
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-K829A-BM_1981 - sources/gt.for
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C gt> VK100 control
C RTA 10/23/80 Font-name fixes for Charlie Rose
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C operating system dependent switches
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  copyright notice
C   			C O P Y R I G H T
C   		Copyright (C) 1980 by
C   		Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   	This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
C   	copied  only  in accordance with the terms of such license and
C   	with the  inclusion  of  the  above  copyright  notice.   This
C   	software  or  any  other copies thereof may not be provided or
C   	otherwise made available to any other person.  No title to and
C   	ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
C   	The information in this software is subject to change  without
C   	notice  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
C   	Equipment Corporation.
C   	DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability
C   	of its software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL.
C ** Symbolic definitions **
C  data types
C 	define character byte
C max string storage
C max string index storage
C  important string indices (see gs module)
C  cdisp - function codes
C  coord - axis codes
C  cpystr - option codes
C  da1 - function codes
C  da2 - function codes
C  dcs - function codes
C  ffopen - modes
C  frtyp - record types
C  (careful - used in computed goto's)
C  ftran - function codes
C  undo - function codes
C  utty - function codes
C  codes returned by keypad function
C  character types
C  composites
C  colors - temporarily all white
C  screen dimensions (pixels)
C  displays in area 3
C  must match showtab in gm
C  maximum mosaic dimensions
C  dimensions of mosaic display window
C  quan to subtract from char to get fmat/fmatc subscript
C  lowest, highest, number of characters in VK100 font
C  number of loadable fonts in VK100
C  character definitions
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  character definitions
C  To simplify area and object positioning on the VK100 screen,
C  this module contains definitions of points and a subroutine
C  to reference them.  Points are numbered according to the scheme:
C  	0-99	 Screen-wide points (points 1 thru 4 are the upper
C  		 left-hand corners of areas 1 thru 4, respectively)
C  	100-199	 Points in area 1
C  	200-299	 Points in area 2
C  	300-399	 Points in area 3
C  The p0def array contains X and Y coordinates of points 0-99.
C  The p1def, p2def, and p3def arrays contain offsets into their
C  respective areas.  These offsets must be added to the coordinates
C  of the upper left-hand corner of the area to get the absolute
C  screen coordinates of the desired point (this was done to make it
C  easy to change the positions of the areas without having to change
C  the interior point definitions in the process).
C  The coord function returns the X or Y coordinate of a point.
C 		     Map of Points 0 thru 7
C       1 ------------------------------------------------
C 	 !		      Area 1			!
C 	 !			3			!
C       2 ------------------------------------------------ 0
C 	 !			!			!
C 	 !	  Area 2	!	  Area 3	!
C 	 !			!			!
C 	 !			!			!
C       4 ------------------------------------------------ 6
C 	 !			5			!
C 	 !		      Area 4			!
