
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-P363B-SM_1985 - mcb/loaders/dtedmp.mac
There are no other files named dtedmp.mac in the archive.
	.SBTTL	Title page
	.IDENT	"X05.01"
;                    COPYRIGHT (c) 1980, 1981, 1982
;                        Maynard, Massachusetts
;     This software is furnished under a license and may  be  used
;     and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
;     and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This
;     software  or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
;     otherwise made available to any other person.  No  title  to
;     and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
;     The information  in  this  software  is  subject  to  change
;     without  notice  and should not be construed as a commitment
;     DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability
;     of  its  software  on  equipment  which  is  not supplied by
;     DIGITAL.
	.SBTTL	Edit history
;     Module: DTEDMP
;     Date:   9-Jun-78
;     Author: LEE WEBBER
;     Modifications:
;       4.01  24-Oct-78 Lee Webber
;			Take out DTE reset at start of MOP.
;			Set I-bit on reading MOP message.
;			Do all dump writes from buffer in low core.
;       4.02  26-Oct-78 Lee Webber
;			Typo fixes.
;			Fix "DTESNA" bug.
;       4.03  27-Oct-78 Lee Webber
;			Add MOP header to dump data.
;       4.04  31-Oct-78 Lee webber
;			Add "MOP MODE RUNNING" with core size.
;       4.05  19-Dec-78 Lee Webber
;			Make 128K core size into 124K.
;	****** Release V3.0 DECnet-20 ******
;       5.01  3-Jun-81 Steve Jenness
;			Remove some unneeded conditionals.
;			Leave bootstrap in low memory; stop overwritting
;			    high memory.
;			Extensive format changes to improve readability.
;			Fix NXM trap (4) to prevent screwy occurances
;			    when a bug occurs after memory search is done.
;			Limit DTE MOP "DUMP DATA" message to 2k bytes
;			    to prevent overrunning end of the buffer
;			    area onto undumped memory.
	.SBTTL	Feature test definitions

;**	D$$BUG=	0		; Debug version if defined
	M$$XSZ=	512.		; Max size of program is 512. bytes 
	M$$MSG= 2048.		; Maximum number of bytes per dump request
	.SBTTL	Macros
; Macro - CALL
; Function - Subroutine linkage
; Usage -
;	CALL	rtnadr
; Parameters -
;    rtnadr	address expression for subroutine to be called




; Macro - RETURN
; Function - To return from a subroutine called with either
;	a JSR instruction or the CALL macro.
; Parameters - none



; Macro - DEBUG
; Function - This macro conditionally assembles code.  If the feature
;	test switch D$$BUG is defined, the specified operation (OP)
;	is assembled.  If D$$BUG is not defined, the altenate operation
;	(ALTOP) is assembled.
; Parameters -
;	OP	Instruction to execute if debugging is enabled
;	MSG     Text to be associated with debugging code
;	ALTOP   Instruction to execute if debugging is disabled

    .PRINT . ;MSG
; Macro - ERR
; Function - This macro generates error conditional code.  If the
;	debugging feature test switch D$$BUG is defined then a
;	conditional instruction is built to check if an error has
;	occured.  If debugging is enabled and the test succeeds
;	the processor is halted.  If debugging is disabled and the
;	test succeeds, the program jumps to MOPERR to restart the
;	MOP protocol processor.
; Parameters -
;    CND     Branch type postfix code indicating failure test     
;    MSG     Text to be associated with the failure
;    WHERE   Optional failure destination if MOPERR is undesirable

	 .IIF IDN <CND>,<R>,
	.SBTTL	General bit definitions

BIT0=	000001
BIT1=	000002
BIT2=	000004
BIT3=	000010
BIT4=	000020
BIT5=	000040
BIT6=	000100
BIT7=	000200
BIT8=	000400
BIT9=	001000
BIT10=	002000
BIT11=	004000
BIT12=	010000
BIT13=	020000
BIT14=	040000
BIT15=	100000

