PDP-10 Archives
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#if 0
29-Nov-89 12:03:57-PST,2045;000000000001
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Date: 29 Nov 89 13:06:18 EST
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: BUGF.C --- This is probably the last bug submitted today.
Message-Id: <"CSI 5676-16327"@CompuServe.COM>
/* BUGF.C */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#define FDIGITS_MAX (FLT_DIG - 1) /* number of significant digits for single precision comparison. */
#define DIGITS_MAX (DBL_DIG - 1) /* number of significant digits for double precision comparison. */
#define LDIGITS_MAX (LDBL_DIG - 1) /* number of significant digits for long double precision comparison. */
static float c36var = 5.;
extern int c36var;
if (c36var != 12)
printf ("? Uh-oh, c36var was %d instead of 12\n",c36var);
int c36var = 12;
* DEQUALS - 'double' equality check. If val1 != val2, then
* report an error. This is computed using an equality approximation
* that verifies that the two numbers are equal to R digits whenever
* |x - y| 1 1-R
* ------- <= - 10
* |x| 2
* DIGITS_MAX is defined in defs.h
static char details[BUFSIZ] = {0};
double Delta = 0.0;
dequals(line, val1, val2)
double val1, val2;
int line;
double *pd;
if (Delta == 0.0)
Delta = 0.5 / pow(10.0, DIGITS_MAX-1.0);
if (val1 == val2)
return (1);
pd = &val1;
if (val1 == 0.0)
pd = &val2;
/* special cases to handle zero against very small numbers */
if (fabs(val1) == 0.0 && fabs(val2) < Delta)
else if (fabs(val2) == 0.0 && fabs(val1) < Delta)
else if ((fabs(val1 - val2) / fabs(*pd)) > Delta)
sprintf(details, "ERROR: (%.*G) != (%.*G)",
DIGITS_MAX+2, val1, DIGITS_MAX+2, val2);
return (0);
return (1);