C 	 ------------------------------------------------ 7
      block data
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gtcom>
      integer p0def ( 8 , 2 ) , p1def ( 5 , 2 ) , p2def ( 1 , 2 ) , p3de
     *f ( 6 , 2 )
      common / gtcom /  p0def , p1def , p2def , p3def , nogrph
C x,y coordinates of points in area 0
C x,y coordinates of points in area 1
C x,y coordinates of points in area 2
C x,y coordinates of points in area 3
C if nonzero, don't send <esc>Pp sequence
      data p0def ( 1 , 1 ) , p0def ( 1 , 2 ) , p0def ( 2 , 1 ) , p0def (
     * 2 , 2 ) / 767 , 82 , 0 , 0 /
      data p0def ( 3 , 1 ) , p0def ( 3 , 2 ) , p0def ( 4 , 1 ) , p0def (
     * 4 , 2 ) / 0 , 82 , 347 , 82 /
      data p0def ( 5 , 1 ) , p0def ( 5 , 2 ) , p0def ( 6 , 1 ) , p0def (
     * 6 , 2 ) / 0 , 436 , 347 , 436 /
      data p0def ( 7 , 1 ) , p0def ( 7 , 2 ) , p0def ( 8 , 1 ) , p0def (
     * 8 , 2 ) / 767 , 436 , 767 , 479 /
      data p1def ( 1 , 1 ) , p1def ( 1 , 2 ) , p1def ( 2 , 1 ) , p1def (
     * 2 , 2 ) / 0 , 0 , 135 , 0 /
      data p1def ( 3 , 1 ) , p1def ( 3 , 2 ) , p1def ( 4 , 1 ) , p1def (
     * 4 , 2 ) / 135 , 20 , 135 , 40 /
      data p1def ( 5 , 1 ) , p1def ( 5 , 2 ) / 135 , 60 /
C  200 upper left corner of window; changed by windim routine
      data p2def ( 1 , 1 ) , p2def ( 1 , 2 ) / 24 , 24 /
C  300 mosmap characters, 301 mosmap window, 302 help
C  303 cdisp character # 1, 304 alternate-character mosaic
      data p3def ( 1 , 1 ) , p3def ( 1 , 2 ) , p3def ( 2 , 1 ) , p3def (
     * 2 , 2 ) / 58 , 38 , 52 , 56 /
      data p3def ( 3 , 1 ) , p3def ( 3 , 2 ) , p3def ( 4 , 1 ) , p3def (
     * 4 , 2 ) / 12 , 12 , 15 , 10 /
      data p3def ( 5 , 1 ) , p3def ( 5 , 2 ) , p3def ( 6 , 1 ) , p3def (
     * 6 , 2 ) / 40 , 20 , 20 , 27 /
      data nogrph / 0 /
C clr - clear rectangle given opposite corners
C       the perimeter of the rectangle is not cleared
      subroutine clr ( point1 , point2 )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      x1 = coord ( point1 , 1 )
      y1 = coord ( point1 , 2 )
      x2 = coord ( point2 , 1 )
      y2 = coord ( point2 , 2 )
      call sqz ( x1 , x2 , 767 )
      call sqz ( y1 , y2 , 479 )
      call dcs ( - 3 )
      call pr4 ( 105 , x1 , y1 , y2 , x2 )
C @105 p[%d,%d]w(s1)p[,%d]v(w(e))[%d]
C coord - return coordinate of point
      integer function coord ( point , xy )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gtcom>
      integer p0def ( 8 , 2 ) , p1def ( 5 , 2 ) , p2def ( 1 , 2 ) , p3de
     *f ( 6 , 2 )
      common / gtcom /  p0def , p1def , p2def , p3def , nogrph
C x,y coordinates of points in area 0
C x,y coordinates of points in area 1
C x,y coordinates of points in area 2
C x,y coordinates of points in area 3
C if nonzero, don't send <esc>Pp sequence
      pf = mod ( point , 100 )
      goto ( 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 ) , point / 100 + 1
10    coord = p0def ( pf + 1 , xy )
11    coord = p0def ( 2 , xy ) + p1def ( pf + 1 , xy )
12    coord = p0def ( 3 , xy ) + p2def ( pf + 1 , xy )
13    coord = p0def ( 4 , xy ) + p3def ( pf + 1 , xy )
C dcs - send device control strings
      subroutine dcs ( func )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gscom>
      integer sv ( 4000 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C string vector - ALL strings live here
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gtcom>
      integer p0def ( 8 , 2 ) , p1def ( 5 , 2 ) , p2def ( 1 , 2 ) , p3de
     *f ( 6 , 2 )
      common / gtcom /  p0def , p1def , p2def , p3def , nogrph
C x,y coordinates of points in area 0
C x,y coordinates of points in area 1
C x,y coordinates of points in area 2
C x,y coordinates of points in area 3
C if nonzero, don't send <esc>Pp sequence
      dimension f2n ( 6 )
C  function code to string number mapping
C @10 \033[2J
C @11 \033[K
C @12 \033[23;1H\033[K
C @13 \033[24;1H\033[K
C @14 \033<
C @15 \033[?2l
      data f2n ( 1 ) , f2n ( 2 ) , f2n ( 3 ) , f2n ( 4 ) , f2n ( 5 ) , f
     *2n ( 6 ) / 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 /
      data modef / - 2 /
      if(.not.( func .eq. - 4 ))goto 23000
      f2n ( 5 ) = 1
      f2n ( 6 ) = 1
23000 continue
      if(.not.( func .gt. 0 ))goto 23002
      if(.not.( modef .ne. - 2 ))goto 23004
      call pr0 ( 101 )
      modef = - 2
23004 continue
      call pr0 ( f2n ( func ) )
23002 continue
      f1 = func
C  don't clobber caller's func code
      if(.not.( f1 .eq. - 3 .and. nogrph .ne. 0 ))goto 23006
      f1 = - 2
23006 continue
      if(.not.( f1 .ne. modef ))goto 23008
      if(.not.( modef .ne. - 2 ))goto 23010
      call pr0 ( 101 )
23010 continue
C @101 \033\\
      if(.not.( f1 .ne. - 2 ))goto 23012
      ch = 112
      if(.not.( f1 .ne. - 3 ))goto 23014
      ch = 114
23014 continue
      call pr1 ( 102 , ch )
C @102 \033P%c
23012 continue
      modef = f1
23008 continue
C defhex - generate hexadecimal char definition string for ReGIS L cmd
C  ch:	character (used to access fmat)
C  svp:	subscript of sv where you want me to put the string
C 	updated to point to position following string
      subroutine defhex ( ch , svp )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C gccom>
      integer mosmat ( 10 , 10 ) , omosmt ( 10 , 10 )
      integer fmat ( 96 , 10 ) , fmatc ( 96 )
      logical cdcec , rdmos
      common / gccom /  a3 , a3x , cdch ( 7 ) , cdcec ( 7 ) , cdrot ( 7 
     *) , cdsiz ( 7 ) , cdsln ( 7 ) , dinitf , dnrow , dncol , dorow , d
     *ocol , edchar , fmat , fmatc , mosmat , omosmt , rdmos , rmul , cm
     *ul , rsize , csize , sfont , uprow , upcol , wcol , wcol8 , wrow ,
     * wrow10
C handle of display currently in area 3
C >0 no action, =0 regenerate area 3, <0 update area 3
C characters being displayed in area 3
C .true. = always shows currently-edited character
C height of window in characters, cells
C sfont may be changed ONLY by calling setfnt(new-font-#)
C fmat:	contains the bit definitions for all characters in the font.
C 	The row is given by <character>-FMOFF, such that Space is
C 	defined in fmat(2,*), ! in fmat(3,*), etc.  The row fmat(1,*)
C 	always contains all zeros (used by ffcreate).  Each column of
C 	fmat contains 8 bits that define 1 row of the character.
C fmatc:	fmatc(x) is parallel to fmat(x,*).  A non-zero fmatc entry
C 	indicates that the definition of the respective character
C 	has changed, and that the dupd routine must update the
C 	screen accordingly.  fmatc(1) is unused.
