
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/lib/math/math.ccl
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; This file identifies the MATH modules to be compiled into the C library.
; The logical name CMATH: must already have been defined to point here!
cmath:acos -
cmath:asin -
cmath:atan -
cmath:atan2 -
cmath:ceil -
cmath:cos -
cmath:cosh -
cmath:exp -
cmath:fabs -
cmath:floor -
cmath:fmod -
cmath:frexp -
cmath:ldexp -
cmath:log -
cmath:log10 -
cmath:modf -
cmath:pmlcon -
cmath:poly -
cmath:pow -
cmath:sign -
cmath:sin -
cmath:sinh -
cmath:sqrt -
cmath:tan -