
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/kcc/ccreg.c
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/*	CCREG.C - Register management
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien 1989
**		All changes after v.45, 6-Apr-1988
**	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien, SRI International 1985, 1986
**		All changes after v.26, 8-Aug-1985
** Original version by David Eppstein / Stanford University / 8 Mar 1985

#include "cc.h"
#include "ccgen.h"

/* Exported functions */
void vrinit();		/* Init regs for new routine */
void vrendchk();	/* Check regs at end of routine */
VREG *vrget(), *vrdget();	/* Allocate virtual register or pair */
VREG *vrretget(), *vrretdget();	/* Same but use return-value regs */
void vrfree();		/* Release vreg */
int vrreal();		/* Get real reg # for active virtual reg */
int vrtoreal();		/* Ensure reg is active, return real # */
int vrstoreal();	/* Same for 2 regs, return # of 1st */
void vrallspill();	/* Spill all active regs onto stack */
VREG *vrwiden();	/* Widen a vreg into a pair */
void vrlowiden();	/* Common case: widen vreg in low direction */
void vrnarrow();	/* Narrow a vreg pair into single vreg */
void vrufcreg();	/* Undo MOVE of failed changereg w/o freeing */
int vrispair();		/* TRUE if vreg is 1st of a vreg pair */
int rfree();		/* TRUE if real register is assigned */
int rhasval();		/* TRUE if real register has a value */

/* Imported functions */
extern PCODE *before();			/* CCCODE */
extern void code00(), code8(), code12();	/* CCCODE */
extern int ufcreg();			/* CCCREG */

/* Internal functions */
static int rrfind(), rrdfind();
static void updrfree();
static void vr1free();
static void vrspill(), vr1spill(), vrunlink(), vr1unlink();
static VREG *vrsetrr(), *vr1setrr(), *vr1link(), *vrlink();
static VREG *vralloc(), *vrdalloc();

#define empty(vr) ((vr)->Vrnext == (vr))	/* TRUE if list is empty */

#define REGLIST(x) static VREG x = {0, 0, (TYPE *)NULL, 0, &x, &x}
REGLIST(freelist);			/* virtual regs not now in use */
REGLIST(reglist);			/* regs associated with real regs */
REGLIST(spillist);			/* regs spilled onto the stack */

static VREG *regis[NREGS];		/* who is using which registers */
static int regfree[NREGS];		/* what regs are used in code */

/* Special vregs which the macros VR_RETVAL and VR_SP point to.  These
** exist only so routines can force the use of certain physical regs in
** special places, by providing the appropriate phys reg value.  These
** vregs are never strung on a list or used in any other way.

#if SYS_CSI	/* For FORTRAN linkage */
** VRINIT - Initialize for start of new code
**	Called at the start of each function or code initializer by inicode()
** VRENDCHK - Perform wrap-up checks at end of code.
**	Called at end of each function or initializer by gend().

    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < NREGS; i++) regis[i] = NULL;

    if (!empty(&reglist) || !empty(&spillist)) {
	int_warn("vrendchk: leftover regs");
	/* Try to release all regs */
	while (!empty(&reglist)) {
	    if ((int) reglist.Vrnext < NREGS) {
		int_error("vrendchk: bad reglist");
	while (!empty(&spillist)) {
	    if ((int) spillist.Vrnext < NREGS) {
		int_error("vrendchk: bad spillist");
/* VRGET -  Assign a new virtual register with corresponding real register.
    return vr1link(vr1setrr(vralloc(), rrfind()), &reglist);

/* VRDGET - Same as VRGET but assigns a double-word register.
    return vrlink(vrsetrr(vrdalloc(), rrdfind()), &reglist);

/* VRRETGET - Get a register for holding a return value
    if (regis[R_RETVAL] != NULL)	/* Ensure return reg is free */
    return vr1link(vr1setrr(vralloc(), R_RETVAL), &reglist);

