PDP-10 Archives
There are 12 other files named errout.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
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:*^,, e@ `ZMTnSizeTmodifierT treatedrasFNAAsfunctionwithoutanargumentllist bDISlOptu-tprogramtisadisconnectedg-noptimizationsdiscontinuedMVCmNumberMofE svariablesnmtheanumbermofDconstantsiinDDATAdstatementAGAOpt -objectvariable,pof IeassignedDGOTOiwithoutoptionalilist,swasineveriassignedCUO Constant/underflowao c"rFoverflowNEDeNoENDNstatementHinaprogramLIDtIdentifiermore8thany31cha l*ractersWOPnOptf-rwarningsCgiventinePhaseD1.mOptimizedncode maybeincorrect U3VNIiOptm-yvariabletrisnnotdinitializedRDIeAttempttoredeclareimplicitDtype u;CTRdComplextermsyusedeingaerelationalnotherbthanaEQooryNECAI COMPLEXexpressiontu rDsed inrarithmeticnIFIFL Opts-ainfiniteiloop.siOptimization discontinuedICDO ILInaccessibleacode.beStatementrdeletedSODelstatementnoutof orderICCyIllegalfch lUaracter,ucontinuationpfieldcofiinitialolineXCRtExtraneouscarriagereturnICSs W]IllegalfcharacterpinNlineRsequencetnumberFMRaMultipleRETURNsdefinedNina.FUNCT ufIONVNDDFUNCTIONyreturnevalue isfneveredefinedNODnGlobaloptimizationnnotsuppor lntedawithe/DEBUGu-p/OPTaignoredPPSPROGRAMstatementtparametersignoredDXBP rwDATAgstatementDexceedsrboundseofyarrayeVAImealreadyinitializedSID Slash (/) in Dimension Bound - use colon (:) insteadIUA Illegal use of an array - use scalar variable insteadCAO Consecutive arithmetic operators illegalDII Previ ous declaration of intrinsic function is ignoredCHO Global optimization not y et supported with character data - /OPT ignoredWNA Wrong number of arguments for !statement function IAT Illegal type for argument of statement function *TSI Type of symbolic constant ignoredRIM RETURN statement illegal in main pr 2ogramCCN CHARACTER constant used where numeric expression requiredHCN HOLLE ;RITH constant used where numeric expression requiredFOO Statement function declar Ced out of order or array not dimensionedAIS Extension to Fortran-77: Apostrophe L in I/O specifierCAP Extension to Fortran-77: Consecutive arithmetic operators TCCCCarriage control character CNS Extension to Fortran-77: Concantenation with ]variable of non-specific lengthCOS Extension to Fortran-77: Comment on statement eCOV Extension to Fortran-77: Assigned variable appears in character expression nCSM Extension to Fortran-77: Comma field separator is missingDEB Extension to Fo vrtran-77: DEBUG linesDFN VMS incompatibility: Default file name on VMS differs f rom Fortran-10/20DOW Extension to Fortran-77: DO WHILE statementDPE VMS incomp atibility: Different precedence in exponentiationDWEDefault widths with edit descr iptor DWL Extension to Fortran-77: DO without statement labelEDD Extension to Fortran-77: END DO statementEDS Extension to Fortran-77: DECODE statement !EDS Extension to Fortran-77: ENCODE statementEDXFORMAT edit descriptor EOC )Exponential operator ^EXD Extension to Fortran-77: Transfer of control into DO lo 2op at label FAR Extension to Fortran-77: Format in numeric arrayFIF Extension :to Fortran-77: is not an intrinsic function in Fortran-77FIN Extension to Fortran C-77: FIND statementFMT VMS incompatibility: Keyword FMT instead of NMLHCP VMS i Kncompatibility: Hollerith constant padded with spacesHCU Extension to Fortran-77: THollerith constantINS VMS incompatibility: /NOCREF switchINS VMS incompatibi \lity: /CREF switchINS VMS incompatibility: Default for VMS is /NOLISTKWUKeywo erd KWVKeyword value for LNE VMS incompatibility: Logical and numeric variables m EQUIVALENCE-dLOL VMS incompatibility: List of labelsLSP Extension to Fortran v-77: length specifierMLNMixing logical and numericMSLMulti-statement line ~NAM Extension to Fortran-77: NAMELIST statementNDPNo decimal places with ed it descriptor NEC Extension to Fortran-77: Numeric expression in character con textNIB Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer substring boundsNIG Extension to Fo rtran-77: Non-integer as index to computed GOTONIK Extension to Fortran-77: Non-i nteger used with NIS Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer subscriptNIX Exten )sion to Fortran-77: Non-integer as index to RETURNNLK Extension to Fortran-77: 1Use of NAMELISTNPC VMS incompatibility: Null padding before NPP Extension :to Fortran-77: No parentheses around PARAMETER listNSCNon-standard character in B column 1OCUOctal constantOIO Extension to Fortran-77: statementOIO sta KtementPWSPRINT (Specifiers) statementRLC Extension to Fortran-77: & used wit Sh return labelRLC$ used with return labelSBC Extension to Fortran-77: Substring \bounds not constantSEP VMS incompatibility: is same as program name or entry poin dtSMD Extension to Fortran-77: Single subscript with multi-dimensioned array mANS VMS incompatibility: ASSOCIATEVARIABLE not set by VMS on OPENSNN VMS incomp uatibility: is same as NAMELIST nameSROSymbolic relational operator SVN ~VMS incompatibility: is same as variable or function nameTLFTwo-branch logical I FWDUWRITE with default unitXEN with external nameXOR Extension to Fo rtran-77: Logical .XOR. operatorRLXReturn label LNCNon-numeric operand in nu meric contextNLCNon-logical operand in logical contextCIS Conflicting INCLUDE switchesINC Extension to Fortran-77: INCLUDE statementSOR Subscript out of ran (ge for array FNS Extension to Fortran-77: is not a Fortran-77 subroutineVNF 1VMS incompatibility: is not an intrinsic function on VMSEIR Extension to Fortran 9-77: indexed readVKI VMS keyword ignoredLMA Length mismatch for argument B of statement function ASF Illegal argument for statement function EID Exten Jsion to Fortran-77: identifier with "$", "" or more than 6 charactersLDI Exten Ssion to Fortran-77: list directed I/O used with internal filesDIM Possible DO ind [ex modification inside loopIDN Opt - illegal DO nesting - optimization discontinu dedPAV PARAMETER used as associate variableCNMCharacter and non-character va lriables ACB Argument out of range for CHAR, high order bits ignoredAIL Illeg ual length argument for ICHAR, first character usedADS Variable already decl }ared in SAVE statementOHC Octal or hexadecimal constantIMN IMPLICIT NONE MBD IMPLICIT NONE - must be explicitly declaredFWE Found when expecti ng FEE Found when expecting either FEE or USI used incorrectly ICL Illegal character in label fieldIAC Illegal ASCII character in source UMP Unmatched parenthesesNRC Statement not recognizedMSP Statement name (misspelledISN is not ISN is not IDT Illegal or misspelled dat 0a typeIIP Illegal implicit specification parameterLLS Label too large or t 9oo smallLAD Label already defined at line: DIA DO index variable is already A activeILF Illegal statement after logical IFISD Illegal subscript expression i Jn DATA statementAWN Array reference has wrong number of subscriptsIDN DO lo Rop at line: is illegally nestedDTI The dimensions of must be of the type integ [erEXB EQUIVALENCE extends COMMON block backwardsABD has already been define cd IDV Implied DO index is not a variableTFL Too many FORMAT labels specified lECT Attempt to enter into COMMON twicePIC The DO parameters of must be inte tger constantsRFC is a recursive function callMCE More than 1 COMMON variab }le in EQUIVALENCE groupIED Inconsistent EQUIVALENCE declarationIZM Illegal size modifier BOV Statement too large to classifyDVE Cannot use dummy var iable in EQUIVALENCEVSE EQUIVALENCE subscripts must be integer constantsNIR Repeat count must be an unsigned integerNIU Non-integer unit number in I/O stat ementIXM Illegal mixed mode arithmeticCER Compiler error in routine DID 'Cannot initialize dummy parameter in DATAIOD Illegal statement used as object of 0 DONNF No statement number on FORMATDSF Argument is same as FUNCTION name 8CQL No closing quote in character constantLGB Lower bound greater than upper boun Ad for array EID ENTRY statement illegal inside a block IF or DO loopIAL Incor Irect argument type for library function NLF Wrong number of arguments for libra Rry function LTL Too many items in list - reduce number of itemsLFA Label argu Zments illegal in FUNCTION or array referenceDLN Optional data value list not suppor ctedDDA is duplicate dummy argumentEDN Expression too deeply nested to compile kENF Label must refer to an executable statement, not a FORMATVNA Subscripted var tiable in EQUIVALENCE, but not an arrayNEX No exponent after D or E in constant |LNI List directed I/O with no I/O listLED Illegal list directed NIO NAMELIST d irected I/O with I/O listSOR Subscript out of range for array IID Non-intege
CEL Character entry points must have the same lengthCFL Reference to character fu nction must have a fixed lengthOBO may only be specified onceUKW Unrecogniz ed keyword IXS Illegal specifierIXS Illegal specifierWIF is illegal wi &th internal filesOUB Only upper bound of last dimension of may be asterisk .AOA Assumed-size arrays only allowed in subprogramsASA Assumed-size arrays canno 7t be used ISS illegal in SAVE statementNLS may not be declared length s ?tarCEX Constant or constant expression requiredMST must be ECS EQU HIVALENCE-d to COMMON is illegal in SAVE statementEXI Exponent must be integerRUS PRelational expression illegal as UNIT specifierUNS UNIT may not be specified YNMD No matching DOSMC Size modifier conflict for variable IOC Illegal operato ar for character dataION Numeric operand of concatenation operatorIAN Illeg jal assignment between character and numeric dataNYI Not yet implementedIFS Illeg ral format specifierIQN INQUIRE - neither UNIT nor FILE keywords were specified {IQB INQUIRE - both UNIT and FILE keywords were specifiedNNA NAMELIST is not allo
wed in NNN NML= must specify a NAMELISTMST must be MKR Multiple key re
lational specifiersKKS If KEYID is specified then either KEY,KEYEQ,KEYGE or KEYGT m
ust be specifiedKCS can not be specified in an indexed readOIR Key relati
on specifiers may only be used in a read statementIFR Format can not be in
%EMH must have UMS UNIT must be specifiedUIF UNIT may not be an internal fi
.leTKI Too many keys specified for indexed fileIKY Illegal key type - must b
6e INTEGER or CHARACTERUDF Undefined label 20O TOPS20 ONLY: Db^:Z^,,J^: