
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-R598A-RM_1983 - swskit-v3/nvt/host.hlp
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HOST allows you to logon to a remote VMS, RSTS, RSX11, TOPS-10, OR TOPS-20
system from a TOPS-20 system using DECnet. To run HOST just type:


  If you do not specify a node name on the command line, HOST will
prompt you for the node name and the escape character. The escape
character is used to exit from HOST. The default escape character
is ^P. The continue command can be used to continue the connection.

System specific peculiarities:


	If you are running HOST on a release 5 system, the new MTOPR
function is used to connect your TTY directly to NSPSRV to provide
better performance and less overhead. If you are not running HOST on a
release 5 system, the terminal and network IO is performed by HOST.
In both cases, a complete virtual terminal is provided. There are no

Version 6 provides more complete implementation of VMS support.
There are no known major architectural deficiencies, and you should be
able to run almost any program that you want.  Known bugs include:

1.  EDT sometimes loses track of the cursor position on the screen
   (^W will refresh the screen and clear the problem).
2.  Alter mode in SOS often outputs gratuitous CRLF's when redisplaying the
    line.  The data in the buffer is correct, however.
When typing ^Y, type only
one when IO is active or two when no IO is active. When typing ^C
type only one when in TTY input wait, or two when not in TTY input wait.
If you are logged into a VMS system using HOST, you can SET HOST
to another VMS system, but the unimplemented functions prevent you
from SETting HOST to other systems. To get to another system, end
your current session and use HOST to get to the desired system. Note
that when you log out of a VMS system, the VMS system breaks the
logical link.


	The RSTS network command terminal is not fully implemented
by HOST. The only missing facilities are single character mode
and ability to change terminal type. Note that when the connection
is first made RSTS does not type and system message. At this point
the only valid input is the HELLO command.


	The RSX11 network command terminal is not fully implemented
by HOST. Extra carriage return line feeds appear on all input.
Output will not break through input. This means that running
multiple tasks is difficult. The ability to control CRTs and set terminal
types is not available.