
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-K840A-BM_1981 - sources/sd.for
There are no other files named sd.for in the archive.
C sd> Slide display
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  operating system dependent switches from RATLIB
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  copyright notice
C   			C O P Y R I G H T
C   		Copyright (C) 1980 by
C   		Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   	This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
C   	copied  only  in accordance with the terms of such license and
C   	with the  inclusion  of  the  above  copyright  notice.   This
C   	software  or  any  other copies thereof may not be provided or
C   	otherwise made available to any other person.  No title to and
C   	ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
C   	The information in this software is subject to change  without
C   	notice  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
C   	Equipment Corporation.
C   	DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability
C   	of its software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL.
C ** Symbolic definitions **
C  data types
C 	define character byte
C max string storage
C max number of string indices
C  important string indices (see ss module)
C  coord - axis codes
C  cpystr - option codes
C  dcs - function codes
C  ffopen - modes
C  ffopen - logical file numbers
C  utty - function codes
C  codes returned by keypad function
C  parameter codes
C  screen areas
C column number of text in aea 2
C  character types
C  composites
C  legal filename characters are defined in pflnm (sp module)
C  colors
C  maximum time between slides
C  screen dimensions (pixels)
C  character definitions
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  character definitions
      block data
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sdcom>
      common / sdcom /  dpar0 ( 4 ) , dpar1 ( 4 ) , dparn ( 4 )
C permanent parameters
C temporary paramsters
C duration of temporary parameters
      data dpar0 ( 1 ) , dpar0 ( 2 ) , dpar0 ( 3 ) / 0 , 0 , 5 /
      data dparn ( 1 ) , dparn ( 2 ) , dparn ( 3 ) / 0 , 0 , 0 /
C dispcm - process display-settings command
      subroutine dispcm
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sdcom>
      common / sdcom /  dpar0 ( 4 ) , dpar1 ( 4 ) , dparn ( 4 )
C permanent parameters
C temporary paramsters
C duration of temporary parameters
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      if(.not.( peol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23000
23000 continue
C check for eol
      v = sx ( 58 ) + ( dpar0 ( 1 ) + 1 ) * 7
C get sv index to color
C @58 none   black  blue   red    magentagreen  cyan   yellow white \b
       i = 0
23002 if(.not.( 23004
      sv ( iuptr + i ) = sv ( v + i )
23003 i=i+1
      goto 23002
23004 continue
C copy color to SNUST
      sv ( iuptr + 7 ) = 0
C tie it off
      call clr ( 1 , - 2 )
      call postc ( 0 )
C clear and home cursor
      call pr4 ( 59 , 5 , 6 , 50 + dpar0 ( 2 ) , dpar0 ( 3 ) )
C write display
      if(.not.( dpar0 ( 4 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23005
      call pr0 ( 119 )
C @119 Don't identify slides
      goto 23006
23005 continue
      call pr1 ( 130 , dpar0 ( 4 ) )
C @130 Identify slides on line %d
C @59 Tray file:    %s\nClear-screen: %s\n%s embedded commands\nWait %d seconds\n
C @50 Process
C @51 Ignore
23006 continue
C dpar - returns permanent or temporary requested display parameter
C  par: parameter code (DPxxx)
      integer function dpar ( par )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sdcom>
      common / sdcom /  dpar0 ( 4 ) , dpar1 ( 4 ) , dparn ( 4 )
C permanent parameters
C temporary paramsters
C duration of temporary parameters
      n = dparn ( par )
C get duration
      dpar = dpar0 ( par )
C assume permanent
      if(.not.( n .gt. 0 ))goto 23007
      dpar = dpar1 ( par )
23007 continue
C wrong, want temporary
      dparn ( par ) = n - 1
C count down temp duration
C embcmd - process embedded commands in tray file
C 	  embedded command in SNUST, form is:	+COMMAND
C  returns 0: success; -1: failed, diagnostic typed
C 	  -2: same as -1, but tray file is not open
      integer function embcmd ( dum )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sdcom>
      common / sdcom /  dpar0 ( 4 ) , dpar1 ( 4 ) , dparn ( 4 )
C permanent parameters
C temporary paramsters
C duration of temporary parameters
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      embcmd = 0
C assume success
      if(.not.( dpar ( 2 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23009
23009 continue
C ignore if requested
      call ustpar
C copy comamnd to SNINP
      pptr = pptr + 1
C skip past "+"
      goto ( 99 , 100 , 101 , 102 , 103 , 104 ) , pkey ( 91 ) + 2
C parse command
C @91 00chain^
C 01goto^
C 02next^
C 03pause^
C 04stop
100   call pskip ( 4 )
C skip blanks
      i = pptr
C remember where filespec begins
      if(.not.( pflnm ( pptr , 0 , 0 ) .lt. 0 ))goto 23011
      goto 99
23011 continue
C parse filespec
      tag = 1
C assume no SLIDE
      if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23013
C SLIDE present?