/* VRRETDGET - Get a double register for holding return value
    if (regis[R_RETVAL] != NULL) vrspill(regis[R_RETVAL]);
    if (regis[R_RETDBL] != NULL) vrspill(regis[R_RETDBL]);
    return vrlink(vrsetrr(vrdalloc(), R_RETVAL), &reglist);
/* VRFREE - Forget about a no-longer-in-use register
VREG *vr;
    if ((int)vr < NREGS) {		/* Catch obsolete usage */
	int_error("vrfree: bad vr %o", vr);

    if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_REGPAIR)	/* If 1st of a pair, */
	vr1free(vr->Vrmate);		/* free 2nd first */

static void
VREG *vr;
    if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_SPECIAL) return;
    if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_SPILLED)
	int_warn("vr1free: spilled reg");
    else regis[vr->Vrloc] = NULL;	/* Say real reg now free */
    vr1unlink(vr);			/* Unlink reg(s), move to freelist */
    vr1link(vr, &freelist);
    /* No need to clear flags as vralloc() will do this. */
/* VRALLSPILL - Spill all registers
**	This is needed to save values over subr calls and conditional exprs.
    while (!empty(&reglist))

/* VRSPILL - Spill a virtual register.
**	Either we needed to reallocate it or we are calling a function.
**	In either case the register moves onto the stack.
static void
VREG *vr;
    vr1spill(vr);		/* Must ALWAYS push 1st reg first!!!! */
    if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_REGPAIR)
	vr1spill(vr->Vrmate);	/* then 2nd if a pair */

static void
VREG *vr;
    if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_SPILLED)
	int_warn("vr1spill: reg already spilled");
    vr1unlink(vr);			/* remove from assigned list */
    spillist.Vrnext->Vroldstk = stackoffset;	/* remember where we are */
    code00(P_PUSH, R_SP, vr->Vrloc);	/* push on stack, don't release */
    regis[vr->Vrloc] = NULL;		/* no longer here */
    vr->Vrloc = ++stackoffset;		/* Stack bigger now, note new loc */
    vr->Vrflags |= VRF_SPILLED;
    vr1link(vr, &spillist);		/* it's now spilled */
/* VRWIDEN - Make single register into a register pair and returns that.
**	If "low" argument non-zero, register becomes the low word.
**	Contents of additional word are indeterminate.
vrwiden(reg, low)
VREG *reg;			/* Old existing register */
    VREG *nreg;			/* New added register */
    VREG *vr1, *vr2;		/* 1st and 2nd regs of pair */
    int rr;

    if (reg->Vrflags & (VRF_REGPAIR|VRF_REG2ND)) {
	int_warn("vrwiden: reg already wide");
	return reg;

    /* Turn a single vreg into a vreg pair */
    reg->Vrmate = nreg = vralloc();	/* Get another vreg to make a pair */
    nreg->Vrmate = reg;			/* Link them together */
    vr1link(nreg, reg);			/* Add new to same list after old */
    if (low) {
	vr1 = nreg, vr2 = reg;
	vr1->Vrloc = reg->Vrloc-1;
    } else {
	vr1 = reg, vr2 = nreg;
	vr2->Vrloc = reg->Vrloc+1;
    vr1->Vrflags |= VRF_REGPAIR;
    vr2->Vrflags |= VRF_REG2ND;

    if (reg->Vrflags & VRF_SPILLED) {
	/* On stack, don't need to find reg */
	nreg->Vrflags |= VRF_SPILLED;	/* Pretend new reg also spilled */
	nreg->Vroldstk = reg->Vroldstk;	/* Preserve this just in case */
	return vr1;			/* (note reg not really on stk!) */

    /* Existing reg is in a real reg, see if neighbor is free */
    if (regis[nreg->Vrloc] == NULL	/* New reg available? */
      && vr1->Vrloc >= R_RETVAL		/* And pair is within range of */
      && vr2->Vrloc <= R_MAXREG) {	/* useable registers? */
	    regis[nreg->Vrloc] = nreg;	/* Win!  Take the new reg */
	    return vr1;			/* and return */

