
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/kcc/cccse.c
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/*	CCCSE.C - Peephole Optimizer - fold common subexpressions
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien 1989
**		All changes after v.136, 31-Mar-1988
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien, SRI International 1985, 1986
**		All changes after v.97, 8-Aug-1985
** Original version by David Eppstein / Stanford University / 30-Jul-84

#include "cc.h"
#include "ccgen.h"

/* Exported functions */
void foldmove();
int folddiv(), foldcse();
int sameaddr(), alias();	/* for CCOPT */

/* Imported functions */
extern PCODE *before(), *after();
extern void code00(), fixprev();
extern int dropsout();

/* Internal functions */
static int findcse();
static void flushreg(), flushtarget();
static int chgpush(), stktop(), safematch(), match();
static int flushalias();

#define	MAXCSE	10			/* how many ops we will look at */

static PCODE *target[MAXCSE];		/* target op pointers for subexpr */
static int
    maxcse,		/* how many ops in subexpr (# ptrs in target[]) */
    stkoffset,		/* offset in stk from target */
    maxflush,		/* how far to flush ops */
    jumped,		/* Flag: found a jump, can't fold P_ILDB */
    ismod[MAXCSE],	/* P_IDIV used as mod rather than div */
    regret[NREGS],	/* What reg to return if we match */
    matchedto[NREGS],	/* Register match machines
			** Contains index into target[].  -1 if none.
    isindex[NREGS];	/* Contains index into target[].  -1 if reg never
			** used as an index reg, else "earliest each
			** reg is used as index".
    ** Isindex contains the earliest each register is used
    ** as an index.  If an opcode changes that register
    ** we must flush matches for all registers not that far.
    ** Maxflush contains the latest use of the register we are
    ** matching in another op.  It controls how far back we can
    ** go in dropping the opcodes making the redundant expression.
    ** Jumped is true if we have stepped back over some conditional
    ** jump instruction.  If this is the case then we can't fold
    ** P_IBP + P_LDB into P_ILDB.
#if 0
	/* Overview of how findcse works (from David Eppstein) */
      - In the first loop it goes back through the peephole buffer and
	builds up a list of instructions that taken together calculate
	the value in the target register (the one given it as an
	argument).  In this case the list will just be the LDB.

      - For each other register that can hold a computed value, in
	parallel and with the state of each parallel computation held
	in what is called in the comments a register match machine,
	it goes back through the peephole buffer and sees if the
	instructions which calculate the value in that other register
	match the built up list of instructions.  This is the big loop.

      - If we ever get such a match, then the built up list of
	instructions for the target register value is not necessary,
	because we can instead copy the value in the matching register
	and it will be the same.  This is the common subexpr elimination.
	The redundant instructions will be removed from the buffer and
	the register containing the result will be the return value.
	The caller might emit a MOVE or might just use that register.

      - If all machines don't match, i.e. they find an instruction
	which is part of how the value in their result registers was
	calculated but which isn't part of how the target value was
	calculated, then we know that the target value is not a common
	subexpression so we have to keep its calculation (and return
	zero to show that we are still using the old register).

      - If we get to the beginning of the peephole buffer without any
	machine matching then again there is no common subexpression.

Building the target calculation instruction list (the first loop) should
be pretty straightforward.  The second and longer loop is where the
match machines go about their work.  Actually what happens is that we
look at each instruction and there will usually be only one register
changed, so only one match machine needs to be activated.  If the
instruction changing the register is the same as the one the machine
expects then the machine advances to the next instruction in the list;
if it doesn't match the machine aborts.  Most of the state of each
machine can be found in matchedto[], which says which instruction it
wants to see next or whether it's aborted.

One complication is that we have to tell whether a register used as an
index was not changed between the machine's calculation's use of it
and the target calculation's use.  This information is kept in isindex[].
Isindex[reg] is the pointer to the earliest use of that register in
the target calculation; if any machines are not yet that far back when
we see an instruction changing that reg then all those machines are aborted.
There is a possible bug here if the same register is used twice as an
index in the target calculation, with a change to it in between the
two uses; if this situation happens the first loop that builds the
target calculation instruction list should abort because the second
loop can't handle this, but I don't know whether it currently does.
Something that probably hasn't come up but might be made to with
sufficiently tricky code.  You should check this anyway (not that it
is related to your current bug).

