
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - SRI_NIC_PERM_FS_1_19910112 - c/lib5/usys/forkex.c
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/* FORKEXEC - Forking and program execution
** forkexec() - KCC-specific function
** execl(), execle(), execv(), execve(), execlp(), execvp()
** fork(), vfork()

#include "c-env.h"
#include "errno.h"
#include "frkxec.h"
#include "sys/usysig.h"
#include "sys/file.h"
#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X
#include "sys/usysio.h"
#include "jsys.h"

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL	0

/* External URT data refs */
extern int _vfrkf;	/* Non-zero if mem shared by vfork() */
extern int _nfork;	/* Bumped every time a child is created */

#if (SYS_T20+SYS_10X)==0
#error exec*() and *fork() not supported for this system.
/* exec[lv][ ep]
**	l - takes argv as variable number of args in call
**	v - takes argv as pointer to array of args
**	  - environment pointer taken from current environment
**	e - environment pointer furnished as last arg in call
**	p - program name lookup uses shell search rules
** Matrix:	  -	  p	  e
**	    l	execl	execlp	execle
**	    v	execv	execvp	execve
** execl (prog, arg0, arg1, ..., 0);
** execlp(prog, arg0, arg1, ..., 0);		- program lookup
** execle(prog, arg0, arg1, ..., 0, envp);
** execv (prog, argv);
** execvp(prog, argv);				- program lookup
** execve(prog, argv, envp);			- Fundamental form of exec call

static int doexec();
static char **revstack();

execl(prog, arg0)	/* (prog, arg0, arg1, ..., 0) */
char *prog, *arg0;
    return doexec(0, prog, revstack(&arg0), NULL);

execlp(prog, arg0)	/* (prog, arg0, arg1, ..., 0)  - lookup program */
char *prog, *arg0;
    return doexec(FX_PGMSRCH, prog, revstack(&arg0), NULL);

execle(prog, arg0)		/* (prog, arg0, arg1, ..., 0, envp) */
char *prog, *arg0;
    return doexec(FX_PGMSRCH, prog, revstack(&arg0), NULL);

execv(prog, argv)		/* (prog, argv) */
char *prog, **argv;
    return doexec(0, prog, argv, NULL);

execvp(prog, argv)		/* (prog, argv) - look up program */
char *prog, **argv;
    return doexec(FX_PGMSRCH, prog, argv, NULL);

execve(prog, argv, envp)		/* (prog, argv, envp) */
char *prog, *argv[], *envp[];
    return doexec(0, prog, argv, envp);
/* REVSTACK - auxiliary for execl*() routines.
**	Reverses an array of pointers on the stack.
** On the PDP-10 an arg list like arg1, arg2, ... 0 is stored on
** the stack such that 0 is at the lowest address, arg1 at highest.
** We need to reverse this ordering so we can treat it like a normal
** argv array (with a null pointer as the last element).
static char **
char **av;
    register char **t, **b, *tmp;	/* Top and bottom pointers */
    register int i;

    for (t = b = av; *t; --t);	/* Back up to top of array (a null ptr) */
    av = t;			/* Remember where top is */
    i = (1 + b - t) / 2;	/* Find # of elements to swap in array */
    for (; i > 0; --i) {
	tmp = *t;		/* Swap elements, and bump ptrs closer. */
	*t++ = *b;
	*b-- = tmp;
    return av;			/* Return ptr to top of reversed array */

/* DOEXEC - auxiliary for the exec*() routines.

static int
doexec(flags, prog, argv, envp)
int flags;
char *prog, **argv, **envp;
    struct frkxec f;

    f.fx_flags = FX_NOFORK | (flags & FX_PGMSRCH);
    f.fx_name = prog;
    f.fx_argv = argv;
    f.fx_envp = envp;
    return forkexec(&f);
** vfork()
** This keeps the same map as the superior, but makes the superior
** wait for an exec() call before continuing.  Thus if all that is
** done is a store of the return value, that will get done again
** and nothing will be the worse.
** This cannot however be implemented merely by leaving the maps
** of the two the same, because then we wouldn't know which pid
** would be stored last.  UNIX claims to borrow the thread of control
** of the superior up to the exec(), but we fake it by making the
** superior wait until a HALTF% in exec(), triggered by _vfrkf != 0.

