
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/dist/updall.log
There are no other files named updall.log in the archive.
[PHOTO:  Recording initiated  Mon 27-Nov-89 1:45am]

@! Update everything in distribution directory tree and finalize it!
@enable                         !Gotta have privs for this !
!do updmsc.mic                  !Update miscellaneous files !
!! Update miscellaneous distribution filedo updlib.mic                  !Update 
?Unrecognized command - Does not match switch or keyword - "Update"
!y sources !
?Unrecognized command - Does not match switch or keyword - "y"
!do updkcc.mic                  !Update KCC sources !
Merlin> ^C
!update skcc:-read-.*.0         dkcc:
?Unrecognized command - Does not match switch or keyword - "update"
!do updt20.mic                  !Update T20 biupdate skcc:*.doc.0               
!naries !
?Unrecognized command - Does not match switch or keyword - "naries"
!take updbeg.cmd                !Define temporary logicals!
Merlin> poupdate st20:*.*.0     dt20:
?Does not match switch or keyword - "poupdate"
Merlin> pquit
?Does not match switch or keyword - "pquit"
Merlin> ^C
!do updfin.mic                  !Finalize the distrib di^C
!rectory tree !

[MICBRK - MIC is breaking]
?Unrecognized command - Does not match switch or keyword - "rectory"
!take updend.cmd
%Logical name smath: was not defined
%Logical name sstdio: was not defined
%Logical name suser: was not defined
%Logical name susys: was not defined
%Logical name stest: was not defined
%Logical name st20: was not defined
%Logical name st10: was not defined
%Logical name swts: was not defined
%Logical name s10x: was not defined
%Logical name sits: was not defined
%Logical name scsi: was not defined
%Logical name dport: was not defined
%Logical name dfail: was not defined
!f5A    UVW
?Unrecognized command - Does not match switch or keyword - "f5A"

[MICABT - MIC is aborting]

[MICEMF - End of MIC file]
?Unrecognized command - Ambiguous - "re"
[MICBRK - MIC is breaking]
!@^NbxW^Z[^\D^^\       v"V\res
?Unrecognized command - File not found - "_"
!c e
?Does not match switch or keyword - "e"
%No saved filespec

Terminal Type: ^C!^C
!ier dm25
!i fo
 => EMACS (1): Editor, Kept, HALT at 52664, 0:00:00.5
!res em
%No saved filespec
``EMACS Editor, version 165 - type ^_ (the help character) for help.
`uFind File: update.mic.6 
`b@enable                         !Gotta have privs !
`c@do updbeg.mic
`d@do upd'A.mic                   ! Invoke specified update procedure !
`e@take updend.cmd
`tEMACS  (Fundamental)  FS:<C.DIST>UPDATE.MIC (6) 
`uWritten: FS:<C.DIST>UPDATE.MIC.7
`tEMACS  (Fundamental)  FS:<C.DIST>UPDATE.MIC (7) 
`uFind File: updbeg.mic
`k@v *.mic.0
`l@! SOURCE logical name definitions !
`m@define sport:  'A>             ! Top-level directory !
`n@define sfail:  '>        ! FAIL assembler source !
`o@define skcc:   'A.kcc>         ! KCC compiler source !
`p@define sinc:   'A.include>     ! Include files !
`q@define sincs:  'A.include.sys> ! <sys/> include subdirectory !
`r@define slib:   'A.lib>         ! Library admin stuff !
`s@define sgen:   'A.lib.gen>     ! General utilities !
`tEMACS  (Fundamental)  FS:<C.DIST>UPDBEG.MIC (4) --TOP--
Pt--TOP-- *
`s@define smath:  'A.lib.math>    ! Math rtns !
`k@define dt10:   'B.t10> ! TOPS-10 binaries !
`l@define dwts:   'B.wts> ! WAITS binaries !
`m@define d10x:   'B.10x> ! TENEX binaries !
`n@define dits:   'B.its> ! ITS binaries !
`o@define dcsi:   'B.csi> ! CSI binaries !
Pt--BOT-- *
`uWritten: FS:<C.DIST>UPDBEG.MIC.5
`tEMACS  (Fundamental)  FS:<C.DIST>UPDBEG.MIC (5) --BOT--
`w!do update kcc
!enable                         !Gotta have privs !
!do updbeg.mic TS:<KLH3.PORT,FS:<KCC-6
!! SOURCE logical name definitions !
!define sport:  TS:<KLH3.PORT,FS:<KCC-6>                ! Top-level directory !
?Directory terminating delimiter is not preceded by a valid beginning delimiter
!define sfail:  TS:<KLH3.PORT,FS:<>   ! FAIL assembler source !
?Directory terminating delimiter is not preceded by a valid beginning delimiter
!define skcc:   TS:<KLH3.PORT,FS:<KCC-6.kcc>            ! KCC compiler source !
?Directory terminating delimiter is not preceded by a valid beginning delimiter
!define sinc:   TS:<KLH3.PORT,FS:<KCC-6.include>        ! Include files !
?Directory terminating delimiter is not preceded by a valid beginning delimiter

[PHOTO:  Recording terminated Mon 27-Nov-89 1:49am]