Another complication is that, because of IDIVI, the register that a
machine wakes up on is not always the same as the one it uses as the
common subexpression value after a successful match.  There is another
array that keeps track of this information (I forget the name).

Yet another complication is to take care of instructions that can be
skipped over.  There is a SKIPPED field in the address mode type of
each instruction which the code should be looking at (I am pretty sure
it does but it's been a while).

The minor function of findcse was that it turned out to be convenient
to put ILDB folding there.  LDB folding only happens when there is a
single LDB (or DPB) as the target calculation.  If we find a matching
LDB first, this is just a common subexpression like any other.  But if
we find an IBP, then we want to turn both instructions into an ILDB.
Currently there is one thing which inhibits this, the jumped flag.  If
we move back across a jump out of the peephole buffer, this is not a
problem for common subexpressions but you don't want to pull the IBP
across the jump because then it won't happen if the jump gets taken.

** Fold common subs into changereg
** Can't handle P_IDIV because looks at op to determine reg

    int r = p->Preg, s;
    if (p->Pop == P_IDIV || p->Pop == P_UIDIV) return;
    if (s = findcse(r, p, 0))
	code00(P_MOVE, r, s);

** Ditto for P_IDIV, needs register argument to tell what to fold.
** We take the register as a vreg for caller's convenience, but it must
** be an active register.

VREG *vr;
    int r = vrreal(vr), s;
    if (s = findcse(r, previous, 0))
	code00(P_MOVE, r, s);

#if 0
** Return result of folding out common sub
** Used for folding cse's out of index registers

foldcse(r, p)
    int s;

    if (s = findcse(r, p, 1))	/* look for match */
	return s;		/* success, return folded reg */
    return r;			/* failure, return old one */

/* FOLDIDX - Assumes given instruction uses an index reg.
**	Attempts to find a CSE reg with the same value, and if so
**	flushes the index reg calculation and changes the index reference
**	to use the existing reg.
**	Doesn't pay attention to whether phys regs are still assigned to
**	virtual regs (assumes that index reg, once used, isn't needed again).
    int s;

    if (s = findcse(p->Pindex, before(p), 1))	/* Look for match to index */
	p->Pindex = s;		/* Won, set new index reg */

/* FOLDRCSE - Folds a CSE paying no attention to whether phys regs are
**	still assigned to virtual regs or not.
**	Returns phys register # containing value, or 0 if no folding done.
foldrcse(r, p)
    return findcse(r, p, 1);
/* CSEINIT - auxiliary for FINDCSE to set things up
static int
cseinit(r, p, safedouble)
    PCODE *q;
    int i;

    ** Do some preliminary initialization of variables.

    for (i = 0; i < NREGS; i++) isindex[i] = -1;
    maxflush = -1;			/* can't flush anything yet */
    jumped = 0;				/* haven't stepped over a jump */

    ** We search through the peephole buffer twice; once
    ** to discover the expression we want to match, and
    ** once to match it.  We do the former now.

    maxcse = 0;				/* start at top of cse list */
    q = p;				/* and top of code */
    while (1) {				/* until we break out */
	if (q == NULL) return 0;	/* if had to stop, give up */

	** Look at the opcode of each instruction as we go back,
	** to make sure it is one we understand.  If the register
	** is the one we are folding, remember the op and if it
	** determined completely the register, stop there.
	** We also stop for P_DPB, so we can fold P_IBP+P_DPB into P_IDPB.
	** (NO LONGER DONE -- DPB is a mem change! -- KLH)

	switch (q->Pop) {
	case P_FADR:	case P_FSBR:	case P_FMPR:	case P_FDVR:
	case P_ADD:	case P_IMUL:	case P_SUB:	case P_AND:
	case P_IOR:	case P_XOR:	case P_ADJBP:	case P_LSH:
	case P_IDIV:	case P_UIDIV:
	    i = 0;			/* not final */
	    break;			/* go handle */