      tag = ptagob ( 0 , 11 )
C yes, parse it
      if(.not.( tag .lt. 0 ))goto 23015
      goto 99
23015 continue
C check for error
      if(.not.( peol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23017
      goto 99
23017 continue
C parse eol
23013 continue
      call ffcls ( 1 )
C close current tray
      call pflnm ( i , 5 , 13 )
C get new tray filespec in SNTFL
      if(.not.( ffopen ( 1 , 5 , 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23019
C can I open it?
      call pdiag1 ( 86 , 5 )
C no, tell user
      embcmd = - 2
C error code, tray not open
23019 continue
      goto 1011
C now seek to specified place
C goto SLIDE
101   tag = ptagob ( 0 , 11 )
C parse tag/line#
      if(.not.( tag .lt. 0 ))goto 23021
      goto 99
23021 continue
C failed
      if(.not.( peol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23023
      goto 99
23023 continue
C parse eol
1011  if(.not.( tag .gt. 0 ))goto 23025
C record number or tag?
      tag = tag - 1
C record number
      if(.not.( tag .eq. 0 ))goto 23027
      call ffrew ( 1 )
      goto 23028
23027 continue
      i = ffread ( 1 , tag )
23028 continue
      goto 23026
23025 continue
      if(.not.( tagluk ( 11 ) .lt. 0 ))goto 23029
      goto 99
23029 continue
C tag
23026 continue
102   n = pdec ( 0 , 1000 )
C parse N
      if(.not.( n .lt. 0 ))goto 23031
      goto 99
23031 continue
C check for failure
      nnclr = - 2
      nnwat = - 1
C unspecified so far
23033 if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23034
      i = pkey ( 109 )
C @109 00clear-screen COLOR^
C 01dont-clear-screen^
C 02wait-after-showing SECONDS
      goto ( 99 , 1020 , 1021 , 1022 ) , i + 2
C clear-screen COLOR
1020  nnclr = pkey ( 55 )
C parse COLOR
      if(.not.( nnclr .lt. 0 ))goto 23035
      goto 99
23035 continue
      goto 23033
C dont-clear-screen
1021  nnclr = - 1
      goto 23033
1022  nnwat = pdec ( 0 , 1000 )
      if(.not.( nnwat .lt. 0 ))goto 23037
      goto 99
23037 continue
      goto 23033
C command line parsed ok, now install values in dpar tables
      goto 23033
23034 continue
      if(.not.( nnclr .ne. - 2 ))goto 23039
      dparn ( 1 ) = n
      dpar1 ( 1 ) = nnclr
23039 continue
      if(.not.( nnwat .ge. 0 ))goto 23041
      dparn ( 3 ) = n
      dpar1 ( 3 ) = nnwat
23041 continue
C pause [SECONDS]
103   if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23043
C arg present?
      call postc ( 80 * 22 )
C no, display cursor
      call read1 ( 0 )
C read CR
23043 continue
      i = pdec ( 1 , 1000 )
C parse # of seconds to wait
      if(.not.( i .lt. 0 ))goto 23045
      goto 99
23045 continue
C check for error
      if(.not.( peol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23047
      goto 99
23047 continue
C parse eol
      call waitx ( i )
C wait specified # of seconds
C stop
104   i = peol ( 0 )
C give diagnostic if not eol
      goto 99
99    embcmd = - 1
C return failure
C optray - open tray file, getting its name if I don't know it yet
C  nonly: if non-zero, just get name
C  returns: 0 successful, lfn = LFTRAY
C 	  -1 failed
      integer function optray ( nonly )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      optray = - 1
C assume failure
      if(.not.( sv ( sx ( 5 ) ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23049
C have name?
23051 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23052
C no
      call prdtty ( 72 )
C @72 Tray file name:\b
      if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23053
23053 continue
C not talking, huh?
      i = pptr
C remember where filespec begins
C parse filespec and eol, and break if successful
      if(.not.( pflnm ( pptr , 0 , 0 ) .ge. 0 ))goto 23055
      if(.not.( peol ( 0 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23057
      goto 23052
23057 continue
23055 continue
C bad parse, ask again
      goto 23051
23052 continue
      call pflnm ( i , 5 , 13 )
C get tray filespec in SNTFL
C check for name-only
23049 continue
      if(.not.( nonly .ne. 0 ))goto 23059
      optray = 0
C name-only, done
C open the file
23059 continue
      if(.not.( ffopen ( 1 , 5 , 0 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23061
      optray = 0
      goto 23062
23061 continue
      call pdiag1 ( 116 , 5 )
23062 continue
C @116 Cannot read file: %s
C rectyp - classify record in tray file by its first character
C  svp: index into sv of first character of record
C  returns: first character of record if it is one of the special
C 	   record types, else 0 (meaning slide file name)
      integer function rectyp ( svp )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      integer ch
      rectyp = 0
C assume slide-file record
      ch = sv ( svp )
C get 1st character of record
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 43 .or.  ch .eq. 58 .or.  ch .eq. 42 ))goto 2306
C check embedded command
C check tag
      rectyp = ch
23063 continue
C check comment
C shoman - show current tray in manual mode
C  resumf: if non-zero, resume from where user last left off
      subroutine shoman ( resumf )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C spcom>
      logical diagf , filcmd
      common / spcom /  diagf , filcmd , hline , lcx , lcy
C true iff diagnostic has been given already
C command came from tty (.false.) or file (.true.)
C current line # for help message (0-23)
C locator-mode coordinates returned by VK100
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      data rec / 0 /
      if(.not.( optray ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23065
23065 continue
C open tray file
      if(.not.( resumf .eq. 0 ))goto 23067
      rec = 0
23067 continue
C current tray file record #
      call lmode ( 74 )
C @74 Manual mode - use keypad
23069 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23070
C get commands
      call dcs ( 9 )
C show text-mode cursor
      call read1 ( 0 )
C read command (echoes off)
      if(.not.( diagf ))goto 23071
      call dcs ( 4 )
      diagf = . false .
C erase diag
23071 continue
      n = 1
C set up n for arrow keys
      cmd = keypad ( 0 )
C check it out
      goto ( 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 ,
     * 14 , 15 , 15 , 17 , 9 , 9 , 20 , 21 , 20 ) , cmd + 2
9     call pdiag ( 76 )
C @76 Unrecognized comamnd
      goto 23069
14    call lmode ( 1 )
C echoes on, etc.
