( 8 ) , fotans ( 9 ) , f
     *otans ( 10 ) / 50 , 52 , 59 , 49 , 72 /
      data fotans ( 11 ) / 0 /
      if(.not.( tm .ne. 0 ))goto 23061
      call putcha ( fotans )
      goto 23062
23061 continue
      call putcha ( fot52 )
23062 continue
C VT52
      foot = 0