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gscom>
      integer sv ( 4000 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C string vector - ALL strings live here
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      integer hex ( 16 )
C should be character data type
      data hex ( 1 ) , hex ( 2 ) , hex ( 3 ) , hex ( 4 ) / 48 , 49 , 50 
     *, 51 /
      data hex ( 5 ) , hex ( 6 ) , hex ( 7 ) , hex ( 8 ) / 52 , 53 , 54 
     *, 55 /
      data hex ( 9 ) , hex ( 10 ) , hex ( 11 ) , hex ( 12 ) / 56 , 57 , 
     *65 , 66 /
      data hex ( 13 ) , hex ( 14 ) , hex ( 15 ) , hex ( 16 ) / 67 , 68 ,
     * 69 , 70 /
      ls = svp
C position of last non-zero
      chs = ch - 30
C get 1st subscript for fmat
       i = 1
23016 if(.not.(i.le.10))goto 23018
      i1 = fmat ( chs , i )
C get 1 row of bits
      if(.not.( i1 .ne. 0 ))goto 23019
      ls = svp
23019 continue
C update position of last non-zero
      sv ( svp ) = hex ( i1 / 16 + 1 )
C high/order 4 bits
      sv ( svp + 1 ) = hex ( mod ( i1 , 16 ) + 1 )
C low order 4 bits
      svp = svp + 2
23017 i=i+1
      goto 23016
23018 continue
      svp = ls + 3
C discard trailing zeros
      sv ( svp - 1 ) = 59
C close it out
C font0 - switch from alternate font to ASCII font (font 0)
C  NOTE:	As a rule, the CE code assumes the rotation (D) and slant (I)
C 	parameters are both zero.  The only instance where this is not
C 	so is during writing the mangled sample characters in area 3;
C 	after this is done, I and D are immediately set back to zero.
C 	The CE typically operates with the T command set to the current
C 	alternate font.  To type characters from the ASCII font in graphics
C 	mode, call font0, issue the T command, and then call fonta to point
C 	the terminal back at the alternate font once again.
      subroutine font0
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      call dcs ( - 3 )
      call pr0 ( 110 )
C @110 w(r)t(a0,s1)
C fonta - switch T command to current alternate font
      subroutine fonta
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C gccom>
      integer mosmat ( 10 , 10 ) , omosmt ( 10 , 10 )
      integer fmat ( 96 , 10 ) , fmatc ( 96 )
      logical cdcec , rdmos
      common / gccom /  a3 , a3x , cdch ( 7 ) , cdcec ( 7 ) , cdrot ( 7 
     *) , cdsiz ( 7 ) , cdsln ( 7 ) , dinitf , dnrow , dncol , dorow , d
     *ocol , edchar , fmat , fmatc , mosmat , omosmt , rdmos , rmul , cm
     *ul , rsize , csize , sfont , uprow , upcol , wcol , wcol8 , wrow ,
     * wrow10
C handle of display currently in area 3
C >0 no action, =0 regenerate area 3, <0 update area 3
C characters being displayed in area 3
C .true. = always shows currently-edited character
C height of window in characters, cells
C sfont may be changed ONLY by calling setfnt(new-font-#)
C fmat:	contains the bit definitions for all characters in the font.
C 	The row is given by <character>-FMOFF, such that Space is
C 	defined in fmat(2,*), ! in fmat(3,*), etc.  The row fmat(1,*)
C 	always contains all zeros (used by ffcreate).  Each column of
C 	fmat contains 8 bits that define 1 row of the character.
C fmatc:	fmatc(x) is parallel to fmat(x,*).  A non-zero fmatc entry
C 	indicates that the definition of the respective character
C 	has changed, and that the dupd routine must update the
C 	screen accordingly.  fmatc(1) is unused.
