
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-L014A-BM - autopatch/readme.001
There are 3 other files named readme.001 in the archive. Click here to see a list.

This is the first Autopatch set.  It contains patches for APL-V2 and
TOPS-20-V4.  To install Autopatch for the first time, you must first
restore the second save set and follow the instructions found in the 
Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual and the INSTAL.DOC file.  Information
specific to each product is recorded in section 5.0 of this document.


Previously written multi-volume labeled tapes with a non-default record
size specifed with the MTOPR JSYS are not compatible with this update
of the TOPS-20 monitor.  See the edit description for edit 1802 in the
T20xx4.D01 file.

If you are using a model 2020 and will be patching the TOPS-20-V4 product
you should use the /TIME switch with the SUBMIT command to specify a limit
of two hours (/TIME:2:00:00).  Our experience has been that one hour is not
quite enough.


Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual
INSTAL.DOC	(in Installation Save Set on this tape)


Patch Set 001

File		Description

README.001	Patch Set 001 Master Documentation File
TAP001.DIR	Directory with Checksums of Patch Set 001
PAT201.DPD	Patch Directory File for Patch Set 001

Edit Description Files

APL2S2.D01	APLSF-20-V2 		Edit Description File
APL2B2.D01	APL-20-V2		Edit Description File
T20204.D01	TOPS-20-2020-V4		Edit Description File
T20404.D01	TOPS-20-2040-V4		Edit Description File
T20604.D01	TOPS-20-2060-V4		Edit Description File
T20AL4.D01	TOPS-20-KL-ARPA-V4	Edit Description File
T20AS4.D01	TOPS-20-KS-ARPA-V4	Edit Description File

Product Patch and Build LOG Files

APL2B2.L01		LOG file for APL-20
APL2S2.L01		LOG file for APLSF-20
T20204-MED.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-2020 MEDIUM
T20204-SML.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-2020 SMALL
T20404-BCH.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-2040 BATCH
T20404-BIG.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-2040 BIG
T20404-MED.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-2040 MEDIUM
T20404-SML.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-2040 SMALL
T20404-SML-128.L01	LOG file for TOPS-20-2040 SMALL 128K or less
T20604-BIG.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-2060 BIG
T20604-MAX.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-2060 MAXIMUM
T20AL4-BIG.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-KL-ARPA BIG
T20AL4-LGE.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-KL-ARPA LARGE
T20AL4-SML.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-KL-ARPA SMALL
T20AS4-SML.L01		LOG file for TOPS-20-KS-ARPA SMALL

Patch Files

APLS22.R01	APLSF-20-V2		APLS22.REL Patch File
APLB22.R01	APL-20-V2		APLB22.REL Patch File
T202M4.R01	TOPS-20-2020-V4		T202M4.REL Patch File
T204M4.R01	TOPS-20-2040-V4		T204M4.REL Patch File
T206M4.R01	TOPS-20-2060-V4		T206M4.REL Patch File
T20EX4.R01	TOPS-20-V4 (EXEC)	T20EX4.REL Patch File
T20LM4.R01	TOPS-20-KL-ARPA-V4	T20LM4.REL Patch File
T20SM4.R01	TOPS-20-KS-ARPA-V4	T20SM4.REL Patch File

Modified System Files


Patch Dumper Control Files

APL2B2.P01	Restores files from Patch Set #001 for APL-20-V2
APL2S2.P01	Restores files from Patch Set #001 for APLSF-20-V2
T20204.P01	Restores files from Patch Set #001 for TOPS-20-2020-V4
T20404.P01	Restores files from Patch Set #001 for TOPS-20-2040-V4
T20604.P01	Restores files from Patch Set #001 for TOPS-20-2060-V4
T20AL4.P01	Restores files from Patch Set #001 for TOPS-20-KL-ARPA-V4
T20AS4.P01	Restores files from Patch Set #001 for TOPS-20-KS-ARPA-V4

5.0	Product Documentation
APL-20-V2		Product Information		PRODUCT CODE:
			  Patch Set 001			APL2B2

	This patch set provides the required files to update APL-20-V2
to edit level 504.

	If you are patching the product for the first time, you must build
several disk areas and obtain some files from the APL-20 distribution tape.
This process is described in the INSTAL.DOC file in the second save set on
this tape and in the Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual.  The APL2B2.DDC
Distribution Dumper Control File found in the Installation Save Set may be
used for this purpose.

	A description of each edit is contained in the Edit Description file
in this save set (APL2B2.D01).  A sample Patch & Build log file (APL2B2.L01)
is provided.  You may want to compare your Build with this log file.

	The files required from this save set to patch this product are:


You may use the APL2B2.P01 Patch Dumper Control file to restore files
from this save set.
APLSF-20-V2		Product Information		PRODUCT CODE:
			  Patch Set 001			APL2S2

	This patch set provides the required files to update APLSF-20-V2
to edit level 504.

	If you are patching the product for the first time, you must build
several disk areas and obtain some files from the APLSF-20 distribution tape.
This process is described in the INSTAL.DOC file in the second save set on
this tape and in the Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual.  The APL2S2.DDC
Distribution Dumper Control file found in the Installation Save Set may be
used for this purpose.

	A description of each edit is contained in the Edit Description file
in this save set (APL2S2.D01).  A sample Patch & Build log file (APL2S2.L01)
is provided.  You may want to compare your Build with this log file.