23073 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23074
C loop until legal response
      call prdtty ( 78 )
C @78 Tag or slide number:\b
      if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23075
C empty line?
      n = 0
C yes, user gave up
      goto 23074
C exit loop
23075 continue
      i = ptagob ( 0 , 11 )
C parse tag or rec#
      if(.not.( i .lt. 0 ))goto 23077
      goto 23073
23077 continue
      if(.not.( peol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23079
      goto 23073
23079 continue
      if(.not.( i .ne. 0 ))goto 23081
C it's a record #
      i1 = ffread ( 1 , i )
C get record
      if(.not.( i1 .eq. 0 ))goto 23083
C eof
      call pdiag1 ( 79 , i )
C @79 Slide %d beyond end of tray
      goto 23073
C try it again
23083 continue
      goto 23082
23081 continue
      i = tagluk ( 11 )
C it's a tag
      if(.not.( i .le. 0 ))goto 23085
      goto 23073
C can't find that tag
23085 continue
23082 continue
      rec = i - 1
C set record #
      goto 23074
C whoopee
      goto 23073
23074 continue
      call lmode ( 1 )
C echoes off again
      call dcs ( 3 )
C erase prompt
      if(.not.( n .ne. 0 ))goto 23087
      goto 20
23087 continue
C show line
      goto 23069
C  or user gave up
15    call lmode ( 1 )
C echoes on, etc.
23089 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23090
C loop until legal response
      call prdtty ( 81 + cmd - 15 )
C prompt
C @81 How many slides to advance?\b
C @82 How many slides to back up?\b
      if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23091
C empty line?
      n = 0
C yes, user gave up
      goto 23090
C exit loop
23091 continue
      n = pdec ( 1 , 1000 )
C parse number
      if(.not.( n .gt. 0 ))goto 23093
      if(.not.( peol ( 0 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23095
      goto 23090
23095 continue
23093 continue
      goto 23089
23090 continue
      call lmode ( 1 )
C echoes off again
      call dcs ( 3 )
C erase prompt
      if(.not.( n .gt. 0 ))goto 23097
      goto ( 20 , 21 ) , cmd - 15 + 1
23097 continue
C go do the work
      goto 23069
C or user gave up
20    continue
23099 continue
C skip forward n slides
      i = ffread ( 1 , rec + 1 )
C next tray record
      if(.not.( i .eq. 0 ))goto 23102
C oops, end of file
      call pdiag ( 77 )
C @77 End of tray reached
      goto 23101
C get out of loop
23102 continue
      rec = i
C remember current record
      c = rectyp ( iuptr )
C get 1st char of record
C don't count non-slides
      if(.not.( c .eq. 0 ))goto 23104
      n = n - 1
23104 continue
23100 if(.not.( n .le. 0 ))goto 23099
23101 continue
      if(.not.( i .ne. 0 ))goto 23106
      call tray1 ( 0 )
23106 continue
C show slide if not @ eof
      goto 23069
21    continue
23108 continue
C loop spec # of times
      rec = rec - 1
C previous record
      if(.not.( rec .le. 0 ))goto 23111
C hit bof?
      call pdiag ( 80 )
C @80 Beginning of tray reached
      goto 23110
C yup
23111 continue
      i = ffread ( 1 , rec )
C read record
      c = rectyp ( iuptr )
C get 1st char of record
C don't count non-slides
      if(.not.( c .eq. 0 ))goto 23113
      n = n - 1
23113 continue
23109 if(.not.( n .le. 0 ))goto 23108
23110 continue
C loop if more to go
      if(.not.( rec .gt. 0 ))goto 23115
      call tray1 ( 0 )
23115 continue
C display if not at bof
      goto 23069
      goto 23069
23070 continue
17    call lmode ( 1 )
C restore normal tty stuff
      call ffcls ( 1 )
C close the tray file
C show1 - show 1 slide
C  fil: string containing slide file name
C  obj: string # of string containing object name, or 0 for entire file
C  returns  0 if successful
C  	  -1 if slide file can't be opened
C 	  -2 if object can't be found
C  in the failing cases, a diagnostic message is typed
      integer function show1 ( fil , obj )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      integer nest , s
      logical ofound
C string 112 accumulates an object name from the slide file
C @112 xxxxxxxxxxx
      if(.not.( ffopen ( 2 , fil , 1 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23117
C open slide file
      call pdiag1 ( 70 , fil )
C @70 Cannot access slide file: %s
      show1 = - 1
C failure code
23117 continue
      call dcs ( - 3 )
C VK100 in graphics mode
      i = dpar ( 1 )
C have to clear screen?