      call dcs ( - 3 )
      call pr1 ( 71 , sfont )
C @71 t(a%d)
C lmode - toggle things necessary for reading in locator mode
C argument is string to display in area 4 line 1
      subroutine lmode ( sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gscom>
      integer sv ( 4000 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C string vector - ALL strings live here
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      dimension utfn ( 2 )
      data curlm , utfn ( 1 ) , utfn ( 2 ) / 0 , 5 , 4 /
      if(.not.( sv ( sx ( sno ) ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23021
      call dcs ( 3 )
      call pr0 ( sno )
23021 continue
      curlm = mod ( curlm + 1 , 2 )
C toggle
      call utty ( utfn ( curlm + 1 ) )
      call dcs ( - 1 )
      call pr4 ( 103 , curlm , curlm , 67 , curlm * 2 + 1 )
C @103 SC%dKP%dV%c%dMB0
C loadc - transmit ReGIS character definition to VK100
C  ch: character, or 0 to clear entire font
      subroutine loadc ( ch )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C gccom>
      integer mosmat ( 10 , 10 ) , omosmt ( 10 , 10 )
      integer fmat ( 96 , 10 ) , fmatc ( 96 )
      logical cdcec , rdmos
      common / gccom /  a3 , a3x , cdch ( 7 ) , cdcec ( 7 ) , cdrot ( 7 
     *) , cdsiz ( 7 ) , cdsln ( 7 ) , dinitf , dnrow , dncol , dorow , d
     *ocol , edchar , fmat , fmatc , mosmat , omosmt , rdmos , rmul , cm
     *ul , rsize , csize , sfont , uprow , upcol , wcol , wcol8 , wrow ,
     * wrow10
C handle of display currently in area 3
C >0 no action, =0 regenerate area 3, <0 update area 3
C characters being displayed in area 3
C .true. = always shows currently-edited character
C height of window in characters, cells
C sfont may be changed ONLY by calling setfnt(new-font-#)
C fmat:	contains the bit definitions for all characters in the font.
C 	The row is given by <character>-FMOFF, such that Space is
C 	defined in fmat(2,*), ! in fmat(3,*), etc.  The row fmat(1,*)
C 	always contains all zeros (used by ffcreate).  Each column of
C 	fmat contains 8 bits that define 1 row of the character.
C fmatc:	fmatc(x) is parallel to fmat(x,*).  A non-zero fmatc entry
C 	indicates that the definition of the respective character
C 	has changed, and that the dupd routine must update the
C 	screen accordingly.  fmatc(1) is unused.
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gscom>
      integer sv ( 4000 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C string vector - ALL strings live here
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23023
C clear entire font
      call dcs ( - 3 )
C VK100 in graphics mode
       i = 32
23025 if(.not.(i.le.126))goto 23027
      call pr1 ( 139 , qchar ( i ) )
23026 i=i+1
      goto 23025
23027 continue
C @139 l%s0;
      goto 23024
23023 continue
      uptr = iuptr
C single char, set up work area pointer
      call defhex ( ch , uptr )
C get hex stuff into work string
      sv ( uptr ) = 0
C terminate string
      call dcs ( - 3 )
C VK100 in graphics mode
      call pr2 ( 140 , qchar ( ch ) , 6 )
C @140 l%s%s
23024 continue
C loadf - load current font name into VK100
      subroutine loadf
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gscom>
      integer sv ( 4000 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C string vector - ALL strings live here
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      call cpystr ( 70 , 512 )
C 70 = l(a"
      pfn = sx ( 9 )
C get pointer to font name string
      if(.not.( sv ( pfn ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23028
23028 continue
C if no name set yet, don't do anything
23030 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23031
      ch = sv ( pfn )
      pfn = pfn + 1
C get char from font name
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23032
      goto 23031
C end of name
23032 continue
      call putuq ( ch )
C copy char to utility string
      goto 23030
23031 continue
      call putu ( 34 )
      call putu ( 41 )
      call putu ( 0 )
C tie it all off
      call dcs ( - 3 )
C get into graphics mode
      call pr0 ( 6 )
C send font name to VK100
C posgc - position graphics cursor with respect to point
C xoff and yoff are pixel offsets
      subroutine posgc ( point , xoff , yoff )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      call dcs ( - 3 )
      call pr2 ( 3 , coord ( point , 1 ) + xoff , coord ( point , 2 ) + 
     *yoff )
C posgcc - like posgc, except offsets are characters */
      subroutine posgcc ( point , xoff , yoff )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      call posgc ( point , xoff * 9 , yoff * 20 )
C posgcw - position to cell in window (area 2)
C  wcn:   window cell #
C  modif: modifier - 0 for top left, 1 for center
      subroutine posgcw ( wcn , modif )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C gccom>
      integer mosmat ( 10 , 10 ) , omosmt ( 10 , 10 )
      integer fmat ( 96 , 10 ) , fmatc ( 96 )
      logical cdcec , rdmos
      common / gccom /  a3 , a3x , cdch ( 7 ) , cdcec ( 7 ) , cdrot ( 7 
     *) , cdsiz ( 7 ) , cdsln ( 7 ) , dinitf , dnrow , dncol , dorow , d
     *ocol , edchar , fmat , fmatc , mosmat , omosmt , rdmos , rmul , cm
     *ul , rsize , csize , sfont , uprow , upcol , wcol , wcol8 , wrow ,
     * wrow10
C handle of display currently in area 3
C >0 no action, =0 regenerate area 3, <0 update area 3
C characters being displayed in area 3
C .true. = always shows currently-edited character
C height of window in characters, cells
C sfont may be changed ONLY by calling setfnt(new-font-#)
C fmat:	contains the bit definitions for all characters in the font.