	.SBTTL	MOP protocol definitions

M.PMLT=	0.			; "Memory load with transfer"
M.PMLD=	2.			; "Memory load"
M.PRMD=	4.			; "Request memory dump"
M.PEMM=	6.			; "Enter MOP mode"
M.PRPR=	8.			; "Request program"
M.PRML=	10.			; "Request/acknowledge memory load"
M.PMMR=	12.			; "MOP mode running"
M.PMDP=	14.			; "Memory dump"
M.PDAP=	16.			; "(REMOTE-11) DAP envelope"
M.PEAM=	18.			; "(REMOTE-11) enter REMOTE-11 ASCII mode"
M.PLDP=	20.			; "Program data"
M.PLBT=	24.			; "Loopback test"
	.SBTTL	CPU and KT-11 definitions

; CPU register definitions

SWR=	177570			; Switch register
PS=	177776			; Processor status word
	PR7=	7*BIT5		; Priority 7

; Memory management register definitions

SR0=	177572			; Status register 0

KISDR0=	172300			; Kernal page desriptor 0
KISDR1=	172302			; . . 1
KISDR2=	172304			; . . 2
KISDR3=	172306			; . . 3
KISDR4=	172310			; . . 4
KISDR5=	172312			; . . 5
KISDR6=	172314			; . . 6
KISDR7=	172316			; . . 7

KISAR0=	172340			; Kernal page address register 0
KISAR1=	172342			; . . 1
KISAR2=	172344			; . . 2
KISAR3=	172346			; . . 3
KISAR4=	172350			; . . 4
KISAR5=	172352			; . . 5
KISAR6=	172354			; . . 6
KISAR7=	172356			; . . 7
	.SBTTL	DTE20 definitions

DLYCNT=	0			; Delay counter
	BUSA17=	BIT15		; UNIBUS address bit 17
	BUSA16=	BIT14		; UNIBUS address bit 16
	DLYMSK=	37777		; Delay counter
DEXWD3=	2			; Deposit/examine word 3
DEXWD2=	4			;  . . 2
DEXWD1=	6			;  . . 1
TENAD1=	10			; KL-10 memory address 1
TENAD2=	12			;  . . 2
TO10BC=	14			; To -10 byte (word) count
TO11BC=	16			; To -11 byte (word) count
	TO11IB=	BIT15		; Interrupt both -10 and -11 when done
	TO11BM=	BIT13		; To -11 byte mode
	TO11CM=	7777		; Byte (word) count
TO10AD=	20			; To -10 address
TO11AD=	22			; To -11 address
TO10DT=	24			; To -10 data word
TO11DT=	26			; To -11 data word

DIAG1=	30			; Diagnostic/control register 1
DIAG2=	32			; Diagnostic register 2
	DRESET=	BIT6		; (W) DTE20 reset
CSTAT=	34			; Control/status register
	TO10DN=	BIT15		; (R) to -10 transfer done
	DON10C=	BIT14		; (W) clear to -10 done
	TO10ER=	BIT13		; (R) to -10 transfer error
	ERR10C=	BIT12		; (W) clear to -10 transfer error
	TO11DB=	BIT11		; (R/W) to -11 doorbell
	INT11C=	BIT10		; (W) clear to -11 doorbell
	TO10DB=	BIT8		; (R/W) to -10 doorbell
	TO11DN=	BIT7		; (R) to -11 transfer done
	DON11C=	BIT6		; (W) clear to -11 done
	TO11ER=	BIT1		; (R) to -11 transfer error
	ERR11C=	BIT0		; (W) clear to -11 transfer error
DIAG3=	36			; diagnostic/control register 3
	TO10BM=	BIT0		; (W) to -10 byte mode
	.SBTTL	Find top of physical memory
; The BM873-YF, -YG, -YH, -YJ ROM loads this 256. word (512. byte) program
; starting at location 0, then transfers to location 0.
; The following registers are left by the ROM:
;	R1	Address of DTE20 status word "CSTAT"
; Usages that stay constant throughout the program:
; Registers:
;	R1	Virtual address of DTE20 "CSTAT" register
;	SP	Stack pointer
; Page registers:
;	0	Maps to physical 0 (and this code)
;	1	Maps to source data (for searching or copying)
;	7	Maps to external page