    /* Can't use neighboring real reg, find another pair of real regs.
    ** We lock old reg while hunting to avoid unpleasant surprises.
    if (reg->Vrflags & VRF_LOCK)
	rr = rrdfind();
    else {
	reg->Vrflags |= VRF_LOCK;
	rr = rrdfind();
	reg->Vrflags &= ~VRF_LOCK;
    code00(P_MOVE, (low ? rr+1 : rr), reg->Vrloc);	/* Copy old reg */
    regis[reg->Vrloc] = NULL;		/* Free old real reg, and */
    return vrsetrr(vr1, rr);		/* set up new ones instead */

/* VRLOWIDEN - Widen a single virtual reg in low direction.
**	No return value is needed since the vreg pointer doesn't change.
VREG *vr;
    (void) vrwiden(vr, 0);	/* Widen, existing word becomes 1st */

/* VRNARROW - Extract one word of a doubleword register
**	The pointer furnished as arg must point to the 1st or 2nd reg of
**	the pair, and that one is retained while the other is flushed.
VREG *vr;
    if (vr->Vrflags & (VRF_REGPAIR|VRF_REG2ND)) {
	/* Flush flags and ensure that vr1free doesn't complain if
	** the vreg happens to be spilled at moment.
	vr1free(vr->Vrmate);		/* Flush other reg */
    } else
	int_warn("vrnarrow: already narrow");
/* VRREAL - return real (physical) register # for an active virtual reg.
**	If reg is not active (is on stack) then generates internal error,
**	but tries to recover by getting it anyway.
VREG *vr;
    if (!(vr->Vrflags & VRF_SPILLED))
	return vr->Vrloc;
    int_error("vrreal: using spilled reg");
    return vrtoreal(vr);

/* VRTOREAL - Return a physical register number for some virtual register
** Pulls it back off the stack if necessary
VREG *reg;
    if ((int)reg < NREGS) {	/* Catch any obsolete uses */
	int_error("vrtoreal: bad vr %o", reg);
	return (int)reg;

    /* Check for spilled register now somewhere on stack */
    if (reg->Vrflags & VRF_SPILLED) {
	int stkloc;

	/* Put it back into a register */
	reg->Vrflags &= ~ VRF_SPILLED;
	vrunlink(reg);			/* Unlink from spill list */
	stkloc = reg->Vrloc;		/* Note location on stack */
	if (reg->Vrflags & VRF_REGPAIR) {
	    reg->Vrmate->Vrflags &= ~VRF_SPILLED;
	    vrsetrr(reg, rrdfind());
	    code12(P_DMOVE, reg, stkloc - stackoffset);
	} else {
	    vr1setrr(reg, rrfind());
	    code12(P_MOVE, reg, stkloc - stackoffset);

	/* drop stack to top remaining spilled reg */
	if (reg->Vrnext == spillist.Vrnext) {
	    code8(P_ADJSP, VR_SP, spillist.Vrnext->Vroldstk - stackoffset);
	    stackoffset = spillist.Vrnext->Vroldstk;
	vrlink(reg, &reglist);

    /* In a reg now no matter what, so just return it */
    return reg->Vrloc;

/* VRSTOREAL - Same as vrtoreal but for two registers at once.
**	This ensures that we don't mistakenly spill one of the regs that
**	a two-reg instruction needs.
vrstoreal(vr, vr2)
VREG *vr, *vr2;
    if ((int)vr < NREGS) {	/* Catch any obsolete uses */
	int_warn("vrstoreal: bad vr %o", vr);
	return (int)vr;

    if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_LOCK) {	/* If 1st reg already locked, */
	(void) vrtoreal(vr2);		/* use fast method that avoids */
	return vr->Vrloc;		/* unlocking the 1st reg when done. */
    if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_SPILLED)	/* Nope, so ensure 1st reg active */
	(void) vrtoreal(vr);
    vr->Vrflags |= VRF_LOCK;		/* Lock it to that phys reg, */
    (void) vrtoreal(vr2);		/* while we ensure 2nd active too! */
    vr->Vrflags &= ~VRF_LOCK;		/* OK, can unlock 1st now */
    return vr->Vrloc;
/* VRISPAIR - Return true if virtual register is a doubleword pair
VREG *reg;
{	return (reg->Vrflags & VRF_REGPAIR) != 0;

