
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - FORTRAN-10_V7wLink_Feb83 -
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		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 1
	Produced by LINK version 5A(2030) on 21-Jan-83 at 11:38:14

	Low  segment starts at	     0 ends at	 11177 length	 11200 = 10P
	High segment starts at	400000 ends at	445456 length	 45457 = 38P
	384 words free in Low segment, 209 words free in high segment
	845 Global symbols loaded, therefore min. hash size is 939
	Start address is 445333, located in program PHA3..



	%JOBDT	 43100000447	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JB41	          41	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBAPR	         125	Global	Absolute    		.JBBLT	          45	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBCHN	         131	Global	Absolute    		.JBCNI	         126	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBCOR	         133	Global	Absolute    		.JBCST	         136	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBDA	         140	Global	Absolute    		.JBDDT	          74	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBEDV	         112	Global	Absolute    		.JBERR	          42	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBFF	         121	Global	Absolute    		.JBH41	           1	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBHCR	           2	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHDA	          10	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBHGA	           7	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHGH	      400000	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBHNM	           5	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHRL	         115	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBHRN	           3	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHSA	           0	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBHSM	           6	Global	Absolute    Suppressed	.JBHVR	           4	Global	Absolute    Suppressed
	.JBINT	         134	Global	Absolute    		.JBOPC	         130	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBOPS	         135	Global	Absolute    		.JBOVL	         131	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBPFH	         123	Global	Absolute    		.JBPFI	          74	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBREL	          44	Global	Absolute    		.JBREN	         124	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBSA	         120	Global	Absolute    		.JBSYM	         116	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBTPC	         127	Global	Absolute    		.JBUSY	         117	Global	Absolute    	
	.JBUUO	          40	Global	Absolute    		.JBVER	         137	Global	Absolute    	


REVHST	from DSK:REVHST.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by MACRO on 17-Jan-83 at 20:16:00


EXOSUP	from DSK:EXOSUP.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by MACRO on 17-Jan-83 at 20:16:00
	Low  segment starts at	   140 ends at	   201 length	    42 (octal),    34. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	400010 ends at	400025 length	    16 (octal),    14. (decimal)

	EXOSUV	   600000002	Global	Absolute    		FORI.0	         140	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORI.1	         143	Entry	Relocatable 		FORI.2	         147	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORI.3	         154	Entry	Relocatable 		FORI.4	         162	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORO.0	         175	Entry	Relocatable 		FORO.1	         174	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORO.2	         173	Entry	Relocatable 		FORO.3	         172	Entry	Relocatable 	
	FORO.4	         171	Entry	Relocatable 		HISEG	      400010	Entry	Relocatable 	
	HSGORG	         177	Global	Relocatable 		XNXFIL	      400021	Entry	Relocatable 	
	XPHAZC	      400014	Entry	Relocatable 	


		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 2

MAIN..	from DSK:MAIN.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 20:18:00
	Low  segment starts at	   202 ends at	   575 length	   374 (octal),   252. (decimal)

	MAIN.0	         202	Global	Relocatable 		.SREG	777777777761	Global	Absolute    	
	.FREG	777777777762	Global	Absolute    		.VREG	777777777763	Global	Absolute    	
	.DREGS	777777761000	Global	Absolute    		MAINV	   700001710	Global	Absolute    	
	COPYRI	  4400000476	Global	Relocatable 		FTTENE	           0	Global	Absolute    	
	FT1SEG	           0	Global	Absolute    		IOFLGV	   700001577	Global	Absolute    	
	PHAZCO	         202	Global	Relocatable 		GETSG	         343	Global	Relocatable 	
	NXFILG	         417	Global	Relocatable 		CTCSTA	         432	Global	Relocatable 	
	PHASBE	         437	Global	Relocatable 		PHASEN	         443	Global	Relocatable 	
	RNTIME	         455	Global	Relocatable 		MAIN.1	         466	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	MAIN.C	         466	Global	Relocatable 		MAIN.L	         470	Global	Relocatable 	
	MAIN.P	         476	Global	Relocatable 		MAIN.O	         574	Global	Relocatable 	


GLOB..	from DSK:GLOBAL.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 20:16:00
	Low  segment starts at	   576 ends at	 10430 length	  7633 (octal),  3995. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	400026 ends at	401212 length	  1165 (octal),   629. (decimal)