static int vferno = EAGAIN;	/* Error # to use if CFORK% fails */

#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X
	asm(USYS_BEG_ASM);		/* Disable interrupts */
	SEARCH MONSYM			/* Uppercase to avoid monsym() clash */

	pop	17,16			/* Get ret addr off stack for safety */
	move	1,[cr%map!cr%cap!cr%acs!cr%st!vforkr] /* Set fork going */
	setz	2,			/* Copying registers from ours */
	cfork%				/* Make a fork */
	 erjmpa	[move 1,vferno		/* Lose lose */
		movem 1,errno
		jrst vfrker]
	wfork%				/* Wait for it to synch in exec() */
	move 4,1			/* Save handle (T20 may clobber AC3) */
	rfsts%				/* Read fork status to verify synch */
	exch 1,4			/* Restore fork handle */
	hlrzs 4				/* Get status code in RH */
	tlz 2,-1			/* Clear LH of PC */
	cain 4,.rfhlt			/* Must be HALTF%'d and unfrozen */
	 caie 2,vfksyn			/* at location of synch */
	  jrst vfork2
	hrli 1,(sf%con)			/* OK, continue child after synch! */
	sfork%				/* Start it again */
vfork2:	setzm .vfrkf			/* No longer inside vfork */
	aos .nfork			/* Bump count of inferiors created */
	lsh 1,11			/* Shift fork handle up by 9 bits */
	andi 1,777000			/* Zap all but low 9 bits of handle */
	push 17,1			/* Save that */
	gjinf%				/* Get job # */
	dpb 3,[001100,,(17)]		/* Store in low 9 bits of PID */
vfrker:	 push 17,[-1]			/* CFORK failed, return -1 as error */
	pop 17,1
	jrst (16)			/* All done! */

	/* Child fork of vfork() starts here!
	** Note we do NOT re-enable interrupts, even though the child process
	** doesn't have its PSI system on, because our memory is still shared
	** and clearing .sigusys would permit the parent to handle signals.
	** This could cause unexpected changes to the shared memory before
	** the child gets to its exec() call.
vforkr:	setom	.vfrkf			/* Set flag saying inside vfork */
	setz	1,			/* This is inferior fork */
	jrst	(16)			/* Return */
#endif /* T20+10X */
** fork()
** This does safe map copy before starting inferior
static int _fork();

    int ret;

    USYS_BEG();			/* Disable interrupts */
    ret = _fork();		/* Try to fork and see what we get */
    if (ret == -1)
	USYS_RETERR(EAGAIN);	/* Assume no more processes */
    _nfork++;			/* Won, bump count of inferiors created! */
    if (ret != 0)
	USYS_RET(ret);		/* We're parent, just return fork handle */

    /* Here, we're the child process.  May need to do some cleanup or
    ** init stuff here eventually, such as enabling the PSI system!
    ** As it is, we're in big trouble if a signal happens between now
    ** and an exec() call.
    _nfork = 0;			/* Child has no inferiors yet */

static int
#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X
	extern $mapsc
#if SYS_T20
	move	1,[cr%cap!cr%acs]	/* Same caps and regs as us */
	setz	2,			/* Copying registers from ours */
	cfork%				/* Make a fork */
	 erjmpa .+2			/* Lose lose, return -1 */
	  jrst fork1
	seto 1,
	popj 17,
fork1:	move	6,1			/* Copy handle to safer place */
	movei	7,.fhslf		/* Mapping from self */

	** Set inferior map looking like ours.  Can't just do fork-to-fork
	** PMAP% or CR%MAP CFORK% because then any changes
	** in impure data in the mother fork would be reflected in
	** the daughter (but not vice versa if PM%CPY set)

	movei	5,nsects		/* Counting off all sections */
	setzb	10,11			/* Start with sect zero in each fork */
	pushj	17,$mapsc		/* Map section across */
	sojg	5,.-1			/* Until we are done */

	/* Map all set, now we can safely start the subfork and return. */
	move	1,6			/* Pages all mapped, recover handle */
	xmovei	2,forkst		/* Set subfork to start here */
	tlne	2,-1			/* If addr is in non-zero section, */
	 jrst	fork8			/* must start using extended call */
	jrst fork9
fork8:	move	3,2
	setz	2,
	xsfrk%			/* Start it at extended address. */

fork9:				/* Return PID.  Fork handle in AC1 */
	move 6,1		/* Save handle */
	gjinf%			/* Get job # in AC3 */
	dpb 6,[111100,,3]	/* Put low 9 bits of handle inside PID */
	hrrz 1,3		/* Clear LH and return the PID */
	popj	17,

