
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-R775A-BM - subsys/ditv6.for
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C	DIT interface support file for FORTRAN-10/20 Version 6
C	  The  information  contained  in this  document is  subject to change
C	without notice  and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital
C	Equipment  Corporation.   Digital  assumes  no responsibility  for any
C	errors that may appear in this document.
C	  The software described in this document is furnished under a license
C	and may only be used  or copied in  accordance with  the terms of such
C	license.   Title to and  ownership of  the software will  at all times
C	remain in DEC.
C	  Digital assumes no responsibility  for the use or reliability of its
C	software on equipment which is not supplied by DEC.
C	Facility: DIT
C	Edit History:
C	new_version (1, 0)
C	EDIT (%O'1', '18-Oct-82', 'Charlotte L. Richardson')
C	%( Change version and revision standards everywhere.  )%
C	EDIT (%O'2', '13-Oct-82', 'Charlotte L. Richardson')
C	%( Split DITF36.INT into DITV6.FOR and DITV7.FOR.  )%
C	EDIT (%O'50, '6-Jan-83', 'Charlotte L. Richardson')
C	%( Update copyright notices.  DITV7.FOR )%
C	End of revision history

	PARAMETER syserr = 61210636
C	Internal or system error
	PARAMETER toomny = 61210644
C	Attempt to open too many files or links
	PARAMETER invarg = 61210652
C	Invalid argument
	PARAMETER netfal = 61210660
C	Network operation failed
	PARAMETER chksum = 61210668
C	Network checksum error
	PARAMETER unstyp = 61210674
C	Unsupported file type
	PARAMETER filiu = 61210684
C	File activity precludes operation
	PARAMETER nofile = 61210692
C	File not found
	PARAMETER diteof = 61210696
C	End of file
	PARAMETER ovrrun = 61210704
C	Data overrun
	PARAMETER nomore = 61210715
C	No more files
	PARAMETER conevt = 61211435
C	Connect event
	PARAMETER arjevt = 61211443
C	Abort/reject event
	PARAMETER intevt = 61211451
C	Interrupt data event
	PARAMETER datevt = 61211459
C	Data event
	PARAMETER dscevt = 61211467
C	Disconnect event
	PARAMETER abrtrj = 61211836
C	Abort/reject
	PARAMETER intrcv = 61211840
C	Interrupt
	PARAMETER notenf = 61211850
C	Not enough data available
	PARAMETER nodata = 61211858
C	No data available
	PARAMETER notavl = 61211866
C	Information not available
	PARAMETER infour = 61211876
C	Information out of range
	PARAMETER tundef = 0
C	Undefined data type
	PARAMETER tascii = 1
C	ASCII data type
	PARAMETER timage = 2
C	Image data type
	PARAMETER mread = 1
C	Open mode to read
	PARAMETER mwrite = 2
C	Open mode to write
	PARAMETER mappnd = 3
C	Open mode to append
	PARAMETER fundef = 0
C	Record format undefined
	PARAMETER ffixed = 1
C	Record format fixed
	PARAMETER fvar = 2
C	Record format variable
	PARAMETER fvfc = 3
C	Record format VFC
	PARAMETER fstm = 4
C	Record format ASCII stream
	PARAMETER aunspc = 0
C	Record attributes unspecified
	PARAMETER aenvlp = 1
C	Record attributes implied <LF><CR> envelope
	PARAMETER aprint = 2
C	Record attributes VMS printer carriage control
	PARAMETER aftn = 3
C	Record attributes Fortran carriage control
	PARAMETER amcy11 = 4
C	Record attributes MACY11
	PARAMETER onthng = 0
C	Close option: do nothing
	PARAMETER osbmit = 1
C	Close option: submit for batch processing
	PARAMETER oprint = 2
C	Close option: submit for remote printing
	PARAMETER odlete = 4
C	Close option: delete
	PARAMETER osbdel = 5
C	Close option: submit and delete
	PARAMETER oprtdl = 6
C	Close option: print and delete
	PARAMETER waitly = 1
C	Wait for link
	PARAMETER waitln = 0
C	Do not wait for link
	PARAMETER lascii = 0
C	ASCII link type (for NFACC)
	PARAMETER lbin = 1
C	Binary link type (for NFACC)
	PARAMETER l8bit = 2
C	8-bit link type (for NFACC)
	PARAMETER msgmsg = 1
C	Message mode transfer
	PARAMETER msgstm = 0
C	Stream mode transfer
	PARAMETER inode = 1
C	Remote node name
	PARAMETER iobj = 2
C	Remote object type
	PARAMETER idescf = 3
C	Remote object descriptor format
	PARAMETER idesc = 4
C	Remote object descriptor
	PARAMETER iuser = 5
C	Remote process userid
	PARAMETER ipass = 6
C	Remote process password
	PARAMETER iacct = 7
C	Remote process account
	PARAMETER iopt = 8
C	Remote process optional data
	PARAMETER iseg = 9
C	Maximum segment size for the link
	PARAMETER iabtcd = 10
C	Abort code
	PARAMETER fireup = 0
C	Fire up VAX passive task
	PARAMETER nfreup = 1
C	Do not fire up VAX passive task