
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-R595B-SM_11-9-85 - mcb/sc/scall.ctl
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;                    COPYRIGHT (c) 1980, 1981, 1982
;                        Maynard, Massachusetts
;     This software is furnished under a license and may  be  used
;     and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
;     and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This
;     software  or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
;     otherwise made available to any other person.  No  title  to
;     and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
;     The information  in  this  software  is  subject  to  change
;     without  notice  and should not be construed as a commitment
;     DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability
;     of  its  software  on  equipment  which  is  not supplied by
;     DIGITAL.

! Uses BLIS16 V2.1
! Gets MCBLIB and other libraries from MCB: (hard coded in sources)
@def BED: NUL:
@append v3p0:ff,sc.xrf sc.lst
@append v3p0:ff,scdsp.xrf scdsp.lst
@append v3p0:ff,scres.xrf scres.lst
@append v3p0:ff,scsub.xrf scsub.lst
@append v3p0:ff,sc1.xrf sc1.lst
@append v3p0:ff,scx.xrf scx.lst
@append v3p0:ff,scxdsp.xrf scxdsp.lst
@append v3p0:ff,scxres.xrf scxres.lst
@append v3p0:ff,scxsub.xrf scxsub.lst
@delete sc.xrf,scdsp.xrf,scres.xrf,scsub.xrf,sc1.xrf,scx.xrf,scxdsp.xrf,scxres.xrf,scxsub.xrf
@append scprm.gxr,scdsp.gxr,scres.gxr,scsub.gxr,sc1.gxr sc.gxr
@append scprm.gxr,scxdsp.gxr,scxres.gxr,scxsub.gxr scx.gxr
*sort/record:150/key:1,40,alpha,ascend/ascii sc.gxr sc.sor
*sort/record:150/key:1,40,alpha,ascend/ascii scx.gxr scx.sor
@delete scprm.gxr,sc.gxr,scdsp.gxr,scres.gxr,scsub.gxr,sc1.gxr
@delete scx.gxr,scxdsp.gxr,scxres.gxr,scxsub.gxr
@delete sc.sor,scx.sor