	/* Child fork starts here. */
	extern .pidslf, .pidpar		/* From GETPID */
forkst:	move 1,.pidslf
	movem 1,.pidpar		/* If have a PID, remember as parent's */
	setzb 1,.pidslf		/* Zap own PID to force gen of new one */
	popj 17,		/* Return 0 as child's result for fork() */
#endif /* T20+10X */
}	/* End of fork() */
/* FORKEXEC - combine fork() with exec() for highest efficiency
static int findpgm();
static char *cvtargv();
static void setpio(), _setpio(), _exec();

struct frkxec *f;
    int flags;
#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X
#define RSCANLEN 1000
    char rscanbuf[RSCANLEN];
    char *rscanp;
    int i, acs[5], startpc, stoff;
    int frk = 0, jfn = 0;
    if (f == NULL)
    flags = f->fx_flags;
    /* Check out new standard i/o FDs, if any were given */
    if ((flags & FX_FDMAP) && (
       (f->fx_fdin  >= 0 && (f->fx_fdin  >= OPEN_MAX || !_uioufx[f->fx_fdin]))
    || (f->fx_fdout >= 0 && (f->fx_fdout >= OPEN_MAX || !_uioufx[f->fx_fdout]))

    stoff = (flags & FX_STARTOFF) ? f->fx_startoff : 0;

#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X
#if SYS_T20		/* Get RSCAN buffer into shape */
    if (flags & FX_T20_RSCAN)
	rscanp = f->fx_blkadr;
    else if (f->fx_argv)
	rscanp = cvtargv(f->fx_argv, rscanbuf, RSCANLEN);
    else rscanp = NULL;

    if (flags & FX_T20_PRARG) {
	if (f->fx_blkadr == NULL)
    if (flags & FX_T20_PGMJFN)	/* Use JFN directly? */
	jfn = (int)f->fx_name;
    else if (flags & FX_T20_PGMNAME) {	/* Use GTJFN% on name? */
	acs[1] = GJ_OLD|GJ_SHT;
	acs[2] = (int)(f->fx_name - 1);
	if (jsys(GTJFN, acs) <= 0)
	jfn = acs[1] & 0777777;
    else if ((jfn = findpgm(f->fx_name, (flags & FX_PGMSRCH))) <= 0)
	USYS_RETERR(ENOENT);		/* Couldn't find program */

    /* From this point on, must be careful to free up "jfn" if we fail. */
    if (flags & FX_NOFORK) {	/* Simple exec()? */
	frk = _FHSLF;			/* Fork is ourself */
    } else {

	/* Do a fork(), then apply exec() to that fork. */
	acs[1] = CR_CAP;
	if (jsys(CFORK, acs) <= 0) {
	    errno = EAGAIN;	/* If fail, claim no more procs */
	    goto fail;
	frk = acs[1];		/* Remember fork handle */
	_nfork++;		/* Bump count of forks created! */
	acs[1] = (frk << 18) | jfn;
	if (jsys(GET, acs) <= 0) {
	    errno = ENOEXEC;		/* Perhaps not executable file? */
	    goto fail;
	acs[1] = frk;
#if SYS_T20
	if (jsys(XGVEC, acs) > 0)	/* Get extended entry vector */
	    startpc = acs[3];
	if (jsys(GEVEC, acs) > 0)	/* Get entry vector */
	    startpc = (acs[2] & 0777777);
	else {
	    errno = ENOEXEC;
	    goto fail;

    /* This code applies whether chaining or not. */
    if (rscanp) {			/* Set RSCAN buffer if need to */
	acs[1] = (int)(rscanp-1);
	if (jsys(RSCAN, acs) <= 0) {
	    errno = E2BIG;
	    goto fail;

    if (flags & FX_T20_PRARG) {		/* Set PRARG% arg block */
	acs[1] = (_PRAST<<18) | frk;
	acs[2] = (int)(int *)f->fx_blkadr;
	acs[3] = f->fx_blklen;
	if (jsys(PRARG, acs) <= 0) {
	    errno = E2BIG;
	    goto fail;

    /* Now must do hack to ensure that stdin and stdout are preserved
    ** over the map, and work even if new program is not a C program.
    ** This is done by setting the primary JFNs .PRIIN and .PRIOU to
    ** whatever stdin and stdout should be for the new fork/program.
    ** This is normally whatever they are for the current program.
    setpio(frk, (flags&FX_FDMAP) ? f->fx_fdin  : -1,
		(flags&FX_FDMAP) ? f->fx_fdout : -1);

    /* Now if chaining, ready to load program! */
    if (flags & FX_NOFORK)		/* Simple exec()? */
	_exec(jfn, stoff);

