
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/dist/update.doc
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How to create or update a KCC distribution directory:

To UPDATE an existing distribution tree:
	@connect <c.dist>
	@do update all	; (or one of msc, inc, lib, kcc, t20, t10, fin)

	Note: DO NOT do this on a Datamedia if using PHOTO!

To CREATE a new distribution tree:
	[1] Use MERLIN to copy the directories (only!) of an appropriate
	existing distribution:
		Merlin> copy fs:<kcc-6> (to) fs:<kcc-7> /nofiles
		Merlin> q

	[2] Modify the <C.DIST>UPDATE.MIC file to specify the location
	of the new distribution.  This is the only place where the structure
	and top-level directory names must be given.

	[3] Now update the empty tree with "do update all".
How it works:

The UPDATE.MIC file invokes all of the other MIC and CMD files necessary,
given an argument that tells it which ones to execute.  This is the only
place where the disk structure and top-level directory names need to be

UPDATE.MIC	Everything invoked through this file only.
    UPDBEG.MIC	- Defines logicals
    UPD*.MIC	- Does the work
	UPDALL.MIC - (arg "all") Invokes all of the selections below.
	UPDINC.MIC - (arg "inc") Updates include directory (sets up as C:)
	UPDLIB.MIC - (arg "lib") Updates library sources (but not .h)
	UPDKCC.MIC - (arg "kcc") Updates KCC sources
	UPDT20.MIC - (arg "t20") Updates T20 binary dir
	UPDT10.MIC - (arg "t10") Updates T10 binary dir
	UPDMSC.MIC - (arg "msc") Updates misc stuff (including .h)
	UPDFIN.MIC - (arg "fin") Cleans up tree, finalizes
    UPDEND.CMD	- Undefines logicals