
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-PBQUC-BM_1990 - help/modify.hlp
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MODIFY command

The MODIFY command adds or changes switches for a request placed in  a
batch or output queue.


     @MODIFY (REQUEST TYPE) queue (ID) identifier /switch(es)


     queue      is the waiting list in which you placed  the  original
                request, chosen from the following list:

                    BATCH          for requests made using the  SUBMIT

                    CARDS          for requests made using  the  PUNCH
                                   CARDS command

                    PAPER-TAPE     for requests made using  the  PUNCH
                                   PAPER-TAPE command

                    PLOT           for requests made  using  the  PLOT

                    PRINT          for requests made using  the  PRINT

                In the  switch  summary  and  descriptions,  the  word
                Output  in  the  column headed Applicable Queues means
                all queues except the batch queue.

     identifier   is one of the following:

               request ID number   the unique identifier  assigned  by
                                   the  system  to your request.  This
                                   is the number appearing  under  the
                                   heading   "Req#"  in  the  list  of
                                   requests shown by  the  INFORMATION
                                   BATCH-REQUESTS    or    INFORMATION
                                   OUTPUT-REQUESTS command.

               jobname             the jobname of the request,  either
                                   the  first  six  characters  of the
                                   first filename in the  request,  or
                                   the  argument  you  supplied  to  a
                                   /JOBNAME  switch  when  making  the
                                   original request.  This is the name
                                   appearing under  the  heading  "Job
                                   Name" in the list of requests shown
                                   by the  INFORMATION  BATCH-REQUESTS
                                   or    INFORMATION   OUTPUT-REQUESTS

               /JOBNAME:jobname    switch showing the jobname  of  the
                                   request to modify.  You can specify
                                   a particular  jobname  when  making
                                   the  original request.  See Special
                                   Cases - /JOBNAME Switch, below.

               /SEQUENCE:sequence number
                                   switch showing the sequence  number
                                   of  the request to modify.  You can
                                   specify   a   particular   sequence
                                   number  when  making  the  original

          Use an  asterisk  (*)  as  identifier  to  modify  all  your
          requests in the specified queue.

     /switches                are  keywords,  chosen  from  the   list
                              below, specifying the parameter you want
                              to change (and,  where  applicable,  the
                              new value of this parameter)

                  Summary of MODIFY Command Switches

        Switch                          Applicable Queues

     /AFTER:date and/or time                              All
     /BEGIN:n                                             All
     /CARDS:n                                   BATCH
     /COPIES:n                                         Output
     /DELETE                            PRINT   BATCH
     /DEPENDENCY-COUNT:n                        BATCH
     /DESTINATION-NODE:node name::                        All
     /FEET:n                                    BATCH
           ASCII                        PRINT
           COBOL                        PRINT
     /FILE:ELEVEN                       PRINT
           FORTRAN                      PRINT
     /FORMS:forms name                                 Output
     /GENERIC                                          Output
     /HEADER                                           Output
     /JOBNAME:jobname                                     All
     /LIMIT:n                           PRINT
     /LOWERCASE                         PRINT
     /MODE:output mode                                 Output
     /NOHEADER                                         Output
     /NOTE:12-character message                        Output
              ALWAYS                            BATCH
     /OUTPUT  ERRORS                            BATCH
              NOLOG                             BATCH
     /PAGES:n                                   BATCH
     /PRIORITY:n                                          All
     /PRESERVE                                            All
     /PROCESSING-NODE:node name                 BATCH
     /REMOTE-PRINTER:                           PRINT
     /REPORT:title                      PRINT
     /RESTARTABLE:YES                           BATCH

             Switch                     Applicable Queues

     /SEQUENCE:n                                          All
     /SPACING:DOUBLE                    PRINT
     /TIME:hh:mm:ss                                       All
     /TPLOT:n                                   BATCH
             0 or NO
     /UNIQUE:1 or YES                           BATCH
     /UNIT:octal number                                Output
     /UPPERCASE                         PRINT
     /USER:user name                                      All

                       MODIFY Command Switches

                             Applicable Queues

     /AFTER:date and/or time, or
                                         All  ensures that the request
            day of week (or TODAY)            will   not  be processed
            and/or time                       until after the  revised
                                              date     and/or     time
                                              specified.    NOV-12-79,
                                              and 18:00 illustrate two
                                              arguments    to     this
                                              switch.    If  you  give
                                              both  date   and   time,
                                              separate   them  with  a
                                              space.     When    given
                                              alone,  the  time may be
                                              preceded by a plus  sign
                                              (+),  which  will  delay
                                              processing    by     the
                                              indicated length of time
                                              from the present.

