
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-K840A-BM_1981 - sources/ss.for
There are no other files named ss.for in the archive.
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C ss> String-manipulation routines
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  operating system dependent switches from RATLIB
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  copyright notice
C   			C O P Y R I G H T
C   		Copyright (C) 1980 by
C   		Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C   	This software is furnished under a license and may be used and
C   	copied  only  in accordance with the terms of such license and
C   	with the  inclusion  of  the  above  copyright  notice.   This
C   	software  or  any  other copies thereof may not be provided or
C   	otherwise made available to any other person.  No title to and
C   	ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
C   	The information in this software is subject to change  without
C   	notice  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
C   	Equipment Corporation.
C   	DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use  or  reliability
C   	of its software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL.
C ** Symbolic definitions **
C  data types
C 	define character byte
C max string storage
C max number of string indices
C  important string indices (see ss module)
C  coord - axis codes
C  cpystr - option codes
C  dcs - function codes
C  ffopen - modes
C  ffopen - logical file numbers
C  utty - function codes
C  codes returned by keypad function
C  parameter codes
C  screen areas
C column number of text in aea 2
C  character types
C  composites
C  legal filename characters are defined in pflnm (sp module)
C  colors
C  maximum time between slides
C  screen dimensions (pixels)
C  character definitions
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C  character definitions
C  Important strings
C  SNNUL: null string #@1x
C  SNINP: Terminal input string - 100 characters
C @2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
C  SNPOS: Position graphics cursor #@3 p[%d,%d]
C  SNQCH: Quoted character returned by qchar #@4 xxx
C  SNTFL: Tray filespec
C @5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
C  SNUST: Utility area, used for building strings - 250 characters
C @6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^
C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^
C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
C  SNREG: Memory for ReGIS command - 100 characters
C @7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
C  SNCKY: Main command keyword table (defined in module gm)
C  SNSFL: Slide filespec
C @9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
C  SNOBJ: Object name
C @10 xxxxxxxxxx
C  SNTAG1, SNTAG2: tags
C @11 xxxxxxxxxx
C @12 xxxxxxxxxx
C  SNTRX, SNSLX: tray and slide file types, currently null
C @13 .sho
C @14 .pic
C  SNRREG: Reset VK100 ReGIS attributes to default values
C @15 w(p(m2)1m1i7va0n0)
C  The pr<n> routines print a string with argument substitution.
C  The number of substitutions is n (e.g., pr2 provides 2 sub's).
C  The first argument in the call is the string index of the
C  formatting string, which contains text.  Substitutions occur
C  when a percent sign appears in the formatting string.  The
C  character following the % indicates the type:
C    c - single character
C    d - decimal number
C    s - string
C cmpstr - compare two strings
C  s1,s2: string numbers of strings to compare
C  returns: 0 strings are equal, else 1
      integer function cmpstr ( s1 , s2 )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      integer p1 , p2
      integer c
      p1 = sx ( s1 )
      p2 = sx ( s2 )
C get pointers to strings
      cmpstr = 1
C assume not equal
23000 continue
      c = sv ( p1 )
C get char from string 1
      if(.not.( c .ne. sv ( p2 ) ))goto 23003
23003 continue
C return if not equal
      p1 = p1 + 1
      p2 = p2 + 1
C step to next character
23001 if(.not.( c .eq. 0 ))goto 23000
23002 continue
C stop loop at eos
      cmpstr = 0
C congrats, you win
C cpystr - copy string into SNUST
C  uptr points to destination, updated to point to char after string
C  sno: string number of source string
C  opt:	sum of	CPINIT	reset uptr to iuptr before copying
C 		CPNUL	put null at end of string
      subroutine cpystr ( sno , opt )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      integer sp
      if(.not.( iand ( opt , 512 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23005
      uptr = iuptr
23005 continue
      sp = sx ( sno )
C get pointer to source string
23007 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23008
      ch = sv ( sp )
C get char
      sp = sp + 1
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23009
      goto 23008
C end of string
23009 continue
      call putu ( ch )
C transfer to SNUST
      goto 23007
23008 continue
      if(.not.( iand ( opt , 256 ) .ne. 0 ))goto 23011
      call putu ( 0 )
23011 continue
C tie it off if requested
C gsc - get next string character and increment pointer
      integer function gsc ( ptr )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      gsc = sv ( ptr )
      ptr = ptr + 1
C gscq - get character from quoted string; if "" is seen, one "
C 	is returned; if "x (where x != ") is seen, 0 is returned
C  ptr: sv index, incremented appropriately
      integer function gscq ( ptr )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      gscq = gsc ( ptr )
      if(.not.( gscq .eq. 34 ))goto 23013
C got a quote?