	GLOB.0	      400026	Global	Relocatable 		.ENT.0	      400026	Global	Relocatable 	
	.ENT.1	      400031	Global	Relocatable 		.ENT.2	      400035	Global	Relocatable 	
	.ENT.3	      400042	Global	Relocatable 		.ENT.4	      400050	Global	Relocatable 	
	.EXT.4	      400057	Global	Relocatable 		.EXT.3	      400060	Global	Relocatable 	
	.EXT.2	      400061	Global	Relocatable 		.EXT.1	      400062	Global	Relocatable 	
	.EXT.0	      400063	Global	Relocatable 		STACK	         576	Global	Relocatable 	
	GLOBAV	   700001654	Global	Absolute    		FIRSTV	   700001573	Global	Absolute    	
	TABLEV	   700001573	Global	Absolute    		REQREV	   700001674	Global	Absolute    	
	POOL	        5026	Global	Relocatable 		STK	        6156	Global	Relocatable 	
	CHNLTB	        6550	Global	Relocatable 		IBLOCK	        6620	Global	Relocatable 	
	TBLOCK	        6623	Global	Relocatable 		LBLOCK	        6633	Global	Relocatable 	
	GETSBL	        6637	Global	Relocatable 		GETSPA	        6645	Global	Relocatable 	
	FLGWRD	        6656	Global	Relocatable 		ISPEC	        6657	Global	Relocatable 	
	FSPEC	        6660	Global	Relocatable 		CCLSW	        6661	Global	Relocatable 	
	INDEX	        6662	Global	Relocatable 		PAGE	        6663	Global	Relocatable 	
	JOBFFS	        6664	Global	Relocatable 		SYMTBL	        6665	Global	Relocatable 	
	CONTBL	        7004	Global	Relocatable 		EXPTBL	        7051	Global	Relocatable 	
	LABTBL	        7052	Global	Relocatable 		LITTBL	        7117	Global	Relocatable 	
	NAMTBL	        7120	Global	Relocatable 		SRCTBL	        7141	Global	Relocatable 	
	DIMTBL	        7142	Global	Relocatable 		DATTBL	        7143	Global	Relocatable 	
	BASEPT	        7144	Global	Relocatable 		COMBLK	        7145	Global	Relocatable 	
	LITPOI	        7146	Global	Relocatable 		SYMPTR	        7147	Global	Relocatable 	
	SORCPT	        7150	Global	Relocatable 		LASTEX	        7151	Global	Relocatable 	
	LASTDI	        7152	Global	Relocatable 		DTABPT	        7153	Global	Relocatable 	
	CONSPT	        7154	Global	Relocatable 		LABLPT	        7155	Global	Relocatable 	
	EQVPTR	        7156	Global	Relocatable 		FORMPT	        7157	Global	Relocatable 	
	FMTEND	        7160	Global	Relocatable 		FMTPTR	        7161	Global	Relocatable 	
	NAMLPT	        7162	Global	Relocatable 		ASIPTR	        7163	Global	Relocatable 	
	TTOTAL	        7164	Global	Relocatable 		FREELI	        7165	Global	Relocatable 	
	SPACEF	        7205	Global	Relocatable 		SRCHON	        7206	Global	Relocatable 	
	ISN	        7207	Global	Relocatable 		IDOFST	        7210	Global	Relocatable 	
	LABLOF	        7211	Global	Relocatable 		DLOOPT	        7212	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 3
	DONEST	        7213	Global	Relocatable 		CURDOI	        7214	Global	Relocatable 	
	LASDOL	        7215	Global	Relocatable 		LASLVL	        7216	Global	Relocatable 	
	DELETP	        7217	Global	Relocatable 		SYMTYP	        7220	Global	Relocatable 	
	NAME	        7221	Global	Relocatable 		TYPE	        7222	Global	Relocatable 	
	INCREM	        7223	Global	Relocatable 		DECEXP	        7224	Global	Relocatable 	
	ENTRY	        7225	Global	Relocatable 		REGSAV	        7232	Global	Relocatable 	
	SEGINC	        7252	Global	Relocatable 		PSECTS	        7253	Global	Relocatable 	
	CURADD	        7260	Global	Relocatable 		CURPSE	        7261	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOWLOC	        7254	Global	Relocatable 		HILOC	        7255	Global	Relocatable 	
	LARGEL	        7256	Global	Relocatable 		ABSLOC	        7257	Global	Relocatable 	
	HIORIG	        7262	Global	Relocatable 		RELOCW	        7263	Global	Relocatable 	
	MAINRL	        7264	Global	Relocatable 		LOCRLB	        7310	Global	Relocatable 	
	SYMRLB	        7334	Global	Relocatable 		RDATWD	        7360	Global	Relocatable 	
	BLANKC	        7361	Global	Relocatable 		ENDSCA	        7362	Global	Relocatable 	
	MULENT	        7363	Global	Relocatable 		FORMAR	        7364	Global	Relocatable 	
	COMTSI	        7365	Global	Relocatable 		ONEPLI	        7366	Global	Relocatable 	
	MINUSO	        7367	Global	Relocatable 		SP	        7370	Global	Relocatable 	
	LEXL	        7371	Global	Relocatable 		LSAVE	        7372	Global	Relocatable 	
	FARRY	        7373	Global	Relocatable 		CODELI	        7374	Global	Relocatable 	
	STALAB	        7375	Global	Relocatable 		PROGNA	        7376	Global	Relocatable 	
	IDTYPE	        7377	Global	Relocatable 		ASTATF	        7400	Global	Relocatable 	
	ERRLIN	        7401	Global	Relocatable 		TMPCNT	        7402	Global	Relocatable 	
	BSAVE	        7406	Global	Relocatable 		FSAVE	        7407	Global	Relocatable 	
	VSAVE	        7410	Global	Relocatable 		TREEPT	        7411	Global	Relocatable 	
	CSTMNT	        7412	Global	Relocatable 		NEDZER	        7413	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZERBLK	        7414	Global	Relocatable 		A1NODE	        7415	Global	Relocatable 	
	A2NODE	        7416	Global	Relocatable 		A1LABE	        7417	Global	Relocatable 	
	A2LABE	        7420	Global	Relocatable 		A3LABE	        7421	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPDSPI	        7422	Global	Relocatable 		REGFOR	        7423	Global	Relocatable 	
	PC	        7424	Global	Relocatable 		PBOPWD	        7425	Global	Relocatable 	
	PSYMPT	        7426	Global	Relocatable 		IOLSPT	        7427	Global	Relocatable 	
	DATASP	        7430	Global	Relocatable 		RESNAM	        7431	Global	Relocatable 	
	NEGFLG	        7432	Global	Relocatable 		NOTFLG	        7433	Global	Relocatable 	
	TRUECE	        7434	Global	Relocatable 		FALSEC	        7435	Global	Relocatable 	
	CIOCAL	        7436	Global	Relocatable 		CIOCLA	        7437	Global	Relocatable 	
	INPFLA	        7440	Global	Relocatable 		USERFN	        7441	Global	Relocatable 	
	TOPIO	        7442	Global	Relocatable 		CLOBBR	        7443	Global	Relocatable 	
	DBLMOD	        7444	Global	Relocatable 		QANCHO	        7445	Global	Relocatable 	
	LASTQ	        7446	Global	Relocatable 		QLOC	        7447	Global	Relocatable 	
	QMAX	        7450	Global	Relocatable 		QCNT	        7451	Global	Relocatable 	
	LASTSF	        7452	Global	Relocatable 		QSFNMA	        7453	Global	Relocatable 	
	DANCHO	        7454	Global	Relocatable 		LASTD	        7455	Global	Relocatable 	
	DCNT	        7456	Global	Relocatable 		VERYFR	        7457	Global	Relocatable 	