	case P_MOVE:	case P_LDB:
	case P_MOVN:	case P_SETCM:	case P_SETO:	case P_SETZ:
	case P_HRRZ:	case P_HLRZ:	case P_HRRE:	case P_HLRE:
	case P_FIX:	case P_FLTR:
	    i = 1;			/* this will be the last */
	    break;			/* go handle */

	    return 0;			/* unknown op, give up */

	** If we got this far we approve of the opcode.  Variable
	** i contains 1 if this will be the last op to examine.
	** It must be maintained for many lines until used.
	** We take this opportunity to set maxflush.

	if ((q->Pop & POF_BOTH)		/* don't go past mem change */
	  || (popflg[q->Pop&POF_OPCODE]&PF_MEMCHG))
		return 0;

	if ((q->Pop == P_IDIV || q->Pop == P_UIDIV) && q->Preg == r - 1) {
	    r--;			/* division used for modulus */
	    ismod[maxcse] = 1;		/* change target reg and remember so */
	} else ismod[maxcse] = 0;	/* otherwise don't remember as mod */

	if (maxflush < 0 && q->Preg != r) switch (q->Ptype & PTF_ADRMODE) {
	    if (q->Pindex == r) maxflush = maxcse;
	case PTA_REGIS:
	    if (q->Pr2 == r) maxflush = maxcse;

	** If the register of the opcode is not what we are looking for,
	** the op is irrelevant and we can now safely ignore it.

	if (q->Preg != r) {		/* irrelevant op? */
	    q = before (q);		/* yes, skip over */
	    continue;			/* and try for more */

	** Now we must make sure the pseudo-op type is acceptible.
	** For instance, we can not accept PTA_REGIS operations.
	** We also take this opportunity to note index registers needed.
	** Note we don't mask out PTF_SKIPPED or POF_BOTH before switching.

	switch (q->Ptype) {
	case PTA_REGIS:
	    isindex[q->Pr2] = maxcse + 1; /* treat mem reg as index */

	    isindex[q->Pindex] = maxcse + 1;	/* extract index register */
	    break;				/* accept */

	case PTV_IMMED:
	case PTA_DCONST1:
	case PTA_DCONST2:

	    return 0;

	** An opcode making it this far has also passed the opcode type test.
	** Add it to the codes we are looking to match and either continue
	** looking for such ops or break out now that we are done looking.

	target[maxcse++] = q;		/* remember op we found */
	if (i) break;			/* break out of while loop */
	if (maxcse >= MAXCSE) return 0;	/* too much, give up */
	q = before (q);			/* or skip back and try for more */
    }					/* end while(1) */

    ** We have discovered complete expression, now set up register
    ** match machines.  If a register is still assigned, we ignore it
    ** to save later confusion in code generation.
    for (i = 0; i < NREGS; i++) {
	if ((rfree(i) || safedouble) && isindex[i] < 0)
	    matchedto[i] = 0;	/* OK to check this reg, set initial match */
	else matchedto[i] = -1;	/* Not OK, don't use it */

	if ((!rfree(i) && !safedouble) || isindex[i] >= 0)
	    matchedto[i] = -1;
	else matchedto[i] = 0;
	regret[i] = i;			/* reg starts returning self */
    if (isindex[r] >= 0)	/* If R used (as index) in its own */
	return 0;		/* calculation, give up... */
    matchedto[r] = 0;		/* OK to re-use main reg */

    if (maxflush < 0) maxflush = maxcse; /* remember top flush margin */
    else if (maxflush == 0) return 0;	/* If nothing to flush, give up */
    isindex[0] = isindex[R_SP] = -1;	/* ignore zero as index */
    stkoffset = 0;			/* no stack hackery yet */
    return 1;				/* OK, say target is ready! */
/* FINDCSE() - Fold common subexpressions

static int
findcse(r, p, safedouble)
    PCODE *q;
    int i, flushfound;

    if (!cseinit(r, p, safedouble))
	return 0;

