
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/its/include/xcc.pcl
There are no other files named xcc.pcl in the archive.
! To define the XCC command, put these two lines in your
! init file: 
!   define xc: steam:<kcc.include>,steam:<kcc-5.include>
!   declare /noconfirm pcl xc:xcc.pcl
! Don't give the XCC command the x, H, L, or A switches
! unless you really understand what is going on here.
! Note that it apparently does work to say -x=macro (or -m).
command XCC (text:args);
docommand "CC -x=ks+its+fail -Hxc: -Lxc:lib+.rel -Axc:c-hits.fai "+args;