	DEBUG HALT,<Start of bootstrap>,NOP ; (0) Mark start of bootstrap
	BR	10$			    ; (2) Skip over timeout code
	.WORD	30$,PR7			    ; (4,6) Where to go on NXM

; Wait for to -11 DOORBELL if not cleared by ROM

10$:	BIT	#TO11DN,(R1)	; To -11 done?
	BEQ	15$		; No.. doorbell has been cleared
	BIT	#TO11DB,(R1)	; Doorbell ringing?
	BEQ	10$		; No.. wait

; Find top block of physical memory (top down search)

15$:	CLRB	MEMMGR		; Indicate unmapped system is running
	MOV	#STACK-4,SP	; Set stack
	MOV	#160000,R5	; Start at external page if no KT11

	MOV	#77406,R2	; Set max size for an APR
	MOV	R2,@#KISDR0	; Set map for this code (No KT11.. trap to 30$)
	MOV	R2,@#KISDR1	; Set map for finding memory
	MOV	R2,@#KISDR7	; Set map external page
	CLR	@#KISAR0	; Set map segment 0 to this code
	MOV	#7600,@#KISAR1	; Start memory search at external page
	MOV	#7600,@#KISAR7	; Also map external page
	MOV	#1,@#SR0	; Enable segmentation (Turn KT11 on)
	MOV	#20000,R5	; Point to where mapping register 1 maps
	MOV	#20$,@#4	; Set NXM timeout on KT11 to step down
				;  through memory.

20$:	CMP	(SP)+,(SP)+	; Remove trap stuff put onto stack
	DEC	@#KISAR1	; Count down
	TST	(R5)		; Trap back to 20$ if non-existant memory

; Found top of physical memory.  Compute physical address.

	MOV	@#KISAR1,R5	; Get physical address (right-shifted 6 bits)
	CLR	R4		; Start with no extension address
	ASHC	#6,R4		; Shift extension bits into R4
				; Leave low order bits (0-15) in R5
	ADD	#100,R5		; Increment size by one 32 word block
	ADC	R4		; If carry .. increment bits 16-17

	MOV	R4,MMRADR+2	; Save extension bits
	MOV	R5,MMRADR	; Save physical memory count (0-15)
	INC	MEMMGR		; Indicate mapped virtual system is running
	BR	40$		; Go save max address and start processing

; Here if we must find top of memory without memory management

30$:	CMP	(SP)+,(SP)+	; Remove trap stuff put onto stack
	DEC	R5		; Down by another word
	TST	(R5)		; Trap to 30$ if still NXM

	CLR	MMRADR+2	; Indicate no extension bits
	INC	R5		; Increment to make if 1 relative (not 0)
	MOV	R5,MMRADR	; Save memory word count

; Set NXM trap to restart MOP processor on trap.

40$:	MOV	#MOP,@#4	; Set trap to start of processor
	.SBTTL	Dump processor

;  Send a "MOP MODE RUNNING" message

MOP:	DEBUG	HALT,<Start of MOP processor>

	MOV	#STACK,SP	; Reset stack pointer

	MOV	#MMR,R0		; Point to the "MOP MODE RUNNING" message
	CALL	DTESNA		; Send it

;  Read a MOP dump request

MOPWAT:	BIT	#TO11DB,(R1)	; Doorbell ringing?
	BEQ	MOPWAT		; No.. wait until -10 rings us

	MOV	#RCVMSG,R0	; Get address of byte count word
	MOV	#9.,R2		; Set byte count for this read
	MOV	R2,R3		;  and total (global) byte count
	CALL	DTERCA		; Receive dump request message

; Verify count and MOP function

	CMPB	#7,BYTCNT		; 7-byte message?
	ERR	NE,<Invalid message length>
	CMPB	#M.PRMD,MOPFNC		; Program dump?
	ERR	NE,<Invalid MOP function code received>

	CMP	#M$$MSG,MOPCNT		; Check for too big of a request
	BGE	5$			;  No .. let it be
	MOV	#M$$MSG,MOPCNT		; Override count to maximum allowed

