
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/kcc/bug26.c
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#if 0
 5-Dec-89 13:29:34-PST,595;000000000005
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Date: 05 Dec 89 15:53:30 EST
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: EBUG33.C1
Message-Id: <"CSI 5679-21464"@CompuServe.COM>

/* EBUG33.C1 */
/* Generate an internal error */
/* Well, this should generate an error, but probably not an internal error */

    struct x { char a[4]; } f();
    int i;
    i = f().a[0];