    ** Now all the preliminaries are done, we can go look for a match.
    ** We go back through all the ops, advancing the state machine of
    ** the register of the op until we find a complete match.
    ** This is the second loop and the big one.

    q = p;				/* start again */
    flushfound = 0;			/* haven't found flushes yet */
    while (1) {				/* until we match or give up */
	if (q == NULL) return 0;	/* nothing there, give up */
	if (flushfound < maxflush && target[flushfound] == q) {
	    flushfound++;		/* going to go away, move marker on */
	    q = before (q);		/* ignore this one */
	    continue;			/* try something more substantial */

	switch (q->Pop & (POF_OPCODE | POF_BOTH)) {

	** Byte instructions.  P_LDB doesn't change memory, but the
	** rest do (the pointer, the contents, or both).
	** We also handle folding P_IBP + P_LDB => P_ILDB here.

	case P_LDB:
	    if (r = safematch (q, P_LDB)) break; /* matched, return */
	    q = before (q);		/* not, back one */
	    continue;			/* and try again */

	case P_DPB:
	    if (q == target[0]) {	/* are we looking for P_IDPB fold? */
		q = before (q);		/* yes, just skip over the P_DPB */
		continue;		/* and look for a real match */
	case P_IDPB:
	    /* This used to drop through to the ILDB case.  However, this
	    ** caused lossage because it's unsafe to assume that the DPB
	    ** operand is correctly masked off, thus the register contents
	    ** don't necessarily correspond to what an LDB would get.  Someday
	    ** this could be improved to check for masking instructions.
	    return 0;

	case P_ILDB:
	    if (match (q, P_LDB)) {
		r = q->Preg;		/* matched, set reg */
		break;			/* and return success */
	    if (flushalias (q)) return 0;
	    q = before (q);		/* back up */
	    continue;			/* and try again */

	case P_IBP:

/* Bug here, the sequence
**		IBP x ? MOVEM x,addr ? LDB r,x
** becomes zapped into
**		MOVEM x,addr ? ILDB r,x
** which is real wrong.
** Until this is figured out and protected against, we enforce a
** restriction that the IBP must immediately precede the DPB/LDB.
	    if (match (q, P_IBP)) switch(target[0]->Pop) {
	    case P_LDB:			/* turn P_IBP x + P_LDB R,x */
/* Temp fix */	if (q != before(target[0]))
/* Temp fix */	    break;
		target[0]->Pop = P_ILDB;	/* into P_ILDB R,x */
		q->Pop = P_NOP;
		return 0;
	    case P_DPB:			/* same with P_DPB */
/* Temp fix */	if (q != before(target[0]))
/* Temp fix */	    break;
		target[0]->Pop = P_IDPB;
		q->Pop = P_NOP;
		return 0;

	    if (flushalias (q)) return 0;
	    q = before (q);		/* back up */
	    continue;			/* try again */

	** Binary operations.  If they are not of type POF_BOTH, then
	** they must match the individual op, and if it matches
	** keep looking for the instruction before that in the sequence.
	** If they are POF_BOTH explicitly or implicitly, then they can
	** only match a P_MOVE, and we have to be careful about mem changes.

	case P_DFMP:	case P_DFDV:	case P_DFSB:	case P_DFAD:
	case P_DMOVE:	case P_DMOVN:
	    flushreg(q->Preg + 1);
	case P_FADR:	case P_FSBR:	case P_FMPR:	case P_FDVR:
	case P_ADD:	case P_IMUL:	case P_SUB:
	case P_IDIV:	case P_UIDIV:
	case P_AND:	case P_IOR:	case P_XOR:
	case P_TRO:   	case P_TRZ:   	case P_TRC:
	case P_TDO:   	case P_TDZ:   	case P_TDC:
	case P_ADJBP:	case P_LSH:
	    if (r = safematch(q, q->Pop))
	    q = before (q);		/* whether or no success, back one */
	    continue;			/* and try again */

	    if (r = match (q, q->Pop &~ POF_BOTH)) break;
	case P_MOVEM:	case P_DMOVEM:
	case P_AOS:   	case P_SOS:
	    if (r = match (q, P_MOVE)) break; /* matched, set reg and return */
	    if (flushalias (q)) return 0;
	    if (q->Pop != P_MOVEM) flushreg (q->Preg);
	    if (q->Pop == P_DMOVEM) flushreg (q->Preg + 1);
	    q = before (q);		/* back one */
	    continue;			/* and try again */