5$:	CMP	MOPADR+2,MMRADR+2	; Check if memory address exceeded
	BGT	10$			;  Error if too big
	BLT	20$			;  If less .. then ok
	CMP	MOPADR,MMRADR		; Extension is equal .. check 0-15
	BLO	20$			;  If less .. then ok
10$:	ERR	R,<Starting dump address is too big>
;  Write out the dump record for the request

20$:	MOV	MOPCNT,R0		; Get byte transfer count
	ADD	#5,R0			; Add in header length
	MOVB	R0,COUNT		; Set count in DTE message

	MOV	MOPADR,R3		; Get low order (0-15) address bits
	TSTB	MEMMGR			; Check for mapped memory system
	BEQ	30$			;  No.. use 16 bit address only

	MOV	MOPADR+2,R2		; Get extension bits
	MOV	R3,MEMADR		; Set address in dump data messge

	ASHC	#-6,R2			; Set mapping register to point
	MOV	R3,@#KISAR1		;  the data to be dumped

	MOV	MOPADR,R3		; Calculate
	BIC	#^C<77>,R3		;   the data's
	ADD	#20000,R3		;   virtual address
; Move the data into low core buffer

30$:	MOV	#DATA,R2	; Address the transmission buffer
	MOV	MOPCNT,R0	; Get byte count

40$:	MOVB	(R3)+,(R2)+	; Move a byte
	SOB	R0,40$		;   and go back for more

; Send the block from the buffer in low core

	MOV	#COUNT,R0	; Address count field
	CALL	DTESNA		;   and send the block out

	JMP	MOPWAT		; Go cycle again

; Here on error during dump processing.
; Ignore dump request.

	.SBTTL	DTE subroutines
; Routine - DTESND
; Function - To send a byte stream message across the DTE20 from
;	     mapped VIRTUAL address space.
;	     R0 points in virtual space to the data buffer. R4 and
;	     R5 contain the physical offset for R0's virtual space.
; Parameters -
;	R0	Virtual address of data to send
;	R1	Virtual address of DTE20 "CSTAT" register
;	R4	Physical base addr of data buffer (Bits 17-16, in bits 15-14)
;	R5	Physical base addr of data buffer (Bits 15-0)

DTESND:	MOV	R4,DLYCNT-CSTAT(R1) ; Set memory extension bits
	ADD	R5,R0		; Convert to physical
	BR	DTESN1		; Go send message
; Routine - DTESNA
; Function - To send a byte stream message across the DTE20 from
;	     unmapped PHYSICAL address space.
; Parameters -
;	R0	Low-order (bits 0-15) physical address to send data from
;	R1	Virtual address of DTE20 "CSTAT" register

DTESNA:	BIC	#140000,DLYCNT-CSTAT(R1) ; Clear memory extension bits

DTESN1:	MOV	R0,TO10AD-CSTAT(R1) 	; Set address of MOP message
	MOV	#DON10C!ERR10C,(R1) 	; Reset TO10DN and TO10ER
	MOV	#TO10BM,DIAG3-CSTAT(R1) ; Set to -10 byte mode
	MOV	#TO10DB!INT11C,(R1)	; Ring -10's doorbell with this message

; Wait for to -10 transfer

10$:	BIT	#TO10DN!TO10ER,(R1)	; Done or error?
	BEQ	10$			; Not done or error.. wait
	ERR	PL,<To -10 transfer error>

	RETURN				; Return from DTESND/DTESNA
; Routine - DTERCV
; Function - To receive a byte stream message across the DTE20 into
;	     mapped VIRTUAL address space.
;	     R0 points in virtual space to the data buffer. R4 and
;	     R5 contain the physical offset for R0's virtual space.
; Parameters -
;	R0	Virtual address of data buffer
;	R1	Virtual address of DTE20 "CSTAT" register
;	R2	Number of bytes of message to be received
;	R3	Number of bytes total in the message (global count)
;	R4	Physical base addr of data buffer (Bits 17-16, in bits 15-14)
;	R5	Physical base addr of data buffer (Bits 15-0)