C 	The row is given by <character>-FMOFF, such that Space is
C 	defined in fmat(2,*), ! in fmat(3,*), etc.  The row fmat(1,*)
C 	always contains all zeros (used by ffcreate).  Each column of
C 	fmat contains 8 bits that define 1 row of the character.
C fmatc:	fmatc(x) is parallel to fmat(x,*).  A non-zero fmatc entry
C 	indicates that the definition of the respective character
C 	has changed, and that the dupd routine must update the
C 	screen accordingly.  fmatc(1) is unused.
      call posgc ( 200 , mod ( wcn , wcol8 ) * rmul + modif * rmul / 2 ,
     * wcn / wcol8 * cmul + modif * cmul / 2 )
C postcm - position text-mode cursor within mosaic map
      subroutine postcm ( row , col )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      call dcs ( - 2 )
C put VK100 in text mode
      call pr2 ( 93 , row + coord ( 300 , 2 ) / 20 + 2 , col * 3 + coord
     * ( 300 , 1 ) / 9 + 1 )
C @93 \033[%d;%dH
C qchar - return string # of string containing quoted character
      integer function qchar ( ch )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gscom>
      integer sv ( 4000 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C string vector - ALL strings live here
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      i = sx ( 4 )
      q = 34
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 34 ))goto 23034
      q = 39
23034 continue
      sv ( i ) = q
      sv ( i + 1 ) = ch
      sv ( i + 2 ) = q
      qchar = 4
C regis - write ReGIS string
      subroutine regis ( sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      call dcs ( - 3 )
      call pr0 ( sno )
      call putc ( 59 )
C setfnt - tell VK100 which font the character-set editor is using
C  fnt: font number (1 thru MAXFONT)
      subroutine setfnt ( fnt )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C gccom>
      integer mosmat ( 10 , 10 ) , omosmt ( 10 , 10 )
      integer fmat ( 96 , 10 ) , fmatc ( 96 )
      logical cdcec , rdmos
      common / gccom /  a3 , a3x , cdch ( 7 ) , cdcec ( 7 ) , cdrot ( 7 
     *) , cdsiz ( 7 ) , cdsln ( 7 ) , dinitf , dnrow , dncol , dorow , d
     *ocol , edchar , fmat , fmatc , mosmat , omosmt , rdmos , rmul , cm
     *ul , rsize , csize , sfont , uprow , upcol , wcol , wcol8 , wrow ,
     * wrow10
C handle of display currently in area 3
C >0 no action, =0 regenerate area 3, <0 update area 3
C characters being displayed in area 3
C .true. = always shows currently-edited character
C height of window in characters, cells
C sfont may be changed ONLY by calling setfnt(new-font-#)
C fmat:	contains the bit definitions for all characters in the font.
C 	The row is given by <character>-FMOFF, such that Space is
C 	defined in fmat(2,*), ! in fmat(3,*), etc.  The row fmat(1,*)
C 	always contains all zeros (used by ffcreate).  Each column of
C 	fmat contains 8 bits that define 1 row of the character.
