
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-L289B-RK - lpt.rno
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! d i g i t a l !   I N T E R O F F I C E  M E M O R A N D U M
				       Date: 19-February-82
				       From: TSG/NCSS
				       Loc:  MR1-2/H22
				       Ext:  HOTLINE  5911
Subj:	Notes on RSX20F and Lineprinters
.subtitle Subj:	Notes on RSX20F and Lineprinters
RSX20F VE14-17 for TOPS10 had a problem with ERROR.SYS filling up
with "DEMAND TIMEOUT, GO ERRORS" for a line printer.  This had
the effect of bringing the TOPS10 to its knees trying to log
thousands of error messages.  What had happenned was that after
a "DEMAND TIMEOUT, GO ERROR" was detected, RSX20F would keep
retrying in the hopes that the error would go away.  Each retry
generated a new error message and RSX20F would send it to TOPS10
to be logged for SYSERR.  This is fixed by PCO 10-RSX20F-11 in
SIRUS for version 14-17.  The new RSX20F already has this fixed.
A RSX20F lineprinter is NOT supported on a 1090, however, it does
work.  It is supported on 1091,2040,2050,2060.  The only difference
between a 1090 and 1091 for RSX20F is whether the DECtape driver
or the RX01 floppy disk driver is assembled into the EXEC.
RSX20F can have up to two LP20 line printer controllers (LPT0:,LPT1:)
each talking to one of the following:
.le;LP05 - 300 lines per minute printer
.le;LP07 - 900/1200 lines per minute printer (Charaband LPT)
.le;LP14 - 900 lines per minute printer
.le;LP26 - 600/450 lines per minute printer
Note that RSX20F does not have a device driver for the LP11
lineprinter controller.