DTERCV:	MOV	R4,DLYCNT-CSTAT(R1)	; Set extended memory bits
	ADD	R5,R0			; Make physical address
; Routine - DTERCA
; Function - To receive a byte stream message across the DTE20 into
;	     unmapped PHYSICAL address space.
; Parameters -
;	R0	Low-order (bits 0-15) physical address of data buffer
;	R1	Virtual address of DTE20 "CSTAT" register
;	R2	Number of bytes of message to be received
;	R3	Number of bytes total in the message (global count)

DTERCA:	BIC	#140000,DLYCNT-CSTAT(R1) ; Clear memory extension bits	

DTERC1:	MOV	R0,TO11AD-CSTAT(R1)	; Set address
	ADD	R2,R0			; Update address
	BCC	10$			; No boundary..
	BEQ	10$			; Exactly a boundary.. ok also

; The requested transfer crosses a 32K boundary.
; We must do the transfer in two pieces.

	MOV	R0,-(SP)		; Save residual count above boundary
	SUB	R0,R2			; Change count to just below boundary
	CLR	R0			; Set final address = 0
	CALL	10$			; Do the first part of the transfer
	MOV	(SP)+,R2		; Get residual count
	MOV	R2,R0			; That's final address, also

10$:	MOV	#DON11C!ERR11C,(R1)	; Reset TO11DN and TO11ER
	SUB	R2,R3			; Last transfer?
	BEQ	20$			; Yes.. Set TO11IB to indicate "DONE"
					;  to both processors	
	ERR	LT,<To -11 message to short>
	BIS	#TO11IB,R2		; Clear TO11IB (when we negate R2)

20$:	NEG	R2			; Negate byte count
	BIC	#^C<TO11IB!TO11BM!TO11CM>,R2 ; Clear unused bits
	ERR	EQ,<To -11 zero byte transfer>

	MOV	R2,TO11BC-CSTAT(R1)	; Start transfer

; Wait for to -11 transfer

30$:	BITB	#TO11DN!TO11ER,(R1)	; Done or error?
	BEQ	30$			; Not done or error.. wait
	ERR	PL,<To -11 transfer error>

	TST	R0			; This transfer cross a 32K boundary?
	BNE	40$			; No.. all ok
	ADD	#BUSA16,DLYCNT-CSTAT(R1) ; Yes.. bump address bits

40$:	MOV	R3,R2			; Get remaining count, and tst it
	RETURN				; Return from DTERCV/DTERCA
	.SBTTL	Data area
; Stack
	.BLKW	8.

; Random data

MEMMGR:	.BLKB	1		; Memory manager
				;   0 - No KT11
				;   1 - KT11 exists and is enabled

;  "MOP MODE RUNNING" message

MMRPAD:	.BLKB	1		; Pad byte
MMR:				; Start of message
	.BYTE	8.,0		; Message length
	.BYTE	20.		; (1) : B  DTE device type
	.BYTE	1		; (1) : B  MOP version #
MMRADR:	.WORD	0,0		; (4) : B  Memory size (bytes)
	.BYTE	2		; (1) : B  MOP features supported; dump only

; Received MOP message
RCVMG0:	.BLKB	1		; Pad byte/start of second message
RCVMSG:				; Start of first message
BYTCNT:	.BLKB	2		; Byte count
MOPFNC:	.BLKB	1		; (1) : B  MOP function
MOPADR:	.BLKB	4		; (4) : B  Address of data to be dumped
MOPCNT:	.BLKB	2		; (2) : B  Number of bytes to be dumped
; Count field and start of output buffer in low core

SNDPAD:	.BLKB	1		; Pad byte/start of dump data message
COUNT:	.BLKB	2		; DTE transfer byte count
CODE:	.BYTE	14.		; (1) : B  "DUMP IMAGE" MOP code
MEMADR:	.BLKB	4		; (4) : B  Address field
DATA	= .			; Start of buffer

  .IF G <.-M$$XSZ>
    .ERROR <.-M$$XSZ> ; Too much stuff
    .PRINT <M$$XSZ-.> ; Free space left