      if(.not.( i .ge. 0 ))goto 23119
      call pr1 ( 52 , i )
C yes	#@52 s(e,i%d)
C NOTE: string 52 used elsewhere
C Welcome to the Machine
C The following "while" loop scans the slide file looking for
C object boundaries and sending the requested parts of the
C slide file to the terminal.
C nest is nesting level of objects
C if nest > 0, characters are output to the terminal
23119 continue
      nest = 0
      if(.not.( obj .eq. 0 ))goto 23121
      nest = 1
23121 continue
      ofound = . false .
C object not found yet
      s = 1
C set initial state
      c = 0
C stuff to catch altmodes
23123 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23124
C loop once per char
      c0 = c
C remember previous char
      c = ffgc ( 2 )
C get char from file
      if(.not.( c .lt. 0 ))goto 23125
      goto 23124
C if eof, exit loop
23125 continue
      if(.not.( c .eq. 27 ))goto 23127
      goto 23123
C discard altmodes
23127 continue
      if(.not.( c0 .eq. 27 ))goto 23129
C prev char = Altmode?
      if(.not.( c .eq. 80 ))goto 23131
C yes, $Px ?
      c = ffgc ( 2 )
C yes, get x
      if(.not.( c .lt. 0 ))goto 23133
      goto 23124
C eof chk
23133 continue
23131 continue
      goto 23123
C discard $Px or $x
23129 continue
      if(.not.( nest .gt. 0 ))goto 23135
      call putc ( c )
23135 continue
C write char to tty
      goto ( 401 , 402 , 403 , 404 , 405 , 406 ) , s
C dispatch from state
C normal state
401   if(.not.( obj .ne. 0 .and. c .eq. 59 ))goto 23137
      s = 2
23137 continue
C check for ;
      goto 23123
C last character was ;
402   if(.not.( c .eq. 34 ))goto 23139
      s = 3
C check for ;"
      goto 23140
23139 continue
      s = 1
23140 continue
      goto 23123
C have seen ;"
403   if(.not.( c .eq. 58 ))goto 23141
C is it ;": ?
      s = 4
C yes, set new state
      fop = sx ( 112 )
C build object name here
      fol = 0
C init length of object
      goto 23142
23141 continue
      if(.not.( c .eq. 125 ))goto 23143
      s = 6
C check for ;"}
      goto 23144
23143 continue
      s = 1
23144 continue
C not ;": or ;"}
23142 continue
      goto 23123
C accumulating object name
404   sv ( fop ) = c
C copy char to object str
      i = ctype ( fop )
C classify character
      s = 1
C assume some badness
      if(.not.( fol .eq. 0 .and. i .ne. 1 ))goto 23145
      goto 23123
C must begin w/ alpha
23145 continue
      if(.not.( iand ( i , 1 + 2 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23147
C object character?
      fop = fop + 1
C yes, bump string ptr
      fol = fol + 1
C count it
      if(.not.( fol .le. 10 ))goto 23149
      s = 4
23149 continue
C chk if too long
      goto 23123
23147 continue
      sv ( fop ) = 0
C end of objname, tie off
      if(.not.( c .eq. 123 ))goto 23151
      s = 5
23151 continue
C check for {
      goto 23123
C have seen ;":objectname{
405   s = 1
      if(.not.( c .ne. 34 ))goto 23153
      goto 23123
C check for "
C check if this is the object I'm looking for
23153 continue
      i = cmpstr ( obj , 112 )
C match caller's object?
      if(.not.( i .eq. 0 ))goto 23155
      ofound = . true .