                                              Alternatively,  you  can
                                              give  a  day of the week
                                              (for example, MONDAY) or
                                              TODAY  as argument; then
                                              the  job  will  not   be
                                              printed     until    the
                                              beginning     of     the
                                              following  day.   If you
                                              follow   this   argument
                                              with  a  plus sign and a
                                              time, the  job  will  be
                                              further  delayed by this

     /BEGIN:n                            All  gives the  decimal  line
                                              number  of  the  control
                                              file at which processing
                                              is to begin (for BATCH),
                                              or  the   decimal   page
                                              number  of  the  file at
                                              which the output  is  to
                                              begin     (for    CARDS,
                                              PAPER-TAPE,  PLOT,   and

     /CARDS:n                  BATCH          specifies  the   decimal
                                              number  of spooled cards
                                              the job  is  allowed  to

     /COPIES:n                        Output  tells how many copies of
                                              the file to produce

     /DELETE                             All  deletes the  file  after
                                              processing.  Opposite of

     /DEPENDENCY-COUNT:n       BATCH          sets    the    request's
                                              dependency  count to the
                                              new   value   n.    This
                                              switch   can   also   be
                                              followed  by  a   signed
                                              value, such as +n or -n,
                                              which will  increase  or
                                              decrease  the  old value
                                              by the specified amount.
                                              A  batch  request is not
                                              processed   until    its
                                              dependency  count  is 0.
                                              See the TOPS-10/20 Batch
                                              Reference   Manual   for
                                              more  information  about
                                              dependency counts.

                                         All  specifies  the  node  on
                                              whose  line  printer the
                                              log file of  your  batch
                                              job  is  to  be  printed
                                              (for BATCH), or the node
                                              on whose line printer or
                                              other output device your
                                              request    is    to   be
                                              processed        (CARDS,
                                              PAPER-TAPE,   PLOT,  and
                                              PRINT).  Two colons (::)
                                              following  the node name
                                              are optional.

     /FEET:n                   BATCH          specifies  the   decimal
                                              number    of   feet   of
                                              spooled paper  tape  the
                                              job is allowed to punch.

     /FILE:ELEVEN              PRINT          specifies that the  file
           FORTRAN                            consists of ASCII  text,
                                              or COBOL SIXBIT text; or
                                              (ELEVEN)  contains  four
                                              eight-bit  bytes in each
                                              36-bit   word;   or   is
                                              FORTRAN    ASCII   text,
                                              where column 1  of  each
                                              line is interpreted as a
                                              carriage         control

     /FORMS:forms name                Output  specifies,  in  six   or
                                              fewer   characters,  new
                                              forms  (determining  the
                                              size  of banner, header,
                                              and  trailer   sections;
                                              the  paper color, width,
                                              and   weight;   vertical
                                              format, carriage control
                                              tape,  the   number   of
                                              plotter  steps per inch,
                                              etc.) to  use  with  the

     /GENERIC                         Output  allows the output to  be
                                              produced      on     any
                                              available  device.   Use
                                              along    with   argument
                                              PRINT  to   cancel   the
                                              /LOWERCASE or /UPPERCASE
                                              switch,  or  with  PLOT,
                                              PRINT,     CARDS,     or
                                              PAPER-TAPE to cancel the
                                              /UNIT switch.

     /HEADER                          Output  causes a header  section
                                              containing  the  jobname
                                              to be plotted,  printed,
                                              or  punched  before  the
                                              file itself is produced.

     /JOBNAME:jobname                    All  does  not   change   the
                                              jobname,  but  specifies
                                              which  job  to   modify.
                                              Same   as   jobname   in
                                              "identifier" argument.

     /LIMIT:n                         Output  places a new limit of  n
                                              cards, feet, or pages on
                                              the output of the job.