	** Unary operations.  These are treated the same as binary ops,
	** except that a successful match means we have found the whole
	** common subexpression.

	case P_SETCM:	case P_MOVN:	case P_SETO:	case P_SETZ:
	case P_HRRZ:	case P_HLRZ:	case P_HRRE:	case P_HLRE:
	case P_FIX:	case P_FLTR:
	    if (r = safematch (q, q->Pop)) break; /* matched, return */
	    q = before (q);		/* move back */
	    continue;			/* try again */

	case P_HRRM:
	case P_HRLM:
	    if (match (q, (q->Pop == P_HRRM)? P_HRRZ : P_HLRZ)) {
		r = q->Preg;
	    if (flushalias (q)) return 0;
	    flushreg (q->Preg);
	    q = before (q);

	** Simple moves.  The moves cause the subexpression finder to
	** succeed as above with the unary operations.
	** The !dropsout(q) check is in case this is a P_SKIPA to a P_JRST
	** or P_POPJ, in which case it would still be safe to check for a match
	** but we don't want deadjump() spoiling a perfectly good register
	** when we find that there isn't the match we want.

	case P_SKIP:
	    if (q->Pop == P_SKIP+POF_ISSKIP+POS_SKPE && dropsout (after (q)) &&
		(r = match (q, P_SETZ))) break; /* P_SKIPE+P_JRST leaves 0 in reg */
	case P_MOVE:
	    if (!dropsout (q) && (r = safematch (q, P_MOVE))) break;
	    q = before (q);		/* not, move back */
	    continue;			/* try again */

	** Jumps.  These cause the flow of control to split, so we can't
	** pull P_IBPs across them.  Also, we remember unconditional jumps
	** in case they are preceded by a P_CAME or cascaded P_SKIP.

	case P_JRST: case P_POPJ: case P_JUMP:
	    if (q->Pop == P_JUMP+POS_SKPN && (r = match (q, P_SETZ))) break;
	    jumped = 1;			/* can't fold P_IBP before here */
	    q = before (q);		/* move back */

	case P_AOJ: case P_SOJ:
	    if ((q->Pop & POF_OPSKIP) == POS_SKPN && (r = match (q, P_SETZ))) break;
	    jumped = 1;			/* this is a jump */
	    flushreg (q->Preg);		/* we can't deal with the reg change */
	    q = before (q);		/* so just move back */
	    continue;			/* and try again */

	** We handle here P_PUSH and P_ADJSP, which effectively change only the
	** stack pointer.
	case P_PUSH:
	    if (r = match (q, P_MOVE)) break; /* register pushed matches 0(17) */
	    if (chgpush (q))		/* change refs to here into pushed x */
		return findcse (target[0]->Preg, p, safedouble); /* retry */
	    stkoffset++;		/* remember change to stack */
	    q = before (q);		/* move back */
	    continue;			/* try for another */

	case P_ADJSP:
	    stkoffset += q->Pvalue;	/* remember change to stack */
	    q = before (q);		/* move back */
	    continue;			/* try for another */

	** Comparisons
	** We already did P_SKIP; these ones don't change their register.
	** But if we are past a P_CAME / P_JRST, we know the P_CAME skipped
	** and therefore the register contains the value compared to.

	case P_CAI: case P_CAM:
	    if (dropsout (after (q)) && (q->Pop & POF_OPSKIP) == POS_SKPE &&
		match (q, P_MOVE)) {	/* P_CAME+P_JRST is like P_MOVE */
		r = q->Preg;		/* (except that reg not munged) */
	case P_TRN: case P_TDN:
	    q = before (q);		/* innocuous op, move back */
	    continue;			/* and look for more */

	    return 0;			/* unknown op, give up */
	break;				/* propagate escape */

    ** Here when we've found a complete match.  The register containing
    ** the match is now in R instead of the initial register.
    ** Eliminate the old ops and return success.