    /* Starting inferior process! */
    acs[1] = frk;
    acs[2] = startpc + stoff;
    if (jsys(SFORK, acs) <= 0) {
	errno = EFAULT;			/* What else to use? */
	goto fail;
    if (flags & FX_WAIT) {		/* Wait until fork done? */
	(void)USYS_END();		/* Allow interrupts while waiting */
	if (jsys(WFORK, acs) > 0) {	/* Wait for that fork (in AC1) */
	    jsys(KFORK, acs);		/* if done, kill fork. */
	    f->fx_pid = 0;
	    f->fx_waitres = 0;	/* Assume result is OK */
	return 0;			/* Say we won */
    jsys(GJINF, acs);
    f->fx_pid = ((frk & 0777)<<9) | (acs[3] & 0777);

    USYS_RET(0);		/* Won! */

fail:		/* Failure, clean up any debris */
    if (frk) {
	acs[1] = frk;
	if (jsys(KFORK, acs) > 0)
    if (jfn) {
	acs[1] = jfn;
	jsys(RLJFN, acs);
#endif	 /* T20+10X */

    USYS_RET(-1);	/* Fail */
/* Auxiliaries for forkexec() */

#define PROGLEN 400		/* Max length of program name */

#if SYS_T20
#define PROGPRE "SYS:"		/* Prefix to use when searching */
#define PROGPOST ".EXE"		/* Postfix for ditto */
#elif SYS_10X
#define PROGPRE "<SYSTEM>"	/* Prefix to use when searching */
#define PROGPOST ".SAV"		/* Postfix for ditto */

static int
findpgm(prog, srchflg)
char *prog;		/* Program name */
int srchflg;		/* True if want to search for program */
    char buf[PROGLEN], *bprog, *eprog;
    int jfn, i;

    if ((i = strlen(prog)) > PROGLEN-15) /* Ensure not too big; if so, give */
	return _gtjfn(prog, O_RDONLY);	/* up, but try using string directly */

    strcpy(buf, PROGPRE);		/* Put prefix at top */
    bprog = buf + sizeof(PROGPRE)-1;	/* Remember ptr to beg of progname */
    strcpy(bprog, prog);		/* Add program name */
    eprog = bprog + i;			/* Remember ptr to end of progname */
    strcpy(eprog, PROGPOST);		/* Add postfix */

    if (srchflg && (jfn = _gtjfn(buf, O_RDONLY)) > 0)	/* try SYS:prog.EXE */
	return jfn;
    if ((jfn = _gtjfn(bprog, O_RDONLY)) > 0) 		/* try prog.EXE */
	return jfn;
    *eprog = '\0';		/* Insert null to drop .EXE or .SAV */
    if (srchflg && (jfn = _gtjfn(buf, O_RDONLY)) > 0)	/* try SYS:prog */
	return jfn;
    if ((jfn = _gtjfn(prog, O_RDONLY)) > 0)		/* try just prog */
	return jfn;
    return 0;			/* All failed, give up */

static char *
cvtargv(av, buf, len)
char **av, *buf;
int len;
    register char *t, *f;

    if (av == NULL || *av == NULL)
	return NULL;		/* No args */
    for (t = buf-1; *av; ++av) {
	f = *av-1;
	while (--len > 0 && (*++t = *++f));
	*t = ' ';		/* Space between each arg */
    *t = '\n';			/* Last arg ends with linefeed, not space */
    if (len > 0) ++t;
    *t = '\0';			/* and a null */
    return buf;
#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X

static void
setpio(frk, infd, outfd)
int infd, outfd;
    int injfn, outjfn;

    if (infd < 0) infd = STDIN_CH;
    if (outfd < 0) outfd = STDOUT_CH;

    injfn  = _uioufx[infd]  ? _uioch[_uioufx[infd]]  : -1;
    outjfn = _uioufx[outfd] ? _uioch[_uioufx[outfd]] : -1;