23155 continue
C if yes, remember it
      if(.not.( nest .gt. 0 .or. i .eq. 0 ))goto 23157
      nest = nest + 1
23157 continue
      goto 23123
C have seen ;"}
406   s = 1
C new state
      if(.not.( c .eq. 34 .and. nest .gt. 0 ))goto 23159
      nest = nest - 1
23159 continue
C unnest
      goto 23123
      goto 23123
23124 continue
      call ffcls ( 2 )
C close slide file
      show1 = 0
C success
      if(.not.( obj .ne. 0 .and. . not . ofound ))goto 23161
C object seen?
      call pdiag1 ( 111 , obj )
C @111 Object "%s" not found in slide file\b
      call pr0 ( fil )
C no, tell user
      show1 = - 2
C return error
      goto 23162
23161 continue
C show the slide name if the user requested it
      i = dpar ( 4 )
C get identify control
      if(.not.( i .gt. 0 ))goto 23163
C want slide names?
      call dcs ( - 2 )
C VK100 in text mode
      call pr2 ( 117 , i , fil )
C yes	#@117 \033[%d;1HFile: %s
      if(.not.( obj .ne. 0 ))goto 23165
      call pr1 ( 118 , obj )
23165 continue
C @118   Object: %s
      call dcs ( - 3 )
C discard cursor
23163 continue
23162 continue
C showpr - process "print-slides" and "show-slides" commands
C  pr: 0 for show, 1 for print
      subroutine showpr ( pr )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      from = 1
      to = 32767
C set up defaults
      opt = - 1
C assume no options
      if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23167
C option present?
      opt = pkey ( 67 )
C @67 00manual [resume]^
C 01range [FROM] [-TO]^
      goto ( 99 , 100 , 101 , 102 ) , opt + 2
C dispatch
99    return
C bad parse
100   resumf = 0
C manual [resume]
      if(.not.( pskip ( 4 ) .eq. 1 ))goto 23169
      resumf = 1
      call pskip ( 1 )
C skip past "resume"
23169 continue
      goto 199
101   if(.not.( pskip ( 4 ) .ne. 16 ))goto 23171
C "from" present?
      from = ptagob ( 0 , 11 )
C yes, parse it
      if(.not.( from .lt. 0 ))goto 23173
23173 continue
23171 continue
      if(.not.( pskip ( 4 ) .eq. 16 ))goto 23175
C "to" present?
      pptr = pptr + 1
C yes, skip hyphen
      to = ptagob ( 0 , 12 )
C parse "to"
      if(.not.( to .lt. 0 ))goto 23177
23177 continue
23175 continue
      goto 199
102   call pskip ( 4 )
C skip blanks
      if(.not.( pflnm ( pptr , 9 , 14 ) .lt. 0 ))goto 23179
23179 continue
C parse filespec
      obj = 0
C assume no object
      if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23181
C ahh, but there is!
      if(.not.( ptagob ( 1 , 10 ) .lt. 0 ))goto 23183
23183 continue
C parse object
      obj = 10
C remember obj exists
23181 continue
      goto 199
199   continue
23167 continue
      if(.not.( peol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23185
C check for trash at end
C parsing complete
23185 continue
      if(.not.( opt .eq. 2 ))goto 23187
      if(.not.( show1 ( 9 , obj ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23189
C show requested slide
      if(.not.( pr .ne. 0 ))goto 23191
      call dcs ( 10 )
C hard-copy if requested
      goto 23192
23191 continue
      call dcs ( 9 )
      call read1 ( 0 )
C else wait
23192 continue
23189 continue
C manual mode
23187 continue
      if(.not.( opt .eq. 0 ))goto 23193
      call shoman ( resumf )
C automatic mode
23193 continue
      if(.not.( optray ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23195
C open tray file
C look up "from" and "to" tags if necessary
23195 continue
      if(.not.( from .eq. 0 ))goto 23197
      from = tagluk ( 11 )
23197 continue
C look up "from" tag
      if(.not.( from .lt. 0 ))goto 23199
      goto 800
23199 continue
C not found
      if(.not.( to .eq. 0 ))goto 23201
      to = tagluk ( 12 )
23201 continue
C look up "to" tag
      if(.not.( to .lt. 0 ))goto 23203
      goto 800
23203 continue
C not found
      if(.not.( from .gt. to ))goto 23205
C from after to?