    for (i = 0; i < maxflush; i++) target[i]->Pop = P_NOP; /* drop op */
    fixprev();				/* update previous from drop */
    return regret[r];			/* return the successful register */
** Test two instructions to see if they refer to the same place
sameaddr(p, q, stkoffset)
PCODE *p, *q;
    if ( (p->Ptype &~ (PTF_IMM + PTF_SKIPPED))
      != (q->Ptype &~ (PTF_IMM + PTF_SKIPPED)))
	return 0;
    switch (p->Ptype & PTF_ADRMODE) {
    case PTA_REGIS:
	return (p->Pr2 == q->Pr2);

	if (p->Pbsize != q->Pbsize) return 0;
    case PTA_MINDEXED:
	if ((p->Ptype & PTF_IMM) != (q->Ptype & PTF_IMM)) return 0;
	if (p->Pindex != q->Pindex || p->Pptr != q->Pptr) return 0;
	if (p->Pindex == R_SP) return (p->Poffset == q->Poffset - stkoffset);
	else return (p->Poffset == q->Poffset);

    case PTA_FCONST:
	return (p->Pfloat == q->Pfloat);

    case PTA_DCONST:
	return (p->Pdouble == q->Pdouble);
    case PTA_DCONST1:
	return (p->Pdouble1 == q->Pdouble1);
    case PTA_DCONST2:
	return (p->Pdouble2 == q->Pdouble2);

    case PTA_RCONST:
	return (p->Pvalue == q->Pvalue);
    case PTA_PCONST:
	return (   p->Pptr == q->Pptr
		&& p->Pbsize == q->Pbsize
		&& p->Poffset == q->Poffset);

    case PTA_ONEREG:
	return 1;
	int_error("sameaddr: bad Ptype");
	return 0;
** See if two ops can possibly refer to the same place
** We know they aren't exactly the same address, but maybe they're
** aliases of each other, in which case we want to know so we can
** be careful around ops that change memory.
alias (p, q, soff)
PCODE *p, *q;
int soff;		/* Stack offset */
    int pt, qt;

    /* Only need to check further if both instrs reference memory */
    if ( (  (p->Ptype&PTF_ADRMODE) == PTA_BYTEPOINT
	 || (p->Ptype&PTF_ADRMODE) == PTA_MINDEXED)
      && (  (q->Ptype&PTF_ADRMODE) == PTA_BYTEPOINT
	 || (q->Ptype&PTF_ADRMODE) == PTA_MINDEXED)) {
	pt = p->Ptype;
	qt = q->Ptype;

	/* Duplicate sameaddr() checking here, since we want to test
	** for either a PTA_MINDEXED and PTA_BYTEPOINT reference, and
	** sameaddr() only does this if both are the same type.
	if (p->Pindex == q->Pindex && p->Pptr == q->Pptr) {
	    if (p->Pindex == R_SP) {
		if (p->Poffset == (q->Poffset - soff))
		    return 1;		/* Same location on stack */
	    } else if (p->Poffset == q->Poffset)
		return 1;

	/* If either has the indirect bit set, give up. */
	if ((pt | qt) & PTF_IND) return 1;	/* May alias */

#if 0 /* Old stuff, flush */
	/* P_XMOVEI != P_MOVEM != P_DPB */
	if ( (q->Ptype &~ (PTF_IMM + PTF_SKIPPED))
	  != (p->Ptype &~ (PTF_IMM + PTF_SKIPPED)))
	    return 0;
#if 0	/* Finish coding this later */
	/* Byte ptrs to different parts of a word? */
	    /* Check to see if bytes overlap or not */
	    return 0;			/* If no overlap */
	/* stack can't alias with much */
	if (p->Pindex == R_SP && !(pt & PTF_IMM)) {
	    if (!stackrefs) return 0;
	    if (q->Pindex == R_SP && !(qt & PTF_IMM)) return 0;
	    return (q->Pptr == NULL || (qt & PTF_IMM));