     /LOWERCASE                PRINT          specifies that the  file
                                              is  to  be produced on a
                                              line printer capable  of
                                              printing       lowercase

     /MODE:BINARY              CARDS          designates the mode  for
           IMAGE                              punching the  file  onto
                                              cards.   See  the  /MODE
                                              switch  in   the   PUNCH
                                              command  description for

     /MODE:IMAGE               PAPER-TAPE     designates the mode  for
           IMAGE-BINARY                       punching the  file  onto
                                              paper   tape.   See  the
                                              /MODE  switch   in   the
                                              PUNCH            command
                                              description for details.

     /MODE:BINARY              PLOT           designates the mode  for
           IMAGE                              plotting the file.   See
                                              the  /MODE switch in the
                                              PLOT command description
                                              for details.

     /MODE:OCTAL               PRINT          designates the mode  for
           SUPPRESS                           printing the file.   See
                                              the  /MODE switch in the
                                              PRINT            command
                                              description for details.

     /NOHEADER                        Output  prevents    a     header
                                              section  containing  the
                                              jobname    from    being
                                              produced before the file
                                              is produced.

     /NOTE:message                    Output  labels    the     header
                                              section  of  output (the
                                              section  displaying  the
                                              jobname)  with a message
                                              or notation of up to  12
                                              characters.  The message
                                              must  be   enclosed   in
                                              double  quotation  marks
                                              if it contains spaces or
                                              punctuation characters.

     /OUTPUT:ERRORS            BATCH          says  whether  you  want
             NOLOG                            the  log  file   to   be
                                              printed  always, or only
                                              in the case of unhandled
                                              errors  occurring within
                                              the job, or  never.   No
                                              matter  which option you
                                              choose, the log file  is
                                              always created.

     /PAGES:n                  BATCH          specifies  the   decimal
                                              number  of  spooled line
                                              printer pages the job is
                                              allowed to print.

     /PRESERVE                           All  saves the file after  it
                                              is  processed.  Opposite
                                              of /DELETE.

     /PRIORITY:n                         All  assigns a new  number  n
                                              reflecting  the  urgency
                                              of the request.  This  n
                                              must  be  from  1 to 63,
                                              with   larger    numbers
                                              receiving        earlier

     /PROCESSING-NODE:node name::
                               BATCH          specifies the  IBM  host
                                              system  on whose CPU the
                                              JCL batch job is  to  be
                                              run.  The node name must
                                              be  of  six   or   fewer
                                              characters  and  must be
                                              followed by  two  colons

     /REMOTE-PRINTER:  n       PRINT          specifies the name of  a
                                              remote  print  queue  to
                                              print the file.

     /REPORT:title             PRINT          scans  your  files   and
                                              processes   only   those
                                              lines    whose     first
                                              characters are the title
                                              you  give.   This  title
                                              can  contain  up  to  12
                                              characters    (including
                                              the quotation marks that
                                              must enclose  the  title
                                              if  it contains spaces).
                                              The switch is used along
                                              with  the  COBOL  report

     /RESTARTABLE:YES          BATCH          specifies  whether   the
                                              job  should  be  started
                                              again  if   the   system
                                              crashes and restarts.

     /SEQUENCE:n                         All  does  not   change   the
                                              sequence  number  of the
                                              job but rather specifies
                                              which   job  to  modify.
                                              Giving this switch is an
                                              alternative to supplying
                                              a  request  ID  as   the
                                              request  identifier when
                                              you  have  several  jobs
                                              with  the  same  jobname
                                              (if you supply only  the
                                              jobname  to identify the
                                              job, the MODIFY  command
                                              affects all of them).

     /SPACING:SINGLE           PRINT          determines  the  spacing
              TRIPLE                          between printed lines.

     /TIME:hh:mm:ss            BATCH          revises  the  limit  for
                                              the  maximum  amount  of
                                              CPU  time  available  to
                                              the job; given in hours,
                                              minutes, and seconds.

     /TPLOT:n                  BATCH          limits to n the  maximum
                                              number   of  minutes  of
                                              spooled   plotter   time
                                              allowed for the job.

             NO or 0
     /UNIQUE:YES or 1          BATCH          changes             your
                                              declaration,  if  two or
                                              more jobs are  submitted
                                              from  the same connected
                                              directory, whether  they
                                              must   run  at  separate

     /UNIT:octal number               Output  directs your request  to
                                              the  line printer of the
                                              specified   octal   unit

     /UPPERCASE                PRINT          specifies that the  file
                                              is  to  be produced on a
                                              line printer  that  uses
                                              uppercase     characters

     /USER:user name           PRINT, BATCH   specifies the user whose
                                              request    is    to   be
                                              modified; for privileged
                                              users only.  This switch
                                              is required to modify  a
                                              request   from   a  user
                                              other than yourself.


