
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/lib/math/pow.c
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 *	POW.C - computes the power function
 *	(c) Copyright Ken Harrenstien 1989
 *		for all changes after v.6, 12-Apr-1988
 *	(c) Copyright Ian Macky, SRI International 1985
 *	This code conforms with the description of the pow function as
 *	described in Harbison & Steele's "C: A Reference Manual", section
 *	11.3.19

#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "pml.h"

static double power(), invpower();

pow(x, y)
double x, y;
    double i;

    if (x > 0) {
	if (y == 0)	return 1.0;
	else if (y > 0)	return power(x, y);
	else		return invpower(x, -y);
    } else if (x == 0) {
	if (y > 0)
	    return 0.0;
	errno = EDOM;
	return -HUGE_VAL;
    /* (x < 0) */
    if (modf(y, &i) != 0.0) {	/* X negative, so Y must be integral value */
	errno = EDOM;		/* Y not an integral value, domain error */
	return -HUGE_VAL;
    if (y == 0)			/* Trivial case */
	return 1.0;
    if (y > 0)	x = power(-x, y);
    else	x = invpower(-x, -y);
    return ((long)i & 01) ? -x : x;	/* X negative, so result is negative
					** if Y was an odd integer!

static double
power(x, y)
double x, y;
    /* x always positive here, so needn't duplicate log() domain check */
    return exp(y * log(x));

static double
invpower(x, y)
double x, y;
    /* x always positive here, so needn't duplicate log() domain check */
    x = exp(y * log(x));
    if (x < RECIP_MIN) {	/* See if 1/x would overflow */
	errno = ERANGE;
	return HUGE_VAL;
    return 1.0 / x;		/* Return reciprocal */