	The files required from this save set to patch this product are:


You may use the APL2S2.P01 Patch Dumper Control file to restore files
from this save set.
TOPS-20-2020-V4		Product Information		PRODUCT CODE:
			  Patch Set 001			T20204

	This patch set provides the required files to update the 2020
version of the TOPS-20 monitor to edit level 1806 and the EXEC to level 579.

	If you are patching the product for the first time, you must build
several disk areas and obtain some files from the TOPS-20 distribution tape.
This process is described in the INSTAL.DOC file in the second save set on
this tape and in the Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual.  The T20204-XXX
Distribution Dumper Control files found in the Installation Save Set may be
used for this purpose.

	A description of each edit is contained in the Edit Description file
in this save set (T20204.D01).  Sample Patch & Build log files are also
provided.  You may want to compare your Build with this log file.

	Previously written multi-volume labeled tapes with a non-default
record size specifed with the MTOPR JSYS are not compatible with this update
of the TOPS-20 monitor.  See the edit description for edit 1802 in the
T20204.D01 file.

	You should use the /TIME switch on the SUBMIT command to allow for
more than an hour limit (/TIME:2:00:00).  Our experience has been that one
hour is not quite enough.

	The files required from this save set to patch this product are:


You may use the T20204.P01 Patch Dumper Control file to restore files from
this save set.
TOPS-20-2040-V4		Product Information		PRODUCT CODE:
			  Patch Set 001			T20404

	This patch set provides the required files to update the 2040
version of the TOPS-20 monitor to edit level 1806 and the EXEC to level 579.

	If you are patching the product for the first time, you must build
several disk areas and obtain some files from the TOPS-20 distribution tape.
This process is described in the INSTAL.DOC file in the second save set on
this tape and in the Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual.  The T20404-XXX
Distribution Dumper Control files found in the Installation Save Set may
be used for this purpose.

	A description of each edit is contained in the Edit Description file
in this save set (T20404.D01).  Sample Patch & Build log files are also
provided.  You may want to compare your Build with this log file.

	Previously written multi-volume labeled tapes with a non-default
record size specifed with the MTOPR JSYS are not compatible with this update
of the TOPS-20 monitor.  See the edit description for edit 1802 in the
T20404.D01 file.

	The files required from this save set to patch this product are:


You may use the T20404.P01 Patch Dumper Control file to restore files
from this save set.
TOPS-20-2060-V4		Product Information		PRODUCT CODE:
			  Patch Set 001			T20604

	This patch set provides the required files to update the 2060
version of the TOPS-20 monitor to edit level 1806 and the EXEC to level 579.

	If you are patching the product for the first time, you must build
several disk areas and obtain some files from the TOPS-20 distribution tape.
This process is described in the INSTAL.DOC file in the second save set on
this tape and in the Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual.  The T20604-XXX
Distribution Dumper Control files found in the Installation Save Set may be
used for this purpose.

	Previously written multi-volume labeled tapes with a non-default
record size specifed with the MTOPR JSYS are not compatible with this update
of the TOPS-20 monitor.  See the edit description for edit 1802 in the
T20604.D01 file.

	A description of each edit is contained in the Edit Description file
in this save set (T20604.D01).  Sample Patch & Build log files are also
provided.  You may want to compare your Build with this log file.

	The files required from this save set to patch this product are:


You may use the T20604.P01 Patch Dumper Control file to restore files
from this save set.
TOPS-20-KL-ARPA-V4		Product Information		PRODUCT CODE:
				  Patch Set 001			T20AL4

	This patch set provides the required files to update the KL-ARPA
version of the TOPS-20 monitor to edit level 1806 and the EXEC to level 579.

	If you are patching the product for the first time, you must build
several disk areas and obtain some files from the TOPS-20 distribution tape.
This process is described in the INSTAL.DOC file in the second save set on
this tape and in the Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual.  The T20AL4-XXX
Distribution Dumper Control files found in the Installation Save Set may be
used for this purpose.

	Previously written multi-volume labeled tapes with a non-default
record size specifed with the MTOPR JSYS are not compatible with this update
of the TOPS-20 monitor.  See the edit description for edit 1802 in the
T20AL4.D01 file.

	A description of each edit is contained in the Edit Description file
in this save set (T20AL4.D01).  Sample Patch & Build log files are also
provided.  You may want to compare your Build with this log file.

	The files required from this save set to patch this product are:


You may use the T20AL4.P01 Patch Dumper Control file to restore files
from this save set.
TOPS-20-KS-ARPA-V4		Product Information		PRODUCT CODE:
				  Patch Set 001			T20AS4

	This patch set provides the required files to update the KS-ARPA
version of the TOPS-20 monitor to edit level 1806 and the EXEC to level 579.

	If you are patching the product for the first time, you must build
several disk areas and obtain some files from the TOPS-20 distribution tape.
This process is described in the INSTAL.DOC file in the second save set on
this tape and in the Autopatch Procedures/Reference Manual.  The T20AS4-XXX
Distribution Dumper Control files found in the Installation Save Set may be
used for this purpose.

	Previously written multi-volume labeled tapes with a non-default
record size specifed with the MTOPR JSYS are not compatible with this update
of the TOPS-20 monitor.  See the edit description for edit 1802 in the
T20AS4.D01 file.

	A description of each edit is contained in the Edit Description file
in this save set (T20AS4.D01).  Sample Patch & Build log files are also
provided.  You may want to compare your Build with this log file.

	The files required from this save set to patch this product are:


You may use the T20AS4.P01 Patch Dumper Control file to restore files
from this save set.