	PBFPTR	        7460	Global	Relocatable 		PBUFF	        7461	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEPPT	        7711	Global	Relocatable 		ILABIX	        7712	Global	Relocatable 	
	GBSYRE	        7713	Global	Relocatable 		GBSYCT	        7714	Global	Relocatable 	
	STBSYR	        7715	Global	Relocatable 		STRGCT	        7716	Global	Relocatable 	
	BLOCKB	        7717	Global	Relocatable 		NOBBRE	        7720	Global	Relocatable 	
	PAIRMO	        7721	Global	Relocatable 		DOSTAK	        7722	Global	Relocatable 	
	EHASH	       10004	Global	Relocatable 		BACKST	       10041	Global	Relocatable 	
	IOPTFL	       10042	Global	Relocatable 		DOSP	       10043	Global	Relocatable 	
	EXITNO	       10044	Global	Relocatable 		RDCCT	       10045	Global	Relocatable 	
	LPRDCC	       10046	Global	Relocatable 		RDCLNK	       10047	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOCLNK	       10050	Global	Relocatable 		ARGLIN	       10051	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 4
	SPECCA	       10052	Global	Relocatable 		QQ	       10053	Global	Relocatable 	
	UNIQVA	       10054	Global	Relocatable 		ASSOCP	       10055	Global	Relocatable 	
	FNTMP	       10056	Global	Relocatable 		DOCNT	       10057	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPTLAB	       10060	Global	Relocatable 		GLOBRE	       10061	Global	Relocatable 	
	RGRAPH	       10101	Global	Relocatable 		FGRAPH	       10102	Global	Relocatable 	
	SSIZTC	       10103	Global	Relocatable 		INTLTC	       10104	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOOP	       10105	Global	Relocatable 		INDVAR	       10106	Global	Relocatable 	
	LEND	       10107	Global	Relocatable 		LENTRY	       10110	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOOPNO	       10111	Global	Relocatable 		CHOSEN	       10112	Global	Relocatable 	
	TOP	       10152	Global	Relocatable 		BOTTOM	       10153	Global	Relocatable 	
	TPREV	       10154	Global	Relocatable 		PREV	       10155	Global	Relocatable 	
	PHI	       10156	Global	Relocatable 		NAN	       10157	Global	Relocatable 	
	EHASHP	       10160	Global	Relocatable 		LOWLIM	       10161	Global	Relocatable 	
	CELMNT	       10162	Global	Relocatable 		INNERL	       10163	Global	Relocatable 	
	DOWDP	       10164	Global	Relocatable 		CDONOD	       10165	Global	Relocatable 	
	ITMCT	       10166	Global	Relocatable 		DWP	       10167	Global	Relocatable 	
	C1H	       10170	Global	Relocatable 		C1L	       10171	Global	Relocatable 	
	C2H	       10172	Global	Relocatable 		C2L	       10173	Global	Relocatable 	
	COPRIX	       10174	Global	Relocatable 		SAVACS	       10175	Global	Relocatable 	
	SAVE17	       10204	Global	Relocatable 		EOPSAV	       10205	Global	Relocatable 	
	NOCR	       10206	Global	Relocatable 		STPTR	       10207	Global	Relocatable 	
	STLPTR	       10210	Global	Relocatable 		STPOS	       10211	Global	Relocatable 	
	LASTLI	       10212	Global	Relocatable 		ERRFLA	       10213	Global	Relocatable 	
	MSGNOT	       10214	Global	Relocatable 		CLASPT	       10215	Global	Relocatable 	
	CLASLP	       10216	Global	Relocatable 		CONTPT	       10217	Global	Relocatable 	
	LEXLIN	       10220	Global	Relocatable 		NUMWAR	       10221	Global	Relocatable 	
	NUMFAT	       10222	Global	Relocatable 		WARNOP	       10223	Global	Relocatable 	
	STMNDE	       10224	Global	Relocatable 		PSTATE	       10225	Global	Relocatable 	
	BACKLI	       10226	Global	Relocatable 		LOOK4L	       10227	Global	Relocatable 	
	FNDFF	       10230	Global	Relocatable 		DIMSTK	       10231	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOOK4C	       10232	Global	Relocatable 		LMLINO	       10233	Global	Relocatable 	
	LMRONO	       10234	Global	Relocatable 		LMCONO	       10235	Global	Relocatable 	
	ENDOFI	           0	Global	Absolute    		MAXFF	       10236	Global	Relocatable 	
	CHLEN	       10237	Global	Relocatable 		ACTLDA	       10240	Global	Relocatable 	
	CHDLEN	       10241	Global	Relocatable 		CHDECL	       10242	Global	Relocatable 	
	CHARUS	       10243	Global	Relocatable 		TURNOF	       10244	Global	Relocatable 	
	CHDSTA	       10245	Global	Relocatable 		HDRFLG	       10246	Global	Relocatable 	
	TCNT	       10247	Global	Relocatable 		DOIFST	       10250	Global	Relocatable 	
	ENTPRE	       10251	Global	Relocatable 		SAVLOC	       10252	Global	Relocatable 	
	SAVBLC	       10253	Global	Relocatable 		SAVALL	       10254	Global	Relocatable 	
	SAVNED	       10255	Global	Relocatable 		NUMSAV	       10256	Global	Relocatable 	
	PTRSAV	       10257	Global	Relocatable 		LINCNT	       10260	Global	Relocatable 	
	STCNT	       10261	Global	Relocatable 		GLOBEN	       10262	Global	Relocatable 	
	EVALU	      400075	Global	Relocatable 		MTOPFU	      400176	Global	Relocatable 	
	TYPTAB	       10263	Global	Relocatable 		CMPLXE	      400242	Global	Relocatable 	
	CMP1.R	      400236	Global	Relocatable 		LIBFUN	      400207	Global	Relocatable 	
	ONEAFT	      400361	Global	Relocatable 		LENATT	      401053	Global	Relocatable 	
	LIBATT	      400623	Global	Relocatable 		CLRWDS	      401147	Global	Relocatable 	
	RTIME	       10347	Global	Relocatable 		CTIME	       10350	Global	Relocatable 	
	PHTIME	       10351	Global	Relocatable 		PBTIME	       10357	Global	Relocatable 	
	BGSTBF	       10360	Global	Relocatable 		SAVFLG	       10361	Global	Relocatable 	
	DEBGSW	       10362	Global	Relocatable 		ARINGL	       10363	Global	Relocatable 	
	BUGOUT	       10364	Global	Relocatable 		FLAGS2	       10365	Global	Relocatable 	
	F2	       10366	Global	Relocatable 		CURPOO	       10367	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 5
	CURPTR	       10370	Global	Relocatable 		CHARPO	       10371	Global	Relocatable 	
	LINEPT	       10372	Global	Relocatable 		SEQLAS	       10373	Global	Relocatable 	
	LINENO	       10374	Global	Relocatable 		PAGELI	       10376	Global	Relocatable 	
	LINELI	       10377	Global	Relocatable 		HEADST	       10400	Global	Relocatable 	
	BASENO	       10424	Global	Relocatable 		HEADPT	       10425	Global	Relocatable 	
	PAGEPT	       10426	Global	Relocatable 		BIGARY	       10427	Global	Relocatable 	
	GLOB.F	      400065	Global	Relocatable 		GLOB.1	      400074	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	GLOB.P	      400074	Global	Relocatable 		GLOB.G	         576	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	.BREG	       10430	Global	Relocatable 	


