
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/dist/update.log
There are no other files named update.log in the archive.
[PHOTO:  Recording initiated  Mon 27-Nov-89 1:45am]

@enable                         !Gotta have privs !
!do updbeg.mic
!do updkcc.mic                  ! Invoke specified updatv *.mic.0
!e procedure !
?Couldn't parse address
!take updend.cmd
%Logical name sport: was not defined
%Logical name sfail: was not defined
%Logical name skcc: was not defined
%Logical name sinc: was not defined
%Logical name sincs: was not defined
%Logical name slib: was not defined
%Logical name sgen: was not defined
%Logical name smath: was not defined
%Logical name sstdio: was not defined

[PHOTO:  Recording terminated Mon 27-Nov-89 1:45am]