
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - QT020_T20_4.1_6.1_SWSKIT_851021 - swskit-tools/dmptty.hlp
There are no other files named dmptty.hlp in the archive.
      The DMPTTY program will display the contents of the monitor's
terminal database, somewhat interpreted, for the specified terminal.
This is most useful in debugging the state of a hung line.

The format of the command is:

	dmptty [/h][/l] linenumber

where 	/h will type this text and
	/l will direct output to DMPTTY.LST instead of the terminal.

WHEEL or OPERATOR privleges are necessary to examine the monitor.
DMPTTY should run on TOPS-20 release 4.1/5.1/6.0/6.1.