FTNCMD	from DSK:COMMAN.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by MACRO on 17-Jan-83 at 20:16:00
	Low  segment starts at	 10431 ends at	 11046 length	   416 (octal),   270. (decimal)

	COMMAV	   700001656	Global	Absolute    		CORERR	       10511	Global	Relocatable 	
	NWBITS	       11016	Global	Relocatable 		NWKTB	       10431	Global	Relocatable 	
	NWKTBC	          54	Global	Absolute    Suppressed


SRCA..	from DSK:SRCA.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 20:23:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11047 ends at	 11053 length	     5 (octal),     5. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	401213 ends at	402537 length	  1325 (octal),   725. (decimal)

	SRCA.0	      401213	Global	Relocatable 		SRCAV	   600001600	Global	Absolute    	
	ADDLOO	      401213	Global	Relocatable 		TBLSEA	      401321	Global	Relocatable 	
	THASH	      401406	Global	Relocatable 		SRCHLI	      401440	Global	Relocatable 	
	NEWENT	      401477	Global	Relocatable 		TESTEN	      401772	Global	Relocatable 	
	SAVSPA	      402043	Global	Relocatable 		CORMAN	      402075	Global	Relocatable 	
	GENLAB	      402150	Global	Relocatable 		MAKEPR	      402164	Global	Relocatable 	
	MAKPR1	      402210	Global	Relocatable 		NEWDVA	      402277	Global	Relocatable 	
	MAKLIT	      402342	Global	Relocatable 		CHEXLE	      402370	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCA.1	      402473	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	SRCA.C	      402473	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCA.L	      402477	Global	Relocatable 		SRCA.P	      402527	Global	Relocatable 	
	SRCA.O	       11047	Global	Relocatable 	


INOU..	from DSK:INOUT.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 20:17:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11054 ends at	 11104 length	    31 (octal),    25. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	402540 ends at	404216 length	  1457 (octal),   815. (decimal)

	INOU.0	      402540	Global	Relocatable 		INOUTV	   700001646	Global	Absolute    	
	LEXAIV	   700001563	Global	Absolute    		NUMODI	       11054	Global	Relocatable 	
	DIGITS	      402540	Global	Relocatable 		STRNG6	      402560	Global	Relocatable 	
	STRNG7	      402572	Global	Relocatable 		HEADCH	      402601	Global	Relocatable 	
	HEADIN	      402611	Global	Relocatable 		FATLER	      402672	Global	Relocatable 	
	WARNER	      403124	Global	Relocatable 		FATLEX	      403134	Global	Relocatable 	
	WARNLE	      403144	Global	Relocatable 		DECOUT	      403154	Global	Relocatable 	
	BLDMSG	      403176	Global	Relocatable 		ERROR	      403414	Global	Relocatable 	
	OUUOLS	      403644	Global	Relocatable 		OUTSTA	      403662	Global	Relocatable 	
	LINEOU	      403710	Global	Relocatable 		CHAROU	      403737	Global	Relocatable 	
	STRNGO	      403751	Global	Relocatable 		LSTOUT	      403773	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 6
	OUUOBI	      403777	Global	Relocatable 		RELOUT	      404015	Global	Relocatable 	
	SOUTPU	      404024	Global	Relocatable 		CLOSUP	      404027	Global	Relocatable 	
	INOU.1	      404036	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	INOU.C	      404036	Global	Relocatable 	
	INOU.L	      404046	Global	Relocatable 		INOU.P	      404075	Global	Relocatable 	
	INOU.G	       11054	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	INOU.O	       11055	Global	Relocatable 	