    _setpio(frk, injfn, outjfn);

static void
_setpio(frk, in, out)
int frk, in, out;
	move 1,-1(17)		; Get fork handle to use
	gpjfn%			; Get current settings for primary i/o
	move 5,2		; Save them elsewhere
	hrre 4,-2(17)		; Check input arg
	jumpl 4,skipin		; If no setting, skip input stuff.
	caie 4,.priin
	 hrl 2,4		; If non-standard, set LH to new value!
skipin:	hrre 4,-3(17)		; Check output arg
	jumpl 4,skipo		; If no setting, skip output stuff.
	caie 4,.priou
	 hrr 2,4		; If non-standard, set RH to new value!
	camn 2,5		; OK, is new setting any different from old?
	 popj 17,
	move 1,-1(17)		; One is different, must map!
	spjfn%			; Do it
#endif /* T20+10X */
#if SYS_T20+SYS_10X
** Low level support for exec()
** _exec(jfn, offset)
**	Chains to the program in the file that the jfn identifies.
**	Never returns if successful.
**	If we were in vfork() we HALTF% to give the superior a chance to synch.
static void
_exec(jfn, offset)
int jfn, offset;
	extern .vfrkf			/* in URT */

#if SYS_T20
	movei 1,.fhslf
	setz 2,
	scvec%			/* Reset compat package vector! */
	/* NOTE!! We cannot use SFRKV% to start ourselves if the start offset
	** is anything but 0, because SFRKV% does funny things if the entry
	** vector is JRST FOO (as it is for program like LINK).  In that case
	** it starts the program at .JBREN rather than .JBSA+offset, and things
	** blow up.  Hence the extra code to get the entry vector explicitly,
	** and we have to use XGVEC% in case the program is extended to begin
	** with!  Space is sure getting tight in the ACs...
#if SYS_T20
	movei 1,.fhslf
	xgvec%			/* Must find out whether this will work */
	erjmp exec4		/* If failed, jump to handle old system */
	/* Set up ACs for multi-section system */
	move	0,[acsext,,1]	/* Get BLT pointer to set regs */
	blt 	0,16		/* Copy all of ACs 1-16 across */
	hrr	acoffx,-2(17)	/* Set start offset in RH of proper AC */
	jrst exec5
	/* Set up ACs for single-section system */
exec4:	move	0,[acsone,,1]	/* Get BLT pointer to set regs */
	blt 	0,16		/* Copy all of ACs 1-16 across */
	hrr	acoff1,-2(17)	/* Set start offset in RH of proper AC */

exec5:	move	0,-1(17)	/* Save JFN for GET in AC0 */
	hrli	0,.fhslf	/* <handle>,,<jfn> */

	/* Now no longer need memory for anything, all is in the ACs. */
	skipe	.vfrkf			/* If in vfork() */
	 haltf%				/* Stop and let superior catch up */
vfksyn:	/* This PC is checked to ensure HALTF% is right one! */

	jrst	@[4]			/* Jump to section 0 regs */

#if SYS_T20
	/* ACs for multi-section TOPS-20 */
acsext:				/* where to copy regs from */
	-1			/* AC1  unmapping */
	.fhslf,,0		/* AC2  from self starting page 0 */
	pm%cnt!pm%epn!1000	/* AC3  to bottom of the section */
	pmap%			/* AC4  unmap section zero */
	hrri	2,1		/* AC5  make pointer to section 1 */
	movei	3,37		/* AC6  count of sections to unmap */
	smap%			/* AC7  unmap all nonzero sections */
	erjmp	11		/* AC10 win with pre-rel-5 TOPS-20 */
	move	1,0		/* AC11 get back GET% argument */
	get%			/* AC12 map new program into ourself */
	movei	1,.fhslf	/* AC13 this process again */
	xgvec%			/* AC14 get extended entry vector */
	addi	3,0		/* AC15 add start offset */
	xjrstf  2		/* AC16 start there! */
		/* Note that PC flags get restored from junk in AC2, but
		** since the LH will normally be zero, we'll risk it.
#endif /* T20 */

	/* ACs for single-section system (TOPS-20 or TENEX) */
	-1			/* AC1  unmapping */
	.fhslf,,0		/* AC2  from self starting page 0 */
#if SYS_T20
	pm%cnt!pm%epn!1000	/* AC3  to bottom of the section */
	pmap%			/* AC4  unmap section zero */
	jfcl			/* AC5 */
	jfcl			/* AC6 */
	1000			/* AC3  TENEX has no PM%CNT */
	pmap%			/* AC4  unmap a page */
	aoj	2,		/* AC5  point to next */
	sojg	3,4		/* AC6  loop until all unmapped */
	move	1,0		/* AC7 get back GET% argument */
	get%			/* AC10 map new program into ourself */
	movei	1,.fhslf	/* AC11 this process again */
	gevec%			/* AC12 Get entry vector, and */
	jrst (2)		/* AC13 start there, plus offset */
	block 3			/* AC14, AC15, AC16 */

#endif /* T20+10X */