C fmatc:	fmatc(x) is parallel to fmat(x,*).  A non-zero fmatc entry
C 	indicates that the definition of the respective character
C 	has changed, and that the dupd routine must update the
C 	screen accordingly.  fmatc(1) is unused.
      sfont = fnt
C save font name in COMMON variable
      call dcs ( - 3 )
C get into graphics mode
      call pr2 ( 138 , sfont , sfont )
C @138 l(a%d);t(a%d);
C sqz - used by shade to move coordinates toward each other
C       except if on edge of display
C args: c1,c2 are x1,x2 or y1,y2; cmax = xmax or ymax
      subroutine sqz ( c1 , c2 , cmax )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      add = - 2
      if(.not.( c1 .lt. c2 ))goto 23036
      add = 2
23036 continue
      if(.not.( c1 .ne. 0 .and. c1 .ne. cmax ))goto 23038
      c1 = c1 + add
23038 continue
      if(.not.( c2 .ne. 0 .and. c2 .ne. cmax ))goto 23040
      c2 = c2 - add
23040 continue
C tsm - compute T-command parameters and write to terminal
C       the output to the terminal is:  s[RSIZE,CSIZE]m[RMUL,CMUL])
C 	RMUL and CMUL are computed from the argument "s"
C 	RSIZE and CSIZE are computed from RMUL and CMUL and
C 	dncol and dnrow (set by "dimension" command)
C  s: size of character
      subroutine tsm ( s )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C gccom>
      integer mosmat ( 10 , 10 ) , omosmt ( 10 , 10 )
      integer fmat ( 96 , 10 ) , fmatc ( 96 )
      logical cdcec , rdmos
      common / gccom /  a3 , a3x , cdch ( 7 ) , cdcec ( 7 ) , cdrot ( 7 
     *) , cdsiz ( 7 ) , cdsln ( 7 ) , dinitf , dnrow , dncol , dorow , d
     *ocol , edchar , fmat , fmatc , mosmat , omosmt , rdmos , rmul , cm
     *ul , rsize , csize , sfont , uprow , upcol , wcol , wcol8 , wrow ,
     * wrow10
C handle of display currently in area 3
C >0 no action, =0 regenerate area 3, <0 update area 3
C characters being displayed in area 3
C .true. = always shows currently-edited character
C height of window in characters, cells
C sfont may be changed ONLY by calling setfnt(new-font-#)
C fmat:	contains the bit definitions for all characters in the font.
C 	The row is given by <character>-FMOFF, such that Space is
C 	defined in fmat(2,*), ! in fmat(3,*), etc.  The row fmat(1,*)
C 	always contains all zeros (used by ffcreate).  Each column of
C 	fmat contains 8 bits that define 1 row of the character.
C fmatc:	fmatc(x) is parallel to fmat(x,*).  A non-zero fmatc entry
C 	indicates that the definition of the respective character
C 	has changed, and that the dupd routine must update the
C 	screen accordingly.  fmatc(1) is unused.
      s1 = s * 3 / 2 + mod ( s , 2 )
C apply 1.5 ratio
      call pr4 ( 67 , s * dncol , s1 * dnrow , s , s1 )
C @67 s[%d,%d]m[%d,%d])
C wrtch - give ReGIS T command to write character
      subroutine wrtch ( ch )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      call putc ( 116 )
      call pr0 ( qchar ( ch ) )
C wrtstr - write string with ReGIS T command
      subroutine wrtstr ( sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C gscom>
      integer sv ( 4000 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C string vector - ALL strings live here
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      integer sp
      sp = sx ( sno )
      call putc ( 116 )
      call putc ( 34 )
23042 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23043
      ch = sv ( sp )
      sp = sp + 1
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23044
      goto 23043
23044 continue
      call putc ( ch )
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 34 ))goto 23046
      call putc ( 34 )
23046 continue
      goto 23042
23043 continue
      call putc ( 34 )