/* VRUFCREG - Vreg version of ufcreg().
**	If changereg() fails to change a reg (S) to the desired # (R), it
** emits a MOVE R,S.  Often the code generator later realizes the exact
** # didn't matter and so the MOVE to R can be flushed; this routine does
** exactly that for a virtual reg by updating it to reflect the new
** real reg it's associated with (S)  once the MOVE is flushed.
** Currently only used by switch case jump generation to avoid
** lossage that would ensue from CCCODE's calls to ufcreg.

VREG *vr;
    regis[vrtoreal(vr)] = NULL;			/* Swap in, deassign it */
    regis[vr->Vrloc = ufcreg(vr->Vrloc)] = vr;	/* Maybe flush MOVE; reassign*/

/* RFREE - True if real register is NOT assigned to a virtual reg.
**	A function is necessary because the outside world can't see regis[]
    return regis[rr] == NULL;

/* RHASVAL - True if real reg is still assigned and VRF_HASVAL is set
**	indicating it contains a needed value.
** This isn't actually used by anything yet.
    return (regis[rr] ? regis[rr]->Vrflags&VRF_HASVAL : 0);
/* From this point, all routines are internal auxiliaries */

/* RRFIND - Find or create an unused real register.
**	If none exist, we spill what is likely to be the
**	earliest allocated register (since our register allocation
**	will tend to act like a stack this is a win).
static int
    VREG *vr;
    int r;

    updrfree();			/* update regfree[] to pbuf contents */
    for (r = R_MINREG; r <= R_MAXREG; r++)	/* try for unused free reg */
	if (regfree[r]) return r;
    for (r = R_MINREG; r <= R_MAXREG; r++)	/* none, try for a free one */
	if (regis[r] == NULL) return r;

    /* All registers in use, have to decide which one to spill to stack.
    ** The heuristic for this is to use the "oldest" thing on the register
    ** list (this is the least recently created -- not necessary the least
    ** recently used -- register)
    ** This is where VRF_LOCK has its effect of preventing regs from being
    ** spilled.
    ** Also, for time being, don't spill 2nd reg of a pair.
    for (vr = reglist.Vrprev; vr != &reglist; vr = vr->Vrprev)
	if (!(vr->Vrflags & (VRF_LOCK | VRF_REG2ND))) {
	    r = vr->Vrloc;		/* Remember phys reg # */
	    vrspill(vr);		/* Spill this reg to stack! */
	    return r;
    int_error("rrfind: no regs");

/* UPDRFIND - auxiliary for rrfind() and rrdfind().
**	Sees which registers are in use in the peephole buffer.
** We try to avoid assigning these so that common subexpression
** elimination will have the greatest opportunity to work.
** Since this is merely a heuristic and since it is called intensively,
** we care more about speed than accuracy.
** In particular, we don't even bother looking at the opcode or
** addressing mode of each instruction.
static void
    int r;
    PCODE *p;

    for (r = R_MINREG; r <= R_MAXREG; r++)
	regfree[r] = (regis[r] == NULL);
    for (p = previous; p != NULL && p->Pop != P_PUSHJ; p = before(p))
	regfree[p->Preg] = 0;
/* RRDFIND - Find (or create) a real double-register pair, returning the
**	# of the first real reg of the pair.
**	We have to be careful not to return the very last register.
static int
    VREG *vr, *vrok[NREGS];
    int i, nvrs, r;

    updrfree();				/* update regfree[] to pbuf contents */
    for (r = R_MINREG; r < R_MAXREG; r++)	/* try for unused free reg */
	if (regfree[r] && regfree[r+1]) return r;
    for (r = R_MINREG; r < R_MAXREG; r++)	/* none, try for a free one */
	if (regis[r] == NULL && regis[r+1] == NULL) return r;