	/* same for other word from stack */
	if (q->Pindex == R_SP && !(qt & PTF_IMM)) {
	    if (!stackrefs) return 0;
	    return (p->Pptr == NULL || (pt & PTF_IMM));

	/* non-indirect with same index or with different symbols */
	if (!(pt & PTF_IMM) && !(qt & PTF_IMM)) {
	    if (p->Pindex == q->Pindex) return 0;
	    if (p->Pptr != NULL && q->Pptr != NULL && p->Pptr != q->Pptr)
		return 0;

	/* none of the above, it can alias */
	return 1;
    return 0;			/* Not mem refs, can't alias with anything */
/* --------------------------- */
/*      see if op matches      */
/* --------------------------- */

static int
match (q, op)
    int i;

    /* make sure not possible to skip over this one */
    if (prevskips (q) && !dropsout (after (q))) return 0;

    /* do funny matches */
    switch (q->Pop & POF_OPCODE) {
    case P_IBP:			/* no useful reg, but fold into P_DPB */
	return (!jumped && sameaddr(target[0], q, stkoffset));

    case P_PUSH:				/* might be push of register */
	return ((q->Ptype &~ PTF_SKIPPED) == PTA_REGIS && (i = matchedto[q->Pr2]) >= 0
		&& target[i]->Pop == op && stktop (target[i]))?
	    q->Pr2 : 0;			/* ret pushed reg if success, else 0 */

    case P_IDIV: case P_UIDIV:
	i = matchedto[q->Preg + 1];	/* save target */
	flushreg (q->Preg + 1);		/* from certain destruction */

	/* see if construable as used as mod, if not treat normally */
	/* do not check matchedto[q->Preg] -- will unnecessarily lose */
	if (i < 0 || !ismod[i] || !sameaddr (target[i], q, stkoffset)) break;

	matchedto[q->Preg] = i;		/* set match to other reg */
	regret[q->Preg] = regret[q->Preg + 1]; /* chain return val */
	return q->Preg;			/* return success */

    /* now the boring cases */
    if ((i = matchedto[q->Preg]) < 0 || ismod[i]) return 0; /* get target */
    if (op == P_SETZ && target[i]->Pop == P_SETZ) return q->Preg;
    if (target[i]->Pop == op && sameaddr(target[i], q, stkoffset)) /* match */
	return q->Preg;			/* success! return with reg */

    /* Maybe MOVEI matches MOVNI */
    if (((op == P_MOVN && target[i]->Pop == P_MOVE)
	|| (op == P_MOVE && target[i]->Pop == P_MOVN))
      && (q->Ptype & PTF_ADRMODE) == PTA_RCONST
      && (target[i]->Ptype & PTF_ADRMODE) == PTA_RCONST
      && q->Pvalue == - target[i]->Pvalue)
	return q->Preg;			/* Yes, win! */

    return 0;				/* not even that, give up */

/* ------------------------------------ */
/*      jacket routine for match ()      */
/* ------------------------------------ */

static int
safematch (q, op)
    int r;
    if ((r = match (q, op)) == 0) flushreg (q->Preg); /* fail, give up reg */
    return r;				/* return result of match */
** See if op refers to the top of the stack.
** Should be safe to fail for non-stack-top-refs.

static int
stktop (p)
    return p->Ptype == PTA_MINDEXED && p->Pptr == NULL &&
	   p->Poffset == - stkoffset && p->Pindex == R_SP;
/* CHGPUSH - Replace refs to thing PUSHed on top of stack with pushed value.
**	 Returns 1 if anything changed.
** Only called from one place in findcse().

static int
chgpush (p)
    PCODE *q;
    int found, i, so, sop, sreg;

