
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - FORTRAN-10_V7wLink_Feb83 - fortra.bwr
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                  Warnings about FORTRAN-10 Version 7


FORTRAN and FOROTS  do  not  work  when  protected  EXECUTE-ONLY.   This
problem will be fixed in the first autopatch of version 7.

      o  Patch to make the compiler execute-only

         If you want to protect the compiler execute-only, you can do so
         if you install the following DDT patch to FORTRA.EXE:

         443/ JSP 10,400031     JSP 10,143

         454/ JRST 400062       JRST 174

         455/ JSP 10,400031     JSP 10,143

         463/ JRST 400062       JRST 174

         If you prefer to make a  source  patch  to  the  compiler,  the
         source  patch  is  as  follows.   Note that you should save the
         original source for autopatch.
         File 1)        V7AC:MAIN.BLI[4,504]    created: 1849 12-Jan-1983
         File 2)        DSK:MAIN.BLI[4,714]     created: 1141 03-Feb-1983

         1)1    GLOBAL BIND MAINV = 7^24 + 0^18 + #1710;         ! Version Date: 5-Jan-83
         2)1    GLOBAL BIND MAINV = 7^24 + 0^18 + #1725;         ! Version Date: 3-Feb-83
         1)1    ***** End Revision History *****
         2)1    ***** End V7 Development *****
         2)     1725    TFV     3-Feb-83
         2)             Add FORLINK linkage to  statistics routines PHASBEGIN,  PHASEND,
         2)             and RNTIME.  This cures the execute only problem on the -10.
         2)     ***** End Revision History *****
         1)2    ROUTINE PHASBEGIN=
         1)     BEGIN
         2)2    ROUTINE FORLINK PHASBEGIN=              ![1725] Use FORLINK linkage
         2)     BEGIN
         1)3    ROUTINE PHASEND=
         1)     BEGIN
                                                                  Page 2

         2)3    ROUTINE FORLINK PHASEND=                ![1725] Use FORLINK linkage
         2)     BEGIN
         1)4    ROUTINE RNTIME=
         1)     BEGIN
         2)4    ROUTINE FORLINK RNTIME=         ![1725] Use FORLINK linkage
         2)     BEGIN

      o  Patch to make FOROTS execute-only

         If you  want  to  protect  FOROT7.EXE  execute-only,  you  must
         install edit 3266 to FORFMT.MAC.  Note that you should save the
         original source for autopatch.
         File 1)        V7AO:FORFMT.MAC[4,707]  created: 1817 13-Jan-1983
         File 2)        DSK:FORFMT.MAC[4,704]   created: 1030 11-Feb-1983

         1)1            TV      FORFMT  FORMAT PROCESSOR,7(3250)
         2)1            TV      FORFMT  FORMAT PROCESSOR,7(3266)
         1)1    ***** End Revision History *****
         2)1    ***** End V7 Development *****
         2)     3266    JLC     11-Feb-83
         2)             Allows FOROTS to be protected execute-only on TOPS-10.
         2)     ***** End Revision History *****
         1)8    %IFSET: SKIPA   T1,[JRST DATIN]         ;SETUP FOR INPUT
         1)     %OFSET: MOVE    T1,[JRST DATOUT]        ;SETUP FOR OUTPUT
         1)             MOVEM   T1,DATENT
         1)             MOVEM   P,OTHERP                ;SAVE THE CURRENT PDP
         2)8    %IFSET: XMOVEI  T1,DATIN                ;[3266] SETUP FOR INPUT
         2)             JRST    COMSET                  ;[3266]
         2)     %OFSET: XMOVEI  T1,DATOUT               ;[3266] SETUP FOR OUTPUT
         2)     COMSET: MOVEM   T1,DATENT               ;[3266]
         2)             MOVEM   P,OTHERP                ;SAVE THE CURRENT PDP
         1)21           PUSHJ   P,DATENT                ;READ OR WRITE A RECORD
         1)             MOVE    T1,ENC.AD               ;GET ENCODED BLOCK ADDR
         ;**;[3266] @ EXELP + 6L, change 1 line, JLC, 11-Feb-83
         2)21           PUSHJ   P,@DATENT               ;[3266] READ OR WRITE A RECORD
         2)             MOVE    T1,ENC.AD               ;GET ENCODED BLOCK ADDR
         1)23   DATLP1: PUSHJ   P,DATENT                ;GO DO INPUT OR OUTPUT
         1)             SKIPN   T1,IO.INC               ;ADD OFFSET TO I/O ADDR
                                                                  Page 3

         2)23   DATLP1: PUSHJ   P,@DATENT               ;[3266] GO DO INPUT OR OUTPUT
         2)             SKIPN   T1,IO.INC               ;ADD OFFSET TO I/O ADDR
         1)23   NODATA: PUSHJ   P,DATENT                ;DO INPUT OR OUTPUT
         1)             MOVEI   T1,2                    ;ON TO NEXT FORMAT
         2)23   NODATA: PUSHJ   P,@DATENT               ;[3266] DO INPUT OR OUTPUT
         2)             MOVEI   T1,2                    ;ON TO NEXT FORMAT




     1.  Do NOT install DBMS edit 10500.

         This is an edit to the module DBGATE  in  DBSFOR.REL.   It  was
         required  in order to build DBMS with FORTRAN Version 6 and was
         described in the FORTRAN Version 6  Installation  Guide.   This
         patch to DBGATE is also done by the FORTRAN version 6 autopatch
         tape 5;  therefore you should be careful to use  a  version  of
         DBGATE that has not been autopatched with this tape.

     2.  FOROTS version 7 cannot handle magtapes with  blocksize  larger
         than 4096 words per block because of a bug in versions 7.01 and
         7.01A of the TOPS-10 operating system.  TOPS-10 MCO 10563 fixes
         this  problem.   This will be included in the next autopatch of
         the TOPS-10 operating system.