ERR3	from DSK:ERR3.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by MACRO on 17-Jan-83 at 20:16:00
	High segment starts at	404217 ends at	404317 length	   101 (octal),    65. (decimal)

	CGERR	      404222	Global	Relocatable 		ERR3V	   700001705	Global	Absolute    	
	SKERR	      404217	Global	Relocatable 	


ERRG..	from DSK:ERROVG.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 22:01:00
	High segment starts at	404320 ends at	404514 length	   175 (octal),   125. (decimal)

	ERRG.0	      404320	Global	Relocatable 		ERRGV	   700001474	Global	Absolute    	
	E64	           0	Global	Absolute    		E131	          10	Global	Absolute    	
	WOPTMS	          21	Global	Absolute    		WARMSG	          21	Global	Absolute    	
	E33	          21	Global	Absolute    		E49	          33	Global	Absolute    	
	E93	          44	Global	Absolute    		E91	          60	Global	Absolute    	
	E48	          75	Global	Absolute    		E96	         110	Global	Absolute    	
	E130	         120	Global	Absolute    		E142	         136	Global	Absolute    	
	E144	         143	Global	Absolute    		E193	         155	Global	Absolute    	
	ERRMSG	      404322	Global	Relocatable 		BACKTY	           0	Global	Absolute    	
	NXTFIL	           0	Global	Absolute    		ENDUNI	           0	Global	Absolute    	
	FINALC	           0	Global	Absolute    		LEXNAM	           0	Global	Absolute    	
	ERRG.1	      404322	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	ERRG.P	      404322	Global	Relocatable 	


OPTA..	from DSK:OPTAB.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 22:02:00
	High segment starts at	404515 ends at	405311 length	   575 (octal),   381. (decimal)

	OPTA.0	      404515	Global	Relocatable 		OPTABV	   700000004	Global	Absolute    	
	OPMNEM	      404520	Global	Relocatable 		OPTA.1	      404517	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	OPTA.P	      404517	Global	Relocatable 	


LISO..	from DSK:LISTOU.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 22:01:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11105 ends at	 11105 length	     1 (octal),     1. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	405312 ends at	410436 length	  3125 (octal),  1621. (decimal)

	LISO.0	      405312	Global	Relocatable 		LISTOV	   700001614	Global	Absolute    	
	BLDLAB	      405312	Global	Relocatable 		DMPSYM	      405326	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZSIXBI	      405557	Global	Relocatable 		ZDOUTC	      405574	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZSOUTC	      405625	Global	Relocatable 		ZOUTCO	      405644	Global	Relocatable 	
	COMCOM	      405661	Global	Relocatable 		ZLABLM	      405665	Global	Relocatable 	
	LSTINS	      405704	Global	Relocatable 		LINEMA	      406277	Global	Relocatable 	
	ROUIMF	      406414	Global	Relocatable 		ROURLA	      406433	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 7
	ROUSYM	      406476	Global	Relocatable 		OUTMOD	      406745	Global	Relocatable 	
	OUTMDA	      407152	Global	Relocatable 		ZENDAL	      407702	Global	Relocatable 	
	GMULEN	      410135	Global	Relocatable 		LSTFOR	      410146	Global	Relocatable 	
	LISO.1	      410302	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	LISO.C	      410302	Global	Relocatable 	
	LISO.L	      410315	Global	Relocatable 		LISO.P	      410403	Global	Relocatable 	
	LISO.O	       11105	Global	Relocatable 	


RELB..	from DSK:RELBUF.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 21:10:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11106 ends at	 11112 length	     5 (octal),     5. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	410437 ends at	413172 length	  2534 (octal),  1372. (decimal)

	RELB.0	      410437	Global	Relocatable 		RELBUV	   700001674	Global	Absolute    	
	ZCODE	      410437	Global	Relocatable 		ZSYMBO	      410510	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZOUTBL	      410625	Global	Relocatable 		ZNEWBL	      410744	Global	Relocatable 	
	DMPMAI	      411060	Global	Relocatable 		INIRLB	      411106	Global	Relocatable 	
	DMPRLB	      411130	Global	Relocatable 		LSTRLW	      411174	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZOUTMS	      411212	Global	Relocatable 		ZOUTSY	      411225	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZOUTOC	      411240	Global	Relocatable 		RADIX5	      411256	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZOUDEC	      411306	Global	Relocatable 		ZOUOFF	      411340	Global	Relocatable 	
	OUTCHD	      411355	Global	Relocatable 		ZSAVEO	      411504	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZARGCH	      411657	Global	Relocatable 		SIXTO7	      412117	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZSFARG	      412321	Global	Relocatable 		ZCOERC	      412551	Global	Relocatable 	
	RELB.1	      412614	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	RELB.C	      412614	Global	Relocatable 	
	RELB.L	      412636	Global	Relocatable 		RELB.P	      412676	Global	Relocatable 	
	RELB.O	       11106	Global	Relocatable 	


