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_ Author: Andrew Lowry
_ Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, July 1986.
_ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, Trustees of Columbia University in the
_ City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or
_ institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as
_ it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright notice is
_ retained.
/* keyword parse errors */
fnerror(NM,`Does not match keyword')
fnerror(ABR,`Invalid abbreviation chain in keyword table')
* KEYWRD structure specifies one entry in a keyword table. KEYTAB
* structure describes a table of keywords.
* we want to return "anything" as the value of a keyword,
* so we need to know what is the 'largest' type in a machine independent
* way. I can't figure out a way to do this at compile time, so we'll use a
* generated include file.
#include "cmkeyval.h" /* this defines the keyval type */
#include <local/cmkeyval.h> /* this defines the keyval type */
typedef struct KEYWRD {
char * _kwkwd; /* keyword string */
short _kwflg; /* flags (see below) */
keyval _kwval; /* arbitrary value, not used internally */
/* except for abbreviations... see KEY_ABR */
/* flag below */
} keywrd;
typedef struct KEYTAB {
int _ktcnt; /* number of keywords in table */
keywrd * _ktwds; /* array of keyword entries */
} keytab;
/* Flags that can be present in a keyword entry */
fnflag(ABR) /* keyword is an abbreviation for the */
/* keyword indexed by this entry's _kwval */
/* value */
fnflag(NOR) /* Ignore this keyword (do not recognize */
/* any prefix, or even an exact match) */
fnflag(INV) /* Invisible keyword (not shown with help) */
fnflag(MAT) /* This keyword matches current input (used */
/* internally) */
pvtype(keyval)_ /* KEY returns a keyval. */