
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/kcc/bugpst.log
There are no other files named bugpst.log in the archive.
[PHOTO:  Recording initiated  Thu 30-Nov-89 10:45am]

@c2:nccx -S bugpst
KCC:    bugpst
"bugpst.c", line 16: [Note] Call to undeclared function "printf"
       (bugpst+6, p.1 l.16): = &now[2];  /* This should work OK */     printf("

"bugpst.c", line 17: [Note] Call to undeclared function "time"
       (bugpst+7, p.1 l.17):      printf("garsh");     now[1] = now[2] = time()

"bugpst.c", line 18: [Note] Call to undeclared function "utime"
       (bugpst+8, p.1 l.18): ] = time(); /* This should complain */     utime("

"bugpst.c", line 20: [Internal error] outaddress: + stk offset
       (bugpst+10, p.1 l.20): hould complain */     utime("test.txt", now); }

?KCC - 1 error detected

[PHOTO:  Recording terminated Thu 30-Nov-89 10:46am]