DEBU..	from DSK:DEBUG.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 22:01:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11113 ends at	 11116 length	     4 (octal),     4. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	413173 ends at	413505 length	   313 (octal),   203. (decimal)

	DEBU.0	      413173	Global	Relocatable 		DEBUGV	   700001512	Global	Absolute    	
	INIFDD	      413173	Global	Relocatable 		XCTFDD	      413210	Global	Relocatable 	
	DEFISN	      413226	Global	Relocatable 		INIISN	      413260	Global	Relocatable 	
	ZOUDLB	      413264	Global	Relocatable 		DUMPDI	      413306	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGDIMB	      413342	Global	Relocatable 		DEBU.1	      413464	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	DEBU.C	      413464	Global	Relocatable 		DEBU.L	      413467	Global	Relocatable 	
	DEBU.O	       11113	Global	Relocatable 	


CGDO..	from DSK:CGDO.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 21:58:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11117 ends at	 11133 length	    15 (octal),    13. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	413506 ends at	416564 length	  3057 (octal),  1583. (decimal)

	CGDO.0	      413506	Global	Relocatable 		CGDOV	   700001562	Global	Absolute    	
	CGDOLO	      413506	Global	Relocatable 		CGDOEN	      413775	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGPROE	      414334	Global	Relocatable 		CGEPIL	      415127	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGRETU	      415437	Global	Relocatable 		CGSFN	      415624	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGSBPR	      415715	Global	Relocatable 		ARGGEN	      416140	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGARGS	      416271	Global	Relocatable 		CGDO.1	      416361	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 8
	CGDO.C	      416361	Global	Relocatable 		CGDO.L	      416432	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGDO.O	       11117	Global	Relocatable 	


CGST..	from DSK:CGSTMN.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 22:00:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11134 ends at	 11157 length	    24 (octal),    20. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	416565 ends at	423652 length	  5066 (octal),  2614. (decimal)

	CGST.0	      416565	Global	Relocatable 		CGSTMV	   700001625	Global	Absolute    	
	CGSTMN	      416565	Global	Relocatable 		CGASMN	      416727	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGASSI	      417046	Global	Relocatable 		CGAGO	      417066	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGCGO	      417160	Global	Relocatable 		CGLOGI	      417307	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGEND	      417534	Global	Relocatable 		CGSTOP	      417601	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGPAUS	      417621	Global	Relocatable 		CGARIF	      417641	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGCMNS	      417760	Global	Relocatable 		CGIOLS	      420035	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGE1LI	      420154	Global	Relocatable 		CGE2LI	      420225	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGIOCA	      420306	Global	Relocatable 		COUNTA	      420357	Global	Relocatable 	
	OIFIW	      420504	Global	Relocatable 		CGIOLA	      420510	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGDCAL	      420576	Global	Relocatable 		CGSLIS	      420607	Global	Relocatable 	
	CAE1LI	      420632	Global	Relocatable 		CAE2LI	      420672	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGSTPA	      420731	Global	Relocatable 		CGIOUN	      420776	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGMTOP	      421167	Global	Relocatable 		CGENCO	      421202	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGDECO	      421264	Global	Relocatable 		CGRERE	      421346	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGUNIT	      421421	Global	Relocatable 		CGFMT	      421431	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGRECN	      421452	Global	Relocatable 		CGIOST	      421466	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGREAD	      421477	Global	Relocatable 		CGWRIT	      421627	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGOPLS	      421767	Global	Relocatable 		CGOPEN	      422021	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGFIND	      422062	Global	Relocatable 		CGCLOS	      422075	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGDECA	      422136	Global	Relocatable 		CNTKEY	      422313	Global	Relocatable 	
	IOENDE	      422362	Global	Relocatable 		IOPTR	      422545	Global	Relocatable 	
	IOIMME	      422667	Global	Relocatable 		CGIOAR	      422776	Global	Relocatable 	
	REDORW	      423134	Global	Relocatable 		NAMGEN	      423272	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGST.1	      423477	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	CGST.C	      423477	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGST.L	      423541	Global	Relocatable 		CGST.O	       11134	Global	Relocatable 	


CGEX..	from DSK:CGEXPR.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 21:59:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11160 ends at	 11162 length	     3 (octal),     3. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	423653 ends at	427075 length	  3223 (octal),  1683. (decimal)

	CGEX.0	      423653	Global	Relocatable 		CGEXPV	   700001607	Global	Absolute    	
	OBUFF	      423653	Global	Relocatable 		OBUFFA	      423714	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGEXCI	      423737	Global	Relocatable 		CGETVA	      424055	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGOPGE	      424754	Global	Relocatable 		CGARGE	      425323	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGILF	      425365	Global	Relocatable 		CGSUBS	      425523	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGCONC	      425642	Global	Relocatable 		CGCHMR	      425721	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGCHUN	      425746	Global	Relocatable 		CGVBOO	      425761	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGCBOO	      426250	Global	Relocatable 		CGREL1	      426502	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGJMPC	      426621	Global	Relocatable 		DEFLAB	      426635	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGEX.1	      426670	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	CGEX.C	      426670	Global	Relocatable 	
	CGEX.L	      426744	Global	Relocatable 		CGEX.O	       11160	Global	Relocatable 	

		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 9


OPGNTA	from DSK:OPGNTA.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by MACRO on 17-Jan-83 at 21:58:00
	High segment starts at	427076 ends at	432245 length	  3150 (octal),  1640. (decimal)