    /* None free, scan the reglist in the same way as for rrfind.  But
    ** since we need a pair, we must look for the first virtual reg or
    ** combination thereof that forms a pair.
    ** Note that for time being, we avoid spilling just the 2nd reg of a pair.
    nvrs = 0;
    for (vr = reglist.Vrprev; vr != &reglist; vr = vr->Vrprev) {
	if (vr->Vrflags & (VRF_LOCK | VRF_REG2ND))	/* If locked, */
	    continue;				/* don't consider it */
	if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_REGPAIR) {
	    r = vr->Vrloc;		/* Remember phys reg # */
	    vrspill(vr);		/* Spill this reg to stack! */
	    return r;
	/* Not a pair, see if forms pair with anything already seen. */
	for (i = 0; i < nvrs; ++i)
	    if ((r = vrok[i]->Vrloc) == vr->Vrloc+1
	      || r == vr->Vrloc-1) {	/* If combo wins, */
		if (r > vr->Vrloc)	/* get low phys reg # */
		    r = vr->Vrloc;
		vrspill(vr);		/* Spill both to stack */
		return r;
	/* Nope, add to array and keep looking.  Should never have more
	** than NREGS active registers, so array bounds ought to be safe.
	vrok[nvrs++] = vr;
    int_error("rrdfind: no regs");
/* VRSETRR -  Set a virtual register's location(s) to be some real reg(s).
**	If the vreg is a pair, both are set.
static VREG *
vrsetrr(vr, rr)
VREG *vr;
    if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_REGPAIR)
	vr1setrr(vr->Vrmate, rr+1);
    return vr1setrr(vr, rr);

/* VR1SETRR -  Set a virtual register's location to be some real reg
static VREG *
vr1setrr(vr, rr)
VREG *vr;
    return regis[vr->Vrloc = rr] = vr;

/* VRUNLINK - Unlink a virtual reg from whatever list it's on.
**	If the vreg is a pair, both are unlinked.
static void
VREG *vr;
    if (vr->Vrflags & VRF_REGPAIR)

/* VR1UNLINK - Remove a register from whatever list it's on.
**	This is the first half of changing from one list to another
static void
VREG *reg;
    if (reg->Vrnext == reg) {
	int_warn("vr1unlink: list head");
    reg->Vrnext->Vrprev = reg->Vrprev;
    reg->Vrprev->Vrnext = reg->Vrnext;

/* VRLINK - Link a register that may be the 1st of a pair; if so, link
**	the 2nd reg as well.
static VREG *
vrlink(reg, list)
VREG *reg, *list;
    if (reg->Vrflags & VRF_REGPAIR)
	vr1link(reg->Vrmate, list);	/* Is pair, link 2nd first */
    return vr1link(reg, list);

/* VR1LINK -  Add a register to a list
**	Used when a new vreg is created and when moving between lists
static VREG *
vr1link(reg, list)
VREG *reg, *list;
    reg->Vrnext = list->Vrnext;
    list->Vrnext->Vrprev = reg;
    reg->Vrprev = list;
    return list->Vrnext = reg;
/* VRALLOC - Allocate a new virtual register structure
** VRDALLOC - Same, but returns 1st of a double register pair, linked together.
static VREG *
    extern char *malloc();
    VREG *rp;

    if (empty(&freelist)) {
	rp = (VREG *)malloc(sizeof (VREG));
	if (rp == NULL) efatal("Out of memory for virtual registers");
    } else {
	rp = freelist.Vrnext;
    rp->Vrflags = 0;
    return rp;

static VREG *
    VREG *vr1 = vralloc();
    VREG *vr2 = vralloc();
    vr1->Vrflags |= VRF_REGPAIR;
    vr2->Vrflags |= VRF_REG2ND;
    vr1->Vrmate = vr2;
    vr2->Vrmate = vr1;
    return vr1;