
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/its/tags.teco
There are no other files named tags.teco in the archive.
!* Convert 20X directory listing into tags file.!

  bj					!* from the top!
  .[0					!* 0: converted point!
  :i*[1				!* 1: current directory name!
  < .-z;				!* loop until end!
    1a-13"E k !<!>'			!* delete blank lines!
    10f= Total of "E k !<!>'		!* and totals!
    16f= Grand total of "E k !<!>'	!* and totals!
    3f=   "E 3c :x1 3r k !<!>'	!* set directory!
    d g1 :l -s. k i

					!* What language?!
    >					!* loop!