	CALLER	      431777	Global	Relocatable 		CRETN	      431740	Global	Relocatable 	
	DOSTC	      431474	Global	Relocatable 		DOSTI	      431473	Global	Relocatable 	
	DOZJMP	      431470	Global	Relocatable 		DVALU	      431733	Global	Relocatable 	
	MOVRET	      431735	Global	Relocatable 		OPASIN	      430335	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPCHIX	      432225	Global	Relocatable 		OPGAIF	      431523	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGALT	      431440	Global	Relocatable 		OPGARG	      427415	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGARI	      427315	Global	Relocatable 		OPGASI	      430302	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGASR	      430316	Global	Relocatable 		OPGBOO	      430342	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGCGI	      431714	Global	Relocatable 		OPGCGO	      431705	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGCHM	      432012	Global	Relocatable 		OPGCHU	      432013	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGCLO	      432014	Global	Relocatable 		OPGDB1	      431303	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGDBF	      431256	Global	Relocatable 		OPGDEC	      432015	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGDOE	      431503	Global	Relocatable 		OPGDOS	      431502	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGENC	      432016	Global	Relocatable 		OPGETI	      427076	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGEX	      427236	Global	Relocatable 		OPGEXI	      432017	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGEXM	      427246	Global	Relocatable 		OPGEXS	      427242	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGFIN	      432020	Global	Relocatable 		OPGFND	      432021	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGIFI	      432022	Global	Relocatable 		OPGIFO	      432023	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGIIN	      431725	Global	Relocatable 		OPGIL1	      431271	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGILF	      431244	Global	Relocatable 		OPGILI	      431257	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGIN	      432024	Global	Relocatable 		OPGIOL	      432025	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGLD2	      427100	Global	Relocatable 		OPGMTO	      432026	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGMVL	      431726	Global	Relocatable 		OPGN1I	      430656	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGN2I	      430676	Global	Relocatable 		OPGNLI	      432027	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGNLO	      432030	Global	Relocatable 		OPGNTV	   700001567	Global	Absolute    	
	OPGOPE	      432031	Global	Relocatable 		OPGOUT	      432032	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGPAU	      432033	Global	Relocatable 		OPGPHR	      432222	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGPPR	      432217	Global	Relocatable 		OPGREL	      430462	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGRES	      432034	Global	Relocatable 		OPGRTB	      432035	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGSET	      427222	Global	Relocatable 		OPGSFN	      432001	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGSPG	      430772	Global	Relocatable 		OPGSPI	      430742	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGSPM	      431032	Global	Relocatable 		OPGST1	      432236	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGST2	      430275	Global	Relocatable 		OPGSTC	      431412	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGSTD	      431416	Global	Relocatable 		OPGSTI	      430274	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGSTP	      432036	Global	Relocatable 		OPGTCG	      430045	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGTCI	      430005	Global	Relocatable 		OPGVTS	      431434	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGWTB	      432037	Global	Relocatable 		OPGXG	      427252	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGXGM	      427262	Global	Relocatable 		OPGXGS	      427256	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPGXPI	      427312	Global	Relocatable 		OPIND2	      431731	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPINDI	      431727	Global	Relocatable 		OPINSI	      431736	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPP21I	      431022	Global	Relocatable 		OPSSEP	      432241	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPRET	      431734	Global	Relocatable 	


PEEP..	from DSK:PEEPOP.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 22:02:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11163 ends at	 11172 length	    10 (octal),     8. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	432246 ends at	437341 length	  5074 (octal),  2620. (decimal)

		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 10
	PEEP.0	      432246	Global	Relocatable 		PEEPOV	   700003143	Global	Absolute    	
	PEEPOP	      432246	Global	Relocatable 		PEEPA	      432311	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP00	      432357	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP01	      432576	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP02	      432753	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP03	      433174	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP10	      433225	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP11	      433300	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP14	      433376	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP05	      433670	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP20	      433751	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP21	      434060	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP22	      434114	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP24	      434155	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP25	      434220	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP27	      434254	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP30	      434315	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP31	      434354	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP32	      434406	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP35	      434507	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEPA0	      434515	Global	Relocatable 		POPT01	      434627	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT02	      434652	Global	Relocatable 		POPT03	      434751	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT04	      434775	Global	Relocatable 		POPT05	      435021	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT06	      435045	Global	Relocatable 		POPT07	      435074	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT08	      435123	Global	Relocatable 		POPT09	      435152	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT10	      435201	Global	Relocatable 		POPT11	      435230	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT12	      435274	Global	Relocatable 		POPT13	      435350	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT14	      435406	Global	Relocatable 		POPT15	      435460	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT16	      435524	Global	Relocatable 		POPT17	      435556	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT18	      435605	Global	Relocatable 		POPT19	      435633	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT20	      435674	Global	Relocatable 		POPT21	      435724	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT22	      435752	Global	Relocatable 		POPT23	      436007	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT24	      436035	Global	Relocatable 		POPT25	      436073	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT26	      436105	Global	Relocatable 		POPT27	      436120	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT28	      436147	Global	Relocatable 		POPT29	      436205	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT30	      436241	Global	Relocatable 		POPT31	      436276	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT32	      436343	Global	Relocatable 		POPT33	      436400	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT34	      436430	Global	Relocatable 		POPT35	      436466	Global	Relocatable 	
	POPT36	      436536	Global	Relocatable 		NONSKI	      436644	Global	Relocatable 	
	OPTOME	      436673	Global	Relocatable 		AROPTO	      436741	Global	Relocatable 	
	EQVPOS	      437011	Global	Relocatable 		AEQLC0	      437052	Global	Relocatable 	
	DELPBI	      437110	Global	Relocatable 		ADDLAB	      437162	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP.1	      437237	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	PEEP.C	      437237	Global	Relocatable 	
	PEEP.L	      437240	Global	Relocatable 		PEEP.O	       11163	Global	Relocatable 	


