
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-L289B-RK - supp.rno
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! d i g i t a l !   I N T E R O F F I C E  M E M O R A N D U M
				       Date: 19-February-82
				       From: TSG/NCSS
				       Loc:  MR1-2/H22
				       Ext:  HOTLINE  5911
Subj:	Supported Devices on RSX20F
.subtitle Subj:	Supported Devices on RSX20F
RSX20F still supports only a limited number of terminal and modem
types.  The complete list of terminals and modems which are supported
are listed in the new SPD.  If it is not listed it is NOT SUPPORTED.
Generally RSX20F is designed to handle input from human beings typing
at human speeds.  Even though the line is rated at 9600 baud RSX20F
often cannot handle input at this speed. Configurations containing
terminal-like devices which do high speed input, non-BELL modems,
microprocessor-controlled devices and switches are not supported and
may not work.  The customer should be made to understand that if he
connects these devices he does so at his own risk.