     MODIFY Effective Only Before Processing

          The MODIFY command affects a batch or  output  request  only
          before  processing  has  begun.  After processing has begun,
          you can only cancel the request with the CANCEL command, and
          then make a new request.


     Using the /DEPENDENCY-COUNT Switch

          You can use the  /DEPENDENCY-COUNT  switch  to  specify  the
          order  in  which  your  batch  jobs  are processed.  Set the
          dependency count of all but the first job to  some  positive
          value  when  you submit them, and include MODIFY commands in
          each job's control file to bring the next  job's  dependency
          count to 0 at the appropriate time.  See Example 4.

Special Cases

     /JOBNAME Switch

          In the singular case when you want to modify  several  queue
          requests  of  the  same  jobname using only one command, and
          that jobname is purely numerical (for  example,  5045),  you
          must  use  the /JOBNAME:jobname switch as second argument to
          the MODIFY command.  Do not also  give  the  request  ID  or
          jobname   as   a   command   argument   if   you   give  the
          /JOBNAME:jobname switch.

Related Commands

     CANCEL                          for  removing  batch  and  output

     INFORMATION BATCH-REQUESTS      for  examining  entries  in   the
                                     batch queue

     INFORMATION OUTPUT-REQUESTS     for  examining  entries  in   the
                                     output queues

     PLOT                            for placing requests in a plotter
                                     output queue

     PRINT                           for placing requests  in  a  line
                                     printer output queue

     PUNCH                           for placing requests  in  a  card
                                     punch  or paper tape punch output

     SUBMIT                          for placing requests in the batch
                                     input queue


     1.  Modify a batch request (of jobname ARTIFI) to make  it  start
         more quickly.

         [1 Job modified]

     2.  Modify a print request (of jobname PHIAL) to include  a  note
         on the header page.

         @MODIFY PRINT PHIAL /NOTE:"DUE: 11/4"
         [1 Job modified]

     3.  Modify one job of several having the same jobname.


         Printer Queue:
         Job Name  Req#  Limit            User
         --------  ----  -----  ------------------------
           PRTSK    226   27    LATTA /After: 8-Nov-84 17:00
           PRTSK    236   27    LATTA /After: 8-Nov-84 17:00
           PRTSK    237   27    LATTA /After: 8-Nov-84 17:00
           PRTSK    238   27    LATTA /After: 8-Nov-84 17:00
           TESTF1   219   54    LATTA /Forms:NARROW
                     /After:8-Nov-84 17:00
         There are 5 jobs in the queue (none in progress)

         @MODIFY PRINT 237 /AFTER:18:00
         [1 Job modified]

     4.  Use the TYPE command to examine some of your  control  files.
         (Notice  the  use of the MODIFY command within these files to
         ensure that they  are  processed  in  a  certain  order  when
         submitted  together.)   Submit  these three control files and
         verify their placement in the batch input queue.

         @TYPE ARVM%.CTL

         @RUN TESTF1
         @PRINT TESTF1.RSM


         @RUN TESTF2
         @PRINT TESTF2.RSM


         @RUN TESTF3
         @PRINT TESTF3.RSM
         @SUBMIT /AFTER:17:00 ARVM1
         [Batch job ARVM1 queued, request-ID 240, limit 0:05:00]
         [Batch job ARVM2 queued, request-ID 241, limit 0:05:00]
         [Batch job ARVM3 queued, request-ID 242, limit 0:05:00]

         Batch Queue:
         Job Name  Req#  Run Time            User
         --------  ----  --------  ------------------------
           ARVM1    240  00:05:00  LATTA /After: 8-Nov-84 17:00
                   /Uniq:Yes  /Restart:No   /Assist:Yes  /Seq:1804
           ARVM2    241  00:05:00  LATTA /Dep:1  /Uniq:Yes  /Restart:No
                   /Assist:Yes  /Seq:1805
           ARVM3    242  00:30:00  LATTA /Dep:1  /Uniq:Yes  /Restart:No
                   /Assist:Yes  /Seq:1806
         There are 3 jobs in the queue (none in progress)