      call pdiag ( 71 )
C yes	#@71 "TO" comes before "FROM"
      goto 800
C show the slides, looping once per tray file record
23205 continue
23207 continue
      i = ffread ( 1 , from )
C get next record from tray
      if(.not.( i .eq. 0 .or. i .gt. to ))goto 23210
      goto 23209
C exit if at eof or past "to"
23210 continue
      from = 0
C read the rest sequentially
      c = rectyp ( iuptr )
C get type of record
C i will be set to 0 to continue showing, or non-0 to stop
      i = 0
C assume successful processing
      if(.not.( c .eq. 43 ))goto 23212
C embedded command?
      i = embcmd ( 0 )
C yes, process it
      if(.not.( i .eq. - 2 ))goto 23214
23214 continue
C exit if chain error
23212 continue
      if(.not.( c .eq. 0 ))goto 23216
      i = tray1 ( 1 - pr )
C yes
      if(.not.( i .eq. 0 .and. pr .ne. 0 ))goto 23218
      call dcs ( 10 )
23218 continue
C get hard copy if wanted
23216 continue
23208 if(.not.( i .ne. 0 ))goto 23207
23209 continue
800   call ffcls ( 1 )
C done, close tray file
C tagluk - look up tag in tray file
C  sno: string # of string containing tag to be looked for
C  returns: -1 tag not found, else record # of tag
      integer function tagluk ( sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      sp = sx ( sno ) - 1
C sv index to caller's tag
      call ffrew ( 1 )
C rewind tray file
23220 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23221
      i = ffread ( 1 , 0 )
C get record in SNUST
      if(.not.( i .eq. 0 ))goto 23222
C eof, failed
      call pdiag1 ( 73 , sno )
C @73 Tag not found: %s
      tagluk = - 1
C error return
23222 continue
      if(.not.( sv ( iuptr ) .eq. 58 ))goto 23224
C is it a tag?
      tagluk = i
C yes, set value in case I win
      i = 1
23226 if(.not.( sv ( iuptr + i ) .eq. sv ( sp + i ) ))goto 23227
C compare
      if(.not.( sv ( iuptr + i ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23228
23228 continue
C found a match
      i = i + 1
C compare next 2 characters
      goto 23226
23227 continue
C not tag or no match
23224 continue
C go get next record
      goto 23220
23221 continue
C tray1 - process tray record to show filespec
C 	 record in SNUST, form is:	FILESPEC [OBJECT]
C  delay: nonzero to wait after showing
C  returns 0: success; -1: failed, diagnostic typed
      integer function tray1 ( delay )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      tray1 = - 1
C assume failed
      call ustpar
C prepare for parsing
      call pskip ( 4 )
C skip blanks
      if(.not.( pflnm ( pptr , 9 , 14 ) .lt. 0 ))goto 23230
23230 continue
C parse filespec
      obj = 0
C assume no object
      if(.not.( chkeol ( 0 ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23232
C object there?
      i = ptagob ( 1 , 10 )
C yes, parse it
      if(.not.( i .lt. 0 ))goto 23234
23234 continue
C parse failed
      obj = 10
C ok, remember object present
23232 continue
      if(.not.( peol ( 0 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23236
23236 continue
C check for trash at eol
      if(.not.( show1 ( 9 , obj ) .eq. 0 ))goto 23238
C show the slide
      tray1 = 0
      if(.not.( delay .ne. 0 ))goto 23240
      call waitx ( dpar ( 3 ) )
23240 continue
C wait after showing
23238 continue