UTIL..	from DSK:UTIL.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 20:45:00
	Low  segment starts at	 11173 ends at	 11177 length	     5 (octal),     5. (decimal)
	High segment starts at	437342 ends at	442276 length	  2735 (octal),  1501. (decimal)

	UTIL.0	      437342	Global	Relocatable 		UTILV	   700001535	Global	Absolute    	
	TRANSM	      437342	Global	Relocatable 		PROPNE	      437413	Global	Relocatable 	
	NODERR	      437617	Global	Relocatable 		SETPVA	      437622	Global	Relocatable 	
	SETPIM	      437711	Global	Relocatable 		LOOKAN	      437763	Global	Relocatable 	
	LOKA1	      440007	Global	Relocatable 		LOKA2	      440074	Global	Relocatable 	
	LEAFSU	      440161	Global	Relocatable 		SWAPEM	      440315	Global	Relocatable 	
	MISCIO	      440345	Global	Relocatable 		DOVARS	      440421	Global	Relocatable 	
	IOCS	      440601	Global	Relocatable 		E1ORE2	      440633	Global	Relocatable 	
	IOSUBS	      440730	Global	Relocatable 		CONTVA	      441157	Global	Relocatable 	
	FNINLI	      441606	Global	Relocatable 		CONTFN	      441624	Global	Relocatable 	
	UNFLDO	      442052	Global	Relocatable 		ARGCON	      442107	Global	Relocatable 	
	LASTON	      442124	Global	Relocatable 		KISNGL	      442166	Global	Relocatable 	
		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 11
	UTIL.1	      442207	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	UTIL.C	      442207	Global	Relocatable 	
	UTIL.L	      442211	Global	Relocatable 		UTIL.P	      442255	Global	Relocatable 	
	UTIL.O	       11173	Global	Relocatable 	


GOPT..	from DSK:GOPTIM.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 20:42:00
	High segment starts at	442277 ends at	443370 length	  1072 (octal),   570. (decimal)

	GOPT.0	      442277	Global	Relocatable 		OPTMAV	   600000003	Global	Absolute    	
	GOPTIV	   600000067	Global	Absolute    		LOOKUP	      442277	Global	Relocatable 	
	CHKUA	      442321	Global	Relocatable 		LOKCAL	      442342	Global	Relocatable 	
	REPLAC	      442451	Global	Relocatable 		DOPARM	      443174	Global	Relocatable 	
	LNKASS	      443223	Global	Relocatable 		MAKASS	      443273	Global	Relocatable 	
	GOPT.1	      443337	Global	Relocatable Suppressed	GOPT.C	      443337	Global	Relocatable 	
	GOPT.L	      443341	Global	Relocatable 	


CNSTCM	from DSK:CNSTCM.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by MACRO on 17-Jan-83 at 20:19:00
	High segment starts at	443371 ends at	444753 length	  1363 (octal),   755. (decimal)

	CNSTCM	      443371	Entry	Relocatable 		CNSTCV	   600001707	Global	Absolute    	
	KARIGB	      443422	Global	Relocatable 		KARIIB	      443402	Global	Relocatable 	
	KBOOLB	      443653	Global	Relocatable 		KDNEGB	      443657	Global	Relocatable 	
	KDPINT	      443516	Global	Relocatable 		KDPRL	      443642	Global	Relocatable 	
	KGFINT	      443616	Global	Relocatable 		KGFOCT	      443612	Global	Relocatable 	
	KGFRL	      443643	Global	Relocatable 		KGFSPR	      443644	Global	Relocatable 	
	KILDAB	      444356	Global	Relocatable 		KILFBA	      444331	Global	Relocatable 	
	KILFBG	      444347	Global	Relocatable 		KILFBR	      444340	Global	Relocatable 	
	KSPECB	      443670	Global	Relocatable 		KSPECG	      443724	Global	Relocatable 	
	KTYPCB	      443442	Global	Relocatable 		KTYPCG	      443542	Global	Relocatable 	


PHA3..	from DSK:PHA3.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by BLISS-10 on 17-Jan-83 at 22:03:00
	High segment starts at	444754 ends at	445456 length	   503 (octal),   323. (decimal)

	PHA3.0	      444754	Global	Relocatable 		PHA3V	   700001624	Global	Absolute    	
	ARGCHK	      445367	Global	Relocatable 		MRP3	      444754	Global	Relocatable 	
	PHA3.F	      445333	Global	Relocatable 		PHA3.1	      445337	Global	Relocatable Suppressed
	PHA3.C	      445337	Global	Relocatable 		PHA3.L	      445352	Global	Relocatable 	
	PHA3.P	      445366	Global	Relocatable 	


PSEUDO	from DSK:JOBD.REL[31,4735,V7FORT]	created by MACRO on 17-Jan-83 at 20:16:00

	JOBDV	   600000000	Global	Absolute    		JOBERR	          42	Global	Absolute    	
	JOBFF	         121	Global	Absolute    		JOBREL	          44	Global	Absolute    	
	JOBSA	         120	Global	Absolute    	


		LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 12

	Index to LINK symbol map of	FORTG	version 7(1716)		page 13

	Name	Page	Name	Page	Name	Page	Name	Page

	CGDO..	 7	ERRG..	 6	LISO..	 6	PSEUDO	11
	CGEX..	 8	EXOSUP	 1	MAIN..	 2	RELB..	 7
	CNSTCM	11	GLOB..	 2	OPTA..	 6	SRCA..	 5
	DEBU..	 7	GOPT..	11	PEEP..	 9	UTIL..	10
	ERR3	 6	INOU..	 5	PHA3..	11

	[End of LINK map of	FORTG]