    /* see if this push uses a bad register */
    switch (p->Ptype) {
	case PTV_IMMED:			/* Immediate RCONST is OK */
	case PTA_DCONST1:
	case PTA_DCONST2:
	case PTA_REGIS:			/* Not sure about this --KLH */
	    if (p->Pr2 == 0
		|| p->Pr2 == R_SP
		|| matchedto[p->Pr2] == 0)
		break;			/* Check that 2nd reg OK */
	    return 0;			/* Else fail */
	    if (p->Pindex == 0
		|| p->Pindex == R_SP
		|| matchedto[p->Pindex] == 0)
		break;			/* Check that index reg OK */
					/* Else drop thru to fail */

	case PTA_BYTEPOINT:	/* Shouldn't be pushing this anyway */
	    return 0;

    /* maybe it uses a killed value */
    for (so = 0, q = target[0]; q != p; q = before(q))
	switch (q->Pop & POF_OPCODE) {
	    case P_ADJSP:		/* stack adjustment */
		if (q->Preg == R_SP)
		    so += q->Pvalue;
		continue;		/* No mem change */

	    /* This one can screw up if we PUSH through an AC that isn't R_SP,
	    ** since we can't know for sure where the AC is pointing.  Oh well.
	    case P_PUSH:		/* ignorable mem chg, also stk adj */
		if (q->Preg == R_SP) {
		return 0;		/* Unknown change */

	    case P_POP:		/* Stack adj, must also check mem change */
		if (q->Preg == R_SP)
		    so--;	/* Adjust, then drop through */

	    default:			/* non-stack-change op */
		if ( ((q->Pop & POF_BOTH)		/* If op changes mem */
		      || (popflg[q->Pop&POF_OPCODE]&PF_MEMCHG))
		  && (sameaddr(p, q, stkoffset + 1 - so)	/* same mem? */
		      || alias (p, q, stkoffset + 1 - so)))
			return 0;		/* Then fail */

    /* it is ok, change the targets to reflect it */
    found = 0;				/* none hacked up yet */
    for (i = 0; i < maxcse; i++) if (stktop (target[i])) { /* find stack ref */
	sop = target[i]->Pop;	/* Save op and reg of target */
	sreg = target[i]->Preg;
	*(target[i]) = *p;	/* Copy entire pseudo-code struct */
	target[i]->Pop = sop;	/* Then restore old op and reg */
	target[i]->Preg = sreg;

	/* Verify index reg value is valid before checking it -- then adjust to
	** proper stack offset if necessary.
	if ( (((target[i]->Ptype)&PTF_ADRMODE) == PTA_MINDEXED
	     || ((target[i]->Ptype)&PTF_ADRMODE) == PTA_BYTEPOINT)
	    && target[i]->Pindex == R_SP)
		target[i]->Poffset -= 1 + stkoffset;
	found = 1;			/* remember we got one */
    return found;
/* -------------------------------- */
/*      get rid of useless reg      */
/* -------------------------------- */

static void
    matchedto[r] = -1;

/* ----------------------------------------------- */
/*      get rid of obsoleted target registers      */
/* ----------------------------------------------- */

static void
    int r;
    for (r = 0; r < NREGS; r++) if (matchedto[r] < i) matchedto[r] = -1;

/* ----------------------------------------- */
/*      get rid of ops with same memory      */
/* Returns 1 if we should give up and quit findcse immediately.

static int
flushalias (q)
    int i, pregmatch, flushtop;

    if ((q->Ptype & PTF_ADRMODE) == PTA_REGIS) flushreg (q->Pr2);
    flushtop = -1;
    for (i = 0; i < maxcse; i++)
	if (sameaddr(target[i], q, stkoffset)
	  || alias(target[i], q, stkoffset))
	    flushtop = i + 1;
/* KLH 1/29/87 Not sure if this is right fix, but don't have time to
** figure it all out.
** If this op (which is assumed to change memory) has an address which
** matches anything in the target subexpr and this op is also
** conditionalized (prev instr is a skip) then give up immediately,
** since we can't know whether the op changed memory or not.
    if (flushtop >= 0 && prevskips(q)) return 1;
/* End of hasty fix */

    pregmatch = matchedto[q->Preg];
    if (q->Pop != P_MOVEM) pregmatch = -1;
    else matchedto[q->Preg] = pregmatch;
    return (flushtop == maxcse && pregmatch < 0);