      gscq = gsc ( ptr )
C yes, have to look at next char
      if(.not.( gscq .ne. 34 ))goto 23015
      gscq = 0
23015 continue
C non-quote, end of string
23013 continue
      subroutine pr0 ( sno )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      sx1 = sx ( sno )
23017 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23018
      ch = gsc ( sx1 )
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23019
23019 continue
      call putc ( ch )
      goto 23017
23018 continue
      subroutine pr1 ( sno , a1 )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      sx1 = sx ( sno )
23021 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23022
      ch = gsc ( sx1 )
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23023
23023 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 37 ))goto 23025
      call prarg ( gsc ( sx1 ) , a1 )
      goto 23026
23025 continue
      call putc ( ch )
23026 continue
      goto 23021
23022 continue
      subroutine pr2 ( sno , a1 , a2 )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      sx1 = sx ( sno )
      a0 = a1
23027 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23028
      ch = gsc ( sx1 )
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23029
23029 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 37 ))goto 23031
      call prarg ( gsc ( sx1 ) , a0 )
      a0 = a2
      goto 23032
23031 continue
      call putc ( ch )
23032 continue
      goto 23027
23028 continue
      subroutine pr4 ( sno , a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      sx1 = sx ( sno )
      b1 = a1
      b2 = a2
      b3 = a3
23033 if(.not.( . true . ))goto 23034
      ch = gsc ( sx1 )
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 0 ))goto 23035
23035 continue
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 37 ))goto 23037
      call prarg ( gsc ( sx1 ) , b1 )
      b1 = b2
      b2 = b3
      b3 = a4
      goto 23038
23037 continue
      call putc ( ch )
23038 continue
      goto 23033
23034 continue
      subroutine prarg ( typ , arg )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      if(.not.( typ .eq. 99 ))goto 23039
      call putc ( arg )
23039 continue
      if(.not.( typ .eq. 100 ))goto 23041
      call putdec ( arg , 0 , 0 )
23041 continue
      if(.not.( typ .eq. 115 ))goto 23043
      call pr0 ( arg )
23043 continue
C putdec - write decimal number to terminal
C  num:   number
C  fsize: field size (0 if variable)
C  signf: 1 to get + sign on positive numbers
      subroutine putdec ( num , fsize , signf )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
      dimension dstr ( 7 )
      n = iabs ( num )
       i = 1
23045 if(.not.(i.le.7))goto 23047
      dstr ( i ) = 32
23046 i=i+1
      goto 23045
23047 continue
      dx = 8
23048 continue
      dx = dx - 1
      dstr ( dx ) = mod ( n , 10 ) + 48
      n = n / 10
23049 if(.not.( n .eq. 0 ))goto 23048
23050 continue
      if(.not.( num .lt. 0 .or. signf .eq. 1 ))goto 23051
      dx = dx - 1
      if(.not.( num .ge. 0 ))goto 23053
      dstr ( dx ) = 43
      goto 23054
23053 continue
      dstr ( dx ) = 45
23054 continue
23051 continue
      if(.not.( fsize .gt. 0 ))goto 23055
      dx = 8 - fsize
23055 continue
       i = dx
23057 if(.not.(i.le.7))goto 23059
      call putc ( dstr ( i ) )
23058 i=i+1
      goto 23057
23059 continue
C putu - add character to SNUST and increment uptr
      subroutine putu ( ch )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      sv ( uptr ) = ch
      uptr = uptr + 1
C putuq - like putu, except if char is ", it puts 2 of them
      subroutine putuq ( ch )
      implicit integer ( a - z )
C  Copyright (C) 1980, by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.
C sscom>
      integer sv ( 3500 )
      integer sx ( 150 )
      common / gscom /  ipptr , iuptr , pptr , uptr , sv , sx
C contains sx (SNINP)
C contains sx (SNUST)
C index into sv, used when parsing tty input (SNINP)
C index into sv, used when building a string (SNUST)
C subscript is string #, contains index into sv
      sv ( uptr ) = ch
      uptr = uptr + 1
      if(.not.( ch .eq. 34 ))goto 23060
      sv ( uptr ) = 34
      uptr = uptr + 1
23060 continue